GRAHAM, N. C., June 8, 1911. Fwtefflee Bran. Offlocopon T.OQ ft. DL. t07.00p. m. Sanl»y».oo toll.00».m. »nd«.QO to 8.00 p. B MWU StroHH. Poatiaular. Local News. - \ » I —Mr. J. L. Scott is very s'ck at his home on E. Harden St. —Mr. A. B. Nicholson and family arrived from Raleigh last night and are occupying Mr. Nicholson's resi dence on Albright Avenue. —The commencement exercises at Elon College closed last night The exercises were largely attended. Prof. W. A. Harper was elected President of the college to succeed Dr. E. L. Moffitt resigned. —On the 2nd day of June, 1011, at the residence af Mr. F. E. Hodge in Burlington township, Mr. Walter Craddock and Miss Zett Williams were united in marriage, T. P. Brad shaw, J. P., Esq., officiating. —Dr. H. E. Austen, of Clayton, who has been in collage at the Jef ferson Medical College, Philadel phia, arrived here Monday and will spend the summer with Dr. Walter E. Walker and assist him in his practice. —A large congregation attended the annual memorial exercises at New Providence Sunday. Rev. J. L. Foeter, of Elon College, preached a splendid and impressive sermon, after which flowers were placed on the graree. Graded School Teachers Elected. The Trustees of Graham Public Schools met Monday night and elected teachers as follows: Supt. Prof. 8. G. Lindsay; Ist Grade, Miss Mary Carter, of Albemarle; Higher Ist, Miss Margaret Cooper; 2nd, Miss Lucy Burcii; 3rd, Miss June Kernodle; 4th, Miss Margaret Goley; sth, Miss Annie Long; 6th, Miss Carmen Price, of Unionville; 7th, Miss Annie Wills, of Greensboro; Bth, Miss LiUie Carter, of Albemarle. No election was held for the 9th and 10th Grades. For the colored school no Princi pal was elected. Alice Freeland was reelected. House Party Given Series of Enter tainments. ' Miss Kathleen Long's house par ty in the past week has gone through a series of delightful entertainments. Last Friday night Miss Long gave a party and dance in honor of her guests —Misses Kathleen Turrentine of Durham, Jamie Bryan and Ethel Skinner of Greenville, Susan Guion of Newberne and Agnes Lacy of Ral eigh. On Monday night Miss Alene Long entertained the visiting young ladies and a number of other young people; and last night Miss Marce Goley entertained Miss Lo.ig's and Misa Blanche Scott's guests. The guests of the former left for their homes this morning. Meeting at Christian Church. Rev. J. F. Morgan desires to call special attention to the series of meetings to begin at the Graham Christian church oq Thursday night, June 22nd. Rev. L. 1. Cox of Elon College will be present and do most of the preaching. That the greatest good may come to all and the best results attained, he asks the prayers and oooperatkm of all churches and Christian people. He asks the buainess men to close their places of business at 7:45 p. m. dur ing the meetings and attend serv ices. He asks the fathers and moth ers, men and women, girls and boys, to come and honor God for all he has done for them. Medkal Sodetyto Meet The regular meeting of the Con* ty Medical Bociety of Alynanoe will beheld at the oourt house in Gra ham an next Mnnday at 8 p.m. A large attendance of the doctors is urged, this being the last meeting before the meeting of the State Medi cal Society. Several interesting clinical tiaaee will be presented for diagnosis and discussion, among theee a case of pellegr* from the county. Mrs. Allie Collins, widow of tse late Robt Collins, died at her home here Sunday, in the 65th year of her aga. The burial took phoe in lin wood Cemetery and the services were conducted by Rev. Geo. L. Curry. The little O-mpntlw-old daughter of Mr. Geo. T. Watson died at Rock Hill, 8. C., Monday and wae buried hen Tueedey. Miss Bettie Richmond died at Bwepeonville Tuesday in her 71st year and the remains were buried st Phillips ChapeL She was well thought of by all who knew her. It ia stated that she wae the fret to weave and take off a out at the Swepeonville Mills 'abbot 40 years •no. .v..' Personal Mention ii i i ■ ■ n ■ Mr. J. L. Scott, Jr., spent Tues day in Salisbury. Dr. J. Mel. Thompson, of Blewitt Falls, is spending this week here. Mr. J. D. Kernodle, Jr., spent Monday afternoon in Greensboro. Mr. Jassph C. Long left Monday for a atay of some ten days in Flori da. Mr. John Scott of Durham apent Sunday and Monday at hia home here. Misa Helen Simmona attended Elon College commencement this weak. Mrs. Jas. N. Williamson and Miss Msry Foster have returned from Baltimore. Mr. Ralph Long, with the Ameri can Tobacco Co., spent Sunday at hia home here. Mr. and Mra. Edward Elkina, of Guilford College, are via'ting Dr and Mra. W. R. Goley. Messrs. Neville Brown and Ivy Riddick, of Raleigh, apent Sunday here with Mr. John Scott. Mr. Johu W. Harden, of Raleigh spent Sunday with hia brother, Mr. Thos. R Harden, near hore. Mrs Hersey Woodard, of Norfolk, Vs., ia visiting here at the horns of her fathar, Col. J. A. Long. Mrs. J. Adolph Long and little son, George Attmore, are visiting her parents at Stonewall, N. C. Mr. George W. Long, traveling for the American Tobacco Company, apent Sunday here at hia home. Mr. Walter Roseboro of Cleve land was visiting at Mr. B. S. Robertson's the first of the week. Misa Jane Kittrell leavee tomor row for a visit at Mocksville before returning to her home at Ayden, N.O. Messrs. Bsnks and Allan Mebane of Spray are viaiting at the home of their grandfather, Mr. L. Banks Holt Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Parker, Jr., and little Mias Carolyns left yester day morning for Beaufort to spsnd several weeks. Mr. Joe Caldwell, of Winnaboro, S. 0., after spending a few days hers with Mr. Steven Simmona, left this morning. Miss Lillian Proctor, of Lumber ton, who haa been viaiting Miss Lorena Kernodle, left Monday even ing for Greensboro. Dr. Hubert H. Powell, of Auburn, N. C., who graduatedatthe Virginia Madicsl College, Richmond, Vs., last week, waa here frem Tuesday afternoon till Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mra. John R. Harder and children of Raleigh came np Satur day evening on a visit to relativee and to attend the memorial exerci sss at Nsw Providence. Mr. Harder returned Sunday night and Mra. Harder and the children returned Tuesday. Misses Mary and Eunice Borden and Mary Cleaves Daniels of Golds bo ro, Marjorie Montague and Edith Pou of Raleigh, Alioe Thurston Pender of Tarboro, and Laura Car ter of Wilson are viaiting Mias Blanche Scott. AH arrived yester day afternoon. Just Look Here, Young Lades! A weeks' board and room at the Atlantic Hotel, Morehead City, with a ticket there and back will be giv en entirely free to the winner of the "Pretty Giri Contest" to be opened tomorrow for the benefit of the Or gan Fund of the Epiacopal church of Burlington. Voting stations: At Bradley's, Stroud's, Burlington Drag Co.'a, and Ths Paragon stores in Burling ton; Graham Drag Co., Alamaare Pharmacy, Graham; Hughes' at Elon College. Each 10c paid counts 100 votes for yonr choice. A nomi nation vote of 1,000 will ha given each conteatant at the time bar name is entered. Here is an opportunity to win easily a week of unalloyed pleasure at the moat famous pleasure resort in North Carolina. Young ladies, get to wok and persuade your fa ther, brother, sweetheart, and all yeor friend* in voteand week far yon. Votes will bs counted each emA aanmnto results published in the county papers. Ocmtest wiH cloee Saturday night, July Bth. Thoae who cannot vote in panon may mail the name c* the lady wished to vote for and endoaa the ■oner to "Pretty Giri Ocnteet Box," Burlington, N. C. The earns nomi nation of 1,000 votes will be given each naase sent in. HnrMwthMMki H. Goodman, Mortgagee, oCarea a valuable tract of land for aals. See adi elsewhere. 9 Chaa. A. Scott, Receiver, offers a lot of bank ixtnraa. furniture, etc., for aale at auction, at Haw River. R. L. Walker, Jr. offers all hia household and kitchen furniture at auction. See ad. elsewhere. Mr. Casste Rex ffwftfw Leads Miss Frances Joaephine Scott To the - Hymenial Altar. A beautiful marriage occured Thursday morning, June 1,1911 at 9 o'clook at "Melville," the home of Hon. *R. W. Scott, the splendid spacious and hospitable home of his ancestors, near Hawfielde, when hie charming daughter, Frances Jose phine, beeamo the bride of Mr- Cassius Rex Hudaon, of Raleigh. A reception waa held for the bri dal party the night before at the home of the bride. A large crowd of relativee and friends was present, and the occaeion was most delight ful. The marriage was very -unique and beautiful in its simplicity sod originalty. The ceremony was per formed on the spacious lawn in front of the house beneath the bougha of • silver maple planted by the parents of the bride while spend ing their honeymoon at the ancee tral home. Myriada of daisies were used to deoorate, and a stately arch of cedar and daisies waa planted for the scene of the plighting of the rows. Mrs. George Oldham, of Oaka, presided at the piano and played Mendelssohn's wedding march as the procession filed to the sacred spot First came the little ring bearer Miss Agnes Scott, sis terof the bride, attired in dainty white carrying the ring on a cush ion. Next came the maid of honor, Mias Margaret Scott, aiater of the bride, aweetly gowned ia white, car rying blue aweet peas. Next came the groom with hia best man, Mr. T. F. Parker, of Raleigh. Then came the bride, leaning on the arm of her father, who gave her away. The officiating minister waa the bride's paator, Dr. B. W. Mebane, of Mebane, and the ring ceremony waa uaed. The lawn was crowded with inter ested friends and relatives of both parties, who were graciously received by Miss Msmie Scott, Mra. Robert W. Scott, Jr., and Miss Ednaßeiohardt. Immediately after the ceremony an informal reception was held and con gratulationa showered upon the hap py couple. Ices were served. The bride wore white lingerie, with the bridal veil, and carried a shower bouquet of liliee of the valley and bride roses. After the reception Mr. and Mrs. Hudson drove to Burlington in an automobile and boarded No. 21 for a trip to Washington, New York and Niagara Falls. They will return to Raleigh within 10 davs, and leave at once for a trip to Alabama. They will beat home to their friends in Raleigh after July let. The bride wore a handsome going-away suit of tan, with hat and gloyes to match. The array of gifts waa one of the largest and handsomsst ever seen in this section. It comprised gifts of silver, china, linen, cut glass and numberleee other things, and ia a proof of the popularity of the partiee. The bride ia the charming daugh ter of our ex-Representative, Hon. R. W. Scott, and ia widely known throughout this section, and ia loved wherever known. She ie famous for her many lovable traits. The groom ia one of Raleigh'e proeperous and progressiva business men, and ia fortunate in winning auch a charming bride. A large number of gueata waa preeent from different parte of the State. The following of Graham at tended the wedding: Mr. and Mrs. J. Edgar Long, Mr. and Mra. W. L. Cooper, Mjr. and Mrs. J. L. Scott, Jr., Dr. and Mra. W. E. Walker, Meedames L. Banks Holt, JaS. K. Mebane, C. 3. Hunter and R. E. Hunter, Miaaee lone Soott, Alene Long and June Bay Kernodle, Mese. R. N. Code, Don Scott, B. M. Rogers and M. R. Rives. Nice lot of B. C. Brown Leghorn bene for aale cheep, if taken at once. Fine etcck. C. D. Johhston, Graham, N. 0. —Pigs for Sale, Call on DA. Loxo. ' '7 —lam now offering my entire Stoek of Oothing, Haja, Shoes and Gentlemen's Furnishings st and be issreestteskee sat _ A. M. Hadlet, Graham, N. C. TlCaresCsMll OasUajr. - Take Lnxatlve f ßroino Quinine Tablets. All druggists, refund the money If it falls to euro. E. W. Grove'e signature ia on each box 25c. Ie taken by people in cnl countries aD the year! mmd. It stops wasting and I keeps up the strength and I vitality in summer as well! as winter. Suggestive on (be Sunday School Lessons. like Contest. The most popular and the moat practical plan for Bible study, to gether with a prize Bible contest, commences in the present issao of Thb Alamance Gleaneb. For the past thirteen weeks we have been explaining the importance of this course of Bible study, and the conditions of thq contest, and urging all onr local readers to join onr Local Club. If there ore any who do not understand fully about the contest, and the prizes, call at this office and it will be fully explained. In short, the Sunday School lesson mast be read each week for 62 weeks, also the "Suggestive Questions," and the coupon should be cut out each week and signed, certifying that this has been done. Then any five of the questions that are in dicated to be answered in writing must also be answered, and at the end of the term the coupons and written answer, duly signed with name and address, must ta de livered to thi» office. The prizes will be awarded according to the number of coupons sent in, aud the merits of the written answers. You can get all the help you want with the written answers. Go in to win one of the solid gold medals. If you complete the course yon will get a beauti fully engraved Diploma In three colors in any event. Get all you can to join yon in this course of Bihle study. COUPON, Cat oat aud Scad to tbl« Office tad The Akauoi Btew boa ur ii lbj 30, m til clm tf Hi Bibb Quntioa Chb taint, bf thi ipeciil pnet of (LOO tntlfH Cout mi i amber of Loot] Chb, Xuni Itoi - The sooner you send your subscrip tion the more papres you get If you send now you get 15 mos. for the price of one year. Cat oat aad send to thla^pfflce International Press Bible Question Club. I lUftre read the Suggestive Questions oa the Sunday School Lesson published in Tbb Alamance Gleanku, also the les son Itself for Sunday, read the scries of 92. Name Address —A full line of Buggies of all Kinds and a big lot of Farm Ma chinery. See our stock and get our prices before you buy anything in our line. lladlrt A Hughes, Graham, N. V. For Sale. Pure blooded brown leghorn chickens. Come early. Hebbsbt Long, Graham. For Sale. The Hal. B. Mebane Residence apply to Chas. A. Scott. Wanted. Two White Tenants—Small families —Good opportunities for right persons. See D. A. Logo, Graham, N. C. 4 For Sale. The Hal. B. Hebane Residence apply to Chaa. A. Scott. Back Gives Out Plenty of Graham Readers Have This Experience. * ' ■ Ton tax the kidneys—overwork thai" — They can't keep up the con tinual strain. The back gives out—it aches and pains; Urinary troubles set in. Don't wait longer—take Doan's Kidney Pills. Residents of this vicinity en dorse them. Can Graham people doubt tbe following evident*?? Mia. R. L. Wheeler, Lake Side Ave., Burlington, N. C., says: "I am a strong believer inDoant Kidney Pills, as they cured me of backache and other annoying symptoms of kidney complaint after other remedies had failed. My back was certainly in a wretched condition. I could hardly climb a flight of stairs and it was impossible for me to stoop. I waa also bothered by dizzy spells and headaches. A relative fi nally advised ae to try Doans Kid ney Pills and I did so with satis factory results. My health began to mend at ouee aud I now reel like a different woman." For sale by all dealers. Price SO cents. Foeter-Milburn Co., Buf falo, Mew York, sole agente for the United States. Remember the name—Doan's— and take no other. I Suggestive Question on the Sunday School Lesson, By REV. T. S. UNSCOTT, D. D. June ISth, 1911. tCepyrigfct. ISIO. bj Re*. T. S. Uucott, IXU.) The Downfall of Samaria, t Kings xvll: 1-18. Golden Text—He. that being often reproved hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that with out remedy. Prov. utx:i. (1.) Verses 14—Who was the last king that reigned over the kingdom of IsraelT (2.) What was ths character of Hon he a? (8.) Who did Hoshea succeed as king, and how did he come to the thronu? (2 Kings xv:80.) (4.) What became of Hoshea?(v:4.) (6.) By whom was Samaria taken aad the kingdom of Israel blotted out? (6.) Verses 7-B—What was the real first cause of the blotting out of ths kingdom of the ten tribes? (v:JO.) (7.) What were the secondav causes of the overthrow of the tea tribes? (8.) How much has God to do St reet, with our national or with our aatlonal suffering? (8.) When we suffer from epidemic disease that we can trace to bad san itation, or to any other cause over which we have control, why la tt either right or wrong to say that God inflicted the suffering? (10.) How much has God got to do with the sinking of s ship, that was allowed to leave port in an unsea worthy condition? (11.) What.wero the general habits of "the heathen" that Israsl bad Imi tated? (It.) Verses 9-12—What specified sins Is Israel here accused of, and what relation did they have to the Hotting out of the nation? (18.) U a "secret" sin as certain to work evil results as one commit ted in thn nm>n? HALF -CENT COLUMN. Advertisements wIU be Inserted under this Beading at ons-nalf of a oent a word (or eaoh Insertion No ad. Inserted for less than 10 eta. Count your words and sand easn with orler. Back Initial or abbreviation eounts a woid. HOUSES snd lots for rent. Ap ply to W. J. Nicks. , —Hello, Central! Givfe rae Pick ard's meat market. I want a first class piece of meat and I know where to get it fresh and right. SCHOOL BOOKS—A full sup ply of all kinds, also school sup plies, miscellaneous books and sta lonery at 0. P. NeGse'a, Burlington For Sale. The Hal. B. Mebaue Residence apply to €!has. A. Scott. For Sale. I will offer for sale my entire Household and Kitchen Furniture, Horse, Buggy, Wagon, Harness, Cow and Farming Implements at auction to tho highest bidder for cast on Saturday, July 1,1911, at my residence. t ROBT. L. WALKER, JR. Graham, N. C. SALE -BAM FIXTURES Of Granite Savings and Trust Company, Haw River, N. C., July 1, 1911, at 2 o'clock p. m. By order of Judge F. A. Daniels at May Term of Superior Court Cor Alamance Uoun ly, (be undersigned deceiver of Granite Savings A Trust Wo. will offer for sale to the best bidder at public outer/at the building In Haw Blver, N. C., formerly occupied by the Oraaite sarins• k Trust Co. on SATURDAY, JULY Ist, 1911 at t o'clock p. as. the following Dank garni ture and Fixtures: One Urge Hank Hafe with Bur»lar proof Chest. One Burroughs adding Machine. One jfealngton Typewriter. One Proteciograpn. Bank Coaster Hailing. Half Interest In Bank Counter. One lot of "Home Suik'' Safes. One Stove. Four Chairs, lUob article will be pat np snd sold sepa rately and Ikes the entire lot offered as a whole sad the bid or bids agg legating the greatest amount will be aeeepled. Terms of sale oash and Immediate possesion given- June »th. Nil. CBAS.A gCOTT, Hecelver O ran I is Savings * Trust 00. Good reenlts always follow the use of Foley Kidney Pills. Tbey give prompt relief-in all cases of Kidney and btadder disorders. Try them. Sold by all druggists. 3. B. Haggiu, a multi-million aire stock farm owner of the vi cinity of Lexington, Ky., baa is sued notice to the several hun dred employes on his 9,000-acre estate that they must shave every day. Ilaggin believes that whis kers propagate dangerous mi crobes.' A hundred thousand dollar bathroom and barber shop is being erected for free use by the employes. A LtaJlag CcJlferaU l>rug ß l.t Pasadena, CAL, March 9, 1911. —Foley and Co., Gentlemen:— We have sold ud recommended Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for year*. We believe it to be one of tbe most efficient expecto rant* on the market. Containing no opiates or narcotics it can be given freely to children. Enongii of the remedy can be taken to re lieve a cold, as it haa no nauseat ing results, and does not interfere *ith digestion. Yours very truly, C. H. Ward Drag Co., C. L. Far sons, Sec'y and Tress." Get the original Foley's Honey and Tar Compound in the yellow package. For sale by all Druggists. RttMSOSIMLtfAIIVE ti'4s> In whatway do religious sins, such as Idolatry, have an evlt material eftect upon tho Individual and the na tion? (IB.) Verse 18—In how many vsts had God "testified" or warned Thens of the evil results'that would follow their sin * (If.) How does Qod warn us of the •vll consequences of slnf (17.) How may we learn of the sad and certain results of sin, short of actual experience? (18.) Verses 14-16—What reason Is there to think that they persisted In sin, after knowing the punishment that would surely follow? (19.) Hfiw !•) It that Individuals and communities to-day, persist In doing those thing* which they know will be {tlsastror.H? (JO.) What would you say to the proposition that ain first produces par tial Insanity, and then its victims keep on In sin knowing, but not realis ing, Its av/ful consequences? (21.) What steps would you take to arouse sinners to the realisation of the awful consequences of sin? (22.) Is It possible to have slnnera for boon companions, and to be Chris tians ourselves? (23.) Verses 16-18.—What If any are the exceptions to the rule, that sin ners get worse and worse? (24.) When sinners train their chil dren to do what they know will result In Injury how do you explain it? (This is one of the questions which may be answered in writing by members of the club.) Lesson for Sunday, June 25th, 1911 Review. " Needltsj Worry. "Will you love uie when I'm old?" "Why, dnrilnc. we'll be divorced long beforo Hint."— Brooklyn I.lfe. DRINK the Best SOFT DRIKS Graham Bottling Works, Hunter&Dixon, Proprietors, use the purest extracts and flavorings and put up only one quality— THE BEST Call for our goods and insist on getting them and you will get something PURE and Good. HUNTFR & DIXON, GRAHAM, N. C. Sale of Real Estate Undoc and by virtuo of the power of aale contained in a certain deed of truat executed by Henry Pinnix and hia wife, Annie Piunix, and re corded in the Public Registry of Al amance county in Book No. 41 of Mortgage Deeds, pages 234 to 239, inclusive the undersigned trustee will offer for sale at public outcry to thp highest bidder, for cash, at the court house door in Graham, Al amance county, N. C., at noon, on MONDAY, JUNK 20, 1911, the following described real prop erty, to-wit: A certain tract or par cel of land in Burlington township, Alamance county, N U„ adjoining the lands of the Alamance Ins, & Real Estate Co., Tobe Foreat and others, and more particularly de scribed as follows: Beginning at Tobe Forest's cor ner on the South side, thence N. 8(5 J deg. W 83 feet to a stake on the line of the Alamance Ins. & Rtal Es tate Co, thence S. 4} deg. W. 210 ft. to Alamance Ins. A Heal Estate Co.'a line, thence with iU line 86} deg E 83 ft. to a atako on Tobe For eat a line, thence N. 3 deg. E. 210 ft. to the beginning, containing four tentha of an acre, more or leas. 1 This property will be sold to aat iafy the payment of the debt for the security of which said deed of traat was executed by aaid Henry Pinnix and Annie Pinnix, April 10,1908. This May 24, 1910. ALAMANCK IKS. & REAL ESTATE CO. Trustees. Job* H. Vbbnow, Att'y. Subscribe For The Gleaner. Only $ 1.00 .per year. rowrs KIDNEY PELS ■ for backache, rheumatism, kidney or bladder trouble, and urinary ii i nulsifMi A Foley's Kidney Pills purify tbe blood, restore lost vitality and vigor. Refuse BobaflMftflt For Sale by all Druggists (To Cure a Cold in One Day 1 Toke Laxative Bromo Quinine T.Mets. s#vco mmqp toot K>td bi »3 »wtht. This signature, J- ■ - 1 |pf'; St* ■.&> iflflPSSffijl BREAK AWAY / 'IHEI from the idea that a good eigav wgESymBS cannot be had ata moeerate price. We prove the cootrary every mtn- EKKSHi ute of the day. If we put it in an fijiiM imported box and asked yon a big price for it. So it is but we charge I only 5 cents for one. Smoke up. Graham Drug Company, 'Phone 99 Prescription Druggists. please any mail or lady. Roomy Chairs, Handy Sectional Book Cases, Handsome Library Tables, Couches, fust the things loj your library. £Sr*lf you coil template fitting up a room it will be to your in terest to call aud see our immense stock and get our price* be fore doing so. M. 6. SMITH Extra Flano Votes Given On Purchases. . Wednesdays, Our Special Sales Day We Are Giving 1000 Votes For each Dollar paid on Book Account, lor m Short While Only Watch our show Wiudow every Wed nesday for Special Sales. Piana votes given with each and every purchase evry day. Alamance Pharmacy, Prescription Specialists, J V C, Simmons Druggist. Is a BEAUTY for the price, and our 9250 to tSH cant be beaten anywhere for the price. We are selling some of the closest buyers In the county. If you can pay M A LITTLE DOWN AND A LITTLE A MONTH" Call on or write to EUSHiCWBCJ. NOT SO MUCH ROOM ON THE TOP KH is Maid to bo so far a* the lum ber busitics* is concerned. Wo occupy a good sharo of the space there oorselvee. We couldn't do 11, of course, unless our lumber was better than the arerage and our dealing absolutely on the level. They are. Walker & McAdams, Graham, N. C Subscribe for The Gleaner OUR $175.22 Burlington N. C.

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