THE GLEANER IBBOED KVEBY Til U BSD AY. J. D. KERNODLE, Editor. •1.00 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE' irtftWVWinnririnnnrri- -** *■ » » The editor will not be responsible (or !r.'> „ view* expressed by correspondent#. ADVERTISING KATBB •in* square (1 In.) 1 tlipe *IXO. -r each sub sequent Insertion SO cent*. For more space iiirtlonrer time, rates furnished on applica tion. Local notices 10 ots. a line for flrst [I, insertion; subsequent Insertions S eta. a line Transient advertisements must be paid for advance i j ■entered at the Potto flic* at Orahani. N. C., as second class matter. . GRAHAM, N. C., Aug. 3, 1911. Bp- - r Laat Thursday one of the worst accidents for years in this State happened at Hamlet. A negro excursion from Durham to Char lotte and a freight train collided head-on. Eight were killed out right, two others died later, and of the hundred or more who were more or less injured, several are not expected to live. The Cor poration will investnte, as it ap pears there was crimiual negli r genco somewhere. Towns and cities are suffering from the long drouth. Raleigh is fearful that its water supply will not last a great while longer without L rain and care in the use o( water. In Charlotte the situation has been acute for a week; the railroads com ing to the help of the city by, haul ing hundreds of thousands of gal lons daily. Tho assessments made by the Corporation Commission, indepen dent of the county assessors, have been increaaed about forty per cent over the last assessment. The new assessment amounts to $115,22!),- Jvm The vote waa close in Texaa on the question of State-wide prohibi tk>n, the State going wet by about • 6,000 majority—a close vote for big r Texas. .The Prohibitionists aay they will try it again. There is something of a calm now * iu the move for tho U. 8. Senator ahip from this State. It won't be that way long—it's too alluring for the seekers to keep quiet long at a timo. ™ . "As a result of tho continued i drouth, on last Monday 152 cotton mills which get power from the | Southern l'ower Co. on Catawba river were shut down, due to low . water in the river. . It looks like former Governor Vardaman of Mississippi will go to the U. 8. Benate> In the popular vote ho led both his competitors by a sizable majority. Reciprocity will not go into effect until Canada gives the word. Can adians will vote db it 21st of Sept. West Needs 50,000 Harvest lands Crop Estimated at 200,000,000 Bushels. Montreal, Aug. 2.—Tho Cana dian Pacific today started tho first of its harvesteral excursions to the west, where the farmers are reported to be in need of 00,000 harvest hands to assist in caring for the great wheat crop, esti mated at 5100,000,000 bushels. Thslargest number of men hither to sent west for harvesting was two years ago, when 20,000 made the journey. The big Increase this year is due to the fact that the crop In Manitoba Alberta and Saskatchewan promises excep tionally well, both on land that has been in cultivation for years and on the big additional acreage that has been broken up during the past two yean. The railroads expect to Meruit thousands of : harvesters in Ontario, Quebec and the Maritime Provinces. It is .probable that a number will be brought out from England. Drought Has Proved Modem Farming Records. ' frtpMln r*rm«r. ; "This dry year is bringing out ; the difference between good farm ||jbg And poor farming more strik- Ingly than almost any other In re cent years," said a farmer from a dionght-damnged section m few days ago. "Where the farmers ilpioke their land deep and pulver- Spied thoroughly so that the land ■pa held moisture well, and have Eft.oominitted the folly of cutting corn roots with turning plows, the stood the dry spell well. Bnt wherever crops were planted in a little Snatched upper surface, impervl- H|s to moisture, there yon see Sphere tho beat and dryness have Bold their story. Brickbats can moisture—to any ex- Hilt—and clods are littie better. Progressive' Farmer is right Koasfeting upon pulverization." Highway From Moun tains to Sea. - GOOD ROADS WEEK BEGINS AUGUST 7th—HIGHWAY COMMISSION PUSHING-IM PORTANCE OF THE GREAT ROADWAY. Mr. H. B. Varner, Chairman of the Central Highway Committee, writes the following to THE GLEANER that js of interest, not only to the people of Alamance, but to all on the route of the Stale's Central Highway: When you are working for good wagon roads in your county, you are unquestionably rendering your people, especially the farm ers, the greatest service that you can possibly do them. One good road through your county Is the entering wedge for a complete system of roads, and with a sys tem of good country highways your county will go forward rap idly in better schools, in better churches, in better farming, In better health conditions, and your people will be more happy and prosperous and the county in general will " blossom like a rose." Good roads will mean that your farmers will be able to carry their produce to market in bad weather when the prices are highest, when they cannot work on the farm, and they will be able to hanl five times as much to the load and make the trip three timea aa quick as they formerly did over bad roads, therefore, nothing will help your county more than good roads. Won't you please urge the farm ers and other good citizens along the Central Highway to get to gether and contribute labor, teams and money and co-operate with tho trustees and other road and county officials in building the Central Highway through your county during " Good Roads Week," beginning August 7th? If you all get together and build your link of this highway, it will be the proudest day in the history of your good county. Remember that this highway is the people's road. While automobilista will use It, it will be used at the ratio' of one automobile to fifty wagons and other horse-driven vehicles a year, and automobile owners will no doubt do more for the promo tion of this and other good roads than any other class of our peo ple. You want to urge your people to get butty without delay and build tholr link of the Central Highway and make yoor link the best on the entire road, for we ex pect to have an- Endurance Ran over this roid from tho mountains to the tea In October and cash prizes will be offered to the eoun ty and township that has built the best link of this road. Your county can whi this distinction. It Is worth working for, and If you win, It will show that your people have as much local pride and patriotism and that they are just as progressive, If not more so, than they are in any other county along the entire line. The value of the Central High way to your connty cannot be estimated and yon want to Im press upon yoor people that thejr can win the prise for bnllding the best link of the Highway and that they will win If they will try, and I believe they will try. I know you are a busy man, bat yon can not do a better thing for yoor section than to take time and im press on your people the impor tance of this road. The Eudnrance Run will be a tour of inspeotion. Where a I county hasn't made substantial improvement on their road by October, the trustoes will be com pelled to go around that eonnty, for wherever the Central High way goes, it must be a flrat elaaa road, good 866 days in tho year, a road that will be pointed to aa an object leewra and will be the pride of the conntiee through which It runs and an honor to our good Sate. DuhiM Cannot bo Oind by loo*l application*. ha tbey jaaaot nwk lit* dlaaaaad para at tIM Mr. Tfcar* I* only on* way to our* iwhwi and Ital la by *OO - rerawlle*. Iwatnm taeauartby a dUaaaed oondltloa of tb* aooou* llnla* of tb* Eustachian Tuba. Wb*aUU tube l. In flamed you bar* a ruwbllna sound and Im parfnot bMriac, and wbaoTt It aatlraly oloa •Jd*afn**sl*lba naiifiraai aakw taaS flaam»Uon eta be takaa out and tb* tuba iwtorad to IK normal eoodlUoa. baarlas will b» daatioyad ftnotran ala* «aa** oat « tea aia oauaad by aatani, wblob la nothing but aa loiaß*d gondlUon of tb* aaueour «ur -1?a wlUyln oaa hundred dollar* fM any 2 ZSi «»*'2iSr«JS£ a*.d for yftsum* aca.ToMo.a Sold by Draatat*,Be Take Hal)-* Family PUIa for nooaUpatton. tOLE Y5 KIDNEY PII^S K>a P»«.KiMgVIMi Plant a Second Crop of Vegetables— Time Enoagh Yet Carolina Colon Fanner. The extremely dry weather that has prevailed in many parts of the State has rained the garden. However, there is plenty of time for a fall garden. "Snap" beans can be planted until the 20th of August and we have made n good crop as late as the 3d of Septem ber. Corn will still make "roast ing ears." The second crop of Irish potatoes should go * in tlio last of July or the first of August. Small potatoes from the flirt crop which have been sprouted can be used, although cold storage po tatoes usually make a bigger yield and can bo bought veiy reasonably. Tomatoes sot out now -will make a good late«rop. In case you have no plants, cut- 1 tings from early plants do well. Cabbage for winter should be sowed at once, and set out on well prepared land by the first of Sep tember. Rntabaga turnips should be planted as early as possible. They should be planted in rows and cultivated every week. Oth er varieties of turnips can be sowed during August up to the 15th of September, usually. AH kinds of salads, kale, spinach, rape, mustard, can be sowed. Usually the local markets are not supplied with these vegetables during the fall and winter. Last year rutabaga turnips from Can ada wei*e selling on the Charlotte market for #1.50 per bushel, while Bplnach, lettuce and other vegeta bles, were being shipped in from the south. All of these can be grown In this locality. Lettuce for fall use should be sowed dur ing August the first of Sep tember. Most markets prefer a headed variety. Green onions are usually in demand during the winter months. They should be set ont early In September, or even the laat of August la not too early where they are to be used dnring the winter. A High Cnt4a BIOMI Purifier. Go to Alamance Pharmacy and buy a bottle of B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm. It will purify and enrich your blood and build up your weakened, broken down sys tem. B. B. B. is guaranteed to cure all blood diseases and skin humors, such as Rheumatism, Ulcers, Eating Sores, Catarrh, Eczema, Itching Humors, Risings and Bumps, Bone Pains, Piinpl s, Old Sores, Scrofu a or Kernels, Suppurating Sores, Boils, Car buncles. B. B. B. cures all these blood troubles by killing thit poison haroor and expelling from the system. B. B. B. is the only blood remedy that can do this—therefore it cures and heals all sores when all elso fails, $1 per largo bottle, with directions for homo euro. -* Samplo free by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. Eight miles from Jackson Springs, Moore county, Saturday, Dan Graham shot and Instantly killed Bandy Cole. The story Is that Cole had visited the home of Graham about six months ago and had threatened the life of Mrs. Graham. He was discovered Saturday advancing with his gun and presented his gun as if to shoot Mrs. Graham, whereupon Graham flred and instantly killed him. sloo— Dr. E. Detchnn's Antl Diuretic may be worth to you more than 1100 If yon have a child who soils bedding from incontin enee of water during sleep. Cures old and young alike, It arrests the trouble at onoe. sl. Sold by Graham Drag Co. Gordon C. Bailey, who was In dicted In Burke county for a pen itentiary offense, has been located at Fort Sam Houston, Texas, and npou a requisition from Governor K itch in to the Governor of Texas, Bailey will be surrendered. Bailey was arrested, indicted and allowed his liberty on ball. He fled the country, enlisted in the United States army and was sent to Fort Sam Houston. North Wilkesboronustler: One looal and reliable estimate, by Mr. 8. V. Tomllnson, pot upon the value of the blackberry crop of Wilkes connty this year Is that the marketed berries will bring about one hundred thousand dol lars Into Wilkes county. i. iljj.l,ll jls.niiliJ.lH y sSfitfulsion —fclftt the mother strong and well; increases and Stt rkhwtheUbrjs^^4~ Government Dogs, Monkeys and the Like. W«ahlD(ton DUp»tcb,'July nth. Investigation of the coat and work of the Bemaen board, which reversed Dr. Harvey W. Wiley, of the bureau of chemistry, on the benzoate of soda pure-food de cision, was begun today before the House committee on expendi tures in the Department of Agri culture. The same committee al so will investigate the recent charges against Dr. Wiley. Two bull terriers, four monkeys, eight dog oages, an electric grid dle, one horoacope and a chiffon ier were purchased during the last four years by the Remsen board, according to the testimony today of Chief Zappane, of the aqponnts division of the Depart ment of Agriculture. Representative Iliggins, of Con necticut, a Republican member of the committee, insisted that the itemized accounts furnished the committee were printed before the committee started the hearings. Nothing further was accomplished aud the committee adjourned till Tuesday. It was learned that the Remsen board had already cost the gov ernment a total of $175,(27. Of this amount 1120,095 was for salaries of the members of the board and their assistants and $5,432 went for expenses. • The expense account, put in evidence, attracted much atten tion. The eight dog cages cost ♦235, two bull terriers SSO. Four monkeys were put in at S2B for the lot, while five monkey cages cost SIOO The electric griddle WM bought for $37, while "one horoscope" cost 13.76. The particular va riety of the horoscope waa not mentioned. The committee will pry first in to the creation and work of the Remsen board, ascertaining if it exists by any specific authority of law. Tho committee thinks the Remsen board ought to be investi gated first and that Dr. Wiley can wait, since it does not appear that the pure food champion has bought any pups. Children Who Are Sickly. Mottaera who value tbelr own eomfort and the welfare of tbelr children, should never be without a box of Mother Oraj't Sweet t'owder for Children, for u*e throughout the aeaaon. They Break up Oold«, Cuie Keverlahnew, Constipation. Teething Die ordure, Headache and Htomacb Trouble!. Thcuo I'owderi never fall. Sold brail Drue Btoree, re. Don't accept any lubrtltute. A trial pacluae will be lent free to aajr mother Who will add reel Allen S. O mated, Lu Roy. Ihe city council of Pensacola, Fla., has refused to appropriate money for the maintenance of a Carnegie public library. Carnegie offeied $25,000 If Pensacola would raise one-tenth of that amount. The people turned down the proposition several weeks ago on a referendum vote. Naajr a suffering Woman Drags herself painfully through her daily tasks, suffering from backache, headache, nervousness, loss of appetite and poor sleep, not knowing her ills are doe to kidney and bladder troubles. Foley Kidney Pills give quick re lief from pain and misery and prompt return to health and strength. No woman who suffers can afford to overlook Foley Kid ney Pills. Sold by all Druggists. The government has decided to make a thorough investigation into the methods of manqfactur- Ing and wholesaling lumber. This follows closely upon the criminal action against the retail lumber dealers' sssociation of the West and the civil anti-trust action against the retailers of the East. ARNOLD'S w r55T BALSAM Cholera Morbus by GralUUB Drug Co. Graho* N. C "Is it ires," ssld one Isdy to saothsr, "thst st your dsnce lest night yon wars lbs only sobsr person present T* -No; of course net," wse tbs tndlg nsnt reply. "Wbo was. tbsnr ssld tbs first Isdy blsndly. Lw (fTIM N«u Lm If Pi; Kidney trouble and the ills it breeds means lost time And lost My to many a working man. M. Baleot, ItM Little Penna. St., Streator, Til., was so bad from kidney and bladder trouble that he could aot work, bat he says: "I took Foley Kidney Pills for only a short time and got entirely well and was soon able to go back to wo rift. and am feeling well and healthier than before." Foley Kidney Pills are toole ia action, quick in results—a good friend to the working man or woman who •often from kidney ilia. Sold by all Druggists. Andrew Jioldin. Andrew Jackson, whoa* will Is «a record, was perhaps the poorest ot all the praatdaata of the United States. He ceafmaad -kls poverty aad admit- Mi tkftt IM ht4 bun ruined flundAllj by hla nephew, whom he had adopted and treated aa a eon. MINFSOFIWO LAXATIVE He e»e»iMaJM»an ana Cwunii«a| North Carolina News. The freight depot at Biltmore was burned Sunday night. Loas about $5,000 and origin of fire un known. Charlie Shepherd, 18 years old and colored, shot and killed Hen ry Boulware, also colored, in Charlotte Saturday night. The Boone Democrat hears that frost waa aeen in aome sections of Watauga county last Wednesday morning, July, 20. The four-year-old child of Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Wright, of Dur ham, drank carbolic acid by mis take for Castoria and died from the effects. At Wilmington Saturday Police man Nelms attempted 'to arrest Frank Davis, colored, who restat ed and the officer shot him. The negro died of his injuries a few hours later. Attorneys J. D. Bellamy and L. G. Grant. "passed the lie" in court in Wilmington last week and Mr. Bellamy and his son, Emmett attacked Grant outside the court room. No damage. Friends separated them. D. F. Conrad has been named postmaster at Lexington to suc ceed Walser. Walser has been making a fight for retention and it is probable that Conrad's con firmation will bo opposed. Thos. Badger, police justice of Raleigh, died Saturday at his home in Raleigh, aged 68. He was a son of Hon. Geo. E. Badger, United States Senator and Secre tary of the Navy. Wife and four children survive. A Virginia Representative has introduced in Congress a bill ap propriating $300,000 for the gov ernment purchase of Jamestown Island, Va., and to convert it in to a National Park to preserve the sigte of the first English set tlement in America. Secme* to Girt Him a New Stomach. "I suffered intensely after eat ing and no medicine or treatment I tried seemed to do any good," writes H. M. Youngpetere, Editor of The Sun, Lake View, Ohio. "The first few doses of Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets gave me surprising relief and the second bottle seemed to give me a new stomach and perfectly good health." For sale by all dealers. Mrs. Sarah E. Gabbett, known throughout the South as the de signer of the cross of honor of the Confederacy, an emblem given Confederate soldiers, died at her home in Atlanta Sunday morning, 16th inst. Mrs. Gabbett was 78 years old and formerly lived in Savannah. Foley Kidney Pills will check the progress of your kidney and bladder trouble and heal by re moving the cause. Try them. Sold by all druggists. High and Law. The bis beet and lowest points In tbs coon try, exclusive of AJssks, sre In UM ssme state, California, and within 100 miles of ssch other. They are Mount Whitney, 14,000 test shore tbs ssa level, and Dssth ralley, 490 feet below the sea. Accaied ef Stealing. E. E. Chamberlain, of Clinton, Me., boldly accuses Bucklen's Arnica Salve of stealing—the sting from burns or scalds—the pain from sores of all kinds—the distress from boils or piles. "It robs cuts, corns, bruises, sprains and injuries of their terror," he says, "as a healing remedy its equal don't exist." Only 25c at Graham Drug Co. BOdad is very proud of his prow ess and upon occasion is s trifle quarrelsome because of his assumed powers with his lists. It was ru mored thst he and Dubbleigh had had a near fight at a little dinner recently given, and Tompkins, de sirous of getting at the truth of the matter, branched the subject at the dub. "Yes," ssld BOdad, getting very red in the fsce. "Dubbleigh and I nearly esme to blows. I wanted to Uck him then snd there, sad rd nsve done it, too, if I hsdnt been grabbed from behind and held -ReaDyr aaid Tompkins. "Who was it grabbed Vou from behind and held you backf* "Dubbleigh," said Bildsd gloom ily.—Harper 1 * Weekly. Having returned from her honey moon, the young bride went en a provision (hopping tour. This Is what she boognt: Three bottles of strained honey. Five lan of raspberry Jam. Two Jan of auince marmalade One pound of chocolate creams. One layer cake. One bottle of maple svrup. Rj» sugar crullers. One lemon pie. At dinner tune the husband was hungry enough to aa( something "Why, I*l']Mary 1 * I '] Mary -he evrisimsd, "where an the mead, butter, meal, milk, potatoes snd rise!" "Ton my word," replied Harv sweetly, "I never even thought o. them. 4 —New York Press. [Deferred] . Boone Station Farmer* Wide Awake. Pumn taiWato-MiN tor Wheat riiMi-PnC BruiNk atmerlif- J Other Wewfc The second session of the Western Alamance and Eastern Onilford Fanner's Institute waa held here on Wednesday, and waa largely attended. Mr. J. S. Jef freys* A. A U. College, delivered two addresses, one on the killing, dieaaing and marketing of poultry to the women excluaively, and the other on poultry raining on the farm, with special reference to their Feeding, to a Joint session of both men and women. Prof. C. L. Newman, of the same institu tion delivered two addresses to the men exclusively. Xhe first was on Soli Improvement, and the second waa on Rotation of Crops. Mr. T. Frank Parker, of the State Department of Agriculture, de livered a most excellent address on Commercial Fertilisers and Home Mixing, which appealed very much to the farmers and is subject to comment even yet. Miss Katherine Parker addressed the Women's Institute twice. She spoke first on Health Hints and second on Bread Making. Mrs. Sue V. Hollowell addressed the Women's Institute from the theme Care of the Infant and then be fore a joint sessiou told the men some straight things in regard to opportunities for women of the farm, their wives and daughters were entitled to have and must have if farm life is to be made what it should be. Mrs. Hollo well was largely applauded by the men, who had listened to the castigations of themselves. Her address made a decided hit. Next year the Boone Station Townahlp is to oiler prizes for the growth of wheat. The conditions of 1 the awarding of the prizes are las follows: Ist Best yield on 1 acre—2nd Best' average yield on an entire crop of not less than 10 acres: 1. judges shall be a commit tee appointed by the Farmer's In stitute Committee. 2. Compe tition open to any farmer in Boone Station Township. 3. Grain must be No. 1 milling quality free from impurities. 4. Parties competing must register their names with D. W. Brown, Elon College, N. C., on or before Nov. Ist, 1911. 5. Party competing must cettify in writing that all measurements are correct. 6. Measurement of land and wheat must be made by or in the pres ence of three disinterested farm ers and certified to by them. 7. Party competing must furnish itemized statement of expenses of crop including all work. Blank forms on which to fill out state ments of expenses will be for warded to all who register. 8. All returns shall be made on blanks furnished, before the date at the 1912 Alamance County Institutes. Prises On The Beet YieM On As Entire Cray Of Net Let* Than 10 Acre*. Ist—lls.oo in Gold. * Snd-| 6.00 in Gold. Prise* On The Best YieM On One Acres lat—#lo.oo. and--$ 1.00. The many friends of Prof. N. P. Brannock, of the Chair of Physics and Chemistry here, will be glad to know that he is now on the road to permanent recovery, from a serious trouble which re quired a double operation to which be has been subjected at the St. Leo's Hospital in Greens boro. His life was despaired of at first, bat his physicians assure us now that he is oat of danger— in fact he is able at this time to write with his own hand. Former President Dr. K. L. Moffitt, is a pleasant visitor on the Hill, and is making arrange ments to move his furniture to Asheboro, which is to be the seat of his labors and the place of his home from this time on. Presi dent Mofflt assumes control of the Asheboro Wheelbarrow and Manufacturing Co., the position in which he has had large experi ence and reaped a large and da-, serving success in former years. Klon College, July 27,1911. An ordinary ease of diarrhoea eaa, aa a rule, be cured by a ■ingle dose of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, rhis remedy has no superior for bowel oomplaints. For sale by all dealers. "-ktaTtoJst'rSr'wtn Improve It hetfc In tasts sad digssttbtllty by Isylnc the slless of trad In tfcs ma tot s Uttle while before patting them over the eesls or tn the toaster. Tto win tosst bsttsr sad SMCS evenly tor this sdvsncs trestSMnt Do not allow your kidney and bladder tronble to develop beyond the reach of medicine. Take Fo ley Kidney Pills. They give quick results and stoo irregular ities with surprising promptness. Sold by all Druggist. it Cheaper * Drugs, Medicines, Cigars, Tor bacco, Stationery, Toilet Ar-" tides, Soaps, Perfum ery. Candies, etc. Delicious nuntain On n lis MADE - TO - ORDER. We will appreciate a part of your trade. Carolina .Drug Co. ON THE CORNER. . D. H. HUDSON, Manager. - Southern Railway ANNUAL SEASHORE EXCURSION Tuesday, . , Round Trip August W. 65 To NORFOLK, VA. Tuesday, Aug. Bth, 1911. Grandest Outing of the Season. Last Opportunity of the Season to visit the Famous Seashore of Virginia. ~ SPECIAL TRAIN Nice Coaches—Pullman Sleeping Cars Burlington, 7 :25 p. m. 3.65 Graham, . ?':3O p. in. 3.65 Ilillßboro, 8:30 p.m. 3.65 Raleigh, 7:00 p. m. 3.00 Durham, 9:20 p.m. 3.00 Oxford, 10:30 p. m. 3.00 Rates In same proportion from all intermediate points. Two whole days and one night at the Seashore. Separate cars for colored people. Make application at once if you Desire Pallman For rates, Schedules, Pullman Reservation and other information ask your Agent or Write J. O. JONES, T. P. A. Raleigh, N. C. Accidents on all inter-State railroads moat now be reported daily to tbe Inter-State Commerce Commission and it is said that an average of 30 reports of accidents are received daily, involving the loss of one life or more. A well known Des Moines wo man after suffering miserably for two days from bowel complaint, was cured by one dose of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy. For sale by all dealers. VtnlM of Brail. Psrnambuco la called the .Venice of Brail on account of it* numerous lakes, rlrars, watstVays and an Im muH coral reef with which nature has completely encircled the city, and tnalde of which all but the very larg nt ocean Tmdi i^cbor. More people, men and women, are suffering from kidney and bladder trouble than ever before, and each year more of them turn for quick relief and permanent benefit to Foley's Kidney Remedy, which has proven itself to be one of the moat effective remedies for kidney and bladder ailments, that medloal scienoe ean has devised. Sold by all Druggists. • U' - ' J 4 "I srCersd this steak not wsO doa%" Slid thf Impatient gmt "I know It." answered the Intellec tual waiter. "But the cook Is one of those people who heller e that mo mat tar how small a thin* to it should he well done." ■my vmr, Asfhsu aM •uauaerOsMs Must be relieved quickly and Foley's Honey and Tar Compound will do it. E. M. Stewart, 1034 Wolfram St., Chicago, writes: "I awe been greatly troubled during e hot summer months with Hay Fever and find that by using Fo ley's Honey and Tar Compound I get gnat relief." Many others who suffer similarly will be glad to benefit by Mr. Stewart's expe rience. Sold by all Druggists. Injustice. Wife—l cant aee why. heeause a wo man marries a ran. she should take Husband—l quite agree with you. I think that the poor chap ought to hare sewefhlns which he can call his own,—mustrnted Bits. Jack Johnson, the American negro prise fighter, has signed ar ticles for a fight with Borbardier Wells, an Englishman, for the championship of the world and •40,000. The fight Is to take plaee in London before September «•» —~ a "Back Home" to the South. I 3 Estimated SO.OOO are Coming From j Far West—Will be Worth Mlllioni To South. J ® Special Correspondence. Seattle, Wash. Jnly 26, —As a result of the "Back Home" move 'r ment, it is estimated that 50,000 i people will leave Washington and - Oregon this fall for the Sonth and - East. Reports coming to this • City from California, Idaho and Montana say that the movement is spreading rapidly in these t States. This intelligence is ob ■ tained from men travelling out of g Seattle and those stopping over j here. The newspapers for obvi [- oos reasons, "kill" all stories about it, but are raising a mighty shout for more advertising by the | railroads and Commercial Clubs. t It is believed here that the Rail i roads of the West and Canada t can "choke off" the publicity > given the movement by distribut f ing heavy advertising contracts t among the newspapers, especially . in the South and East. The "Back Home" circulars ~ and literature received here in ( the West are passed from one to another until they are worn out. . Sometimes one circular will be t mailed and re-mailed a hundred | times, and in this way interest continues to grow. Here In the City "Back Home" has become a 1 by-word. I have beared men here [ say that it is worth a hundred | million dollars to the South if the t movement is pressed for all it is f worth. It is generally admitted r even by the "land sharks" and ■ boomers of the West, as being a [ great "hit"; butthey say the peo i pie of tbe South are too slow to I take full advantage of it Attack like ngers. Infighting to keep the blood pure the white corpuscles attack I disease germs like tigers. But often germs multiply so fast the ; little fighters are overcome. Then » see pimples, boils, eczema, salt i rheum and sons multiply and •teeagth and appetite, fail. This condition demands Electrie 1 Bitters to regulate stomach, liver ■ and kidneys and to expel poisons • bom the blood. "They an the , best purifier," writes C. T. Bad , aha, of Tracy, Calif., "I have ever found." They make rich, red • Mood, strong nerves and build r up your health. Try them. 60c at Graham Drug Co. g m

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