YOl j. XXXIX. So Tired It mav be from overwork, bat the chances are its from an in active » With a well conducted LIVER one can do mountains of labor without fatigue. It adds a hundred per cast to ' ones earning capacity. It can be kept In healthful actios by. and ooly by - - Tutfs Hb TAKE NO SUBBTITUTE. PROFESSIONAL CARDS ¥1 S. COOK, Attorney -at-Law, ORAHAM, N. C. Office Patterson Building Second Floor. DAMERON & LONG Atlorneys-at-Law B. 8. W. DAMEKON. J. ADOLPH LONG Vbone SflO, 'Phone 1008 Piedmont Building, Holt-Nicholson Bldg. Burlington. W.C. Graham. N. O. DR. WILL JLIAML JK. . . . PEtfTIST ... Graham . . - - Nerth Carolina OFFICE IN f M MONB BUILDING ACOB A. LONG J. ELMER LONG LONG & LONG, Attorneys and Counselors at I. -w, GHAHAM, N. JOH N H. VERNON Attorney and Counselor-at-Law tONES—Office 65J Residence 331 - BUALINGTON, N. 0. The Raleigh, Daily Times RALEIGH, N. 0. ' The Great Home Newspaper of the State. & The news of the World Is gathered by pri vate leased wires and by the well-trained special correspondents of tue Times and set before the readers In a concise and lntereet ng manner eacb afternoon As a chronicle of world events the Times Is Indispensable, While Its bureaus In Wash ington and New York makes Its news from the leglsisUve and Unsnclal centers of tbe country the best that van be obtained. As a woman's paper tbe Times has no su perior, being morally and intellectually a paper of the highest type. It publlscee tbe very best leaiuns that can be written on fashion and mboellaneous natters. Tiie times market news makes It a busi ness Man's necessity for tbe farmer, mer chant and the broker can depend upon com plete and reliable Information upon tbelr various lines of trade. Subscription Batel Daily (mail) 1 mo. 80c; 8 mo. 7Bc; 6 mo. $1.60; 12 mo. $3.50 Address all orders to The Raleigh Daily Times J. V. tiiuiins, Publishers. ARE YOU UP t TO DATE " r— — If yon are not the NEWS AN' OBKBYEH is. Subscribe for it at once and it will keep you abreast ot the times. Pnll Associated Press dispatch es Ml the news—foreign, do mestic, national, state and local all the time. Daily News and Observer $7 per year, 3.50 for 6 mos. Weekly North Carolinian $1 per year, 50c for 6 mos. NEWS & OBSERVER PUB. CO., RALKIGH, N. C.' Tbe North Carolinian andTHK ALAMANCE GLEANKK will be sent for one year lor Two Dollars. Cash in advance. Apply at THE GLEANKK office. Graham, N. C. English Spavin Liniment re moves all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavins, eurbs, splints, sweeney, ringbone, stifles, sprains all swollen throats, coughs, etc. Save S6O by the nss of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful blemish cure known, Sold by Graham Drue Co. ! DO THIS fi ! Lew than the cost of a two cent (tamp will pat a copy of t "The Alansce Gleaner" ia your borne each week. Sod $1 for a year, 50c for 6 I. or 25cfor 3mda. DO IT NOW, and you will wonder why you had not done it before. Te Cars a Cold ia OH Day. i'ake Laxative Br rno Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's cignature is on each box tfr. X gfefffc ' ... i£M tml? >' ;> s THE ALAMANCE GLEANER. ...-V ~. » | • • i ' ■■ tl 1 mmmmrnmm^ . ~*** lLi NOTES C.M.BARNITZ KTVERSIBE COEKESPO>TDtVCC SOLICITED U /s. Jff- I ' [These articles and Illustrations muat not be reprinted without special permis sion.] WHITE HOLLAND HINTB. Why White Holland raisers strain their gizzard to breed that variety np to high Uronze weights is a puzzler. Bronze standard is thirty-six pounds for cock, twenty for hen, twenty-live for cockerel and sixteen for pultet, while the White Holland to twenty eight pounds for cock, eighteen for hen, twenty for cockerel and fourteen for pullet These weights" "are all too high— irtlflcial. Heavyweights are flabby, unprollflc breeders and not the market call. Thanksgiving and Christmas showed birds from ten to fifteen pounds, lira Photo by C. 11 Barnlt*. i FINE FLOCK AFIELD. [ weight, the popular demand, turks from twenty-five to thirty-five pounds selling ■low from 8 to 7 cents lop and mainly bought by hotels and restaurants. The White Holland ia naturally medium sized, and as such ia at its best for breeding and market, and big size is a detriment to its propagation. Afield a flock is a pretty sight Their pure white plumage. Jet black beard, red head and neck tinged with bluish white, pink shanks and graceful, alert movements inspire even a pessimist to enthusiasm. At market their creamy color, curves end satiny skin quickly attract the buy er, and no expert epicure, after feast ing on their Juicy, tender sweet meat, will fall to pronqunce it the best turk jSM ' . -tIM I W ' 3 fij Photo by C. M. B&rnits. A BPOBT AOTBtrr. ' •y ever, ft Is the most gentle and do mestic of turkeys, requires no large territory for roaming, bean confine ment better and matures for holiday market quicker than the big boned Qlant Bronze. The bens are prolific layers and, be ing so gentle, are fine sitters and moth ers. To beget strong progeny a breeder should have s good sized head; neck, strong and long and graceful; back, broiid and descending gracefully to long tall; breast wide, full, ronnd, deep; body, egg shaped, with rpund end front; wings, large and strong; caruncles, feet, thighs, large; shanks, thick,:long, straight, well set Male and ben should be well match ed, ben more refined of course, as fe males usually are. For best results mate adulta, eight bens or less. To the gobbler avoid overfat and inbreeding, and let mother turkey batch the poults and ran the kindergarten. DON'T* Don't fret That won't pay the debt Just feed and water Biddy right She'll knock that mortgage oat of alght Don't feed on* kind of grain nor In trodoce a ration too quickly, and don't neglect to feed well and regularly the year around. Don't depend much on burglar alarms. A well fed. well trained bull dog or collie Is the beat defense against thieves. VCNT QUIET. Tent gleet is an offensive, contagions disease that originates In the cloaca and before discovery generally spreads to the fowl's oviduct, rectum and rent The mucous mepibrane becomes hot, red and swollen. There Is a thin, yel lowish. very offensive discharge which dings to the feathers around die vent Mocks the passage and causes sores and deep ulcers on the outer skin- Like roup, vent gleet has Its own pe culiar. very disagreeable odor. The wurenviit swarms with microbes, and tb.' disease nuicklv spreads from fowl GRAHAM, N. C., THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1913. B Tuwi. DUlnrecnon is necessary. The victim sbonld be quarantined mid quick treatment given, for the disease is often fatal, and when treatment la delayed or the fowl recovers ltseir.lt Is generally afterward worthless as a breeder. | The affected parts should be thor oughly cleansed in rqal warm water strong with bicarbonate of soda and held in the hot solution for ten min utes dally while swelling and inflam mation al% extreme. An injection of a 1 per cent solution of carbolic add should be given, and a wad of cotton wet in this solution should be Inserted several times a day. The external sores Bhould be well dusted with bornelc acid. To stop discharge'we have found nothing better than five grain capsules of Venetian red, four to the dose, as of ten as conditions indicate. Bread soaked in milk spiced with a little cinnnamon is good diet FEATHERS AND EGGSHELLS. When a lantern ia taken Into a poul try house at night the heps think It's sunrise and come down off the roost. A (mall electric flash light Is better, ns there is no danger of flre. The quick flash bewilders the chickens. You are through your errand before they can Jump down and thus spend the night on the cold floor. A farm journal advises Its rend ers to buy dead horses and grind them up for their hens. Such a practice would soon destroy an egg seller's business reputation, and any one do ing such a stunt should l>e reported to the board of health.' If yonr bens loaf In a corner during cold weather you should ge(. them hun gry and then make tbem scratch their grain ont of litter. We have never seen a hen lay well In winter that did not exercise well. While tbe prodnction of eggs Is vast ly Increasing, tbe appreciation of eggs as an article of diet Is much higher and, with tbe Increase in population and meat prices, the demand for eg;;s Is really greater than the supply. Mil lions of people are now solving this egg problem by tilling tbe family egg basket from a back lot flock. Both tbe hen ana rooster have a rev erence for tbe egg. When they de generate Into egg fiends It Is nearly al ways because some human teaches them the trick. Too few nests, too ■mall a nest, high nests, open top nests, absence of shell making material are mainly responsible for egg eating. There Is an old saying that the tall can't wag tbe dog. This Is rather re versed In tbe case of some of our leg horns bred for show, for some of the roosters, especially, are about all tall. This means less eggs, less vitality and less fertility. An order for day old Incubator chicks was shipped from Bloomlngton, 111., to Saskatchewan. Canada, and, though five days In transit, were in fine shape on arrival. They ship bet ter than eggs for hatching. The usefulness of many a good breed er, as well as his beauty, is often de stroyed by freezing of the comb and wattles. Move tbe rooster Into tbe middle of the roosting flock at night or sleep him In a cozy covered box. Two Sbamokin (Pa.)' neighbor* had a ■crap over a hen that would fly over tbe fence. Tbe owner, a woman, ilalmed ber neighbor killed tbe hen rnd had blm haled before cntirt. where he was found not guilty, and tbe trial coat the county Just 4OO. Next! A good feed of onions la tine for the flock occasionally, as.onions are good worm killer* and good for llrer trnn ble, some flocks being predisposed to the latter ailment. They should be fed raw and not too generously at first, es peclally where flocks do not have plen ty of greens. As they are apt to flavor the egg, feed them when hens are nol In fail lay. ~r WILLIAM 9WirTB WATERLOO. William Swift was ever boasting That in speeding his outfit There was naught on earth could atop him. Nothing that his car couldn't hit. be had smashed so many ganders, Pups and piglets, old sows, 100, rbat the farmers held a meeting To consider what to do. After talking o'er tbe matter They ware almost In despair. When a preacher from a comer Thusly did address the chair: "Ifr. Chairman, I've a hen, str. That came over In the ark. 1 have tried tn vain to kill her. But ao hatchet made a mark. "Let us place her In the road there Right beside old Darby creek. And we'll then see what will happen Te this auto fiend so slick." Down the road came William swiftly, Laughed with glee to see that ben. Turns a little Mt more gas on, Coin" a hundred miles Just then. Bang! tbe buss car hits the henlet; Bmashl bounds back against a pole. Billy and his old wrecked auto Drop Into tbe awlmmlng hole. Brother, does an auto slaughter— Quick, raa to the preacher neart has lota of rubber roosters. Loving gifts from members dear. C. U. BARNITZ. ' Veterinarians seem to agree that tbe •arum treatment la a fairly eucceaaful preventive of bog cholera, but that In tbe strict senae It ia not a cure. There (boo Id be a place for every tool on tbe farm, and when tbey do not keep tbelr places look for tbe cause. It may be Just carelessness. Moldy bay la J nit aa fit tor gtock to aat aa moldy food la for folka to eat. Folks won't eat moldy food, and anl mala ought not to be made to eat moldy hay. It is not a tmi practice to treat the wheat Med to a liquid spraying of one pound of formaldehyde In forty gal lone of water. It win prevent the Ctßllt A hungry nit can smell an ear of corn a long way, and It beats all what Ingenuity tbe rodent will exercise to get to It In case It does not happen to be within eaay reach. Becorde of Ice formation on tbe Had eon river show that not since IMS ha* the lee been eo thin at this season of the year. Because of tbla condition a% ice famine la much feared. CARE OF THE EWES AT LAMBING TIME The busiest time In the whole year for the sheep raiser ia when tbe lamba are IHug dropped? nlong In tbe latter part of the wluter. The actual proflta of the whole year's sheep raising are really being made at this time, and the •hepberd la forced to work about twen ty-four hoars out of every twenty-four for a week or two. During February and .March, and sometimes during the of Jan uary, the good shepherd finds that practically every hour of his time Is being taken up by the lambing ewes, i.nnteni In hand, he must visit the sheep once or twice during the night. When they nre being allowed to run In tbe ojien bis task Is two and three A Minnesota correspondent of Ainerlcun Agriculturist nay* he finds Shropshire* good, hardy sheep, easily wintered. Storms and cold do not affect them as much as aomCbreed*. They also inuke very good mothers. Last spring lie ruined 135 lambs from eighty-live ewes. The best, time for lambs to come on Mie average fur 111 Is the Ist of May, as tho ewes nre usually on grass and have lots of milk at that time. The Shropshire wether shown was grand olmmplop at the Chicago In ternutional Live Stock Exposition of 1912. He was bred by J. and D. J. Campbell. Woodvllle, Ont. times us difficult its when the sheep are being corraled In sheds and pens every night. In order that help and care may be given every ewe mid lamb that may need It, try to visit every sheep In tbe flock about three or four times daily. During the day. 1/ she sheep bapiien to be- on pasture, constant watchliwt Is necessary, us the ewes ure likely to drop their lambs in some remote part of tbe pasture. Early In the winter mouths In which the lambs ure to be expected If Is wise to set apart as milch of tbe sheep sheds and shelters us citu possibly be spared and divide them nil into temporary pens. These should, be used for the ewes Immediately after they have drop ped their lambs. Lust year I took a apace four feet wide nlong the east wall of a long sheep shed and fenced It off from the rest of the Interior, says u Kentucky shepherd In Farm Progress By dividing this long space Into little pens five feet long I inude room for a dozen ewes and their lamba, A space 4 by 5 Is plenty big enough to hold a mother and her lamb com fortably for a night and a day. When a ewe und lamb are brought In I put tbem In these peu>> fur the night. A little feed for the mother and a bucket of water to help allay ber feverish thirst ure all the attention she wiy need for the next twenty-four hours. .When the weather Is raw and bad leave them lu the pens longer than when the ground is firm mid the sun la ont. A cold rain on the tender skin of a young lamb Is about the worst thing that can happen to him. . The Care of a Churn. There Is u great difference In the ap pearance of churns after tbey have been used a while. Some get dark col ored and InXe their fresh, clenii look. Moreover, there Is often more or less of a mildewed appearance.' owing. It Is supposed, to tbe fact that a much used churn never has n chance .to become thoroughly dried out Neglect to keep it scrupulously clean Is fatal to any wooden utensil, since It will quickly absorb odors, and once permeated It Is next to Impossible to overcome the con fitloa entirely. All tbe Inside at n churn should bo regularly treated to a good scrtldlng 'with boiling water. There Is no necessity of so treating the tarnished outer surface, which If wl|ied off rrlfh a clofh wrung out of cold water will preserve Its prlxtine freshness Indefinitely. A stiff brush Is better than a cloth to tue in cleansing dairy uteustis Csre of Dairy Utansils. Flush the sepiralor with plenty of good old water Immediately after use Take Hie bowl ap.ni uud wash with wann water and washing |Minder until •li parts are ciesm-d. Then rinse thor ouglily with scalding hot wafer and place them in tlie clean milk supply tank to drain. itiu«e all the dip|>ers. can*, at nil tiers and palls with cold wa ter, then wash them thoroughly with hot water, washing powder mid a brash until all traces of milk are re moved. Ifluse with thoroughly hot wa fer. Never wljie tbem off with a cloth. I* they do not need It. but Incline on a Hean shelf or,over a trough eo tb.it the water enn drain nIT rendlly. Sho.a Per Flat Fast. Flat feet to horse* are often eaoaed br allowing the hliops to remain on too Iviig. A shoe for a flat footed horse should be wide In the wetland con caved well so aa not to lunch the sole of the foot. Pnt a g'**l piece of aole leather lieneulh tbe shoe and apply •owe good horse olutn>ent. "Toong mau. I saw jon pnt your arm •round my daughter's waist last even In*" "And I suppose yon noticed bow ahe ■trugglad "-Detroit Journal • Be (coming ont of hotel)— What book la that you're wading through? Ten nyson, eh? She—Did you notice the particular poein I was rending? lie— Xo Why? Slie—llc-.iuse It's odd you should -fanre used the word 'wading." I'd Ju»«l got fo the middle of Ibe Brook " - Boston Transrip* IN THE SHEEPFOLD. Select sheep that mature early for breeders. Keep only tbe best of your flock and only what you can projiei'ly feed mid core for. Sheep urejfe missing strong link in farmer's sy-eiem of crop rotation and stock pro duction. Buying sheep from the stock yards and placing them in one's breeding flock nt home Is risky business. Any building where the sheep get their backs wet and tbelr feet muddy Is not what could properly be called shelter. The farmer who is keeping abreast of the times recognizes In the sheep a sure profit maker and soil bnljdor in a single ani mal. Because the sheep wear warm con's of wool is no reason why the.v should be exposed to pierc ing winds, bitter cold and chill, driving rains. CORN LACKS PROTEIN. Animals Fad Exoluelvely on That Qi;aln Will Starve te Death. President Ilenry J. Waters of the Kansas Agricultural college in un ad dress before tbe American Boclety of Animal Nutrition at the Interactional IJve Stock exposition. Chicago, said corn Is deficient In two ways—lt Is defi cient in ash. and it does not contain enough lit the right sort of ash mate rial; It has not enough protein, and more than half tbe protein It has Is not ■ultnble or is Incapable of producing growth • President Waters showed that a pro tein once built up iu animal body, such as meat scraps, dried blood, milk case- In, eggs, otc., are complete proteins and produce growth when fed to other ani mals. A large proportion of tbe vege table proteins derived from bonus, pens, linseed lueai, clover and alfalfa, appear to be complete and are capable of mak ing growth. Weanling pigs weighing about forty five pounds at the Kunaas Agricultural college were fed one lot on corn and another ou corn and alfalfa paature 111 aummer and alfalfa hay In winter. In every caae the pigs were put Into tbe experiment at weaulng time weighing about forty-five pounda. being March pigs. The experiment began nlmuf July 1. In each experiment one group fed on corn alone In a dry lot did not thrive. At leaat one pig (lied eacb year Claims are made by the breeders of the pure bred Mulefoot hogs that compared with other breeds they are hardier, have greater vi tality, mature earlier and coat lesa to make the first 2M pounds. Tbe sows are gentle, kind mothers and usually very prolific, raising large „ litter* of pigs, which. If turned out. will hustle fur their living or will grow and thrive, puylng big returns under aood caro and .attention. The Mulefout sow pictured Is owned by John li. Dunlap, Wllllainsport, O. Hhe has won several championships. of what the veterinary experts declar ed to lie starvation, tbe fact that they were offered all the corn they'would eat. When pigs on oilier rations were weighing'J.V)|Kiunds eacb and were fat and ready for mar ket, the p|gs on corn alone were thin aud scrawny, weighing forty to sixty pounds. When ash alone was added to tbt corn (lie results were not perceptibly better. Ash was mnde up from yeur to year on different formulas, but ul ways with alsiut the same result. Ap paretiily (be corn needed something else Instead of or In addition ,to tbe ash. When n complete protein was added lo the corn In tbe fortn ul blood serum, tankage or alfalfa, tbe pigs mentioned uniformly made gain ruirfdly. grew lustily aud developed In every way. "Hklmiullk is one of tbe beat sup pleuients' to corn now known," said President Waters. "There Is no tjues Hon whatever that Its value Ilea In lt> protebi »»r asli foment or ls»Hi.* ttj wjiurnthifj tin- two and feeding tli protein n» raaoin. with com to one l»: iiml Hit' null miU migtir with -oro to mi other lot. we are In a fair way to de tertnfre » hl> li U (lie moat raluab.ecou Ml It 111-fit " 'l'lii- rcxnlta nt Manhattan »bow thai tlii* milk wltliont >-am-ln containing n»li and *»|far lihh nut produced Iwttcr re aulta tli.in corn alone. The pig* art until rift)', welching about forty tirr pound*. Tltey bare mnde no gain* Id lire weight In aliout all mttntli* ami are tlilu and ncrawny. The pig* fed corn aud cam-In, the protein of the milk. woUli -VI. to JWO poundu and are fat and ready for market.—Kan*a» InduatiinlUt. Watering the Sheep. Where nhuep are watered In a trough either Indoor* or out fbe water mtlat be nib out of the Irouitb dally and freali water |-ut In. All tr.iah, blta of atraw. •lired i of foddur. etc.. munt be cleaned out. iltale wnler, dirty and ullray.* In not (It 'for any animal to drink. The •beep la pnrtlculnrly aeiultire concern In* both feed and drink, and (tale wa ter doe* not ap)ie«il to It Vanity of Elephant*. Klephsif** are pmwlouutely fond of Barry mid delight to *e« tbeunwlvee decked out wltb gorgeoo* trapping* The native prime* of India are rery particular In chooalag their atate eie pbant* and will girt fabulou* *um» foi an animal that exactly meeta tb* *om» what fnnctfnl atandarda they hare erected. For thene they bar* made (loth* of allk ao baerily embroidered With told that two man are hardly able to lift then. MUNICIPAL CARE OF STREET TREES Firs! Grant Full Authority to a Commission. BET TIIE LEADING CITIZENS. A Largo M:isure of Succeas Depends Upon Clioicb of Proper People te Take Charge—Co Slow at ths Start. An Outline to Follow. By HINIIY N. CASTIB. I might summarize the method of procedure it* fuliowu: First —lf authority bim not nlwmJly been grunted over tbe street trees and parkway areas of your town, secure an act of your stalo legislature grunting such authority. Second.—Have your city authorities pass aiijmll.muce establishing u street tree commWloii uiujer the provision of the stale actN-^ Third.—Have the commission organ ize and draft such ordinances as will be necessary in the execution of Its power. Fourth.—Cut busy. Plant, prune, cul tivate, water and systematically care for all the street trees of your city, the exleul at your work to lie com mensurate with the appropriations granted by the city and tbe Income from work done fur citizens. Now, having provided the necessary legal machinery lo set in motion your street commission, you still have phys ically to plant the trees. The best ordluance in Ihe world never yet plant ed a tree and never will, mid upon Hie Intelligent or lack of Intelligent work ing out of llio powers conferred by the ordinance depends the success or fail ure of municipal coutrol of street trees. A word or two as to tbe formation of your commission. Pick carefully your members. They should ho men or women of sufficient public spirit to be .willing to give tbe necessary even ing once each week for tbe first yelir or so until plans arc well formulated and operations running smoothly. All should tie citizens of recognized influenco In the .community whose plans and workings will command the respect of Its citizens. Let as little as posfflhle of the appropriations made for the maintenance of the commission be used in running the machinery. Unless trees nre planted, pruned and repaired §s»*- PROrEII WAY TO PI. A NT HllAtlK TItKEH NKAII A UUUKK the romuilMtlon In not securing the re null* clinlml. no mutter how smoothly the machinery rune nor how exc 'Hit lire the pin in* dcvined. Again, go lit first. Experience IN H great ten' her. and yon will need lots of teaching. Hotter plant 100 trees the first yatu liul learn the dlfllcttltlMi connected therewith than to ptlerapt to plant I,oo> and make a failure of It. As a result of experimenting and ex perience aft«r much thought the Nor folk (Vs.) CQUimlKNlon adopted the fol lowing general outline for lt« guidance, which mar nerve us pointers to other*: The plan* of the commlnloii look to the protection of all trees on the atreeta Com mencing with thoae In ths inoat axpnaad altuatk>na and llubls to greater dannige, to aave alt the trera worth saving and to let even Inferior troea continue to grow until It la In • poaltlon to aulistltuls tet ter treea therefor; to refrain from •• I tlng out treea upon any of the etreata In the downtewn and other aectlona of the ottjr that are liable to come Into business ttae within the next dacad*,~ pr»a-rvTng the treea already growing, but adding no / e>penaa In aettlng out '>thera that may have to he removed within aueh period; to" eommencc a syatematlo planting of tree* upon the at reel ■ and boulevards having the greater iimnunl of travrl and ftlllng l utreeta In the thickly aet' (led raaMpftUal portions of the rlty where publlo spirited cltlxena hove' already act out • number of treea, thereby rmplai- Ing euch sections'. to lake under the eare of the commission alt Ireea of recent planting, whether planted by the commie ■lor. or not. pruning, mntrhlna and wa tering euch tree* the tame aa If they had been ptahted by the commission; to ar range with the school hoard for the plant ing of treea around all school ground' and upon the atreeta contiguous thereto for the dletanre of at least one block from the school grounds, aa a permanent and •continuous object lesson In the school children, and hy the formation of com mltteea of teachers and Chilean to Inter act them In the growth, protection and care of the treea. to croaa section the ctty with much traveled strecta fully planted with treea and then from year to year nil In the intervening atreeta so as to make complete ureas of the city as rapidly a* poealhls and to be ready al waya to respond to the request of cltl xena who are willing to pay the Initial coat In order to get tree* growing sooner than tha commission would otherwise plant them- Address Defore American Ctvtc Aseoctatlon Mua>c Extraordinary. "Are there any musician* la your family?" "Uitther' Why, my father la an adept at Mowing bU own trum pet, mother is equally expert at harp ing on one atrlng, my mother-in-law has to play second fiddle, and Aunt Tabltbh leads u . humdrum existence, while grandpa gives • solo on hjs na sal organ every night without the stops, uncle upends bis time wetting his whistle, Itarry Is fond or his pipe, and Gertie la forever ringing the changes m bar lover*T ***?■' "■' 1,1 11 ■ lll,l ; PLAYGROUND PARAGRAPHS. ;; Play counts for morala, for it [ > is in eur play .that we chooas ■. ■ thinga according to our ohar- ■■ \ acter, and by choosing we make ! ■ *ur character.—Elmer Ellaworth ■ ■ | Brown, United States CemQtls- \) , , sioner of Education. \ Happy hearts and happy faoos, . Happy play in grassy placee— ' That was how in ancient ages \ Children grew to kings and sages. )) —Robert Louis Stevenson. .. Of all mathoda of serving ) ) ' • those the conditions of whose • ■ | lives are narrow and hard I \ knew of none more important •• than the creation, in great ag- •• |) gregationa of population, of ]) ■. breathing apacea.—Bishop Pot • ■ ter \ \ Ha who helpa a child helpa ] \ ■ ■ humanity with p distinctness. ■ with an immediateness, which no ' [ [ other help given to human crea- ) ■ • turea in any other atage of their • '' human lifs can ever gTvc again.. !! —Phillips Brooks. • • Ths modern city child has loat ■ - \ j hia moat precloua birthright, \' .. the back yard. Dr. Wooda .. ■ ■ Hutchinson, FRONT YARD PLANNING. When Bpace Is Bmall Great Cars Must Be Used. On a lot of fifty feet the house is usually wltllln .twenty feet of tbe side walk. Small grounds like this should never have shrulis dotted over tbein or be cut up with beds, as this makes the front yard look cluttered. All planting, uulemi It be of trees, should be close to tbe house In a way to cover tbe underpinning as much as possible or on 'he line lietween lots Shrubs in the 1 kground, with hardy herbaceous plants, bedding plants and annuals' In front, nre most desirable. If you use more than one color, avoid those that clash, sucb as several shades of red. Use enough white to bring out tlie mixture. The inusslug of several plants of one color Is most effective. If you uue yel low have the plants dwarf and In the front. If blue enters Into your plant- Ing that should be at the farthest point. Avoid straight lines as far as possible. Oraceful curves give much more natu ral effect und a lietter perspective. STREET TREE PRUNING. A Few Hints For This Important Part of Maintenance Work. The work of pruning should be lie gun at the top of the tree and com pleted at the bottom. In this way the desired farm can lie lietter secured, and there la less danger of accident. The men employed should lie careful not to do more damage by breaking and bruising thnn they do good by pruning. A rope properly adjusted about the waist and fastened to a stout limb alsive the workman Is an excellent inpnns of sustaining the prin cipal weight of the while moving about through the tree. The form and dlrectlou of the cut when removing branches depend upon tho position of the branch on tho tree and upon whether It Is to Imi (Imply shortened or entirely removed. Erect branches aft shortened by cut ting tbem at an angle, tliua preventing ■the undue entrance of water, while «ldo branches are cut perpendicularly for the same reason. FRANCE'S GOOD IDEA. Municipal Employment Bureau te Be Tried In Paria. Tho French government passed a low In I!XH authorizing the establishment of free municipal employment bureaus. Nothing was done a bout (lie matter until last year, .when the minister of lajior aroused new Interest In Uio es tablishment of these bureaus, which had been worked out so successfully In (■ertnaiiy, Belgium, Switzerland, etc. He invited the prefects to consider Hie matter, and the prefect of the Seine has bccu instructed to present definite plana to (he municipal council for the establishment of sucb a bureau In one of (he dlstrictt of Paris. The plan Is tocmdtict the burenu on very democratic lines, in have It con trolled by a commission eotnjsmcd of . the workmen and employers and [ire tided over by a man of special quallfl totlona. A Ihidl Trse Census. Tho shade tice committee of tb- city jf t*lilliid4)l|iliUi tww mllnnHtcln ro]K)rt to tlif I'nlrnioiilit park V-oi u jij l hh lon compiled from T'M)O2 onril*. giving a Census of Iron i iltoul 2,000 mill-* of ] •idewalk mid to. rlliliig 110,101 K|«v| ' (Drill. Of these .Vl.'tOO are kUuhlliik , unprotected by any gnard« anil aro Ha- j lile to be Injured. wtitlo thousands of ' other* arc strangled by guards thai j (bay bam outgrown. Many Irwi have died owing to Improper pinntlng anil lack of care. An appropriation of SM,- j 400 la Hiked for. or about 40 cents |*r existing tree. The coat of pruning and -leaning h.ia averaged 00 centa and •praying 70 centa - Country Gentle nan. Nature Study and Progress. More and more of naturo study la being lntrodmnl Into wbool* from tbe blKbext to tbe lowest, and no email part of It consists of studies In plant life, added to which Is tbe experience gained In tbe school garden or field •todies along botanical lines. In tbe next generation a marked Improvement will be seen In tbe general appreciation »f parka, street trees and other means *t making tbe town beautiful along itrictly horticultural Hues. Senglsss Spain. Then waa almost ss little acted aa opoken drama In tbe streets. 4 bar* given my Impression of tbe song less neaa of Spain, In Madrid a* elsewhere, but If there waa no street singing there was often street playing by pathetic bands of blind minstrels with guitars and mandolins. The blind abound ev erywhere in Spain in that profession of street beggary which I always encour aged, believing, as I do, that comfort In this unbalanced world cannot be too COn*l»nft» wntauUrt of misery. Af • 'i ■»'« " Si". ">;•/' •'•H'j . ,_, v - - -v; - v. Madam, Read McCall's The Fashion Authority 1 McCAIX'3 k « km. .rtirtle, hand. ] J®m«ly illustrated 100-paga imiiUfr I that h addini to tho happi- I MM and afficiency of 1,100,000 I wewiH each month. Xach fmue in brimful or f/whion*, finer- I work, Interesting short sturle*, and scorea fi of labor-saving and money-savin* Men for women. There fcre more titan fiO of f: Ibe newest designs of tlt e celebrated . 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It givesall the news of North Carolina besides the complete Associated Press Service. The Semi-Weekly Observer issued on Tuesday and Friday for $1 per year gives the reader a full report of the week's news. The leading Semi- Weekly of the State. Addrees all orders to ~ Observer COMPANY. CHARLOTTE, N. C. LIVES OF CHRISTIAN MINISTERS This book, entitled as above, contains over 200 memoirs of Min isters in the Christian Church with historical references. An interesting volume—nicely print ed and bound. Price per copy: cloth, $2.00; gilt top, $2.60. By : mail 20c extra. Orders may be sent to - P. J. Kkrnodlk, I 1012 E. Marshall St., - » Richmond, Vh. Orders may be leftatthisVlßce. i I i "»•> v-i;is«nfl- i ' y '' Ttm Is it* Jcuth, »x»do i•, *: • ikh. tt«o «ri..-opt a*. -'A f • f W tv t afcfraao. C #W -V Mm H • *it :ci t \ t'-» t/w v* »| -e4 in tit ftjn at ffHrr. f'o *1 ?'• , left ' j ##- re «r Jto be ?liO .TU»-t it nun, /ff» f | g(. J • I i«*kfi»ie. Wins at oa-e to* t«ulece* l"ri:»Jcat. W. 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