Tee OLEANER. r VOL. XXXVI. GRAHAM, NJC, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1910. NO 38 A HAPPY h'Or.lE. , g one where health abound. With Impure blood there cannot be good health. With a disordered LIVER there cannot be good blood. . . fl - hiS'lI ynsfiiis revivify the torpid LIVER tutfrectora Us natural action. . - . A healthy UVER means pit Pure blood means health. Health means happlnesa i s Take po Substituted . AUrJrutfrJ. I H Poem for r.csdA . - m - w w a w Indigestion si use Whan your stomach cannot properly dijTMt food, of itself. It needs a little assistance and this assistance is read ily supplied by EodoL Kodol assltsthe stomach, by temporarily di greeting all of the food In the stomach, so that the stomach may rest and recuperate. Our GwtetfrA&ttfi (HMMt benefited the tmrtWwW at IS.... a... K A A ft A A A AAA H O ME. SWEET HOME By John Howard Payne JOHN HOWARD PAYNE, author and actor, was born north Africa, In April, lay. H. mad. him am ataee aPPjaranc. to Now Tor at th. a7o .IxiUn adt iLP!", fr,r-. H Pta" else In Bngiand and "' rf, th. .tat. in im. Pro S iS" Un'tad Statu oonaul at .u. author, traaalator or adapter of "HSmoU1' P Poplar r; TaSSuEP O0Cttm n ate opera "ClariTo?: li'7TI1?if lffttTtB Bnd pa,aces to0" may roam. - - ww may roam. Be it ever.so humble, there'. ni. lib. v , chann from toe sky seems to hallow ns there !cq. wea mrougn the world, la ne'er met with elsewhere. . 'Horse. west homel 1 There's no piaos like bemet f"" Plandor daisies In rain 251?l! me'toy thatched cottage again! f tw birds' staging gayly that came at my call .faetheivwHh the peace of mind dearer than alL Home, sweet hornet There's ao place like homel any fauiU wltt Mil yon mT.aIIw hottld aokaali at th. W. bettlaf Itedol I peprd, to th. MtrMM ai SB Oi So WUSS WaK.ee. Kodol on thin I suns tins f I 1m MSMt Granam Drag Co. ARE YOU UP TO DATE If yoa arettOtHhffirarr ilrr ObBB.vSk is. r -'Saltednbe foritai once and it wfllkeepyo abreast ot the timca. -4"0 Fall Assoeiated Pressdispaich' es. All the ne w forcieiv do-. mastic, national, state and local all the time. y : Daily Ner arid ObserTer $7 per year, S.50 fbrB mos. i Weekly North Carolinian per year, 50c for 6 mos.' . NEWS & OBSCKtEPUB.CQ., The North Carolinian and Thb Alamance Gleaner will be sent for one year fo Two Dollarir Cash in advance -Apply at -Tm Glbanbs office' Grafiatn; H. C The Spear nd B.w Mev.l.oMee' Ar- - row. Thalr ChUA.WM I Our luwteditittiet pypnles of few Oalnda stwtftlafci habtfcmvey are nonta4lef faotlllereii tlllttsj the troand, WpeUhi cs tielr liping entirely etrthelr kkllT m'bnntmir and Ssbing, Their chief weapon Is th. bowr their aerows hetngy generally pofetned tkhen wita ths-taawaa pas W hum otlnw ilirrTegetAlTJo!on, in eorna. cases a species or srxycnnine. They also make use of the spear and an ingenious form of spring gun which is common to numerous other forest tribes. This is formed by set- tJornSattenea tnmrbooepeaattaeaea to r teart saTnthgrwnWnf fastened to by-ihe passerby stnsebilnr against ma lrmalble string elfitched scroas a game tsack. These spears are really set for game, aod toe ImU ted they irevbbvloareaalri'. svthelr presence Is always ladlcJ?J by eer tain well known elgns, sncb as a broken -OCT iwlg-piaeeU fa a 'cleft- etick In"wjf (beset algmr are retoovd. ; the removal being equivalent to the mov- lnref beer fct a aHHe channel. The wounds inflicted by. these hardened Istfcbo speaes snaessrrry serious. The mental eiaaUUeS of 'the. Negrito. re eYtremeiy 'MeV.loed, none of mUmkiibm Mepet Blkter aumerleal Idee, than ihrea, tat aU eb- aerrerr whtf have met them unite In saying that they are a merry little peo ple, with great ideas of hospitality when their confidence has been gamed and provided they have not been pre viously ilT treated. They are not can Blbala and are generally monogamous. abandon Times. LIGHTNING ' FLASHES. , we promptly obtain V. B. and Frwetgn j ' Bead mortel.tlwo or ; uu mtloalot i freereportott papn'n i r. t fre. booa, ' HowtoSonreY " Writ. 1 Patentf and i - Vj tc I Jill VMj mm KILLthkC UGH M CUn2 ti: LUfJCG WITH tlov; Di jCDvcry ttfJUTK.ur ,olft itU6tta. OA KOsTXT wiiX' - - UVES 0 Cll2l$lttN lUNISltltS This book,' ; entflled aa ' abcrvi, eontalni oyer 200 memolrs'ot JiU- fcters la ifta'tMstiaa,'C2faTai with historical references. ttteresfiinT atinncatw-tlBlK and bcmiii rrioe'-Dr'i " nxwj gen ep. SOb satea. iOrfew saaTrW 'seat to ' :;. t :..-. i Eiehmond, Va. may b left at this bilcSa. Many Thlnaa Conoerninu Th,m Thai "Sfclwroe CartiWt Fathom. if AVU! h in Charge of two chil dren, sheltering under a tree on Chlsle- htrrst common, wsa strack by light Vlinrwnd ktlled-one-ef those dreadful .t.. 0f the sort of personAl touch with 'wileh-aghftnng eeema to select itavTteHmr tost -taeearh ae ehild le re ported to have" been thrown down, nei ttaiMitJ'was'uiftired. There are many Instances, of course, of this atraage etleetieek doe in most cases probably to some accident of clothing. There Is a weU remembered ease which Kttmened seaW Tear age- at' Canv hriaee. when three; young men walking 'acress an open space Qf Mda-hd'th aatddle ene ef the three was struck dead, while the oth ers 'were' eeched. ' Toe- Imroest abewed that the young man who was gliled bad hails In bis boots, whereas the etkere were westing boating ehoes. The phenomena' "of thunderstorms anew keenat oabjeet ef asach etady In America. But If thunderstorms can be imaaMnrt. -ttrr sun not uor tMftlf andewteoaVvWe do net yet kBowwhat are- the exact eesamons WlucSlead te a dSMharge e electrltlty fta the form ef a lightning flash front -eleed-te ctood er from dood to earth. We canmot reproduce thander and tfrnin ba a? aOeratorr.'- W. o ot anow what af the oristDot-tae'e-- f eherch triflcatloa manlf eeted as a XAodea Bpertater; v FOUNDERS DAY STATE N. COLLEGE. & ' NEW ' GUINEA J Pf GrtlES. Raising th. 8hlp. Tes," said the yarn spinning old mariner in the corner of the rail way carriage, "for three days and Shta we worked at the pumps, and I the water gained on us. At last we gave mp the hopeless strug gle. There we was sinkis', sinkin', erpectin' to perish every 'arf a min ute. . It was a horful time, believe me. 8uddenlike we feels the wessel a-riain' np through the water. She rix'tni her keel was a'most out o water, and we rides into port right on ton v the waves. We was sawed. 'Ow K happened 'was we had a er go o yeast on board, and when; the water reached it it rose and rote nil it fairly lifted up the ship." . i Drake's Death. . Some colored drawings of the aoast of varlona West Indian Islands are in the Blbllotheque National, in Parte, The fact that makes the drawings of special value is that they were done from the deck of Sir Francis Drake's Ship under hla supervision during bis last voyage. There is a mournful note on the margin of a drawing of Puerto Bello, oft which Drake", aagehip De fiance waa lying: "This morning, when the description notld or taken ef this lande. be Inge the 28 ef Jaanerle, .10QS, being' Wedene dale in the mornings Br Francis Dracke died of the bludle nix rlgbte of the ilande of Buena Ventura som six leagues at see." Out ef th. Frying Pan. They were very young, snd very happy, and very foolish, and very new ly wed. And they kept a kitchen gar den. "Angelina, darUng," said the youthful husband, "as I wss passing through the garden 1 eew some aspsrsgus ready for cooking. Perhaps you'd like to go and gather the first fruit of the season joumelf She would love to, but sbe wasn't expert hi horticulture and didn't want to "let on." If she went alone sbe mlsbt commit some egregious blunder. - tell you what, Edwin," excisimen the ghi wife eatbnsiastlcally, "we'll m mot toeether. Ton shall crock U and I will bold the ladder." Wool In Emrlf Virginia. Great encouragement waa given in Virginia In early days to the ratal ng and manufacture of weoL The sea bly estimated that five children B'-t ever, thirties reaea -osV e eeald by tlvtlr work readily spls and weave enough te- beep thirty seasons clothed. Six pounds of tobacco were paid te aoy one bringing to the county roortboaae where he reaMed a yerO of Boiepen woolen cloth aesde wkoHy m WT tan- flv; twelve nouads of tobacco were of fered for reward for a dosen pairs of wonlea- beae knitted at lome. Btsvea ware taawht ts BBCa.-aad wool wb and wool cards are found la (be elgbt M(k MBtnrr on every Inventory ef house forBtoWnga. - John Barrett was only twenty -err ea -a.. .Id when President develaad annotated him minister to Slam. Thiry aM lrnpertaat tjuaratei emereeitea Ue yeaHifab eneey -was ' chum against the Siamese goverameat YlSSr 1 fllTaeaaeliassaa a. afctamtaa the sesaey Be -rw-aLaesbeesaes Jtsu BastettJ -roe favor tJekaarwHh a et"- -aktthtwah aayeneL-''- I Qaalnt rUnMdtee. Among the aieniliers of the Oreek Ma fee nets aae-; seuewmg radoes aa nawdea as jugus T narlrr one's easmles wrUe the pealsi "BJMnra la Jadea." dleeolve U fat water and give your enemy to drink thereof, and he win be pacified. Per a atexiad and erbrhteaed am take three M aad sow tlusue ef eld wtno-aad let htm Aitnk thereof eerly and- late. - Write alee ru the beaaaJng waa ike sad let him carry U. to eeUerdag tae caun. - aaaed'ja' ..,L.- .TW.1M1 Barrett. Uk tfue tawat-auaose deatj Wiiy sc-j citiizr yesr b Prints IVecaii ve yen czzzyf' 3 SUTicncry, 'WcZfArg yms. Tellers, etc- etc . Ate. .ball TL.aaa a. teoeat whet ae ea-s a-.- 'The CM-'Waara rbeyee Jdlotav ImHaboa i joar optnloe ef eet T Hmb- The OW-anea vfth Ks dark faff ' 1i!Mi Blest. - - stAwthesmiteeTeecTdfnl faBewl Way did yee ea ewrtag the offertory I -Be - I mUart kelp . There was bUes Addle Pose singing Had I the wings ef a date."' The aeaatal etctsre ef a JSO peonder trying to Sy with a pah- ef foar seek Bow did yea enjoy eveatngr ntwaestanca. Both the eeigraaa. ad the easdwicbea Waahlagteai Berald. rlsdr -Oaal ywa eeef fid's aaekiag Detrett Hie OHflaaOty. rade Oeorge-I have vend yeec as Ode ever, and I aeaet eay it-it i w s great deal ef originality. Artbex Thanka. rn aaref I flattered myeeif thare were wnw t&ane ka It. Cade Oeerge Oh, I waa net epeekrag ef the eesspeairlea. bet of the acaihag, To the Alumnae of the State Normal and Industrial College that are Scat ' tcred abroad, Greeting) Founder's Day has come and gone, but the memory of it will not soon pass away. The m .rning of October the twelfth dawned bright and beauti ful and all day the weather was perfect. Early in the morning Dr, Mclver's grave was decorated with beautiful flowers which had been carried to the cemetery by committees of the Faculty and the several college classes. At eleven o clock the Faculty and studenta, with a large number of alumnae and friends, gathered in the college Chapel to do honor to the memory of our great found er. After an appropriate 'intro duction of music and ' prayer, fol lowed hearty fraternal greetings to our College from the University and the State College of Agricul ture and Mechanic' Arts delivered by Professor M. C. S. Noble and Professor W. A. Withers, respec tively. Then Mr. Josephus Dan- ielsmadeagreatspeech,his theme being Dr. Mclver's ideal of woman hood and his unselfish, tireless 61 in uplifting the women of North Carolina. This portrait of oar beloved friend and hero was a simple, faithful representation j , First. That we shall use every by one man of another whom he opportunity to make the State had known intimately, loved, sin- feel the needs of oar. College and eerely, and admired wholly s and I to secure, from the. State a liberal Dr. Mclver's "'girlis" recognized maintenance for. oar Alma Mater with love and sympathy every line) which has, every year so far, been in the picture. " forced ta close- her door ,gainat President Fonst read fifty-nine (wofoea who, without the help, of letters and telegrams in which t the State, mas go without? an scattered alumnae sent ereetiaioi I education of love and loyalty to the College. I Second. That we, by our In the closing song, "Carolina," daily lives and workj shall endeavl- the hearty singing of the audience lor to emulate and to lnfase into testified that everyone nresont: I the lives of Others thai spirit of felt the inspiration of the hour, service, of self-sacrifice," which A t. t.h nVWlr In th aftomAnn I WSS SO beftatif Oily tSOght ' Snd our vice-nresident. Mrs. Minnie practiced by our jonnder, Dr. MiTnr Rmvn nnanaA tha maaLl AiatFaB. WDOSfli message IOf US IB ing of our State Alumna Assooia- ,I'lw B' bundaBtly ihroogt inn Af. w wiiuat t Vnnmt. more abnttdans service, striving , I . m a ,a ) . ill: ; "'M spoke a few words. Thealamnae hoprauy ior msiarga tnmgs oi were delighted with his hearty I1"0- welcome and by the .simple man- ' Third. That we Alumnae who ner in which he explained a few are present at this meeting shall nf tha Immipt noAKtthA f'l.l0" CUUUfc aoii.nu. lege. It was gratifying to learn 'throhou'J th? 8?teIto tW.tWl.Lln tt- .tnrlr,t J0in ' With US la Striving tO live body a smaller proportion of "If on aer' tt" n; .tnl.nb than r hfft.. tths day When, With M i iv w vwm 7 1 LsKy VWAM I M Also Rolb and Muffins f t f v CrusU and Cakes jjt i Big Gain in Tuberculosis Dircctoiy. Increase ofSOO Per Cent Since 190 ' Over IlOO Agenr.le Wow at Vfork This shows that the College Is In spiring her matriculates to move steadily forward from tha Fresh man to the Senior Class. . It waa appalling to hear that the number of young women who had failed to gain admission to the dormi tories was larger than the number of "new" students admitted. The visiting alumnae heard with delight of the extension work which Miss Anna Meads proper aid from the - State, every woman may have the opportunity of an tMlucation. Thus-ended a beautiful day. Bat eight thirty o'clock found us ia : the Chapel : again. . Some Alum d I of the University of North Carolina' had bad painted for our Collage a handsome portrait of Mrs. Cornelia Phillips Spencer. As Dr, Venable, President of the University, after a few well- iitnun ' am!i ' finavflMl the Michaux is beginning in the rural tb. .-. andienca rose I 1 - a T5 a.t j-t- A . a at. .! acnooia w. xorayta tmniy.oi w reanectfnl stlenca. ' When buUeUns soon to bs issasd by the tW er -eated.' our own -J a - a A .f it - J-ell 1 w - Tanoua ueparMnenui m toe uoucara w jovfjar rracefaUV aCCePtM . . rm r. , . f t . i I . .. oi we Dnmmer oeamon wmcn toe the picture. i- Then Dr. . Ilaanls Taylor, who is his boyhood had been a pupil of Mrs. 8pencer,' aad who, after sa absence of forty-yearn, had re turned to his naXlrs state to do kislrst teachar hoaor. gave . ns his recollections of Mrs. Spenoer and held her np as s herolo model, whom ' womanly . women every where would fain resemble.: At tha close of his address, the Unl swadty i AJaaiai ,of . Guilford Caoary gava av bsaae - U dlnalarnall. Aaomc thais foe promiseat repreaentatlv of Charoh sad SUta. . from soch insUtatioas as The -Greensboro rentals Callage, Davidson Collage, fenoryraa! .. Hear r.Woflord, Trial tT. The guts CoOogs of Aarlealtsrs aad Xschaaia Arts, tha Uaivarsiry of Michigan, Joha Hopkins, rxtaaatoa; London -and Berlin. Iff wad laspirlaf to as to be gueet among so"Maay ansa of any miada," difariog la puUtieal sad rsCgtood arejads) -at ooa la their 4 ptosis tasti eats ba tras to Korth CaroUna sad to try to give all Bar aoas aad i-daaghten chaasa at tha ly tras sdssstloo ThaawmJeh saaUe Owe to do wasahalnava aosagat to do, at ths Urns hs ought to do it, refnrd less of ths As soeae af "h gWs" walkad horns under tha atar-llt sky, they seemed to hear Dr. Mclrerwhls- College, who feel sa astold debt Per. la the worosot oss as wvea: to oar Alma Mater, aad who wish. This do la tssaetsbranca of ma in asy aad every wsy, to help her -lay vary oas of our Alumnae m .tit.amitatMafan.ctatA be faithful to bar treat commis- anoald form ths followinr reeoln-l ionl ,1. I - . BtaXHA MJWia College contemplates inaugurat ing, etc., etc. In a freedlacnssion of those matters, the members of the Association seemed esger to help In tha wise distribution of ths bulletins on Domestic Science, Vocal Music la ths Psblie Schools, etc, and to assist in spreading information about the serious work: of tha Ssmmer School. Is this school will be offered not only tha regular college 'work, bat eoursesta Pedagogy, Manual Arts, stc,, for toaehars who aaa.s asms bara daring ths wiate or lata spriag, aad a strong eoarse la Domestic Science far aay women la ths Stats who desire 11 Ths roil-eall of slomnas 'by eoastias wss taken, aach aalsgats renewing her sJlaglsaos to that fpse dixit -Ia-ss-moeh as- oar Alma Mator is tha serreot of tha Stata, bar worthy danghtera bib ba loyal sat fasts to tha Stats. Ths Association nnaaimoualy adopted ths foDowfag resolaUoa: Oa this day, whoa visitors aad alnsMsajoia with ths studenta sad tha Faculty of sw.OoOefs la honoring (he name of Dr. Charles D. Mclrer who so BUgnanlaoasly gars his life to uplift tha worn hood of oar stata aad who said. Ks stata which win ones ad scats its mothers need bars aay fear about f stars ditsaey, it seems especial appropriate that we, ths Alumnae of ths 8tato Normal Active preparation for the pub lishing of a new Tuberculosis Di rectory will be begun next week by the National Association for the study and Prevention of Tuberculosis at its New York headquarters. The directory will contain up- to-date lists of all hospitals, san atoria, dispensaries, and associa tions, engaged in the war against consumption. A summary of what has boon 'one by the various state legislatures, and the county and municipal governing bodies will be included in the book. It will be the most complete report of the anti-tuberculosis campaign that has ever been published in this country, The growth of the crusade against tuberculosis in shown - to good.advantaga iu the two direct ories that have been issued and the one in preparation. The first Tuberculosis Directory, published In 1004 by the Tuberculosis Com mittee of the New York Charity Organisation Society and the National Association; listed 133 sanatoria and hospitals for con sumptives in the United States, for some of which preliminary finl MoahetnrftnlnnraPlarfm provisions only had been made. institutions was only 8,000 beds. fflLI-i- A - t Jl 1 Col. John ft Mih -th tl mri,y-wo epeoiai uuou. i ' v ---. i , . i . ... , . Confederal cavalry leader, who um to la. .nmm., f,m organizations sammed up prao- Waahlngtoe Ptapatoh. the Department of Justice on the groands, it was stated, of senility Incompetence, ' has jost closed a contract with a prominent lecture bnreao to deliver under its direc tion a series of It lectures in prominent cities and towns of New England, telling, at first hand, of his experiences during the civil w&T. Except for (one are two lectures delivered 20 years ago, Colonel Mosby has nevbr ap peared upon the lecture platform. It Is learned that hs will ' receive 1200 for" each lecture, : and that, after the coarse' Is completed in New England, it win probably be extended to the middle and West ern States. tlcally all of the fighting force enumerated in the first directory. The second directory was pre pared by the National Association i or the Stndy and Prevention of Tuberculosis and published under the auspices of the Russell Sage Fonndatlon In August, 1908. This directory listed 240 sanatoria and hoepjtals.an increase of 107 from the former directory; 168 dispeq- saries, an Increase of 126 ; and 195 associations, an Increase of 159 The number of hospital bods listed in 1908 was 14,014. The new directory that will be issued soon, will list over 409 sni atoria and hospitals with a ll capacity of neaaly 25,000; more than 800 special tuberculosis dis pensaries and fully 450 anti-tuber culosis associations and com mittees." Since the first directory was issued in 1904, tho increase in ths number of , agencies fighting . Droned la "Black Aad V.11.W" Not "Football Colors" but the color of the carton containing Foley's Honey and Tar tho best and safest cough remedy for all ..1. . A 1 .1 .. . A. i. adodtoapta.ubsTHuta V but see that yoo get the genuine per cent. Foley's Honey and Tar In a yellow i e aationai Associawon ior uie carton with black letters. Foley's 8tudy snd Prevention of Tubor- lloneyandTar contains no op-oulosis would like to got in toucji e a a 1 j .11-1. . e . , ' iates, no harmful safe snd sure. Druggists. brags and is Sold by all with all agencies engaged ia the fight against tuberculosis, in order that tboy may be listed fu the new directory. J Cfkii Ik KiJueys Arts -VkbQcd by OyeMVcrL Uuhealilty Kidneys Make Impure Blood. Weak aad unhealthy tiilney are re- : spoxiaible lor much sickness and suffering, v therefore, -if kidney T? 1. 1 .. i i.. i . continue, tenons - re. suits are moat likely to follow. . Your other organs may need at tention, but your kid neys j most, because they do moat and , should have attention first. Therefore, when your kidneys are weak or out of order, you can understand how auicklv vour en-. tire body is affected and how every organ . Ktu to iuu to ao its auty. ., If you are sick or " feel badly," begin taking the great Jtidney remedy, Dr. Kilmer's Swainp-Root, A trial will con- ' vince you of its great merit. . . , The mild and immediate' effect of Swamp-Koot, the great kidney and ; bladder remedy, is soon realized. It stands the highest because its remarkable -health restoring properties have been proven in thousands of the most distress- . ; inir cases. If you need a medicine von ;. snouia nave uie Dest. Sold by druggists in fifty-cent end one-dol lar sizes. You may have a samnle botde by mail free, also a ; pampniex telling you h-..!?? . now to una out u you bave kidney or bladder trouble. ' Mention this paper when writing- to Dr. Kilmer-& Co., Binghamton, N. Y. Don't make any mis take, but remember the name, Swamp Root, and don't let a dealer sell - yon something in place of Swamp-Root if you do yon will be disappointed., 7 rss-:;!:sri:::3 PROFESSIONAL CARDS DAMERON & LONG Altormeya-aitXaw S. a W, OAMBKON, 'Phone 830, piedmont building, Burlington, H.O. 3. ADOLPH LONO Fbone 100B Holt-Nioaolson Bldg. Qrakam,.a - Wt.ffILLS.LO.fl,JlL I t DCNTIST it. Graham, . y Nerth Carolina OFFICE is SIMMONS BUILDINO IACOB A. loho. : X'tXHca toss LONG St LONG, Attorney and Counselors at Law . GBAHAU, Jt. . S- .C OOK, Attorney at-Law, : GRAHAM, . . . . . ,, N. C. OlSoe Pattarsou Building SeoondPlMr. , . . . . At the saw mill of Henry Canady, In Sampson county, Fri day, Goe, Daoghtry, an employe I This is the name of a German of the ; mill, . was accidentally chemical, which is one of tho thrown on the saw. Ilia rltrht many valuable Ingrodieuts of arm aa -fc fT and a, nleoa of hl. lfOiey SB.Wnoy twmeay. II EX A M ETI1 Y I K S KTH HM I M '. llei arnsf rtvlAnntaaf aamlltA 1st IH-kPnCmtt . M a S . I SIUV HiJiVMVhVUIWUIIMV ,WVVD..w SKOiitora on. jus is axpecieai.,1 h mil tit book and to die. , I authorities as a uric acid solvent I anti-septic urine, 'isxe roieyw KIdnev Itemed v promptly at inn first sign of kidney trouble and pars yourself psin and suffering ana maybe a serious maiauy BOTH SPEED AMD EFECTtVU This indicates the sction of Foley Kidney Pills ss S. Parsoo, Rattle Creek. "- Mich., illustrates: 'I bars been afil ietad with a severs I Sold by all Druggists. esse of kidney snd bUdder trou bis for which I found no relief untlll I need Foley Kidney Pills These cared ms entirely of all my ailments. I wss troubled with baokachea and severe shooting pains in ths sides with annoying urinary irregularities and a senae of lncompUtsaass ia ths act. TIm steady as of Foley Kidney Pills rid m entirely of all say troubles. They have my highest recommendation." . Bold by au Druggists. Jesss Pries, who killed Lest pn.frUg a . Anson soanty last week, did not sacapa, as first re ported, bat ssrrsadered . to afflosrsaad aftar a preliminary A Milk White Sm. i OerasiosAUy snd for aome cease as yet ssdlacovered. great areas of the eceaa tarn milk white. Ia March, 1004 the pssssugers and crew of a Japanese merchant vassal steaming at night be tween Boagfceag aad Yokohama r arts s sseer wane sea, set an opaque. eorfacs, bat - as e ef pars enow white, having dassAng effect spea the eyes. The phemmenoajasted for six boors and alarmed the pseseegers so greaiiy tnss set eos aap t aH that alghtw-Lendoa Engliab Sparln Liniment re- mores ail hard, softer calloused lumps and blemishes from horses. blood spavins, carbs, splints, swesaey. risgbons, stifles, sprains hearing bexors a magistrate was i ill swollen throats, coughs, eta. j.mi n. si vi haiL : Isaoa 150 by ths was of one bottle. ........ -- . . 1 . I . I r? arrantea. us nus wwurniu blemish ears known. Sold by s-, n a ,r, - r iHrariajn 1 Jmir ul ..... u. n. naruDSi ui varuai. twi ' . m tor. V.T.. writes: "About four a rsars ago I wrote yos stating mat aad been entirely cared of a as- rare kJdaey trou Us by taking leas thaa two botUea of Foley's KkLney Cars. It oatirslyi stopped the brick duet sedtssewt, and pais and symptoms af kidaey diseass dis apf sstoiI I sea gUd to toy that I have osTsr had a re tars af any af thoss symptoesa daring the f oar years that bars elapsed aad I am evidently eared to stay eared, and heartily recommend Foley's Kid ney Curs to aay on suffering from kidaey or bladder trouble. Graham Drug Co. . ' "awawat. ""-1 ' tTaaaura. the heavies ef all metab eaeept htdlam. was gtrea tta same by the Spaniard, ea 'account ef 4ta su very color, "plara" slgnlfytog stiver. II aleceTered bt the eand ef the ares JTDie. sa Soutb 'America.' and sakaews . hr Europe astu J71I. Mssa nana! taUUoawaaf- ratrre ef hie voyage to Perm. It wea by Pa, WlUkut &y4e WoBaataa, lfiZt that tbh) metal was rendered maie bte aad durtUe, as toveanoa for wbi-h the dector le eald to have received as arach aa $iaW0O Kw Tort Anurl- OAliT'OnZA.. IN Lit in hm i-vt bxp roHVUKAV frr, . W. P. Brscn, J a IJlAUil & BYNUM, , Attornyn and Counsel or. at Law OrteiENtlBOltO, $ V. ' ' P rat-lice renlarlf iu the court, ef Ala- Jiaui cvuniy. , : A ok. t, H ly bORTll CAKOLIKA ' Alamauee Coy sty. In the Superior Court - ' , Itefore The Clerk. 1. Itarver Wttlte 1 . i . v t Wotloo: , i. n. Mann, j The dpfondnnt. above named, will taka nolle that an action, entitled aa abova, lia baoo ooinmuncml In Ti;o Superior Court of Aiaiaauee tountjr aud NMIe ai North Caroli na tor the Durooaa of turcukHtiuir a Mrtikln MurtHaijo U.i J. eiacutod by tbo amid detHn danton Man-It Ttta. Iwn, Ui aour. ths par-nu-iit of OUe Hundred and Tventy Ftv. Uol lar.ilaiajU llio Inturoai tbvtoon secured , by a liuud, ot evra dote Uianiwlih, to j. lkr- rr jorm, on toe laiaa aeaennea in said ' Mortiraire Do.fl. whluh fa mrUtated In tha uiuc oi toe nvKiauiroi umoi tor AianaDoo -County and titat u( Nortb CaroUna ui ilook -U, wm u. M loclura. And toe aaM def.-cviiu t will further take ootlce tbal bo la nvjulred to appear at tba neit term of Th Superior Oiurt of Ala rauo. o ( .iuu-v t., Ui lit-ld on Nor. 7th, 1VI at tlLVoiirt Houaaloiald County In Gntham" N. C, and Answer or Demur to tha Corn Dlairil In said aollon. or tha Klalutlll will id- i oe vours wi niiei aeatsaaaa in sua mtlalnt. IIS OWpt. m, IV "-'."-; - J.U.HE1MUVI.K, - ' Clerk SuperiorKurt. Pirkar Parker, Loag baa, AU'ys toe plalourf . n6tice r XM-tb Cars Us Alamaare Cmtaty. . la the Saserior Oart. Service by Pabiicatlea. - ... smmm mown VS. . ; ; Wil sravs, The defendant abov. aanv-d will laka nA- Uo. that aa autlun entitled as abov. ha. ooea oonaienuad la lb auparlor Court of Alamanea euanty. for divorce, and fur tha abeuiuta absolution of the bond, of matrl awnr between taa plaiiiUB aod tha defead ou and tha d.feodant will fnnber tak. ao Uea that he la rauolred so annear a. aha terai of court bi ba h.M the mm a Moodar altar tea drat Monday la hepteutier, K 0, at tat wrt I Plaint. iaiaaapte.iDeris.ivro. jr. o. ssssoDLi, a a c. a aourt huoaa of aald eoaoty, al Orakain. I. C, aad aaawar or demur to the eou plaint I Said aottoa,r ptalnti win atply to the wirt tor the sailaf aansaated Ia the coat- Re-Sale of Land By virtue ef an order of tha Superior Oar Al.aaasee eou a ly, nuds la a rpectai Pro- lags wbarwu au the heirs at law of tha ef CM lata i, Tarlor war aaeda aartlaa for tna rarpoa. of Mini kit land for aamtioa wbl offer at aubiie aala. to tka klrbaai but- dar, oa the praam. a, aim one auh V eat Iroai tba aoaaaof t. Cal.ia Waikar a laws a'alook aeoa, an Tuaiaar. NOV2MBEai5r191Q ; . lb. fenowlac raal aropartv, to -wit: raot of laad lyia. ta rka A wsot laad Iriaa ta Pl.aa.nt Orowa towaablpla ikainii iaatr aad la Aoler aoa tewnahlp la CaawaU aeuatr, ewakaudag - ISA ACRES, BMMeer V-aa. toawAad by b laad. of V S. Oakley, w. A. HixM, Jum Suwdkr. Oanrala Wan aad etart. and known a. ana i. W. Taytoe lial auaaa. 1 aw .laea ta rai a.hla ftfmlB. kaad for Sonaoro, ,r. and wa. About half the laad la oe-o frut- tiratioa. aal.aee ta ttabvr aod wood, eoo- loa of aak. eopiar, airkorr. atna. .ta. well watered, baa two taa.umit um4 twa t. -tn, baraa, oaa eood f aarn wit. .eia, taats.ia.oo. ama-aoornooa. oa J..r- n a art. aaar caoreewa and aosoois and aarrd by dally M. r. D. mail route. . tttodia. win atart ai -Sna Taraw of aaiac Oss-tnii eaak.an thirfl rn aa aaontbfl and ee tatrd la l.h n ...i :t dltred a. tu.-t.ta ttM... or iv.o isr- rrnt mtmt Jorm oar of ... e t-t., -t tin. rwHrffcl tiu fulijr f..c j- t t. euoflrauuootr tha Ciaik oc Ih t- .it. as) OoU t. ivid- J.8. C'X)K. Conni.. ..,.-r. -- . wmu, H. C. Asaia aJ ;