- THE GLEANER GRAHAM, N. C., Feb. 23, 1911. Postoflice Honrs. Offloa open 7.00 a. m. to 7.00 p. m. Sunday 9.00 to 11.00 a. m and 4.00 to 9.00 p. m HBENAN HUGHES, Postmaster. Church Directory. Bapttst- Preachlng Every Hunday a. m. and p. m. Prayer meeting every Tuesday evening. Sunday Sch >ol 9:46 a. m.—C. B. Irwin, Bupt. Yau are cordially Invited to oome to all thaaa services and bring your friends. 8. W. OLDHAM, Pastor. - » M. E. Chulch South. Pretotalng every Sunday morning, and evening Prayer meeting every Thursday svenlng. "Sunday School at 9:45 a. m.—W. B. Qreen, Superintendent. •- Mcthodl.it Protestant. Services Ist, 2nd and 3rd Sundays Morning and Nixht. Everybody invited, Sunday School every Sunday at 10 a. m. Wm. Bay, ttupt. Presbyterian. Preaching services fvery Sunday morning and evening. Sunday School at 9:46 a. m. Moßrlde Holt Superintendent. Prayer meeting every, Wednesday evening. A cordial welcome for all. E. 0. MURRAY, Pastor. • • Local News. i 4 Mr. Raleigh Floyd, the blind piano tuner of Durham, is in town this week. —The Daughters of the. Confeder acy will meet with Mrs.C. C. Tomp ; ' son at 3 o'clock Thursday afternoon, March 2nd. —Mr. Jas. E. Watson has opened a grocery store at the old stand on North Maple St., formerly occupied by C. D. Moore. ~ —Mr. Simmons, representing the W. R. Murray Co., of Durham, was here the first of the week delivering pianos to purchasers. —Mrs. Jerry A. Webster was car ried to Greensboro yesterday for hospital treatment. Her husband accompanied her. —Mr. Heenan Hughes carried Mrs. Hughes to Asheville Tuesday for recuperation. It is hoped she 1 will be greatly benefitted. t 1 —The cold wave that has had the ' country —North and South -by the throat for the past few days can be charged up to the ground-hog. —Mr. S. M. Pickard has sold his 1 meat market to Mr. Clarence Walker 1 aud Messrs. Will and Walter An- 1 drews are running the business - —What has become of the fire house and town hall proposition? We understand a location has not ' been secured. Can't something be ; done along this line? That it is ' needed cannot be denied. —"Grandfathers' Mistake" is the , name of a play which will be given at the Opera House tonight by the , / pupils of the Graded School. It is , for the benefit of the Debating Society of the school. Drug Co. is making (_ an interesting proposition to their customers for the next thirty days. 4 They will give away one day's cash ■ sales—something unusual. See ad elsewhere which explains the proposition fully. They will treat you right and keep all promises ( made to their patrons, —Dr. P. H. Fleming, County Supt. of Schools, requests us to state that he will not be in his office Sat urday and Monday. He left Tues day for Dayton, Ohio, to attend the , annual meeting of the Educational Board of the American Christian N Convention of which he has been a member for a number of years. —Mrs. W. C. Tripp ori last Fri- j day night at the Vestal Hotel pro yided a very unique and delightful , entertainment for the pupils of the Tenth Qrade of the Graded School. It was after the manner of a picnic. , The rooms were decorated in wood land effect and the refreshments j were taken in ' picnic style. The ( young people enjoyed the occasion immensely. * I i Graham to Improve Streets. A bill has been drawn and *p- I proved by the Town Commissioners, 1 looking to borrowing 110,000 to do street improvement work. In the bill a commission to have the work done and handle the funds is named and consists of Messrs. H, W. Scott, : Chas. P. Harden, Dr. W. R. Goley, ( A. Lacy Holt and J. Clarence , Walker. In joint meeting the Town , Commissioners and Street Commis sion will designate the streets to be improved, after which the work will ; be under the sole control of the commission.' ' j High School Debating CodtesL At Chapel Hill Friday (tomor- . row) night a public debate will be | held between representatives of ; Graham Iliglj School and of Chapel ( Hill High School. The query is: j Resolved that United States Sen*- tors should be elected by popular : * vote. Graham has the affirmative. 1 Several of the students and some of the teachers will go down tomorrow to attend the debate. Here's wishing the Graham representativee success. For Sale. The Hal. B. Mebane Residence j apply to Chaa. A. Scott. 4 1 • . ■ ■ 11 Personal Mention ' i ; • ■ CoL J. A. Long spent yesterday in Raleigh. Mrs. Ella S. Vincent, of Mebane, was here Tuesdsy. Mr. Lacy Moore, of Washington, D. C., spent yesterday here. Mrs. E. S. Parker, Jr., spent Tuesday in Greensboro. Mr. Jas. P. Smith left Monday for Selma, Ala., on bußines. Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Walker spent last night in Greensboro. 1 Mr. S. G. Morgan, of Mebane, was in town Monday afternoon. Miss Mary Foster left the latter part of last week for Baltimore. Miss Annie Browning spent Sat urday and Sunday at her home in Durham. Dr. J. Mel. Thompson went to Raleigh yestsrday to-,attend the Tri- State Medical Association.. Miss Kerr Mebane, of Mebane, is visiting at the home of her brother, Mr. Jas. K. Mebone. Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Barefoot, of Swepsonville, left for Richmond, Va., yesterday to spend a few days. Mr. J. V. Simms, of the Evening Times, Raleigh, spent Tuesday as the guest of Mr. Junius H. Harden. Mr.E.S.Parker, Jr., spent the lat ter part of last week in Greensboro attending to business in the Superi or Court. Junius Parker, Esq., of New York, was here Saturday and Sunday visi ting at the home of his father, Capt. E. S. Parker. Miss Annie Harden returned on Monday last to Raleigh where she will make her home with her bro ther, Mr. John W. Harden. Mr. Heenan Hughes returned from Hot Springs last Friday. He is entirely free of rheumatic pains and says he never felt better. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Smith, ol Ral eigh, were visitors at the home here of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. P. Smith, the latter part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Harvey White went to Lancaster, S. C., Tuesday to spend a few days with the former's uncle, Capt. Sam'l. E. White, who celebrated his 76th birthday yester day- Miss If v.jd Andersen of Albe marle, in school at Greensboro Fe male College, spent from Friday till yesterday at Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Simmons' visiting her aunts, Misses Lillie and Mary Carter. Among the Sick. Mr. Robt. L. Walker returned last Thursday from the Sanatorium at Salisbury. He is very much im proved. Master Michael Holt Kernodle re turns this afternoon from the Stokes- Whitehead Sanatorium, Salisbury, where he has been for three weeks. He has been greatly benefited. Social Items. Mrs. A. K. Hardie entertained a few friends Wednesday. Miss Jane Ray Kernodle enter tained the young Ladies Club Tuesday afternoon. Mesdames J. J. Barefoot, W. E. Walker A. K. Hardie and Eugene Hunter were gueste of honor. Wanted. A lady or lady and daughter to take charge of the cooking and house-keeping for cotton mill own ers and office force. Address P, care ALAMAHOE GLEANER, Graham, N. C. Almost a Fire. The fire whistle sounded about half past six Tuesday morning, caused by what for a few minutes threatened to be a fire at Dr. W. R. Goley's. When the fire was started in his cook room a lot of trash that had been collected about the stove pipe, where it went through the ceiling, caught on fire. It waa put out quickly, doing very little damage. The Alamance Fair for 1911. It having been demonstrated that in order to make a fair a success more time is required than can be given by one or more men whose energy is required in attending to other business. This fact waa ap parent to the officers of the Ala mance Fair Association, hence Mr. W. A. Hall, Preet, and Dr. R. A. Freeman, fjec'y, pnt their heads to gether and worked out a plan and found competent men with ample means and secured a proposition. At a mee'ing of the stockholders the plan was presented and Mess. Mc- Bride Holt, R.A. Freeman and 8. H. Webb were appointed a committee to effect a lease which was made for one year with the, privilege of five. ' The lessees will hold the fair under the auspices of the Ala mance Fair Association and will pay off accrued premiums. The lessees have secured the ser vices of Mr. Junius H. Harden, an experienced fair man, and he is alnwdy -in the field pushing the work. He will get out the premium list by May Ist, and will, leave noth ing undone that will aid in making' I the fair of 1911 a record-breaker. I t i ,JST " • • 1 "Human Hearts." Successful in its tenth season i can be said of few plays but it can be said truthfully of "HUMAN HEARTS." A drama which pro vides healthful recreation for the public and which seems to instruct while appearing in the form of > amusement, is a boon to any com munity. So many questionable forms of amusement are thrust upon the public, the young and old alike find much in this beauti ful living story to think over and enjoy long afterwards. Rich in incident, in its variety of charac ters, in its stage sittings, it is one of the few attractions of great merit on the road. The specta tor is carried into the delightful atmosphere of life in the hills of Arkansas- The trouble which falls upon simple folk of the Lo gan Farm, reminds one of the line- - "The Trail of The Serpent" WAIT. The author has struck many true notes in this play an d the weU chosen cast blend their harmonies ( with fine effect. It is with pleasure that Mana ger announces "HUMAN HEARTS" at the Montwhite, Thursday March 2. The advance sale opening at Alamance Pharmscy the usual time in advance. Regular prices will prevail. DEATHS. Mr. Rufus G. Aldridge, aged 74 years, died at his home in Pleasat Grove township the early part of Sat urday night, 18th inst. His re mains were laid to rest in the cem eterv at McCray Sunday afternoon. Rev. 0. J. Denny conducted the fu-, neral services. Deceased was a sub stantial farmer and a very highly es teemed citizen. He is survived by his widow and five children, two sons and three daughters. Mr. Wm. J. Fitch, one of the county's most estimable citizens, died last night at his home in Pleas ant Grove township, near Long's Chapel, of pneumonia after about two week's sickness. Ho was 09 years of age and is survived by his widow, and two sons and one daugh ter —Dr. W. E. Fitch, of New York, Mr. Chas. M. Fitch, and Mrs. Thos. R. Blanchard. The interment takes place this afternoon at Union Ridge. . W*y Thurs day night at her home at Haw River, aged 65 years. Her remains were interred here on Saturday. ' A J Mrs. Jacob Tickle died on the 14th inst. at her home near Elon College, aged 54 years. The re mains were interred at Frieden's cemetery. Deceased was an excel lent woman and is survived by her husband and several children who mourn the loss of a faithful wife and mother. Mr. Julian Yancy Holt died Tues day morning at Mebane, aged 58 years, after two weeks' illness. He leaves a widow and five children two sons and three daughters. De ceased was a son of Alfred Holt, de ceased, who was a brother of Mr. L. Banks Holt, and was a good estemable citizen. Pythian Oyster Supper. The oyster supper served by the Pythians in their hall last Friday night waa an all round success. Mr. J. Jj. Scott, Jr., presided. Mr. Mc- Bride Holt made the welcome ad dress which was responded to b> Mr. 0. F. Crowson, of Burlington. Other speeches were made by Dr. E. C. Murray, Mayor J. 8. Cook and Mn H. W. Scott. The gentleman who presided pronounced them "gems." A larg number of ladies graced the occaaion, also a number of Pythians from Burlington and visitors from Haw River. The eve ning was a most enjoyable one. For Sale or Rent 7-room house, newly papered, for sale or rent. Apply to Green 4 McClure Furniture Co. For Sale. Pure blooded brown leghorn chickens. Come early. HissiST Lota, Graham. First Class Farm Implements TN Ml* Labor, TFAM MD Ma—y xfc— ymm hy !■»»■ ■MkIkItVMfMUM4vM wtL Ttu kfad that wa MO. We issue one of die best and most complete of Farm Imple ment Catalogs, k gives plicae, descriptions and much interest information. Mailed free upon request We aie headquarters for V. CAmf and other IMH Wlra r«octatf. larik Wbs. PsaMrjr Hat*. Write for Descriptive Oatalof and prices om say supplies or Fans Im plements you require. Tbe Implement Co. 1302 Kilt Main St, mOHMOND| • • VWQiiAt In Memoriam. Once again the Ladies' Aid and ' Missionary Society of Graham Pres ' byterian church is called to mourn the loss of a beloved member in the death of Mrs. C. 8. D. Pomeroy. Aire. Pomeroy, during all her life in [ Graham, was a most active and ef ficient member of this Society, but failing health for the past two years kept her from regular attendance on ' its meetings. Her interest in the work of the society, forever, was un failing and her contributions were continued to the end. llers was a sweet and gentle spir it, and her life was one of service 1 to God and man. Her memory must ever.be an in spiration to the members of this so r ciety. Therefore be it resolved:— 1. "That she being dead yet speaketh" and though she" rests from , her labors her works do follow her." 2. That to her relatives and many friends, here and elsewhere, we offer our deepest sympathy in this sad dispensation of Providence. 3 That we record these resol utinns , in our minute book and send them to the ALAMANCE GLEANER and Presbyterian Standard for publica tion. MRS. E. C. MURRAY, Chairman of Committee. A Tribute Our Father having called to his heavenly home our beloved hon orary member, Mrs. E. C. Mebnne, we, the Ladies' Aid and Mission ary Society of Grab am Presby terian church, desire to pay an affectinate trioute to the sin v gularly lov?ly character and beautiful Christian life of our dear friend. And we do hereby resolve: — , 1. That in her death we lost one who was active in good works and of whom it could be truly said, 1 "None knew her but to love her, None named her but to praise." !i. That we extend onr inscerest sympathy to her loved ones and wide circle of friends in their sore bereavement. 3. ' That a copy of these reso lutions be inscribed in ourininute book, and that they be sent to the ALAMANCE GLEANER and Presbyterian Standard for pub lication. £lrs. E. C. MURRAY, „ r . f!h|Jrm«,l,/iC'^ f>rn nnttee. NOTICE! NORTH CAROLINA— Alamance County: In the Superior Court, March Term, 1011. Serrlee by Publlcaton. J. M. Leath, vs. Edna Leath. Tb«defendant above named will take no tice than an notion entitled ss above ha* been commencod in the Kuperlor Court of Alamance Countv for the purpose of dissolv ing the bonds of matrimony between the plaintiff and the defendant for leiral camel; and the defendant will further take notice t bat she Is required to appear at t be term of tb e Superior Court of said connty to be held on the first Monday In March. Mil, at the court house In said county, atOrabsm, N. 0., and answeror demur to tne complaint In said aiUon, or tbe plaintiff will apply to the Court far' tb* relief demanded In tbe oom 1 plaint « '1 his tbe 4th darof February, 10 I. J. 1). KKKNODLK, C. S. C. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE HaTlnc qualified as administrator of the estate or Mary Watllogton, deoeaaed, tbls Is to notify all persons holding claims against tbe estate of tbe deoedent to present them on or before tbe DOth day of Feb. itIS, duly authenticated, or this notice will be plea lea In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebt ed to bald estate will please make Immediate settlement. Tula Feb. 10. lull. U. JUNIUS KKKNODLK, Adm'rSnf Mary Watllngum, dee'd. ltfcb #t. Klou v. oi lege, N. C. SALE OFLAiVb UNDER MORTGAGE t Under and by virtue of the power of anle contained In a Mortgage Deed eaecuted by Slllar Wellington and Mary Wellington to tbe undersigned tbe on lath day of Jan uary. Ittu, ana duly recorded In tbe office of lue lteglsterof Dee «of Alamance county. In record of IMortgagea and Deeds of I No. 44, pages 4 to t. 1 Will offer for sale at public outcry to tbe highest bidder for oasb, at tbe court bouse door In Graham, Al- j amende county, N. 0., on SATURDAY, MARCH 18th, 1911, at If o'clock M , a certain tract or parcel of land sltaau In Boon station township, Ala mance oounty, Worth Carolina, near (Halpee iVlton Mills, adjoining tbe lands of Sam Hughes. Joeepb Hughes, H. J. hartln and others, and bounded as follows: Beginning st a stone. Martin's corner on Joe Hughes 1 line, Hs. Bee Worth with said Haghae' line 14 74 rode to a stone, corner with Joe Hugbee on Hem Hugbee' line, theme Weei with nam Hugbee' lloe 11 1-4 rods to an apple tree, oorner, Ib-noeHooUi with Sam Hugbee'line to a (tone eomer with, bartln's line It 7 s rods, thane* Jtast with aakl Berlins line 111-1 rode to lee beginning, oonlalolag one acre, more of leea. THIS lead la to be (Old to aatlefy tbe pay ment of a eertaln n Is bearing even date with said mortgage. / Tbls IMb day of Feb'y, 1M I. JOHN T. KKKNODLK. 1 .. Mortgagee. Mortgagee's Sale. Under and by virtue of tbe Power of Sele contained In a oerteln Mortgage Deed sis eutedontbe 4U> day of November. Its', by Lemuel Klrkpatrtck sod his wife, The us K Irkpatnek, to tbe undersigned mortgagees, to secure tlse payment of a bond therein de scribed, tbe game being of raoord la ofloe Register of Deeds for Alamance county. X. C., la Book Mo. 4( of Mortgage Deedsat peges 4* to 47, tbe undersigned will sell to tbe bgb eet bidder for oaeb, at tbe Court Couse floor la said Aiamanee oounty, at NOON, on SATURDAY, MARCH, 18,1911, tbe following real estate, to-wit- A traet of land In Alamance oounty ad joining tbe lands of William vooda, tbebelrs of tbe late Carrie Johnston, tbe beire of J as. f Albright, and otners and containing at acree I "TSW o property will he sold to 'atlsfy tbe 1 debt seeured by aaid mortgage Oead whlca is long past due, tbs same being second mort ! gage, a first mortgage upon which taere Is now doe end ootefaed'ng about 00, being BOW bald by Farto ft Jeffrie*. aadtbe (ale to be made U sub>eet to the rlghte at said first "Thlf tSs Ilk day of Feb, ML J. N. W ABMB.I, W. 0. WAkUKE* Bad E. W. VIMCKNT, Farmer*. Mortgagrwr Attorney. For Sale. " 7~ The U&l. B. Mebane Residence l apply to CbM. A. Scott. •. 1 : ' \ . YOU TRY : ~ Bloodlne fWe Know -BLOODINE- Wffl Help You To R*faln Your Strength and Energy. Report of th* Hea.4 f hyslclan in a Leading New York Hospital on the Cure of Catarrh. "A few years apo we considered that we were aolnp well tf we cured ten per cent, of the cases of catarrh brougiii to us, but since the Introduction of "Bloodino" Into our hospital we cure | more than 90 per cent, of all the cases of Catarrh In Its various forms brought to us. • Catarrh of the Head, Catarrh of the Eves, Catarrh of the Bladder and Uretha, Catarrh of the large in testines, Catarrh of the Larynx, Pelvir Catarrh, Catarrh of the Throat,, and Catarrh of tho Stomach are quickly cured with "Bloodlne." It builds rv:w tissues, gives new energy, new life, new blooa and blrength to any part of the body attacked by tho Catarrha! Bloodlne is a powerful tonio, nour ishing food medicine, composed ol valuable tonlo stimulants obtalneo from vegetable drugs. "Bloodmu' contains no narcotics or other danger ous drugs"whlch merely deaden pair temporarily, but give no permanent relief orcuro thecause of your disease. I "Bloodlne Is a powerful body buildor ■ and blood maker; It Is the best remedy known to the medical profession to •nrlch thin, watery blooa and supply Daw, rich red blood to the whole body. , FREE - To prove the wonderful Merits of BLOODINIS we will mall a large sample bottle for 10 cents In sU ver or stamps for postage. Address. THB BLOODINK COKPOIIATIOM, BRETON, Mass. Sold by GRAHAM DRUG CO* Graham. N. C. I To Make ALongTail Short we are selling some remarkably fine % suits at prices that are cut close and to the cost line. We don't pretend to I lose money on these suits, but at cost. i • ■ ! Our profit margin hardly casts a shadow. A. M.HADLEY THE ONE-PRICE CLOTHIER, Main St GRAHAM, N. C. . Subscribe for The Gleaner i NOKTII CAHOI.IJfA— , Alamance County. ' In tbe Huperior Court, Before the Clerk. J. L. Hoott, Jr., Admr. of Musan Hancock, , Plaintiff. r ...: •> - William Hancock and bis wife, and tbe hetrs > generally ofnuusn Hancock. Defendant*. ! Tbe defendante above named, a* the heirs L at law of Huaan llaocock deceased, will take ( notice that a social proeaadlnc has ijoen aiaaeniiei before the i lerk of tae Huperior ! Court of Alamance count/, wherein the salii piamtiif is ask In# fur an order of said >otirt ' For the sale of tne lands of the lete Husan : Itanoock for tbe purpose of niakine to . par the rsm»lnlnf outataudln# debts of the aetata of his Intestate. ' Aad tha said Uefandants will further take ' notice that tber are required to apnear at the office of tbe said Clerk of tba (fcort of ; Alamance county. North Carolina, on the 1 (7th day of Kel,ru.rr. mil, and answer to the Conplsint wblcb will be deposited IB tbe o«ee of toe said Clerk on or before said dar. or the plaintiff will appl; to the Cosrt for ti.e relief desaandad In aatd oomplalnt. w,^d*'iFi& c .».c Notice of Land Sale Under and br ertue of ao order of the Su perior tjotsrt of Atamauoe Count/ made In a special prrMeedlag to which tbe of Milton M. Thompeon, deoeaaed, were duly oonatltuted p.rtlee, tae aoderslcnedeommls sloaer will, on SATURDAY, FEB., 25th„ 1911 at 1 o'clock, p- m., at the Court House door la Uiaham, Nortn Carolina, "Oar for sale to the bl«be*t bidder lor cash tbe following de scribed land, to wit: L/laff and Mine la the - County of Alamance, Mate of North Caro- I Una. Tbompeon Township, adjolnlnff tbe . lands of J. Bed lord Tboupeoa, J. K. Newlln i and others, and Iwunded as follows; Beylnolnf at a 11. 0.. corner with said New- I 118, ninnlßS tbenoa, 6.tt chains to a W. >., I curaer with said Newlln; theooe nAu obalns - to a rock, corner with said Newlln; theuoe I West ».10 chains U) s rock In Motes Creek. I corner with said Newlln; taence up Mid > creek s. It oleanders to a rock, corner with I said Thorn peon in said Newlln line; thence noulh St .lefrees Weat chains to tbe be«la nlßa, coataininif thirty flveaiMl Bva-teßiha I (* t 10l acres, tnore or leis. The same beln* ihe land ooneeyad by John AlvlsTbompwn and others to Milton M. Thorn peon, October »th. ltm, and wtitch was uwoedbr said Milton M. Tbompaoa till the ' time of bla death. 'fiirmiot Sale: Cash. , ComiuiMioQ«r. .; a ' - ' HALF CENT COLUMN.! • Advertisement* will ba Inserted under thu ' beading it one-naif of a oent ■ word for nub insertion No »d. Inserted for less than 10 ols. , Oount your word* and Mod ouo with orler. , Bacb Initial or aWjiwnatlon oounu a woid. HOUSES and loU for rent. Ap ply to W. J. Nicks. —Hello, Central ! Give me Pick ard's meat market. I want a first class piece of meat and I know where to get it fresh and right. SCHOOL BOOKS —A full sup ply of all kinds, also school sup nliex, miscellaneous books and ita lonery at C. K. Neese's, Burlington For Sale. The Hal. B. Mebane Hoeidenet apply to Chas. A. Scott. FOLEY 'S EDM MLS ■ for backache, rheumatism, kidney or bladder trouble, and urinary irrefolasltfiak Foley's Kidney Pilla purify the blood, restore lost vitality and vigor* SsbiMsaMHk For Sale by all Druggists ——— ——— mmmmrnrnm —— ——— (To Cure a Cold in One Day j^l Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Z oam?! h v> Mwt o«. M TT>fa signatoi^^>^^v^lp^a3^ Save Your Sales Checks They May be Worth A CIV Their Face Value In v/UU _ we arc Headquarters DRUGS, PATENT . MEDICINES, ~3M TOILET GOODS, HOUSEHOLD REMEDIES, ETC. This ofTer is for the thrity days ending March 23rd, 1911. At th* end of that period we shall select a day, and all who have bought anything from us on. that day can bring the sales of their purchases and We Will Give Them Their Money Back. ITmakns no difference what you buy, how much or how little, the amount you spend with us on the day selected will be refunded to you. We Are Giving Away a Whole .Day's Receipts. To make more people acquainted with us, our store and manner ol doing business, as well as THE QUALITY ol our goods, SPECIAL PRICES will prevail on many things. SAVE YOUR SALES CHECKS Graham Drug Co. Prescription Druggists OUR ADVERTISEMENT . •| _JIEU-n points ths way to better oosL But unless you heed our ad rice and sag* V, I gestions and place your order, how |)|| |5*S \ 1 are we to help you further?' Let us 1 #Y M^Sm/ 1/ 1 I I delivers few tons ty you today. laKsj^KFl I You will Lave reason to congratulate , I | yourself when you observe the heat | K' v '"g power of this perfect cosl. .HOME iGE~J FUEL CO. GRAHAM, N. C. aggf Headquarters for all . kinds Fresh, New Crop P Sure to Grow M Alamance Pharmacy Prescription Specialists. J. C. SIMMONS, Prop'r. &-r TJie Cosy Corner '. ■ Of a comfortable home is where all furnishings combine to form a har monious effect that will please the eye and rest the bodj. To produee this sensation of attraction attractive furniture of . artistic design must be displayed. For this tea- «■ || we desire to call your attention to the remarkable stock we are now offering. It is attractive in price, in finish, in design, and the best made and most durable we have ever handled. Make your selection now while yqu have a wide choice. You will never regret it. : : : : il GREEN & McCLURE FURNITURE CO. GRAHAM, N. C

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