THE GLEANER. ISSUED EVEBY THURSDAY. J. D. KERNODLE, Editor. •1.00 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE' *' ; | *he editor will not be responsible for rtews expmaed by correspondents. ADVEBTIBING BATES One square (1 In.) 1 time »1.00. cr each sub sequent Insertion 60 cents. For more >p«oe and longer time. rates furnished on applica tion. Local notices 10 ots. a line for Ortt loaertton subsequent Insertions 6 cts. a line advertisements must be paid for «drance Watered at the Postoffloe at Graham. N. C., as second class matter. GRAHAM, N. C.[ Jan. 12 1910. *" As yet little or nothing of gen eral importance has been done by the Legislature. It's too «x>n in the session for real work, but thi grists are no doubt being prepared, -for it is noticed from the daily press that' 'a large number of bills are being poured into the hopper." In another week or so something of interest will begin to transpire, but the public generally are trusting that our legislators will be temperate and conservative in whatever they may do and that nothing may be done that will impair the progress of the State. Every proposition should be scrupulously considered before *1 being enacted into law. Experi ments should be let severely alone. \ . Mr. Munsey, who owns a half doz ; en daily papers and as many maga zines, knows a good thing when he sees it. It takes talent to run his pub lications and he takes it wherever he can get it. Lately he has secured Mr. Robert L. Gray, of Raleigh, one of the State's brightest newspaper men, for the Baltimore News at a very flattering salary. When Gov. Kitchin appointed Mr. R. R Clark, the editor, and proper ietor of the State's best semi-weekly newspaper, The Landmark of Stateaville, a director of the State Hospital at Morganton, he made no mistake. He succeeds Chas. H. ■ Aymfield, deceased. ■ —, The Chinaman, though not natur ally a fighter, knows how to hit to hurt. For reasons of his own he has reduced exports from this coun try to his from 158,000,000 in 1905 to 115,500,000 in 1910. Such licks hurt, t n A constitutional convention is be ing agitated in the Legislature. Amendments may be desirable, but there should be none, unless those proposed be fully outlined before hand. Senator Elkins Dead. Senator Stephen B. Elkins, of Wen j Virginia, died Wednesday midnight at his home In Washing ton after a protracted illness. He wa» born in Ohio in 1841, studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1804 and lived for sev eral yean in New Mexico. He was elected to Congress from the Territory and served two terms Moved to West Virginia, was ap pointed Secretary of War in 1891 and served until 1893; was elected to the United States Senate in 1894 and served continuously since. Property comprising an entire bnsiness block and valued at sl,- 000,000 was destroyed by Are at Littlfe Rock, Ark., Tuesday, a week. The fire originated in the Hellenberg Musical Company's boilding. Two paintings valued at *60,000, "The Wagonsmith" and "Venus de Milo," were de stroyed. There are 500,000 licensed au tomobiles in the United States, according to the National High ways Protective Association sta tistics, and there are of course a good many not licensed. . The Catholic archbishop of Ly ons, France, has issned a diocesan decree forbidding Catholics read ing fonr republican newspapers published in the dloeae and declar ing the reading of the papers a sin. Judge Edward Baldwin Whit ney, appointed on December 14 by Governor White to the Su preme Court bench of New York to fill the vacancy which had been caused by the death of Justice Charles W. Dayton, died unex pectedly of pneumonia Thursday. He was a Democrat and served fcs assistant Attorney General under Cleveland. j - ' -1 V , Wage advauoes aggregating $7, 006,047, annually and the asserted necessity for increased Income in order to meet the public demand for improved and extend ed operating facilities, are the aylvanta railroad linqa east of Pittsburg in support of their pro posed increase in class freight zatefc These argument* are set brief with the 0i0!l, ..... »,, j. , ru,*.-*- .. • Washington Letter Washington, D. C., Jan. 9, 1911. With the exception of the death of Senator Elkins of West Vir ginia no eveht of very great im portance has occurred in Wash ington since the adjournment of Congress. The death of Mr Elkins makes it certan that there twill be two Democrat Senators from his State. Senator Scott of West Vir ginia will be succded by a Demo crat, and the legislature being Democrat will elect a Senator of that party to succeed Senator Elkins. The late Senator was one of the wealthiest of what has been cal'ed the "American House of Millionaires." His death is gen erally explained in the press as caused by over work at the late Congresional session, but anyone at all familiar with the facts will not be slow to attribute his illness to high living. He no doubt had a powerful constitution, but no constitution can forever with stand a perpetual banquet. The President has announced that he wiil not take the initia tive in bringing together in holy accord the belligerent wings of the Republican party known as the stand patters and the insur gents. He says that hew ill address himself the business of the coun try and leave any peace making, program to the contending parties. When it was announced some days ago that Senator elect Lori mer had been given a clean bill of morals with reference to his election as Senator, there were many who said, "How will Col. Roosevelt feel now for refusing to sit at table with him and having the refusal published over the world" but now that the Senate has refused to approve the clean bill prepared by Senator Bur roughs and others and proposes to take up the matter again, it Is quite possible after all that his tory will justify Ex-President Roosevelt's action, If appearances are to be trust ed, something will ba done at this session of Congress to pro ven" the influx of undesirbles people from Europe. Surely if there is any choice in undesirbles the Asiatics by way of the Paci fic are less vicious than some who have been recentley coming across the Atlantic. A deputation of American newspapers numbering thirty-two called on President Taft to protest against the hard-, ships encountered by immigrants landing in this country. Their spokesman, Louis Hammerling, told the President that they ob-. jected to the suspicion with which immigration officers looked upon those arriving in this country. Pres. Taft told them that he went last Fall to Ellis Island and re mained there during the forenoon listening to the cases presented to the immigration commissioners and once or twice, moved by com passion, he intervened in behalf of immigrants whom the commis sioner would have turned back, and that be had sinoe followed those cases in which he had been influenced against his better judg ment, but that he had to make the humiliating confession that the outcome vindlcted the com missioner and showed that his ex perience was better than the President's compassion. Apropos of the immigrant ques tion, the, fact that the attorney general is proceeding against the international steam ship lines un der the Sherman law is vary signif icant and far reaching, The rea son Europe is scraped, as it were, with a fine tooth comb for the million or more of immigrants ' annually landing in this country is found to a great extent that ' steerage traffic is immensely prof itable to the great steam ship lines such as Loyds, the Hamburg- American the Cunard, the White Btar, the Holland-American and several other*. They make millions yearly in this traffic and it is a well kftown fact that they carry I \rge bodies of steerage passen gers both ways. At least half million are taken Eastward back to the "old country" every year. All the steam ship lines, have immigrant bureaus and traveling •gents using every means and in ducement to bring immigrants to this country. This is the season of war scares, promoted, it is said by some in order io get large appriatiens for the army and navy and for the contractors who furuish military supplies. There is a report that . Japanese govermeut has success fully negotiated with President Diaz of Mexico-for a port and a depot of supplies on the western coast. If there were trath in this it would be cause for immediate interference by the United Btatea government, OA«vorxa. NORTH CAROLINA HAS TWENTY ] TOWNS THAT EXCEED 5,000 1 POPULATION./j J' f I Announcement by the director j of the census of the population , figures of cities and towns in North Carolina having depopula tion in excess of 5,000 indicates , that slightly over 26 per cent, of the State's increase of population 312,477 inhabitants-was contribu ted by those cities and towns. The rural districts furnished 229,- 391, or about 73 per cent, of the increase, as compared with the 83,106 incroase in the cities. Eight municipalities increased in population from below 5,000 to totals above that number. The census statistics show 20 such cities and towns in North Caro lina in 1910 compared with 12 in 1900. Not a single loss in popu lation was recorded in these places during the ten years. In point of increase in popula tion Rocky Mount holds first place with a 274 per cent, increase. Durham follows closely behind with 273 per cent., and High Point shows a 228 per cent. gain. The larger cities rank as follows in percentage of increase: Char ltte, 88 per cent.; Greensboro, 58.3 per cent.; Raleigh, 40.8 per cent.; Asheville, 27.0 per cent., and Wilmington, 22.7 per cent. The population of North Caro lina, according to the 1910 census, is 2,200,287 against 1,898,810 in 1900. ; Following is the announcement of the director of census of all cities and towns in North Caro lina having a population in excess of 5,000: City 1010 1900 Asheville 18,702 14,094 Charlotte 34,014 18,091 Concord.. 8,715 . 7,910 Durham 18,241 * 0,079 Elizabeth City-'8,412 0,348 Fayetteville 7,045 4,070 Castonia 5,759 4,010 Goldsboro 0,107 5,877 Greensboro---- 15,895 . 10,035 High Point 9,525 4,103 Kinston- 0,995 4,100 New Bern 9,901 9,090 Raleigh 19,218 13,043 Rocky Mount 8,051 2,937 Salem 5,533 3,042 Salisbury 7,153 0,277 Washington 0,211 4,842 Wilmington 25,748 10,970 Wilson -—6,717 3,525 Winston 17,107 10,000 How's This 7 We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that oannol be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. K. J, CHKNBY 4 CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known K. J. Cheney for the last 16 years, and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transac tions and Bnanclally able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. WALDIKO, KINXAH& MABVI If, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, sctlngd rectly upon the blood and mucous urfaces of the system. Testimonials sent ree. Pr Ice 76 cents per bottle. Sold by all arufgtst. Take Hall's Family Pills for consSlpatlon At a meeting at Lexington, Ky., Thursday of tobacco growers rep resenting Kentucky, Ohio and Indi ana it was practically unanimously voted that the tobacco crop for 1911 be ordered abandoned and none will be raised on lands controlled by the men represented at the meeting. OJLNITOXIIA.. Isan tks A Ths Kind YM Hl* Always I*ol A muffler on the gasoline engine of an automobile caused the death of Dr. John Aloysius Hemsteger, a prominent Chicago physician. He died from the effects .of carbon di oxide he inhaled while cleaning the apparatus on his machine. The ' death is said to be the first of its kind on record. -* . . j Thomas Moore, Beaufort coun- 1 ty, 15 years old, stood on a stump ' gun in hand, to watch dogs 1 chase a rabbit. He fell off the 1 stump aud caught the gun's con- ' tens. The doctors took off one ' hand and performed an abdomi nal operation, but recovery is I doubtful i FOOD FOR A YEAR MM soon* i MS*. , Mkr ....100 a.. V. BflP**e»**ee*. »••••••• 171* V—tolln 800 k. t This represent! a fair ra- tioo for a man for a year. ~ But some people eel end eel end grow thinner. This meens a defective digestion and unsuitable food. A Urge sixe bottle of \ • ' | * '• I Scott's Emulsion: equal* in nourishing proper- ( the ten pounds of meat t Your physician can tell you 1 how it does it ' roa sua STALL OSTOMISTS ' i i Ssad Ms* saa. of m«n4 Olnitoat kssHtal SvrUaa Bsak sad OUITi Bkrtih Desk. 1 Bash keakaoatela* a flood Link four. •corr a bownx, *o® iwi sc x«» To* ' 'i' , ' " ' J - • .. ./'' North Caroliiia News. Nine mon wore made seriously ill at a hotel at Benson, Johnston county, as a result of eating packed meat. At Wilson Saturday Jesse Daws shot and killed Thad. Bynum. Both colored. A woman at the bottom of the row. Capt. J. I, Thomas, for 30 years a prominent buisness man and citi zen of Raleigh died .Saturday, aged 80. Mr. Perry Hewitt, a farmer living six miles from Newton, dropped dead Friday while cutting wood. Fifty years old and leaves a wife. C lonel A. B. Andrews has secur ed the names of all the Confederate veterans who are members of the General Assembly and will give a dinner this week in their honor. Arthur Greenburg, arrested in Durham last week on the charge of setting fire to his own store, was released after a preliminary hearing, the evidence not being sufficieut to convict. The News says that Dr. W. P. Ivey, of Lenoir, who was recently seriously injured in a runaway, has recovered sufficiently to re sume his practice. Mbrida Lyda, who killed his fa ther in Henderson county recently was sentenced to the State prison for 12 years and has begun serv ing his term. John S. Miller a prominent citizen of Concord, filed a petition in bankruptcy last week. Liabil itis est mated at SIO,OOO to $15,- 000 andassetb a little over $5,000. Miss Caro Fries Buxton daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Buxton, of Winston, and Mr. Henry Lee Ed wards of Dallas, Texas, were mar ried in St. Paul's Episcopal church Winston, Thursday evening. As Ihe result of burns inflicted on Christmas Day, her cloth ing caught from open fireplace Mrs. Mary A Broom, died Sun day at her home in Charlotte. She was 58 years old and is Bur - vived hy a family. K. A. Bolton, a prominent merchant of Rockingham, died Wednsday. He was in a livery stable office and lay down across a bed, saying he didn't feel well, later when an attempt was made to arouse him it was found that he was dead The North Carolina Supreme Court disposed of every case *6n docket last week before and ad journed to the first Monday in Feb. With the adjournment of the court Judge Manning of Dur ham, finished his term on the bench to sueceed Judge Conner Judge W. R. Allen of Goldsboro, who was elected last fall, will take his place on the bench when the spring term begins. Rev.D. J. Miller the Methodist pastor at Ashville who some time ago left his family and pastorate without a word of explanation wrote his wife from the home of his brother at Ash ton S. D., that ihe country was very fine and he ,would send for her in a short time. The supposition is that he intends to Btay in South Dakota. His wife has gone to the home of her father at Blowing Rock to stay until her husband sends for her. Mr. Jacob S. Lipe, an age citi zen, died a few days ago at his home at Landis, Rowan county. He left considerble estate and by request hia will was read at his funeral. He bequeathed property valued at SBOO to the Lutheran Orphans' Homa, Salem, Va., and the remainder of his estate valued at between $5,000 and $6,000, to Lenoir College, Hickory. At Davidson last week two col. boys, Paul Cure ton, six years and Kenneth McCorlde' several years elder, got into a mixup in 1 which a gun figured and the , Cureton boy received wounds from which he died. The coro ner's jury expressed the opinion that the shooting was done inten tionally but expressed doubt as to McCorkle's responsibility > on accouut of his youth. i ARNOLD'S 1 BALSAM I i Diarrhoea by Graham Drug Co. . Graham, N. C. t ' , Julius Rosrnwald, of Chicago, has offered to give $26,000 to every city that will raise $75,000 for a Y. M. C. A. building for ne groes, the purpse being to extend the scope of the Y ( M. C. A. work among negroes. The offer is good for five years and the only stipulatww is that the entire sum must be spent for land, building and furnishings. FOIEYSOHHOLH/OIVE tns'tr»»i*ia*sw* , wuliCw»nr«riaii # ■■ * m.mi ■ THE DRAGON'S BACKBONE. Aii'Odd Inoldent of Railroad Construc tion in China. When there was undertaken the con struction of tbe railway between Klrln and Newcbwang, tbe seaport of Man churia. It was proposed to make a junction at a place called Lanpien, out side tbe city of Mukden. For this per mission bad to be obtained from the Tartar general of Mukden. This func tionary at once proceeded to call In his geomancers, a species of soothsayers, j who gave information concerning the good fortune and 111 fortune of sites and were supposed by tbe Chinese to ' know what demons and dragons in habited the earth nnder the surface. I These wlsiß men reported that the | dragon whose body encircled the holy city of Mukden lay coiled up In such a i way that If the railway came through | Lanpien the long nails driven Into the ties would pierce bis backbone and In | all probability set bim to raging vlo-1 lently, jo the great detriment of the ! people of Mukden.. The general consequently refused the ' application of tbe railway people and directed them to carry the road In a straight line from Klrln to New- | chwang, avoiding Mukden. The en- j glneers thereupon appealed to the vice roy, showing that, as this proposed route would go through a marshy and uninhabited country, It could not be profitable for their enterprise. The viceroy wrote to the general of' Mukden, highly commending him for his discretion in consulting the geo mancers, but suggesting that these sage persons go over tbe ground again and see if tbey could not find a place where the nails would not be likely to strike into the dragon's back. Accord-1 lngly, at the command of the viceroy, j the general bad hla geomancers indi cate a spot for the Junction at Lanpien where they thought after all, the dragon's backbone would be safe.— New York Press. RICE PAPER. Shaved From the Bnow Whit* Pith of Troas In Formosa. The so called -rice paper Is not made from rice, as Its name Implies, but from tbe snow white pith of a small tree belonging to the genus aralla, a genus represented In this country by the common sarsaparilla and the spikenard. The tree grows In Formo sa and, so far as la known, nowhere else. The stems are transported to China, and there the rice paper la made. It la used, aside from a num ber of other purposes, by tbe hativs • artists top water color drawings, and sometimes it Is dyed In various colors and made Into artificial flowers. The tools of the pith worker com prise a smooth stone about a foot square and a large knife or hatchet with a short wooden handle. The blade Is about a foot long, two inches broad and nearly half an Inch thick at the back, and It is as sharp as a razor. Placing a piece of the cylindrical pith on the stone and his left hand on , the top, tbe pith worker will roll the pith backward and forward for a mo ment until he gets it in tbe required position. Then, seizing the knife with his right band, he will hold tbe edge of the blade after a feint or two close to the pltb, which be will keep rolling to the left with his left band until nothing remains to unroll, for the pith has, by tbe application of the knife, been pared into a square white sheet of uniform thickness. All that re mains to be done la to square the edges. If one will roll up a sheet of paper, lay It on a table, place the left band on top and gently unroll It to the left he will have a good Idea of bow the feat Is accomplished.—New York Her ald. - A Barnum Btory. A story Is told of the meeling of Mat thew Arnold with P. T. Barnum, the great showman. In America. Mr. Arnold wtt?n Introduced said how proud he felt at making tbe acquaint ance of a man with a worldwide repu tation. "Ah. Mr. Arnold," said Bar num, "we are both public men, but the difference between you and me is that yon arc a notability, while 1 am only a notoriety." It'a All In tha Nam*. Listlessly turning the leaves of the new city directory, Mr. John Jones discovers that there are 094 men of his name in the municipality. "This Will never do," be declares. "I must get out and make a name for myself." That very afternoon he applies to the court for permission to change his name to Alciblades Cbugwater Dob belpennlck.—Judge. ' Heed The Warning Many Graham People Have Done So. When the kidneys are sick they , give unmistakable warnings that i should not be ignored. By exam ining the urine and treating the . kidneys upon the first sign of ! disorder, many days of suffering \ may be saved. Sick kidneys ex- , pel a dark, ill-smelling urine, full , of "brickdust" sedimentand pain- j ful iu passage. Sluggish kidneys cause a dull pain in the small of the back, headaches, dizzy spells, , tir. d, languid feelings and fre quently rheumatic twinges. ! Doan's Kidney Pillß are for the kidneys only; they cure sick kid- I neys, and rid the blood of uric 1 poison. If you suffer from any j of the above symptoms you can use no better remedy. 1 Graham peopel recommend Doan's Kidney Pills. A. T. Webster, Maple' St., Graham, N. C., says: "I suffered severely from pains in the small of i my back, accompanied by a sore ness across my kidneys. The « kidney secretions were also un natural and plainly Bhowed that my kidneys were at fault. Seeing ! Doan's Kidney Pills highly reco- j mended, I procured a box at the Thompson Drug Co. and began using them in accordance with i the directions I felt much better l in a short time and after that I i ste^ilyjniproved. _I am pleased to gfveT)oan s Ki lney Pills my endorsement" 1 For. sale by all dealers. Erica 1 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buf- ! falo, New York, sole agents for , the United States. Remember the name—Doan's— . and take no other. When a Tree is Wounded. • Discussing protection for tree wounds one Farmer's ( Bulletin says nothing applied to the sur face of a wound made in pruning a tree will induce it to heal more quickley. The activity of the heal ing process depends upon the character and position the I time of year when the wound is I made, rather than upon any pro tecting covering. . Large wouqds which result from ] the removal of branches of con siderable diameter, leaving a large j surface of barewood exposed, ' may with advantage be protected by painting the cut surface with | a heavy coat of white lead, the j sole object of this precaution be- I ing to protect the heartwood from decay until the new growth, which forms from the growing tissue ■ immediately under the bark, has had time to develop over the ex posure, A large number of waxes, paints and washes have been tried I and the conclusion of the whole - matter may be summarized in the statement that auy substance . which is not corrosive or detrimen ts to growth, which will protect the heartwood from the attack of I rot sprouts, will prove a satisfac | tory covering for a cut surface. Among such substances may be mentioned white lead, yellow ochre, coal tar, and graftig wax. Prof. A. D. Selby, botanist at Ohio Experiment Station, recom mends asphaltum as a dressing for wounds made in pruning. Gas tar is also recommended and either, he says, is better than ordinary lead paint. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is a very valuable medicine for throat and lung troubles, quickly relieves and cures painful breath ing and a dangerous sounding ' cough which indicates congested •lungs. Sold by Graham Drug Co. Children Who Are Sickly. Mothers who value their own comfort and the welfare of their children, should never be without a bo* of Mother Gray's Sweet PowJer for Children, for use throughout the season. They Break up- Colds, Cuie Feverlshncss, Constipation, Teething Dis orders, Headache and Stomach Troubles, These Powders never fall. Sold by all Drug a tores, 2io. Don't accept any substitute. A trial package wUI be sent free to any mother who will address Allen S. Omsted, Le Boy. N.T. ? Savite Sawge. Here Is the »1.l King' Richard IL way of muklni; sausage: "Pyggs in sawse sawge," or pigs with sage sauce. . "Take pyggs yskaldid (scald ed/ and quarter them and seetb them in water and salt: take them and let them kele (cool); take pursel (parsley), sawge (sage) and grynde It with brede and yolkes of ayren (eggs) harde ysode (boiled); temper It with vinegar somewhat thick, aid lay the pyggs in a vessel and sewe onoward (the sanca over them), and serve it forth." "Taka pyggs" is pretty good. Size or number seems of no consequent*.—New York Press. A Hard On*. "Father;" "Well, what is It?" "It says here, 'A man Is known by the company he Keeps.' Is that so, father?" ~ "Yes, yes, yes." "Well, f&tber. If a good man keeps company with a bad man is the good man bad because be keeps company with the bad man, and Is the bad »»■«» good because be keeps company with the good man?"— London Punch. Why He Wept. Spartan Mother-What's the matter} What are you crying for? Stung Hero (who has been taught never to cry for bodily pain)— Oh. I—l've sat down on a -bee. and—l'm afraid 1 must have hurt ltl— London Pnncb. No Nead For Alarm. "She asked me what 1 thought ot you." "Indeed r "Yes. Bat don't get frightened. I didn't toll her."—Llpplncott* *, No Friend of Hi*. "Is Mrs. Gausslp a friend of yotuaf . "No; she's a friend of my wife's." s "lsn't that tbe same thing?" "Not at all. She feels very sorry tm my wife."—Pittsburg Post osn>t Wait ' . J A paper devoted to coy try Ufa re marks that "spring is the best time of the year to move bees." 1 It may be. But If a bee settles on * your neck or any other portion of ' your anatomy in the fall don't wait J until tbe spring to move it There Is a good reason why you shouldn't, and you will discover what that reason is ] soon after the bee alights. Burial* In Coffins. —Burial in coffins in England was not usual until about 1700-or even later. 1 While the right to naked burial was not denied, it was questioned whether i our forefathers could insist, upon the privilege ot being Inclosed Jn "a big 3 box, perhaps Imperishable,!- and so 1 laid In the earth. At Karnham about , 1080 only fourteen out ol| flfty-Bve persons burled were buried in coffins. —Manchester Chronicle. ( Editorial Favor. "A month ago you rejected a story , of mine." "I remember. Thought It was rot- ? ten." ' "I bad offered It tor $7. and yo« turned it down." M "So I did-" I "Well, 1 sold that story for S4O. 1 Here's another story. Msy ! ask tbe favor of one more rejection? It seems to help."—Philadelphia Ledger. t Why Ha Fired Him. , , "He wouldn't do fbr me," this was beard to say in the comparative c Inli as the train slowed down for a f station hi the subway. "I tried all I i Mm along and was good to him, but he wouldn't work, and I a had to let him go. Why. he waa too t la*y to laugh, and w hen a rnau gets f ■s laxy as th»t, why. there's noth tag"— But the rest was loat in the 1 ramble of the train.—New York Boa. n OAdTOIIiA. Bssrstks HW YNHMAJwipBMtff « ! I U The New Year's reception at the White House, when the doors B of the historic mansion were j thrown open to the humblest citi zen who may care to pay his re g spects to the Chief Magistrate of B the nation, was held Monday, last . week, under weather conditions 3 that tended materially to cu( down 9 the number that usually pass s the receiving line in the Blue . room. The President began shak ing hands at 11:06 a. m. and con j eluded at 1:48 p. m. He received . 5,625 persons. ' Don't suffer with Sprains, | Strains, Bruises or Pains, but use Boodine Rheumatic Liniment and 1 you will be relieved in a minute, 5 25c lind 60c a bottle, The Bloodine - Co., Inc., Boston, Mass. Graham , Drug Co. L j A meeting was held at Oak i Ridge last week to consider the . matter of a new county to be formed out of portions of Guilford, I Rockingham, Forsyth and Stokes, i with Stokesdale, Guilford county, ,as the county seat. Jar , vis is the name proposed in honor . of ex-Cov. The proposed ; new country territory embraces ; about 200 square miles, with ap proximately 12,000 inhabitants. ■■ ] / What will you take for that Cough you have Bill? 1 don't want it, but if I had it I would take Bloodine Cough Checker, .a, 1 25c bottle will cure you. Graham Drug. ••• , > Before aid could reach him Ar thur Justice, 30 years old, a far mer of the Pigeon river Section, Haywood county, bled to death Sunday after being bitten by a large boar which he had been feed ' ing. The animal attacked Jus tice from behind, burying its tusks , in the flesh below the right joint . and severing main artery. Justice managed to get out ofthe pen but sank to the ground and died be fore a physician could reach him. ■ i Chamberlain's Cough remedy 1 never disappoints those who use , it for obstinate coughp, colds and irritations of the throat and lungs. ' It stands unrivalled as a remedy for all throat and lung diseases. Sold by Graham Drug Co. Rev. Geo. Cates, an evangelist who recently conducted meetings at Hendersonville and Canton, was forcibly ejected from a train at Arden, Buncombe county, last week. He offered mileage, which under the rules of the company the conductor was not authorized to receive, and refusing to pay his fare he was forciblp ejected from the train. The preacher claims he was hurt in being ejected and went to a hospital for treat ment. A damage suit will of course follow. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Glove's signature is on each box 25c. The suit of Louisa Washburn, of Asheville, against the Southern railway for $2,000 damages was compromised for SIOO. The suit j was the result 6f the railway j company shipping a corpse, for 1 whjph passenger fare had been J pa/d on a freight train. As soon as ; the woman got her SIOO she was made defendant in a suit brought ' by the undertaking company for '• a balance of S3O due on the coffin but she said she had spent the ' SIOO. " , i c Get The Genuine Always, A substitute is a dangerous * makeshift especially in medicine. The genuine Foley's Honey and - Tar cures coughs and colds quick ly and is in a yellow package, contains no opiates and is safe and certain in results. Sold By All Druggists. The Lenoir Topic says that Mr. Levi Barlow, who died of pneu monia at his home in Caldwell county some days ago, became seriously ill while at Concord with a load cf apples and to be taken home on the train. He reached home Tuesday and told his wife and family physician that he would die the following Friday, and he died Friday. Would you have better health, more strength, clearer Bkin, stronger nerves, more elastic stop? Use Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea, the great vegetable regula tor and tonic. One 35c package makes 105 cups of tea. Thompson Drag Co. 4 v i At an enthusiastic meeting of the law enforcement league in * Asheville it was decided to mem orialise the Legislature to enact si for Buncombe couty a "search 1« law," giving officers right to enter t alleged tigers and aire liquors and a beer. A mass meeting was called O for January 12th, when a draft of ig the proposed measure will be sub- tl mitted. t NO. 8844. » . Report ol of * THE ' National Bank of Alamance E 6At Graham, In State of North Carolina at the close of business Jan. 7, 191, BEBOURCES 1 *2? discounts , ma)o J Overdrafts, secured. ™ U. 8. Bonds to secure circulation."".'""toonm > Premiums on tJ. 8. Bond, 2200.00 . Banking-house Furniture and Fixtures 8800 00 Due from National Banks , 23051 36 ■ Due from approved reserve agents 8«>o iu | Checks and other cish ltems.iA io lß ~ Notes of other National Banks. 130000 Fractional paper ourreney, nickels, cts. 63 73 Lawful money reserve In bank, viz: .Specie 6560 75 , legal-tender n0te5...... „.... 400.00.....5M9 76 ) Redemption fund with TJ. S. Tress. [ 6 percent of circulation 2500 00 ' Tot al. #229,423.5J LIABILITIES 1 capital Stock paid in .60000.00 Surplus Fund.. QQ Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid IM7 08 - National Ba ik Notes outstanding.....'. 50000.00 j Dividends unpaid 39a 00 Individual deposits subject to check BM2) M 1 Time Certificates of Deposit 13577.19 Certified Checks Cashier's checks outstanding 277 75 Notes and bills redlscounted. .. 16000.03 . Total 1229,«J.M State of North Carolina, County of Alamance. s 8; I, Chas. A. Scott, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the 1 above statement Is true to the best 0£ my . knowledge and belief. * • CHAS. A. SCOTT, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 12th day of Jan., 1911. CHAS. C. THOMPSON, Notary Public. Correot Attest: H. W. SCOTT, fi. S. PARKEU, JR., -O. P. HARDEN, , Directors. Rhttmwcide X IT CURES Rleimflim and Blood Diseases The cause ,of rheumatism is excess uric acid in the blood. To cure rheu matism this acid must be expelled from the system. Rheumatism Is an inter nal disease and requires an internal remedy. Rubbing with oils and lini ments may ease the pain, but they will no more cure rheumatism than paint will change the fiber of rotten wood. Cnrea Rheumatism To Stay Cured. Science has discovered a perfect and complete cure called Rheumaclde. Test ed in hundreds of cases, it has effected marvelous cures. Rheumaclde removes the cause, gets at the joints from tha Inside, sweeps the poisons out of the system, tones up the stomach, regulates the bowels and kidneys. Sold by drug gists at 60c. and tl; in the tablet form at 2oc. and 50c„ by fnail. Booklet free. Bobbltt Chemical Co., Baltimore. Md. Gets At The Joints From The Inside. Simmons' Alamance Pharmacy Graham, N. C. 7. 1 7 ~ Re-Sale of Land. By authority of an order of the Superior Court of Alamance county, N. C., made in a special proceeding to which all the heirs at law of Sam'l W.laucetteand Elizabeth, Kftu - cette dec, are duly constituted parties, the undersigned will offer at public sale tp the highest bidder at the Court House door in Graham on MONDAY, FEB. .6, 1911, at 12o'olook m., the following described real property, to-wit: Two certain tracts or par cels of land lying and being In Alamance county, Btate of N. 0., in Melville township, the said two tracts lying adjacent and bound ed a 8 follows: First Tract: Beginning at a dogwood, be ing Levi faucette's corner, running north 23 c tains and 18 links to a mulberry; thence south 76 deg weßt 40 chains to a stake; thence south 11 cleg west 7 chains and 90 links to a hickory: thenoe east 8 chains and 80 links to a black oak: thence south 8i deg east '& chains and 08 links to the first station, con talning6o ACKEti, more or less. This is the tract or land that was allotted to Samuel W. Faucette, deceased, by the com missioners. under and by the direction of the last will and testament of his father, John Faucette, it being lot No. 4 m the plot and report oi said commissioners. Second Tract: Begiuniug at a mulberry on great road, running north 67# deg. west 14 chains and 72 links to a rock; thence north 77 deg. west 14 chains and 75 links to a stake; thence south lideg. west 2a cnalnsaud 10 links to a stake; thence north 75 deg. east 40 chains to the first station, containing 00 acres more or less. This is the tract of land that was allotted to Elizabeth Faucette, deceased, by the com missioners appointed under and by the last will and testament of her father, John Fau oette, it being lot No. 5. In the plot and re port of said commissioners. Said report is recorded In the office of the Register of .Deeds for Alamance county, Book f«o. # page These two trasta of land is valuable proper ty, considerable timber thereon, well water ed and conveniently located to Mebane,N, C. The bidding will begin at 1990. Terms of Hale: One-third of the purchaso price to be p.'.id in cash, one-tnlrd in six months, and the remaining one-third at tbo expiration of twelve months from date of sale, deferred pay menu to be secured by notes of purchaser, bearing interest from date of sale, title reserved until price is paid This Dao 1, 1610. J. AJLMjLfH LOMO, »v Commissioner. fi WOOD'S HIGH-GRADE I /Farm Seeds.\ We are headquarters for the best in all Farm seeds. Grass and Clover Seeds Seed Cora, Cotton Seed, Cow Peas, Soja Beans, SSorfhnms, Kaffir Corn, Millet Seed, Peanuts, etc. £ ••Wood's Crpp issued Special" monthly gives timely information as to seeds to plant each month in the year, also prices of Season able Seeds. Write for copy, mailed free on request \ T.W.WOOD(SONS, (I U Seedsmen, - Richmond, Vs. / Salisbury Poet; The grocery itore of James Cavin, at Wood leaf, in Rowan, was burned x> the ground several Digbts »go, entailing a loss of about IV XX), with no The fir o s believed to have started from 'he outside, but how it origin® is not known.. H>i£ttKn>HEYnas