|t' THE GLEANER ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY. m J. P. KERNOPLE, Editor. >I.OO A YEAR, IN ADVANCE" The editor will not be responsible for views expressed by correspondents. ADVERTISING BATBB One square (1 In.) 1 time fI.GO, r reach nub •®quent Insertion 60 cents. For more space slid lonfer time, rates furnished on *P4>IICU • lon. Local notices 10 cts. a line for first s insertion ; subsequent insertions & cts. a line lrauslent advertisements must be paid for advance Benterod at the Postofflee at Graham. N. C., as second class matter t ' t GRAHAM, N. C„ Sept. 28, 1011. Nothing has yet come to light to - ~ unveil the Myrtle Hawkins murder. The government is taking hold of the Steel trust, looking to its disso lution. Plans for the reorganization the American Tobacco Co. are being de vised and will be given out in a few days, so report says. Canada says no reciprocity yut a while. Mr. Taft could not conceal his disappointment at the defeat of his pet measure. . President Taft is not carrying everything by storm in the West. Some of the "progressives" have the have the courage to stand out against him and his ideas. Quick justice camo to Norvall Marshall, the negro who assaulted Mrs. J. E. Chapman of Warren county last Saturday a week. On Tuesday of last week he was tried and convicted and sentenced to die on Oct. 20th. Judge Howard A. Foushee, says a writer in a paper in the Western part of tho State, "is making a tine impression on attorneys and poople." We want to see the Judge of our District tho peer in every respect of any Judge in the State. Latest returns show a majority of 29 for repeal of tho prohibition amendment to Maino's constitution. The returns will be held open for corrections till Oct. 9th, tinder the law of the State. The final result is still in doubt. Presidential possibilitie3 and probabilities will rise and set sever al times within tho time from now till a nomination is made. Speaker Clark, Gov. Folk, Judgo llarmnn and Gov. Wilson are at present in the front rank in the Democratic household. Unless tho Sugar Trust is demol ished pretty soon, swoot things will ■oar beyond the reach of most peo ple. That it ia a robber no one will hardly try to deny now. Its prices show what can be done Itchind a Chinese tariff wall. Capt. Lander, who detained the farmer at Fort Caswell on tho ground that the farmer had Bold melons at a higher price than the " officer had stipulated, which re - suited ia Lander being tried for courtmartial, has been acquijted. Tom Lintliicum, at one time in his life one of the handsomest and most popular men living in Dur ham, says a news dispatch, was found dead in a houso in that city a few days ago. The officer who found him had gone to ar rest him. Linthicum's downfall was due to drink. At Anderson, 8. C., last woek, Samuel H. Ilyde, confessed mur derer of his young wife and her father, was convicted by a jury of murder In tho first degree, the penalty for which is death. Hyde wanted to plead guilty but was not allowed to do so. The crime was committed in July. While Mrs. Hyde and her sisteri Willie Beasley, aged 15, la}' asleep in one bed and her parents, W. V. Beasley and Wife, were asleen iu another- bed in the same room, Hydo entered and fired three ■hots into his wife's body, killing her instantly, and tired twice at her sister, both shots taking ef fect, but not seriously wounding her. Reloading his revolvor, he ■hot and killed Beasley, who was attempting to disarm him. Bntcherel in their beds by aome person as yet unknown, who need an axe, the bodies of six Demons, three In each of two neighboring houses, were found ftt Colorado Springs, Col., last week. The heads of all the vic tims had been smashed in and the appearance of the hodiee in dicated that they had ben dead several days and that death cam*- while they slept. The dead are Mrs. Alice Burnham and two ehlldren, aged six and three years; Mr. and Mrs. 11. F. Wayne «nd their year-old baby. Burn ham, who was awny from home at the time, was arrested, but \ here is nothing to show hi* guilt. Items of News. Mr. Shade Wooteu, aged 75, died suddenly at his home at La Grange, Lenoir county, last week. The Virginia-Carolina Photo graphic Association, composed of I photographers in Virginia and North and South Carolina, in ! Asbe'ville Tuesday. The 18-mout.hs-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer O. Edgerton, of Raleigh, fell in a pan of boil ing water Tuesday and died Fri day from the injury. Ilendersonville lias another tragedy. Saturday Anna Wil liams slashed Mamie Briggs with a razor, the latter dying from the wounds. Roth colored. Whiskey and jealousy. At Williamstown, Martin coun ty, Saturday, Brad Bagley, col ored, was convicted of the mur der of Chief of Police White, August 15, and sentenced to death. The negro shot the officer from behind. During a thunderstorm Satur day the residence of John F. Car penter, six miles from Cherry ville, Gaston county, was struck by lightning and burned to the ground. Occupied by Neal Elam, who lost all ho had. Four heavy earthquakes e#rly Sunday did serious damage to lilobamba, ihe capital of Chitn boraza province, which lies about 85 miles from Guayaquil, Kduca dor. The shocks continued throughout the day, but with diminishing intensity. At the first shock, which occurred very early in the morning, a great panic prevailed among the people. Many buildings were badly shaken and several collapsed. Tho occupant's ofmost of the houses filed to the street*. After a special session of 14 days, in which lilfi witnesses were examined the Lincoln county (Miss.) grand jury, which has been investigating tho alleged voU-nolling scandal of the August, Democratic primary, finally ad journed, hafvlng turned in 63 true bills, not all of which, however, charge vote trafficking. Twenty-six persons wero injur ed, four probably fatally, in At lanta early Sunday night when an inbound Lnckie streetcar, crowded with people going to church, over rati a switch and turned over. At the meeting of the State As sociation of Postmasters in Asho villp last week the following offi cer* wero elected: * President, W. \V r . Rollins, Ashevillo; secretary treasurer, S. Arthur White, Mo bane; vice-presidents, J. I!. Sponee, Charlotte; Thomas (• recti, Waynusvlllo; O. F. Conrad, Lex ington. Iu McDowell county Superior court last week the Southern rail way and the Clinchfleld railway were indicted iu several cases for operating freight trains on Sun day. The attorneys for tho road entered a plea of guilty and Judge liong lined the roads tSOO each in one case, suspending judgment in the others. Dock To well, a tenant on t lie farm of Earlo Bumgarner, near Davidson, went home Wednesday evening and found his wife in a dying conditio i from a stroke of apoplexy. Mrs. Towell had picked cotton until about 6 o'clock and had gone to the house to prepare supper, when sho fell over and regained consciousness. John Hiddle has been appoint ed collector of customs at New borne to succeed Dan Patrick. Biddlo was appointed while Cong ress was in session but his con firmation was held up at the in stance of E. C. Duncan, the He publican national committeeman. The appointment was made at the instance of Chairman Morehead anil the recess appointment gives Biddle the job at once. A man who gave his name as John Turner was found uncon scious, iu the public road, in the vicinity of Greensboro, Saturday night. lie was taken to a Greens boro hospital and when he was able to talk be said he had been with a party, they were all drink ing and he remembered some thing about a row. He had two bad gashes on his head and was lying in * pool of blood when found. rillllWlU T» How can the baby grow strong if the nursing mother is pale and delicate? Scott's Emulsion makes the mother strong and well; increases and en* riches the baby's food. In Charlotte Tuesday night last week, Cliff. Ellis, W. R. Malcorn and Arthur McWhirtor, all drink-' ing, gathered on the street in front of the home of J. A. Moose and were noisy and quarrelsome.- Moose went out and ordered them away. One of them, said to be | Malcoin, knocked Moose down. Ralph Morrison, l!i-yeiir-oW nephew of Moose, was on the porch of the Moose honi'j' i'.uV! wheu he saw his uncle at lacked he fired on the party. Ellis- was dangerously wounded. V -tin:; Morrison promptly admitted i';: he fired on the party and Ik hold to await the result of Ellis injuries. STATU or OHIO, CITT OF TGIXDO, I-UCA* CouKir. ( ' Fnink J. Cheney makes oath tnfit lie Is senior partner of "the linn of F. .1, Cheney Co., doing business In the *'it* of Toledo. County and Htatc afnresald. and ihut said firm will i my the sum of ONK 111 NDlthU IJOLIiAItM for each and eve ry cane of Cata»- rh Ihitcnnnottwcuni'lby the ii*' >f Hall's Cmtarrh Curo. FEA NK J. Clf liN hY. tfworn to before me and snl»scrlbe«l In niy presence, thlH ttth day of December, A. I*. "T', ) XW. GLEASO.V, I HbAli j NoT A KY PUBLIC. liall'H Catarrh Care I" taken Internally, and acta directly on tlio blood and iimuoua sur faces of iliu system. Send for-testimonials Iron. r. J • CH'KNUY A CO.. Toledo, 0. Sold by all Drnirnlsts, 7f>c. •Julie lloil's Kuiully i'lils for constipation The work of building a sand clay road, from Jerusalem, in Davie county, to South river, on the Rowan line, has begun. \V. R. Craig, a wealthy New York man, who recently acquired in terests in Davie, will pay half the expense and citizens interested the other half. Action has also begun to secure the building of a bridge across South River, the cost to bo borne by the counties of Rowan and Davie. English Spavin Liniment re moves all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavins, curbs, splints, sweeney, ringbone, stifles, sprains all swollen throats, coughs, etc. Save SSO by the use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful blemish cure known, Sold by Graham Druv Co. 11. L. and W. 11. Lambeth, of Thoinasville, have been indicted in Guilford Superior court on a charge of conspiracy to produce abortion, and the Greensboro News hears that a grave charge of similar character has been brought against one of the Lambeths in Davidson county. HOIKV'H KIDM',I HKMEDY.LIquId Is a groat medicine of proven for both acute and chronic kidney and bladder ailments. It is especially recommended to elderly people for its wonderful tonic and reconstructive qualities, and the permanent relief and comfort it «ives them. For sale by all druggists. Tho army worm is reported in* Nash and Edgecombe counties and is said to have damaged cot ton in territory where it is 50 per cent. Nerd to Htop Work. When your doctor orders you to stop work, it staggers you. "I can't" you say. Von know you arc weak, run-down and failing iu health, day by day, but you ■must work ft*- long aft vmi e*ft stand. What you need is Eled trie Bitten to give tone, strength, and vigor to your systofti, to pre vent breakdown and Tin lld you up. Don't bo weak, sickly or ail ing when . Kleetrie Bitters will benefit you from the first dose. Thousands bless them for their glorious health and strength. Try them. Every bottle is guaranteed to satisfy. Only 50c at Graham Drug Co. In Winston last week Snow Butler, colored, was held for trial on a charge of murder. On the 28th of August Snow gave Char ley Graves and throe other ne groes a drink each from a half pint bottla of whiskey. Three of the negroes could not retain the liquor on their stomachs, but wero made very siek. Charley Graved did retain it and died the next day. A l>rr.4lul Night lo 11. C. Barn urn, of Freeville, N. Y., «u the fever-sore that liutl plagued hi* life for years iu apiU) of rnauy remedies be tried. At last he used Bucklen's Arnica Salve and wrote: "it bus entirely healed with scarcely a scar left." Ileuls Burns, Boils, Eceina, Cuts, Bruises, Swellings, Corns and Piles like magic. Only 25c at Graham Drug Co. Because Miss Elsie Ellis refund to accompany Obie Butler home from » danoe at Rftfter, Teuu., » Monday night • week, three men are dead. When she refused to » go with Butlor Miss Ellis lequest ed Olney Phillips, a boy of 17, to accompany her. When Butler saw them leave the dance be fol lowed and. shot Phillips dead. John Heading, aged 25 then rushed up to Butler and asked why be had shot Phillips. In re ply Butler shot Heading, killing him instantly. The third death came when au unknown person shot Butler from behind, the ball piercing his brain. Butler was 30 years old. A. 11. Parker, described as a "prominent business man," was convicted in the recorder's court in Hickory last week for retailing and sentenced to 12 months on the j chain gang. Some time ago Parker paid a fine of SBO for a j similar offence and as fines didn't effective the recorder tried Something stronger. The case j was appealed. A High Cride Blood Purifier. i Go to Alamance Pharmacy and [ buy a bottle of B. B. B. (Botanic • lilood Balm. It will purify and j '-nr ch your blood and build up I your v.'eakened, broken down sys kcm. B. B. B. is guaranteed to euro all blood diseases and skin 'humors, such a« j Rheumatism, Ulcers, Eating Sores, Catarrh, Eczema, Itching Humors, liisings and Bumps, Bono Pains, •Pimpl s, Old Sores, Scrofu a or Kernels, Suppurating Sores, Boils, Car buncles. B. B. B. cures all these blood trouble* by killing thit poison humor and expelling from the system. B. B.- B. is the only blood remedy that can do I his—therefore it cures and heals all sores when all else fails, $1 per largo bottle, with directions for home cure. Sample free by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. The Concord Tribue says Ben Long, colored, went into the well of Mr. C. A. Linn at Landis, Monday afternoon last week, to clean it out. Before he reached the bottom the well caved in, burying the tnan at a depth of probably 30 feet. The earth was moved as rapidly as possible but it was several hours before the dead body was recovered. Forced to Leave Home. Every \ ear a large number of poor sufferers, whose lungs are sore and racked with coughs, are urged to go to another climate. But this is costly and not always sure. There's a better way. Let Dr. King's New Discovery cure you at home. "It cured me of lung trouble," writes W. R. Nel son, of Calamine, A r k., "when all else failed and I gained 47 pounds in weight. It's surely the king of all cough and lung cures." Thou sands owe their lives and health to it. It's positively guaranteed for Coughs, Colds, LaGrippe, Asth ma, Croup—all Throat and Lung troubles. 50c and SI.OO. Trial bottle free at Graham Drug Co. Craven county recently voted to establish a farm life school and is the only county that has done so. Others have made a pass and either backed out or voted down the proposition. The Craven county school is to be located at Vaneeboro, which town has given 02 acres of land and SIO,OOO in bonds to secure the nit©. English Spavin Liniment re moves Hard, Soft and Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses; also Blood Spavins, Curbs, Splints,' Sweeney, Ring Bone, Stifles, Sprains, Swollen Throats, Coughs, etc. Save SSO by use of one bot tle. " A wonderful Blemish Cure. Sold by Graham Drug Company. Gov. KitchiD has commuted to life Impr isonmen t Tibedeath sen t-ence of Dick Gause, a negro who was to have been electrocuted iu tbe State prison Friday. The commutation was granted upon the recommendation of the trial judge, solicitor and jury that con victed Gause of tbe murder of Ed. Gibson, at Wilmington. A Great Advantage to Working Men. J. A. Maple, 125 S. 7th St., Steubenville,O., says: "Foryears I suffered from weak kidneys and a severe bladder trouble. I learned of Foley Kidney Pills and their wonderful cures solbe?an taking them and sure enough I had as good result* as any I heard about. My backache left me and to one of my business, expresßinan, that alone is a great advantage. My kidneys acted free and normal, aud that saved me a lot of misery. It is now a pleasure to work where It used to be a misery. Foley Kidney ;Pills have cured me and have my highest praise." For sale at all druggists. Newton Enterprise: County Commissioner E. L. Little and Osborne Brown met at Long Island tyonday and let ont the contract for grading and putting in shape for the central highway the road from Buffalo Shoals bridge to the SherriU's Ford road. X*t aJYart *TScaaAlc marred the call of a neighbor on Mrs. W. P. Spaugh, of Manville, Wyo., who said: "she told me Dr. King's New Life Pills had cured her of obstinate kidney trouble, and made her feel like a new wo man." Easy, but sure remedy for stomach, liver and kidney troubles. Only 25c. at Graham Drug Co. Mr. W. Q. Watson, for 12years clerk of Rowan Superor Court, died Wednesday at his home in Salisbury from the effects. of paralysis. He waa 65 years old. » Gen. W. R. Boggn died in Wins ton early Friday morning at tho home of his daughter, Mrs. W. B. Taylor, aged 83. Gen. Boggs was a native of Augusta, Ga. He was a graduate of West Point and served throughout the civil war in the Confederate army, at taining to the rank of Brigadier General. Since the war he had served as architect and civil en gineer ftnd was for five years pro fessor of mechanics in the Virginia Mechanical College. .For bowel complaints in chil dren always give Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and castor oil. It is cer tain to effect a cure and when re duced with water and sweetened is pleasant to take. No physician can prescribe a better remedy. For sale by all dealers. A bank with SIO,OOO capital has been organized at Conover. The Newton Enterprise says this is the seventh bank in Catawba county. Diarrhoea is always more or less prevailing during September. Bo prepared for it. Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is prompt and effectual. It can always be depended upon and is pleasant to take. For sale by all dealers. The Newtou Enterprise says that while Mr. Perry Herman was running a saw in his father's wood shop near Conover, he was thrown against the saw and his arm was cut into at the wrist. Itch relieved in 20 minutes by Woodford's Sanitary Lotion. Never fails. Sold by Graham Drug Co. Winston-Salem Academy and College has received $48,461.86, the first Installment of the SIOO,- 000 which that institution will re ceive from the General Education Board and Mr. Andrew Carnegie, which was conditioned on the friends of the institution sub scribing $200,000, which was done. Foley's Honey and Tar Compound Still retains its high place as the best household remedy for all coughs and colds, either for chil dren or grown persons. Prevents serious results from a cold. Take only the genuino Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, an 1 refuse substitutes. For sale by all druggists. The graded schools of Raleigh, white and colored combined, opened with 500 smaller atten dance than last year. The small er attendance is attributed to the tact that a rule requires all chil dren to be vaccinated before they can onter. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bronio Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's cignature is on each box. 25c. The Enterprise says eight men were receutly before the mayor of Mooresville for shooting bats. They were fined $1 each for shoot ing inside the" corporate limits and $1 for each bat killed. The shots were many; few bats were kitted. — . $lO0 —Dr. E. Detchnn's Anti Diurectic may be worth to you more than SIOO if you have a child who soils bedding from in continence of water during sleep Cures old and young alike. It arrests the trouble at once. sl. Sold by Graham Drug Co. Walter Coker, 30 years old, killed himself, last week by shoot ing himself in the throat with a shot guu. The suioide took place at the home of Coker's brother-in law iu James City, near New Borne. Coker was half-witted and he had recently attempted suicide by catting bis throat with a razor. "I have a world of confidence in Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for I have used it with perfect success," writes Mrs. M. I. Baa ford, Foolesville, Md. For sale by all dealers. Sam Tatum, colored, who was in the company of Will Carter, also colored, who was found dead in the vicinity of Mt. Airy last week, has surreudered to the au thorities but claims to know noth ing of how Carter oame to his death. Before Yea Reach the Llaslt of physical endurance and while your oondition is still curable, take Foley Kidney Pills. Their quick action and positive results will delight you. For backache, nervousness, rheumatism, and all kidney, bladder and urinary troubles. For sale at all druggists. At E lewett Falls, Anson county, JjJ last week, two negro women had * a difficulty and one killed the other. The coroner's jury decid- ed the killing was in self-defence r* and the woman was turned loose, jr FOLEYSHONETMAR B rtow «fc ■ wstfi »■ twii W.J.Hyde, O. R. Crisp and Jim Hollifield, charged with the killing of Tom Mashburn about six months ago, were convicted of murder in the second degree in Graham county Superior Court last week. Judge Webb set aside the verdict and then the.defen dants submitted to manslaughter and were sentenced to terms of imprisonment ranging from one to twelve months.-The. three men went to arrest Mashburfi, who had escaped from the chain gang of one of the Georgia counties. He was unwilling to accompany the officers and was shot by Hyde. Hyde says Mashburn was cutting at him with a knife and that he shot in self-defense. Digcitlon And Annim!lation It is not the quantity of food takeu but the amount digested and assimilated that gives strength and vitality to the sys tem. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets invigorate the stomach and liver and enable them to perform their functions natur ally. For sale by all dealers. FOLEYSKfI)NEYML3 FOB BACKACHE KIOMCVS AND OLAOORO DRINK the Best SOFT DRIKS Graham Bottling Works, R. C. Hunter, Proprietors, use the purest'extracts and flavorings and put up only one quality— THE BEST' Call for our goods and insist on getting them and you will PURE and H. C. HUNTER, GRAHAM, N.C. TaluableStsckforSale By virtue of the authority vested In the un dersigned, under au order of the Buperlor Court of Alamance county, made in a cause therein pending, entitled *'J. Arcliie Louie an,l others vs. Granite Havings 8c Trust Con*, pany," the uuderslgued will, on MONDAY, OCTOBER 23, 11)11, at twelve o'clock, noon, at the courthouse door in Graham, ofTer for sale at public out cry to the best bidder the following valuable stock, to-wlt : 1,048 shares of the Capital Stock of the Con tinental Chair Manufacturing Company, of Mebane, A 1 imance County, North Carolina. Kach of said shares is of a par value of SIO.OO. Said ttock will to offered in 11 blocks, 10 blocks of 100 shares etch, unl one block of 48 shares. hald sale will be for cash, and nil Mis will be taken subjeot to the confirmation of the Court. The Continental Chair ManufuctuiingCom pany is doing a good business and this is valuable stock. CHAB. A. BCOTT, lteceiver (J ran In; Savings & Trust Co. This Sept. 20,1911. 1 Certificate of Dissolution State of North Carolina, Department of State—Certificate of Dissolution. TS all to whom those presents may come— Greeting: t Where**, It appears to my satisfaction, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof bv the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, deposited In my office, that the Eureka Building Block Company, corporation of this State, whose principal office Is situated In the Town of Graham County ot Alainauoe, State of North Caroll OH (Sam. I'. Johnston being the agent therein and In charge thereof, up on whom process may be serve ;), has com piled with the requirements of Chapter 31, Hevlsal of 1«0S, entitled "Corporations," pre- Mmlnwg to tbe Issuing of this Certificate of Now, therefore, 1. J. Bryan Grimes, Secre tary of State of tbe State of N orttj Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did, on the 80th day of Sep. lull, fife In my office a duly executed and atiesteil consent In writing to the dissolution or said corpor ation, executed by all the stockholders there of, which said consent and the record of tbe proceedings aforesaid are now 011 tile in my said office at provided by law. In testimony whereof, I have hereto set ■ay hand and affixed my official seal, at Hal algb, this 20 day of Sep., A. D. 1011. (Seal) J. BKYAN QKIMBS, Secy, of State. I It Is a very serious matter to ask I tor ens medicine sod have the I wrong one given you. For this I reason we urge you in buying to I bs careful to get tbe genuine— I BUCK-KGHT liver Medicine ITbs reputation of this old, rella- ■ Ma medkimt, for coostipatibn, in- I digestion and liver trouble, ia Ann- ■ |y satabHahed. It docs not imitate I Other medicines, It Is better than ■ others, or it would not be the ta- I vorite liver powder, with a larger I sals than all others combined. I SOU) PI TOWN pa | Indigestion 1> AND* 7 • Dyspepsia Kodol _Wha« your stomach cannot properly dlgaat food, of Itself, ft needs a little ■sstaanoe—and this assist anco la read ily supplied by Kodol. Kodol aaslu ths *«»•«?» bT temporarily digesting all of Iha food in the stomach, so that ths stomach may rest and recuperate. Our Guarantee. gyj KM ran are act benefited—the draggta *m u saee return torn money. iv» t hesitate: any .»«n rot. kodol oo these terms At nellar bottle eon talcs tv, times aa BOSS as Ike Mo bottle. Kodol Is prepared at the hbatllaiiss el K O. CeWlit t Co.. «■—jT Onhsai Dna Co. WE SELL !T CHEAPER Trade at the New Drug Store where you can save money on anything yon buy. A FEW PRICES: ;! ui- -77 B. B. B. ----- .89 Simmons' Liver Regulator .20 S. S. S .891 Black Draught .20 Milam - .89 Porter's Healing Oil— .44 Swamp Root - .89 « ' «i SQ C Talcum Powder, all 25c kind .22 King's New Discovery .44 Tooth P ° wd6rs * 22 Laxative Bromo Quinine .20 Doan s Kidney 1 ills -45 35c Box Paper .25 Electric Bitters.— .89 Sillman's Freckel Cream .45 " " ~ Rosealine __ .22 Sloan's Liniment .44 Wine of Cardui- .89 | •' '} - v ____ .22 Warner's Safe Cure—. .89 j Tar Heel Liniment- .22 « > m B ' Z6 "" Yaeger's Chlo. Liniment—--- .22 Grove's Chill Tonic .39 j Peruna-- .89 Noah ' B Liniment - " 2 Wampole's Cod Liver Oil .89 | Ea B le Wilk :18 fWe have just receivedl! a fresh ship-g shipment of Mother's Joy and Goosel Grease Liniment. The company willl give a nice*gold watch to the boy orl girl that sellsthe most whilethis ship-1 ment lasts, then a cheaper watch to thel one that sells the next most* Carolina Drug Co. ON THE CORNER. |D. H. HUDSON, Manager. COBLE*BRADSHAW HARDWARE COMPANY Burlington, N. C. HEADQUARTERS for Wagons, Buggies, Harness, Grain Drills, Farm Machinery. Also a General Hardware and Builders' Hardware and the BEST line of Paints and oils. —We Save You Money... Make our place headquarters during the Fair v October 3rd to 6th. JJP !I| AN ARTISTIC INTERIOR Demands a harmonious arraingement of form and color of wood work, walls, ceilings, hangings, rugs, carpets and furniture. The latter cannot be slighted if you would have a successfully furnished room. This is the reason why you should select your 'furniture from a large and complete stock such as is carried by Green & McClure GRAHAM, N. C. Let your furniture come from us and you cannot go wrong in getting an elegant and artistic effect. DANDRUFF physician !writes.regarding" the great'Dandruff^Cure^ fO-BAC-TON —» / "I have been affeeted'with'dandruff for just ten years"and have tried rarious remedies for same,' but found nothing that would cure it* After] using TO-BAC-TON, for one month am entirely Relieved of trouble.« ij heartily recommend .this remedy to anyone affected with same disease * , I— " Mf; Winston-Salem, N. C" This" is T one *of / many* letters) praising Tha Crmatnt of All Hair\Tonic*.'Jjl{ yos are suffering : with Dandruff, if your hair is falling out or your scalp giving you trouble, use TO-BAC-TON. j DWarant from any other hair took—it oootaiaa no alcohol or which Is injuries to the scalp. It la principally mado (ran thojaieo of tho tobacco leaf, which to rocoimtacd bf physicians aa tha moat effectire rcrmlcidc. TO-BAC-TON is dmliw hi fully par fam* J. The iniredlenta are ttimmlmHam mad kamkkfal. Thlo wonderful Hair Tonic prmvntt Bald- MM, CUM Dandruff, all diseases of tcalp and maltas beautiful, luxuriant hair. | - Got a bottle today et yoar drug store or atk your tartar to stro you a TO-BAC-TON I application. Yea can't laoaa aaant t■ ■ lei I TO-BAC-TON fat raarmiiteil \ For Sal* at All Dmg Storoa at 28c, 80c or f 1.00 Bottles. / ' booklet, Indlaa It Wto yoQ all about tha ear* of the hair/ TO-e*C-TtW" HUNUFtCTVIUHG COHMKY,' Winston-SaleißT N. C TIN AUEN'I FOOT-EASE. ARNOLD'S 1 The antU'ptlo powder to be shaken Into ... , . _ ... W RAK? I BALSAM CHOLERA INFANTUM BY a Graham Drag Co. i Graham, N. C. | (Wckatfo address Allen 8. Olmstvd.Le Boy *, "r Marion Progress: Charles Lytle , S. A. Hubbard, Reidsville, gets t ' (jloreJ » vl| o Mafck McKin sue.,™,.,, examiner. There were 25 appli- a few days ago and ia now in the ® an * B - connty jail here. . r&i ' jSate, Hfibwafeiifeßfl tSSfesb

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