THE GLEANER IBBUKD KVKEV THUMP AT. J. P. KEKNOPLE, Editor. *I.OO A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. ADVKKTIKINO KATBb j mo squared in.).l time 11.(10, r«ar-.«nh-l ecu* nt Insertion 50 centa. For mora iMrt ai 1 longer time, rate* furnlibert on »pf 11:*- >a. Local not'eo* 10 ot*. a lln« for nr*t nrrtlon ; subsequent Insertion* it ct«. a line (fanalent advertl**ments muu ha paid 'or advance The editor will not be' responsible for /lew* expreased by oorreapondent*. Bnterei) at the Poitofflee at Graham. N. 0.. M aecondblan matter. GRAHAM, N. C„ April 10, 1915. It is cheering to note thlat the trend of business Is still on the up grade. The country is recover ing rapidly from the effects of the depression caused by Ufe grant War that has rnged in for the past more than eigh^months. Last Friday night at Chapel Hill in the High School debating con test, two girls, Lalia Rook Flem ing and Ethel Oardner, of Wil son won the Aycock Memorial Cup. They won the distinguished honor over two boys from Snitesville. These debates have grown in in terest from year to year Hon. J. A. Long of Roxboro,.Per son county's most distinguished citizen died last Monday morning. He was a brave Confederate sol dier. After the war he went to work in earnest and prospered, nt represented his county in the State Senate and House often and was a wise member. In his death, not on ly his county, but the State has suffered a loss. BATTLE OF LINDLEY'S MILL. Monument Unveiled Kaster Monday, April Stb. Cor. of Tho Gleaner. The teachers and student body of Spring School marked the battle ground of Lindley's Mill, which is In the Southern part ot Alamance county, Easter Monday, by erecting a small monument in honor of the brave men who fought in this bat tle. An appropriate program had been prepared, and at 11.30 a. m, the boys and girls lined up at the loot ,of the hill, then marched up to the monument, forming a half cir cle. The monument was a small slab placed in a rock and cement mound bearing this inscription, "For Jus tice here was fouflit the battle of Lindley's Mill September 14, 1781, by the North Carolinians, 1915." Mr. E. P. Dixon made a few remarks to the parents and friends stating the object of tho celebra tion. Then the school sang "Amer ica, the Beautiful". After this a short description of the battle was read by Miss Venla Lewis. ''Ho ! For Carolina," was sung by the school, after which tho monument was unveiled by Misses Rosie Mc- Bane and Nigel Marlett. Mr. Percy Lindley delivered the presentation speech, an dMr. Edgar H. Mcßane accepted the monument on behalf of th> county, as Prof. J. B. Rob ertson was unable to get there. Miss Alta Marlett read a beautiful poem which she had written for the occasion. The last song, 'Columbia the Oem of the Ocean, was sung ,and lastly a picnic dinner was enjoyed. »Those who wished to drove to the school ground where they were entertained by the girls playing a basket ball game. This was a day long to be re membered and it is hoped that an other picnic may be enjoyed each following Easter Monday. Burlington Route No. 8. Cor. of The Oleaner. Uncle Sidney Hensley, who is over 90 years old, is now very KMbfet Mr*, John Sutton, who was taken to St. Leo's Hospital for appendi citis last week, la reported as doing doing well, Hope she will soon re cover. Wilson S. Caffey is very feehle now. His aon, John R. Caffey of Summerfield, N. C., visited him last wottk nPV of the Jamestown High School, spent Saturday, Sun- Monday with his father, J. C. McCulloch. Ben la a bright y°JJ n I m«n and we feel sure he will make good. Rufus Saul, who ha a been sick, AJJo."*: o ."* U P ,n d *bout again. Poater la still Improv .i W c! K «"»°dle of No. Ila T ta }, t ,' n l h * r P ,rent »' *r. and Mrs. J. W. So mere. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jones of At » if !' # P«ttding a week at J. R. Oates' on No. »" Eugene Brooks and family of Caa- Weil county viaited his sister, Mrs. O. E. Faucette, Sunday. The Boone Democrat aaya Mr. •60. I. Anhnr ol Buncombe county, * h ° recently wrote a history ot Western North Carolina, la gath in* data to write a history of Wa tauga county. It la announced that a score or ™® r *.'rt«nds of Lieut. Ooornor Daughtridge la Naah and ad.olnlng pfans to puah the Lieutenant cmapaign for the Democratic nomi nation for Governor. _ Mra. D*sha Breckenridgty vlce- P resident of the National Woman * President of the Bqiial Right's League of Ken tucky and chairman of the com mittee on anti-child labor, apoke L I# lUl , eigh Thursday night in be half of woman suffrage* IW. F Clegg). hotel man of Oreens- whqta credited with being the Brat to adopt the European plan in thla Stat* haa now abofiahed tipping ta his hotel. Throughout the hotel J lB E? ,ted signs* "Positive 'y No Tippln* Allowed." An exam ple worthy of emulation. Gov. Craig has appointed a num ber of delegates to the second an nual meeting of the National Con ference on Charitiea and Correc tion to be held in Baltimore* Mav 13-lt. Among thoae appointed are W. A. Blair of Winston-B,»lem, Cae aar g Con«^ McAllister and W. ■—— I 'a' . ———iJ—— i M v SnanshotS Almo,,t a month after Its entrance Into Newport News (Va.) harbor the German sea raider, Prlnz Eltel Friedrlch, was Interned. riCWS Oliap u Captain Thlericheus and.his officers being paroled. German submarines continued sinking enemies' ships, making It necessary Of the Week for passengers on all English vessels to take a course In life saving. Russians pushed over Carpathians on way to Hungary, thousands of Austrlaiis being taken prisoners. For first time women voted for mayor In Chicago, where William Hale Thomp son, Republican, defeated Rol>ert M. Kweitzer by 130,000 plurality. Jess Wlllard defeated Jack Johnson at Havana for heavyweight championship in twenty slxth«round with knockout blow. Convention for revision of New York's constitution opened, former Senator Eliliu Root being elected chairman. Germany refused Gilford Plucbot. former chief forester of United States, permit to pass through Belgium because sister Is married to English AGREEMENT Between The Alamance, Durham and Orange Railway & Electric Co., and the Piedmont Trust Co. WHEREAS, on the 6th day of April, 1915, a petition was present ed to the Board of County Com missioners of Alamance county North Caroling, by certain citizens, taxpayers and freeholder*. of Mor ton township. Alamance county, asking that the said Board of Com missioners order an election on the question of the issuance of Ten Thousand Dollars (|l# 000.00) of Bonds by said Commissioners, on behalf of said township for Ten Thousand Dollars of the Preferred Stock of, and in, said Alamance. Durham and Orange Railway and Electric Company : AND WHEREAS, on the same date a like petition was present ed to the said Board of County Commissioners by certain citizens taxpayers and freeholders of Fau cette township. Alamance county, asking for a like election in said Faucette township, on the question of the issuance of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) of Bonds for a. like amount of the stock aforesai I; AND WHBREA& on the same date a like petition was presented by certain citizens, taxpayers and freeholders of Burlington township Alamance county, to the said Board of Commissioners, asking for a like election in . said Burlington township, upon the question of the issuance of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50000,00) of bonds for a like amount of the Stock aforesaid ; *■ AND WHEREASi on a later date a like petition will be presented to the said Board of County Com missioners of Alamance county by certain citizen* taxpayers and free holders of Graham township Ala mance county,, asking for a like election upon the issuance of Thir ty-five Thousand Dollars (?3,V000.00| of Bonds in said Graham township, for a like amount of the Preferred Stock of the said Alamance, Dnr l ham and Orange Railway and Elec tric Company j AND WHEREAS, on a later date a like petition will be presented to the said Board of Commissioners by certain resident*, taxpayers, and freeholders of Thompson township Alamance county., asking for a like election in Thompson township on the question of the issuance of Twenty Thousand Dollars (J2#.000) of Bonds for a like sum of the Pre ferred Stock of the said Railway and Electric Company; AND WHEREASv on a later date a petition will be presented to the Board of Commissioners of Orange county,. North Carolina, by certain resident*, taxpayers «tnd free* holders of Bingham township. Or ange county. North Carolina, ask ing that the said Board of Commis sioners order an election on the is suance of Fifteen Thousand Dol lars (t15.000) of Bonds by said Com missioners on behalf of said town ship for Fifteen Thousand Dollars of the Preferred Stock of the said Alamance, Durham and Orange Railway and Electric Company; AND on a later date a like petition will be presented to the said Board of Countv Com missioners by certain citizens. tax payers and freeholders of Chapel Hill township. Orange county, North Carolina, asking for a like election. In said Chapel Hill town ship. on the question of the issu ance of Twenty-five Thousand Dol lars (935.000) of Bonds by said Com missioners on behalf of said town ship for a like amount of the Pre ferred Stock of the 'said' Railway and Electric Company; AND WHEREAS. on a later date a petition will be presented to the Board of Commissioners of Durahm county. North Carolina, by certain resident*, taxpayers and freehold ers of Patterson township. Durham county. North Carolina, asking that the said Board of County Commis sioners order an election on the question of the Issuance of Fifteen Thousand Dollars (UMOO) of Bonds by said Commissioners on behalf of said township for Fifteen Thousand Dollars of the Preferred Stock ot the said Alamance. Durham and Orange Railway and Electric Com- WHEREAS on a later date I a like petition will be presented to the said Board of Commissioners of Durham county. North Carolina, signed by certain residents tax payers and freeholders, asking for a like election In Durham town ahlp on the question of the Issu ance of One Hundred and Fifty Thousand ftIMOM) of Bonds for a like amount of the Preferred Btock Stock of the said Railwav and Electric Company; -TND WHEREAS on the 6th day of April I*ls. an order for an elec ! tlon was made by the Board of Countv Commissioners tor Faucette township in Alamance countv, CONSUMPTION TAKES 350 PEOPLE DAILY Ow iSO people succumb to con sumption every day la the United State*. • Science proves that the germs only ' thrive when the system 1* weakened from colds or sickness, overwork, confining ditties or when general week pees exists. ■ -The best physicians point out that ■ daring changing aeaaons the blood should ■ be made rich and pore and active by tak ■ Ja* Bco«t's Emulsion after mas la The cod ' liver oil in Scott's Emulsion warms the » body by enriching the Mood; it peculiarly ■ strengthens the lungs and throat, while it . upbuilds the resistive forces of the body . to avoid colds and prevent consumption. II you work indoors, tire easily, feel ■ languid or nervous, Scott's Emulsion Is the - Moststrengtheningfood-medidneknown. > It is totally tree from alcohol or any t Stupefying drug. Avoid substitutes. 0 Sectl a nova*, aVw*y**U, H. J. North Carolina,, said election to be I held in said Faucette township, on the Ist day of June, 1915. to deter mine the question of whether the said township should subscribe | the amount,, in the bonds of saia township, as prayed for in the pe , tition presented., in exchange for a like sum of the Preferred Stock of the said Alamancq. Durham and Orange Railway and Electric Com panyi. to aid in the construction thereof; AND WHEREAS. The Alamance, Durham and Orange Railway and Electric Company the proposed beneficiary of said Bondu is desir ous qf assuring the voters of the said several township*, and each of then\ thpt in the ew?pt the said Bond Election shall be carried, that the money derived from the saia Bonds will be appropriated and ap plied to the construction of a cer tain line of Electric Railway; NOW, THEREFORE, The Ala mance). Durham_and Orange Rail way and Elecfric Company, party of the first part, in consideration of the qualified voters of each of the several township*, in each of the three aforementioned countie* as set forth, and each of them, sev erally, voting in favor of the issu ance of said Bonds, agree with the Piedmont Trust Company, party of the second partf acting as trustee for the several townships, in each of the three counties hereinbefore named, voting for the issuance of said Bond*, that fthe Slid Bonds when issued in conformity with the said elections so held in said town ships shall be turned over to the Piedmont Trust Company, to be held by it in trust upon the fol lowing conditions, to-wit: First: That the said bonds shall not be delivered to the Alamance. Durham and Orange Railway and Electric Company, or anyone elsj for it- unless and until there is con structed by it, or by its successor, successors, or assigns, so much of its projected, or proposed railway, as shall constitute and include a line of Electric Railway,, for the transportation of both freight and passengers as described below, viz: BEGINNING at a point near to, or between, the two manufacturing villages of Altamahaw and Ossipee in the-Northwestern section of Ala mance county; AND RUNNING in a Southeasterly direction through or near by, the manufacturing vil lages of Glencoe, Carolina and Hopedale; thence by. or through, City of Burlington and the Town of Graham; thence in a continuing | Southeasterly direction toy or through the manufacturing vil lages of Swepsonvillx and Saxa fiahaw to the Orange county line; hence through the townships of Bingham and Chapel Hill In Or andge county, near by or through the town of Chapel Hill; thense to to the Durham county lin% and to and into the city of Durham, North Carolina. Second That in the event the said portion of the line of Electric Railway„»of the party of the first pa£ is not constructed by it, or its successor, successors or assigns, within Five (5) years from the date of the Issuance of the said Bond* as indicated ind set forth In condi tion First, as above set ojt and numbered, and then, in that event, it is agreed by the party of the /,.r t part that the part v of the second part (The Piedmont Trust Co.) shall, and* It agrees that it, In that event deliver ail the ' Bonds so issued by the coun ties of Alamance, Durham and Orange, by the several town ships in said counties tft the Board of County Commis sioners of each of the said count! ** in order that they may all bo de stroyed, and it is further agreed by the party of the first part» that in the event of the failure to con struct the said line of Electric Rail way within Five (5) years from said date of the issue of said bond* that all right* and equities which the party of the first part may have had in said bonds shall cease. Third : That said Bonds shall not be delivered by the party of the second part to the party of the first parC or to any one for it,, un less and until the party of the first part. Its successor, or successors, or assigns, construct said line of Rail way as agreed in condition number one (First), above set forth, and has In operation over aaid line of Rail way within Five (5) years electric cars or trains for the transporta tion of both passengers and freight. Fourth: It is further agreed by the party of the first part to ana with the party of the second part, as trustee aforesaid , that until and unlesa the Preferred Btock of the Alamanc«v :Durham and Orange Railway and Electric Company, which is issued, or which is to be Issued In exchange for said Bonds, aa provided by the order of rlec tioty is redeemed at par that there shall not be issued hy the party of the. first (part or by it* sucif, cessoc- successors or assigns. A greater amount of Preferred Stock't than Seven"Thousand Dollars per! mile upon the line to be construct-' ed aa aforesaid; the Preferred Stock to be five per cent, non-cu mulativ* and redeemable at the option of the party of the first part any time within eight yeara from the date of it* Issue. Fifth: It is further agreed bv the party of the first part with the party of the second part as trustee, that, in the event the said election* are carried and the said Bonds of said township* or either of them, are iaaued and delivered to the partv of the second ofcrt In tru*t a* above indicated and are subsequently delivered to the partv of the first part hy the party Of the second part, upon the con struction of the sail line of Rsll way. and the operation thereof, for the transportation of both freight and passengers thereover between the termini Indicated that the cou pons upon aaid Bond* for one-half of the time between the date of the issuance of sall.-Bonds *pd the date of the operation of cars or train*, aa aforeaaid, over aaid line of railway,, shall be clipped by said trustee and delivered to the Boards of County Commissioners of each of the aforementioned counties, for the purpose and Vlth the ooliga tion of the said Boards of County Commissioners that such coupons shall be destroyedr and that all other coupons shall remain attach to said Bonds and be collected by the holder or holders thereof. All of the above provisions ap ply with equal force to bonds is sued under elections already galled, and under elections to be called. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part and the party of the second part have hereto set their hinds and offisial seals and caused' tha sim? to be signed by the PreiHent of each and attested by the Secretary of each. This the 12th day of April, 1915. PIEDMONT TRUST CO. W. J. GRAHAM. Prest. D. M. TEAOUE, Sec'y. Alamance, Durham and Orange Railway and £lectric Co. JUNIUS H. HARDEN,, Prest. C. BROWN COX. Sec'y. (Seal) The townships in (pach of the three counties of Alamanc? v Dur ham and Orange that the Alamance* Durham and Orange Railway and Electric Company's inter-uroan railways would traverse,, and the townships in each county in which elections will be called,- and the several amounts in ljonds that each township will be asked to vote,, viz; ALAMANCE COUNTY. Morton township, 5 miles, SIO,OOO. Faucette tp,. 3 miles SIO,OOO. Burlington tp.. 5 miles, $50,000. Graham tp,. 5 miles $85,000. Thompson tp,. 10 miles, 320,000. » ORANGE CO! NTY. Bingham miles, $15,000.00 Chapel riill miles, $25,000. * DURHAM (COUNJY. Patterson tp,. 4 miles, $15,000. Durham tp,, 3 miles, $150,000. Total miles, 49. Total amount of bonds, $330,000. Singing Birds' Deadly Rivalry. It is well known that caged chaf finches are celebrated for their eagerness to compete with one an other in singing. They deliver I songs alternately until one or the other is exhaused and unable to take up his turn. So excited do the birds become that it occasion ally happens that one of the com petitors idrops down dead. The originating and directive causes of i the particular song of different kinds of birds is not Understood. But it is established that they have a great gift of imitation. Parrots, .piping crows, ravens and other such as bullfinches, can be trained to whistle the melodies which human beings have invented. Even the house which, though al lied to singing finches, never sings when in natural conditions, has been converted i into a songster oy bringing it up in company with piping Dullfincnes. T 'ore la more Catirrali In thin Motion of the country than *ll other dlsraaei put to gether, *llll until the I at few year* tu iup poied te be Incumbls. For a ffrvnt many ' yours doctors pronounced It a local disease i and fpreacrliied loeal remedies, and by oon atantiy falling to cure with local treatment, pronounced It Incurable. Science baa proven Caianh lo be * conatliutlonal diaeaae, and llu-ret re rcqulrea ranatltutlo al treatment. Ilall'a Catarrh Cure, manufactured by t. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio, la the only Cou alliutlunal euro on tbe market. It la taken Internally In doses Irom 10 drop* lottaa apoonfut. It aoU directly on the blood and mucus aurfacua of the a) atom They offer ote hundred dollar* for any caae It talW to cure. *cud for circular* and teatlmonlal*. Addreaa: K. J. HBNvY £oo,, Toledo,Ohio. Mold by Urugxlat"; 75c. 'lake Hall'a Family Piu* (or oonatlpa- adv Necessary Preliminaries. Country doctor—superintendents of Sunday School—"Now, children, I can tell me what we must do in order to go HeavenT" Bright boy—"We must die." Country doctor—"Quite right, but what must we do before we dieT" Bright boy—"Get sick and send for you." Mtomach Trouble Cured. Mrs. H. G. Cleveland, Arnold, Pa., Pwrites, "For some time I suf fered from stomach trouble. I would have sour stomach and feel bloated after eating. Nothing ben efited me until I took Chamber lain's Tablets. After taking two bottles of them I was cured?* For • sale by all dealers. adv. Buncombe county officers have been investigating the receipt of vast quantities of whiskey In Ashe vvllle and vicinity. They found that I most of the "speerits were con signed to "Pat Ward", but they canoot locate "Pat" who seems to be a mythical person. Te Care a Cold la DM Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it (alia to cure. B. W. Grove's signature la on each box. tt cents. adv. Union printers in AshevlUe have , struck for an increase in wares from |2.5Q to &tM a day, and their , places were filled by non-union men. 1 ' slo«—Dr. E. Detchon's Anti-Diu retic may be worth more to you i -more to you than tloo if you ; have a child who soils the bed ding from Incontinence ot water durin* sleep. Cure* old and rouojr • alike. It arresta the trouble at ■ once. SI.M. Sold by Graham Drug j Company. ytdv. OAK RIDGE COMMENCEMENT. Gen. Carr and Otber Prominent Citi zens to Speak. Cot. of The Gleaner. Gen. Julia? S. Carr will be the principal speaker at the Commemce ment at Oak Ridge Institute this year, Tuesday, May 18. Gen. Carr was to have been the orator at last year's commemcement, but on ac count of the fire the date had to. be changed, and Gen. Carr's attends ance at the Confederate re-union at Jacksonville, Fla., made a con flict; his selection was accordingly deferred until this year. 'At the commencement this year wil lbe a "House Warming," or cel ebration of the erection of the new building. The State will be represented by Hon. E. L. Daughtridge, Lieutenant Governor, who will deliver the di plomas. Hon. J. Y. Joyner has been invit ed to attend and the college to send representatives. Mr. J. W. Hester of Oxford will deliver the Alumni address, which this year will be, on The Life and Work of Prof. M. H. Holt. Rev. A. G. Dixon, an jalumnus, will deliver the sermon. The alumni of the school are con tributing to the refurnishing of the Literary Society Halls with mi hogany chairs upholstered in lea ther with a name plate in silver. Practically all have been spoken for and the cost will exceed SBOO. "Fifty Years From Appomattox." Richmond, Va„ April 13, 1915. Special—Vifty years after the de struction of the Confederate Capi tal and the end of the bitter War between the States, the gray clad veterans of the Southern armies are to gather in the old stronghold of the Confederate States for the 1915 Reunion of the United Confederate Veterans, June, 1-3. Ceremonies the most solemn and unique are to be staged in Rich mond during re-union week, and from every part of the South comes word of the thousands of visitors who are to attend. Arrangements for the care and comfort of 10,000 Veterans have been made by the ?;eneral committee, headed by Cap ain John Lamb. The granting ot flat railway rate ot one cent a mile to Richmond tor the big affair is expected to draw to the city 100,- 000 loyal Southern people. The outstanding feature of the week will be the formal opening of llie Conitderate Memorial Insti j tute, tbe 'imposing treasure house for relics of the war between the States, which has been erected in Richmond after years of effort. An other feature will be the laying of the corner-stone of the statue of Stonewall Jackson. Beautiful Monument Avenue is to be converted Into a court of honor, in which all the parades and cere monies of the week will take place. Militia commands from all parts of the South and the North as well, are to attend. The event promises to be noteworthy in the extreme. Invitations have been extended by the general committee to the Governors of all the States In included in the organization of the United Confederate Veterans, ana it is confidently expected that in vview of the importance of the oc casion many will accept. In addition, the committee has invvlted to be present the follwo- Invvlted to be present the follow ladies, wives of distinguished Con federates chieftains : Mrs. J. E. B. Stuart, Mrs. W. H. Fitzhugh Lee and Miss Mary Custls Lee. - Richmond is preparing to observe with fitting ceremonies the semi centennial of Ua rise from the ashes. Ugh! Calomel Makes Yoq Deathly Sick Stop Using Dangerous Drug Before it Salivates you! It's Horrible! You're bilious, sluggish, consti pated, and believe you need vile, dangerous calomel to start your liver and clean your bowels. Here's my guarantee! Ask your druggistTPfor a 50-cent 'bottle of Dodson'i Liver Tone and take a spoonful to-night. If it doesn't start your liver and straighten you right up better than calomel and without griping or making you sick, I want you to go back to the drug store and get your money. ' / Take calomel to-day and to-mor row you will feel weak, sick snd nauseated. Dont lose a da/a work. Take a spoonful of harm less, vegetable Dodson s Liver Tone tonight snd wake up feeling great It's perfectly harmless. Oive it to your children any time. It cant salivate, so let them eat anything they want afterward*. The contract has been let for building the Home for Confederate Women at Fayetteville and ground broken for the work. The corner atone will be laid May 10th. and Hon. Francis D. Winston will de liver the address. Rknaitlc ralas Relieved. Why suffer from rheumatism when relief may be had at so small a coat? Writes Mrs. Elmer HatcU Peru, IntL, "I have been subject to attacks of rheumatism for years. Chamberlain's Liniment always re lieves me me, immediately, and I take pleasure in recommending it to others." For sale by all deal ers.. adv. CHURCH DIRECTORY •_ >■ 1 Blptisl— N. Main St.—Jas. W. Rose. Pastor. » *j Preaching evlry first ' and Third Sundays at lx.oo. a. m. .and 7.30 p. m. i Sunday School every Sunday at a. m.—C. B. Irwin, Superin tendent. ] Graham Christian Church—N. Main Street—J. K Morgan, Pastor I -Preaching services every Sec ond and fourth Sundays, at 11.04 a. m. • v - Sunday School every Sunday at 10.00 a. m.—E. L. Henderson, Super intendent. ' New Providence Christian Church—N. Main Street, near the Depot—J. F. Morgan, Pastor. Preaching every Second and Fourh Sundays at 3.50 p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 3.30 p. m.—Arthur T. Walker. Su perintendent. Friends—North of Graham Pub lic School—J Parker, Pas tor. Preaching every Bunday at 11 a. m. and at 7.30 p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 10.00 a. m.—Miss Belle Zachary, . Superintendent. Methodist Episcopal, South—cor. Main and Maple St., C. M. Grant, Pastor. Preaching every Sunday at 11.00 a. m. and at 7.30 p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 0.45 a. m.—W." B. Green, Bupt. Methodist Protestant—College , St., West of Graham Public School, . Rev. O. B. Williams, Pastor. Preaching every First, Third and I Fourth Sundays st 11.00 a. m. and . every First, Third, Fourth and , Fifth Sundays at 7.00 p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at . 0.46 a. m.—J. S. Cook, Supt. r ■ Presbyterian—Wst Elm Btreet— f Rev. T. M. McConnell, pastor. Sunday School every Sunday at ' 9.45 a. m.—Chas. C. Thompson, Su perintendent. \ Presbyterian (Travora Chapel)— J. E. Lebby, Pastor. Preaching every Second and , Fourth Sundays at 7.30 p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at I 2.30 p. m.—J. Harvey White, Su , perintendent. MARKET REPORTS. - Cotton, Cotton Seed and Mssl Prises In tha Msrkets of North Carolina For tha Past Wsek. As reported to the Division of Mar. J kets. North Carolina Ajrrlcaltnral Bx . perlment Station and Department ot Agriculture. Raleigh. B ? !| . 18 ** hj ? ; I M fl fosiL ; North Eaatarn North Carolina ' New Bern 15 > Washington.. .H4-BT4 (0-40 >O.OO ISOO , Windsor 814 South Eastsrn North Carolina FayettevlUa . .714-114 10-45 12.00 ZOOS I Fremont ....814-814 18-17 10.00 1161 . Maxton .......lU-814 15-45 .18.00 1100 North Central North Carolina * 1 Alrlle I*4-814 41 10.00 .... I Battleboro ... 814 40 12.00 200* I Pine Level 1714 , Pitta bo ro 26 2000 Warrenton ..114-1* .'.... 1100 .... > Wilson 8% 85 10.00 .... > South Central North Carolina Charlotte .... > 11 10.00 .... , Cleveland 11-1* 28.00 1100 ' Kins* Mt'n..»K-»tt 10-11 10.00 .... ! Monroe 1-8# 2514-28% 29.00 .... , Moroeaville * 30 10.00 1100 Newton 1-9 40-45 12.00 1100 " Norwood .... 9 20-15 11.00 .... Statesvllle .. .814-9 10-18 10.00 . Norfolk Va....8 15-16 ! PRICEB PAID FOR ORAIN, BUTTER > AND EQQB DURING PABT WEEK Aahevllle—Corn, 91-94 c; oata, 8814 c: I Western creamery butter, 12o; N. C. creamery butter, 12o; ess*. 20c. ; Elmore—Corn, $1.00; oata, 70c; cow i peaa. 12.00; err*. 20c. [ Oreenaboro—Corn, 98c to 11.00; Western creamery buttery, 82c; N. C. creamery butter, 12c; ess*. 18 to 20c. 1 Lumberton—Corn, 11.00; ess*. 20c. , Max ton —Corn 91c; oats,7lc; eoy bean*, . 91.00; cow peaa 12.25; We*tern cream ery butter, 15c; N. C. creamery butter, ; 40c; ess*. 15 to 20c. f New Bern—Corn 8114; soy beans, fl.10; , cow peaa. 11.10; ess*. He. Newton—Corn, 11.00; aoy bean*. 12.25; cow peaa ,12.25; Western creamery but • ter, 17c; N. C. creamery butter, Ue; I ess*. 1* to 11c. Scotland Neck—Corn, *sc to $1.00; oata, 70c; cow peaa. 12.00; Weatern creamery 1 butter, 10c; N. C. creamery butter, 2tc; I **¥alrboro—Corn, ISc; cow peas t!.7f; **s?arren'ton—Corn. $1.00; oata. 8»c: soy beana, 12.00; cow peaa. 12.00; Weatern creamery butter, 40c; N. C. creamery but , ter. 10c; essa, 15 to 20c. Wuhlnston —Corn, 78c;aoy bean*, fI.M; • cow pea*. 12.00; ess*. 15c. Wllaon—Corn, 90c; oata. 1714 c; soy . bean*, 11.75; oow peaa. 82.25. Chicago, HI.—No. 2 Whit* Corn 710 ' (delivered In Haleish 87!4c);No. 2 Tallow Corn 7114-7114 c (delivered In Raleigh Ml4-17%c). ! Yea knew What Yoa Are Taking When you take Grove'a Tasteless Chill Tonic becauae the formula la plainly printed on every bottle ahowing that it la Iron and Qui nine In a tasteless form. No cure, no pay.—Mc. adv. The dining hall and kitchen of the Bast Carolina Training School at Greenville waa almost complete . ly destroyed Thursday night by 1 fire. The damage ia estimated at 910.000 partially covered by inaor ance. Yoa Can Cure That Backache. Pain along the back, dlaalassa, beadeoh ■ and gennsral languor. Oet a package o Mother Gray's AastrallaLeal, the p'saaaa root and herb cure for Kidney, Btadda ' and Urinary trouble*. Whta yoa fool al r run down, tired, weak and without energ . oae «hl* remarkable combination of natur ' herb* and iwota. As a regulator It has a ■ equal. Mothar Or.y'a Australian-Leaf is i Hold by Druggist* or seat by sail for Mer I aample sent frea. address. The Mothe | UrayOo.. La Key. *. T. , —^s~„ Trustee's Sale of Real Property. i Under and by virtue of the posrsrof sale 1 eoatalned In a eartaln deed la trust dated . July tod, IMS. and recorded la the miss ot I the Wtflstrr of Deed» tor Alamance roaaty, 1" boos Mo. a of Mortage Deeds at page lit, exeooted under an order of the gaperlor Ooart of Alaasaaoe oooaty bt A. J. Thomp son and wife to «. 8. Parker. Jr.. Trust as, the u .derslgDed Trustee will sell for oaah to the highest bidder, at tbe ooart boas* door la raham. Alaasaaoe ooaaty, oa ; MONDAY, HAY 17,1915, at IS o'clock nooa. tha fuOowlag deecrtbed , T *A {Smmwil of lead la tits corporate Halts of the town of Graham, Alamance aa* bounded ** follows: Bawlnning at aa Iroa alakson Morlh side of Aibrfckt Aveaus la said lowa of Graham. K. i L Rolmee' oomer, ruoalng Ihsoes 8 SlJag 10 mn B with Avenue sixty-two(Sn ! aasi of k. Z L r HTl > BS*a; t tblm" SdMi'wne'haa ' SSSSBi Btiit MILLION -» * Dollar Mystery jf"*' MWp^'" - '• 'I § i 'ijffi&t- ,. M HI I Found Herself In a Large, Muety Cave PrlnceM p,rlov " Attlred ' or the Ba "' Mexican, Every Thursday ! Mattinee 3 p. m. flight 7 p. m. J Story is now running in the Gleaner. Refldlt. . »• — * • Farm For Sale \ , 200 acre and vegetable and grain farm, two miles from a village of 8,000 people and four miles from [ Greensboro. This place has 3 tenant houses, 2 barns, and 1 barn shedded and covered with gal ' vanized iron, and in fine condition. > There are tenants in each house, and will re > main with purchaser either on part of crop, or on wages. The land lays on each side of public road for one fourth mile, and within one-fourth mile of road to city. Enough wood and timber on property to pay for it; about 50 acres is new land, and in high state of cultivation, close to school and church; neighborhood fine. 6 springs on the place. Price $65 per acre, terms to suit. Write Greensboro Real Estate Exchange, 1 Greensboro, N. C. r • ' * I ———————— —- . Sale Under Execution. The Citizens Bank of Graham vs. A: C. Hornaday and W 0. Hornaday. By virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned from the Superior Oourt of Aa mance county In the above entitled action, 1 will, on MONDAY, MAY 3BD, 1915, at 12:00 o'clock IL, at the court house door of Mid county. Mil to the highest bidder (or Mih to aatlsfy said execution, all the eight, title and Interest whloh the said W. C. Hornaday, the defendant, has In the follow ing described real estate, to-wit: Adjoining the lands of Richmond Kuffln, Henry M. Ray, (deo'd). David Ixrng and other*, and bounded aa follows, to-wlt: Beginning at Richmond Kuffln's corner, on public road leadlnit from Graham to Gil breath bridge; thence N 20 deg K 6 chs 13 Iks to Julia Tarpley's oorner; thence B 4 chs to Jane Harden'* oorner; thence 8 1 chain 85 Iks to Richmond Ruffln'a line (a corner of Jane Harden); thenoe B It chs to Carolina Cox's oorner on David llne; thenoe N with said Long's line *> oh» 80 Ik* to corner of Henry M. Bay (now Blliabeth Bay); thenoe N 60 deg W 11 oh* with Kay'allne to an a»h, ■aid Ray'• oorner} thenoe 8 U deg W 7 ch* to Mary Ann Ruffln'a oorner; tbenoe W 4 oh* at lk* to L. C. Cmter'* oorner: tßeooe with his line B 'JO dag W tl eh* to *ald publlcroad, Cra tar'a corner; thenoe With said public road t eh* t lk* to the beginning, and eontalnlng Forty Acrea, but to be the same be there J ""TWms'oMSale—All oaah Oil tha day of sal*. 1 This March Hat, 19tt. ~ ■*«. Bherlff of Alamanoe Couuty. t 7 «- Certificate of Dissolution Certificate of Dtaaolution To All to Whom Theae Preaniu May Ootae Greeting: I Whereas, It appear* to my mtiafaotlon, by | duly authenticated naord.of the proceedings I for tke voluntary dleeoluttoa tkereof by the unanimous eonaent of all the stockholders, depoelted In my offloe. that the Graham Hardware Company, a corporation oftbls State, whoee Principle offloe Is situated at r Mo. , Mala Street, to the town of Graham, County of Alamance, Mat* of Berth Carolina (OP. Harden B. lng the agent thereof, upon „ whoa prooeaa nay be eerved)ha* compiled ' with the requirement* at Chapter tl.Bevlaal by eerttfy that tke aald corporation aid, on ' *ald oooaent and Ike reoord of the prooeed • toga afoieaaid are now oa tl. la ay aald ' have hereto aet ; a/M# Ki'rr 1 "■ I W 1. BRTAK GRIMM, ■ (Baal) (Secretary of Mala. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Baring qualified aa bSNfena of tke laet I willandteetaaentof J*n T. Ocble,deceeeed i late pf the county o( Alamance and Bute of : notice will be plead In barof their recovery. [ All aeramu Indebted to *ald aetata will pleaae "^u , r.b^ U ri°ieS, 7 mJ k , Thla February lath, ooBLB) ' C. B. COBLE, ' \ B*"reof John K. Ooble, dee'd. [ Burlington, BouteNa. 10. : K. a. W. Demeron, AU'y. llapMt ) . -- JL-. i'i J ean z SUBSCRIBE FOB THB GLEANER, 11.00 ▲ TEAR _ -IN ADVANCB.- V. Notice of Re-Sale of Real Estate. Under and by virtue of an order of the Su perior Court of Alamance county, made In ) the special Proceeding entitled M. L. Cheek, . Executor of W. A. Williams vs. Del lie Ann L W llllams, the undersigned Executor will, on SATURDAY, APRIL 24, 1915, at twelve o'clock M., at the court house door p In Graham, North • arolina ofTer for sale to r the highest bidder, that certain tract of land , lying and being In Newlln township, Ala . mauce county, North Carolina, adjoining the . lands of W. A. Patterson. Joe Williams and others, and more particularly described as follows, to-wlt: I Beginning at a post oak at the Bennett cor ner, running thence West 10 chs and 10 iks to i a black o kin Godfrey's line; thence . NB6 chs to a stone near i). P. Jobe's; thehce E i 10 chs and 16 Iks to a hickory near a branch; i thence 866 «hs to the beginning, containing i 66 acres, more or lest. j Terms of Sale—One-tblnd cash, one-third In i three months, and one-third In alx months, i Deferred jpaymenu to bear interest from day r of sale. Blading will start at 1198.00. f This the tfth day of April. 1915. , #• M. L. CHEEK, Executor. > —— 1 i Notice of Mortgagee's j Sale of Real Estate. ' i , Under ana Dy virtue of the power of sale contained Inacertain mortgage executed on the Mth day of July, ltlt, by B M. Fogleman and hla wife, Dora Foelethan, to the Alamanoe Inauranoe k Baal Relate Company for the - purpoee of eeeorlng the payment of four 6 ndeofeven date therewith ot One Hundred Dollar* ($100X10) each, doe and payable on the I teth day ot July, lfU, defaolt baring been • made In the payment ot aald bond* and the Interact thereon, aald aortgige being duly probated and reoorded In the office of the Register of Deed* for Alamanoe county. In . Book of Mortgagee and Deedaof Tru-tNo. rui^o. 1 — «tie undersigned mortgagee MONDAY, MAY 10, 1915, at the court boose door of Alamance county, at Graham. M, c., at t o'clock *. m., otfei for •ale at nabllo a notion to the blgbeat bidder tor taah, the following deecrlbed real oetate, to-wlt: A certain parcel of land lying and being In I Graham townahlp, county of Alamanoe and BUM of North Carolina, and numbered tin j faction It, In the plan and plat of the Araano Land Company and bounded a* follows,- to wit: Beginning at a Oorner on Orabam Avenue and Alia) way: thenee with said Alley war B t deg 10 ruin W I*o fi to a "take; thence S m • deg 10 mln W to It to a atake, corner of lot No. 1; thenoe with aald lot No. 1 North t deg SO ■ln Ba»t ltOft toaatakeonOrmham Avenue: thenoe with aald Avenue 8 St deg 10 mln N BO feet to the beginning. . . ALAMAN?BUW!k &*BAL^BTATB CO.. ' jj Mortgage*. ' Summons by Publication North Careliaa—Alaauaee Caaaty. In the Haperfar Coart, t ' . Before the Clark. , Aaron Blebmond and Adeline Blchaond BMttaoad. The defendant. Pallia UJchmond, above named wui take notice that an aetloo en titled aa above hee been commenced In the Bapartor Oourt of Alamanoe county for the aale for partition of certain real eetate where of be la one of the tenanta In common; and the ■ aald defendant anil further take notloe that be la required to appear at the offloe ot 1 the Clerk of tke Buperlor Oourt for tbe county nf Alamance on Saturday the tth day of May, I*U. and anaweror demur to the ooro , plaint in aald action, or the plaintiffs will an-, ply to tbe Oourt tor the relief demanded In

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