THE GLEANER GRAHAM, N. C., Jan. 12, 1910. Postollice Honrs. • 0 moe open MO m. to 7.00 p. m. Snnday 9.00 to 11.00 a. m. and 4.00 to (.00 p. m HKENAN HUGHES, Postmaster. Church Directory. Baptist— v preaching Every Sunday a-m. and p. m. Prayer meeting every Tuesday evening. Bunday School 9:45 a. m.—C. B. Irwin, Bupt. Yau are cordially Invited to oome to all thvM services and bring your friends. 8. W. OLDHAM. Pastor. M E Chulcb South. pro ichlng every first Sunday morning, and third Sunday both morning and evening prayer meeting every Thursday evening. Hunday School at #:45 a. m.—W. B. Green, Superintendent. . Methodist Protestant. Services let, 2nd and Brd Sundays Horning and Night. Everybody invited, Sunday School every Sunday at 10 a. m. Wm. Bay, Hupt. PresbyteriaM. Prcaohing services every Sunday morning an d evening. Sunday School at 9:46 a. m. Moßride Holt Superintendent. Prayer meeting every, Wednesday evening. A cordial weloome foral l. E.O.MUKRAT, Pastor. f • Local News. — —* —Call at A. M. Hadley'a store and get a Farmer's Almanac free. —Miss lone Soott entertained the Young Ladiwt' Club Tuesday after noon. —The infant child, aged one week, of Mr.* and Mrs. Robert B. Tate, died Sunday morning. -—The weather has turned off to be spring-like. You know the days are getting a little longer— have been for three weeks. —On January 9th, at the store of J. F. Blalock and Bro., Mr. John F. Homer and Miss Lessie Norris were united in marriage, T. P. Bradshaw, Esq., J. P. officiating. —Dr. W. H. Wakefield, of Char lotte, will be in Graham at the ho tel on Wednesday, Jan'y. 25th, one day only. His practice is limited to the medical and surgical treatment of diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat and Fitting Glasses. —Dr. F. G. Gower, late of Clayton, is here fpr the purpose of locating to practice Dental Surgery and is fit ting up an office over the National Bank of Alamance. He is a graduate of Atlanta Dental College, a licensee of the State Board of Dental Exami ners, and comes well recommended. —Mr. Allen J. Ruffin, who died in Philadelphia, Sunday| was buried at Hillsboro Tuesday. He was a son of the late Peter Brown Ruffin. He was prominent inmanufacturing. He was 54 years old. Mrs. J. W. Menefee and Mr. J. Harvey White attended the funeral. " % —The friends of Mr. Ben. M. Rogers, Principal of Hawfields High School, will regret to learn that he is suffering from an attack of ap pendicitis. He is at the home of Mr. Robert W. Scott with whom he boarded. It is not learned whether an operation will be necessary or not. —The following were installed Tuesday night as officers for the en suing term of Graham Lodge No. 92 Knights of Pythias, namely: Lon. G. Turner, C. C., C. D. Johnston, V. C., Dr. E. C. Murray, Prel., W. F. R. Clapp, M. W., J. L. Teal, M. A., Mcßride Holt, M. Ex., J. S. Cook, M. F., Don E. Scott, K. of R. S., Sam. T. Johnston, I. G., and Thos. J. Reavis, O. G. A Small Fire.. About half after 11 o'clock last Friday morning the old Scott and Donnell wooden store building was found to be on fire, and in a short time would have been enveloped in flames but .for the timely arrival of the firemen. It caught, evidently, from a defective flue, as the fire was near the chimeny. The roof and part of the sheathing and ceiling were considerably burned. The build ' ing was occupied by Mr. John C. Stout's grocery store, Mr. S. M. Pickard's meat market and Mr. John D. Vaughn's shoe j. ' shop, who moyed out hastily. The ' damage has been repaired and a tin roof haa been put on the building. Lee-Jackson Day. Next Thursday, January 19th, at 1 o'clock, at the Graded School au ditorium, exercises will be held by Graham Chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy, commemorating the births of Generals' Robt. E. Lee and Thos. J. Jackson —the former's being the 19th and the latter's being the 21st. The public is invited to attend and do honor to the memory of these great and good men. Among the Sick. \ The friends of Mrs. J. L. Scott, J*-, will be glad to learn that she is improving. She is under treatment in the Biggs Sanatorium, Greens boro, for sciatica. Mnj, E. S; Parker, Jr., and little daughter are much better, after be ing sick for a few days. Mrs. C. S. Hunter, after being sick from an attack of grippe for several days, is almost well again. Personal Mention * Mr. James Donnell, of Greensboro •pent Sunday here. Mrs. Mcßride Holt went to Greens boro last Friday to spend a few days. Mr. J. W. Menefee spent the first of the week at Fayetteville on busi ness. Mr,- McCracken left for school at the A. and M. College Sunday. Mr. John Hawley, now of Golds boro, spent Sunday and Monday here. Miss Annie Harden went to Rox boro Tuesday to visit her aunt, Mrs. Amelia Noell. Mr. Mayo R. Rives left Tuesday for his old home at Robersonville to spend a few days with relatives. Adjt. Don. E. Scott is spending a few days in Durham this week in connection with his military duties. Mr. Mike A. Nicholson left Satur day for Great Falls, S. C., to take charge of a drug store at that place. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Dixon, of Wise, were guests at Dr. W. R. Goley's from Friday till Saturday last. Mr. J. L. Scott, Jr., spent from Saturday till Monday in Greensboro visiting Mrs. Scott who is there under treatment. Mrs. B. H. Adams and Master Barnett, of Statesville, arrived here Monday on a visit to her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Long. ~ Mrs. Harry Spencer and children, who have been visiting at the home of her father, Capt. Jas. N. William son, left Tuesday for her home at Martinsville, Va. Mrs. P. H. Norcross and little Catharine, who have been visiting for some time at the home of her father, Mr. L. Banks Holt, left for home in Atlanta Tuesday. Mr. Clyde Hunter returned yes terday from a week's stay in New York and will leave the latter part of this week for Memphis, Tenn. He is traveling for the American To bacco Co. Mr. J. Elmer Long, accompanied by Mrs. Long, will leave for Raleigh on tomorrow to resume his duties as Representative in the General As sembly. On leave of absence he has been at home a few days attending to business in the Special Term of Court. —The National Bank of Alamance held its annual meeting Tuesday af ternoon and reelected all the old di rectors and officers. From the state ment in this issue it will be seen that the bank has done well, not withstanding the strained financial conditions. The usual dividends haye been paid for the pa3t year, and at the last meeting of the direc tors, closing the last years work, $2,- 500 was added to the surplus fund; which left a nice sum in the undi vided profits account, besides paying the usual dividends. Mr. Peter Owen Dies in His 84th - Year. Last Thursday in Greensboro at the home of a relative, where he has resided for the most of the time for the past three or four years, Mr. Peter Owen passed away in his 84th year, and his remains were brought here Friday morning for interment, and the funeral was conducted from tho Baptist church, of which he was a member, by Rev. S. W. Oldham. Mr. Owen made his home here for a number of years. He was a good quiet citizen. To Enforce Our Prohibition Laws. All our citizens, men and wo men, are invited to meet in the court house Friday evening Jan. 13th, *at 7:30 o'clock, to hear an Address by Rev. R. L. Davis, chairman of the State Anti-Saloon League, on the results of onr pro hibition laws, and to consider what recommendations we should make to oar representatives in the legislature as to further legisla tion for the better enforcement of those laws. The court records of the state show that all forms of crime have been reduced under prohibition from about 20 to 60 per cent. But further measures are badly need ed to prevent the illicit sale of liquor oy blind tigers and near beer saloons. All friends of tem per tnco an d good order are urged to meet together Friday evening to help the State Anti-Saloon League in its work at Baleigh this session. CALL NO7 428 and Thomas will be glad to send you anything you may need for the table. We buy chickens, eggs, butter, and all country produce, and wiUlbe glad to have you bring us "hat you have to sell when you come to town. Graham, N. 07 - Fresh Groceries, prompt and always a square deal »t Thomas Store Co. s. ■ County Teachers' Meeting. The second session of the Ala mance County Teachers' Associa tion for the school year 1910-1911, met in the Graham school audi torium on last Saturday, Jan. 7. There was not a full attendance of the teachers, but an interest ng meeting was held. The opening exercises were con ducted by Prof S. G. Lindsay, of the Graham school, assisted by a number of his pupils, who fur nished excellent music for the oc-t casion. ' • Messrs. B. M. Rogers, Wilson and L. M. Foust, who were or the program as leaders for the sub jects, "Primer of Sanitation", "Spelling and Phoqijs", were un able to be present on account of sickness. The discussions of these subjects were led by Supt. Flem ing, and were participated in by a number of the teachers. The third and last meeting of the association will be held on Saturday before the second Sun day in February, before which, time it is urged that all teachers read and study the book "How to Study, and Teaching how to Study," which will form the basis ' of work at the meetin. T. T.STAFFORD, H Secretary Burlington, N. C., R. F. D. 7. ] -.t 1 Maj. Gaynor's Assailant Sentenced. : I Jas. J. Gallagher, who shot May- ' or Gaynor, of New York, last Au- was sentenced Wednesday to 12 years imprisonment. He i was convicted in Jersey City on an indictment charging.him not with shooting MayorGaynor, but with assaulting wit!i intent to kill Wil- ; liamH. Edwards, commissioner of 1 street cleaning of New York. The 1 jury was out 40 minutes and the trial lasted but a portion of one day. In addition to the 12 years Gallagher will have to stay in pris on until the cost of his prosecu tion has been paid by prison ser vice. He showed no emotion when the verdict was read or sentence pronounced. The Sentinel says application will be made to the Legislature for a charter to build a railroad from Winston through Yadkin county to Elkin. Garfiel'l Erittan was found dead in Lower Fork township, Bnrke county, last Tuesday. Too much booze. Brittian was about 30 years old and was married. Township meetings held in Rock ingham county a few days ago declared for a bond issue for public roads. A county meeting will be held on the 14th to take further action. Philip Jones, a Durham county farmer, and Pink Johnston quar reled about a settlement. Johnston threw a brick at Jones and crush ed his skull. He may recover. Jonston fled and at last account had not been arrested. Arabella Gilmore, whose three children were bnrned Friday night in Fayetteville, in a tenement in which she had left them locked up was arrested and jailed on a magistrate's warrant, charging criminal negligence and violation of a State statute. Henry Bast, a white man was run over by a passenger train in Concord Friday night and his leg badly crushed. It is supposed he was asleep on track. He was found some time after the accdient and taken to a Charlotte hospital where his leg was amputated. Southern Pacific train No. 1, the Overland Limited, west bound was held up by two masked ban dits early Tuesday morning a week nine miles west of Ogdeu, Utah. One negro porter, A. W. Taylor, was mortally wounded. A passenger was slightly wounded. One hundred passengers on the train were relieved of their valua bles, the robbers securing about $2,600 The robbers did not at tempt to enter the express car but devoted their entire attention to the Pullmans. Ina UIKMWII. i ,t-'icliinau attended • Darns cele ,i! i! At the end of tbe Jollification ...Ml asked Lit in If be bad enjoyed .imiwir. "Why." an Id be. yltb the . U;:rut eristic French abruj and up turned band*. ~U Ml magnificent Tbe bagrfa was good, the whisky WM very good, tbe singing was good, bot who was Mr. Aold LangsyneT Wo be a Scottish chUfT'—Argonaut. Telling ■ Great Bell. Tbe great beU of Bt. Paul's. Loo don. la never tolled excepting at the death and funeral of a member of tbe royal family, tbe anchbisbop of Canterbury, tbe dean of Canterbury, tbe bis bop of London, tbe dean of St PsaTa aad tbe lord mayor, should bo die during bis mayoralty. Only tbe clapper and not tbe bell Is moved urban It to toned. r r - .. What He Smelled. «I (mell something burning." said tbe >■"■»■«" d after be bad lighted bis pipe and settled back la the easy chair for a comfortable smoke. -Isn't It deUclouer exclaimed his wife Joyously. 1 emptied a lot of rose leaves Into ywur tobacco Jar. The Sins of the Father, The subject of "The Sins of the Father" ia so big and vital —so imminent and pressing upon the people of the South—that Thos. Dixon did not wait to putjt into a novel, but attacked it directly by means of this play. lie had a message to speak concerning facial purity, and he has spoken it without delaying or flinching. It comes, in Mr. Dixon's own words, as a clarion 'call to the South to be true to her best tra ditions and save American civili-' zation. A book amuses and in terests, but a piay drives a mes sage home with incomparably greater power. Those who would witness the thrilling story Mr. Dixon has put in dramatic guise and would learn the nature of his extraoreinary message, will have their opportunity at the Mont white Theatre, Jan. 19. Tailor Opening. Straus Bros., High Art Clothiers, will have an expert measurer at Mr. A. M. Iladley's store on the 12th, 13th and 14th. Come and see the samples and .have your measure taken for a new Spring suit. The smallest and youngest prisoner ever sent to the Missouri penitentiary was delivered there last week in the person of Ilanry Gibson of St. Charles county. Tho boy, 16 years old, in knee breeches and weighing 80 pounds, was convicted of murder in the second degree and sentenced to 12 years. William E. Corey, for seven years president of the United States Steel Corporation, has re' signed and it is likely that he will have no successor. Officers of the corpration say a president is not needed. E. 11. Gary, chairman of the finance committee, will be the head of the concern Asleep on his feet Jacob Selig manaNew York baker, staggered forward into a power-driven dough mixer, was drawn into the machine and chopped to pieces before the power could be shut off. He had lost much sleep attending his sick wife who was operated on for appendicitis. She is expected to recover. A coroner's jury has found that John Rutherford, Ben Murray and others unknown are responsible for the death of Oscar Chitwood, who was shot to death in jail en closure at Hot Springs, Ark., a few days ago Chitwood, was under indictment for killing former Sheriff Jacob Houpt, and was be ing removed from the county pris on to the city jail in the custody of Rutherford preparatory to be ing taken to another county on a change of venue when ho was killed. RutheJford and Murray are both deputies to the present sheriff, a brother of the man Chitwood was charged with killing. They are in jail. For Sale. Pure blooded brown leghorn chickens. Come early. HEBBEBT LONG, Graham. For Sale or Rent. 7-room house, newly papered, for sale or rent. Apply to' Green & McClure Furniture Co. For Sale. The Hal. B. Mebane Residence apply to Chas. A. Scott. —Three small farms for sale—2B, 30 and 46 acres. See A. M. HADLET, Graham. For Sale. The Hal. B. Mebane Residence apply to Chas. A. Scott. Itch relieved in 20 mihutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. Never fails. Sold by Graham Drug Co. For Sale. The Hal. B. Mebane Residence apply to Chas. A. Scott. For Sale. The Hal. B. Mebane Residence apply to Chas. A. Scott. For Sale. A good little family and general purpose horse at a bargain Apply to Da. WILL LOIIO, Graham. fWa lifniUirt la on tmrj hnt ft IW gtmntmt Laxative ikotm-i) ' Mrs. Alma 11. Vaughn an Dr. James R. Hull, accused of the murder of Prof. John T. Vaughn, the husband of Mra. Vaughn, were discharged from court at 1 Lancaster, Mo. last week, the case [ against them being nol. prossed after the State a continuance. Suspicion that the woman was inftromental in helping her hua . band serosa the divide was arous ed when she was heard singing | a gay song tho night after th© funeral. TOSJTSY Bloodine §We Know -BLOODINE. Will Help You _ _ i To Re|aln Your Strength Bind Energy. Report of the Haad Fhystolan lo ft Leading New York Hospital on the Cure of Catarrh. "A few years ago we considered that we were doing well If we ouredtenper oejit. of the casc3 of catarrh brought to us, but since tha introduction of "Bloodine" Into our hospital we cure more than 60 per cent, of all the cases of Catarrh In Its various forms brought to us. » Catarrh of the Heud, Catarrh of the Eves, Catarrh of the Bladder and Uretha, Catarrh of the large in testines, Catarrh of the Larynx, Pelvio Catarrh, Catarrh of the Throat,, and Catarrh of the Stomach are quickly cured with "Bloodine." Itbuildsnew tissues, gives new energy, new life, new blood and strength to any part of the body attacked by the Catarrhal Bloodine Is a powerful tonlo, nour ishing food medicine, composed of valuable tonlo stimulants obtained from vegetable drugs. "'Bloodine" contains no narcotics or other danger ous drugs which merely deaden pain temporarily, but give no permanent relief orcurothecause of your disease. "Bloodine is a powerful boay builder and blood maker; It Is thabest remedy known to the medical profession to anrloh thin, watery blood and supply Mw, rich red blood to the whole body. 1 FREE . To ; prove the wonderful merits of BLOODINE we will mail » large sample bottle for 10 cents la ail ver or stamps fur postage. Address. THB BLOOMNB CORPORATION, Boston. Mass. Sold by GRAHAM DRUG CO„ Graham. N. C. To Make ALongTail Short I y>o»jrfc.&aa»' -T^W^&y^jjV J W§ are selling some remarkably fine suits at prices that are cut close and to the cost line. We don't pretend to lose money on these suits, but at cost. Our profit margin hardly casts a shadow. ; A. M. HADLEY THE ONE-PRICE CLOTHIER, Main St GRAHAM, N. C. |pfe ... . ■ Subscribe for The Gleaner HALF-CENT COLUMN. Adrertleementa will be loierted under tbla needing at one-oalf of a oent a word for each Ineertlon No ad. loaerted for leae than lOeU. Count rour worda and eeod oaan with orler. Bach Initial or abbreviation eouote a wort. WANTED—I want a first-claw thrifty tenant on my farm —no oth er need apply. Edgar Long, Gra ham, N. C. t HOUSES and lot* for rent Ap ply to W. J. Nicks. —Hello, Centrml! Give me Pick ard'a meat market. I want a firat claaa piece of meat and I know where to get it freah and right. SCHOOL BOOKS—A full sup ply of all kinda, also school nip plies, miscellaneous books and ata looery at C. F. Neese'i, Burlington Notice To Creditors. Pursuant to an order of Alamance Superior Court made in a canae therein pending entitled T. A. Cor bin r. Me bane Brick Co., all credi jon of said Mebane Brick Co. are notified to file their claima, duly verified, with the undersigned, on or before January lat, 1911, and if -they fail to ao file aaid claims, duly verified, on or before said date, then they will be barred from participat" ing in the distribution of the assets of said Company. S. G. MORGAN, Receiver Bdec3t Mebane Brick Co. Mortgagee's Sale ! I7nd*r mid by vlr'uo of the power of sail contained In a certain mortgage uee ■ ««ecut M on ihe Uib day of December, 11)07, by H.C laeley and bit wlin, A J. laeley, to tbe under algned mortgagee, to aecure tbe payment 01 • tluiMi.n deacrlbed. eald mortgage deed being of leoord In Office Heglater ol heed* f r Alamance oounty, N. C., ID Dook ol M. 0., No. 40. at P (« UU. tbe underlined mortgagee will, on SATURDAY, JAN. 14, 1011 at IfcUO. O'elxek, Noon, at tbe court boua« door In Alamaoce oounty, N. V.. eel I to tbe hie beet bidder for caab, tbe following real ea taw* wmlt; A lot or parcel of land ID Albright town •blp, Alamance count/', N. C., adjoining the landa of Aleon i-barpe, Alex llolt, D. W. 11. laeley end othera and beginning at a rock on Mouth aide of road to CurUe'lflll and tun ning Hootb 71 dee B2M cbalne to a rock on bouth aide of aaC road In eald Holt'e line tbeoee Hootb tH dag W 7.14 cbalne to a rock In aald line, corner with eald laeley. tbence North WIMfWUI cbama to a. ro k, cor ner with aald laeley, fMnoa North IS aeg I 7M cbalne to tbe beginning and eontalolng Z W acree more or leaa. It tialng tbe aue up on whlsb there la a dwelling bouee uaed a* reaMenoe of mortgagor. Tbl« property will be gold to aettafy tbe bond tacuied by tbe aald Mortgage which bond la long paat due and unpaid. Thin Dee. .tb, l»IO. D. M. WA I.KHK, J At. Cook, Alt/. Mortgagee mm HDM PIUS I for backache, rheumatism, kidney or bladder trouble, and nrlAiry ' m Foley's Kidney Pills porifythe blood, restore lost vitality and *i®or. SifasiNMHft For Sale by all Druggists Cure a Cold in One Day 25SL 1 I Tate Laxative Bromo Qiiinine £ a.*sg| I fl^y^.» OM . w adhiya.tia M osas. TM» Mil H Yon Are Apt To Get Hurt. anytime and BO are the member* of your family. That's why yon should always have on hand antiseptic cot ton, oils, lotions, salves, liniment, court plaster, etc. Come to this pharmacy and get them. We'll make yon up a list if you do not know ex* actly what you should have. The things in it may save you a lot of Graham Drug Company* Prescription Druggists. an open fire-place, book-shelves and MSS « books give the true library at- ■ j moephere to & room. If you want |f| I your ceiling, book-shelves and fire- Is | * ■■■ ■>sis is IMBMJS source of perennial satisfaction. Walker & McAdams, Graham, N. C | Jjjjjj The Millionaire Cannot Buy. (vvl hotter coa ' t ' ian the man of moderate L, IL* ; qieans, because there is none better If jMlttffjllffll /' ' lUtl T ' iere '■ ver 7 little ashes. K burns iJ Jfc |H | steadily and makea a dependable ® j| fire—a hot fire for Winter days. HOME IDE-a FUEL CO. . GRAHAM, N. C. " " SUBSCRIBE FOR The Gleaner-SI.OO a year. ~ * ■ \ • IF SICKNESS SHOtJLD . Mar your otherwise Happy Holiday (Season, remember that we can supply you with all kinds of Sick Room Necessities.' .V Your Doctor's prescriptions will have our most careful attention. Alamance Pharmacy Prescription Specialists. J. C. SIMMONS, Prop'r. I-eave orders with us for Holiday Cut Flowers. NEW YEAR INDUCEMENTS ' '7 *' Y i'o avail yourself of that high degree of happiness which comes with an elegant home are fonnd in great abundance at our furniture wireroonti where everything new and elegant in the line of parlor and living-room, diningroom and bed chamber furniture is displayed for the benefit of all who love the home beautiful. Quality and prices are such as to make th* goods unusually attractive. BEN & MM Fllll CO. GRAHAM, N.C

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