VOL. XXXVII. JUST 'ti E WORD that word U Tutt's, ! i! refers to Dr. Tutt's Liver PHI* am) , iTIEANS HEALTH. Arc you constipated? Troubled with Indigestion? S(ck headache? Virtlgoi- Bilious? | Insomnia? ANY of these symptoms and many others ; Indicate Inaction ofthe ' '"ITT TouXeed Tutt's Pills Take No Substitute. PROFESSIONAL CARDS X, S. COOK^ Attorn.y-at-Law, GRAHAM, ..... N. C. Offloe Patterson Building Second Floor. . . ... ■ onsUßAr bksus. W. P. Brwvu Ja BYJVUM &BYNUM, Vtto*m«y« And Counselors at Lav a.vKKNHBORO, M U. Practice mgiilartr in the courts of A's nance cnuntv. Aug. I, Ml) DAMERON & LONG Attorneys-at-Law E. 8. W. DAME HON, J. A DOLPH LOK# 'Phone 250, 'Phon. IMB Piedmont Building, Holt-Nicholson Hldg. Burlington, N.£. Graham, K. 0. 1)11. WILL S. Lose, JR. . . . DENTIST . . . Graham. - - - . North Carolina OFFICE IN SJMMONB BUILDING JACOB A. LONG. , J. ELMER LOIS LONG & LONG, A ltorney» and Counselor* at L GRAHAM, N. As usually treated, a sprained ankle will disable a man for three or four weeks, but by applying Chamberlain's Liniment freely as soon as the injury is received, and observing the directions with each bottle, a cure can be effected in from two to four days. For sale by all dealers. |- ES*THE BIG ONE~«fl 1 | Alamance Plays No Second Fiddle-More and Larger Premiums _ I -»j g -— — : r~ — Will Bring More and Larger Exhibits. , -i " -,f^ 11 The Alamance Fair—October 3-6 a 1 go* .| ■•■■• ■ |3 • a s WILL OVERSHADOW ALL OTHERS £ | m H UNITED STATES SENATOR F. M. SIMMONS Opens the Fair on Tuesday, Oct 3rd. His personal and political fi 09' C/i g friends from all Piedmont Carolina will be there to hear him #• £> • I ! tp3 w R;M - TaHara-I—Scene 1. Millie Adgie and her Lions of the Jungle. Tableau I—Scene 2.—Lions that almost speak. ■■§ £ Scene 3.—Remarkable demonstration of Adgie's wonderful control over the big brutes. Scenes 4 and s.—Conclud- flei -5 . mgthis most marvelous performance with the "Dance of Death Among the Lions." § 2.~Scene l~The Four Ghrovinies, the world's most celebrated acrobats ih indescribable feats. - Scene 2 U ' (/) The Ghrovinies concluding in a dashing dazzling, daring whirlwind of leaping and tumbling. j C cs O m Tableau 3—Scenel-~The Flying Bartlets. Trapeze performers supreme. Scene 2~The Bartlets, concluding with § 1 forward summersault back to flying bar and sensational high dive finish. 3 S i« Wednesday, October Veterans' Day ■> « H 10 percent of the gate receipts donated to the Daughters of the Confederacy for monument fund. £ $ •' VETERANS ADMITTED FREE AND SERVED LUNCHEON. ' ~ 5 9 on | Two Silver Cornet Bands. $ THE ALAMANCE GLEANER. MARRIAGE IN PERSIA. Curious Customs Accompany th. W.«k Lang Carwneny. Marriage in Persia is a quaint business. The happy pair aro not allowed to see each other until they are formally betrothed, and this takes place in the presence of a mullah. The lady appears with her face thickly ranged and powdered and her eyebrows painted; it ia therefore difficult to see what she is like. She is not allowed to speak. .At intervals she is presented with jewels, lumps of sugar covered with gandy strips of gut paper, or, in some cases, gold leaf, and sugar eaady molded into the form of bowls. A burst of music announces the arrival of the bridegroom. The room is «t once cleared, every one retiring into an inner room. Frdm behind curtains the women watch the groom, seated on a thronelike chair, receive gifts and eat Sweet meats. -After some dancing and ■moking the men go oat and the womenfolk come in again. A smart Persian wedding may extend aver a weak. On the last day of the ceremony the bride, who has been treated as a sort of out cast, is conducted by a near relative to a room where she undergoes further and more elaborate decora tion. She then vetarns to the gnest room and her dowry is laid b«fore her in trays. The dowry often com prises such queer things as cheap and highly colored oleographs, gandy vases and bird cages, and there are also useful honsehold-ar ticles. Having kissed the hearthstone of her home, she is given bread, salt and a piece of gold, and thus equip ped and closely veiled she is lifted on to a gayly adorned donkey and, accompanied by -a circua-like pro cession of friends, goes to her fu ture home, where her husband awaits her. Flrat ■•oaa at Pont.noy. The Black Watch distinguished itself at Fontenoy by a mode of warfare which at the time surprised both friend and foe, but has aincfe become u recognized maneuver. Unable to get at the French infan try, who were strongly intrenched, and being therefore incapable of using their formidable broadswords with effect, the Forty-second high landers, after iharching to the pound to ,th« auric of their own bagpipes to take up a position, fired GRAHAM, N. C., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1911. —: - a volley ind then "clapped down at full length on the ground to let .the enemy's shots pass over them." The only exception to this Srone attitude was the colonel. Sir obert Monro, who was so fat and unwieldy that had he lain down it would have required a lever to lift him again. Th. Man Wh. Meddled. "I have made it a fast rule in life," said the pale faced man to the prosperous merchant, "never to meddle with another roan's busi ness." "That is quite right," replied the merchant. "But all the same, I wish to tell you something in confidence about your business. You have a new secretary, I see." "Yea." "Well, take my advice; don't trust that man. I've watched Ijiin. He's dishonest, he's u lieavv drinker, he's a rogue. You look him out of charity, 1 suppose?" "Not exactly. He's my eldest ,on -" Th. SnMzing Prayer. The custom, still quite common in some of the countries of the old world, of saying "Qod bless you'' to the sneezer originated, according to some authorities, among the prim itive Romans, who, through the opinion of the danger attending it. after sneezing made a short prayer to the gode, as "Jupiter, help me." The custom is mentioned bv Ho mer, by several of the older .iewish rabbis and others, and is found, it is said, among various savage peo ples about the world. Another au thority says the custom took its rise at the time of the plague. 558, when the infected fell dead while sneezing.—New York American. Th. Ignorant Patriot. A very raw recruit was being put through an examination in geography wherein be proved himself ustonlshlug ly ignorant At last, after n failure on bis part of annsual flagrnnce. th. examiner scowled at him nod thunder ed: "idiot, you want to d.fead your country and you don't even know where It Is!" All Up With Him. "Too had r high old time hi Eu rope?" "fee." replied the returned tourist; 1 had. I was dona up at Meate Car lo, held up in the Apennines and laid ap in Homa" IN HONOR OF United States Senator F. M. Simmons, ' " . I * - "»» ' SF» Who will deliver the address at the opening of the Ala mance Fair on Tuesday, October 3rd, 1911. Mr.. Junius H. Harden, the Manager of the Fair, has appointed the foliowing reception committee to do the honors of the occasion: . A. Hall, Pres. Alamance Fair Association, Dr. R. A. Freeman, Sec. Alamance Fair Association, J. 11. Freeland, Mayor of Burlington, J. Adolph Long, Mayor of Graham, Col. A. W. Haywood, representing Haw River, 0. F. Crowßon, Editor of Burlington News, J. D. Kernodle, Editor of The Alamance Gleaner, J. E. Foust, State Dispatch. CITY OF BURLINGTON. , » -a ■*"- I J. W. Murray, President Piedmont Trust Co., Jno. M. Cook, Real Estate Dept. Piedmont Trust Co. J. W. Cates, Director Alamance Loan & Trust Co., A. L. Davis, Cashier First National Bank, W. H. Carroll, Attorney-at-Law. CITY OF GRAHAM. Capt. Jas. N. Williamson, Capitalist, retired, Col. J. A. Long, Attorney-at-Law, E. S Parker, Jr., Attorney-at-Law. A special street car will be placed at the disposal of the recep tion committee. This car will he decorated with American Beauty Roses and persimmons. Common Cold. M«»t be T.ke,, Hrr.oa.lj H.llefl, Mix H)lirt . ass ,t£: s*? - 1 ** ance to more serious infection. oer relieved in six hours Protect your children and yonr tl, e " K * W GREAT SOUTH self by the prompt nso ot Foley's AMERICAN KIDNEY CURE." It is Honey and Tar Compound and a great surprise on account of its note its quick and decisive r. suits, exceeding promptness in relieving ■ I. Is an ©vor drugglsts - Graham Drug Company. DAMES AND DAUGHTERS. May Sutton, the famous tennis play er, will. It Is said, desert the game at the end of the sen huh for golf. Miss Klli'ii Kit/. Pendleton, acting president of Wellesley college for eight months, who bus been chosen presi dent of the institution, is a Wellesle.v graduate of the class of 1880. Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt'a address after her re-election aa president of the International Woman Suffrage alli ance la to be translated Into the lan guages of all civilized lands and dis tributed all over the world. . Lady William Cecil and Miss Good lee have been elected to the governing board or the Queen's Hospital For Children, Hackney road. London. Tbey are the only woman among th. twenty aeven members at the board. Mrs. Leoua M. Walla, assistant chief clerk of 'tbe senate committee on ap propriatloos. is said to be tbe high est paid woman in the employ of llie United States. She receives a salary of 54.000 a year. She is a little moro than thirty years old nnd an acknowl edged «»tpert In questions relating to military law and legislation. Four KijQflS. The mlksdo of Japan Is a hunter sod angler of no mean»ablllty. as wall as a good exponent of lawn tennis. The sultan'of Turkey la one of the most enthusiastic chess players In Eu rope. lie w'll play the game for hour* without intermission. China's child emperor la already showing Inclinations toward militar, life. The little emperor's favorite game Is to drill bis playmates, and It is said be leuds them really well. No Euro|ieaii ruler uses tbe telegraph ao much us tbe czar of Russia. He has a secret rode both for bis private and bis official messages and speuds ti.l. 000 a year on this kind of correspond WRONG BELIEFS. Horti of young men are reck- I leM because thev believe that by and by thev can be whit they wiu. _ Hosts oI old men axe hopeless be- I cause it seems impossible that ihey can ever be anything but what they a»e. Botfi are wrong.—PMHpt Brook*. ] I Her Ability. "Are yoy Able to keep your servants any lenytb dt time?" "!>>t ui' see I've hud my busband six years, "-lit. I .out* Post-Dispatch. Keep youfj heart high That Is the sum of philosophy.—Cousin. v Town Top lot. TVnlln Walla Is going to try the com munion form of government But Brat It should get a name that look* and aounda less like a college yell.—Alba ny Journal. Battle Creek baa more than 7,000 people employed at good wages, and If she wants to buy something at tbe eodn fountain abe has earned the rlgbL—Battle Creek Bracing Newa. Bridge tolls were abollahed all ever tbe country years ago. and Jest now they bare been abolished oo the Brooklyn bridge. New Tortc dty will catch up with the rest of the country If yon sirs It time.-Watsrtown Times. FREEDOM. There » are two freedom—the (she. where e sue ii free to do what he like*; the true, where a man is free to do what be ought —Charles Just the Other Way. "7 wonder if Mabel takes any* thlnp for her lovely complexion." "No: I believe the gives some* thing for if— Loedoo Answers. My Doctor Said 1 IJty Cirdui," writes Mr*. Z. V. Spell, of Hayne, N. C | t waa la a very low state oi health, and was not able to ■ be up and tend to my duties. I did fry Cardui, and aoon I began, to feet better. I got able to be up and help do my I housework. I continued to take the medicine, and now 11 am able to do my homework and to care for my children, I and I feel ss though I could wv gnise Canto! enough I for the benefits 1 have received." CARDUI WomanSTomc I hU£h antag ck te i aJSSLSLP «ESI try Cardui? Cirdul builds, strengthens, restores, and acts I "W w *y."« ipedayonlc remedy lor women. Test I it for yourself. Your druggist sells Cardui. Ask him. I NO. 33 —Ambitions young men and ladies should learn telegraphy, for, since the new 8-honr law be came effective there is a shortage of many thousand telegraphers. Positions pay from S6O to S7O a month to beginners. The Tele graph Institute of Columbia, S. C. and five other cities Is operat ed under supervision of R. R. Of ficials and all students a replaced when qualified. Write them for particulars. LIVES OF CHRISTIAN MINISTERS This book, entitled as above, contains over 200 memoirs of Min isters in the Christian Church with historical reference*. An interesting volume—nicely print ed and bound. Price per eopy: cloth, $2.00; gilt top, s2.so. By mail 20c extra. Orders may be sent to P. J. Kernoduc, 1012 £. Marshall St., Richmond, Ya. Orders stay be left at this office. _

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