GRAHAM, N. C., Aug. 3, 1911 ftstofHce Honrs. Offlo*open 1.00 a.m. t07.00p. m. Sunday S.OO to 11.00 a. m. and 4.00 to M) 0 p. la HBBNAN HUOHKB, Port master. Local News. —Water is getting low in the wells. —The County Commissioners meet in regular monthly session next Monday. —Mr. Jas. P. Smith is having some repair work done on his resi dence, also reiynted. —Mr. J. Adolph Long has moved his law office to one of the offices over the National Bank of Alamance. —Regular communication of Thoe. M. Holt Lodge No. 492, A. F. and A. M., Friday night. A full attend ance is requested. —The Singing Class from the Ox ford Orphanage will give a concert in the opera house Monday n : ght. Admission 25c and 15c. —Next Sunday Morning at 11 o'clock Rev. P. H. Fleming will preach at New Providence. A cor dial invitation to the services is ex tended to all. —The dry weather continues. The showers fall in spots —a shower fell Tuesday on either side of the Big Alamance. To-dar a light shower fell here. —Mr. W. S. Vestal raised 183 bu. of wheav on 11 acres on his farm on the Swepsonville road. His farm is small but he proposes to do big farming. That's the right idea. —A party of about a dozen will go into camp next week on the grounds of the Country Club on MR Mcßride Holt's farm, on Little Ala mance, two and a half miles west of Graham. —A fire at Burlington last Thurs day night badly damaged the stock of goods of the Bane's Dry Goods Co. About $3,000 insurance was carried which it is reported will not cover the loss. The annual Masonic picnic at Baynee Store, Caswell Co., was held Tuesday. Gov. Kitchin made thu prinicipal address of the occasion. The public installation of officers was conducted by Hon. W. H. Car roll, of Burlington. —Mr. John C. Burke, ono of Bur lington's leading citizens, died Wed nesday morning, July 26th, aged 55 years. For a number of years he had been engaged in the furniture and undertaking business. ' —The Confederate Soldiers' Reun ion at Wilmington is being attended by Capt. W. M. Andrews, of Bur lington, Mr. A. L. Newlin near 'Swepsonville, Mr. Lemuel Johnston near Long's Chapel, and Mr. Chas. D. Johnston of this place. —Again this week Mr. Jas. C, McAdams has been down about Clayton, the section of fine water melons, and is today unloading a car of some as fine ones as ever came to these parts. Fruit is exceedingly scarce which makes the good old water melon not only a luxury but almost a necessity. —Rev. Dr. Daniel Albright Long, lately elected President of Union Christian College, Merom, Ind., left the latter part .of last week for that place to take up the work inci dent to the position. His friends wish him what they believe he will achieve—the greatest success possi ble in his new field of labor. His wife and son will follow in a few New Advertisements Carolina Drag Co. —Sell yon drugs "Cheaper"—They also call apecial attention to their deliciona cold drinks —They have to be tried to be appreciated. Southern Railway—Excursion to Norfolk Aug. 8. See ad. for rates. Service by Publication —Nancy Settle ▼». Alex. Settle. Service by Publication—Joseph Hill vs. Lula Bill. Southern Good Roads Train. This train arrived here at 8:80 a m. and left at 10:80 a. m., Monday. The attendance was not large—due partly on account of the short stop and partly from a misunderstanding as to where it would be. All who attended and heard the lectures and saw the working models and the dif ferent kinds of rt«ds illustrated and explained, are by that much bet ter informed about road building than those who manifested no ap preciable interest in this great hand maid of civilisation. Whan so much money is needed and where so much is required to facilitate travel and transportation, it behooves every citizen to show sad take active in ttW. Personal Mention 11—— , • l(r. French Hunter arrived this morning for his vacation. liias Lnla Fleniken, of Charlotte, is visiting Miss Lucy Borch. Mies Claire Turner "returned last night from her summer vacation. Miss Katie Lee Banks, of Haw River, is visiting Miss Madeline White. Mr. Frank Hunsucker, of High Point, spent Sunday at Mr. J. Edgar Long's. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Furlow, of Greensboro, are visiting at Mr. J. D. Albright's. Frest. W. T. Whitsett and Prof. Joyner, of Whitsett Institute spent Isst Friday here. Miss Annie Strudwick, of Hills boro, is visiting Miss Fannie Waters at Mr. Chaa. A. Scott's. Mr. J. S. Hunter, of Durham, is visiting st the home of his mother, Mrs. C. S. Hunter. Mr. H. W. Scott returned this morning from an extended trip South and West. Prof, snd Mrs. S. G. Lindsay re rurned this morning from a visit to relatives at Chapel Hill. Miss Annie Harden returned yes terday evening from a visit of two weeks to relatives in Roxboro. Miss Grace Donoho, of St. Louis, spent faom Friday till Sunday here. She formerly made her home here. Mr. Hubert Hill, who has been visiting at Mr. B. 8. Robertson's, left Monday for his home in Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Moore and children, of Greensboro, spent Sun day here at the home of Mr. W. C. Moore. Messrs. Banks and Allan Mebane, of Spray, are visiting at the home of their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. L. Banks Holt. * Misses Helen and Madge Wilker son, of Concord, are visiting their aunt, Miss Annie Kime, at Mrs. J. B. Montgomery's. Mre. Chas. H. Belvin and children, of Raleigh, are visiting at the home of ber father, Rev. D. A. Long, East of Graham. Mr. and Mrs. James Nicks, of Orange county, speilt Sunday and Monday here at the home of their son, Mr. W. J. Nicks. Misses Katherine Whartcn and Emmie Drewry, of Raleigh, arrived here Sunday from Atlantic City and are yisiting at Mr. L. Banks Holt's. Mr. and Mrs. J. Elmer Long left Sunday morning for the home of Capt. Thos. Peay, the latter's father, I near Pittsboro. Mr. Long returned Tuesday. Mr. Thos. O'Berry, of Goldsboro, spent the latter of last week with Miss Madeline White, Mr. O'Berry came up Thursday and returned with his wife Friday. Mrs. Chas. C. Robbing and baby, of High Point, will arrive here to morrow to visit at the homes of her uncles, Dr. Will 8. and Mr. J. Edgar Long. Rev. and Mrs. C. If. Lance, who have been here viatting the fatten* parents, Mr. and Mra. J. N. H. Clen denin, left for Mebane this morning and leave there to-morrow for their home at Bnrgaw. Master Oar land Henderson spent the first of the week with relatives at Haw River and Master James Simpson, of Haw River, spent the first of the week here with Master Haywood Henderson. Mr. Samuel G. Neville, of Knox ville, Tenn., spent Tuesday here with frienda. He was ior several years a student at the old Graham Normal College, and is spending the week with relatives at Elon College and Chapel HilL Go Right At It. Friends and Neighbors in Graham Will Show You How. Get at the root of the trouble. Rubbing »n aching back may relieve It, But it won't cure it. YOB must reach the root of IT — the kidneys. Doan's Kidney Pills go right ftt it; Reach the cause; relieve the pain. They cure, too, so Graham peo ple say. * T. C. Bradsh»w, MOl St, Gra- ham, N. G., aaya: "I cannot say too much In praise of Doan's Kid ney Pills ana I strongly urge any one suffering from kidney trouble to at least give this remedy a fair trial. I had a pain in my back for nearly two year* and nothing was of a permanent benefit until Doan's Kidney Pills were tried. They helped me from the first and before long I was completely rid of Backache. Ify cure has proven Dermanent." For aale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buf falo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name—Doan's— -and take no other. Street Cars Coming. That track-laying on theKlec tric Street Car line la now tn view from the court boose and going ahead at the rate of about 700 feet » day confirms the hope held out for several yean that Graham is really to hAve electric street cars —that the time now is but a mat ter of a few weeks. A large force of men and teams —an hundred or more— ls doing the grading, pot ting down ties and track and finishing np as it goes at the rate above mentioned. This street car proposition has had its obstacles, but it, too, had the men hold of it who knew how and surmounted them. In throe or four days the track will reach the court house square, which will leave but little to do in track-laying from this point on througfeo Burlington. Oxford Orphans Coming. The Singing Class from the . Ox ford Orphanage will give a coucert in the Montwhite Theatre at 8:00 o'clock, Monday night, August 7th. These entertainments are highly en joyable and while the admission price- is very reasonable it is a sou roe of considerable help to the orphan age. There are about 350 children in this institution now. It is a most Worthy enterprise and should be en couraged in every way possible. The program, we understand, is fully up to the high standard of ex cellence of former concerts by ihe Class. Amission: 12 years and over 25c; 6 years to 12, 15c. Let everybody come out, enjoy a good concert and help a most worthy cause. Mr. J. Scott Hunter Receives a Call to Georgia. The Durham Sun of yesterday says: Secretary J. S. Hunter, of the Durham Young Men's Christian As sociation, has received a call t > Thomasville, Ga., and in all proba bility will accept this call. Mr. Hunter has served as secretary of the local Y. M. C. A. since 1008, during which time the magnificent building now occupied was erected. During this time Mr. Hunter has made many friends for the Y. M. 0. A. by his tireless and unceasing energy, and has proved equal to the radny tasks that attend the erection of every Y. M. 0. A. building. Mr. Hunter will leave next week on his annual vacation and upon his return definite announcement for bis future plans will be made. Dr. P. H. Fleming. The numerous friends of Rev. Dr. P. H. Fleming will regret to learn that he will leave the coun ty and State. He has resigned the pastorate of tbe Christian church at Burlington where he is greatly beloved and has accom plished great and lasting good. He has been elected pastor of the First Christian Chnrch of Green ville, Ohio, where he will go the latter part of this month, lie has been a potent factor in the uplift of the connty, having serv ed several times as Connty Supt. of Schools and having preached at various point* in the County. Burlington and the Connty will miss him. Fourteen Turkey*, Mule and Mare For Sale. Old Long Homestead. One full blooded bronze gobler which cost seven dollars and fifty cents, a year ago, at Baltimore. One full blooded bronze hen, which cost, at Oconee chee Farm, three dolfare and fifty cents. The others are mixed breeds. The entire flock may be had, at greatly reduced prices, for cash. Also one mole and one mare, for sale. The mare waa purchased from Mr. W« C. Moore, of Graham, for f 150 cash, on account of her auit ablenees for a family buggy horse. All cheap for cash, or abankablo note. D. A. LOKO. Wanted. A good farmer with small family, to rent the Old Long Homestead Farm, aa lam going away. A good opportunity for the right roan. Call or write. Also small house on twenty acna to rant, at Burlington, N. C. Rev. D. A. Load. Brick MscUae for Sale. One No. 3 J. C. Steele A Son Brick Machine, together with truck, etc., all in good repair, for sale by Biver Falls Cotton Hill Co. Apply to J. W. Mennfee, or J. D. Kernodle. July 27, H. Wanted. Reliable men with horse and buggy to sell and collect for as. Bison Scwiso MiCHUK Co. For Sale. The llal B. Mebsne residence. Apply to Chas. A. Scott. Cuts and braises can be healed In shoot one third the time re quire! -by the usual treatment by applying Chamberlain's Liniment. it ia an autiaeptlc and causes such injuries to heal without matura tion. This liniment also relieves soreness of the muscles and rheu matic pains. For sale by all deal ers. D .... DIIRITL NRUNIL Residence Burglarized. Some time last night the home oLMrs. Elizabeth Freeland on the U*w River road was burglarized. A stiver wetch belonging to Mr. G. Walton Goseett, No. 91C10, In itial on caao, WAS taken. Betwee L sls and S2O were taken from tbe pants pockets of Messrs. G. C. and J. D. Freeland. Trunks wore opened and ransacked. Nothing is reported missing except the watch and money, so it seems they were after valuables easily gotten away with. Nobody woke while fho pillage was going on acd nothing was known of it till the family rose this morning. Piedmont-Carolina Fair Association. This is the name of a Fair Asso ciation organized by the colored people of this section of the State and the district embraces Winston- Salem and Durham and intermediate territory. They will hold this fair at the ground* of the Alamance Fair Association the week after the latter fair and will open on Cct. 10th and continue four days. The Associa tion is officered by the leading col ored citizens of this section of the State—men of business and affairs. Among those interested are Prof. W. G. Pearson, Principal of Wbitted High School of Durham, Proßt.; John Merrick, Prest. Farmers and Mechanics ltank of Duibam, Tress; Dr. J. E. Shepherd, Prest. of Train ing School of Durham, Ch'm'n Hoard of Directors; J. 13. Dudley, President State A. and M. Col lege of Greensboro, vice-prest.; Dr. C. 11. Shepherd, of Dur ham, Prof W. N. Nelson, of State A. & M. College, Greensboro, and Dr. W. ,L. {McNair, of Greensboro, Directors. W. R. Ilall of this pln'ce is the loeal man. This fair with such men behind it is expected to be creditable to them and to Ala mance county. Watermelon Feast. According to custom Graham Water and Electric Co. gave its an nual feast of melons to its employ ees and their families last Friday. Thero was an abundance of sweet, jucy, ice-cold melons, and ibe feast was heartily injoyed by all whose privilege it waa to attend. Chiropractic KI-RO-PRAC-TIK THE NEW IDEA The New Method of Analyzing the Symptoms and Adjusting the Physical Cause of Disease. NO KNIFE-NO ELECTRICITY- NO DRUGS. Tbe Chiropractor! aaaert that tbe real and only physical cauie of dlaeaae la a mechanic al Interference with tbo Sow of lunate energy from tbe brain to tbe suffering part of organ, and that thla Interference In moat caeca la eauaed by vertebral subluxstlon (partial dldocatlon]. When sucba condition estate, theie la more or leee pinching or the bundle of nervei a* the point of exit from the eplne, caualng a dleorder at twig ends of the nerves. Hence, should the plnohed nerves be those that paae to tbe stomach, there would be "stomaeb trouble" In some form. If to the kidneys. In tlawaeisaof nright's disease may derelope, and so, should any one of the t! pairs of nerves be pinched at their eslt, there would be a dlaeaaad con dition or the organ to which they pass, un less the pressure be removed. Chiropractic la tbe only known method to-dsy by which tbe spine may aucorssfally be restored to noraul condition; thereby removing tbe a a—a or the dlaeaae, allowing aalere to Meet a euro. Many eases or Inog standing lure bees permanently tared In this way. Doo*t be prejadlood. Uont condemn Cblro practic without Inveetlgation; yoa know from Investigation and pereooaltrial, wheth er or not drugs bate given you permanent teller, aad yon have takes medicine Mindly. If JCSI do not a dersUnd Iks principle of Chiropractic go to tbe chiropractor aad have blm esp'aln to yoa Just what It Is. Bxaml naUon Is five, and be will examine your eaaa and point out to you tbe sa—s of your trouble. We can refer yon to a number of rseponslbls seen here in town, now taking Cblropsaette sdjastssea'a, who will sell rem what It l« doing for tke*. It WIU pay yoa to "look lata M." It may save yoa years of tefaelajr, aad prolong your Ufa. lIUIH CHIROPRACTOR BURLINGTON, - - N C. (O I rbts al|nj-1- tuey gsaeia ' Uixaitr- .JlDei r»»ksSs Ime eemsUe >L. nrrnm m -a as -v * _ jg fy., jyr, Suggestive Questions on the Sunday School Lesson. By KKV. T. S. UNSCOTT. D. D. Aug. 11th, 1911. (Copyright. 1910. by Ret. T. S. Uaicott XXIX) Jeholaklm Burns the Propheti Book. Jar. xxxvL Golden Text—Tbe word of our God shall stand forever. is**T:l7~~"" (1.) Vsrses 1-1 What was tha character of Jeholaklm? (8.) Why la It that God bears so long and patiently with sinners, and takes such loving pains to savs them? (8.) What advantage is It b us that man like Jeremiah wrote the his tory of God's dealing with his people, and that we have these records in the Bible? (4.). Who had been the kings of Judah since the death of Joslah, and what had been their characters? (5.) Verse 4—What was the chief purpose of the Lord In commanding Jeremiah to write a book, containing what God had revealed to him, con cerning the sin and tha coming pun lahment of Judah? (6.) Jeremiah had prevloualy de livered theae meaaagea orally and had been tried for his life on account of It; why was It important that they should be written? * ' (7.) Why Is It neceaaary that such Important messages ahould alwaya be written? (S.) Veraea 5-«—Why could Jar* mlah not read the toll personally in the temple? (9.) If we cannot go peraonally as missionaries, what Is our duty In the circumstances? (10.) Why is every Christian In duty bound to be a missionary, either In person or by proxy?" (11.) Verse 7—God was then very anxious to save these sinners from the doom they were bringing on them selves; bow does he show tho same anxiety to-das? (18.) Verse 8 Which was the more meritorious in the sight of God, Jeremiah or Baruch; the man who writes a book at God's command, or the man who publishes It at his com Your Question! Answered. If yon would like to have an swered any particular question each or any week from "The Sug gestive Questions on the Sunday School Lesson" by Rev. Dr. Lin scott, send in your request to this office, giving the date of the les ■son and the number of the ques tion you wish answored. Ybu may select any question except the one Indicated that it may be answered in writing by members of )he club. Dr. Liuscoit will answer the questions either In these columns or by mall-through this office. Don't forget to state what benefit these "Suggestive Questions" are to you. Give your full name and address. Send your letters to The Question Editor of THK ALAMANCE GLEANER. COUPON, Cat out and Send to this OSlee SodTbtAluuN B!hhf from wt till Xij 30) 1312, tb eloM of thi fibb Quitin Bit Cosldt) fcr (hi iptcal price of (LOO odoud but Bit note of tal Glib, Him A Mm The sooner you tend your subscrip tion the more papres you get If you •end now you get 15 mos. for the price of one year. Cat oat and scad to this o«re International Press Bible Question Club. . I have read the Suggestive Questions on the Sunday School Lesson published In TAB AI.AXAMCB OLKAKKB, also the lea son Itself for Sunday, read the aerie* of 52. Name Addrcaa For Sale. The llal. B. Mebane Residence apply to Chaa. A. Scott. S • —I am now offering my entire Stock of Clothing, Hats, Shoes and r\— A% L -a ..J U* UQUkiciuou O a' s»* W low cost to close out. > A. M. HADLET, Graham, M. C. —A full line of Baggies of all Kinds and a big lot of r'arm Ma chinery. See our stock and get our prices before you bay anything in oar line. lIADI.IT A HUUMS, Graham, N. J. For Sale. ■ Tho llal. B. Mebane Residence apply to Chas. A. Scott. —LOST—SmaII brown parse con taining a sum of money, between Haw River and Burlington, Toes day. Ret am to GLKANKR office and liberal reward will be paid, HALF-CENT COLTTKQT. AdrsiMaamsata will be lasaitad under this asaJlngatona aairof a neat a word tor aash luesrttoa »oad.lassrtsdferleaathaalSe«a. Oouat your words and sand aasa vNb ertsr. lack Initial or abMtmtlM oountsa wotd. HOUSES and lota for rant. Ap ply to W. J. Nicks. —Hello, Central! Gift me Pick ard's meat market. I want a first class piece of meat and I know where to get it fresh and right. SCHOOL BOOKS—A tall sup ply of all kinds, also sohoot tap plies, miscellaneous books add sta touery at a f. Neese's, Burlington •• . SM, • r.'-'M .Ji ft- (13.) V*rar S—The king, tho priests and people were rebels against God, yet they proclaimed a religious fast for they were likely in great national peril. Do the prayers and fasts of the Impenitent wicked, please or In sult God? Why? (14.) Verse 10—The Salvation Army and some others take advantage of •very public gathering to preach the gospel; is it or not the duty of all the Christian churches to do the same? Why? (15.) Verses 11-19—What was the first effect of Baruch publicly reading Jeremiah's book to the people? (16.) Which secures the more con verts, the direct or tha Indirect results of preaching the gospel? • (IT.) Verses 80-25—What effect bad the reading of the book upon the great men who stood around the king, and upon the king himself? (18.) Why did the king have the book burned? (19.) What has been the result in all the attempts that have been mad A to suppress the word of God? (80.) What Is the effect of tin, long continued, upou the conscience and moral sense? (81.) Verse 26—How Is It that sometimes God bides his servants from tbe vengeance of their enemies, and at other times allows them to suf fer? (88.) Verses 27-32—What resulted from burning tho roll? (28.) What Is always the final re sult of sinning against God? (This Is one of the questions that may bs answered In writing by members of the blub.) Lesson for Sunday, Aug. 80th, 1911. Jeremiah Cast Into Prison. Jor. xxxrll. An explanation. "Wbut la 'mnklng both ends meet,' po?" "Keeping your feet on your mlud, my win."—New York Press. DRINK the a Jßest SOFT DRIKS Graham Bottling Works, R. C. Hunter, Proprietors, I use the purest extracts and flavorings and put up only 1 one quality— THE BEST i Call for our goods and insist on getting them and you will get something PURE and Good. R. C HUNTER, C. Service by Publication North Carolina, Alamanec County— In the Muperlor Court. Survloe otHummuna by Publication—Notion Joseph Hill, Plaintiff. ▼a. Lula Hill, Defendant Lula Kill, tbs defendant shore named, will take noUoe that an action rniltled aa above haa been oorsmsnssri in lb* Hupertor Court of Alsmanee County (or the purpose of ob taining an absolute divorce from (hi bonda ot matrimony heretofore eslsUng iietweeu plaintiff ana Defendant; and the said Defendant will further take noUoe lb t ■fee la required >o appear at tbe tirm of tke Hoperion Court ot Bald Couni. to be tela on the flrat Monday of September, IMI, at tbe Court House of aald Cou nly la Orsbam. and answer or de mur to tha complaint In aald action, or tbe Plaintiff will apply to tbe Court for the re lief demanded In aald complaint. This Aug. latl 1911. J. D. KBUNODLB, a S. V. THE Norm CAROLINA College of Agriculture i Mechanic Arts The Ntate'a Industrial College. Four-year courses in Agriculture; in Chril, Electrical, and Mechanical Engineering; in Industrial Chem istry; in Cotton Manufacturing and Dyeing; two-year course in Mechanic Arts, one-year course in Agriculture. There courses are both practical and scientific. Examinations for admis sion held at all the county seats on July 13. For catalog address 22jun«lOi W. Raleigh, N. C. Subscribe For The Cleaner. Only $ 1.00 .per year. mm mm PILLS , I for backache, rheumatism, kidney or bladder trouble, and urinary irregulariflea. A Foley's Kidney Pills purify the blood, restore lost vitality and Ticor. Refuse anbstltalafc For Sale by all Druggists To Core a Cold in One Day 1 Take Laxative Bromo ««r| W- - . 3SIiSWmHM. mtMA - - ■ rmM A Square Meal For Baby can always be prepared in one of ' our graduated nursery bottles. Y3u ' \ can measure off jnst the right quani- /jfl 1 ty that is good for him. Other nursery "Buppliee too. Powders, soaps, scalp washes, extra nip la, ff VVi Eg etc. Baby remedies too to course jMM|[ |[ |'The reliable kind that contain no | harmful narcitics. Graham Drug Company, 'Phone 99 Prescription Druggists. FOR SALE ' 1 | I offer for salo all of my River Falls Farm, situated in I Thompson Township, Alamance county, N. C., except about II .TOO acres which adjoins the River Falls water power tract I I Will Cat the Farm Into Tracts ! to Suit Purchasers. : TERMS—HaIf cash, balance in one, two, three, four and M five years' time, with interest at 0 percent per annum on de- I forrod payments. In selling this '.and I will liegin on the East and West aides of the farm selling up to the lines on either side of I what I propose reserving in power tract. I also offer for sale on reasouable terms one 60 EL P. Boiler I and Engine, one Traction Engine and Threshing Machineand B j a portion of my Farm Implements and Teams. ■ This land produces fine cotton, grain and grasses and ia I j located from one to throe and a naif miles of Saxapahaw I cotton mills, from which point there is a sand-clay and ma- H' I ondam road to Graham. i Parties wishing to buy any part of this farm will please ■ I i communicate with me at Graham or my son Chas. E. Menefee I at River Falls Farm. Respectfully, J. W. MENEFEE. | Public Sale. Service by Publication &°.£? W . E H R . • ®?£- *•«'» CAROLINA, ALIUUC COUNTY -lIW7. AND EAECUTOD LIY JOHN A. TRO'FRYRER TO IT '■ THE SUPERIOR CURT BOOKJESF BERVLOE * ""»»«"• «>R PUBHCATLT>N-LFO«E». INOITKUO DEEDA, PANE IX AND FOLLOWING. IN MANOR BOTTLE, PLAINTIFF, JM TON UFFLOE OF THE HERLATOR OF DEED! OR ALA- TA. S3 Defendant. John A. Transfer aa principal to the aald A. Alox Settle, the defendant above NAMED, W. Haywood and E. 0, Ualid, Truateea; the will uko notloe that an aotion entitled AA * undersigned Truateea will, on above taai boon commenced In the t»u- MONDAY, AUGUST 7th, 1011, K." or pu£S2 St obtSSS at 12X10 o'clock lf. t Nil at public auction for iJfcS?*tw» ca>h at the court house door In Graham, N. gL ,^ bttwy^ TOWfcd »» ,^ m for flfty (80) ah?S. Ja«h^ni2 - «SmS n oiFS-i •took of the Molt Granite Matin fact iirln* y Company, iiml oertlflnto mimtii r»l f r one Moagar.of. hundred and two U«J altar.. ot th« aald common nook of the wild Holt-l.ranlte .!2, n?,.lf£l Manufacturing Company, all of »M eertlfl- jjj*JJ l 'J I *®**s2i !■ SiH ojtee amountln# to fuur hundred and fllty- i oomplalnt two [4A£] iharea. 1 rh, « A "«- '"V 1 »>• __ _ _ £2B Allot aald atock will be aold aa a whole J 0. K ERNODLR, O. S. O. and will IK; aold for canh on day of *ale. A. W. HAYWOOD AND K. T\ LA I HP, Truateea . For Sale. lOLEVS KIDNEYPIUS *;%£*£■■£&£ fo» BACKACMA KiiniviMO BUOMA Quality, Accuracy, Experience and Promptness Describes our Prescription DepartmenL Let us have.your Prescriptions. A fi Don't Forget Our, Special Sales Every Wednesday—Extra Number Of Piano Votes Given On That Day. Come In And Try The Delicious Cold Drinks Served At Our Fountain. Alamance Pharmacy, Prescription Specialists, ' J. 0 Simmons Druggist. tyj .-Aatwrw - tome on the Glorious 4th? Going to fix up any for tho celebration? Then jroa'll need lumber of aome kind. Better tell ua what poa want M and we'll send it to yon. Makea no || Vtyt^l cjoanity. We'll do our aliare toward, nuking > our colebrat on a success Walker & McAdams, Graham, N. C.

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