VOL. XXXVII. HEALTH INSURANCE The man who Insures hi* Hie to wUe for his family. The man who Insures his health is wise both for hte family and himself. You may Insure health by guard ing It. It Is worth guarding. At the first attack of disease, Which generally approaches through the LIVER and manl festa Itself in innumerable ways TAKE Tutfs Pills And save your health. PROFESSIONAL CARDS X, S. C OOIEC, Attorney-at-Law, GRAHAM, - ... . - N. C. Office Patteraon Building Second Floor. . . . . . loan TIUI b>NOK. W. p. BTUDI J* BINUM &BYNUM, A.ttoriM»yw and Counselor* at LKW (i t\ &BNBBOBO, n VI. Pruitce letfnlarly In tbe court* of ilk Ji.nce county. Atur. 8, M 1} DAMERON & LONQ Atlorneys-at-Law 1. 8. W. DAMEHON, J. ADOLPH LOJf# 'Phone ISO, 'Phono IMB Piedmont Building, Holt-NlohoUon Bldg. Burlington. N.C. Graham, M. 0. DR. WILL S. LONfl, JR. ...... PENTI9T . . . Graham. - - - - North Carsllns OFFICE IN SIMMONS BUILDING IACOB A. LONQ. J. ELMER LOVU liONG & LONG, Attorneys »nd Couiuelor. at X. w GRAHAM, N. *. The Raleigh Daily Times RALEIGH, N. 0. The Great Home Newspaper of the State. The news of the World is gathered by pri vate leased wires and by the well-traiued special correspondents of tLe Tlmen and set before the readers In a conolse and Interest ing manner each afternoon. As a chronicle of world events the Times Is Indispensable, while Its bureaus In Wash ington and New York makes its news from the legislative and Qnsnoial centers of the country the best that can be obtained. As a woman's paper the Times has no su perior, being morally and Intellectually a paper of the highest type. It publishes the very best features that can be written on fasnlon and miscellaneous matters. Tue 'times market news makes It a busi ness Man's necessity for the farmed mer chant and the broker can depend upon com plete and reliable Information upon their various lines of trade. Subscription Rstei Daily (mail) 1 mo. 25c; 8 mo. 75c; 6 mo. $1.50; 12 mo. $2.50 Address all orders to The Raleigh Daily Times J. V. Bimms, Publishers. ARE YOU UP * f TO DATE B If you are not the NEWS AN*" OBEKYBK is. Subscribe lor it at once and it will keep you abreast ot the times. Full Associated Press dispatch es. All the news—foreign, do mestic, national, state and.local all the time. Daily New* and Observer $7 per year, 3.50 for 6 mos. Weekly. North Carolinian $1 per year, 50c for 6 mos. NEWS & OBSERVER POB. CO., RAJLEIGH, N. C. The North Carolinian andTHB ALAMANCE GLEANER will be sent for one year for Two Dollars. Cash in advance. Apply at THE GLEANER office. Graham, N. C. I Ws pwi^^btajn^uTiuid ts ™ l| ■ I J » I pJV "wsJ*!! * wi'r* oUiilSf 1 PSJILSYS tevstitkofi |i HTobMiy Scientific Jluteilcait. tegfi r«r: tcmr mondS,SuMdwflli lijfia • • • • • # . ' >;r,YS7i^VV% THE ALAMANCE GLEANER RAILWAY SIGNALS "Fireworks" That Serve as Train Protectors. CODE OF TORPEDO AND FUSEE Mssoagee Thai* Audible and Visible Danger Sign* Conv.y te the Engi neer—The Use of Pyreteehalee ae Signals In the Naval Servlae. "Pop, pop," or perhaps a single "pop," sharp and distinct like that of a giant firecracker heard not only on tbe Fourth of July, but on every day ID tbe year, Sundays Included. What did It mean! And on almost any night aa 1 look out of my ndow 1 see tbe edge of tbe wood j>i*T.ie fields lighted up by red or yellow firework*. Why thla strange Illumination? Aa all these queer happenings took place on tbe railroad a few roda from my bouse 1 made inquiries of tbe rail way officials, and here an some Inter esting facts about ths use of these curious "fireworks." The general superintendent of the New Tork. New Haven and Hartford railroad explained aa followa: "Our rules provide for the use of de tonators. commonly known ss torpe does, as audible signals and of fusees' as visible signals. "These torpedoes ire attached tQ the top of the rsß on the enclneir"* side of tbe track by two small flex ible metal- straps, "wbieb ■bse «oaily bent around the ball of tbe rail. n* shown in the picture, and bold the torpedoes securely In place until ex-, pioded by tbe first train fmmlan a\rr this track. "Tbo explosion of one torpedo Is a signal to stop; tbe explosion of tWfc" not more thsn 200 feet apart to 0 sig nal to reduce speed aad look opt far a stop signal. "The fusees are of slmllsr construc tion to tbe well known Roman candle used for fireworks celebrations, ex cept that tbey born a steady flame without explosions. A sharp Iron spike at ths bottom end will usually stick. In the groand'or In the cross tie when thrown from tbe resr of s train and holds the fasee In an upright position, where It Is more plainly visible. "A fusee must be lighted and left by tbe flagman whenever a train to running on tbu "time" of another train or behind Its own time and under circumstances which cell for such pro tection. "A fusee on or near tbe track, burn ing red. must not be passed. When burning yellow tbe train may proceed with caution when the way la seen and known to be clear. Btandard fusees barn red for three minutes snd yel low for seven minutes sad eaa be seen for quite a distance. "You will gather from the above explanations tbat tbe red glare of a flpinlng fusee on or near the track warns the approaching engineer that a preceding train haa passed over his track lees than three minutes ahead of him. and under no circumstances must he pass this signal while burning red. When the flame turns to yellow be may proceed with caution, only as the wny Is seen and known to be clear, keeping In mind that when the fusee ( banged from red to yellow be was exactly three minutes behind s preceding train, which may bare stop ped within s short distance or may be proceeding at an unusually slow rate of npeed." The superintendent of ths Shore 11ns division, snotber branch of tbe same railroad, gives this additional detail re garding torpedoes: "When a train atops upon the main line and requires protection sgalnst a following trnin the flagman goes back a specified distance and places one tor pedo. He then continues a farther distance back, placing twp torpedoes. As soon ss tbe train be is protesting is ready to start the engineer blows s specified whistle signal, which Is a notice to ths fagsmu te retain to his train. On the way hart be picks np tbe one torpedo, leaving two on the rail to warn the engineer of an ap proaching train thst another train to a short distance ahead and to glvs ths flagman tlms to run beck sad gat aboard of Wsown train." Of ths ass sf fireworks as *dgaal| fa tbe navy tbe cblef of the bureau of coostructlos snd repair of ths navy de partment Washington, makes the fal lowing ststement: "All modem ihlpi «h ItM with electric signals, and the DM ot rack signals Is general In the naval ie> lie* ID tbe cmae of •mall Teasels bating DO electric instillation sad «Jso tor DM In case of tbe failure of the electric sig nals the navy bas • system ef colored stars Id connection with rackets tor the purpose of signaling. "These are in no sense the ordinary commercial fireworks, bnt Me mann factured by the service far naval nse exclusively. "There are no photographs of this system of signals for distribution. Tbe apparatus consists of a specially de signed pistol from which are And car tridges containing the colored stars that are need la the Barries cods."— Mew Tork Mali. Mighty Artiurvfe ifrtnw Is one of tbe mo* brilliant turn that moiMlatti haa*in«. Ita diameter la 02.000400 nilea. Tha Hghi Itet comaa to oa fiui it ti «rar 100 y aM when M «tan aar «?aa. The ana la distant MjOOOfIOO mflaa. Than ifil ele»en mtootee with HOiaua. Truth to aa tepoeetble to ha sotted hr any awtwmrd tooch aa the snbeaa. —KOtoa. A Kino'. Beat* ▲ preacher directed Ms etoqnenca agalnat tha hlraate Uu Has 17 I. of England. and tha ehil«t monarch fare Mmeatf tat* the hands of • bar her. The pmrlocaa of AAoiud Angora in AaUtlc Turkey are known tor tMf Una breed of sheep, which annnaUr ylelda large qgantltlaa of high grade wool suitable tor tha naaaatoctnra of carpets. | CURIOUS RESERVOIRS. The Use te Which Baobab Treee An Put In Afrloa. People of the Kordofan province. Africa, use baobab trees aa reservoirs for tbe scanty water of that district The trees bare io be prepared care fully for this use. The large branches are first cut off near tbe trunk. If thla Is not done tbe trunk Is apt to apUt as soou as It la hollowed oat A bole Is cat In the trunk, generally Just above a branch, which serves as a platform for tbe man who is filling the tree, and the Interior Is hollowed oat Bound the bottom of the tree a shallow basin same twenty or thirty feet In diameter la made. In which tbe rainwater col lects. Aa soon as there Is s storm tbe people go out and fill their trees. Tbo water so stored remains perfectly good until tbe sad of tbe next hot weather or even longer. A f«w trees, unturully hollow, have a hole at tbe top between tbe branches and fill themselves, tbe branches catching tbe water sod act ing as gutter*, ibese aro called "la gal," and are highly valued. Tbe system gives a cistern twenty fact high and from eight to ten feet or even more In diameter. Owing to the labor involved In preparing and filling tbe trees water to usually bought and sold, and on the main roads where there Is much truffle, as between Ns hnfl.'and label it'lliQa on (be tfay to M'Pasher. tbe capitil of fintfafttfcs people do a regular tra* fcy supplying merchants and tnrvswr# with warn. The bucket cfllsd a "dllwa." con sists of s piece of toather suspended by strings six laches long, Mnf a£piece of wood befit 4fl » circle, toWileh tbe rope used for drawing tfie water is fattened by three or four strings. Oa reaching tbe bottom of the well tbe leather opens oat.'and collects the wa teg, however little tb*e Bay be.—CM cago News. FAIRLY WARNED. The Old Crook's Advlee te Hie Bril liant Ysung Pupil. "All this easy talk about 'honest' graft" said an anther, "makes us tired. There Isn't any such thing. *Hooest' graft to oa a par with the point of view of an incorrigible old crook I ran acroas when I was doing police work en a Chicago paper years etc. The venerable reprobate had a son about eighteen years old, whom be bed carefully trained to follow In his own footsteps. They lived togeth er, and every sight the eld maa used to maks the boy fork over tbe pro ceeds of ths day's pocketplcklng, al lowing him Just enough to live on. "Finally the young crook began to' rebel Inwardly, and one night, after a particularly good day's ban), be secret ly pawned a diamond scarfpln and kept the money himself He gave tbe old thief the rest of the swag, bow ever, and It waa so goodly a pile that he opened his heart and handed tbe astonished boy SB and toljd blm to go to a prizefight or somewhere end en joy himself. So the boy began to pat on his only (rind rags.'' But lie seemed strangely silent snd distraught. Tbe old man noticed It and demanded to know wlint was tbe matter and If tbe SO wasn't enougb, and so on. "Suddenly tbe Isd burst into tears. ■Gur'nor." he sobbed. 'I sln't no right to this five spot. Here's $lO I got on s pin todsy. and I waa goln' to hold It out on you.' "The old crook took tbe money and ganed with aadnsss upon his chili 'Bon.' be said, 'I want to tell you one thing. Take l( from me. folks tbst gets money that way will never, never come to no good.' "—New Tork World. FISMSM m*d - - A superstition dstlng from olden times exists to the effect that rosea and flowers generally attain greater; beauty In soil fertilized by blood, espe cially by human blood, than elsewhere. Persons who have visited Newmsrket, England, know of ths so called "bloody flower of Newmarket" which to found nowhere else than la tbe sid moat BOW filled up. and In which, according to tradition, a very Urge quantity of human remains la Interred. These flowers bloom In June snd July snd by the bloodlike hue of tbeir blesfoms auggsst the name which has been glvea to them. I Right Living, . ,/ To be honest to be kind, to earn a little and to spsad a little less: to make upon tbe while a family happier tor bis presence; to rsaonsce «het> thai, shall be necessary sad pot to be em bittered; to keep a few friends, bat these without eapMnlattoo: above all. on tbe same grim conditio*, to keep friends with himself—here to • task far all that h man has of fortitude aad delicacy. I The Oleeaay Englishman. The sap may be wildly running. tbe birds Bay be making love, aad the sua brilliantly shining in a sky of exquis ite bine, but In the beart of tbe aver age Englishman there seems a per prtnal Good Friday, and la his mind the fixed Idea that life Is one long, un ending Monday morning aad the month eternally November.—l.«i>doa Taller. A Dieeusalen en Talk. Tommy—Pop, what is the difference between a dialogue snd a osonologaef Pep—when two women talk, my son. Ife a dialogue; bat when a woman car rias on a com a*nation with her hus band ifs a mua nlngne.—Birhsnga, A fin ill Willie-Pat Pa-Tea. WlUle-Teech er asys we're here to help others. Pa— Of con res wo arc. Willie-Well, what in ths ithus hara fer?-Chicago Xaw*. Vinegar and asafetkia mixed was the chief aad favorite cruet coodlaaeni on the tables of antiquity and of tbs middle ages. Pirsworfcs. Plrsworks were invented in Eurors (at Florence, italyi In 1300 and mrt oxhlbltsd aa a spectacle In 1308. Pyro techny Is also said to bars bora prac tised by the Chinese la remote ages. Sugar Rodnlag. •agar refining was aude inufn o to Eoropeana by • Venetian la 13OT. GRAHAM, N. C., THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 9.1911. - f' }' -' CRUSHED STONE AND ML ROADS Found to Give Good Results In California, MIXTURE IS WATERPROOF. latter end Sounder Roads, Known ss -Pivtsotsd" Macadam, Rssutt Prom This Nsw Method ef Construction. Dirt and OH Reads Are Rapidly Be ing Abandoned. For many years oil aad Uquld as phalt have been used far road con structlon la various localltlss through out the United States, the most promt nent perhaps, being the atate of Cal£ fornla. There vany hundreds of miles ' of roads bars been twakl with as phaltlc oils of various gravltlee, vary rrswstr: to Ideea presented by various engineers land road builders, says P. E. Clark, former engineer of Los Angeles coun •ty. I* The most prominent method haa { been to deposit the oil upon the sur face of a dirt road whl«h bad been ' previously graded aad harrowed, let - ting It stand fret* thse»4o foSr days until some of the lighter portion had soaked into the soB as well as era po re ted. The road waa then gone over with a .harrow so as to break up ths oil cske sod alto# It to mix w«b« the esrth. la six or seven days after the first oiling tbe road «as jMe* * Sec ond application of. oil. Als In aura was allowed to stand as before, then harrowed. The road was then sprin kled with water, and after that had sonked In and the surface dried to a depth of about one Inch It was thor oughly rolled with a light roller. Where the climate to sueb that rains come only la a Certain season of the year, and then only In meager quanti ties. It Is neeidless to say tbat this bss been an excellent method for keeping down the dust Bat like srsrytfclng else, are chsuglsg; traffic la Increasing, and where It was st first believed tbat the oiled dirt road was to be one tbat would last for many yssrs tbe anticipated results have not been realized. In California, with all of Ita altos of oiled dirt roads, the method of Mix ing dirt and oil Is rapidly being aban doned and In IU place, l !* appearing a new road having far better and sound er methods of construction. This clsss of road Is not only appearing in tbe state of California from one and to the other, but In many of the slates esst of the Roeky mountains ihsy sre find ing that nsfibultlc oil nnd various other products of the refineries have excel lent cementing and waterproofing qual- ' ATUUIXISO «ti> MAONSN tties when mixed with crashed stoue, thus forming a modern rood known as oHed ug protected macadam. . In CM Angele* county. Cat., many mlki of modem oil or protected macadam rond* nre l-cltig constructed. I.lke many other atatra. California bun a law by which any county may ob tain Ita own highway commlaaloo, un der wboac supervision the various high way* »* lasted may be Improved from fanda realized from the aule of bonds voted for that particular purpose. The heavy aaphaltlc oil lined in tbe coavtrurtlou of tbeue highway* la •im plied In a new way. After experiment ing with various device* and metboda that finally aelected and adopted la to apply tbe heavy. oil bf fqrclng It n tbe road aadsr pressure of not leu than thirty (toawb |>er square Inch. For this purpose both tbe highway > comMhsden and Ike various contrac tors are using a uw type of mad oil ing mar-bine. Steel tank wagons bold lug between l.ow> and 1.100 go I loti* of heated oil are used to convey Itis oil from ih* oil pit to the road, where the atomising machines, aa thsj are called. 1 are connected to tbe tank wagona. Tbe method o* applying the hot ell or liquid binder wllh tbesa machines constats In pumping tbe oil from tbe tank wagon and forcing It tbrobgh the specially coast root ad uoxzles of tbe distributer, wbera It la atomised and rapidly depoalttd on tbe stone. Tbe work accomplished with these atomis ing maetilnea baa been moat aatlafac tory not only on account of tbe rapid ity with which tbe oil la dcposltsd. bat from tbe fact tbat tbe distribution Is ssevse. Read Made ef Loether. After nearly a year a rood made of Isstber waste treated wltb tar at Bands worth. Birmingham. England, a bows practically no sign* ef wear. Heavy wheel* make no impression on It, nnd It la a comfortable material for bsra** to tread on. Waste leather which waa sbmiiied until It virtually became a pulp was treated wltb bi tumen and tar. It Is stated that hith erto no rest, use be* been found tor Isatbsr waste. —London Daily Mall. renlmore Cooper gave a' tneae a copy of his last work. Inscribing oe the flyleaf tl.e words: "To John lllnnk. wltb Ibe smbor's sffe-tloii and esteem." A few month* Inter Coo;** csmo apou this same l»«* nt s sofHultiaod dealer's, lis Iwutsbt It In awl wtit It back to bis friend again wltb a sucond Inscription: "Tills rolume. purchased at s see ondband a hep. Is re-presented to John Blank, wltb renewed ndhctlon aud re- Iterated oapiasatone of esteem." W 1 Their Secret Br EDWARD TURNER Coprrlstit by American Press Asso ciation, MIL I. being h clergyman, waa called U|K>U la at summer to marry a boat man about fifty ysare of ago to a wo man of thirty-five. Tbe man waa a bachelor, tbo woman a widow with a son about sixteen years old. "Are you tbe second husband?" 1 asked tbe groom after the ceremony. "I'm tho second or tbe third, I'm not sure which.- he replied, a pained ex pression passing over hto face. I ask ed him to explain, but he aasmsd re luctant to do as. I waa aboat to tarn away from him when he aald: "You're a clergyman and a good man to confeaa to. If you'll keep the secret I'll tell you." "Do aa you please about telling ma If yoa Intrust me with ths secret I shall certainly keep It" \~tjfas3 1' was shoot sa std sa mr wife is now." be began, Irts waa a thin slip of a girl, all arms and lags, like a colt But sbs was putty. aU tbe same, and soon after that filled out There waa a mighty soft a pot In my heart for ber. But 1. beln' a man of thirty ami she a strlplln' of fifteen, I woSldn't y SB id aajtWng a tout It for the biggest ship that floats, 1 watch ed her grow up, think In' that when she got older 1 might master up cour ses to ask her to marry me. But to s you tig gal like that tbsra's a hasp of love maklo' before she's even twen ty- "Her father had a feller picked out for her. ilia name wss Plllsbury— Jack Plllsbury—a mighty good young man. He wus first mate of a tramp, and every time be came In from s cruise he brought home a lot of mon ey to Invest But there wss snothsr feller tbe little gsl wanted, and be wanted her. But Maggie that's ber nam*—was mighty fond of ber father snd wss bent on do In' what he want ed ber to do. She shipped Jim Hol den. the feller she loved, snd married Jsck Plllsbury. Jack be kept on goln' to sea. and so did Jim. Jim waa awful cat up at loeln' Maggie and wouldn't marry any other sal. She waa well satisfied with Juck and always looked for him to conm back from bis cruises. Rut after n while he went on a cruise thst be didn't corns back from. Be was duo In a year, but three year* passed and he didn't ahow up. After awhile, when it looked ae If Jack must be dead—tbe ship he sailed In waa never heard from—Jim Holden began to pester Haggle to marry blm. Sbe held out for a loag while, but at last glvs ia They were msrried, snd the boy you saw just now come along. Jack and Maggie (Udnt have any chil dren. lisfcjie was happy with Jim, except that she was always worryia' about not kno win' whether she didn't bsve two husbands. Ton see, she didn't know positive whether Jsck wss dead. sad If be wasn't sbe was living with a ma a that she warn't married to and the boy was illegitimate. All this tlms 1 was doin' friendly things for tbe woman, she not know- In' snythlng shout how St rsslly felt toward her. She gtvs me her con fidence and told me what troubled her. One day after a storm a lot o' wreckage come In with several desd bodies. I wss oat In my bsat snd ssw Msggie beckonin* to mm from ths beach. I went In to where she wss and ssw that sbe was stendtn' by s body. Sbe wss the wretched set leek las woman 1 seer ssw. "it's Jack." sbe said. True enougb, there was Jsck come hnrk dead. ? 1 took In tbe situation at once. "Maggie." I said. "there's Just one way to keep yon from bain' known aa a woman who IMS ttrSd with a sua who wasn't bar legal hestiesd and your boy from ksowW he's Illegiti mate. Don't yon any a Word abaci this. 11l tske Ota body out la my boat nnd gl»e It a aea burial." "I tblnk It was sparing kef boy pain and disgrace that decided her. At any rate, she unasntsd. I put tbe body Into My beat, took It «at tnte deep wa ter. Mad my anchor to the anklee and hoisted It ovsrhosrd. No on* aaw mi and If any ooe bad I don't reckon It would bare made lay difference, for H wasn't storybody about there that would bare rsmsmHred Jack anyway. "Maggie was* good deal cut up about tbe matter, not knowing whether she bad done right In aaylng nothing to bar huabaad. TM aea. It made a horrible secret bstweae bar and hIM that was always oa her mind. I relieved her as well ■* I could by reminding bur that, though It might not hurt aim specially to know the secret, we couldn't tell exactly bow be would feal shoot bar snd my action In tbe matter. I didn't see how It would help matters to tell blm. "Jim dl«d about MB years age. and I've waited si nee then till a few months sgo to tell Maggie My pan of the story. We had been drawn no together by the secret that It wasn't much of s seiprtes to her whaa I ssM whet 1 bad to say. And I tktok the most hslpedgee togsthss. I wnnt to know what yen have is say about It Do you rnmisssn usf "A* to the vMm of yen esetn." I replied. 1 have ae comment to make. In your actios 1 sse nothing to con demn." "111 go sad ten her that- he said, grsatiy relieved, "lm MSIM bar teal store comfortable sheet It thsa ston the soctut came hstweea us." It to a pepalar ton wmm toiim (toa Uit a greet >■■>» «( miners die from tuberculoato. la tact, draih* •BOOK BlMn in racy HMM caueeil by tfeto dreed dbMN. Teeete. Aitboogb tba drtnklax of bealtfca to of old date ibf application of the word "tout" to modern. Ita origin baring tww to the pnit-Uce of dropping a piece of toaatod bread to a Jog of atop hence called a "toaat and a tankard." Geeen Manuring—Soy Beans. - There has recently come in'o the farm economy of the Stale a very important new legume called the "soy bean," an. Importation from Japan, It seems. This plant ia variously known as the soy bean or stock pea and line ita greatest development, with us, In the eastern part of the State. Thla is not only one of our beat forage crops both for cattle and hogs, but la, at the same ttine, per haps, our beat green manuring crop. It carries a very high 1 per cetat. of nitrogen as well as a Mtye amount of other mineral plant foods and puts into the soil an, abundance of organic nuttier which quickly becomes active hu mus for the nso of growing cropa. Tbe Soy bean can generally be grown to good advantage on land too poor to grow a good drop of oOw peaa. Aa Mated above, the soy bean is one of olurvery best green ma nuring crops ou account of ita high fertility value. A ton of soy beau hay, aoeoniing to some ex pert analysts, eontaina 46 lba. of nitrogen, 13 lba. of phoaphat«, and 81 lba. of potash. It ia an aaay matter to grown 3 tonaof soy bean hay to the acre on land of average fertility. At this rate, should the crop be disced and plowed under then would be added jp the acre, 08 lbs. of nitrogen, 26 lba. of phos phate, and 42 lba. of potaah; or, on a field of ten acres there wonld be rendered available 980 lbs. of nitrogen, most of which would come directly from the sir; 200 lbs. of phosphate, and 420 lbs. of potaah, both of which would be rendered available from the solu tion of these materials from the surroundiug soil particles. In addition to these amounts of plant food, this crop would put into the ground an enurnious amount of organic matter which would, of itself, liberate still more of the inert plant -foods in the soil. The amount of plant food thus rendered available per acre la equal to that removed from tbe acre by a 100 buahel crop of corn, 100 buahel. crop of oats, a 50 buahel crop of wheat, or a 3 bale crop of cotton. TABLK. Composition ef Green and Cared Key Boa as Compared with Cemposltlsa ef fresh Horse and Cow Manure. ! x Pounds Per Ten. Wltro- Phos- Pot gen. plists. ask. Orson (oy Bssns, IS S W« Oumd Cm Ssana, 4M KU SI • 11 ii K The tnanurial value of thia soy bean erop turned under on tlie tsasm pint ia equal, In point of nitrogen, to 129 toad of f reah cow manure; in point of phosphate, 160 tons of fresh oow manure; nnd in point of potash, 60 tons of the lain* olaaa of manure. It would take but a few crops of thia green manure to make the land so rich In organic matter tbat but little, or no, commercial fertiliser would be needed and what would be required would be rendered much more effective. Too maeh stress cannot be laid oa the neessfty of tbe use of green manure ia the improvement of the soils of our Mate for, as we see It, there Is DO other feasible method by which all the farmers may hope to improve their poor land* and thus reduce tbe eost of production of farm crops In North Catoilaa. J. L. BUWIBSS, N. C. Dep't of Agriculture. A father's Vengeance would have fallen on any one who attacked the son of Peter Bondy, of South Rock wood, Mich., but be vas powerless before attacks of Kidney trouble. "Doctors could not help him," he wrote, "so at last we gave him Electric Bitters and he Improved wonderfully from talcing six bottles. Its the bent Kidney Medicine I ever saw." Backachs, Tinsd feeling, Nervous* ness. Loss of Appetite, warn of Kidney Iron bin ?ba» may end in dropey, diabetes or Bright's dis ease. Beware: "Take Electric Bitten and be safe. Every bottle guaranteed. 40c. at Graham Drag Co. Eager to have a shot at a deer which be supposed was eoming down an unused road in the gloom of the early dawn Wedneedsy, Charles Norcron, of lon a, N, J., And into a party of fonr other hunten, killing two and seriously wounding a third. OefVltts l itt*c .-.arty Risers fW Ummmt MA- aSs Gave Up Hope "I suffered five years, with awful pains, due to woman ly troubles," writes Mrs. M. D. McPherson, from Chad bourn, N. C "They grew worse, till I would often faint I could not walk at all, and I had an awful hurting in my side; also a headache and a backache. I gave up and thought I would die, but my husband urged me to try Cardui, so, I began, and the first bottle helped me. By the time the third bottle was used, I could do all my work. All the people around here said I would die, but Cardui relieved me;" CARDUI fomarft Tonic I for more than SO years, Cardui has been relieving woman's sufferings, and making weak women strong and welL During this time, thousands of women have written, like Mrs. McPherson, to tell of the nelly surprising mute they obtained by the use of this purely vegetable, tonic remedy for women. strengthens, builds, restores, and relieves or pro vents unnecessary pain and suffering from womanly troubles^ If you are a woman, begin taking Cardui, today. ■ »» H w */li> ' m «ii 1 ...The Average Business Man... CAN FORGIVE ALMOST ANYTHING « EXCEPT Poor Writing He Does Not Have Anything to Forgive In the work produced by the 1 : UNBRMNMNB • , HAMMOND L 1 j y%'« r Model HgUfc Model No. 12 No. 12 | S*-It i» an established fact—it does the FINE TYPEWRITING , OF THE WORLD 1 And there to a res mi why— (WiafelßLtoa Branch) THE HAMMOND TYPEWRITFR CO. i 324-335 Colorado Bldy„ Washington. D. t , B. N. TURNER, Local Dealer, GRAHAM, N.C. *! THE HAMMOND 1 324-335 Colorado Bldg., J , B.N. TURNER, Local I VALUABLE . Land For Sale. By virtu* or tM powart v««tsd in m* uqd*r • trrA or triiat iinaM by Z. D, Mumford end hlawlfa, Jrniile Mumlord. dated (be 14th ter of Hcptctntwr, im, nod n|iiland In tbs oßcc of U« Heflater of Dewde for Alamanoe Count?, In Morurar* D**d Book Mo. M, pip 111 ft. aeq., I will, oa MONDAY. DEC. 4, 1911, at twain o'clock, noon. »t lb* oourt bona* door In Ormham. Mil at public outer/ to tba beat bidder. tor eeah. tba following described "1 "neTerfiwal o/ I,ad altualo aodbelns In Melvtils township. Alamance County. Morib Carolina,anddeecrlbwl MMIOWII . Lyln* on tba watera of McAdatna Creek, lU*»k Ko. M, o# bee4a.ee eeew Wto I*. and reference !• aaade thereto tor aaore particular naarrlp- BOM, and eoatatoa W aore*, wore or lew. and la thattraot irperoel of Hod onovwywd £ jXjbo.P«- *>/«"- M.Un.a^J If ebaoe Ouarter place. froa the above t a*t "r parcalof land tbara la to ba el >pted a. SKSa« &otEE\bs? ,2 k£& sx. ? T —T Oimaty in I lead KesUlsr No. to, ou inill m tali, and retoreuoe la lull w aid deod for full particular*. Tblesale I* uade baeauaa of default wade by tba Midl. l>. Nualonl aod bla wife. Jar aU Mnanford, to tba payment of tba ootoa aeeurad by said dead of iruet referred to. Tbla la *ery valuable laud, and upon It are valuable improvement#, laaludtaw bersa nod a dwelling bouae. It lie* iwwdflsly upon S-JUT,"- property I* tmyoed B. a. PAMKBB. J a-, Truatee. COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF LAND. belM| J* n ■T t | y «''* rr "rS* •Wit bona* door, to ttnkta, oa BATCTOAY, DEC. •, 1811, SEffiESSBeSF Mag liter of Deed* tor Alamance OeuW y,• - ana ' tM. wblob I* referred to for mot* pa - Sale »üb)«ct to ooo •^gSSjk.MU. 71 COOK, CommlMtoner. NO. 39 LIVES OF CHRISTIAN MINISTERS Thia book, entitled u above, contains over 200 memoirs of Min isters in the Christian Church with historical references. An Interesting volume—nicely print ad and bound. Price per copy: cloth, $2.00; gilt top, *3.60. By mail 200 extra. Order* may be sent to P. J. Kxbnodlk, 1012 E. Marshall St., Richmond, Va. Orders may be left at this office. Indigestion Dyspepsia Kodol Wbsa year stomaoh eaaaat properly dfcast faod, *t itself, U assds auul* iwlsimi sad this ssslstaaes is r—A Uy sappUsd by KodoL Kodelssrftsth* SootA, by temporarily Anslag all •f the food la the stomaob, so that Uu sWtossh amy M sad reeaperata. Our Guarantee.SVJ*SSKL*a yea are net beaatoed—the dnnCvS at *eee return rear money. Deo't ladma nay Kiwi Win eefl yen fcedot en tbeee MM Tba dollar bottle eeoaaine «H Una* aa mart tsys.'sita^s.TCnaj: I Very Satan It Is a very satoos matter la safe tor oos medktoe sad kara tha «nof tea gtasa yea. For this reason we args ywo m toya| (a be cafsfal te iba gsaniaß— lTbs repotatioa of this old. ra«B- | Ms aiiil'sia*, far rmnsripatka. te- I digeetiso aadHvcr troaUa, is tm- I IWtfnb or ft weald wot be tha to- I wartto liver powder, with a laraar I asla than an oth«rs r niiiMßad. •OLD D» TOW F1 I tDIIYSBDHEYPIIIS