, rii:''v x' v ' ' . v .--' , s-i v vT; 7,,.v'! -t ' v ,;. .;;; "-.v: v 7 '.;;,:.;. 7 'V.'' '"' TV';- a''7;- ,7? - 7'-' v-'7' ' 7',';, - :: :77..'v '- ' 7 .' k.77 . v "7 . 'ttmJn ',"r,r, j,,iiifSti '- '"' - li '' ' a' 'n ' i " 1 1 1W - M..iniii'iij'i,nww- j--a hv;7. r f - S; IflSSll FSfSWl; mfel Sra3 -: ; . - nnnrnnrucDVcnnv H 3UUV K VM WHH i J""V ; ? '711': -ar'.' Waiana'fs, always about,. and tftf, Si ily rtventivC4M relief Jsk .f , IvfeR RfetiULXtOR, the PEP.Z, , , - - nU.-'i rahf Mi arfaT Fever .W lhree . 4efet'iMiroM?&ttnEy com! .ONSf L v - m,,h T nW'V-MAiey it," lOWakrf'Use of tfao ,iejfciuDtorv w r.-.-.., r,7 'Tt.iT'. nn.n .,,1.,,,, nj "is." ' v - r . ft ivhen Tn ricfel. aM Be sure tfiat ydvl'gtelVt. ''Always 1w 1 RED Z on the nackafee. Ana don gettte worajTpfV0,lt s SIM- thefw ate item-rail v akh'hfT't) llio if -4 it f State; iwirtf? more powerful tlian- tUc . . . ... . : ..i,..-. !,inu-'.i.in4 fonso is rmar.l v alwavs. leaner lall ihi pro3i!piitihgntl()i-nov,, Lut'tho. dcJ K!mi 1UtyitourM)ng(lf' gener ,....(-. !iiniv.''i"'t icnso is nearly ai.Wiivs, sesueciaii lull ,ISi 1,1 . XZmU i-OPortnni Ui rcnto-l by 1- ltifilllcrnf m!l nfiMm Vkll1ttu.ill thaiL ...l... , .. . ... rur :! ' -run . l-ifrt -: -V I- 4' V- " . ' '. 1 .." .. .. 7 -.ii -fti.w 1 - , i of the Stale in selecting a irvi amli .SW-oniiiBCtDiigaiuv .. r . -.. . .. . ' hvtl 8iW8 tofnprcKefitte(t in thb W,mt ro -tJio fnrincra of North . j. i. .1.. - , lieutenants ; seVctut ruBjor-pcnrr mtli fiflyffoiir on aJiS everVofife whrtakej"lf is' .1 AIL Ik THft'UfiMAiV Tae'W;Mo,f ft.ltnWfcni& WMe: fifarii m "I t ":-7--. . ..JO i'a-iir'll. a '-B-jati'sil ton. -. - --":. c -i iroiWBIt'!''x,W)riri',"l"' ? ,. :'.. ti.'uuVt y, ;;).' -j1-!'- . V",. ' - t ' , atVraUre reailiirty In ,e ;ciTTh( A -i.-;,.; ii-.Hnterly. ' ' . t3iercial)i;nKfe?!W.rTetrlply; k-wt tx bjipfjtljfirtHcjBtfi-i- tlhlbc1 lktii ire suiitmonetr-trr- "tn.. sjiciv iritis ,oi, cJll(iaiili8,s!lCl;Kll4y,'nre, 1 -often ga,thervd'frwni:orr'tn't 'Cburi-.' ty and pori&sdy'ffoFhTOtr "6f the 'sberitf so be will bo'apt, to call tl?) ii ito bfiirvot'Jinbniat ' i&py SjrcT-flhd of fb.e JfVii-i . d.:i ,, f?3idfis :a(il)iibi...lie ibytwidM jtiroraw ; .Tlk.y are -fttit 'Vd'e 'lya'rts, rliay be idlers hanging around for a 10 antrwuui are unn t- to iys9 u pori, imprtant .(jnnstioM, qpininp good judgment and an appreciation1 Vvt ,!lric grave resiwiMibilty rWoifg, wotv; employ counsel the "court 'fanodihw pafttal jildgcfctny lT it'diiSAp- ,cr appoint cojihsul arid, l-jiiujc jbe .W.-niMM.binVnfkl!ehai)i!09iiiit tlwiury law; 1 Wo dh not "fAvo'Pn" change froirj the trial by.jiir .but ire cj9 mvor ,ne ijanges jury jtytem. as.; aljo.vo outlined, i The isy.steirl inustbe i ha'nged; w the putJio Vilf'ftot'' rerly np'o'i"-!tlife:.'in; certaint) and the "insecurity i6 "lTfo and proTeit' ,oivafforde ;by nrjurfc iriid aAd ' Instiead of a 'dt'Cronse therti mil bo ati increase of Ivnch . j .,-. ,mm.:, j, " 'i'li i ' WHAT HE'D tftTia " ' w Put Woiifil jltd tbi Wlitani an Jodgmcirt ifexeUitBfcSi;'"1 '.' fill;.! ,- r.,U; l,'it;-..l ! !; I - i IJatrt-ick Maginis iwent, -to .roifu.v .at'i! 7 1 4 Offlc- -tore r . ., . It .'.I : ' KvATV. Vnrnr tnlna. nr. Iliau ynobjf fkiWifWcwaiwtlfjJiM ,jrylMfx. 'Thin watltd TW-'.tfrViHrtc- '-T j : ' . .1 aonie. but rurli'irr kIhiu Iia in ili.i ! , Prtttfh HfolIrtaTHreo .lusutenaht tvc. ntyev-fliv,-brigridier a gcuerala j ;&jrb'ia"4.Thvcv' .iTcutc'riftrt't ' goh J?:'iPPlis and foiTv-t wo bngaic.gcrierala r2 in alK'j V i;hl!fUi vi.- : , - tFioridh-Orie' general in I'njvis-' :iohal;AVin V'uf''t,inflHitc SMc : Alabatnn-fno' Jlieutennt i sent- ft.fl J'bfx Attjor1hora!s I'hn'.'twdn-' nil '" - ' - i r(sifi.ipiFM-c major t generals and thirty brigadier" ge!ierali'3o in all.-'" 'f ' " : , I;Miiswna fuli, ' gopewlV j I wo Iicutpift.ut, gmcraLi ,y fiur major 1?enoralH30. in nili ' i -i. sionriiaiid amring ntber Kinsj'PWwM j". JJiwMaaT't',ffil3geiiie'rajaV ed to'trr g(od. father thkVWyhrfa nmjor stotcri jfr'aMulcaba.Y's pig, thc'Ws; genrhil3';"i''ui, twe-n'tv-two brigadier of yihh lial lieen a great, Wow to generals raO in alUr tlvojpoor woniaiu. Tho priest look- Tesaa-)no full' genenl one at Put very severely an 1 sflid: ' general, with ' teinporary rani; ; ' Stole Mrs. 'Mulcaiay' pig. -did ; three, major generals ; ami thirty ye? That is- very bad, Patrick--, very bid., Do. 1't you know that, to steal a pig u a hciinun sin,-'- tirtd- Uf steal sjx-ngailier generals 11 i; nil. y Indian TtritoryMlne brigadier gno'i-a!1 f S'tfthrt Watfc? ),' " Mr?. Arulcxhay's1 bt ti-ortef p. Fniiiee-nc';' ' msjurj , "genera. UKLIXrViyr- i-mWfe fflr fV frmts ye.befo pk1 ,wot.-fV w-jK.onJJiri Affile fivMSwM itm MtSl altri. with .What will ye' say in tlicUVv " of ''cainlQjPoiignae, )..,, .; " jmlgmcnt- w h en .M r. :.l u lean ay con- :-r t .STABLEST sHj oi . to . A . 4L- . a. & L. - SJ39Hwtowiiiw(t imn. -in say- ma Xjprt-Jcnctf (Jisqualih'-j him is a re- cnla? Mrs. Muleahay will bo there, iloclimi nu, tlie g(i.ilnu. TlliyTifuseTand the pig will be thvnu. wlion ot oujectioii is used inaiu)yrtv ci WeJnp,kit)UVerJiMl?e ,aivl rhawTthe e;Mitls,h,o'Triay be liarkumrrlntl trnlnx. ' -. tn-arr. (1inrj- iuMdemie, 7 ' : . - . "A 1 . II 1 A fa IT ' ll ::.r fi3i aip ji- myiiu ,.t i, iiiijiL . .i -vn r-i- two Bf.ir. courts Perl re tho Lord and ctiarpea rhd vighteon biiigtidier 'f-chorals ng hor pig what will iiTili; , ' ' 11 u'' 7'' ' ' '. I '. ! SfSiaai-( i'iiur iiruib? .""Ssleraj, 'at looked wher glu'ra' at this ..,iU'd: iwiTva .Lriirddier. l'ci erals 1(1 .". " o year, reducing the acrrtge 'of 'cotton to the increase of f eonvaml otlMr crop's. WWiTl tKcj'u inifllefj 4 the present prjeo and-, uuir .tbei, vairf dduftion thai th sice) of the - crop has ' nothing to":d in '.fixing; the priee;bf it,1 put airthe'irt'gj.'s trtto the cotton basket aftt tnke; tlie risk of a fivo'eent market. ' 'Both roads arppcii t'oi ,fhq Farm-J era as a whole, mid in.anicajwre, to cadi one indiridunlly'iurely past' experience. hr.a taught ;ua, a. leiuon Hot to be forgotten soqiu nts ' -Five cent cotton : whs bad "lhcdi ciiie, but had its 'effects. ' r,etrs look at the.' pbtures,;lef6rd .inking' aii.d .after' taking This whs the way :with many a .farmer, hi .tho yeari ' lie started hia erop - by going in debt ; if he wanted a mulo he hought him on credit, and; gave a mort gage ; if he' needed' a' wagon or , new touls, bo bought on a credit; he- bought his corn and' ffbjj'f,' anl., con and; gave a, lien ou,. tlio erop jiot yet planted,' be bought his fertilizers -and put thehi iri the Ken ho paid his hinds' from the '"neigh borhood store ' be lired hard and worked hard, and kept, hoping that prices would go high, his debts be paid and he would save sou'iething to start the new year on. '. llut prices didn't'go high, and he was obliged to sell. ' If prices after awhile got' better "soTnebodyTcrtse fnade he jirofit. . He would have. on the BurfiicciumedwtelyjiltrPthb iuii2 ui uiu oueu.- .iew iora nine's Orchirdi in Qrttt.. made it himself if he had been, a.bla 'Where orchards hSive'lieeti Jjcpt in gratu a fewen.i3.''lar2o-'iironbr- libll Of iHeirvfeediriglroots-will 1;be! near the sur!acel:fi Trt pl6 these dtr. chnrxb' when in full leaf is 1 very' 'idi: jurions,' as thtf trees arS grbwing'nh'd the h,8sertiiVg"bf ,fplal.t" foHtl ''gives them' a ' check.1 liowiiig while thb buds nre dormaut'dota' little liarhi',' for though it destroys tho! fiediiig' roiits-others will start lowerTi the toil froiA the main roots by the tihie' the leaves are but. It is sfinietlrties advisable toplOU- youn ' tlirjfty'l or ear(ls in sumif-er to check thb ex1- ersivo production of 4 leaf ' Anr wood, and' induce fruit bearing. lloston CultivHtof. ' -"' r .''''" 1 " The Farmer Pa j-8 Hie Tax Alter All, Aihrrnc qitbicv. ,, ,. ; The last lcgMlaturo taxed every thing in sight.. . .One result ..of this is that, vljeu the farmer come .to. buy hit sewl for spring, sawing -he will hayo to a duty . of 4 per. eeit. (2 levied by the . leffialature,, 2? by, Hio county) on the value thereof ; as a tribute to fiuion. For instance, a bushel of clorcr seed will cost, him 20 cents more than ,.it would h ad not pie tax b,een levied ; and other seeds in proportion. . The tax, it ia true, is laid on the dealer in weds, but, like any other tariff, lalls on t!ie consumers. cons: tend tv&botttt fri fo'tnose of vour rtArr- Wh0.have CoiisumrkThroat, Bronchiat or . Lung irouwe, it tney wia wrttr. roe weir expreis and postoflice addras.' SrtcereWv. T. A. S10OJM.M.C ua tutt ftBnrTxfea r r& The EOltorial ud Dnrin.w KuHmH ' . . tet 'mmln al giMtraajaj j. UF.il ETflllW,- --. A hMACHIISIIftTf 'ftJii-.'j A MIT iijMi ,U's i. pnr if ENGINEER;- : .UEAR-rurnNQ.-,., ; , i:7;7-7 jPipings, Uing8t vidoa, etc,.. 7 ' iSoutKerniiw , di '! riKDMOXT AIRUSTg. irlf'J';: . .. FIRST AND BECOXD DIYI0N8 or . r Mif-;! ".. ,,r"? , In Rfftct S ov. IV.ttSO. ,'--i i a' "(i-t .-. : z:i OrwimborOflalpIgltaiid OoliUbero. '. EuitDound fl-;,-.'!' , ill tr firoeuidioru i..i...,:.i, K'"v. ,lteKc. ...... ........ MirmiKmii..., rtwiKDurn .b,., lTnlvimli. tr BHletlrh'.'. ..j..' 'ii Vmyton.., Slniii Ko.S. lTlly. Mlly.- III Ma JU6H 11 UI M liarTr 114 - lUWpnij i 1 tt i- mo 18IM U6 : n v. I Ml V 7W ,r WU1 , Kx. Sun. mm n tfcopm Wont Round IJuexpeclcil Altcnlion. onslnughf, butjn a uioniont looked Tio fill MuK. up and said ' ".Sure, yi-r riverence, ' Mrs. jueahay won't be there,',' 7... ns ' Tin ade: and whv not. Pat ?.Ia oljectwiiahlejuro' rjJbrldlTnT5, (JUAHAM. N. - Wrt-WXt- - - V od isfrjrv W" L Anojthf r ..nnd a. vcrv serious de- Im theKirtl Cari )llniv Agent 'for " 7, nn.riGeatettDlMtry "rt1 - 'V u:-SWl,Trr r . It wjll pcrmjieujqfo,l5iJl5ri(rx2i J . . 1 the haiK daharuff, scaly eruptions, , rjioBtnlerafty-rslp disease. Jt prevenw hair turning erav and ; rcstorua hair to original color, ,and Lrinirs A .KBW URriWTli'tVP.' " '7 Ha'irOn Any BalV HW'd ''Carth? ' If i tTie,only treatment, that will -' invlucc fhese results. " TestjiuoivalSiAnd treatise Aimish , oden apjilicntijfn.;- ji-j'u.'! iv . . Mr. John M. bble w un' agent at Ciraham. Cvt.7T ''.". .... V. : ltu!li'liuili, 1 r, r T-r i i.t. --LAffnjfaKy,; 4-tt ?h 'Jia"KlVer.' .N. tV TArnes'c'e' Tvro lieutenant gener als ; fiig'h'l lnajor rijnerals ;.aiul tl.ir ly fo-.irbngaijicfcgonpr.ils-1 1 in all. ( KentUcky-rOhc licntenant "gener al, five major generals ; andxsi.ttten btigtulicr gejrcrsb 22 in all.7 ' w are asked why ye stole the;.wid-j;-; Maryland-r'l'hree major generals. y's pig what'll ye ny J'lU wat-'fnd nix brigadier generals 9 in all. nig to know?" i- ''Will Mrs.' Muleahay be ilicte?:; aked Pat a grca jde.i 01uiuina,ting " a. 1 , 7 8ine its uiiLii'lllcld, I ho North' feet which we n.itjfe. VVrVI TV disadvantage the State HiWs nn- .criiiHtial trials. In the trial fithiMdemeaBowflhd felonies, not mpifVl, the'aWhAs in all two oer- ernptTirythalfcnges'of junir.-.,. while uie oeanccmas ionr 10 eacn dsien- rfahV'ital .-ofiensMKie SMi'has feiiir ppjemptory challengVf a.'. If '..1. .Lr... l-.i I n iu kuvh (fu.yiiju ana me ae fence has twenty thfcp. tq each. This iitrrt4illat4mlny uit.lsiltrnen. ' As ajj example take the late case for ' burning .tried in lliis coub-k liraMMV thetate uJal.take ff oaly-two jurors pcr-emprilyHUatfiA-iwithout aisign- ing any cau-e, such as rclatjon-hb,W having formed anOpinio:i, etc., .Tiile lheWfdu3'Wull take off six teen .fremptortlrThis practii-al-N annrmirtcd to allowing lie defencc )elect its own i jury and they got a good one, for them hii face. "She will," said the good father,' jBCverehv'. : ' : ' - - And rill thejdg be tlicref" ' -J'Certftin'ly-- "Then begorra," said Pat, "I'll ; : Anctiicr New StitJ Enterprise. I . ,,.. f? nfrt? 1- ' ,., iles'srs J. Mi Uobbitt and J. I -, Hainsey, pf tok-Ighhjive organized the Uobbitt Jrrtijf'tnTiany-rith headfjuaftt rs' in that ily. " Ihey will rWnuJaerure-what they claim sav Mrs. Muljafovi) thae'liTvour to suppnor.remedy aDd a cer trerdict.iii..the fciicmwtll -ase, the . (iirolinian vt the larjpct wcckl v.eruici liwvancrei eouniy in Vfttn 7 , newspaper jWfWhe'lFll'fii'i "4ili ittc ltl . ltprintllicidrs,1iil prcaeKel (Yjore recent verdict in tho JJonncr theirtnnc of pure dewraevv. mirilMA HflUU re l,Wai.,i ' i atte even- wk.in.l one dol-1 murderers got off with a term in the 1 tr and got it for a whole year. A j Jitentkny whereas, Uifjr ,-dwarrt nnipie ogy wiUvbtf Mailei'yM'on; cJ,pjlTr; 'hm ttt 07'U I H The Xorth Carolinian 'fjm!vN Tire laaait'noU pick jnst such a asi'aa k i.rsm:b mill .bcMait iiunr m theTiet Tlie : Marin 'it i r mic year for i wo Jfajlar a i ii advanre." ' 'Apply al Thk CfLE..EH Hire, tjrahani, N. C r-. 't t j V .The fact Is the gojd standard men arc trying v no otwincss on too lim ited a capital, not enough lo' do,' a respectable and iolid , business on. An1 the kind of money they want to do business on'thej kccpIockcd U. This country i. too big io .'4o businesabn a narrow. -guage plan. Itinst have money enough, to meet the demands of enterprise afld-JrfrM-ntss just as a Wan must have Vod enough to Ire '1gorrros'dn"d ' ?i rait by. Money 1s the ItxWl jfiiw-il of commerce and Industry. Ta coun try" is blood thin Jfiid hungtyto-day Tliis also explains the ou.fr.-grmia I for money, and it I will .never rc- cover ita run streng.ii -ami activity irflil there Je an aalditioo, and a large addition, to t'e TaJamc'ot cur rency, loth by the rfrce'couiage.. of silver and a change in 'the laukiui system which will bring the Xar.ks pcarcr to the people. 7 '.':.' -. ,..i.t.r j.i Wkaa.as-F4Hirirnnjor'igeneralTT "' i nn iieji. jenr no iraveieu mo Bitnic har.l riiil over aeaiii. Ho i 't1' A " . , stakM all o.a cotton and grow' poor . At AH ill.. iMan aa..tiil 1... ' Tl . ! . no reason to supHMc. that the same, policy will n it prditeo tliosatne results. .After this experience cul minating la the five cent dose, lot's lobk-at te Other side of thcpicturet -Well, we moved the eorn crib and HiiioVe house andarden nearer home and we found almost to our surprise that old North Carolina dirt would make corn, and North, C-aro-olina com would make hogs. AVc had nearly enough corn and biprtf ft r Ifotne oso ' last' raT'olid ' 's.i vcj the profit of ihe .iniildlemeu'. , , Cv tr ton acreage was 'reduced,, aoxl the crop was made i lieap for the farm ers had prcp,iryd.f.r it, ,Thc price went up. . Many' 'old dsbts 'htve been wiped out, few new one.i m.ide, and we legin this.yenr In the en joymeiit if more, sOfTstantial 'coin foils thati ever bcfo'riC': , , .Winch road shall wo take? One leaibi back to, the corn cribs ot Kan ens' and the pork hoiucs of Chicago, to the old lays of middlemen and high price for auppp'',' In'"' crop i:.z i - - . . . iiuiii nnu , mongnges and . tlcnt flavery. Tlio other leada.. to Tio.iie su pplies, with comfort and indent ni ilcnce, t m4inpTovemcnt, to bvl iaiii eotwtitulwrifcl :urb for rbeuma Y J I A called !"Rhcumaeide)"'an en- To Llttli St tor Meat) ttaftdiraL1 r '. . jiiicton ( etate thai "-des have, al ready, -betm -made In'. three states, and cur'affeH-d ih every case. ' , The ITalcigh Press-"m trtr sftys : ,,(uMr. bobbittis' well known as one of the beat and mr8t progressive pharmacist in the Htate, ami is ex prcsidc.it of fbcr Norjh C'ardina '.i , - - A i. aI - ' - - Phannaoeutfcal Association, 'and the fact of bin bringing threriiwTy73brJW1iniaei . ami e'.otk. and nfter ward Ualmre a goorl ' guiiranf ee for it. Mr. J. TirKaniscy will to 'ad verlislug jnWingej; anfl.. las,,-the ability,', to pal. the, enterprise to suecci-ai etc. ,flil.' it. ' , '' ' Tlie NVws and OMfcVver fclsp jivcii an extended notice" and after speak ing of a number of rvmarkable ArM, mf. " , . ,( (i ;. -fr I'...! .'.M ai'n.t Vl-' 1-...... f . T . 1 J - .MtPim .IV awhile, to avirfgs autTicicnt to be gin new 'entcrpUc.rW.th. keeping our money at home,' addjiig to ihe wenlih of our own ieoplo! and ide whpiflg4herturcctrif oar great State. . - -. '. ' CiiHnre of. TarMiips. 'CtilWigt Tribune . ii.r.,. . .. ', , . . A,youpg man who was walking alort Dearborn street the ojher; day stopped in iropt of an engine Jiousc and looked in .t ( ... , "ilare many fires in this town?'' he inquired of ono of ,the fiiouicn standing in the door- , . - "VJ have 'oin pretty often," jre-.. plred tho other, ; f . . (, "Do you have to go to all of them?' ,'. -i '.' "No ; not unless, they're in oiir district., or unless there' ia general lljnntf --, 7 7,1,, .' 7', , ,"lvyer try to sco how quick , ypij can hitch up?!' 7lX ,' i, :'t)Ju'veV''- - At that Jnstpit,,jthcre,ca.in,9-.,rn nltrm. -..At the lint .trokc of the gng the men ran to their PMsvtUi dfxirs jrf , the. iialhj openl ,, the hoMia ran out and -were quickly hitched fo the hose cart, and within a feW seconds men, horses and cait Were out of tho door and speeding, difwn tho street. The interested young man walcji, cd tfipcrfoniia:ee with ( uidisgu is- J, cu admiration. . r ( , , V.'"By',. gam r.';v he 7cx.ciairocd. That's Chicago all over.,, There ain't nnothcr town in the . United States where they'd go to all that troublp. to show a stranger, what they can do ! J . .. .... fi- Ar Cl rnii(ira l ion lillnxaj......... nurlliurHiii..i(...W.i... Oruham -..... HIlltrtiiMo......... tJ i. invernn,.., Kiirham , . Lv. Uuivlgh ... i .III. 1J... ! . : ' ...I Ar ItolilBh..j i (.'layu.ii ..,. - Helm ...His.,,.... ht (Juldabui O. ........ liBliy. 6 as ., 1 , ai.ii"' J . 4 ID sua 1 m ; u tin . 0 , Miza (Kx. Smm. li'lJpm i M w Wm.m and l nuke clo-e oniiMtion I ul erolly to and from CTlapel Ulll. ' Jifca TiihoroH sc'UBrjcLB.;: Uoulla Ko.&t JlallrJ If o. ST. , lially. IaT Wnahlnaton... . . (.'harlot ' lll Illrtiini biI.... t. . " . Lynchlnir,... ' llonvlll" Al" O rfansboro ,., ' W ii'u-Salem r .. .I-Ilirtv. , ' - I 'iliiirT( t AhTlll.... iir Hot SrliiK. KrH'x villa ' (JIlktUlllMm j Cluinaia,.. , . . , A ifiru.ra SulHIIIUll, .....J t- . (C-r nirnl Tinil 1 ' ' .ant; aw hi vine.. t. ADU.tlll A ilant... - .RirfniiiKliuin.. Mini'alii...rK' 111 Mam is niii 108 . a f 4 - SuOBB 10 HI p n -146pm Tbt Snt -t-SO am t Cia ini 11 ) v spa. ia lOMpmi ant .;4 10 a ia' km A ir a u 1- pm . , , ( to a nn sm pm i JVoWU, Hailr. atopaarat? rratfart ya-rH3 ? W -arallV. -Vrtr J'Of.V Wl Dia not 6 wucri fn l (h't lawyers and lh'c!r cirnits.' so l.nrg as thf-ydo not 7fi'n'"mV-s oTiinrv' ih Iw-sf m-n Rct. Dr. Milbiirn, t!ielin;!fUhap hiin of tbo Scn .U, loctutvd '.Tliur day esrnlng licfore the girls ' Vf th Normal and Induitrlal .School 'a; Crxect)Ijoro. - - .. . , - ... "riirsnips are venr easy to grovr, aa f liat- M.ta,n aaa 1 , n A ..fit. a f . I f iimruh in and iclf.M f J-i.-- ' I . ., , ,. ' ' . t , t the rnlf nre of oil root cropj.-. Tlic The remedr i cul lo be end-clef m'..i-,- . . , ' . it v v ,. T .Iahould lefrre a potf-.Ue mm vegetable and . ivt-aViKiIic. ,JiiC!jJ . . ,, , V'; -" "7 ' ' , . ired-i, anil tuadc fine, and mellow, iiiotboil of manuurture. .jwhI -icarv-l t ; i i r : . t .. , , . ; It laid off in rwn two fmt apart. and Fif pounds of secil L required 'lionts are uiiii-mit irom r.ny pr. nrfctan int-dU-iiie on the matket. f.jrAn sere, TJ.e eT i, evenly s iwa in the row.-t,balknrt furrows a, . '. K ' fhiir nt i,'?-"S'- tTthe Wd...tTbe sre.1 ;.. w. wV ,,, cvere-Iar-m)!. im-lM!--p with Pitcher's Castoria. jrnc il. As n ss the rows rf ,. OrilcreUat His Ad. i-nnirrjos. . - , ) ,, .. ; , One- on a tirnc a man there ras WhoMrongly did ilesirc ?' A rest to takerotn business cara- f lfi short,: get out, retired f r j. - He told his ri!s of his4ntent, -'-He got out bilUj in fket, '- J: To close 4iia stock ami biwiness out He used his utmost fact. ' ' But, rtmnge fc gr.y, his ' trado hel.l tip "1" '" i' " ;'' i." Ketr mrva t.a, .'!.. w !T Itlo..kel ks If ha eoul ln't i r- Vo fitnltar ..4t nM f.r'l T t o.ie d:iy a fnemi rxpJaSncil''-, J Whf heWirjU'Uit Wd. .;" And in.w h'.'' o;it "vX'xiTfaf Vcejiw iih i r.j nitin nut ayi t - v Ar Wavlilmrum... : IH lllrli anil . ltirxinofil.MH.J ,- i J.vnch'Hir.j Jn.lllo...1 Vt Or. n-lMini Sa-' Wtnt.'ii-Salruj , llalolirh lllHl Aahovlllu .( : r ll.t fiprii'in.. ) Knant I. la i'liarioiiw .....i Coiiimiila ...l" Kavan nh ..... Oa tml.7 Htt.! v, JHVKt IIVIIW. Sr. AuirunUno, AllMpIN " Lt llrmiiwlim. , Mi'inphiii ... ... h. Orlana-. ' i i; .' A - M a.jm . IKS' via HtJU l.'itmn: IP an a Tn Kiwi a 6 put' i ' 1 ul . ' . i ins SDUam r. Iltttaa, ':' . S Mam, lOlpOl illuU u n i3'ru 7 IU .-PIEBPIITO CAB tEkTKB,. ,,-'.t Wa. T a,Hl S'.'Waakliirtoaj' a Dal Smith. wltii (Jwltvat, eoaiiwaaHl aaalmlrnf a mn ir : mlndnum I'ullman mtm tttH; no MTrijr..r,.mr-f.'aorw;;r-. ' , 11"?' ??Ulea.l MotRpril . Atai,r- d - ... . . ,Wi Wiii aahlnatoit , I . t: Kat Jaa-kaanvlCaui "nUnlrMr mt brtween UrreD'rwa'K( il-,nt,.iu-rr. " , Kaia w a.-T . 'i-- . J -2Jp'frfril,rcri,J,l,a.v"ra atlanrn r.. " ut-'iiin . Nun Rfw i nnc nail !- Vt aKI Aiviurtjt.. . , . '"I'l.'Mfflaa'HhlimV. RaWlrli. " 1 2 t7N "" o Or, eoartwm. - . Tntuirh ibrkr-a oti aala. at prtiM-ipal ata Ufla lo all point.. K-.r ralaa ff liirnrmatlnu " t-r-K. J. O KKIKV A... a i.Z ' 12...T.n- ....lj SUAM 'i'K'J-'"H. S4 dlC-harlot..: - J ".Hhiifun, u. w , r.KRK.V. flan I -MariMur . amlea,,. IH I. W,n ,r.Ti. tt.r " V.S ' rii if ! I Children Crv fcr v' -rsffow, l;ght - - - " - - ' - it. ' . - a , a . 1 Riw. j nn-r.w inin or pti!fi i,y hand, J ' - I 1 - I 1T4 ITll lilt aa-a i U i,;:ifn,iiMiT,1...,ihH . ,i' . , ., . - r . r :""(' ' v..- ! r'T -v. . ' '- . .- -r ?a . lla-:.:.fire re r.tvil -rf , In l r - - ? 1a. nlJr?4:c9-,f Pltchr'o Cattona. I r..n.- . .. . . 1-1, ab cranf to Clorli. 'Ke8'HSJK'f ' fsMdmWi 7 'i: Can '0MtM atM TcA-.airk. -i.t-jI. Bad B rt-I am ruj kT rira. ;r , , i if r? --t aa lata (Utaa Uau .tiJM- ViaTf ar r-i.. wU aVaitv O" m m eaai.lpawiH b wc-W. "l.r-, " Cow to Oha.ta putuHa." il yaa.t(rat. AuU '' - fla. an t. e. I ! l 1 . FOR 1 U...J - . ' '- ' T