- —T,— THE GLEANER —————- n , - ~ GRAHAM, K. 0., Oct. 19,1911 Pistottiee Hons. OBHopwUt*.atol.Mp.a. ■udartsUMs. m. udut tova + m BIBNAN HUOHBS, PottouHr. I, l, i 1... ~... # Local News. • —The pastors of Graham will conduct a union eervice in the Sid ney Mill Oroya next Sunday at 4 o'clock p.m. The public ia invited. —Of the excelleat and enjoyable teachers' meeting held hero Satur day we would say something, bat the account given elsewherf is so * nice and to the point that there ia nothing left for as to say that would be of interest. —The friends of Mr. Williamson Menefee, who haa been in Cleveland, Ohio, for eometime learning the au tomobile business, will regret to lea re that he is quite sick and that he will likely have to undergo a serious operation for kidney trouble. We wiah for him a apeedy reoovery. —The Vestal Hotel opened Mon day for public patronage under the management of Mr. J. T. Omahundro. The hotel haa been renovated and put in good condition throughout. We bet peak for the new manage ment a liberal patronage, and we truat that 1m will make it in all re spects the equal of any hotel in the State. —The management of this paper is debating the question of opening a matrimonial bureau. Some one will want to know why, so we will explain: Wituin lees than a year's time three young ladies, employed in TfcsGi. sun in office, have married. Taking these facta as a basis, we are of the opinion that we could do a regular land office buainess. But juat a word of warning, reader, if yon should happen to be an un married young lady: don't take up the idea that being an employee in thia office guarantees the finding of an eligible husband. A Pipe Organ for the Presbyterian Church. • r ■i "-r-M" v, y\ A pleasant and genuine suprise was sprung on the members of the Presbyterian church last Sunday morning at a congregational meeting held immediately after the services. The Deacons asked the Pastor, who had nos hsen apprised of the pur pose of the meeting, to call the meet ing at the canal uaiod of the serrioss. When the meeting was called to or der, Mr. J. Harvey White was recognized and stated that he and his brother, Mr. Will. E. White, and »ister, Miss Madeline White would give to the church as a memorial to their mother, the late Mrs. Emma V. White, a pipe organ That the congregation accept it and a>uee to build a suitable place for it. The acceptance waa signified by a rising vote, which waa also a tacit agreement to prepare a suitable place for its location. After this some touching remarks were made upon this exhibition of genuine fil ial affeotion. It will be a magnifi ceut instrument. Golden Dillon Win Premiums. Golden Dillon, owned by Dr. 0, J. Paris and A. M. Hadlsy took first premium st the Alamance Fair. Last week at ths Greensboro Fair he took the first premium, but did not enter the races. He is on exhibition at the Raleigh Fair this week snd will no doubt come bsck with flying colors. Attentat State Fab. Among the many from here and community attending ths Raleigh Fair are the following: Yssterdsy—Mr. J. Edgar Long sod daughter, Miss Allene, Dr. Will. 8. Long, Mr. PhiL 8. Dixon, Mr. J. D. Kemodle. Today—Mr. L. Banks Holt, dept. Jas. N. WUllsmson, hrnest Thompson, Bev. T. G. Viok ers, Mr. M. B. Bives, Mr. as i Mis. H. M. Cstes, of Swepeouvills, Miss Lissie Hckard, Miss Lo(e Shields, Mr. Okas. D. Johnston, Mr. aad Mrs. Ban. B. Hoh. Mr. A. M. Hsdley, Mr. Nat. Forfar, Mr. Gee. W. Black. N«w Advertisements. Hontwhite—'The Flight of the Princess Iris, Oct. Sff mad 28; W. T. Wileon, Tu Collector- Sals of kad lor town taxes. Alamance Ins. k. Beal Estate Co. —Mortgagee's Sale of Land. Walker k McAdams —Lumber of all Kinds. —jflnhwi Drag Co. —Drugs and . MHiriaes informed that In accordance *!A aa act Ot the but Legialatnra anti toxin for diphtheria can now be bad at manufacturers' cost, which means, says the Pnhsarffiian, that a doae which formerly coat $7.60 can now be had for $1.95. • i> | Personal Mention • - 1 , "I : ".i^ 1 ;11 Mr. Chae. tfsnefee speat last vresk in Richmond. Dr. J. Mel Thompson, of Mehansr spent Sunday here. * *•" f Mr. P. A. Hayes, of Greenaboro, •pent yesterday here. Misa Beasie .Baxter apeat Satur day ia Greensboro, Mr. A.K. Hardee returned from Benson Friday night Mr. John Scott of Durham, apent Sunday at hie home here. Mr. Hubert Hill, of Raleigh, apent Saturday and Sunday, here. Mrs. M J. Brady left Monday for Charlotte where she will apend several weeka. Mrs. W. F. R. Clapp ia viaiting her daughter, Mrs., Will Thompson, at Spencer. Mies May Houston, of Wilming ton, apent yeetardky here with Mi« Fannie Waters. Miss Fanny Waters, Mr. Chaa. A. Scott fed Master William apent Sunda" in Hillaboro. Mrs. Gene Hunter aud Miaa Mar garet Goley apent Saturday in Greenaboro shopping. Miaa Claire Turner ia apending a day or two at her home in Raleigh and attending the Fair. )9eat. W. A, Harper and Prof. T. C. Amick, of EUm College, were pleaaant callers laat Saturday. Mr. J. D. Kernodle, Jr., at the A. A M. College Raleigh, came up to day to spend the remainder of thfe week-.. * ~✓. ■ ■,-»«! Mr. French Hunter left for Dan ville, Va., Tueaday, where he haa ac cepted * position With West End Drug Co. Mr. Don E. Scott aqd hia sister, Miss Blanche Scott, are attending a house party in Raleigh thia week given by Miss Edith Pon. Mias Wood fin Chambers came up from Raleigh and a pent Saturday and Snnday here at the home of her ' mother, Mrs. B. S. Robertson. The marriage of Miss Annie Douglass Sherrill, daughter of Editor and Mrs. John B. Sherrill, of Conoord, and Mr. Nevln A. Archibald, took place at tbe home of the bride in Concord Thursday evening. The Marlpoea Cotton Mills, with principal office in Lincoln connty, near Stanley, have been chartered. Authorised capital t 560,000 with $37,000 paid in. The Lnmlierton Robeaonian haa bought a handsome press, which will soon be installed. The Robeson la is a good paper. Charlotte Observer, 6th: Fit*- senger train Mo. 33, of the South ern railway, crashed into a double wagon loaded with negroes at th« intersection of South Tryon street and Park avenne at 7 o'clock yes terday morning, injuring six ne groes and mangling the horse and mule eo severely that the former ha 1 to be shot. - Willis Reid, the driver, a negro yonth, received injuries which it Is feared may re sult fatally. The uegroee were on their way to the country to pick cotton. Geo. Reed, a 6-year-old boy of Stanly county, stepped on a nail which pierced his foot, from ef fects of which tbe foot bad to be amputated. For Sale. The Hal. B. Mebane Residence apply to Chas. A. Soott. This Is Certain —-Mrifiii I The Proof That Graham Readers Cannot Deny. What conld furnish stronger evidence of the efficiency of any remedy than the teat or time? Thousands of people testify that Doan's Kidney Fills cure perman ently. , ' ' ; Home endorsement should prove ondoubtenly. the merit of this remedy. Years ago your friends ud neighbors testified to the re lief they had derived from the ne of Dona's Kidney Pills. They now confirm their testimonials. They any time has completed the F. W. Hsithcook, Mill St., Graham, N. C., says: "I gladly oonfirm the pnbHe statemest I gave three years ago, rshomtssnd ing Dona's Kidney Pills, as I have not had a symptom of kidney trouble siaee that tea. I was subject to attacks of backache aad a feeling of distress through my kidnrts. I also had dull head aches aad felt languid aad run down. Finally I got Doan's Kid* ney Pills from the Alamaaes Pharmacy aad* I bad net used tfteas long before my trouble die- Kidney Pills with good results." For sale by all dealers. Prise SO esats, Fester-Milburu Oou, But* falo, New Tort, sole agente for the United States. BesMmber the name—Doan's— and take no other. Marriages. At the residence of Mr. John L. Murray, brother of the bride, Kite Maude Murray was united iu mar riage to Mr. Millard 8. Younts, of Greensboro, at 4:00 o'clock yester day evening, Rer. Dr. £. C. Murray officiating. They boarded the west bound train for Greensboro at 6:15 for their future home iu Greens boro. The bride ia an unuaually attractive young lady—intelligent and industrious, and the is a popular salesman in Greensboro. They have many friends who wisb them a l-jng life of unalloyed hap piness. Mr. Weldon M.Cheek of this coun ty and Misa Bessie M. Fox of Orauge county were united in marriage this morning at the office of the officiat ing Juatice of the Peace, Mr. J. M. McCracken. Mr. Broughton Farrell and Miss Lillie Clapp, both of Alamance, were united in marriage Monday by Mr. J. M. McCracken, Esq., at his office. ' On Wednesday morning at the rseidence of Mr. J. L. Teal, Mr. Jno. P. Loy and Miss Carrie Holt, both of Alamance county, were united in marriage, Mr. V. M. Euliss, J. P., officiating. A marriage that waa only a . sur prise as to time and place took in the parlor of the Guilford Hotel, Greensboro, last Friday. Tbe con tracting parties were Mr. H. C. Pol lard, the trusted business manager at Ossipee Cotton Mills, and Miss Blondie Kernodle, the pretty, charm ing and cultured daughter of Mr. John T. Kernodle, near Ossipoc. They took tbe northbound train for a visit to northern citiea. The hap py couple have hoata of friends whose good wishes will follow them in their journey through life. New Meat Market - In room adjoining W. J. Nicks' atore on the East. Good fresh liieats of all kinds at all times. Opens Sept. lat, 1911. , . w p.-SMittr.' Brick Machine for Sale. One Mo. 3 J. 0. Steele & Son Brick Machine, together with truck, etc., all in good repair, for ssie by River Falls Cotton Mill Co. Apply to J. W. Menefee, or J. D. Kernodle. - July 27, 'll. f V" 1 '•• ' * • i ■■■ , 'V *M I '/ ' ' -■ . '«!• : | '• '' > / * V U ■ i' 1 ' Novel Startling Wonderful Something Entirely Different From Any Other Attraction Ever Presented Here. Don't Miw The Banner Attraction Montwhite * Special Prices 25, 50, 75. Qnof aof OBAHAM DRUG CO. The Cart Will lirina Yon To OcdivO at 'PHONE 99 The Bhow And Take You Home w/WE SAW WOOD J | when it comes to talking about] other people's inmber. We have sooagh to do'to mind our own basi ness and to aupply discriminating buyers who hare leaned why it psy« to boy all their Inmber here. There fee reasons of if>or»e. Yotr Iarn #*em to your Mfirfadiof If JM place your order here Walker & McAdams, Graham, N. C •T ■>- *****■ Ae* 2.*.. « nfcH—* mnfmn ■' ' *' - For Sale. • The Hal. B. Sfeban#Residence apply to Chas. A. Scott. iaH l " ° i on Kinds add sibig lot of Fahn Ma chinery. Sea our slock nnd pet our prices before you buy aflythmg in our line. Hadley & I Toshes, ■win.aas nil in »■»'«—Bftham, N. C. fac.Sala. . . *»>. The Hal B. Mebane residence. Apply to Ohas, A. Scott. J _ IIP' J CK* i Littleton College has a limited number of SIOO scholarships for ac ceptabls applicants who wish to make special preparation for Christian work and teaching nnd who are without means with which to secure this preparation elsewhere. H Fur further information address J". M. Rhodes, Litt Luton, N. C. —28Sept4l. J llmm fiTti ICM I HERB IS COMFORT FOR 0 * I BPEhjACT.fr WEAKEKS I We will (iuoraitee I I Apex Temple 1 I They csn be spoiled to your 1 lento while you welt 1' I LET US SHOW YOU I Z. T. HADLEY, Jeweler Graham. N. £ DRINK the Best SOFT DRIKS Graham Bottling Works, R. C. Hunter, Proprietors, use the purest extracts and flavoringß and put up only one quality— THE BEST Call for our goods and insist on getting them and you will get something PURE and Good. R. C. HUNTER, GRAHAM, N. C. Suggestive Questions on the I Sunday School Lesson. By REV. T. S. UNSCOTT, D. D. } Oct. 29th, 1911. (Copyright, 1»10. b, Rrr. T. 8. Uiucott. p.tt) v A Psalm of Deliverance. Pacini Ixxzv. t . Golden Text—Tha Lord hath dona great things for us; whereof wa are glad. Pa. csxvi:B. (1.) Varaa I—What1 —What oaptlvlty 'did the Psalmist here refer to, and what were the circumstances of their re turn? *■■■>.»J . ;-r. -t ■ »' (JL) How much of the prosperity of our land and nation depends upon the favor of the Lord? (8.) Veraa B—ln what sense may It be true that Ood forgives a nation tor Ita ains? (4.) If S nation la forgiven Its sins, why would that not Include every In dividual la the nation? (5.) On what oondltiona doea Ood forgive Indlvldnala their atnaT (8.) What takes plaoe In the mind of Ood, and In the aoul of ths man whose sins are. forgiven? (1.) Vera* t—How had Ood's wrath been manifested In the captivity of .Jacob? (8.) What waa the sign when tha wrath of clod waa removed from them? (8.) How doea a a Inner know when tha wrath ft Ood la removed from him? (10.) Verse t—Are there degrees of anger in Ood, and la it possible that the "Qerceneas" of hia anger may cease, and yet he be angry with us? j (11.) Verse s—What do yon under stand by tli— anger of Ood? (18.) la there any way In which tlje anger of Oou la vlalted upon one gener ation for the sins of another genera atloni (13.) Verse B— What did the Psalm ist probably mean, when he prayed that the nation may be revived? (14.) What la the great need of the church snd the world to-day? (IS.) How may a Christian live so as to '"rejoice" ta the Lord all the time? (16.) Ver*e 7—May a person so live ft Your Questions Answered. i If you would like to have an swered any particular question •each or any week from "Tho Sug gestive Questions oh the Sunday School Lessou" by Rev. Dr. Lin scott, send in your request lo this office, giving the date of tho les son and the number of the ques tion you wish answered. You may select any question except the one indicated that it may lie answered in writing by members of (jhe club. I)r. Llnscott will answer the questions either in these columns or by mail through this office. Don't forget to state what benefit these "Suggestive Questions" are to you. Give your full name and address. Send your letters to The Question Editor of TUB ALAMANCE GLKAKER. HALF-CENT COLUMN. Advertisement* will be Inserted under thla naadlng at oue-aalf of a oent a word for each Ineenloi No ad. lnaerted for lae* tbau Wot*. Uountrour words and send caao wltb or-l»r. Each Initial or abbranatloo oounta a wind. FOR RENT-Cbs*. A. Tsrpley residence on H Main Street. Apply l in J.S, C'Hik. Orahani, * HOUBKS and lote fin rent. Ap ply tu W. J. Nicks. KClIuOl, BOOKS—A full sup ply of «11 kinds, alio school sup plies, miscellaneous books and sta imiery at C. F. Xiene's, UurllngUil. B* U -J I I 1. . 11l Mortgagee's Sale. I Under and by virtu rw • f the power of sal* *ootamed lu a certain mortgage deed eseout ■ Sd by I. O. Itameron aad wire A. f. tie teuton, to Alan no* Insures!e and Ileal K> late to, taonrdad In lb* buMlr reg-siry of Alsataiir* County In Mortgng" l>ea s Book No. Is. page fIS. tbe undersigned mortgage* will ntler fitr • tie at public outcry Iti Ilia blgbest bliidur fur aaab at tb* oourt house door In orabaa, Ala aam County, M. 0. at noon on | MONDAY, NOV. 13ili, 1011, tba following dMvrlit.nl pioporty to wlu A dertaln tract of land In tbs ('oui.tr of Alamaoe* and Matauf Woiili t arulioa. la Borllegloa'luwnsblp. adjola'n* Ibe lends of . ft, ,W. Watioa and olbers and boaaSadas follow. Beginning at an Irua Volt, said I). W. Walaoa's ■ ornar » ft. from tb* water of Malimad, running Ibe me Houlb H degree* Bast ISi It. to an Iron bolt. Ibsare Wset M So |t*t-s Kas lit ti to an Irua bolt on J. I!, KM art am'* llu*. tbeneo wju, tba Itoaof **M J. 0. Mobertann North U degreae West IW 11. toaalr a bolt, aald Uobertaoa's aad Wstaoa's Craar, tbaoce wltb the I lae of said Wasoa utb M degree sWset Ml ft. to the beginning, alahamcblßs. a bsal b*tatb 00, Mortgages. John H. Vernon, Attorney. SALE OF LAND FOR TOWN TAXES. MONDAY, NOV. 13,1911, at If o'elock sooa, at th* ooort bout* door la Orsbaa, M. C. the following lota of laatfs for tax **t Th* faUowtag Is attrtof th* aawsesf tb* owners of th* lot* lobs gold aad tb* *J*ounl* "'rfteTfto, rowM House St. w * ,k " A L. Bia|li», 1 loila aortkwMt aart of Mar Haak* ttaan'a plaee, for the *'ois Mo.not adtofalagib* lot of Id Tate, In oorihwest part of towa for tba yser ltw. (MS. A. C. Jcnklaa. 1 lot ksow aa th* Faaal* Ma Lata lot la aortkwast part of tows lor of sal*, ss Id date ofsala betas Sx*d by nasrS oo*. n, mi. r For Stk.. : The Hal B. Mebane residence. Apply to Cbas. A. Scott. —I am now offering my entire Stock of qotWng, Hata, Shoes snd Gentlemen's Furnishings at and be low coat to close oat. A. M. Hajxjt, Graham, N. 0. thit ne aooa not need to HI tor uod's \Vliat doea tha "salvation" of Ood Include? (18.) Varaa 3r-How doaa Ood maO, and doaa ba actually anawar queetiooe or glva ipaclal directions? (It.) What ta tha "paaea" of Ood? (20.) What effect do«a "folljr" have upon the peace of God? (11.) Veraa 9—What effect doaa the personal salvation of Indlvkluala have upon the "Klory" or proaperity of a nation? (22.) Verse 10 When wis exper lence the mercy of Ood, doaa that always make us the lovers of truth? Why? (28.) . Why Is It that -righteousness and peace" neeeeearlly embrace each ether? (This la ana of tha quaationa that may be answered In writing by members of the club.) (24.) Verae* 11-18—la national righteousness always a cause of na tional prosperity? T-esson for Sunday, Nov. Cth, 1111. Kather Pleading for Her People. Bather lv:l v;i. Of e Msshanieal Tu.-n. Oyer-Peatberiy reminds wo(a Is ce motive. Myer-What's the answer? Oyer - ll* din* • nothing hot run around and smoke.—Chicago Newa. Vsastien Meney. Br ttopplnc sll ths little leaks And havtnc pleuuree few I ssv* enough In Bfty Weeks Te Im me Iwe. -Pittsburg Poet. •uffielent. "What cured him of flirting?" "He stnrti'd a flirtation with a lady who turned oui to be aelllng an enc: elopedia at 8200 a eet."—Louisville Courier-Journal. Elsetrie Lunoheen. Alternating currant pie— First a current, then a fly. votrrom,' Cat eat and Bead to this Oflee tad Attain to froa uv till Hij 30, BUthi el* of thi Mb Qiotun Club Cttttfti far thi iptciil price of HQS uclowd hut ■! i ualw tf Looil Chk Alto. The sooner you Mod your subscrip tion the more paprea you get If you send now you get 15 mos. for the price of one year. Cat out and Mad to tliii olec International Press Bible Question Club. I have rend the Suggestive Quentioua OB tbe Hunday School Lesson published la TBK ALAMANCE J LEA NEB, sl*» the let- Mo itielf for Sunday, .J..../......V 1911, snd Intend to rssd the •eriesol AS. Name....... Address. Land Sale. lljr virtu* of th* power* eontalf'ed I i n Mortgage Dewl esrou'ed by risneral "li* k and bis wll* on tu rial day of Ksbruary. lulu, anil wblch la rlnlv rrooidrd In Book No «. mi I age Ml at aeq.. ii fault barlna been HIM do In lb« paymont of lb« ilotil wared ilwn uv, I will wll at the court bouM dour la Uraliaiti, If. a. on SATURDAY. NOV. 11, 1911, to tb« ttlvbeet bidder (or cub, all thai oerl.ln tract of land sllaate In Alaaianoa I u u m>, N. 0., Id Urabam Township, aa tba East side of the inaoadaai Hlguway leading from Urabam toward Hwepeonrllle ant about alaliaMou b lately belonging tu Jobs Cola aad ut-.era. be ginning a a Whit* Kllnt Mock oornar with V. O Mcpherson In Whlteou'sUiie and m y ulnglbsnoen. «lt » . a*. S. on* obaln awl lortjf links t> an I run Bar In aald Una oornur lat It* Joka Oolei lk»naa M. 4* day. B. U>r • ob.lna aud iklrty-llirre aud ona-tblM links ran Iron Bar sonter arltb aald tola; ihenu* tl H deg. K four okalna and Hfly-aiue llnkt tu an lr >n Bar corner with aald Wilsoni tbenoeN. M> idrg. w. elgbt ehalns Iv an I run Bar 10 I'ubilo lllgbw*y leading lo Ore* »m>. 8.C., corner wlih aa.d Wilson In >©- bvnon'i lint; tbeuca a 1711 d.g K. fli* attains a .d i «nty-two llnkato tba begin ulna, and •onlaluiog TWO aud *KVkJf. tßMTiia aon*. but la be tba aante b* there There la a Maall bona* aad outhou**. am tbl* blare tud u la valuable aa a bum* fur uua deal! lugauob a oka larg* lot J?> aear ibe auurt buuve and mi tba iauu.ideru lllgbwav. aal* tu at li u'cioak M, JOMM k IMA It IAJHQ, Guardian, Oe*. t, IML Mortgagee. ' Take Vaar Ce leasee (elds Serleaal) Cummoit colds, hovere ant] fr.- queot, In) I lie foundation of Chronic diseased conditions of tlm lioho aud Uir /at, «iid may develop iulo bronchitis, pneumonia, and consumption. For *ll coughs and eolds in children and lo grown persons,' take Foley's lloocy and Tar Compound promptly. For Sale by ail Druggists. A livery Ann iu Raleigh has brought suit for S3OO •gainst i. C. Chamblee, a momber of the recent grand jury of Wake county, Chamblee and two other members of the grand jury hired * team from the liverymen nod drove to the country to inspect road work, i part of their duty as grand ju rors. Chamblee was the driver And it is alleged be drove the team so hard that it was permanently injured. FOIEYStfIDKEYPIIIS ha laaaiaat liaaaanlmm wmmmmmmmmmmmmmrnammmmmmmmmm—■ aw——ww— mm FQMS HDM PILLS I for backeche, rbeonutUm, kidney or bladder trouble, mad urinary irregularis—■ M Frtojr*o Kidney Fills poriiytbe blood, restore lootvitallty and vigor. Refuse substtatsft* For Sale by all Druggists To Cure a Cold in One Day 1 TAK« Laxative Bromo Quinine T«H«S. M/A, «MRY| mmmmSmrnM If Your Eyes Water and you need several handkarchiefa I Bs • day watch out, for yon are probs- j bly getting the grip. Don't let it get ftr a hold on yon. Come to thia drug f I ato re and gft the beat grip proven- i IvfC tivea prepared. Sams way with all • ft fiA, other medicinea sold here. The beat or none at all. j Graham Drug Company, 'Phone 99 Prescription Druggists. Hiver Falls Farm I FOR SALE I offer for *alo all of my River lit ] tim, sit Ad in m Thompson Townahip, Alamance county, N. 0., except abovft Hi MO acres which adjoina the River Falla water power tract. I Will Col the Farm Into Tracts to Salt Purchasers. TERMS—-Half caah,.balance in one, two, three, four and Kve years' time, with interest at 6 percent per'annum on de ■ ferrod paymenta. - In aeiiing thia '.and I will begin on the East and West 2 aides of the farm aelling up to the lines on either side of I what I propose reserving in power tract. I also oiler for sale on reaaouable terms one 50 H. P. Boiler H and Engine, one Traction Engine and Threshing Machine and I a portion of thy Farm Implementa and Teams. This Isnd produces fine cotton, grain and grasses and ia I located from one to three and a naif utiles of Saxapahaw I cotton mills, from which point there ia a Band-clay and ma- I cad am road to Oraham. Parties wishing to buy any part of thia farm will pleas* H ' communicate with me at Graham or my eon Chas. E. Menefee I at River Falls Farm. RsapectfuUy, J. W. MENEFEE. Designs ■ In our Latest CURTAINS! Fven the moat inexpensive have the look of exclnaiveneos yon to much admire, and the woi kla exquisite. You certainly ought to see them, even if you do not intend to purchase now. And how about the Rugs aud Art Squares ? Wo have some beauties at ex ceedingly low prices. Ml) Oil . . ■""« iD. 011 l BURLINGTON, S. C. FOIIYSOKNO" TVE tTW. roa iiwuch tmuui *n m A DMIN ISTIIATOU'S NOTICE. llMvlnv |uailfl«d aa the*»■ di («i« of Ofiiua Jrffrlaa, ilMowl all p»r«on» nATMt^tB^N^uTSSf Imvinj oialma aaalnat the riuta or laid In- " ,lp * A " B (••mix mr- lirrrh y Dull Sad to p-cxnt tlx AMVMaaa ««oaawM ■ Minr (lulr aulb»iiitnatad hi Um uudanlaaad SPECIAL OFFER I ••n >r before lb*t tb day of "eptamter, Kit. . or thl. notice will b* pittd ad In bar of tnelr L*t Ut Ym • MNa4 AM IfriiVlTy VAaAkA|i A All paraoOa ndahUd to lb* mM Bjrnum 1?" .".fly" llli BH»> JHTrtre «I» nqgiital to Mate Immadlalt • FeeW Feeteer FMWWB mill ttUitMot Frdiht hurt far . • • t'"*™ ThU m tm4tm/nm»eF. 0. lUn(Mr. 1 jgyratm. tie* w». tumw a COHWSUL, i c Victor Tailing Machines "His Masters Voice" Kind, also the Latest Records and Talk ing Machine Supplies. Drop in and hear them. We have styles from r $17.50 up. A Fresh Lot Of The Famous Af| O Peroxide, Get A II \ breams, Supply iUi Ui Tooth Preparations Now Remember, our prescription department is at your ser vice with every necessary requirement and we guarantee Purity, Accuracy and Promptness. Alamance Pharmacy, Prescription Specialists, J. C. Simmons Druggist

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