THE GLEANER GRAHAM, N. C., Nov. 30,1911 Postoffice Honrs. Offlo* open 740 a.m. to 7.00 p. m. Bandar «.00 tot LOO a. m. and 4.00 to (JO p. a HEBNAN HUQHBS, Postmaster. I 9 .Local News. • i —Boost. —Cooperate. —Pull together. ' —Cultivate the Graham spirit. —Thanksgiving Day—Christmas next.* —Talk, pull and work for your town. r . —Don't kick progress. It's a plant that needs refreshing showers —The County Commissioners will meet in regular monthly session next Monday. —lt is said the ultimate end of , the hog is pork. During the recent cool weather many a fine porker has reached the ultimate. —Graham Chapter of the Daugh ters of the Confederacy will meet with Mrs. J. D. Kernodle on Thurs day afternoon, Dec. 7th, at 3 o'clock. —"Rebecca's Triumph" is the name of a three-act play which will be presented by the "Star Literary Club" of Whitsett Institute in the Institute auditorium on Saturday night, Dec. 2nd. Music by Whit sett Orchestra. Admission free and all cordially invited. lt leaks out that Graham post office expects to don an entirel new outfit for the New Year. The mat ter has been kept very quiet and perhaps it was intended to spring it as a surprise. —The many friends made here by Misses Ola and Edith Payne, while they taught in our Graded school, will deeply sympathize'with them in their great bereavement. A card announces the death of their mother at her home at Clarlottesville, Va., last Sunday afternoon. "" | Mr. L. Banks Cable, who holds i a responsible position with the Er win Cotton Mills, West Durham, came Saturday to visit relatives attend to business. He is an Ala mance boy who is doing well. —Prof. J. B. Robertson went to Raleigh Tuesday afternoon to at- , tend the meeting of the North Caro lina Teachers Assembly now in ses sion. There will be several very in teresting features, among them an address tonight by Hon. Champ'' Clark, Speaker of the House of .Representatives of the United States , Congress. —The Chorus Class, under the direction of Prof. Blyth, will meet in the Ladies' Parlor at the Presby terian church on Saturday, Dec. 2, at 7:30 p. m. All who would like to join this class are requested to be . present or send in name on the above date, as no one will be permitted to join later than this date. Hay-Kime. Invitations have been received here from Mr. and Mrs. John W. 1 Kime, announcing the marriage of 1 their sister, Miss Annie Rush Kime, to Mr. Adolph M. Hay on Tuesday, 1 Dec. 12th, at 10 a. m., at 192 N Church St., Concord, N. C. Miss ' Kime has made her home in Graham for about four years. She is an ex ceedingly amiable young woman - and the many friends she has made will wish for her a life full of hap- ' piness. What a Boy Can Do in Town on a 1 Small Lot. Instead of loafing his spare hours Herhert Long, when he is not in | school or working his of | garden truck, etc., donates his spare time to poultry, and has sold and , delivered $58.00 worth in the month of November. Others can do as , well, why not ? Postal Savings Bank. Graham postoffice has been des ignated by the Postmaster General as a Postal Savings Bauk through the efforts of Postmaster Heenan Hughes. This will afford many a place for small savings which will be safe and interest-bearing. New Advertisements. Goodman's—the Home of Good Clothes—Burlington. Goodman's is a busy place these days. The high grade of goods and the special low prices draw the crowds, but he has ample help and you are sure of po lice and courteous sttention. Go and see for yourself. You will not regret it. Miss Margaret Clegg—Trimmed and untrimmed hats at cost. See ad. Graham Drug Co. —Tell you some thing of their prescription depart ment. See ad. Montwhite—The Traitor, Decem ber 7th. A. M. Had ley—New Clothing be ing rece.ved. Montwhite—A Bnnch of Keys, Dec. Ist. • / Output of Graham Ice Co. to Be Ainost Doubled On Mondsy last Mr. J. J. Angel, of the De La Vergne Machine Co., was here making out the plans for increasing the capacity of Graham Ice Co The plans contemplate an Increase of production from 15 tons per dsy to 26 tons per day. Graham ice has woo a good name wherever used for superiority. It is made from pure deep-well, water, which is distilled before being converted into ice, rendering the product as nearly free from any harmful foreign sub stance aa it is possible to do. The greet demand for Graham ice ren dare necessary thia increase of pro ductive capacity. v 1 • Personal Mention : • 1 1 I 11 '1 ' Mr. M. R. Rives wss a Raleigh visitor Sunday. ' Miss June Ray Kernodle spent Sunday in Raleigh. J. Dr. W. T. Whitsett, President of Whitaett Institute, spent laat Satur day here. • Miss Msry Pritchsrd, of Chspel Hill, is visiting st Mr. J. Adolph Long's. Mess. .T. 0. Foy, editor of Leader, and Chas. F. Cates, of Mebane, were in town Saturday. Miss Annie Harden has returned from Raleigh to spend several days here with her brothers. Mr. Eugene McCracken is at home from Great Falla, S C.. where he has been for a few months. Mr. E. S. Parker, Jr., went to New York last Friday night on buainess and returned yesterasy. Mr. John W. Harden and Master John W. Harden, Jr., came up from Raleigh laat night and are spending the day here hunting. Mr. Williamson Menefee arrived Saturday from Richmond, where he underwent a serious operation a few weeks ago. He is looking well and his friends are glad to see him. Meters. Armstrong Holt and J. D. Kernodle, Jr., at the A. A M. Col lege, Raleigh, and Graham Harden and James Jones, at the University, Chapel Hill, came home yesterday evening for the Thanksgiving holi days. Protracted Meeting at Travora. Revival services will be held next week in the Travora Chapel. They will begin Monday and will be held every night at 7:30 o'clock. A cordial invitation to a'J. E. C. MURRAY. —Miss Clegg has the Agency for Meyer's Mail Order Department and will be pleased to take your order. —All trimmed and untrimmed H|ts at Ccfet for the rest of the sea son at Miss Margaret Clegg's. Call and select one while the stock is full. HOUSES and lota for rent Ap ply to W. J. Nicks. —A full line of Buggies of all Kinds and a big lot of Farm Ma chinery. See our stock and get our prices before you buy anything in our line. IIADLBY & HUGHES, Graham, N. C. ' To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Broino Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's cignature is on each box. 25c. No Reason For It. When Graham Citizens Show the Certain Way Out. There can be no just reason why nay reader of this will continue to suffer the tortures of an aching back, the annoyance of urinary disorders, the dangers of kidney ills when relief is so near at hand and the most positive proof given that they oan be cured. Read what a Graham citizen says: Mrs. John Fogleman, of Gra ham, N. C., says: "1 am sorry I did not begin the use of Doan's Kidney Pills sooner, for if I had, I would have been spared a great deal of suffering and expense. I had been ailing for a long time before I knew exactly what waa the matter. There were a con stant pain in my back and I slept BO poorly that I was all tired out in the taorning.' The kidney se cretions bothered me and though I took various home remedies, and other medicines, I did not seem to get any better. One day I read about Doan's Kldnefr, Pills and getting a supply, I began their use. After I had finished the eon tents of three boxes, I had no further cause for complaint." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buf falo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name—-Doan's— and take no other. A NEW STOCK Overcoats and Pants, Furnishings arriving Will be glad to aitow you HH|, 'Bl my stock and livH , H give you the best pjices to be hai anywhere. -. nSjnHJ^rS * iimro^ A. M. MADIEV GR N. H a M ' THOMPSON-SCOTT. Pretty Wedding of Popular Couple. Promptly at 10:30 Wednesday morning, Nov. 29, 1911, Mis* lone Scott became the bride o I Dr. J. Mell. Thompson. Reared in the same town, Graham, they learned thai*! A B C'a in the same eubool. It waa here they first claimed each other aa "sweethearts", and they have sweethearts ever since. The town of Graham turned out in full force to sea the culmination of the pretty little romance. The Presbyteriau church had been beautifully deco rated under the supervision of Mrs. J. W. Menefee, with ferns, palms and potted flowers, and, hidden in thia mass of foliage were about forty candlea. Mrs. J. £. Watann presid ed at the organ and Dr. E. C. Murray, the paator of the bride, performed the ceremony. First came Dr. Mur ray, then the ushers, Messrs. Edwin Scott and P. A. Hayes down one aisle and John Scott and Dr. Henry Beat down the other aiale. Follow ing these came Mr. Don E. Scott and Mr. Grady Rankin. Next waa the maid of honor, Miss Blanche Scott, sister of the bride, carrying a huge bouquet of chrysanthemums, and following her the little ring-bearer, Miss Sarah Elise Thompson. The groom,with hia beat man, his brother, Ernest Thompson, came from the pastor's study. The bride, leaniug on the arm of her father, Hon. J. L Scott, Jr., wearing a blue coat auit, with hat and gloves to match, made the wedding circle complete, and Dr. Murray, in an impressive man ner, pronounced them "husband and wife,' Dr. and Mrs. Thompson left on the 11:19 train for Washington and other northern pointa, and upon their return they will be at home at Mebane, N. C., where Dr. Thompson deservedly enjoys a large and grow ing practice. He is well known and popular with his acquaintances everywhere. The bride is one of the most pop ular young ladies ever reared in Graham. Her charming personality, her amiable disposition and many graces have drawn to her » host «of friends whoee best wishes will fol low her through life. A large, varied, handsome and coatly array of presents bear testimony to 1 the high esteem in which the bride and groom are held. Ante-Nuptial Event*. On Friday morning Miss June Ray Kernodle entertained delight fully in honor of -the bride. Games were-engaged iu and quail-on-toaat and sAlads were served. Friday night Mrs. Eugone Hunter entertained at the home of Mr. H. W. Scott, uncle of the bride-elect. The occasion was highly enjoyed by the large number of guests present. On Saturday Misa Margaret Goley gave "Kitchen Shower" to the bride elect. Interesting games were play ed, refreshments were served, and then a Liliputian ebony cook ring ing a dinner bell and drawing an "Express" wagon loaded with all sorts of kitchen utensils came noisi ly into the room. The idea was unique and thoroughly enjoyed by guests. t Tuesday afternoon Mrs. A. K. Hardee brought to a close the sou son of entertainments with a "Linen Shower". An interesting game of six-hand euchre was played. The guest of honor's prize was a quaint ttle teapot. Refreshments of sal ads and ices were served. Just as this was finished little Miss Carolyn Parker, dreaeed as a messenger, drew in a small trunk, bedecked with white tulle, and presented it to the bride, who opened it and found many useful and beautiful pieces of linen. It was a happy occasion. Immediately after rehersal Tues day night preparet ry to the wed ding, Mr. and Mrs. J. L,.Scott, Jr, gave a reception to the bridal party and a few friends. The beautiful home was tastefully decorated with cut flowera and potted plants, the dining room being in yellow and green. Delightful refreshments of salads and ices weie served. Mr. and Mrs. Scott had aa their gneeta, Mr. and' Mrs. B. S Robertson, Mr and Mrs. J. Elmer Long, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hunter, Dr. and Mra. J. J. Barefoot, Mr. and Mrs. Chaa. A. Thompson, Mrs. C. S. Hunter, Mrs. M. J. Brady, Mrs. Eugene Cannon of Concord, Mrs. Mosley Middleton of Greensboro, Mrs. J. W. Menefee, Misses Margaret Gol«>y, Blanche Scott, June Ray Keruodh-, Annie and Marjorie Montagne and Catharine Wharton of Raleigh. Marjie Gray of Winston-Salem, Lanra Carter of Wilson, Meks. H. W. Scott, Chss. Menefee, Ernest Thompson, D. E. .Scott, Edwin Ssott, Grady Rankin of Gaston ia, P. A. H*jcs of Randleman Dr. Henry Best of Wilson, John Scott of Durham. Juniore Attend Christian Church. We were delighted to have tlier Juniors of Graham attend our church on last Bunday morning. It was indeed a pleasure to the pastor, as well aa to hia flock, to greet this splendid corps of men, and to have them worship with us. It is a custom of this Older to attend some church in a body on the Sunday preceding the regu lar Thanksgiving day, for the purpose of giving thanks. This is indeed a splendid custom, aud we were so glad to have tiiein honor us with their presence at our church, and shall be glad to have them come again. A cordial welcome is extended to every Junior and any other person, to our church, on the 2nd and 4th Sundays at eleven o'clock. Come one, come all. We shall always be glad to see you. We were also glad to greet a number of people Isst Sunday afternoon at New Providence Christian church. It is our pur pose to preach at this chutrh every 2nd and 4th Sunday at 3:00 o'clock. We especially invite all the people of Graham and the sur rounding community to attend these afternoon services at New Providence. A cordial invitation ia extended to the young people of the town, who enjoy a walk on Sunday afternoon, to attend these services. As was His custom, Jesus went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day. Such a custom we all can have, and ought to have, while in the glow of youth and able to get to church. Can't we follow Jesus in this one par-• ticular? Yours for Christ, J, F. MORGAN. Land Sale ! ny virtue oftba authority verted In ma by an order of Alamance Superior Court, 1 will, on MONDAY, JAN. 8, 1912, at twelve o'clock, soon, at tha courthouse door In Omham, sell at public oatcry e the beet bidder the following described real property, to-wit: A tivet or pa real of lend ■ltuate and being In Patterson Townahlp, Alamsnoe County, North Carolina, ad)olnleg the lunds ot L. T. Smith, W. K. Overmen, J. A. Hornaday, W. T. Smith and other*, bounded ae folio we; Banning at a scone, J. A. Hornaday a cor net ; thence Beat TO polca to atone; tbenoa North DO poles to a atone: tnance Bast n polee to a atone; thence South 60 poloa to a atoue; tbeaoe Kast M polee to a atonp; theooe .-outh ■ pole* to • (tone; (hence Whet 101 polo* to the middle of a spring; thence Weat M polee to a atone; thence toast nI polee to a gum bush; tbenoa North 104 pole* to the beginning oontalnlng (7 scree, more or less. Said laud la sold to create assets to lay debts of the late Manila Overman. - TSKHH OP "ALB—One-third oasb; the other two-lblrd» In equal Instalment to six and twelve months from daie, the deter r. d pay menu to be evldpnoeil by bonds tar rying Interest from day of sale uutll paid, and title to the property reserved until the payment of the purohaaa meuey lsoomt lato. This Is a re-sale of aal > property, made be cause of an advanced hld.a d the bidding will begin at the sum of (MO.OO, the amount of said advanced bid. This Is valuable piooeity, and Is aa oppor tunity to acqulr* a good farm at a reasonable price. J. L. SCOTT, J a.. Pub. Adm'r, ae Adm'r of the estate of ManMff Overman. Novemb«r M, IVU. Millinery AT COST For the rest of thfc season all trim med and untrimmed Hats and Ba by Caps will be sold AT COST. There are srfrtie patterns in this lot so come at once and get first choice, you'll regret it if you don't. These are all new, up-to-date, stylish goods and are : .;; f : : : Real Bargains Am also agent for Mail Order De partment of Meyers' Dept. Store, and will be glad to show you samples and take your order. Miss Margaret Clegg GRAHAM, N. C . Next Door to National Bank ol Alamance. im j n n 19 N JIIB it inn.. BOHMP MONTWHITE THEATRE FRIDAY, DEC Ist Hoyt's A Bunch of Keys Or The Hotel |/ . | With the original J AS. B. MACKIE w "GRIMESEY ME BOY" Tb« Newest Suogt aod jolUest aa vrejl aa Moat Picturesque of til Musical Comedy Triumphs. Pretty Girla. Seats on Sal* at Qraham Drag Co. Admiaaion 25,35, 00 and 75 Town Betterment Meeting. At 7:80 last night a goodly num ber of Grahsm's leading citizen*, representing every kind of business and professional interest in town, assembled in the court house to dis cuss ways and means of the business interests, sanitation, observance of the law, and generally to adyanc«the beat interests of the , town. Mr. Mcßride Holt presided , over the meeting and talks were : made by Mayor J. Adolph Long, Itev. E. 0. Murray, Drs. G. W. i Long and W. E. Walker, Hon. J. L. i Soon, Jr., Mr. J. 8. Cook, Mr. G. W. , Deuny and others. A committee, towit: Messrs. J. Adolph Long, J. L ' Scott, Jr., and Dr. W. E. Walker, was appointed to nominate nommit- 1 tees of three for esch of the follow- | ing purposes: On Constitution, ( Business Interests, Ssnitation, , Publicity, Law and Order, Member 1 ship. A call for names of ' thoee who would like to become ] members of an organization such as 1 had been outlined was made and about fifty were enrolled. The list i is atill open for members and every one is invited to ioin in this move- ( ment for the uplift of the town. The meeting sdjourned to meet again on Friday night, Dec. Bth, to hear the report of the nominating committee, • and everv citizen ia invited and ! urged to bo pressnt. Here is an opportunity for every citizen to enlist rn a movement to ' work for the town for the promotion { of everything that ia good for a ; thrifty and deairable community. It 1 means life and a general forward j movement- If the good eitissas get behind this movement in good earn est they will work wonders. The town nasds it —it will broaden and elevate the citizenship. Remembor: "United, ws stand' divided, we fall." r«a Know What Yra Art Takls When you take Grove's/Taut- » ! less Chill Tonic because the form ula is plainly printed on every bottle showing that it is Iron aud 1 Quinine in a tastlesd form. No cure, No Pay. 60c. Placidly Said. Hewitt—Does tbtf climate agree wKb your wife} Jewltt—That's more than I'd expect of any climate.—Smart Set i "I am pleased to recommend Chamberfain's Cough Remedy aa the best thingl know of and aafest remedy for coughs, colds and . bronchial trouble," writes Mrs. L B. Arnold, of Denver, Colo. "We have used it repeatedly and it baa never failed to give relief. For sale by all dealers. Abdemlnal Surgery. Abdominal surgery flrat was at ■ tempted In France In the fourteenth century. —Ambitious young men and ladles should learn telegraphy, for, since the new 8-hour law be- ' came effective there is a shortage ' of many thousand telegraphers. 1 Positions pay from S6O to S7O a ( month to beginners. The Tele- . graph Institute of Columbia, 8. C. and five other cities is opera- * ed under supervision of R. R. Of- 1 flcials and all students are placed when qualified. Write them for particulars., t i I Fdon's Stripes for "Trait Criminal!." Washington Dispatch, 18th. ''Felon's stripes" as a punish ment for "trust criminals" in the United States to end "commercial piracy under benevolent 'rules of reason'" are proposed in a bill ameuding the Sherman anti-trustr law drafted by Representative Henry, of Texas, to be introduced in the House upon the opening of Congress next month. Its Intro duction probably will mean its passage in the House. The bill specifically defines just what oonstilutes a trust, legislates from the present statute the "rule of reason" as interpreted by the Supreme Court in the Standard Oil and Tobacco decisions and provfdee as punishment for viola tion of -the law imprisonment from 2 to 10 years in the penitentiary. It will be referred to the jndiclary committee for deliberation. ■aw mt Olatanh tor CaSanhOnl CtaMa Mm—| aa aeroury will auraly destroy tha senee of •melt and oompletely derange tha system whan enterlhg It through tha mucous ■urfaoes. Such artlclri should never ba unad except oa preeertptioae from lepateble phy slclans. aa tha d*mag* they will da la ton fold to tha no* you aan poselbly delve 1 row •ham. HalraCatarrh Cura. manufactured by V. J. Cheney fc Co.. Tolado, 0„ oontatna no uaraury, and la tahaa Infernally, aetlsg directly upon tha blood and muooui surface of the system. la buying Hall'* Catarrh Cur ba serr you eat tha genuine. It la Uken In tarnally and made In Tolado, Ohio, by P. J Cheney a Co. Testimonial free. Hold by Drue? lata. Price Tfc) par bottle. Take Hall'a family PIIU for oonatf|>*tlon With but oue dissenting vote the American Baukera' Associa tion, in session in New Orleans last week, gave its unqualified ap proval to the Aldrich plan for the reform of the monetary scheme of the United State*. Congress is urged to deal with the proposition as an economic question outside the domsin of party politics. Con fidence was expressed that."the high purpose actuating the na tional monetary commission as sure the workiugoutof the details with the sound principles stated in the plsn, in such a manner as to gain the confidence snd support of all classes." (ARNOLD'S W tocSaU - BALSAM Cholera Morbus by Graham Drug Co. Graham, N. C. The Memphis Commercial-Ap peal has published its annual fore cast of the cotton | roduction for 1911, estimating the field growth ' at 16,046,000 bales. This isex-j elusive. This is exclusive of liut ers secured M cotton oil mills and what are termed as "repacks." Backache, Headache, Nerveasneee and rheumatism, both in men snd women, mean kidney trouble. Do not allow lt»to progress beyond the reach of medicine but stop it promptly with Foley Kidney Pills. They regulate the action of the urinary organs. Tonic in action, quick in results. For sale by all Druggists. John F. Dry den, founder of the Prudential Insurance Company of America and at the head of It practically all his life, a former member of the United Slates Senate, a director in many large coiporations and a tnulti-mlllioi • aire, died Friday evening at his home at Newark, N. J. He was a native of Maine and was 72 yean old. A HOUUHOU) HKDICMH That stops coughs quickly ami corse colds Is Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. Mr*. Anoa Pel zer, 2626 Jefferson St., So. Omshit, Neb., says: "1 can recommend Foley's Honey and Tar Compound as a sure cure for ooughs ami colds. It eured my daughter of a bad cold a d my neighbor, Mrs. Benson, cured herself and ln-r whole family with Foley's Honey aud Tar Compound. Everyone in our neighborhood speaks highly of it." For sale by all Druggists. For pains in the sldeorehsst dampen a piece of flaonel with Chamberlain's Liniment and bind it on over the seat of jpain. There Is nothing bettor. For sale by all dealers. Application lor Pardon ed Richard Nov**. Application.Will be Made In the Governor of forth Carolina for the pardon el hta-hard Neville, convicted at tha Here*. Mil. Term ul tae Sapeetor ».*rt of Alamance county, of the crime ef (he larceny of a mule and sentenced to the State prieon for a tars of See yean. All persons who apaece 11 a gtaallng of aald union are Invited to forwaid their pro tea* toUwGovernor without May. PARKKIt*PAKKBH, AU'ya for hlehard Ret tile Criminals." TOUR KIDNEY PILLS I far btcktcbi, rheoPUtitm, kidney or bladder trouble, and urinary irrefularttiaa. Jl Foley"* Kidney Pill* partly tb* blood, ratter* lost vitality and vigor. Refuse substitute*. For Sale by all Druggists (""""""To Cure a Cold In One Day , Bromo flmnine I THE EXACT DOSE i« all you haqe to give of the pna- & cripiiou compounded ban. The A doctor will not hare to lellyou to in- I^\ create tha quantity in order to pro- mvAB duoe the desired result. For our drags *re pure, freeh and of fall strength. They act just as they U should. Bring your prescriptions f n>\ h ore for the beet drug service. Ml 11 [ 1» Graham Drug Company, f 'Phone 99 Prescription Druggists.; i II , n hi "■ '.aj Annual Statement 1911 1 0 ' In accordance with tha requirements of Section 1326 of the ReviH, of 1906, of North Carolina, I, Chaa. D. Johnston, Register of Deeds and ex-offlcio Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners of Ala mance County, north Carolina, do hereby certify that the following Statement is true and correct, to-wit: ' 1. Tha number of days each member of the Board met with the Board. 2. The number of days each member of the Board served on oommlttee. 3. The number of miles traveled by each member reapeetfully. GEO. T. WILLIAMSON. To 82 days commissioner at 92.00 per day..'. $44.00 To 3 daTs on committee at $2.00 per day .. ?. 6.00 To 628 milea traveled at 6c per mile 26.40 •76.40 E. L. DAILEY' - To 22 days commissioner at $2.00 per day......... $44.00 To 628 miles traveled at 6c per mile 26.40 $70.40 T. B. BARKER. ■ ■ To 22 days coinnissioncr at $2.00 per day. ..." $44.00 To 1 dny on committee at $2.00 per day.......... 2.00 To 600 mil us traveled at 5c per mile •• • 33.00 J. E. STROUD. To 21 days commissioner at $2.00 per day $42.00 To 3 days on committee at $2.00 per day 6.00 To 672 miles traveled at 6c per mile 33.60 ,$81.60 W. H. TURRENTINE. To 22 days commissioner at $2.00 per day $44.00 To 3 dvys on committee at s2.oopsr day 6.00 To 132 miles traveled at 6c per mile 6.60 "- -.r JW.6O || Total r .... .... .... $364.00 " In the above Is Riven 22 days the total number that the Board of ! County Commissioners for Aiainanoe county, N. C., waa in session ! from Dec. 1, 1010 to Nov. 30, 1911. { 'Witness my hand at offlce iu Graham, Nov. 26, 1911. CHAS. D. JOHNSTON, Reg. of Deeds and cx Officio Clerk to Board of County Commissioners. The Compounding of Drugs Is an ancient art, but in this, as in other sciences, there has been wonder ful progress : : : : : ' I' J | In Our Drug Store The compounding of prescriptions isan exact science, conducted on modern lines, and with the best and purest in gredients : : m : : : You will be safest in bringing your prescriptions to us : : : , : Alamance Pharmacy, s The Store J. C. Simmons Druggist e^siSSSSSSBSSStt^EBEES Fount&inPenl Should be in every stockinOwe Z^T^!ADLEl^.w«i^Jß^^ ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE Havlof ouallfir4 ■* adalnldrator of Iha Mtu of W. T. Vaufku, let* of Alataauca tim sir. I barator «l»a aoiiea to all IWWH ladaMad to BM KUH to BMka lan»*dlar« wllnmit. U4 mil PNNM kHlai alalia duly balora U>a Ut 4ar of I>e mWr, 1912, or UU molloo will to la bar of laalr raenrarr HarW M iff. T. Vaasfea. —SCISSORS and Knives an easily ruined il not properly ground when being sharpened. II you want litem sharpened right and made to cut aa good aa new give me a triaL Will sharpen anything from a broad aseto a pen-knife. Cn&rges moder ate. B. N. TUBMBB, this office. •N> W ItU LlttltJb«f>rWW»i I