YOli. XXXVI. JUST ONE WORD that word is Tutt's, 't rsfers to Dr. Tutt's Uver Pills and MEANS HEALTH. Are yon constipated? Troubled with indigestion? Sick headache? Vlrtlgo? Bilious? Insomnia? s ANY of these symptoms and many others * Indicate Inaction orthe I ivbp * ™ You Need Tutt's Pills Take No Substitute. Indigestion Dyspepsia Kodol When your stomach cannot properly digest food, of itself, it needs a little assistance —and this assistance is read ily supplied by Kodol. Kodol assits the stomach, by temporarily digesting al) of the food in the stomach, so that ths stomach may rest and recuperate. Our Guarantee. gSVJ £gsS. B0 1 , 5 yon are not benefited—the druggist will at snoe return your money. Don't hesitate: any drugglat will sell you Kodol on these terms The dollar bottle eoataltis t'A times as muob a* the loe bottle. Kodol la prepared at the labarateilee of K. 0. DeWltt A Ce.. Chleage. Graham Drag Co. ARE YOU 0\ UP , r TO DATE " —I —M~ R If you are not the NEWS AN*" OBERVEK is. Subscribe lor it at once and it will keep you abreast of the times. Full Associated Press dispatch es. All the news—foreign, do mestic, national, state and local all the time. Daily Newp and Observer $7 per year, 3.50 for 6 mos. Weekly North Carolinian £1 per year, 50c for 6 mos. NEWS & OBSERVER PUB. CO., RALBIGH, N. C. The North Carolinian and THE ALAMANCE GLEANEK will be sent for one year for Two Dollars. Cash in advance. Apply at THE GLEANER office. Graham, N. C. obtain P. 8. snd Fprelgn 1 \ Send model, sketch or photo ol Invention for l (roe report on patentability. For free book,' iHowtoSeciireTDinC lIUDVO writs' 1 iPatentgand 1 !!flJE"ff!flilHu to i 1 KILLTHI COUGH «»» CURE THI LUWCB wth Dr. King's New Discovery FOR CBSS? 8 AND ALL THROAT ANO LUMP TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFAOZO&Y LIVES OF CHRISTIAN MINISTERS This book, entitled as above, contains over 200 memoirs of Min isters in the Christian Church with historical references. An interesting volume—nicely print ed and bound. Price per copy: cloth, $2.00; gilt top, $2.60. By mail 20c extra. Orders may be B ent to PJ. KBBNODLB, 1012 E. Marsball St., Richmond, Va. Orders may be left at this office. Why send off lor your Job Printing ? We can save yon money on all Stationery, Wedding Invitations, Business Cards, Posters, etc., etc. » • ' ' - - - Y " " . ; THE ALAMANCE GLEANER. VES6AIPITFMJ.S. Traps That Await English Speak ing Tourists In Portugal. THERE ARE NO TOES THERE. - - s But, Then, One Has Twenty Fingers to Make Up the Loss, Fingers of the Hand snd Fingers of the Foot—Oddi ties of the Verb "to Walk." The Englishman or American in Portugal who thinks in his own lan guage and tries to speak In the lan guage of the country he Is visiting Is a great smile producer. For instance, you never marry any body In Portugal unless— strange para dox—you happen to be a priest Ton marry "with" your beloved Maria, and the priest tnarries yon both. In the same way you never dream about any body, but always "with" them. When the landlady at your boarding house Is ladling out your soup you call out "Arrive." You are telling her to arrive at the stopping point—in other words, that you don't want more than she has put out When you see U child that you want to fondle at the other side of the room you say to her, "Arrive here." And the child prompt ly "arrives." In England when we speak of walk ing we refer to a certain use of the legs. But the Portuguese verb "to walk" has many more significations. In Portugal not only do the people walk, but also the carts and cars walk, the trains walk, a balloon walks, and a boat walks. Stranger still, the hands of a clock walk round the face! A clock, by the way, never goes; it "works." Unless you are very Intimate or very rade you never say to your fair part ner at dinner, "Will yon bave some bread 7' etc. You Inquire, "WW your excellency have some bread?" or, "Will the lady have some bread?" the "lady" meaning not some other lady, but your fair partner herself. In spite of winter you are never cold In Portugal unless you are a corpse. /Yon are "with" cold. In the same way you are occasionally "with" heat "with" headache, "with" banger or "with" thirst When you have occa sion to discuss the weather you say, "It 'makes' cold," "It 'makes' fog," etc. On your way home from an en tertainment you tell your companion that it "makes" dark. If speaking of her husband a wife says he is a "tame" man. She merely means that he Is a man of peace and Justice. The word "house" means more than with us. Your buttons share your own privilege of living in a house. The buttonholes are called "houses of the buttons." The squares on a chess board are also "houses." You don't say, "I'm going to shave." You say. "I'm going to 'do' the beard." Neither do you say on the" way to the bar ber's, "I'm going to get my hair CUt," but you say, "I'm going to cut my hair." ''When you are In Portugal you have twenty fingers, but no toes. If you want to make a distinction yon say "fingers of the hand" or "fingers of the foot" Instead of telling the servant to set the table you tell heir to "put" it When you go to the theater you "assist" You don't mean by that that you "come on" nor even that you do a little seen? shifting. You mean that you are there. Residents In flats who meditate tak ing a holiday in Portugal will be re lieved to hear that no one plays the piano there. They merely "touch" It Neither do they ring bells. They "touch" them also. But they "play" stones, meaning that they throw them, and a ship at sea "plays" when it pitches and tosses. Be careful how you tell your land lady that you intend to dine out or she may think, with a shrug of the shoulders, that you Intend dining "outside"—l. e„ In the garden. In an swer to the kind Inquiries of your friends don't say that you are well; say that you are "good." Be careful In your use of words. Some words Blmllar In form are widely different in meaning, as an American missionary once discovered to his cost when preaching In Brazil, once a Portuguese colony. HL» subject was "The Prodi gal Son," and he gravely Informed HIS hearers that when the young man re turned bomajils father killed for him the fatted beetle! But he had merely made a mistake In one solitary vowel. A "sleeping" bridge means a bridge that Is immovable (not a drawbridge). Stagnant water also "sleeps." So do tracks or trains that wait anywhere during the night When they laugh in Portugal they "turtle themselves to laugh," and when they cry they "un make themselves In tears." A persist ently unfortunate matt says, "I am ed unlucky that if I Mi on my hart 1 should break my noeer'-Loodon An swers. ___ * ROAD WORK IN TEXAS. ~ How Gravel Hlghwsya Forty M Wide Art BulK. The method of constructing roads in Ellis county, Tex, ww described »t« recent road convention lnthat state by County Judge Spencer. HS *»tsd d»t during the preceding of roads had been completed in the county, the rate of construction having been between eight and ten miles per month. The commissioners' court Mt Ml charge of the work, the eomml* ■loners acting as mpertnteadeots. bwt receiving instructions ftw "* eenrt Four camps were maintained, ,men camp consisting of a grading.a gram a concrete snd » rock ssd «»w- Two convict crews were hired atflSß per work day per man for toadtof wagons. Foremen receive fTB a month, assistants %*& • month and concrete foremen $3 per day. 4UIO per day. team* for scrapers par day and the earns •njr ooe rard loads of gravel, wtihfMQ per da#or those hauling and yards each. CmeJrfM to employed to do notlilng but locato and test gravel. The equipment, irach as scrapers, water wagona, wlisslTiar rows. picks, etc- costs about ISJBS- •- -J 4' . . A roadway of st least forty feet is aimed at The roads are built almost entirely of pit gravel, wbteh Is bought by the acre at an average cost of about 7 cents per load. The first twenty miles of road cost an average per mils as follows: ' Grading (326.14 Gravel, rock and pit work 187.1S Labor and salaries 367.48 Gravel and rock hauling 1.189.38 Dynamite and powder 11.OS Engineering JU Concrete construction 146.25 Miscellaneous 19.8* Ths average width of gravel was six. teen feet and the average depth four inches st the sdges snd twelve to twelve snd two-thirds at the crown. The average number of loads of gravel and rock per mile wss 1,834 snd ths average haul two miles. Ths srerags cost of haul per mils load was 82 1-3 cents. There wss an svsrsge of two snd one- half concrete bridges and cul verts per mile, costing an srerags of $59.70 each. These were built of re enforced concrete, ths re-enforcement being bought by the carload snd ths cement In 4,000 barrel lots. These srs built on ths genersl rule of providing one square foot of opening for each four or Ave acres to be drained. The services of an snglneer may be required on some extremely fist or level places. Our commissioners snd foremen, however, bave been able to handle this feature of our work satis factorily In all but one Instance. This service apparently cost them - $ll.OO, which gives a very small average per mile, since this wss the only engineer ing Item for twenty miles of road. FEATS OF " MARKSMANSHIP. Wonderful Shooting of Captain Bo gardua and Or. Carvar. Old gentlemen of ths period Just aft er the war will tell you sadly that there are no snch shots ss there used to be. In this connection It Is Inter esting to nots that SI,OOO waa wagered against SIOO that the champion of the world could not hit a hundred conssc utive birds. Msny amateurs, not to speak of professionals, frequently make such a score without arousing comment In these daya. Captain Bo gardus was to be allowed three trials. If he lost the first two snd made ths third the money wss his, and, by the way, he used a twelve gauge, full choke, ten pound gun, and hla load was five drams of black powder with No. 9 shot He loaded hla own shells or bad them loaded according to bis directions. While shooting In Bnglsnd bis load was challenged by one of bis defeated rivals, who asserted that the cham pion's phenomenal scores were the re sult of his superior shells. The cap tain suggested that in their next match both contestants shonld use bis am munition, to which the Englishman eagerly consented. The captain was delighted, for well be knew what would happen to the action of the light and delicate English gun under such a charge. Before the match bad pro ceeded very far the Britisher with drew—for massage. With the invention and success of the ball tossing machine a craze for ridiculously high scores swept the country. Five thousand bails In 500 minutes, 6,194 out of 5,500, In seven hours and twenty minutes—these were some of the stunts that delighted (he hearts of the gun people of that day. One man, the English crack. Dr. Car ver, shot for six consecutive days, breaking 60,000 balls out of s possible 64,881. The wonder is that there re mained of bis shoulder snythlng more than pulp. True, It Is on record that after the three-thousandth shot at such AN exhibition in Gil more' S Gsrden, New York city, the contestant bad to pry open his trigger fingers by main force and only succeeded in continuing In the match by frequent immersions of arm and shoulder in hot water.— Out' lng. EDITING AN ENCYCLOPEDIA. Btrenuous Times In (letting Out sn Early French Work. Many adventures befell the French eighteenth century encyclopedia. More than once the production of that work, regarded by authority as revolution ary, bad been stopped, eight days of Imprisonment In ths Bsstllls for the printer being one incident At the very last moment after Diderot bsd corrected the final proofs, the printer and his foreman secretly slashed the articles right snd left cutting oat everything thst seemed even possibly dangerous, and burned the manu script Diderot discovered the atroc ity too lsts when referring to oss of bis own mutilated articlss. But ths most remsrksble point is thst for years very few persons knew of whst bad happened, even the contributors remaining In Ignorance. They had Had enough of their own articles when writing them. Veltalre tells a pleasing story of Louis XV.'s cos version to the mer its of ths encyclopedia, according to ths London Chronic Ths talk o»e night at a Trianon supper turned on ■port and thence to gunpowder, as to the composition of which ths party could not sgree. Mme. ds Pompsdour lamented their all round ignorance. For Instancs, sbs herself did not know whst Mr rouge was mads of or bow bsr silk' hose wsrs manufactured. "Tto a pity," said ths Due ds Is Val uers, "that his majesty confiscated our encyclopedias, which cost us too pto tolrs " Ths king recaOsd that he had a copy, and three valets wsrs sent for ths twenty-one volumes and staggered back with seven each. Gunpowder, roug* silk stockings, were all found there. Some found snswsrs to legal ptobisna that troubled them. The king discovered the rights of Ms crown set forth, and la his satisfaction hs sllowsd ths soofiseatod oopiss to bs returned. _______ Ps(MUM"k refer. XP make orcusary paper imltsts parchment sosk It in a basin of water with sulphuric acid In ths pr»- nartkm of oneto urn gnats, *+ CoSss thoroughly saturated, Utea re move tot dry. «.«-«- ahould bs strong united fsoiscsp Success Is not to an etotevor to ds a grsst th«"g hut to repeated endeav ors to do greater things.-Henry r. OOP* GRAHAM. N. C. P THURSDAY, JANUARY 13,1911. PEOPLE YOU KNOW They May Not Be Quite So Nu merous as You Imagine. GUESS AS TO THEIR NUMBER. Then Do Bems Thinking snd Figuring snd See How Far From Your Quesa You Come and Inoidentally Learn How, Many Folks You Don't Know. Did you ever have the experience of walking down Main street with a man who is running for office? All the time he la bowing right and left to people you meet ' Beveral times In a block he will stop to shake hands with an ac quaintance. "You seem to know every one," you say to him almost enviously. "That's right" he replies, not with out some pride. "I guess I do know everybody worth knowing." Yet how many people does be know? How many people do you know your self? Did you ever try to figure It Qjit? What proportion of the people In the United States do you know? Certainly you don't know the one-bundretb part of them. Even the president of the United States doesn't and couldn't If be kept traveling all the time, making a host of new acquaintances every day. To know the one-hundredth part of the people In this country would be to know In the neighborhood of a million persons. No; it is perfectly safe to say that there Is no person in the whole world that knows a million other per sons well enough to call each of them by name. Tblnk what a million means! Suppose you said the names of all the people you know as faat aa you could. If you could enunclats twenty names a minute you would be doing marvel ously well. Even at that rate, working steadily sight hours s dsy, it would take you nearly four months Just to name the people you know There Isn't s memory in existence that would hold a million names. Well, do you suppose you know a hundred thousand? Let's see; that would be about one-fifth of the popu lation of Bhode Island. Imagine your self sitting In the railroad station at Providence watching th 6 people come through. No; that is hardly a fair test for unless you live in Providence you do not know as many people there as in the city In which you live. Sit In your own railway station nnd count the people coming through. No matter how" well known you are or how many people you know, you cannot help but be Impressed with the fuct of how many people there are that you do not know. If you know one In a hundred persons you know far more than the average. Let us try to get at It in another way. You make on the average, say, two new acquaintances a week. Of course there sre weeks snd weeks that you make no new acquaintances at all, snd then there are times, such as pic nic week and vacation week and church fair week, when you meet a lot of people, so that two a week Is a fair average. You have been meeting people, say, for twenty-live years. That's 2,500, isn't it? IA it possible that you know only 2,500 people? You thought the num ber would be far more than that? But hold on. You don't know nearly that many. There are lots and lots of people whom you knew twenty years ago that you don't know now. You cannot even remember their names or what they looked like. JUST sit down and try to' remember the names of all the boys and girls that were In the same room In the public school with you. You cannot remember half of tbem or a third of them or a fifth of them. It Is safe to say that of every two persons you met in all your life you have forgotten one. The chances are that the num ber of people you knoir by name is nearer 1,000 than it Is 2,000. Of course a preacher with a thou sand mom Iters In bis church Is expect ed to know them all by name. But all the same you will find him saying to bis wife: "My deer, who wss that young lady who spoks to us Just know?" It is business, too, for a merchant to remember all of bis thousand custom ers, but very few merchants sre able to do It Possibly some of the politicians and public lecturers may know s cou ple of thousand persons by name, but very few other persons know that msny. If this estimate seems too low It Is easily disproved. All you bave to do is to tske pencil and paper snd begin putting down the names of your ac quaintances. Stsrt with your own fsmlly and then put down your cousins and your second cousins snd your wtrVs relations. Then put down the names of the people you know in the town you used to live in and the peo ple you know socially. Follow thst up with the people yoo know to business, then— But you csn't dispute these figures. It to too much trouble to think of all the people you know. You'll never do it —New York World. A Hat and s Hssd. "Now. If you follow my sdvlce," Mrid one business man to another as the wind csugbt the hat of the latter from hoe heed—"if you follow my ad vice your derby will stay on In any wind that New York -can produce. When I buy a new bat t beat It over the gas Jet snd while it is still wsrm I put It on snd let It cool on my head. The result is s perfect fit Try it snd ses."—New York Sun. [. The only wealth which will not de cay Is knowledge.—Langfwd. Our Bariteet Coinage. The earlieet coinage that can be call ad American waa struck oft in Massa cbasetts to 1602. - r Nothing to Oe but Loef. —fte asset unfortunate man jl the eae who gets up in the morning with nothing to do snd sll dsy to devote to It Oilcsgr Record-Herald. Sincerity is the wsy to heaven. To tfctwk bow to be sincere is the way of man.—Mencius. FILL ELIMINATES GRADE. ' Macadam Road From Cortland to Ithaca Near* Completion. The above cut gives one an idea of the vast amount of work that has been accomplished at the Gulf bill, changing a steep, crooked road to a straight macadamized highway wltb a grade of about 7 per cent This is on tbe road known as No. 083. Dryden-Oortland, extending from the Dryden village line. In Tompkins county, N. Y., to the Cortland county line, a distance of 3.850 miles. The contract was let to J. McCormlck of East Providence, B. L The Peer ing was In charge of A. L. .wthrop of Dryden, tho division engineer's as sistant for Tompkins county. Tbe en gineers on tbe work were L. E. Snyder of Syracuse and Harold Fox of Cana- Joharle. The change of grade has been effect ed by cutting away the tops of the bills on either side and Oiling In tbe valley between. Tbe Oil at the culvert Is twenty-five feet high, eighteen feet above tbe old road bed. The culvert THS OUU HXUvnZJi. at the base of tbe fill Is a hundred feet long, with a throat five feet across both ways. In making the fill, which is about GOO feet in length, 11.000 yards of earth were moved. This Is said by state rosd men to be tbe largest job of filling that has ever been sttempted on a state road In New- York, says the Dryden (N. I.) Her ald. When tbe road was first surveyed tbe engineers planned a different routa, not seriously considering tbe possibili ty of filling the valley, but after a later survey the highway commission directed that tills plan be used. Those who have used tbe road In the past will appreciate the change of grade, as this was tbe only bad bill between Dryden and Cortland, and the automoblllst will make It on tbe "high" without a bit of worry. When this and tho two sections of the Dry den-Itbaca road are done there will BA a macadam road all the way from Cortland to Ithaca, an Important link In tbe system connecting central New York with the southern tier. The curves on this road are being banked, which Is a new scheme In macadam construction. Tbe outer side of the curve is raised a little higher than the Inner edge like a race track. Ths Need of Road Specialists. After years of Investigation the of fice of public roads has come to the conclusion that tbe chief cause of bad roads In this country, first extreme localization of road administration; secondly, the payment of road taxes in labor, and, thirdly, lack of skilled su pervision. These are days of specisllsts. We do not have our bouses built by tbe doctor or call a carpenter to treat us for pneumonls. We think schoolteach ers should be required to take exam inations, snd we approve of military and naval schools to teach' military discipline. We believe in tbe civil serv- Ice snd competency for civil employ ees. We require skill snd experience in slmost every line of human en deavor. Why not, then, Insist thst our road taxes be expended uoder com petent supervision? — Manrice O. BQ drldge. Good Road Truths. Good roads bear about the aame re lation to the commercial welfare of a country tbat a good circulation does to tbe physical welfare of the Indi vidual. As long ss there sre bad roads, billy, muddy snd Impassable, tbers will be s certain and inevitable de pression from s normal snd besltby commercial tone. Tbe circulation of crops will be retarded, tbe cost of pro duction will be Increased snd tbe full vigor and potential power of tbe com munity wilt not LIE realized. Tbe truth of these facts bas become mors and more generally accepted throughout the country at large and millions of dollars sre being spent in tbe move ment tor good roads — Selected. Oil Imprisons Birds- Because the birds of River forest get their feet entangled In tbe oiled sur face of Gale avenue and fall victims to autOfßcbllee citizens of the suburb are geldg to try another plan for fighting the dust evil, seys the Chicago Tribune: River forest Is proud of Its feathery songsters, snd the slaughter this sammer Is said to bave been enor mous. A dry compound which. It to said, will draw moisture from tbe sir and keep ths dust down will be need. ' ~ t Must Educste Feaple During tbe next few yean the moot engaging topic snd the moot acute sit uations to the body politic are to re sult from good roads snd the attendant transportation over them. Unteee the people are educated to aa appreciation of them they cannot solve the quae, tlons of tbe future.—Selected, Hopeful Nsmee. Two bright looking colored boys shout seven years of age laughingly accoeted A Iswyer on the street Tbe man stopped snd asked the boys their namr*. "Jobnslnp." wss, (be reply "We'se • iwlns." 1 - ° —-- "Well, what *r«\yniir first njmeer. Insisted iHiiu-ed ip lest loner. "Mat pa me." nnsweved one, "Is Soda, and bis name." poimtn? fo'the other, "la Balers TUK Ms* done lose all de others, and she-plve names she find sncceasful In ralxln' "-Newark Star. INN NAMES IN ENGLAND.' They Can't B« Changed at ths Mera Whim of the Innkeepsr. Our British cousins evince cu rious and contradictory ideas with reference to proper names. Offi cially they exhibit all their national conservatism touching the retention of names in some circumstances; in dividually they indulge in all man ner of license in the bestowal ol names upon their offspring. England is one of the freest coun tries in the world, a country where the rights of individuals are safe guarded in the fullest measure, yet in some details those rights are cu riously curtailed. Once an innkeep er of South Hants wished to alter the name of his establishment from the Duke of York to the Panther. In this country the method would be to take down the old sign snd hang up a new one,, but there the case was different. The distinguished naval officer who acted as chairman of the au thoritative committee demanded the reason for so sudden and violent a change. lie was informed that the applicant owned another inn named the Duke of York in a neighboring town and that the identity of names caused some confusion in business. This would seem to be a satisfac tory excuse, but the chairman held that it was discourtesy to the Duke of York to supersede him by a brute. The application was refused. The host of the Alma, a metro politan inn, wished to take advan tage of a passing wave of popular interest and to call* his hostelry the Fashoda. Out of regard foi French sensibility permission was curtly refused. A similar fate befell the request to change the name of another inn from the tyoyd Oak to the Had stock. In this caso the chairman of the committee took the ground that Lord Radstock, ss an eminent philanthropist and a Christian man, might object to the use of his name for a house in which liquor war sold. This argument carried the day. Thus the same authority held it to bo discourteous to a philan thropic nobleman to give his name to a "licensed house" and discour teous to the heir to the throne to re move his name from a licensed house. —Chicago Record-Herald. A Tip For the Angler. There had been an incessant downpour of rain from the earl) hours of the morning, and still the •ngler sat on the bnnk of the river. Doubtless he was fishing for his tea. but success did not attend his ef forts, end his only consolation wai a small eel about the size of a worm Suddenly a drenched urchin mad( his appearnnco. "Caught much?' asked the boy. "Can't you see," impatiently re plied tlio angler. "Yer'll catch nothing there, mis ter." No reply. After a slight pause. "I know where you can catch some, though." "Where?" eagerly inquired tin ardent angler. "Under the bridge," replied the boy. "How do you know?" "'Cause they alius go thero to keep out of the rain." The angler got up to stretch him self, end the youth made a hasty re treat.—London Ideas. A Fisherman's Proposal. "My love," whispered an ardent angler, "you hold first 'plaice' in my heart! Although I 'flounder about in expressing myself, mv 'solo* wish is that you will save m from becoming a 'crabbed' old bach elor. I shall stick to you closer than a "limpet;' from you a 'winkll be the road to guide me. Together we will 'skate' over lifo's 'rocks,' and when 1 look at your hand beside me I shall say to myself, 'Fortune was mine when I put "herring" there!' '* The lady lowered her eyes in sweet confusion and murmured, "Pass the •alt!"— London Mail. Moet Peculiar. Canvasser—Are you single? Man at th« Door—Yea. "Why, the people next door told me you were married." "So I am." "Yet yon told me just now you were single." "Yes; so I did." "Well, what i.the jn»ttej_with you?" "Nothing;, sir,. My name is Sin gle and I'm married. Good day, air." CONSTANCY. Whateva is genuine in social relation* endures deipite of error, absence and destiny, and that which has no inherent vitality had better die at once. A great poet hat truly declared that con stancy is DO virtue, bet a (act — , Tuekemaa. Bearded Wemen. , The bearded woman is not a fiction. A bearded woman waa taken by the Russians at the battle of Poltava and presented to Ibe czar. Her beard measured over a yard. The great Mar garet, governess of tbe Netherlands, bad a very. tongi-etMT beard, iills Boes de CUeue. born at Geneva in 1834, was exhibited In I,ondon In ISM In ber eighteenth year. Bhe had a profuse bead of hair, a largo mustache ' Snd a strong Mack beard. "There aw other Instance* of bearded women about tbe authenticity of whom there la no room for doubt New Seek : 'I ■ : --T ■ I ADR BULLS. On* of the Erratio Sir Boyl* Rooha'i Quaint Latter*. The following was written by the eccentric Sir Boyle Ivoche, a mem ber of the last Irish parliament. The letter was addressed to a friend in London, and it is old enough to be new to nine out of Len readers; "My Dear Sir—Having now a little peace und quietness, 1 git down to inform you of the dreadful bustle and confusion we arc all in from those bloodthirsty rebels, most of whom are, thank (Jod, killed and dispersed. We are in a pretty mess; can get nothing to eat nor any wine to drink, except whisky, and when we sit down to dinner we are oblig ed to keep both hands armed. While L write this I hold a sword in each hand and a pistol in the other. "I concluded from the beginning that this would be the end of it, and I see I was right, for it is not half over yet. At present there are such goings on that everything is at a standstill. I should have answer ed your letter a fortnight ago, but I did not receive it until this mprn ing. Indeed, scarce a mail arrives without being robbed. The bag had been left behind for fear of acci dent, and by good luck there was nobody in it but two ontside pas sengers, who had nothing for the thieves to take. Last Tuesday no tice was given that a gang of rebel® was advancing here, under the French standard, but they had no colors nor any drums except bag pipes. "Immediately every man in the place, including men, women, and children, ran out to meet them. We ■oon found oar force much too lit tle. We were too near to think of retreating. Death was in every face, but at it We went and began to be alive again. Fortunately the rebel* had no guns, but pistols and pike*, and as we had plenty of muskets and ammunition we put them all to tho sword. Not a soul escaped, ex cept some that were drowned in the ' adjacent bogs, and in a very short 1 time nothing was heard but silence. Their uniforms were all different colors, but mostly green. After the i action we went to rummage a sort 1 of camp which they had left behind them. All we found were a few pikes without heads, a parcel of empty bottles of water and a boa die of French commissions filled with Irish names. Troops are sta- around the country, which exactly* squares with mv ideas. I have only time to ad'l that I am in a great hurry. "P. S.—lf you do not receive this* of course, it must have miscarried; therefore I beg you wilt write and let me know." Ono of the last acts of this strange individual was to introduce a bill into tho British parliament entitled "A bill to provide that every quart bottle shall hold a quart!"— London Mail. Road* Aff*et Living Coat*. The Nmlufinl tiriinicu prints an arti cle showing the relation of the good roads question to the problem of th* Increased cost of living and the rela tively decresalng population of tbs farming districts, which sre now at tracting anlveraul atteutloo. The arti cle shows clearly that Improved roads will Increase the productivity of oar farms, mske effective co-operation among the farmers possible, create a market for many of the smaller farm products which ar» now unsalable, af ford better educational facilities for (bo farmer's children and In many ways mske country life more desir able snd |>rofltable. Just What It Nasds. The National (hod Honda association met st Niagara falls, and the most in teresting of many resolutions was tiiat which culled for the co-operation of state and federal envernments In the good work, any* the Florida Tlmes- Unlon. At pre*ent the work Is a great body without a bond. What It needs more thsn anything else Is Intelligent direction to s (lied purpose. It will prove cheaper to work toward this tdd thsn to change the lines sfter build ing. aa we had to do with our railroads to make them effective aa a whole tor tbs good of all. 1 -j Barbara In Former Tims*. In former tiroes the barber's craft waa kr.own as s profetwlon. The bar Iter was known si one who did minor surgical operations sod trailed teeth, and In th* time of Henry-Till, a di vision of business wss made, so I bat the barber waa permitted to do these things sod a pbyalclan waa restrain ed by law from catting hair or trim ming beards. \ Landing His Fscs. ) The old profesnor was Tery tired He explained why. A"I have been sitting for four hours this afternoon." said be. "for my por tmlt. I'll never do It a gala. 1 am tired to.dbatb." "1 wondered from the flret." said his friend, "why you should lend your countenance to a thing Uka that"— No# York Press. Daddy Stamped. Willie— Daddy, why can a man ran fast* than a boy? Dap—Because be'a bigger. Willie— Is that Itt Then why don't til* hind wheels of a wagon ran fsstsr than the front one*7 Bft dad gave It up. One of tin- lew men to recover sight after being blind from the.birth of rec ollection WUM rv|iuried to bare wonder ed at m»hh»* ro much aa the Bight of the bird*. Why do not people make more tuxn SUIUI them?" be said.—Loa flutt Oat look. NO* 45 PROFESSIONAL CARDS S. COOK, Attorney-at- Law, GRAHAM, .... . N. A Offlo* Patterson Bolldlag Seoond Fleor. , . , . , ( (OH« ÜBAT Brno*. W.F.BTWWX,)» B*MJM & BYNUM, Attonuqraand ConnsdorsatXew GttKiCNBBOBO, II U. Practice regularly la tbs eonrts of Ala* inance county. Aa*.(,M*y DAMERON & LONG Attorn eya-at^aw B. 8. W. DAMKUON, J. ADOLPH V-AHG 'Phone 260, 'Phons UHB Piedmont Bonding, Holt-Xlobolsonßid*. Burlington, N.C. Graham, N..0. DR. WILL I LOSS, JR. • ' * DENTIST i , . Graham, . . - - North Carallaa OFFICE IK SIMMONS BUILDING JACOB A. LONG. J. WTirrm mi LONG ft. LONG, Attorney* mud CounMlor* at Law GRAHAM, K. An overt □ red lamp at a New Year's party started a fire at Mia ereville, near Pottsville, Pa., which brought death to five chil dren, ranging in ages from two months to 8 years. They were all the children of John Markaoav age.The infant waa burned to a crisp, while the others were slight ly bnrned, death having been caused by suffocation. —Ambitions young men and ladies should learn telegraphy, for, since the new 8-hour law bo came effective there is a shortage of many thouaand telegraphers. Positions pay from SSO to S7O a month to beginners. The Tele* graph Institute of Columbia, 8. G. ard five other cities is opera nd under supervision of R. R. Of ficials p,nd all students are'plaoed when qualified. Write them for particulars. %i i j ii , Six persons were killed in a wreck on Miller Creek railway, a few miles Above Paintsvtlle, Ky., Sunday night, a week. Of the victims four were passengers. The accident was caused by a collision between a locomotive and three coal cars which had broken away from a mixed train. Relief la Ms Hoars. Distressing Kidney and Blad ner Disease relieved in six boon by the "New GREAT SOUTH AMERICAN KIDNEY CURB." It is a great surprise on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in bladder, kidneys and back, in male or female. Relieves retention of water almost im mediately. If you want quick re lief and cure this is the remedy. Sold by Graham Drug Co. ■ 1 ' ' *► Plans are on foot to bnild a monument to John B. Moisant, on the spot where the aviator fell to his death near New Orleans, last Saturday, a week. Moisant, his friends say, did not fly for com mercial purposes, but in the inter est of science, hence the monu ment. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is not a commo,n everyday cough mixture. It is a meritoriona rem edy for all the troublesome and dangeious complications result ing from cold In the head, throat, chest and lunge. Sold by Graham Drug Co. V The remains of Rev. Dr. W. M. Kincaid, pastor of the First Pres byterian church of Charlotte, who died Monday, last week, were taken V> Groton, Conn., for bur ial. He 'was 61 years old and a native of Utica, N. Y. He had labored as a minister (first aa a Baptist) ia New York, California and Minnesota, and was for nine - years engaged in mission work in Honolulu, Hawaii, prior to coining to Charlotte. Have yon a weak throat? If so, yon cannot be too carefnl. .Yon cannot begin treatment too early, i Each cold makes yon more liable . to another and the last is alwaya . the hardest to cure. If yon will take Chamberlain's Cough Reme dy at the ontset you will be saved much trouble. Sold by Graham Drug Co. Wednesday morning Nan San ders, wife of a negro farmer eight miles from Raleigh, was bnrned to death, with two children, in a fire that destroyed her home. The ; fire is supposed to have started from a lamp left burning through the night for a sick child. san -1 dersescaped from the house inbia night clothes.