■THE GLEANER N. C., NOT. 20,1913. Poßtolflce Hows. BflM open 7.00 a. m. t07.00 p. m. Bandar ••*> to 11.00 a. m- and 4.00"to SM p. a H BEN AN HLQHBS, Postmaster. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦■l EHII++ f + NEWS. 11 ]ii 111 uii in 1111 n 1111? —Dr. J. J. Bearfoot has bought a njice run-a-bout auto. —During the cold snap last week quite a number of porkers were killed. —The County Commissioners wil meet next Monday in adjourned session. I —Thanksgiving Day. is only a ' week off—Thursday, 27th inst. inst. —The Farmers' Warehouse has | given all the big prizes, but one, f this season—better sell your to bacco with the Farmers'. —Miss Margaret Goley entertain t ed the Young Ladies' Club last Friday afternoon and served de lightful refreshments.' —Mr. Win. I. Ward has bought t the Kobt 8. Mebane residence on W. Harden St. and is getting ready to move in. * —Messrs. J. Clarence Wajiker and Don E.( Scott went to Caswell county the first of the week to spend a few days hunting. —Alamance Superior Court will convene next Monday for the trial ( . , of criminal cases only. The docket does not promise to be large. —Though five weekß from this day till Christmas, some of the shop windows would make you be lieve ihe festive day was piuch nearer. * —When such fine weather as this comes along it makes ona forget that only a tew days ago he was shivering .from cold and, pressing close to the fire. —Tobacco is selling high,. See some of the averages made by your neighbors in' the big ad. of the Farmers' Warehouse, Bur lington. Thornburg & Outhrie will see that you get the top price. —The Western N. C. Christian Conference which had its annual session at Ramseur last week ad journed to meet with New Prov idence Christian church at this place on Tuesday after the second Sunday in November, 1914. —Green McClure Furniture Co. have lately added very much to their large and handsome stock. When going about to find some thing to remember a friend with, you can find something at their store that would please and afford comfort ut the same time. —The shopper for dry goods can find almost anything really needed in the household in one or more of the several well filled stores in Graham. We are not telling you which particular store to visit for your wants, as the store-keepers would doubtless prefer to do trfat in their own way. —Esq. John M. McCracken, arm ed with search and seizurg im plements, Jumped a big blind tiger in Burlington yesterday. L. C. Crater operated the Joint. He waived examination and was bound over to court. Besides A 5 gallons of booze many empty ves sels were found. , Jr. Order Thanksgiving Sermon. By invitation of Graham Council Jr. O. U. A. M., Rev. J. F. Mor gan will preach a Thenksgiving sermon older at New Prov idence Chrittinn church at 3 o'clock on the afternoon of Sunday, No vember 29th. The Daughters of Liberty have been invited to Join with the Jr. Order in attending the service. A Card of Thanks. Mcfl. Lizzie Cooper, the widow, and the children ot Mr. Alson G. Cooper, who died suddenly at his near Saxapahaw, on the night ot 12th inst,, desire to return their grateful thanks to the neighbors, and friends for the kindnesses shown them during their sad be reavement; Among the Sick. Mr. Calvin Donnell, who has been quite sick for a week, is very much Improved. Dr. W. R. Goley was on the sick list the latter part of l«*t week arid the first of thia. ' Mrs. C. B. Irwin has been sick for several days and confined to her home. MM. Heenan Hughes has been very ill for the past few daya. Mra. Jno. V. Murray's condition does not materially improve. new AaveniKiueflift. Thornburg h Outhrie—Farmed* Warehouse (the old Brick Wart house), Burlington want your to bacco. See their ad. and note the big averages—they are the pio neers. Sell with them and you will not be disappointed. Graham C>r.g Co— Haa something to aay about prescriptions. See ad In another eolamn. Green ft McClure Furniture Co are putting in an immense stock of furniture and house furnishings and want you to know about it. See ad in another column. -Alamance Cohnty—Ail Property for aale. See ad. Southern Railway Co.—Excursion to Richmond, Va„ leaving here the evening of Nov. 96th. See ad for ratea, etc. « v R. N. Cook, Sheriff—Has some thing to aay about jour taxes. See • ad. elaewhere. E. 8. Parker, Com'r—Sale of val uable lota in Graham and also wa ter power property. Look up ad. in another column. >+Tl 14 H"H4+4-++H+++H*+'H ♦ ♦ + / PERSONAL. * Margaret Seott of Melville was Jn town last Friday. '* Mr. H. W. Scott spent Monday and Tuesday in Raleigh. Mlaa Blanch Scott left for Chapel Hill yesterday on a visit. Mr. and' Mra. E. D. Scott apent Tuesday in Greensboro. Mr. John G. Clark, near Sn.ow Camp was here Tuesday. Mr. Will E. White was in Greens boro the first of the week on bus iness. Col. J. A. Long was in Enfield the first of the week on legal bus iness. X Mr. Thos. S. Beall of Greens boro was a business visitor here yesterday.; Mr. Robert . Sloan of Barium Springs is here visiting Mr.' Arm strong Holt. Mrs. L. Banks Holt, accompanied Blanch Scott spent Tuesday in Greensboro. Miss Joanna Jones attended the Western N. C. Christian Conference at Knmseur last week. Mrs. J. W. Menefee left Sat urday for Greensboro "where she will spend the winter. Mr. J9to Reinhardt of Lincoln ton apent, yesterday here with his sister, Mfsa Edna Reinhardt. Dr. and Mrs. J.- J. Barefoot and Mra. fi. L. Holmes spent Tuesday afternoon in Greensboro. Mrs. J. Mel Thompson of Me bane spent the latter part of last week here as the guest of Miss Margaret Goley. Mrs. J». Banks Williamson of pienco? is spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. C. B. Irwin, who is sick. Mrs. B. Williamson left Monday for Baltimora and New York to be gone a few weeks, by Mrs. E. D. Scott and Miss Mrs. M. JS. Brady is expected to arrive this afternoon on a vis it to her daughter, Mrs. J. L. Scott, Jr. Rev. Geo. L. Curry left for High Point yesterday morning to attend the annual meeting ot the North Carolina Conference of the Methodist Protestant church. Mr. Alfred N. Roberson of La cey, Newlin township passed through town this morning ou (lis way to attend the Methodißt Pro testant Conference at High Point. Mrs. J. O. McGruder of Dan ville arrived here yesterday to spend some time at home of Mrs. Lynn B. Williamson. Miss Min nie Williamson and Mrs. Meßride Holt met her in Greensboro with an auto. Mr. Jas. D. Proctor of Lumber ton arrived here Saturday and left Monday for home accompanied by Mrs. Proctor and their little daughter, Elizabeth, who had been here for three weeks visiting Mrs. Proctor's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Kernodle. Mrs. Jas. -N. Williamson returned last week from Baltimore where ehe had been for several weeks for treatment for an injury received by a fall, being very much bene fitted. She was accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Mary Spencer of Martinsville, Va. Mess. Ed. H. Williamson of Fay etteville and J. Walter Williamson of Wilmington were here last Fri day visiting their mother, Mrs. Fannie A. Williamson. They left Saturday, and Mr. Ed. H. William son was accompanied by his moth er, who will spend some time with him. Public Meeting of the Local Relief Association. The annual public meeting of the Graham Local Relief Aaaociation (associated charities) will be held at the Baptist church Monday, Nov. 24th, at 7:30 p. m. Winter is com ing, the poor and sick will be need ing help, and we ahould so organize our work that it may be done eco nomically and with true charily to those who really need aid. At thia meeting officers will be elected and committees appointed for Hie coming year. We cordially invite all persona to attend and join in thia good work. E. S. Pabkeb, Jr., President. Points The Way The Statement of This Bur lington Resident Will In terest Our Readers. t Oar neighboring town of Burling ton points the way In the words of one of her most respected citi zens : J. A. Harder, Davis St., Burling ton, N, C„ says : "I was troubled a greet deal With backache and dull pains through my loins and sides. I often noticed that the kidney secretions were unnatural and passed too frequently. Upon a friend's advice I decided to try Doan's Kidney Pills, and got a box at the Freeman Drug Co.'s. I hsd used them but a short time before my kidneys were restor ed to their normal condition." "When your back ie lame—re member name." Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy—ask dis tinctly for Dosn's Kidney Pills, the same kind that Mr. Harder had— the kind - backed by home testi mony/ 50c all stores. Poster- Miiburn Co., Prop'rs, Buffalo, N, Y. GRAHAM CHURCH DIRECTORY Baptist-N. Main St.-Jas. W. Rose, Paator. Preaching services every Second and Third Sundays at 11.00 a. m. and 7JO p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 9.4b a. m.—C. B. Irwin, Superin tendent. Graham Christian Church—N. Main Street—J. F. Morgan, Pastor N , Preaching services overy Sec ond and Fourth Sundays, at 11.00 a'm. Sunday School every Sunday at 10.00 a. m.—C. D. Johnston Super intendent. New Providence Christian Church—N. Main Btreet,' near the Depot—J. F. Morgan, Pastor. Preaching every Second and Fourh Sundays at 3.30 p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 2.30 p. m.—Arthur T. Walker, Su perintendent. % Friends—'borth of Graham Pub lic School—J- .Robert Parker, Pas tor. Preaching every Sunday at. 11 a. m. and at 7.30 p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 10.00 a. m.—Miss Belle Zachary, Superintendent. Methodist Episcopal, South—cor. Main and Maple Sts„—Services at present in Court House—R.- G. L. Edwards, Pastor. Preaching every Sunday at 11.09 a. m. and at 7.80 p. m. Sunday Bchool v every Sunday at 9.45 a. m.—W. B. Green, Supt. Methodist Protestant—College St,, west of Graham Public School —Geo. L. Curry, Pastor. Preaching every First, Third and Fourth Sundays at 11.00 a. m. and every First, Third, Fourth and Fith Sundays at 7.30 p. m. Bunday School every Sunday at 9.45 ft. m.—J. 8. Cook, Supt. Presbyterian—West Elm Street —E. C. Murray, Pastor. . Preaching every Sunday at 11.00- a. m. and atm. Sunday 'BehOM"every Sunday at 9.45 a. m.—Meßride Holt,. Supt. Presbyteriafi 1 (Travora Chapel)— J. E. LebUy, Pastor. Preaching every Second and Fourth Sundays at 7.30 p. 'to. Sunday School every Sunday at 2.30 p. m.—J. Harvey White, Su«- perintendent. . ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + SCHOOL NEWS. + ♦ + +++++++++++++++++++++++-H-+ The awarding 6t prizes to the. members of the Boy's Corn Club for the county will take place in. Graham, Saturday, November 29th, at 11 a. m. A full programme for the occasion is being arranged. There are 50 members in the club. Mr. Charley Newlin of Newlin township, .has a family of children that have made and are making, a record attendance. Year before last tl&re were six of the children in school and they carried home from the County Commencement six Honor Certificates for being neither absent nor tardy for the entire year. Last year there were five and they carried' home five Honor Certificates. This year there are five in school and the five have made the record for the certificates to date'. One of the children is a little 6-year-old girl, oiid although the school hbuse is over twp rtiiles away over some real bad road, little f)adie goes every day, on time, and does not ask to be hauled. Several teacHers have signified their intention to attend the Teachers' Assembly, which begius at 8.30 o'clock, the night of the 26. The Superintendent will leave on Monday evening to attend the State Meeting of County Superin dents in Raleigh, Just prior to the meeting of the Assembly. Two dozen good globes have been received at the Superintend ent's office. Any school in the county in need of a globe can be supplied at the next Teachers' meeting. Woodlawn school gave a* party with refreshment! last Saturday night for the benefit of the school. The proceeds amounted to $23.60. Several other schools are planning to do likewise. Stock of Merchandise and Store Fix tures For Sale. Pursuant to an order of the Su perior Court of Alamance county, the undersigned receiver will offer for sale the entire stock of goods, wares and merchandise and all store fixtures of the Holmes-Warren Company of Mebane, N. C., at public auction at Mabaoe.N. C„ iu the building where said stock of goods m now located, on Friday, December 6, 1913, at 12 o'clock noon. The stock of goods and fixtures will be offered separately and in dif ferent combinations and then as a whole, the way bringing the most money will be reported for con firmation. Terms of sale, cash; ten per cent, of amount bid to be paid upon day of aale, balance'upon confirmation; sale subject to confirmation by the C-urt. This 13th day of NOT., 1913. ALAMANCE LOAN A TBUST CO/, Receiver Holmes-Warren Co. 13novtds GRAY HAIR MADE ITS ORIG INAL COLOR. CUp TUta SitiM-Wwtk SO Ceats It your hair la gray, stresked with gray, white, brittle, falling out, itching scalp or dandruff, ap ply Q-Ban hair color restorer to gray hair and acalp. Not a dye, it brings to the hair surface the original color nature gave your hah-. Makts gray halt brown, blark, auburn or Us original color at 17 or ti years of age. Never tails. l'«jtft*Uy -harml -ss, delight-, tul to uso.- Q-Uan makes hair soft, full if life beautiful. Sfaps dand ruff, itching scalp *nd falling hair. Complete directions for home treatment of the hair with each bottle. 50c by parcels post, or re turn this notice and |I.OO and we will deliver you three bottles. If not satisfied by its use we give you back £1.50. Address Hesitisf kllis Drug Co., Memphis, Tenn. | ISnovly. sdv. -I -^-^ > We sell the only Nissen Wagon with full name of maker on each Wagon. Sold 4 ono day, 2 Cars | in stock all sizes. Sold out Superior Grain Drills —best year ever had on Drills before —sold 4 one day. J . Car Walter A. Wood Disk and Spike tooth Harrowsto come in—Only Spike harrow with the re | | leiving Spring on frame- Sole 5 Spike harrows one day. ; ' Big stock buggies, harness, lap robe*, blanket*. Plows, Wood Sawa, Engine's -Seed Oats, Wheat i Rye, Clover, and Grass Seed, Lawn Grass. | | Good honest lines merchandise, and honest fair dealing for all the people is what has made this | i business grow—Cotton good price—Tobacco selling higher than ever knows —The good times are here N. ~S. CARD WELL, BURLINGTON Ben helps run the farm , on rime Is It hard for you to get tba (arm hands out on timef ' la it hard for you to gut tham up in the morning? If so, why not let Big Ban do it for you? Big Ban is a truth tailing and reliable alarm clock. It's his business to get people up in the world. And he'll do It every day at any time you aay. Nest time you drive to town, walk over to the store and take. a look at him. I keep him in the window where everyone can see him. Sold and Guaranteed by Z. T. HADLEY, JEWOJQt * OPTICIAN GRAHAM, N. C. / HALF-GENT COLUMN. Advertisement* will to Inserted under this Imiilm at ooe oair of s oeut a word tor each ' Insertion No ad. lnaerted for lee* than 10ota. Count your wurdi and send caan with order. Each Initial or abbreviation count* a word. 11,000 to loan on real estate se curity. LONO & LONO, Attorneys. —lf you want or need a blank book—journal, ledger, pocket or vest pocket memorandum, record book or other kinds of blank books, call st THE GLEANER Printing Office. HOUSES and lots for rant. Ap ply to W. J. Nicks. —Yon can buy almost sny kind of blank book you may need at THE Glkaneb Printing Office. — —r... : SCHOOL SUPPLIES Tablets Composition and Examination Books snd Dixon's Kencils, the b *t, made, st THE GLEAMS Printing Office. -BL£NK BOOKS-A goodsa-] sortment at The Glf.au eh offire. \ V P-TO-D ATB + JO KI NINO | I DONfi AT THIS OFFICE. | I % OIVB U8 A TRIAL. I ++++++++++**+* I t For GLEANER Subscribers Watch For Announcement I++♦+++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++ t I ANNOUNCEMENT | - - 2 + SEsiBBHHBSEEEHHSES X I I + We have just appointed Mr. G. C. Phillips District + ? Manager lor Alamance County with headquar- % I ten In Graham, N. C. 1 T Mr. Phillips is well known in Alamance County, and has had 7 i a good deal of experience in life insurance. He is a man of excel- 1 + lent character, honest and upright iu all bis dealings, and we know 4 t will build up a large business for our Company. « Mr. Phillips fslt that it was to bis interest to make a contract 1 T with us, as we are a North Carolina Company, the premiums col- 4 + lected being kept st home for investment, instesd of being sent 4 + awsy to benefit people of other communities. 3 I We write all kinds of insurance and all ngp«, and are under 1 t the direct supervision'of the Insurance Commissioner of North j f Carolina, We deposit the same amount tif reserve with the In- J I surance Commissioner as all the large Companies, and therefore j T our policy holders have the aame protection as the largest Company h + in Ihe life insuraqp business. j X We ask for Mr. Phillips the consideration of the people, and j T in placing insurance with nim they are aiding themselves, as we j + are a purely mutual Company and the policy holders are the J t owners. There are no stock holders, hence all ttle profits made be- ] + long to the policy holders and are applied to the different kinds o\ ■■ + policies. * , 1 , , ' J | LaFAYETTE MUTUAL LIFEZ*IKC~J- ] I RANCE COMPANY $ LUMBERTON, N. C. j f W«J. Ileattie, Jr., Prest, E. A. Pje, Vice Prest., Oscar L. H f Clark, Vice Prest, E. E. Page, Sec & Treas, Robt. E. Lee, Gen. h I Counsel, Q. R. Nimocks, Asst. Gen. Counsel, Seavy Highsmith, ] I M. !>., Director, A. F. McGuire, Director, A. J. McKinnon, Director, j T Adolphus Cheek, Local Agent, Burlington, N. C. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++ ' I I Winter Is Here, ji;. AND Christmas is Coming (i ■ . YOU WILL NEED A%T Suit of Clothea, |\| PiTXT Overcoat, Tiea, Shirts. and a pair of Shoea ate. ij We Have BEST Line In Ala mance [County For the . 'MONEY 11 - •il . MS ' X , - I I I I ——————— Give Us A Trial Is All We Ask J.M. CRAWFORD&CO. i;Vestal Building Graham, N. C. i > THE MOST IMPORTANT THING A druggist does is fill preserip- / where this feAtnre has more scru- ' I script ions here, where everything IS CERTAIN TO BE RIGHT. Graham Drug Company, 'Phone 99 >jy,g Store =*s=bbs=—i— b———-—seas ; 1 ' iB iGREEN & MCCTUTE Furniture Company f 11 J FURNITURjE and iithis Fall ever shown | :;They Can Furnish Your Needs. | I S RIGHT j •r At : :Come"to Graham and, inspect their Line and you will | ;; be well pleased. i GREEN &HcCLURE FURNITURE CO.I GRAHAM, N. C. . ! FARMERS • ■ c. «•' . . O Don't sell your tobacco at home, but bring it to the OLD BRICK WAREHOUSE and let Bill Thornburg get you the highest market prices to be found anywhere. See below some of the prices Thornie got for some of his customers the past week : • —— i _ _ I McCnuley A Madkins 37*2 Brought $124,2 Lucian King A Co. ' 492 Brought 180.70 Joe King A 8r0..... ►.... 2003 Brought 520.18 Fonville A Murray 1014 Brought 281.31 Julo Pace ; ;.T.... 508 Brought 107.90 T. F. Jeffreys ...1006 Brought 270.1(5 W. O. Sartin *. 980 Brought 5493.8-1 Mrs. James Coleman 428 Brought 139.8'J Mrs. J. H. Miller ~ 594 Brought 168.45 Hensley A Gilliam 514 firought 128.95 Coleman A Maynard 474 Brought 142.39 Vincent A Fonville 738 Brought 213.95 L. W. Iloney 1018 Brought 291.83 A. N. Johnson 1118 Brought 231.37 . J. Mac. Garrison 851 Brought 200.41 Day A Walker. 11C2 Brought 398.19 A. O. Huffman 1031 Brought 269.50 O. E. Miles.. 90* Brought 218.55 Mrs. Uettie Sutton 427 Brought 98.47 Zeb B. Blanchard 31G Brought 82.77 G. A. Roscoe 468 Brought 127.24 J. G. Kofcoe.. 252 Brought 07.70 Arthur Koscoe 304 Brought 81.85 Mrs. 8. K. Jeffreys. 540 Brought 148.71 Ald ridge A Corbett {... 1100 Brought 299.85 Fritcbett A Allisou 960 Brought 251.91 J. T. Kiee 722 Brought 173.28 Elizabeth Cantrell 034 Brought 155.00 J. M.Story... 544 Brought 138.70 C. K. Iloney .. 390 Brought 97.94 Fatton AGant...: 778 Bronght 216.02 L. L. Koscoe . 502 Brought 133.57 King A Corn 629 Brought 196.98 J. Y. D0ug1a55....... 593 Bronght 167.41 J. Kd Garrison ..' 478 Brought 135.94 J. F. Madron 920 Brought 204.79 Come on to the Old Brick House, let Bill Thornburg, the farmers' friend, get you the top dollar for your tobacco. I y Will L. Thornburg The Old Reliable Auctioneer at the Old Brick Warehouse, v BURLINGTON, N. C. Freckled Girls It ia 1.1 absolute fact, that ooe 60 cent Jar of WILSON'S FRECKLE CREAM will either rcmovo voar f recklua at causa them to fade and that two Jar» Will even ia the moat acyere caaea completely cure them. Wa are willing to personally guarantee this and to return your money without argument if your complexion ta not fully restored to its natural beauty. WILSON'S FRECKLE CREAM ia fine, fragrant and abaolutely barmleaa. Will LES eSSflh today and try It. The jars •re lartro and results absolutely certain. Sent by mail if desired. Price 50c. Mammoth iara*l.oo. WILSON'S FAIB - SKIN SOAP 25c. For sale by GRAHAM DRUG COMPANY. [Constipation "For many yean Iwas troubled, in 1 spite of all ao-called remedies I used. 1 At last Ifoond quick relief andeure DR. KING'S i NewLifePiSls Adolph Scliinjnwk, Buffalo, N.T. | i actm pta »orau>T/uLD«L'CGiSTs. ' SUBSCRIBE FOR THE gLEANJgfijH SI.OO A YEAR -IN ADVANCE.-