ROYAL BAKING POWDER— Absolutely Pure Economizes Bu2!cr, Floor, Eggs; makes t!ie food more appetizing and wholesome The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar A Serious Cotton Disease (Anthrac nose) and How to Handle it. N.C. Agriculture Exp. Htatlon Rulletlen. There is a disease of cotton which is yearly attracting incteas ed attention throughout the cot ton belt. It is known as cotton anthracnose. It is most easily recognized when on the boll, where it forms ulcer-like spots, which, np they age, become pink in the centers. The spot may enlarge so as to af fect the whole boll. The diseased part of tho boll usually fails to open and often tho contents rot. Enquiries from various sections of the State are being received al most daily at tho Experiment Station concerning the, disease. It has also been -especially severe In Alabama and Georgia during recent years, so severe in the lat ter State tliat the'legislature lias made a large special appropria tion for its investigation. Although the disease is seen and recogni/.ed most prominently on the bolls, it also occurs on the leaves and stems. Cotton grow ers should know that this disease la carried from season to season on the seed, and that seed from a aick boll, even though veryslighty diseaeed, may raise a diseased plant, and this in turn may spread the disease to the whole crop of the next season. There is no satisfactory treatment, and the one point to be remembered Is that seed from diseased fields la 11ke1.% to carry the disease, in fact, almost sure to do so. Even seed from clean fields which has pass ed through a gin in which diseas ed cotton has been ginned is dangerous. Itisofutmost impor tance for the grower to be sure that IKs Cotton soed does not COQIO from a field or from a region wheru this dlseaae prevails. F. L. STKVKNH, ' | r Plant Pathologist. JamraU. Pihlaia, "t'owWy" Mi;ir if 'Throw* the LarlM" - Mayor Jas. C. Dahlman started his career as a cowboy, and it ia at present Mayor of Omaha, and has the following record. Sheriff of Dawes Co, Neb., three terms; Mayor of Chadron, two terms; Democratic Nat'l Committeeman, eight years; Mayor of Omaha, six years, and in 1910 Candidate for Governor of Nebraska. Writing to Foley A Co., C hicago, he says: "I have taken Foley Kidney Pills Mid they have given me a great deal of relief so I cheerfully recom mend them." For Sale by all Druggist*. Yours truly, (signed) JAMBS C. DAHLMAN. An other just issued fixes the strength of the ariny at 77,523. This includes large detachments of soouts, prisoner guards, signal .corps men and others iu non-line duty eo that the formal strength of the factual fighting force is re duced to 60,008, includiug all troops serving outside of the Unit ed States. —SCISSORS and Knives ate easily rained if not properly ground when being sharpened. If you want them sharpened right and made to cut as good ss new give me a trial Will sharpen anything from a brosd axeto a pen-knifa. Charges moder ate. B. N. Ttntm, this office. P i In Aaheviile Saturday night a week Jas. N. Edwards was killed by W. J. Holland, who shot him and then beat him with a atick ' until his face was al moot Unrecog nisably Holland, who surrender ed to the officers, plead* the "un written law" and self-defence. He says Edwards' attentions to Mrs. Holland became uiibeafft&te and were persisted in despite warnings. That when he advanc ed. toward Edwards Saturday bight tne latter advanced on him with a stick. Then ho shot Ed a wards and took" the wktwi him and'beat him. . £>c Witra Mttie fcariy KUcrs. Worked Preachers Through a Marry ing Game. Ctalc*#o DUpatch. A dozen preachers are condoling with each other over the loss of good money, of which they were defrauded by a counterfeiter and a woman accomplice, who repeat edly presented themselves for marriage and also presented false S2O bills in payment of a $lO fee. Under tho names of Gustavo Fos ter and Amanda Thomas, an elder ly but apparently loving pair, at various times presented them selves at the parsonages of the several preachers and desired to be married. After the ceremony had been performed the man said: "I wish, sir that I could reward you with S2O for thia kiud act of yours, which makes a happy end ing to a eourtahip lasting many years, but my purse is somewhat slim and I can afford but $10." So aaying, be tendered a S3O bill and the clergyman, well pleas ed to have performed- this noble office, as well na to get a winfall of $lO, gave him back $lO in real money. "I tried to bny a book ef ser mons with my S2O bill," said the preacher who told the story, "but wits repulsed by an angry sales man, who threatened to have me arrested." A Hlft UraS* SM FariSer. Go to Alamanoe Pharmacy and bay a bottle of B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm. It will purify and enrloh your blood and build up your weakened, broken down sys tem. B. B. B. ia guaranteed to dure all blood dlseasce and akin humors, inch aa Rheumatism, Ulcers, Eating Sores, Catarrh, Eczema, Itching Humors, Risings and Bnmpa, ... Pimples, Old Sores, . . Scrofula or Kernels, Suppurating Sores, Boils, Car bunelee. B. B. B. cures all these blood troubles by killing thit poison humor and expeHfng from the system. B. B. B. ia the only blood remedy that can do this—therefore it cures aad heals all aorta when all else fails, |1 par large bottle, with directiona for home enre. Sample free by writing Blood Balm Co., AtlabU, Ga. Indictments charging the pub lication and mailing of Improper matter in connection with the Beattie murder oasehave been re turned against the Richmond Evening Journal and the Rich mond News-Leader, afternoon papere, by the grand jury in the United States Circuit Court at Richmond. The oases are baaed on an Interflow with Beulah Bin* ford, which appeared in the News* Leader while the giH was held la jail as a witness, and the pqblloa» tion by the Evening Jonainl of certain parts of the evidence given during the trial at Cheeterfleld. English Spavin Liniment re moves all hard, soft or ealtoused lumps and blemishes from hones, blood spavin*, curbs, splints, .sweeney, ringbone, stifles, sprains [all swollen throats, coughs, etc. Saw 160r by the use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful blemish cure known. Sold by Graham Drue Co. * Casting aaide all scientific sys tems of nary yard msnagsunt advocated la this ooaatty, be cause he believes they involve too maeh dstall nod reqaire ssrious changes in the ehrll raise of em ployment, Secretary of tfca Navy Meyer will import from Englaad the system of maaagtoMat la nee at the Barrow-la-Famsns ship en gine aad ordsaass works. Tha The ohanga will begin at the No*, folk navy yard aad will grad ually be extended to others. —- ' ' ' —— FNIFY\KNWFVPNII ivu> Kvjui/ni>i r UM «We.>ii maim fcawMnelMssoa Adniral Schley Vindicated By Samp son's Chief of Staff. HJtlmor* BUD. « Admiral Chsdwick, commander of the battleahip New York and chief of ataff to Admiral Sampeon at the time of the naval battle off Santiago, haa written the history of the light, in which he glvee the credit of the victory to Admiral Schley. He alao f urn lahea a state ment from Admiral Concas, of the Spanish llagahip Maria Teresa, which proves, what Admiral Dewey declared after the Soliley court martial that the famous "loop" of the Brooklyn was the bit of strategical work that defeat ed the Spanish plans of escape and wrecked the Spaniah fleet. Dewey, Chadwiek, Concaa, theae three sea fighters, unite In doing justice to the man whose laurels others attempted to snateh and whoae spleudid record of suc eeaa a President of the United Bt*tes vainly saught to smirch by an assumption of knowledge of naval affairs greater than that of the men whose actions in war have made the hiatory of the Unit ed States navy glorioua. Fight Between Buck Deer and Bull. Press dispatches tell of a fight between a buck deer . and a bull on a Connecticut farm. The deer jumped into the paature where the bull wa« confined. When the bull saw the deer he charged and the deer jumped aside. The bull was no match tor the deer In qulekneea, but when the antlers and the horna looked the deer waa driven back on his haunches. Suddenly the buok leaped into the air and came down head first, his antlers buried depp into the bull's side, the bull bel lowing in pain. Again the buck made an .attack, and hla horns were buried in a vital spot In the bull's body and the animal fell dead. You are not experimenting on yourself when you take Chamber lain's Cbugh Remedy for a cold aa that preparation has won its great reputation and extensive sale by fts remarkable cures of oolds, and can always be depend ed upon. It is equally valuable for adults and children and may be given to young children with implicit confidence as It contains no harmful drug. Sold by all dealers. A pistol bnllet bored its way through a window pane on the westbound Southern railway pas- Msger train at 8:80 o'clock Wed nesday morning laat week,struck Andrew J. Thompson, of Raleigh, on the head, cutoff a look ofhlahalr, Inflicted a slight scalp wound and dropped harmless to the floor. The shot was fired by an unknown person as the train was nearing Raleigh. May's KMsqr vs. • Mop«t««s ' fm Hon. Ark. J. E. Freeman says: "I bad a seven case of kidney trouble and eonld net work and my ease seemed hopeless. One large bottle of Foley's Kidney Remedy eared me and I have never been bothered ainoe. I al ways recommend it." For Sale by all Druggists. Newton Enterprise: Mr. Sid Wilkinson, of Catawba township, says he has kept record of the tisM between the appearance of a ootton bloom until the boll of cot ton opened. The early ootton re quires 40 days but at this time at year 88 days is ths average. He says if frost Is delayed till N». ▼ember Ist, as is some times the eaee, 'there will be some cotton from the seeond growth. The fields are now In fall bloom. KMaqr Villa Supply just the Ingredients needed to baikl up, strengthen and restore the natural action of the kidneys and bladder. Special ly prepared for bachaOhs, head ftobo, DsnroQioMi rhfMwiillin and all kidney, bladder aad aria ary Irregularities. For sale by all Druggists. The BuprMM Oowi of the Uait td tela Mfrml Meoilaj tft* » four months' reoeae. It will re main in NMion until the but of Majr aad win eoMMtr M BUT of the eight hundred canes, now piled on the docket,* as time will permit. An estimate has it that tii« wort «1U diapoae of about 400 MM datiag the (am, bat th*t ft boot MO additional mm will be docketed beforonext June. •wLmLtmtr rf 1> Foleje Bfeey Md T«r Own pound. *i». T. ). t» Ho. KMMI ATO., Ootamboa,Kaa., Writee: "For a number of jnu« ■J children have bcoa labdeet to roughs and eolda. I uaad Foley's Honey sod Tar Compound a»d found that it cared their ooogha andooldgjeo I keep it la the houae POIEYS OHNOIAXAUVE ft®- MRNATWE AND REFERENDUM. AttMftta Pit Bad to It Beguaia > • DaM SWN hfiMN Coat VMlUnctoß DKpalek, M. The task of attempting to pat an end to all Initiative and refer endum legislation In this country was began today in tba Supreme Court of the United State*. Counsel for the Pacific States Telephone & Telegraph Company filed a brief with the eonrt attack ing a taxing lawdf Oregon because it was enacted by virtnre of the iutlative amendment to the State constitution which is alleged to be in violation of the Federal con* stitntion. It is urged, first that the failure of the company to have a hearing before the raising of its taxes by the intiatlre method placed the telephone company at a d laadvantege with other* taxed after being heard by the State Legislature. In this way it waa claimed equal protection of the laws was denied it. The initiative amendment and the Oregon tax were denounced in the brief as violative of the right of a republican form of government, which waa guaran teed by the Federal eonatltatioa. It was contended that in legisla tion the minority rarely, If ever, falls to moderate the wishes of the majority, however powerful, but that government by direct legislation is government by brute force. Gov. Wood row Wilson, ot New Jersey, waa quoted aa saying that a government ought to have ita law-making body as "it ean no more make law through ita voters than it can make law through Ita newspapers." Reference" was made to the claim that the intlative method of legislation is a check against cor ruption of legislators. "It were better," the telephone oompany contended, "that the struggle against abuse and corruption should continue than that they should be eradicated by the cries and practices of government revo lutionary in character and found ed on error or injustice." Relying to the contention that the intlative ia a reserve power for rare use, the, attacking brief quotes from the election records of Oregon to show that in 1904 two measures were on the ballot; in 1906, eleven; In 1908, nineteen, and in 1910, thirty-two. It was asserted that no despot or mon arch would be permitted to role in any commonwealth of the na tion and yet the "despotism of the multitude 1s arbitrary and complete aa the absolutism of a despot." In this connection President Taft's views regarding the rights of the minority as expressed in his recent veto of the Arizona Statehood resolution were quoted. IT'S EftUU DON'T KXtST. No one has ever made • salve, ointment or balm to compare with Bncklen's Arnica Salve. It's the one perfect healer of Cuts, Boils, Ulcers, Ecema, Corns, Sores Barns, Bruises, Scalds, Salt Rhe um. For Sore Eyes, Cold Sores, Chapped Hands or Sprains it's supreme. Unrivalel for Piles. Try it Only 25c at GraKsar Drug Co. Indiotm«nta charging the pub lication and mailing of improper matter in connection with th« Baattie murder oaee, ware return ad in Richmond againet tha Even ing Journal and (ha Neva-Leader by the grand jury in the United SUtee Circuit Court. The eaaea are baaed on aa interview with Beanlah Blaford, which appeared in the News-Leader while the girl waa held in Jail aa a witaeae, and tha publication by the Evening Journal of certain parta of the evideaoe given daring the trial at CheeterfleM. Poetofflcc Inepeetor Saffelwaa the principal witaeae agaiaet the papeva. "I have a world of confidence in Chamberlain's Congb Remedy for I hare used U with perfect snoceee," writes Un. M. L ]Bas -srSirJ3sr ,>,M - A movement to raise • half million dollars to boild • national monument in Washington to the memory of the women of the aril W«r, was Iftnnohed In New York thft other day by the Commandery of the Uyal Legion. A speoinl committee to further the MiiijMst for sueh a memoriftl came flat from • member whe had pledged 150,000 npoa eondiUoa that s*>,- •100—Dr. 1. Dutehnn'e Antt Dinreetic may be worth to yon niore thaa SIOO If yon have ft ehUd who nib bedding from in continence of water daring sleep Sold by Graham Drag 00. - The fatalities from the flood at Austin, Pa., eaased by the brak ing of a dam, flat estimated at SOO to 1,000, hare dropped to 74 and $» bodies have beea recover ed. ; - j ; U. II.UjyOI»/T Household Necessities J You Can Get Either by Paying $ 1.00 in; Advnce and Taking The Glan r For a Year. If you owe anything- on subscription, pay up and'pay [sl.oo in advance and you get your choice of three valuable premiums. rmrmmrm^ ■P' ' " . M «a»*muarA« JM , \ * viumwM _ J* _ — "■* USPATCNT N0.790882. L . ■■■ %|| M OWMCD a> COKTROLWCO BV ■ '|M m HAMILTON SILVER Co. K wsgaju mmwtt i Jy l, YOW^ » Here's a fine pair of Shears, 8 in. long, worth the money asked you for shears alone—sl.oo gets both shears and paper for one year. Mmmm mmmmmtmmrnmmmmi MattßM m MM——mm—>M^— , # 3 A PINE SAFETY RAZOR ______,llS 0N SAME TERMS AS THE SHEARS. QESBBSOIIJF MAN, DO YOU SHAVE? |g|J|jv This is your opportunity—sl gets both IpM* 1 paper and razor. Housewife, here best Egg-Beater ■ in the world. It makes the work easy and light and does it quickly, • SBH^pSHE Send or bring the SI.OO to THE ALAMANCE GLEANER, Graham, N. 6. Wrn. E. Faitoa, Promiaeat Lodge Mas, Deed. William K. Faiaoa, prominent in aecMt «*der tiieiaind amt highly eateemed byailwho knew him, waafosnd dead In his room in the Shepherd building this af ternoon. Be had been in failing health for a long while, bat hia friends felt for aome weeks that he wae IIIUM!I» He haa anf tlons aaid iatwiptUe of heart actios on lhir 4l«H«Bh MMi death. He .wsrp—> aaHaaal sunnsMus, Junior OfdarUaited Aamriaaa Meohaalaa (highest office in the glltottfcfcfMrtarder in the Unit ed Statea). For a number of years he hai has* editor of The Ameri can, S»taaS—h aspaa of the Juntos (Mm Alan ha waa pant master efthe Balalgti lodge of Maaoaaaad (alghta Tmnpiar, ia Frllrfr aad s!!l|L" lff Red Mafe Be waa a native ef Ralegh and was depaty eoaa. misaioaerief labor aad -printing under B.M. Kaey aai later —doe. H. B. Yaraar. ably. IB * When yoa take awwh Taat leaa GWM Tunic because the fbHD* alais plainly printed on every bottle showing that if is boa aad Quinine In a taaUeaa form. N» cure, No Pay. 60c. A At*, supposed to have malt ed from spontaneoos combustion, fatted » four-story buildlsg is Richmond, Saturday ft wuefc, eo cupied by • bmanh of the Inter ftfttlonftl Harvester Co. The lom is estimated at SBO,OOO. Don't tsiie with fteeMiefeod •dvioe for prudent men and wo men. It m«j be vital in ease ef ft child. There to nothing better than Chamberlain's Oeogh Rem edy for oooghs and eoMs in chil dren. It is safe nnd snre. For sftle by ftll dealer*. The Uaited Statee Supreme Court met tost week for the fall term with SOO oUsseau the deefcet. Half o( theee may be disposed of by next spring bat many more will be doeheted by that time. The beat plaster. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamber lain's Liniment aad bound on over the afleeted parts to supsrtor to a plaster aad oosts only one tenth aa mach. For isle by ftll deftton. _CJV SOUTHERN RAILWAY . i Direct Line Te AO Mm NfWRKi SOUTH, EAST, WEST. Lttw Round Trip Bfctee to all Principal Resorts. , P«Un* Atlaalnlaßvee, Raleigh 4:05 p. in. arrives At cLoee connection for an amving Montgom "T following day after leafing Raleigh, 11:00 a. m., Mobile 4:12 p. m., New Orleans 8:20 p. m., Birmingham 12:16 m., Memphis 8:05 p. m., Kansas City 11:20 a. m. aecoad day, and connecting for all other pointa. Tliia oar alao makee close connection at Salisbury for St. Louis and other Weetem Pointa. Through Pullman to Washington leaves Raleigh 6:50 p. m. arrives Washington 8:53 a. m* Baltimore 10:02 a. m., Philadelphia 12:23 m., . wliyjtoJße, oar makes close connection at Washing- OtiCaga,ai*d all pointa North and West and at Ton riat Sleeper for California points, and Ar ttlnrr Mwille leaves Qoldsboro at 6:45 a. m., "86 «. a, si li'w tatoejille 7:40 p. m*, making eloee connec tion with the finfim Rpniai mnd arriving Cincinnati 10:00 a. m. following day after leering Raleigh, with.. doae connection for all pointa North and North-West. ' Pullman lor Winston-Salem leaves Raleigh 2:80 a.m., arrives Oreenaboro 6:30 a. m., making dose connection for all pointa North, Sonah, £aat aadWaat. Thiaear ia tandled on train 111 leaving I Ooldabofo at UfcdS pi ML «? If yon deaire any information, please write or calL We are here to hnlA information aamtll as to sell tickets. Hl.GXStoi fi s W. H. PARNELL, T. P. A., General Paaaeeeer Aew#, 315 Fayetteville St., 1° —' Fire aodLife Insurance t ' ri mi . ■■» ■ ■ GOOD COMMUttUh SAFE POLICIEB > CAREFULLY WRITTEN. A part of your business will be appreciated. All Kinds of Insurance. CHAS. C THOMPSON, - - Agent GRAHAM, - - - - • N. C. ach. Torpid Urrr nnd WmmmmMMM*,-. sallow complexions d laxatiie ftrit Sjwp OAHAM «PG CO. H» Old Standard Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic has stood the test 35 years. Average annual sales OvciSOneendaHalfllififfion hotdes. Does this record of merit appeal to yon? No Care, No Pay. 50c. North Carolina's Foremost Newspaper THE Charlotte - Observer Every Day In tbc Year CALDWELL & TOMPKINS ' PUBLISHERS. $8 per Year THE OBSERVER- Receives the largest tele graphic news service deliver ed to any paper between Washington and Atlanta, and its special service is the grratost ever Handled by a North Carolina paper. * THE SUNDAY OBSERVER IS largely made ap of origi nal matter and is up-to-date in all departments and con tains many special features. > Send for sample copies. Address » Observer *• CHARLOTTE, N. C. ' I-■' .. ■ ■■■; , U ■ KILLmOOUOH m» OURS *»« LUNCB » wrrN Dr. Kng't , New Discovery ™CBI^JS& mim TMMATAMAUMMMMK. 01WMB* MMMVMpjQfc