THE GLEANER GBAHAM, N, 0., Jan. 6, 1916. Postoffiee Honrs. Offlo J pea 7.00 a. m. tol.Oup. m. Bauds? »-00 tolljOO a. m. and 4.00 to BXO p. m J. M. McCRACKEJJ. Portmasttr. 1 « , | ['ill | | | |, J I I I t TTTFi"TTT»TTTTTTTTTTTP•TTT ♦ ♦ * * LOCAL NBWB. ♦ t II II 1 111 I 111 111 11 111 111 it —The County Board of Education '» was in session Monday.. Tbe weather continues mild % almost nothing to interfere With -oat-doors work. I , -rAlr. Henry M. Rogers was car ried 11 Greensboro and operated on last Thursday f r appendicitis He is getting along nicely. —The teachers of the Graded School have retuied from their va cation and were at their posts when Bohool opened Monday morning. —Number of young pcopole sat up last Friday to see the Old Year go and New year come. The event Vas celebrated by ringing !)he court house aud church bells aud blowing the lire whistle. , —The share-holders-in the N«- tiomal Bunk of Alamance received their checksum the first for the usual pemi-Htinual fiye perceut dividend, f r which, no doub', they had a very appreciative feel ing. r —Last sve. k the Iwly of a small chil>l WitS f"iuil linger "lie tl • r f a barn near Betlemont. Coroiler Wil liams. investigated but was tumble to determine whi-ther the«ch|ld was white or colored and was of a pre mature birth. * —Messrs. Phil Dixon, Edwin D. Scott and 0. B Williams left early Tuesday morning and joined in a fox hunt in the mountains in th«: 8 lUtbern part of the county. They | have not reported how many foxes caught. —Mr. E. P. Mcflure has greatly improved his residence on 8. Main Ht. A conservatory and sleeping porch have been ad Jed on the Bouth side. The porches have been en larged and nice large round columns take the place of the old small ones. A new roof has been placed on the , entire building and the whole nicely punted. —Regular Communication of Thos, M. Holt Lodge No. 491, A. F. and A. M., Friday night, January 7th, 191 G. MOBRIDE HOLT, W. M. J. S. COOK, Sec'y. Hour of Preaching at New Providence Church. The preaching hour at New Provi dence has been from 7:3U at riight to 3 o'clock in the after noon. Preaching on 2nd and 4th Sundays. Billed Like a Circus. Mr. R. L. Holmes, Manager of the Mexican, assisted by Loo. 6. Turner is billing "The Battle Cry of Peace" like a circus, having erected a 28-sheet stand next to the Mexican. They are using 24, 6, 3 and 1 sheets, heralds, cards and banners. This is said to be the greatest picture ever produced. Child Accidentally Killed by Gun. The 18-months old child of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Morton, who lives at Lakeside Mills, Burlington, had its head almost blown off by a gun shot last Monday morning. While the mother was milking the child got hold of thd gun and was dragging it about when the accident happened. Djd You Have , Money Enough for Christmas? Perhaps you did—perhaps not. It's not too late to join the Citizens Bank's Christmas Savings Club. Only a few cents—a dollar or two at most —will bring the payments up to date. To 'show how well this Savings Clnb is thought of, we will mention about 400 have already started to lay aside something for their next Christmas purchases. Join them and thereby provide your self with needful for your own pur chases. Attend to it now and you will be happier next Christmas. Miss Jeffreys Hostess. M'IM Mary Jeffreys very delight fully entertained a large number of her friends near \4raham Saturday .night, with an "old-time dance.4 music was furnished on the piano by Misa Marion Kirkpatrick and Deeaie Mills. Messrs. "Pat" Brown and 'Orville Hunley sang qpverttl solos, which added much enjoyment to the evening. Refreshments were served, after which the guests left hpitie. The guests numbered 76, Back to School. The following, who spent the holi daya at home, have returned to school: Misa Naomi Hocutt to Mere dith College; Misses Minnie Long, Conley Albright, Mary Walker and Lorena Kernodle to State N. and I. College; Miasea Lola Cooper and Alma Clapp to Asheville Normal College; Miss Mary Ruth Johnston to Elon College; Meaara. Willard Goley, Coy Williama and Daniel Bell to the University; Mr. Ben Jobnaton to Oak Ridge; Mr. William Menefee to Danville Military Academy; Meaa. Lejria Ray and Dean Holt to A. A A M. College; Misses Mabel Walker and Lola Browning to Southern Presbyterian College, Red Springe. Mr.l A. HaJtoess Here Tuesday. Mr. J. A. Hartness of Iredell drop-' ped into Graham Tuesday. He is a candidate for Secretary of State. He means business. His candidacy is no sham\ and his activity ana knowledge lof getting arouna among the people will no doubt ahow hint a\ formidable candidate when convention time comet around. + + + _ PBRSONAL. + Tl 1I II lI Vm I I 111 111 ft llt it Mr, Jacob C. Whitesell, nearElon College, was in,',it>wn Friday. Mrs. ftumi Wood of Gibsonvllle' spent last Friday* With Mrs. W. A. wood. Mr. and Mr*. J. J. Williams, near Gibson ville, spant Sunday herewith relatives. Mrs. Minnie R, Dickey of Greens boro was in. Graham yesterday af ternoon. A. E.' Henderson, Esq., of New Berne was here this morning on' legal business: Mr. Tom Fairish of Pittsboro is here visiting his niece,. Mrs. Lynn B. Williamson. I Mr. A. R. Webster laft Sunday for Washinirton, D. C., and other points on business. Messrs. S. G. Morgan and L. T. Johnston of Mebana were here on business yesterday afternoon. Mrs. -Cornelia C. Morris, County Demonstrator, has returned' from a visit to her home at Henderson. Mrs. J. J. Barefoot and Masters Jack and Bill have returned home after a visit to Raleigh and Green ville. ; , • Mr. Thos. H. Wharton of Raleig 1 was here last week, visiting his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. L. Banks' Holt. A Prof, and Mrs. C. W. Rankin and Master Charles returned last Sat urday from a visit to relatives at China Grove. Miss Fannie Foust left Monday for Barium Springs after spending the holidays here with her sister, Mrs. J; M, Turner. Mrs. W. H. Foushes, Mrs. Eugene Sykes and. little Misses Martha ana Catharine Sykes spent Saturday at Mrs. C. A. Thompson-'s, Mrs. C. A. Thompson, Miss Alen-> Long and Mr W. Ernest Thompson spent Wednesday in Mebane w'.th Dr. and Mrs. J. Mel Thompson. Mr. J. Ralph. McCauley of Rich mond, Va„ visiting at his olu home near Union Ridge, and Mr. Lon A. McCauley were in town on Friday on business. Miss Cora Jeffcoat, County Super - visor of Kural Schools, returned th:* morning from tha home of her fa - ther in Coble township, wnere she spent the holiday vacation. Mr. J. Elmer, Long returned yes terday from Pittsboro. He and Mrs. Long spent Christmas) at the home of the latter's father, Capt. Tom* Peay, near that place. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Davis of Butler, Pa., arrived here this morn ing to spend a month or so. They were here a year ago for'some two months. Mr. Davis is very fond of hunting. . Miss Mattie Long returned Mon day from Salisbury where she un derwent an operation for appen dicitis at the Whitehead-Stokes Sanatorium. She is recuperating rapidly. Miss Florence Smith of Coshoc ton, Ohio, who has been the guest of Miss Julia Cooper during the holidays, left Tuesday to resume her duties as English teacher at the Asheville Normal School. laVal Calendar oj N. C The National Bank of A%nance has distributed a very 'handsome 1916 calendar, which not only gives all the information given by the ordinary calendar, but a good deal of usefut and historic information besides. In the center is a map of the State in colors, coun ties, Congressional districts, railroad lines, automobile routes, etc. It is adorned with the pictures of the five Seretaries 0.l the Navy of the State which have served in the national cabinet, and f the two armored cruisers—"Raleigh" 'and "North Carolina." On the baek is the last census of the counties and towns of the State. It is a calendar worth while. MEXICAN PROGRAM The following is the program for the Mexican for the week beginning Monday, Jan. 10 MONDAY *NIGHT. Broken Coin—2 parts. Circumstantial Scandal—Nestor 1 part. When Beauty Buts In.lmp 1 part. | TUEBDAY NIGHT. Idle Rich—L-Ko in 2 parts. The Thinking Cockatoos—Powers 1 part. The Marks Woman—Big U.l part. WEDNESDAY NIGHT. Mettle of Jerry McGuire—lol Bi son in two parts. Parson of Pine Mountain—Rex 1 part. 20th Century Sue Joker—l part. THURSDAY NIGHT. Diamond Frqm the Sky. Little Brother of the Rich—Broid way Feature in five parts. '•FRIDAY NIGHT. Battle Cry of Peace—l 2 parts. SATURDAY NIGHT. Battle Cry of Peace—l 2 parts. Dark Days Are Days of Suffering—They Ar§ Becoming Brighter for Some Graham People. ~ Many "dark days" from kidney ills. Backache, headache-tired days; - Urinary trouble makes you gloomy, , .Doan"e Kidney Pills have prov en their worth. Have been tested by many kidney* sufferers. » They are endorsed by Graham people. J. N. H. Clendenin, retulred far mer, South Main St, Graham, says: "About five years ago I was bothered a great deal by Weak kidneys. I had little control over the kidney secretions and had to get up a lot at night.. My back was sore and lame. I could hardly straighten. In the morning I was so lame that I could hardly get out of bed. I read so much about Doan's Kidney Pills that 1 1 got a supply at Graham Drug Co/b and ffan taking them. A few doses re ieved the pain in my back and one box cured me. 1 can now go to aed, sleep well, and my back is strong." Price 50c at. all dealers. Dont simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan s Kidney Fills the name Mr. Clendenin bad. Foster-Mil burn Co, Props, Buffalo, N. Y. adv. / Mr. Cliaa. Richman in Battle Cry of Peace at the Mexican Lesson in Battle Cry of Peace. Boston Post, Dec. 15. For the first time in the histor.v the Boston stage a moving pic turer has been employed ti a .forth a public; lesson as well as to provide entertainment Battle Cry of -Peace wh'ch wi gh en its,ir:tlil performance h;- lyeaterday a» the Majestic ThnVitr is a powerful call to *hs American nation not to| go to war bit M b so prepared that • internationi Conflict will be averted. Th? var ous episodes and th? cmnect - ■narative have been prepar d -b Commodore J. Stuart Blacktoi. from the book of Hud oi Mucin "Defenceless America.' Hples Adirorate Peace. All the incident. l ), not to siy rible events, are* perfect v prwib'e even if somewliit Improbaole. fv; Mr. Blackton his liid on his c •lor; with a lavish hand and made ch-n; tremendously impressive t begin with a photo-picture of i .ec ture by Maxim on th - - !ac of military amh- naval protect} JO ".A this country, and in this sc4n > t story also begins. A typicil ynuv American, John Harrison, is cm ox the listeners and is So jTinress?' by the truth of the speakers &i'i" merits that he tells his friends aia family what he has heard. Th*y scoff at his ideas, especiall the fa ther of his sweetheart, a railway magnate. There are foreign spies at work who advocate peace at any price and meetings are held in which the white dove is conspicuous. All the time the enemies of the nation are plotting and finally, with scarce a moment's warning a fleet appear? off New York, and without further preliminaries begin to bombard the city. The troopst are landed. The railroad magnate is shot as a sni per, and the young man is also wounded. The. invadin* hosts de stroy private'property, outrage wo men and pillaga and slaughter re lentlessly. At The Mexican Theatre, Gra'-ana. N. C., Friday: and Saturday, ary 14th and 15th. Matinee ana night. See big ad. New Advertisements.' The Mexican • Theatre—T'le Bat tie Cry of Peace. See big at on 3rd page. Jno. M. Cook—S.ile of the oi l jail at auction. See. ad. in another c >l - Greensboro Realty Co.—Si!e of valuable farm lands. Look Ih.s aj. up and buy a farm. VV. P. Smith—Groceries. . T. C. Moon—Wood—any kind yoi want. See ad. and him "up. Chas. P. Thompson, Comr—Sale vj. A. and C. L. Isley, Executors— Notice. Walter Faueette, Com'r—Si!e of Land. W. H. Carroll, Com r—Land Sale. W. W. Brown, Com'r—Re-Sile of land. Young People Church Societies. Sunday afternoon in the Ladies the Presbyterian churci Mr. Lynn B. Williamson, Supt. of the 8. S., installed the following officers in the Covenanter Sjciety John Black, Prest., Robert Tate, Ist vice-Prest., Herman Reed 2nd vie - Prest., Geo. Snyder, Sec., and W'm. Scott, Treas. After the installa tion Mr. Williamson, gave the boys a very helpful and interesting New Year talk. On Tuesday night at the nome Miss Blanch Scott a club was or ganized with 36 members. The name is "Polly Anna Club," the ob ject, "To Be Glad and Make Others Glad." Motto; "Help somebody To-day.'- Paatword—one of the secrets. Flower—Sunflower. Colors—Blue and wh'te. The following officers were el ct ed, MiSS Kate Fogleman, Prest:, Miss Lenora Estlow, Vice-Prest.,. Miss Nacassa Foster, Seer, Miss Del lie Henderson, Treas. Farmers' Mutual Fire Ins. Association Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the poliey holders ot the Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Association wUt be ht'ld in the court house on January »t,i, at U o'clock. Mr..James R. will address the meeting. Every one invited, and the policy hJlu ers requested to attend. MARRIAGES. At 8 o'clock p. m„ Dec. 23, at the home of the bride's fattier. Mr. Kinchin Martin, Miss Lilla Martin was united in marriage to Mr. John 0. Rogers of _ Burlington, Rev. J as. W. Rose, pastor of ihe i.riiie, offi ciating. Mr. Arlen W. (3 rkman of Ran dolph county and Mistt Myrtle I. Gates of Graham wete united in marriage on Dec. 20th. W. P. Smith, Esqperformed the cere mony. . • Mr. Jesse M. Dradshaw of (>ra ham and Mrs. Oora Lindley were united in marriage Sund% last at the liome of the bride in Albright township. Loaf. Miss Deedy Moore lost her locket on her way home from school. H has her initials on it | Tbe Under will be rewarded,' if returned to J. H. Watson. . | I County Commissioners Proceedings. ' The Board of County Cominlß- S Loners met Monday* at «J o'clock, . m. in reujlar month// session jvlth the following' .nembers pres ent, Geo. T. A illiimson, diHirm in, W. H. Turrot'oie, Ches. H. Roney. Chaa. P. Cate I and M. C. Mcßane, and the buKinsss wan . transacted: The Southern Railway Co. wan relieved of (21.32, sane bein/, an overch iri;?. I Jas. 8 Zarhiry was relieved of I Graded School tax in Green Grad - ed School distrfct on property v u • uel at lfct,ooo. same not being in district. Mrs. B. h. Graves wis relieved of .tax >m if'oo solvent credit*, er ror in listing. Chester Freshwater . was relSOT I —. Ed of poll and road tax on ar.eojnt ol disabilities. H.H. Buckner was relieved of tat on one lot val led at sSno, being an error of list taker.. A. B. McKeel, Sunt, of the County Home, was authorized t:> accopt .n an inmate Cindy Terrell. Jas. H. Portcrfield was auth >r jzed to furnish T. 11. Hensley in provisions to the amount ol fi.OO per month for two months. Ordered that the county donate $350 .toward building' a sand crtv road through the town of B!on College, the road to be surface:! 16 ft. wide and 12 In, dt**/ wit ■soil. John Howard was aiiowel "1" per month for two roi hi It 'i ton to the amount alfend > a Ib-.v ; by this Bmrd, , Calvin 01b*A' wis a ! w ' '■ neddle soap in. 'his m-iit >«» license tax on account 1 " t'es. Burt™ FfrnJt-r'* f"- Y-"" r HevfJ t» t'x t ?,V»K> -I ->■>» -r ' it', an errm 'n (ft . ✓ r A. C. Br 1 h i # v. ' roid dnty on rtr.c >! it or" fr»'»" • t f«. A. r Br 1 h w— - ' rod duty m o if *'Tt o. /b- i*ir -■s -7 w (■ Bj'perirt"nd-">t rf rj-i I 'i ' rne year at th> *Tiw n't-/ i before. - ' » A nrt ?j»n bi ;■ - T 1 the Board, a-k''r * • h.' l J"d to b"» J '*>n T "o>- I >1" G> t fi-r 1 -■»-» • rear' .jAli •»vtne-> Pwt - r ' v 171 V rt' G"0. 1 « T ""-1 *) a '-'t Ti t Sv- r f*Vey Tord m--; Oe '" w-»« o»''w»rt 'h-rt »-■" --'■ f;led ?nd heard, at th 1 ? next Teg t f»r me, t r r ;fc th «r»i • «*«> tS'bf- advert' so*? Ordeifpd tb~t thin r rmtf " the ru-ono*:ti r> fo (It> 'o«m Oibsonville that if ' tiwn w 11 pay half the cost of buSHS"-.* t"■■* ronntrtinrr link of th» rn->d frun the maeacHm road in AHmanc? ,-onnty to the Guilford county fine, in the 'cwr of Owvtnvji|f>, •'"h ■> t the counts will -pay th" othev half for buiWjne a sand thv road sti road t be properly sf*nde .1 ar- I *le. HiT'to* to hel* fwE. wM* ant. 12 in. deep with soil or »ini Neero Emancipation Celebration. The celebration of their freedom was fittingly observed in tho court house ..JJt Sitar-Jay by the colored people, mostly from Graham, Bur lington and environing communi ties. James Barham, president of the affair and T.M. Duck, was master of ceremonies. Music for the occasion was furnished by the talent of Gra-, ham. Mrs. B. M. Vincent raad the emancipation prociation of Presi dent Lincoln of Jan. I, 1383. A well written piper showivj the "Progress of th-* Rnae 1 was read by Miss Effie D. Sillar.-. and an original poem written by M.38 Alene Duck was recited by "its au thor. The fpeaker of the day, Rev. J. Walton Patton, past 5p m Orihiit and Burlington Christian ah.-fc -eft, was introduced, and held, as ii b • magic, the crowd, spell-bound for an hour, during whieh time he re viewed the condition of the negro, through slivery" dow }.t j t ie- ares ent -and showed his course t) have been one ox slow but percepKbl and culminating in such a. voluminous and uiipnradel ei pro portion, as to astonish sine crtt ics and had called for comment m the legislitive hills of t e nation. He recited nrmy erroneous acts of the negro whic t. he shjjUl correct And that much of the unjust meas ures enacted again3t the negro was instigated by bad negroes. In this reference was. made to the "Jim- Crow'- Car law an /'efforts at seg regation. At the close of the address, which was followed by many cheers and compliments, the following resolu tion was adopted -. Whereas, we hear with, sadness; the facts that a race riot is now in prcgress m the State of Georgia; and. Whereas, there is at all tines a cIU e Cor whatever comes to pass, whether good, bad or indifferent: and that the destruction of negro lodges aiid churches in that State, point to such as being a probable cause for such race trouble; Therefore. | We, negro citizens of Alamance county, no'w assembled in an act celebtating our emancipation from abject slavery to unqualified citi izenship do most respectfully cau tion, warn and dissuade our people from allowing or using their lodg es and churches for any purpose which might be construed to leaa to racial trouble-or any act of un lawful conduct o? violence. The adoption of the above pa per was occasioned by reference having been made to the race riot then in progress in the State of Georgia; and, thereupon it was thought that the eonditi A j» of the people of the states would seen more appreciatively when, the fact was known that on the same day several years ago, when a race riot was iry progress in the ~city of Atlanta, Ga„ th.3 negroes of Bur lington were assembled in the Brick Warehouse to hear an address by a negri/ man of Fayetteville in the interest of a proposed Reform atory movement when more than sl*o was raise ! as a result of the effort, and that the- audience was composed of a laige number of the best and most influential white people of the city, who contrib uted materially to swell the collec tion on that occasion. Our gathering here to day was welcomed by tha mayor ot the town of Graham, despite the fact of his knowledge ot the racial trouble then in progresss in the State ot Georgia, our nearby sis ter. S. G. WALKKR. Scene from '"The Battle Cry of Peace" at Mexican. HI KSCKIbB KOK TUB GLEANKK 11.M A YEAR The Batie Cry Of Peace ' AT THE MEXICAN THEATRE, GRAHAM, N. C. Friday, Jan. 14th, Matinee and flight Saturday, Jan. 15th, Matinee and Night Matinee begins 2 p. xtf. Night begins 6c30 p. m. \ ■- ■ - - - ■ - ■ H , H 1 1 " " " mm The Greatest Picture EVer Produced "Greatest war drama ever produced"—N. Y. American. "Chas. Richman, superb"—N. Y. Herald. "Something- New" —N. YJ Mail. "Lesson Taught"—Gov. Goldsboro of Maryland.) "It is murder to send your boys to war un trained, when it is possible to train them"-Maj.-Gen. Wood. "Every man, woman and child should see it"-Theodore Roosevelt. "Finest ever shown"-N.Y. Journal of Commerce. Mbh You Can't Afford To Miss It. The Prices have been Reduced for this Occasion % from .75, $1 and 1.50 to 50c. Children AUCTION! By order of the County Commissioners, in which they donated the Old Jaii House to the Hospital, I will, on Saturday, Jan. Bth, 1916, at 3 o'clock p. m., sell said building to the highest bidder for cash. Proceeds go to the Hospital. Sale on premises. JOHN M. COOK, For Committee. You Can Cure That Backache. Pain along the back, dlziluess, headache and geuner&i languor. Get a package of] Mother Gray'» AustruliaLeaf, the p'eaaant! root and herb cure tor Kidney, Bladder and urinary trouble/). Wfcap you feel all rundown, tired, weak *nd without energi se this remarkable ombinatlou f natures herb* and roots. Aa a regulator it haa i no euual. Mother Gr*y'a Australian-1 #eaf is Sold by Druggists or sent by mail for SO eta Sample sent free. Address, The Motbei ura>\Co., Trfj Hoy.'N. V. Brick Machine For Sale. The undersigned has a J. C. Stee'e '& SuH»r Brick .Machine for sale. Along with it are two trucks ami other parts necessary in handling i'ferU-k* it ib housed and in good ' condition. L 'I ho purchaser will get a bargain l'"i»r terms apply k> J . Wr Mekevßis or J.. L>. Keruodle. laplt SUBSCRIBE M>ft THB GLEANER, . SI.OO A YBAft :.v .. . if;; , - l* . Look Here! Why not invest in Guilford County Heal fcstate ? This county had a greater increase in population from 1900 to 1910 than any other eouuty iu the State. Greensboro, the county seat, is situated id the cen ter ot the county,Jand its of 38,000 or more affords a good market for the farmers' pro • dime, and its public schools with the Norpial Col lege, Greensboro College for Women, in the city, and Guilford College, Oak Hi Ige and Whiteett * s;hoi Is in the country, with Klon College just over the line, educational opportunities unsur passed by any county in the State. For iufor.natiou regarding farms or city property for fale> writ® — , Ike Breensbon MEstate Mange, GREENSBORO, N. C. :: "■ , ' «... " . - - - A\ Tj eiu-etnloii# OraMen in New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Bos to«», Snu Fraoeisco, Seal tip, Dallas, Baltimore, Detroit, St. Louis ; in fad i-i everj' iinoortant civic pente* where "The Rattle Cry of Peace" has been s howit, has received a tremendous ovation. The lescou that it tcachet- ,—tine- lenson of Prepared uess - is A Call To Arms Against Wnr. Yt»u awe it to your-Hf and to your Ooun- Iry, th» wonderful pielure— Etr'or e' ly l'ri>-t. Wilson-, Ai!mi.ri»l Dfrwey, of War (tarmoit, Hudson Maxim, who lakt'S part i« t lie picture, Dr. LyiJMMi Addoit, and everyone who has seen it. MOVED ' '-.1 I have Moved my Stock to rn the Scott bidding nxed|gj ocapied by the Mexican, jjj am better prepared to JtiwH Try me with yonr l Xmas Order. BELOW COST j I am going to give my en* » tire time to my Grocery Business and Meat Market, Everything in Dry Goods and Notions must go. GW. BLACK, I'lltt PITItR JOOft GRAHAM,: - N. C. ffini n'i inricd, !iui nvVi'V .a l H II w • It Tfmok»! \ 2_, • Plik Spi'c.tilly Appniijlc-fl Day For Universal Thanksgiving is not far distant and we an- making mieeial arrangements to Provide Qttr Patron* with all those good things in oor line, which will help make CHRISTMAS DIN-NBR A* Big Snecess! We Will Thank YOB for Yonr Thanksgiving Ord«n»! W. H. ALBRIGffiC 'Phone 444 f 7 The Gift rf Mosfc Appreciated | is the gift most needed. J. Here we have com* * bined beauty with usa- •f' bHity—lavalieres; ex- j quisite brooches and I bracelets; sturdy hat* { pins; unusual designs I in rings—besides a host : of other suggestive ar- 1 tides for gifts to the [ young graduate. Our assortment oi ELGIN WATCHES is especially attractive. Sea J thee* unfaltering maetsr- J pieces of wetchcnft before i 1 making yon final gill choice. jj {§ Z.T. HADLEY ITT JKWEtfS & OPTICIAN >[« GRAHAM. N. C. Mortgage Sale of Land. Under and by virtue of the powers contain ed in a certain mortgage deed jexecuted b\ Ralph Stuart on tuetfth day ot August, 1914, and duly executed iu the oiUcc of tue i egia ter of Deeda of AloSMtnue county, in Book No. HO of Mortgage Dee s, at page »sfi: and, whereas, default has beeu made in the t ajr meut of the note and interest thereon, secur ed by the said mortgage, th undersigned wtf 1, on MONDAY, JAN'. 24, f9lt>, at 12 o'clock, noon, sell for cask to the high eat bidder, the following described tract of laud situate in Patfieraou township, Almnauce county, to-wit: Bounded ou west by Pass wore Stevens ami Ernest Moon, on North' by Eruest Moon, ou bias* by Wesley Kuth and John A. Stuart, on South by John A. Stuart, it being tue south i»art of a tract solu to Jobn K. Stuart by J ante* Stuari, »• ud known as the Jonea Cantor laud, containing forty-three acres, more or leas. The above described tract of land Is situate witbin one and a quarter miles of >ylvau High school. About one-half of it is in cui tiv atiou. the reuiaiuder in wood aud timber. It is well watered, and is adapted to the grow h of tobacco, cotton, grain and siasa. This tract will make a very desirable home for atuyone wanting a small farm. Term* of Bale—Cash. Ibis the 20th day of December, 191&. JOHN K. bTPAHT, Mortgage*, JOHN G. CLARK, As&igucc of Mortgagee. Very Serious ■ It is a very serious matter to ask I lor one medicine and have the B ■ wrong one given ycu. For thia ■ reason wo urge you m buying to I ba csrefiil to get the gcuuina— BLACK-IIAUGHT liver Medicine I The reputation of this oi.l, reU»- bto medicine, for constipa'-.on, in digestion and liver troutia. is fira ly established. It"3ots not imitate other medicines. It is better than others, or it would not bu the fa vorite liver powder, with .s. larger sals than all Others com'-nnta. SOU) Qi TOW* Fa . , j done" D vt' K

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