, ■ = GRAHAM, N. C., Sept. 7,1911 . 1 ■ v..,:, Postoffice Hoars. Oao*«p«n 7.00 a. m. to 7.00 p. m. Bond»7».00 to 11.00 a. n. and (.00 to S.OO p. I yHBKNAN HUGHES, FottmuWr. I Local News, j —The Odd Fellows Singiug Class will be at the Opera House tonight. —Mr. A. Nichols and family moved to Chapel Hill yesterday. —Graham Hilling Co. hare in stalled a new engine and are now running on full time. —The Graham Public School opened with a large enrollment. There were 850 the first day, 30, more than the first day last year. —Rev.' Dr. B, W. Mebane has resigned as pastor of Hawflelds and Bethaney Presbyterian churches. —Mr. Ira Ward, of Swepsonville, was licensed by the Supreme Court last week. He if a bright young man and he has manr friends who wish him well. —Apiong the attorneys here this week from a distance have been Messrs. J. E. Bair, of Troy, Jno. A. Parker, of Charlotte and Chester D. Turner, of Hillsboro. —Alamance sends greetings to Iredell and Judge Allen says we will keep James Waddell a-doing samething for soma time to come. Jim wanted to pay a fine, bnt the Judge was not impressed with the idea of letting him off so lightly. —Newhn Township semi-annual , Sunday School Convention will meet at Chatham Frienda Church Sept. 24th. An interesting programme has been arranged, and a large at tendance is desired. Let all jrho can possibly do so attend. The Fourteenth. Lot week the 14th child fraa born to Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Scott. This is their 10th Bon. In the words of the toast, "may they live long and prosper." Superior Court. Court convened 'Monday with Judge O. H. Alton presiding. His charge to the Grand Jury was comprehensive and was directed chiefly to the importance of ar resting the commission of crime. The docket opened with 106-cases which has been increased to 115. There have been a large number of convictions and sub missions. So far ten have been sent to the road, whose terras ag gregate over five years. Twc young men have been sentenced to go to school, and if they will improved this "last chance* 1 they have an opportunity to make good . and nsefnl citizens of themselves. Two have been hired out—one a negro woman with five children who has been selling liquor. The ■children will be apprenticed. . It is hardly probable that every case will be tried, but the jail will be cleared. New Advertisements. Graham Drug Co. —Have an up to-date line of Bubber Goods. If in need call on them. They are ready at all times to give your prescrip tions thß best attention. Southern Railway Company—Ex cursion to Eichmond. See ad. on page two. Z. T. Hadley—Has something to say say about Waltham Watches. , There are none better. Citizens Bank of Graham—State ment of condition September Ist, W. B. Sellars—Adminiqgrajogfli Notice. National Bank of Alamance— Statement of condition at oloke of business Sept. Ist. —Give her Huyler's and she will say,' "O, yon dear!" Carolina Drug Co. —Candies of rare quality— Huyler's. Carolina Drug Co. sales sgents, Graham. —We sell it cheapej—ssecuf ad. in another column. Carolina Drug Co. —The beet is none too good give her Huyler's. Carolina Drug Co, —A fresh shipment of Huyler's candies just received. Carolina Drug Co. The monument to the Coaled* rate soldiers of Randolph county was unveiled at Asheboro Satur day., Chief Justice Clark delivcr- It is said that lawyers bay* employed to set aside the zi&Z sus its terms are not in accordance with, the will of her husband, the late Major B. S. Tucker. Three daughters of Mrs. Tucker are un derstood to be the plaintiffs. ovotA luiliiou 'f r. —c —■ : = Personal Mention * !=• jy'Tt * • ——T-H Dr. W. E. Walker spent Stfndaj in Asheville. * Ex-Sheriff R. T. Kernodle was ii town today. * -• / a Mr. M, R. Rives is spending this I week in Baltimore. Miss Claire Turner spent Sunday at her home in Baleigh. • Mr. Walton Gosfett left Tuesday ■ to enter Guilford College. J Mr. Frank Gozart is spending the week at his old heme, Si em, N. 0. Miss Ethel Raskins, of Missouri, ' is Visiting Mrs. 0. S. Hunter. Mr. Stephen Simmons is spending a few days at DavidsonTollege. j Miss Flora -White, of Mebane, is visiting at Mr. J. P. Smith's , Mr. L. H. Aldridge of Union I Ridge was attending, Court, today. Messrs J. L. Scott, J r «l and Chaa. , A. Scott spent Tuesday in Raleigh t on business. t Mr. G. B. Deston, -Register of 1 Deeds of Montgomery county, spent Tueeday here. 1 T. C. Hoyle, Esq., of Greensboro, i was here the latter part of .last week, on legal business. Mrs. Ida T. Walker and Mr. Joseph Walker spent Sunday in Caswell county. Dr G. W. Kernodle and family, | who now reside in Washington City, spent Tuesday here. S .Mr. ftJP.Smitb, of liberty, spsnt i yesterday here with his brother, Mr. J. P. Smith. Mr. H. W. Scott, left Mogdjjg night on a business trip through Virginia and Tennessee. Mr. J. Scott Hunter, of Durham, is spending a few days with his mother Mrs. C. G. Hunter. Miss Agnes Albright left Tues day for Lilesville, N. C., where she will conduct a Millinery business. ... 9. B. HebertflCh returned Saturday fron» Philadelphia, Pa., where she has spent several weeks. Mr. B. S. Robertson, Jr. r who has been at his home here for several days returned to Durham yesterday. Mr. Lacy Moore, of D. C., spent Sunday here with the family of ius father, Mr. W. C. Moore. Mrs. Moßride Holt, returned Sun day from Blowing Rock, N. O. where she has been for sJie pas> few Mr. Jas. I. White, former Clerk of the Superior Court, who lately moved to Burlington, was in town Monday. Messrs. Armstrong Holt, J. D. Kernodle, Jr., and Dean Holt left yesterday for the A. &M. College, Raleigh, N. C. Mrs. Arch. Brady and son, Jenks, of EL Reno, Okla., are visiting Mr. Brady's staters, lbs. B. ft. Robert son and Mrs. J. L Lcott, Jr. ' Mrs. E. C. Murray has returned from a visit of several months to her old horned at Edisto Island, S. C., and to relatives in Charlotte, N. C." Mr. Eugne Knight, of Waahing ton, D. JO. is expected to arrive to night on a visit to his wife who is here on a visit to hsr parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. P. Smith. Action has been begun in Ca tawba Snpefrftr Court to dissolve tfre Rtdgarview Cotton Mill Com pany iTndfappoint a receiver. iThis company built a mill building just before the 1007 panic camo on but stopped operations and neyer placed' machinery. The fffrfpn and Conover. May Prove Fatal Learn the Importance of It? Backache is only a simple thing at first; fut when you know 'tis from kidneys ;r ', i A . That sesiona kidney trouble* follows; That dropsy, Bright's disease may be the fatal end. You will gladly profit by the following experience. Tis the honest statement of a "Ssr'Sasr sal., Haw River, N. C., says: "About three years ago I began to suffer from severs pains through the small of my back and across my limbs. My body bloated, the secretions from my Sidneys were very un natural. The doctor said that I had symptoms of Bright's disease. I finally procured a box of Doan's Kidney Pills and bsgan using them. In a short time my suffer ing was greatly relieved and I am xs&zriJsssst ferns from kiduey complaint to give Doan's Kidney Pills a trial." falo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name—Doan's— and take no other. . j ..v r '?so • , acS&M, ?>•£& ,-a JTHE Blfc ONE Alamance has never played second • fiddle to any body or any section, y in any matter of progreeeiveness. This years Alamance Fair is no exception to this well fixed fact. Of n all the Fairs ever held here and of all the Faira held in North Carolina s this year, our Fair for Oct. 3rd, 4tb, sth, and 6th, will out atrip them all. Neyer before has the promotion and exploitation of the fur required the use of an extra typewriter. This is 7 the caae now. ' The midway will be made up e largely, so far aa the shows and fea tures thereon are concerned, with > attractions that come here s direct from Coney Island. The present management of the Fair has secured the services of Mr. Harry Rojans, of the Theatrical firm of Wilson, Ro -3 jans Ebarta, Kensington Walk Coney Island N. Y., to amalgamate i these attractions and make one di rect movement from Kensington Walk to the Alamance Fair Grounds. 1 The free attractions, absolutely free in front of the Grand Stand eeeh day, will open with Millie Ad t gie and her performing lions of the 1 Jungle, She will give two destipct acts, requiring five drops, conclud , ing with "The Dance of Deaih : Among tho Lions." This.act alone will be worth the price of admission : it: will require an enormous platform and tremendous steel arena for this sensational feature. » The next series of free acts will ■ be upon snother platform l>y » the four Ghrovinies the worlds most celebrated acrobats ""and contor , tieaista. This is the handsomest ( dressed snd most finished act of its character now on the stage. The next series of free perfor ' tqancea will be given by the Flying Bartletts. people sre good enough ss trapeze artists that they r have put on this feature of the sho v 1 at the New York Hippodrome. In fact all of these Acts are booked di . reot out of New York and they are i entirely new in this country, having played only a few engagements in [. o«lr very largest cities. Adgie has a den of baby Lion Cubs with which she amuses the ladies and children in the open. On the midway will be daily dem onstrations of Wireless Telegraphy. » M, j ■ * mi* ** i At- Wilkssboro last week Rob ert Lane, Benjamin Nance and his son and daughter, Zonia and Hattle Nance,, were tried before United States Commissioner DUIA An the charge of obstructing offl ' eeis, they, it is charged, being members of the party who recent- 1 ly fired on revenue officers and wounded Officer Henry. The de fence offered no testimony. Lane was placed under a bond of #l,- 500, Zonia Nance SI,OOO Hatlie. , Nance $2,000 and Bon Nance S3OO for appearance at court. Code Lane, who is believed to be tho ( . man who shot Henry, has never been taken. ' . —I am now offering my - entire Stock of Clothing, Hats, Shoes and Gentlemen's Furnishings at and be ' low cost to close out. A. M. HADLST, Graham, N. C. New Mlffllwllt [ . In room adjoiningJ. Nicks' store on the East, (food fresh 1 meats of all kinds at all times. Opens Sept. Ist, 1911. W. P. SUITII. ( —I have for sale a good, gentle ( family horse and two fine pigs. J. D. VAUGHN, Graham, N. C. Brick Machine for Sale. One No. 3 J, C. Steele A Son 1 Brick Machine, together witlv truck, etc., all in good repair, for sale by River Falls Cotton Mill Co. L Apply to J. W. Menefee, or J. D. Kernodle. July 27, 'll. 'y . For Sale. The Hal B. Mebane residents. Apply to Ckss. A. Soott. fy T, i Lost Between Graham and Eureka School House. A good Black hat No. 7J —bought of M. R. Rives A Bro. Reward if returned to this office. Wood's FaU I Seed Catalogue just Issued—tells what craps yoa can puf in to taafce Im quickest grazing, or hay, to tea.ASss - '"'* Vegetable oft Farm Seeds that can b« planted in the fall to advantage and pfpfit Every Fantsr, Market Grower ~1 -t- --■! 1 a %S2B3JS£r?S b is d* best aad most can plctc isllswdl Milled* - Mafled free, Write for it ' ■T.^.WKy&SOW 5 . In tlio Mighty Ilaag Shows Mammoth Zoological Collection which exhibits at Graham, on Sept. 13th, wilt be found one of the rarest forms-of animal life , ever before coming to the notice of man. Thia rare specie of aol ' mal is oalled "Ilippotragus" and ia the only living one iu America today, havfcg been captured i>y an English war correspondent during the war between the Boers 'and England. . * :,f The "HippotragusEquinins" Is the female gerader and is known to the Boers as a specie of Gem«- bok and are today extinct. The female is the largest of the two being 4i feet at the withers and the ears are very largo while the mane is small and erect and iLe horns seldom ezceod 36 InchA in length. This animal Is to bo fontul only in .CeutrAl South-Africa and the Bengal, they have never beeu very good breeder# and it was seldom you would see as many as Ave to gether. They are hard fighters like the Buffalo and will not hesitate to attack a person on tho least pro vocation. _ __ * ~ I ~ t Jk v' /Mm HAVE t YOUK WATCH CLEANED OCCASIONALLY A WATCH will run without oil or cleaning longer than any other piece of machin ery—it ntnu both occasion* If you will oensider tfiat the rim of the balance wheel travel* over fifteen aulas a day, you will not grudee your watch a (peck of oil and a cleaning once a year. It will increase the life and accuracy of your watch. Leave your watch with as today* Z. T. HADLEY, i Jeweler Graham, N. C. NO. 8844. Report of Condition of THE National Bank of Alamance At Graham, In the Btato of North Carolina, at the close of bualneegHept. I, It 1. BBSOURCE3 Loaua and diacount* Sl2 JMM Overdraft*, aocured 486.52 U. a Uondi to aeonre circulation 10,000.00 Premium* on Pi a 80nd*..... l, H 0.00 Banklag-houie furniture and tlxturea 8.000.00 1 Due from National Banka U 1M07.W Due from approved raasrva agents.,. U.nw.ija Cheoka aud other o iah Itema a.ltrt.Ofl . Notea of other National Uauka.. ~ I.too JO ■ fractional paper ourreoey, slckela, eta. 186 87 i Lawful money reaerve lu bank, via: ap** l * ■■ ■_ .i- aoeoou Legal-tender nolti 4UU.00..... #,4AO/0 1 Redemption fund with U. S. Treaa. 6 percent of circulation tfiOOM Total. tKH JM-'» LIABILITIES Capital atock paid In . 60,000.00 Hurplua fund 16,0110.00 Undivided profit*, lcaa expenses and tazea paid .... „ ..,l 60.M NaUonal Bank Notaa outstanding 60,00000 Dividend* unpaid Individual deposit* *ubject to a heck lOO.H.OT Time Oertlfloatee of Depoell 14 ft MlO Caahler'acheck* ouUUudlng - TU* Bill* payable, Including certificate* _____ of depot It for money borrowed Total ttMAUM Stat* of North Carolina, I, Chaa. A. Scott, Oa*bter of the above named bank, do aolemnljr *w*ar that the above ataMment I* true to the beet of my knowledge and belief. On A*. A. Boorr, Cashier. Subscribed and aworn to before ate, Ula ttkday of Sept.. ml. OKA*, O. THOMPSON, Notary Pub De. Oorreet Atte*ti %. a PAHKF.H, J It., J. L. sctrrr, j it , V. P. HABDEN, Director*. BEPOBT OF CO.IMTION OP The Citizens Bank f*— OF GRAHAM. - -i—— At Ofahaja a tbe State of North Carolina, at the aloeeof borioeo*Kept. I, MIL KESOUBCBS Loan*and 4Ucounn..... _....~... ...SMSO.IO Overdraft* aeeured ~ IBMB Furniture and Fixture* —-—SSS.OO Due trait Beaks and Banker* Ilts.ll 0 *b Item*. ——— IM floM aa1a...,. w.«Hd»."ww». tan OUver cole, etc.,..-, ...... 141* National Hank ootee Matt Tetal ...««MU-M ;> LIABILITIES Capital atock lowoio •erpiu* Mt ,j MMUB Codhrlded pro*U, le** current expenea* sod taxas paid... ...... tug Time OertlAoala* of Daim*it TOIIJI DtpotiH nib)ict to ohook 11^.01 Ca*Jiier*i CkMki outiUodlor VMM Total JMtl.44 Mate ef North Carolina. County of Ala aaaocc. aa: " I, rhaa. C. TVxspaon, Caaklsr of the above "latil bank, lo nftltninlr oweaf tfcai ibf above Hatcnua t la true to the belt of rnr knowledge and belief. CM A* a THOMPSON. Caahler. Subscribed and (worn to before me thl* gtk day of Sept.. MIL A. B THOMPSON, * . ■ • —r— Notary Public. Oorreet' Attoet: w. u. HOLT, A. J. TMOMPaON, W. J. NICKS. • ... » i . . . Dtrector*. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ■ O rr r* • Having qaalifled ae adm Inletrator ol the (O tate of Svuaaa JeMrloe, Ixeaiil ell person* having claim* saralos* the retete or aatd In lactate ar* hereby aoIIM to piaaent the vfar be4Stw U tho fttt. or thla aottee will be pleaded ta bar of their I- • " --• aagacsaj^ aaaa" * ' Suggestive Questions on the Sunday School Lesson. By REV. T. S. UN SCOTT, D. D. •apt. .17th, I*ll. (Copyright. 1910. by iter. T. a Linecett O.D.] Daniel'* Companion* In the Fiery Furnace. Dan. 111. Golden Text— I The Lord ia my helper, and 1 will not tear what shall do unto me. Heb. xlii:«, (1.) Verses 1-3—What right have we. If Say 1 , to compel thoee over whom' we have authority to worship aa wa' desire t j (J.) Should the state control, aa to tho religion* belief and practioe of Us ettlseas? Why or why not? (J.) If we should attend the ner vices In a heathen or a Mohammedan temple, how should we conform our •Halves to their methods of wotshlpT (4.) Verses »1HS —What rights haw wo, if . any, to bs angry, or aaaprsd, st the method others take to worship OodT (6.) When one shows anger with another at the expression of sa opin ion contrary to his own, what does that indicate? «.) What should be our relative valuation of correct creed sad correct deeds? (7.) If s man glvss wsy to "rags snd fury" what are the chances for tho correctness of his creed? (8.) What was really the matter with Nsbiichadnexsar, snd with all others who hsve been Intolerant ot the rejlglon of others? j (».) Verse* 16-18—Who wers Bhad rsch, Meshsch. snd Abednego? (10.) What wotSd hsve been the herm If these three men, out of deter once to tho klnu, who had boon s good 'friend to them, had felleu down to the golden Image like the mt ol them? (11.) Whst is the religious sig nlflcsnce to us, of the fslth which an imated these three men? (11.) Suppose you had to loee your life, or sacrifice a religious principle, «hlch should you do? (18 ) Verses 19-23—How s n vou ae- Your Questions Answered. If yon would like to have an* sweretl any particular question eaeh or any week from "The Sug gestive Questions on the Sunday School Lesson" by Rev, Dr. Mn scott, send in your request to this office, giving the date of the les son and the number of the ques tion you wish answered. You may seleos any question except the one indicated that it may be answered in writing by members of )ho club. Dr. Liuscott will answer the questions either in these columns or by mail through this office. Don't forget to state what benefit these "Suggestive Questions" are to you. Give your full name and address. Send your letters to The Question Editor of THE ALAMANCE GLEANBK. PRINK Jhcßest SOFT DRIKS Graham Bottling Works, R. C. Hunter, Proprietors, use the purest extracts and flavorings and put up only one quality— THE BEST Call for our goods and insist on getting them and you will get something PURE and Good. R. C HUNTER, GRAHAM, N. C. Administrator's Notice. fTavMg qaellSed ae adaloMtrator of the « Mtau of Nanllf Oversea, Ula i* to ta li fy all panona Indebted to aaMeelat* to else Immediate ,*ettle**aat aed all Hmaa vine eiaiawagaloitaaM *«at* to preaeal »seV» 'A u SSKTa-o?Ss lice Will be flag*ad la baFef Ua*(r ie*e**ry. HALP-CENT COLUMN. Adverti*e*aeat* wIU he leaeited aaSer Ul* aeaillagatoo* aatf of aeeota word fer ee*a Insertioa No ad. Inserted tor lee* tlwa» els. Oooot roar word* ead *eod eaea wNb «rt*r. ■aeb Initial or ahOievtotloa eooats a ward. HOUSES and lota for rent. Ap ply to W. J. Nickg. SCHOOL BOOKS—A AOl sup ply of all kinds, also school sap plies, mlsosllanoons books and sta lonery at 0. t. Hoess's, Bnrbnfton For Sale. The Hal. B. Mebano Reaidenoe apply to Chaa. A. Scott. —A fall line of Buggies of ell Kinds and a big lot of Fans Ma chinery. Bee oar stock and get our prices before JOB bay saTtoing in oar live. IJaduct 4 Oiaham, N. C. For Sale. The Hal. B. Mebano Residence apply to Chaa. A. Scott. FOUEYSKmiEYPniS coun. aor tno cruel spirit tnai nss been manifeated through the centuries, • and which has resulted In the martyr- j dom of thousands, for their religious belief T 14.) Does Ood ia thoee dsys over Interfere mlraculouily, to prevent the phyalcal auffeVing or the death of a l» gmod man who may be in the hands of thoee who are determined to wreak J their vengeance upon him? ' i (16.) What does Ood do in these ! days, tor one who may be in slmllnr peril to these three ment (t6.) Verses J4-J7—Who was tho i fourth msn In the furnace with tha , three Hebrew*! i\ (17.) What, if any, evidence 1* there, , that faithful Christians in these days,. , get delivered from the fiery furnaco , of trial, more than other men? I (18.) Varies 88-80—What happens' , hi these dsys, to good people in' , trouble, In sny way snslogoua to thl* j story? (19.) Wsa the king sny better msn , after this event then before f (20.) Whst Is ths moral diffsrsnos bstwsen « msn who Is erusl on bshslf of a good cause snd one who Is erusl' , on behslf of S bsd cau**r (Thla Is | one of the questions thst msy bs sn-1 swered In writing by member* of the ! Club.) ' Lesson for Bnndsy, Bept 84th. nil. j Dsulel In the Linn's Den. Dan. vf • In Krleslaiid. It worn*, tliere is s cus tom tbnt the new* of s birth or destb 1 is snnoum-od verbally by s mnn who call* st every huuw In the village fo| that purjioae. If lie brings the news of s birth he wear* white glovee; if of s death they arc black. Some days bock a child wu* born dead ia s Krieslsn vil lage. It wa* neresssry thst tbs usual announcement aliouUl be made, but In what colored gloves} Tho harbinger ' was a man of resource, Ue wsnt his round* wearing one white glove and one black one. COUPON, Cot est ssd Send to tbl* OSce bad The A2nu» ta tm wv till fcj 30,192,thi ikd 4 tki Bibk' Quatiion Qib Contil) fcf thi iftttl pries if (LOO ndwd CnataitaiabirtfUtlQib, Addrw The sooner yon send your subscrip tion the more papres you get. If you send now you get 15 mos. for the price of one year. Cot out sad *end to thl* oSlce International Press Bible Question Club. 1 have read the BuggCßtlvu Question* on the guu'lay Selnwl I.t**on piibllKhcl In TBK ALAM&CA (II.RA.SKM, slun the les son Itself for Sunday, read the sericaol os, Name Address .—l. -LS , ... ■ THE NORTH CAROLINA College of Agriculture A Mechanic Arts The atste'a Industrial College. Four-year courses iu Agriculture: in Civil, Electrical, and Mechanical Engineering; in Industrial Chem istry; in Cotton Manufacturing and Dyeing; two-year courae in Meoli anicj Arte, one-year coarse in Agriculture. Those courses are both practical and scientific. Examinations for ad mist sion held at all the county scats on July 13. For catalog address The Registrar, 22juneK)t W. Raleigh, N. U. NOTICE ! Sale ol Real Properly For Town Taxes. I, lbs underrigosd tsx collector for tbs town of Unh«n. M. »., by virtu* of tbo liowar* rspo**4 lu ma by law. sod under sn order of Is* Hoard of Town Comalaaioiwra paaaod In regular faceting on ths flrst Mon being provtdgS forts *SI4 ofdar of ths sow ■Mnoors w by isw pSSVIdad, * II to ikn bit beat SMdar foe es*a upon tha Urns and condition* aa by law psovldsd for Uw ssts of MSI |«oosrty for lass*. aU of tS« land* of Ik* Tbs us mas of soloaiiont lax parse* In wbossDaasshadsaro Hstsd, thosuiosot of MM. Blims tsxsa for MM ysor MS SMI. ojas MlgMngtoa Mi set luthc A. (X jMlktes ta«ss dus for lbs )«is IMS •Sll. ISIS Ml** lowaloM kbown a* fau- BlslSsCMs ssdoos os MfaiM, V lowa lot ssar giad d road la aaotoaro part ° S!°l! Touog, sol, MIO lassa, gt.ig, oas town lot aoarwatae took la sorts*ra port Of t>wa Above I melt ill proaorty to ba (old foi 1 I* I** 1 **' MM ** °' >ud *" oUl *r proper co*u *ll yof y Laow Tax 00Uaefor for lowm of Orabaa. N. C, 1 y For Sale, Tha Hal B. Mebane residence. Apply to Chaa. A. Scott. 1 — I 111 I I I ■ I 111 ■— FQMS KIDNEY PIIIS I for backache, rheumatism, kidney or bladder trouble, and urinary linijiilaiMfciai Jfc Foley'a Kidney PiUa purify the blood, reatore lost vitality and vifor. Refuse aobatitstaa. For Saje py all Druggists —■———— m—mmm __i. jmmrntm—m i . . ,i i ■■■■■ ■i n i . ———^ (To Cure a Cold In One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. « every I - = Oar Display Of Robber Coeds will be found complete whether you are in eerch of the ordinary articles of daily use or special appliances for use in the sick room. We carry a fall line of hot-water bags, fountain syringes, atomizers, etc. We handle none but guaranteed qualities, and atfwith our drugs, medicines and i toilet articles moderate prices role in evrry instance. Graham Drug Company, ; 'Phone 99 Prescription Druggists. ■ 1 ■■ ; ~i» IHivcr Falls Farm j , - FOR SALE I offer for sale all of my Rirer Falls Farm, situated in H Thompson Township, Alamance county, N. 0., except about I "00 acres which adjoins the River Falls water power tract. I I Will Cot the Farm Into Tracts to Suit Purchasers. I * TERMS—IIaIf cash, balance in one, two, three, four and H five years' time, with interest at 0 percent per annum on de- I M , forred payments. In sellHig this land I will begin on the East and- Weftt 12 sides of the farm selling np to the lines on either side at I wßat I propose reserving in power tract. I also offer for ssle on reasouable terms one 50 H. P. Boiler I and Engine, one Traction Engine and Threshing Machine and I a portion of my Farm Implements and Teams. i. This laud produces fine cotton, grain and grasses and is I located from one to three and a naif utiles of Saxapahaw I cotton mills, from which point there is a sand-clsy and ma- H end am road to Graham. Parties wishing to buy any part of thia farm will please I communicate with me at Graham or my sop Chas. E. Menefee I at Rirer Falls Fartn. Respectfully, 1 i Subscribe For The Gleaner. Only $ per year. •ff fTf ▼▼▼»• wwf ?f fbli lie \cr» ■ jmiiti Lax:. c • ;iy« 't»Ma *• MM" »•• • • •*' Victor Talking Machines "His Masters Voice" Kind, also the Latest Records and Talk ing Machine Supplies. Drop in and hear them. We have styles from $17.50 up. A Fresh Lot Of The Famous * 1 It 0 Peroxide, Get A /I 11 \ Creams, Supply ill Ui Ui Tooth Preparations Now Remember, our prescription department is at your ser vice with every necessary requirement and we guarantee Purity, Accuracy and Promptness. Alamance Pharmacy, Prescription Specialists, J. 0. Simmons Druggist Fitting Up An Office , it a quick and an easy matter if oar mill work ia nted. We bare alt the partition*, railinga, door*, etc., ready, to put right up. Yon can hire an | empty room in the morning and ' with onr mill work and a good car- 1 1 penter you can have a completely fitted office the tame day. Want to aee aome deeigna?. Walker & McAdams, Graham, N. C Z.: ( | | Service by Publication. | Iwtt Carolina, Altuacc Uaitf- _r,; In the Sapcrior Caart 5 Mn. Kttlc Tickle, Plaintiff, K **■ V. Albert Tickle, Defendant. j cwr? I of obtaining an absolute dlvoroe from the bands of matrimony heretofore astatine Be tween the plaintiff and thrf defendant! and •aid defendant will further take notion tha* be li require.! «o appear at the Term of SZ t ourt to be held on the ninth Monday after tho Ural Monday of September, 1111, at the court houae in Urubim, Alamance County, and answer or demur lo the complaint died » In Mid notion, or the plaintiff will apply to tho Cou. t for tho rellif demanded to all - omplalm. Done at olUce in Uraham, thla the Tth dap of Aufuat, nil. J. D. KHttNODLB, Clerk Baperlor Court. FOLEYS QEINOIAMIVE Ton licHacM Tcouata and CowanP*Tim

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