COULD SCARCELY r WALK ABOUT Aai For Three Smamert Mr*. Vm cdt Wa» UnUe to Altai to . , Aaj «f Her Housework. Plrtsant HOI, N. C.—"l suffered for three summers," writes Mrs. Walter Vincent, of this town, "and the third and last time, was my worst I had dmdfui nervous headaches and prostration, and was scarcely able to walk about Could not do any of my housework. 1 also had dreadful pains in my back and sides and when one of those weak, Sinking spells would come on me. 1 would have to give up and tie down, until it wore off. I was certainly in a dreadful state of health, when I finally decided to try Cardui the woman's tonic, and I firmly SUNDAY SCHOOL. Lesson lll.—First Quarter, For , Jan. 16, 1916. JHE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text «f the Lesson, Acta 11, 22-4t f Memory Virm, 38, «»—Golden T.xt, Act* 11, 21—Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stesrne. This la the Brat recorded eermon of a mere man Oiled with the Spirit, and M •Q sermons were molded on the same pattern the Holy Spirit coold accom plish much more than He la by an or dinary sermon permitted to do, for In this sermon by Peter tbe Word of God Js the substance of the discourse. lie quoted St least four portions of Bcrlp ture, the prophecy of Joel; II Sam. i Til; Psalms xvl and ex. It was what 4 weald be called now a Bible study, s, and I bars learned In forty years of I experience that tbe souls of men every where are hungering for the Word of God, and It is written of that alone that it shall not return to Him void . and that by it He will accomplish Uls pleasure (Isa. IT, 11). Peter quoted from Joel 11. 28 32, to Show that this mnnlfeetatlon of tbo Spirit was a fulfillment of that predic tion. and not any wild ravings of g drunken men. Tbe complete fulfillment of Joel's words will be at t£e second ' coaling of Christ to Judge the nations and open the eyes of Israel (Joel ill, FXr S. Peter then told them tbat « , +- '• SOS of Naaareth, vhom 0«C had ao manifestly spprored among them, bat wham tbey bad by wicked bands cruci fied, God hsd raised from tbe dead, ac cording to His ssaurance to David in Pa. XTI and II Sam. vll. and had given Him a place at Hla own right band until the time should come for Him to overthrow His enemlee according to Pa. ex. God bad told David that He would SStsbllsh bis throne and his kingdom forever Is one of his descendants, and oar lesson says that David knew that Ood meant not Solomon, but the Hes- * (lab. the Chrlat (II Bam. vll, 12-10; | Acta 11, 80). rlaen from the dead and Immortal. The suffering* of Chrl*t are ' moat vlrldly i>ortrayed In I**. IIU, bat BU resorrnctlon la eeen there aUo In vara* 10, for one who die* can prolong , hie day* only by rising from the dead. Notice In thla dlacourae I'eter'i refer tticee to the resurrection of Chrlat In venee 24. 80, 82, 86-tbat by the ree nmctlon God mad* that aame Jeana whom they had crucified both Lord and Christ and that Be had ralaed tip Chrlat to alt on tha throne of David. In 1 Pat I, 21, we read that Ood ralaed Him from the dead and gave Him glory. We seem to come nearaat to the Father's heart when we, too, five Him glory' or seek in all thing* to glorify Him (I Pet. Iv, 11). When the prophet Mlcab predicted ni* birth In £ethlebem he (poke of nim aa "ruler 1 la larael" tMlc. v, 21. and In the full neaa of time lie will nrely be King of tha Jaw* on tbe tbrone of David, but Ha will also be tbe King of kings and Lord of lord*. King over all the earth (L&ke r 82. 33; Rev. xvll, 14; lis. 1«; Each. xlv. oi. , Being rejected (tbe Jewe Instated on crucifying lllm, aaylng, "We have no king hot Caeaar**— tohn lis, 14, IS). Be ascended, and the heaven must re calve Him until tbe ttmee of restore tlon of all thinga which Ood hath spo kan by tbe mouth of all (its holy proph- Ma since the world began (Acts 111, 21). The congregation to whom Pater da • ttvered this dlacourae were all Jew* devout men out of every natioa Under heaven (Terse 6). and when they aaw from I heir own Scripture, as un folded to them by the Spirit through - Peter, that their Meealab m to die and riae from tbe deed and thus be come ID Immortsl men, and that what hfid been dona by their rulers In their blindntss wee alao foreseen aod record ed, the Spirit cooTlnced them of tbelr eln, and they aeld to Peter and the rest. "Men and brethren, what ahalt we I dor (Teree 87.) Peter urged them to repent and be baptised and receive remission of aiiia and the gift of the Holy Spirit Tills they gladly did. and that day a boat fcIDOO Jews were added to the number of the saved In Christ (verses 88-41*. This Is one fulfillment of the words of . the Lord Jeans, "Greater worka than k theoe shall be do becanae Igo onto the ft . Pather" (John alv, 12i. We most not think that If we are Spirit ailed wo • shall always see souls saved, for Ste ; pben waa Oiled with the Spirit and ae ; spoke that be received stones enough i to Ml him vt 6. 10: vli. 55001. bat probably Saul never forgot It. and it nay have been one of the Uhks in tbe chain leading to hia convention. One c, who Is Spirit fllled will aay as rani did. "Christ shall bo magnified in my body, |f whether It be by life or by death" » (Phil. I. 20; Itom. xtv, B>. r;fi, ■ Lot as leam from veree 23 of oar loo son that Ood'a foreknowledge of what wicked people will do to His people fc does not laasin the guilt of the evil fcj doers, nor in aay way excuse then. ■ Let as learn alao that God permits evil- P doers and even tbe devil, to wb* out unintentionally His purposes, for ne maketh tbe wrath of man to pralae g- Him and restraina tbe reminder (Pa. feelMrrl, J0». May we ever rejoice In the j| risen Living rjrlst. Hi. (loUhwL work. believe I would here #ed H I hadat taken It. I began taking Cardui, I was greatly helped, and an three bottles re lieved me entirely. I fattened up, and grew, so much stronger in three months, I iett like an other person altogether." Cardui b purely vegetable and gentle acting. Its ingredients have a mild, tonic effect, on flu womanly constitution. Cardui makes for Increased strength, improves the appetite, tones up the ner vous syatem, and helps to make pale, sallow cheeks, fresh and rosy. Cardui has helped more than a million weak women, during the pest 80 yeara. It will surely do for you, what It has done for them. Try Cardui today. WrlU to; Oil MIL MXtelm C*. II«M' HJt vtuwy Dxt., ChaMmeaa*. Tm, tor Special h* ttrurtiofit m your e— aa* I' p—« took, Hona Trutaaat tor Wm." hM la (lata mm. i-tt His present ministry of Intercession. Hla coming nguln itnd In sll the glory »f His Kbigdom. continuing-steadfast ly In tbe npostlea' docftine. with glad ness (42-47) By tbe same Bplrlt who dwelt In Jeaus Christ we may be ap proved of Ood and have Him work la ns such works that Ood shall be glori fied in os (verse 22; II Tim. U, IB). —— / SANTA CLAUS7 SURELY! Hew Could Any One Doubt Hie Kxlet •net Who Knows the FaeteT (Many yeara ««o the Nsw Tork Bun publlahad th. following editorial In an ewer to thla question. It waa written by Frank P. Church end baa become one of the classica of modern Chrlatmaa litera ture.] We take pleasure In answering at once, and thua prominently, the com munication below, expressing at the aame time our great gratification that |ta faithful author U numbered among the friends of the Sun: Dear Editor-1 am eight years eld. Some of my little friends my there le no Santa Claua. Papa says. "It you see It In the Bun It's eo." Please tell me the truth— Is thsre a Santa Claua? VIRGINIA CXHAKIXJN. lit Wast Nlnsty-flfth Street. Virginia, your little friends are wrong. They have been affected by tbe skepticism of a skeptical sge. They do not believe except they see. They think that nothing can be which ia not comprebenslblo by their tittle minds. All minds. Virginia, whether they be men's or children's, sre little. In this great universe ot ours man ia a mere Insect, an ant. In hla Intellect as com pared with the boundles* world about blm, as measured by the Intelligence capable of graaplng tbe whole of truth and knowledge. Tee, Virginia, there Is s Santa Claua. He exists aa certainly as lore snd gen erosity snd devotion exist, snd you know thst they sbound snd givs to your life Its highest beauty snd Joy. Alasl How dreary would be the world if there were no Santa Claua! It would be ss dreary aa If there were no Vir ginias. There woold be no childlike faith then, no poetry, no romance to make tolerable thla exiatenoe. We ahould have no enjoyment except in sense and sight The eternsi light with which childhood fills the world wotlld be extinguished. Not believe In Bants Claua? Too might as wall not believe In fsirieel You might get your papa to hire men to watch in all tbe chlmneye on Chrlat maa eve to catch Santa Claua, but even if tbey did jjot see Santa Claua coming down what would that prove! Nobody eeea Hanta Claua, but that la no sign that there Is no Santa Clans The moot real things In tbe world are those that neither children nor men can eqp. Did you ever aee falrtee dancing on the lawn? Of course not. but that'e no proof that tbey are not there. No body can conceive or Imagine all the wonders that are unaeen and unseeable In tbe world. Yos may tear apart the baby'a rattle and aae what make* tha nolae Ins Ids, but there la a Tall covering tha unaaen world which not the atrongeet man or even the united atrength of all the ■trongaet men that ever lived could taar apart Only faith, fancy, poetry, love, romance, can push aakla that cur tain and view and picture the supernal beauty and glory beyond, la It all real? Ah, Virginia, In all thla wortd there la nothing elee real and abiding. Mo Banta Claoat Thank Uodl' Ha Uvea, and he Uvea forever. A tboueand year* from now, Virginia, nay, tan Umea ten thooaand year* from new, he will continue to make glad the heart «f childhood. ' - • " Appropriate Chrietmae Pavers. No matter.what tbe weather may be, the Chrlatmaa favors should carry out tbs Idea of anow and cold weather. One of tbe daintiest far ore for the Cbrlatmaa dinner table la the anowball nude of glistening while and aor mounted by a a prig at tolly. When theae are augmented by the huge ball for the center, which la also made of paper and baa a rich red ribbon draped acroaa It and Is trimmed with holly, the whole Christmas atmosphere Is complete. Another appropriate place ment 1s tbe funny enow man with his black stovepipe hat snd beady eyes. Be, too, can be made In a large slas snd used for the center piece. Then there are green baeketa with holly perched Jauntily on the handle, potn eettiaa snd Banta Clauses. There Is no lack of Ingenuity' In gay holiday favors. ;IIIMIIIMIII I I I I 1 I I I I I I ' :: WINTER CARE OF HENS. !! ' iimnimnmimmit It is easier to keep the hear quartern clean than It 1* to fight dlaaasa Ventilate tbe benbouae. fee wire nests, sven If of hone man ufacture. Once a month burn tbe etraw. wipe tbe wire freely with kero eene (coal olli and put In fresh straw. . fee the drop board scraper every day- . f*, . .Ji Have the floor clean snd dry under tbs litter. Warm the drinking water a little If there Is any chilliness In the air. Be generous with your sour milk. Wstcb the bena for superfluous fat Provide plenty of dry esrth and coal a«boa where the bens may dust thsaa aelvee. and.there la little danger of body Ilea In a clean bona* A Nation That Is Not Aggressive v Need Have No Fear of Attack * «T JAMBS CARDINAL GIBBONS lAM not in favor of preparedness for war, and neither am I in fsvor of peace st any price. I am certainly not in favor of a large standing army raised in anticipa-- tion of war, because I entertain no fear that the United States will be drawn into thin '/rent conflict. ™ A nation such as this, project ed on the >«st and the west by 1 the wide ocesv, •.. , • i ' Photo •by ASMriOM with frie»*«y rrMAuocutun. Canada on trie north, and with °'"- no fear of inva- sion from the Mezicana on the south, need not prepare for conflict through fear of invasion. A BENIGNANT PROVIDENCE HAS GIVEN TO US A SPLENDID ISOLA TION FROM HOSTILE ARMS, AND A NATION SUCH AS THIS, WHICH SEKKS ONLY HONORABLE"T T EACE, NEED NOT PEAR AGGRESSION. We have lived in peace and pros perity many year* without a large standing army, and it ia the truth that a nation which U not aggressive is protected from attack. THERE FORE, AS I VIEW THE SITU ATION, ALL WE NEED IS A WELL TRAINED AND EN LARGED MILITIA. European War Has Cemented the American Republics By JOHN BARRETT, DiMetor Gen eral of (be Pan' American Union THE silver lining of the Euro pean war cloud for the Unit ed States and, in fact, all the Western Hemisphere ia the power ful impetus it is giving to pan- American solidarity. It has in spired new and more friendly feel ing throughoui Central and South America toward the United States, and it has AWAKENED IN THIS COUNTRY A NEW AND MORE SINCERE APPRECIATION OF ITS SISTER AMERICAN COUN TRIES. The most significant and far reaching feature of this new era may be the inevitable evolution of tbe Monroe doctrine into a pan- American doctrine or policy, which will mean that the nations of the south fill stand for the protection of the sovereignty and integrity of the United States against foreign invasion or conquest as quickly and sincerely ss the UNITED STATES WILL STAND FOR THEIR SOVEREIGNTY AND INTEG RITY UNDER FOREIGN AT TACK. Spirit of Materialism Is Giving Way to Loft ier Ideals Bf lUv. Or. WILTON MERLE-SMITH, New York City THERE are things worse than war, and I have no sympathy with those who preach peace at any price nor with the anort ■ightedness and almost criminal in efficiency of public officials WHO WOULD RESTRICT OUB NA VAL AND MILITARY FORCES TO THE SMALLEST POSSIBLE DIMENSIONS. I believe this new patriotiam is leading to tbe recognition of loftier ideals. A short time ago 100 min ister* were asked what they con sidered the leading ideal of the men they met, and forty-six replied that it waa to be of service to one's fal low*. MATERIALISM It WITH US V«T, BUT THERE HAS SKIN A MAR VELOUS CHANOC WITHIN THE LAST TEN YEARS, ANO I REJOICE TO SEE THE EVIDENCES OP THIS NEW ALTRUISM, THIS NEW DE SIRE TO HELP AND SERVE OUR PELLOW MEN. Confesses Murdsr, Oot Wrong Man. John Brown," the negro chsrgsd with having ahot and killed Mr a. Buaan Dixon, seventy-six years old, at her home near Mount Briar, Fri day, confeaaed to Sheriff Lond and the state's attorney, 8. M. Wolfin gar, of Hagerstown, Md.. that ho waa guilty. Hs said he shot the womah through mistake for Ellas Qrifßih, who owed htm money for arork and refuaed to pay him. Justice Lamar Dies. v t Joseph Rpcker Lamar, aaare'ate Juatlce of the supreme court of the United States, died at h s home In Washington, after an Ills ass of sev eral months. Ha waa seventy-eight years old and bad boon on the supremo bench lv« years. '40400 Allied Soldiers Blinded. Dr. Helen Nolen. whp has boon working In the American hospital at Nice, returned to America on lbs Roc ham beau. She said thai mors than 40,000 allied soldiers bai "been mads totally blind since the war bo SIR JAMES WILLCOCKS I Reelgns Command of British In dian Corpa on West Front. |j Photo by American Press Association. General Wlllcocks has been a lieu tenant general since 1908 and was •enior to Sir Douglas Haig until the latter was made a full general last November. His resignation is ascrib ed to "personal reasons." For similar reasons, as far as the public knows, Oeneral Smlth-Dorrien left the front teveral months ago.. SLAYS WIFFS MOTHER North Bsthlehem Man Bhoota Woman While Family Attends Church. Milton. Crout, -ft machinist In the employ of the Bethlehem Foundry * Machine company, shot and killeJ his mother-in-law, Mrs. Reuben Jacob?, leventy-flve years old, at his home in North Bethlehem, Pa. The only excuse Crout made was that the woman had been interfering with his business. She was shot In the head from be hind, the bullet entering the skull near the base and becoming Imbedded In the neck. Apparently Mrs. Jacoby was dozing In her favorite rocking chair when she was killed. « There was no one in the house at the time, Mrs. Crout and her chil flren having gone to church. When they returned, Mrs. Crout noticed her mother seated In the rocking chair as if asleep. On the couch nearby Crout was resting. "Granny, are you sleeping?" was Mrs. Crout's greeting as she entered the room. "No, I shot her," brusquely replied Crout, as he rose from the couch. Screaming, Mrs. Crout dashed from the house and aroused the neighbor hood. Crout was arrested and placed In jail. Crout bad been drinking, it Is said, but Chief Halteman believes, he was not sufficiently Intoxicated'to be Ir responsible. Four years ago Crout bad a bad attack of brain fever, and since then had been drinking more or- less, and at times made threats to kill his family and even the neigh bors. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury, as msroury will surely destroy tbe sense of smell and completely !«nnge the whole srs tem when entering It ilunugh the mucous surfaces, *ueh articles should never he uaed except on prescriptions from reputable phy sicians, as the damage they will do Is ten fol to tbe good you oan posalhly dorlv- from them. Hill's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by t. J. llheney A Co., Tnledo, O, oontalos no meroury, and Is taken Internally, acting dlreoily upon the hlood an« muimus surfsces of the sysb-iD. In bnylng Hall's Oatarrfa Cure be sure you get the genuine. 11 Is taken Internally and mtde In Toledo, Ohio, by P. J. Cheney fe 00. TuetlmotiUls tree. Mold by Hrupslats. Price, 7&c. per bottle. Take Hall's Piunily for constipation. A brilliant reception given at the White House Friday night by the President and Mrs. Wilson crowned the social attentions paid visiting delegates to the Pan-American Sci entific Congress during the past two weeks. In numbers present and in splendor the occasion sur passed anything of the kind seen in Washington in recent years, it was Mrs. Wilson* first appearance as mistress of the White House. flOO— Dr. E. Detchon's Anti-Diu retic may be worth more to you —more to you than 1100 if you have, a child who soils the bed ding from incontinence of water during sleep. Cures old and young alike. It arrests the trouoie at once. SI.OO. Sold by Graham Drug Company. adv. W. F. McCoombs, chairman of the national Democratic Committee, de clares that "the second term plana concerning the presidency was not mandate of the Baltimore conven tion, and may. be construed either aa a recommendation, to Uie can didate or a recommendatiop to cure the paaaing of a national con stitutional amendment. V Bad C'eU Quickly Broken Up. Mr*. Martha Wilcox, Oowanda, N, Y., writes, "I first used Chamber lains' Cough Remedy nbout eight year* ago. At that time I had a hard cola ant} coughed moat of the time. It proved to be Just whit I needed. It broko up the cola In • few dajra, and the cough en tirely disappeared. I told many of my friende of the good I had re ceived through using this medicine ai)d all who have uaed it apeak In It in the highest terms." Obtain able everywhere. For Bale by all dealer*. adv. Mr. Gardner of Maiachuaetts,. Be • publican, speaking in the House of Congress Friday on proposals for munitions embargo, criticised Ger man-Americans in a way that drew hot protests from, three Republican colleagues—Stafford, Cooper ofO.. and Long worth of Wis. WHY YOU ARE NERVOUS The nervous system is the alarm system of the hnmaw body. la perfect health we hardly realise thai we have a network of nerves, bat when health Is ebbing, when strength is declin ing, the same nervous system gives the alana in hrartarhss. tiredness, dreamful sleep, irritability and unless corrected, leads straight to a breakdown. To correct nervousness, Scott's Baal sion Is exactly what you should take; its rich nutriment gets into the blood end rich blood feeds the tiny nerve-cells while i the whole system responds to its refresh ing took force. It H free from alcohol. ' « Ms* Mail ill. ■■ I. . Americans Not Re garded as Demigods by Nations of - the World :: :: :: :: :: ir By V. MORGAN SHUSTER, Former Treasurer ol Persia ARE we afraid to love America? Are We terrified by the pros pect before us? It is fight that we should love peace, but it is aiso right that we should love jus ticei TO LOVE MORAL AND IN TELLECTUAL JUBTICE 18 NOT ENOUGH. WE SHOULD STAND ALSO FOR AC- 1 TUAL ' JUSTICE Bgfe qgtfL TO OURBELVEB AND TO EVERY *1 ourselves to be solaced by th?"- »HUBTER. idea that love of country is kll that is required. We mufi.t discard the theory that love of our government will keep us at peace. Do not be deceived today by statements of policy put forth by governments. Be not deceived! THE AMERI CAN PEOPLE STAND ALONE IN THE WORLD TODAY. THE WORLD ALL DISLIKES US. Dispel from your minds any idea that we arc regarded as demigods, either in government, in industry, in finance or in any other respfect. We have no one to look to to main tain our institutions but ourselves, our common sense and the pride of those who make up this people. Whole World Learning the Stupendous Folly of War By GERALD STANLEY LEE, Author OF course the best thing to, do is to prevent a big disaster from happening if one can, but when it happens the next best thing to do is to show what we can make out of it. MY FEELING IS THAT THE PROSPECT OP PEACE HAS NEVER BEEN SO BRIGHT IN THE HISTORY OF MAN AS IT IS TODAY. Generally when nations have learned that war was ftotile and that war didn't get things for na tions they have learned it in a rath er lonely way, one or two at a time. One or two at a time would make up their minds not to fight for fifty years or until another generation came in. But in this war all the nations arc involved directly or in directly, and they are all learning what a colossal, stupid, blundering thing it is to try to fight to get things. THAT 18 ONE REASON WHY I AM HOPEFUL. WE ARE ALL THINK ING ABOUT THE BAME THING AND ALL GETTING THE SAME STU PENDOUS OBJECT LESSON. No Present Need For Increasing Our Military Defenses By SAMUEL UNTERMYBR, Noted Corporation Lawyer THE question that is most in the public mind is that of na- tional preparedness. On this > subject there are several schools of thought. There is that class of idealists who believe that by being unarmed and unable to defend it self the country is safe. Arfother school says that if we want peace we must be strong enough to enforce peace. WE ABE. TOLD THAT OTHER NATIONS KNOW OUB WEAKNESS AND THEY ABE NOT AFRAID TO ATTACK US, WHETHER IT BE BIGHT TQ DO SO OR NOT. Personally I believe that than never was a time when the country had less reason to increase the army and navy. I do not believe that now, when other nations are pros trate, is the time to make this prep aration. WHY NOT WAIT AND SEE? IT MAY NOT BE NECESSARY TO PLACE THIS ADDITIONAL TAX BURDEN ON OUR PEOPLE. Jail Two Per Murdsr. At the instance of District Attorney OrolT, the police arrested Mra. John Elaenberger and her boarder, John Weaver, charted with murdering the woman's husband on December IS at the Elaenberger home. In Lancaster, Pa!* Elseuberger was found dead In the morning with a bullet hole la his head. Hla wife gave out a plausible story of his having commltteed suicide while In a At of despondency. Fewer killed In Hunting Seaaen. Reports received by Dr. Joaepk Kalbtuss. secretary of the state game commission, In Harrlaborg, for wardens, show that during the recent hunting seaaon twenty-seven persona were killed aofl 10* injured In Penn sylvania. These numbers may be Increased slightly "by later r«porta. Laat year fifty-one persona were kill ed and MS Injured during the hunt ing season. Itch relieved In M minutes by Woodford's Sanitary Lotion. Never falls. Sold by Graham Drag Co, BIG FIRE INHAGERSTOWN •tor* Building Collapse* and Flames Follow. Following the collapa* af one sec tloo of th« largo wholesale t;ocery establishment of J. W..Myers & Com' pan?. In Hagerstown, Md., Are started and oompletely destroyed tbp section which caved In, and damaged adjoin ing buildings, entailing a loss esti mated at (160,000, Seemingly, without cause, the south ern section of the big brick building crashed Co the pavement Tons of brick and timbers were piled up. The building waa of three stories, and each was stocked wit-i goods In preparation for Christmas trade. Various theories are advanced as to the cause of the lire. One is that two carloads of matches on the sec ond floor were ignited when the crash came. The other theory is that an Interior explosion caused the collapse. ROB DAYLIGHT On* of Thieves Is Captured and Pur suer is Wounded. . Two manyone masked, entered the grocery of Louis Steen, at Blast Pittsburgh, Pa., and after ordering William Steen, a cferk, to hold up his rtands, robbed the cash register of sls. The men then ran into the street with Steen in pursuit. Steen was joined by other resi dents, and as they gained on the rob -1 bers, pne of the men began firing. | Max Magley was shot in the leg, but [ the others continued the pursuit and cornered tbe robbers In the Carnegie steel mill at Bessemer. One succeed ed in breaking through and making his escape. Would Bar Church Envoy* A resolution 'to prevent the recep tion by the United States of ambassa dors or representatives of any church will be pressed in congress by Repre sentative Vinson, of Georgia. The only church functionary now accredited to this capital is tbe papal delegate, rep resenting the Vatican, and his status is unofficial and purely religious. Senator Cock re 11 Diss Francis Marlon Cookrell, former United States senator from Missouri, died in Washington of inflrmltlea due to age. He was eighty-one years old. Ever Salivated by Calomel Horrible! Calomel is Quicksilver and Acts like Dynamite on Your Kidnes. Calomel loses you a day I You know what calomel is. It's mer cury; quicksilver. Calomel is dan ferous. It crashes into yOur bile ynamite, cramping and sickening you: Calomel attacks the bones and should never be put into your system. When you feel bilious, sluggish, constipated and all knocked; out, and feel that you "need a dose- of dangerous calomel, just remember that your druggist sells fot 60c a large ..bottle of Dodson's Liver. Tons, whUi- -It entirely vegetable and pleasant to take and is a per fect substitute for calomel. It is guaranteed to start your liver. without stirring you up Inside, and cannot sativate. Dont take Calomel I It makes' you sick next day; it loses you a day's work. Dodson's Liver Tone straightens you right up and you feel great Give it to the children because it is perfectly harmless ana doesn't gripe. adv., Consul Garrets at Alexandria Egypt has advised the State De partment that he obtained affida vits from the 21 survivors of the Persia, including Chas. H. Grant, an American citizen, and 1 that all con firmed previous reports that "no warning was given and no vessel was seen." Robert L. Knox, surveyor of cus toms for the; port of New Orleans who on December 22 shot and kill ed two mem in a Vailroad station at Baton Rouge, La., has been of ficially declared insane and com mitted to the criminal division of the State Hospital' for the Insane. Oeo. Cathey of Buncombe county, under sentence of 18 months on the roads for selling liquor—sentence affirmed by the Supreme Court cant be found, and It is said the bond for 13,200 will be declared for feited. When the Supreme Court decided against Cathey his attor ney put out the word that an ap peal would be taken to the nitea States Supreme Court. Meantime Cathey vanished. The dead body of Anderson T. OQurley, a farmer of Wayne coun ty was found In the river Friday and the indications are that the man was murdered and robbed. He had cold two bale* of cotton in Goldaboro and had drawn about .196 of the money. It is supposed he was attacked on his way home. Only 98 wan found In his pockets. Two negroes have since been ar restaed and are in Jail. One of them has confessed and implicates a third. Ts Cars a Cold la One Day, Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if It fails to cure. B. W. Orove's slgnsture ia on each box. ii cents. adv. IMPROVED HIS HEARING. A Chinaman was brought before magistrate in a court of a Cana dian city, says The Youth's Com panion and received a. fine for a alight misdemeanor. The Judge had great difficulty in making the Ori ental understand,, "for te pretended not to knotf a word of Bngliah. "Look here, man," said the dis gusted judge, "that ia one dollar. Do you see? Otherwise In Jail I UndrestandT" The Chinaman slgr nified that he did not under stand and the magiatrate repeat ed it. ' . "Let me talk *ith him, your hon or," aald the portly officer who had arrested the man. "11l make him understand." When the Judge had'given him leave, the officer,, approached the Chinaman and shouted In hla ear. "Say, you, with the teakettle face, can't you hear anything? Yon"\x to pajf a two dollar fine/' . "You're a liar 1" shouted the Chinaman forgetting himself in in liia rage, "lt'4 only one dollar." Children Cry for Fletcher's Trfe Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in OM for over SO years, has borne the signature of and has been mode under his per* fj* ' sonal supervision since Its Infancy. '■6icA44£ ( Allow no one to deceive yon In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are bat Experiments that trifle "with and endanger, the health of Infants and Children - Krperlence against Experiment What is CASTOR IA Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrnps. It Is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphlna-ster other Narcotic substance. Its age Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverlshness. For more tha'a thirty years It has been In constant use for the relief of-Constipatlon, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teethlhg Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep* The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought TM» OSWTAUH OOMI»AWY, WIW CITY. ■ 60 YEAQS REPUTATION * U ARNOLDSM A BALSAIE f ALU SUMMER'SICKNESSES BVI I Graham Drug Co. | Mortgage Sale of Land. Under and by virtue of the powers contain ed In a certain mortgage deed executed by 1 John A Btuartaudbla wire, Julia A. Wtuart, on the oth day of August, 1914, and duly re corded In the office of the Register of Deeds of Alamance county, In book No. tto of Mortgage Ueeds, at page 352; and, whereas, default bas l>eeu made in tbe payment of the note and In terest thereon, secured by tbe said mortgage, tbe undersigned will, on MONDAY, JAN. 24,1916, at 12 o'clock, noon. iA for cash to the highest bidder, the followflHrdescribed tract of land situate In Patterson township, Alamance county, to-wit: Beginning ail a stake or stone ib D. H. Al bright's Hue and running North 65 poles to stone and pointers; thence West 94 pole- to stake and pointers, formerly a Spanish oaic, Jas. Dixon's corner; tbence rtouth witb Al bright line 55 poles to stone pile; 1 hence East with his Other line 94 poles to the beginning, contains Wi acres, more 01 less. Tbe abo\e described tract of land is situate within one and it quarter miles of Kyi van High Schcol. About one-half of It is in cul tivation ,Jhe roiiittluderJn.woou and.Umber.. Jit is Wfcll .watered, and It is adapted to tbe growtii of) tobacco, cottbn, grain and grass. "Tbis tract will make a very desirable home tor anyone warning a small farm. I Terms of Kale—.Cash. This tbe 20th day of December, 1915. JOHM K. UAKT, Mortgagee. JOHN O. C'ItAHK, , * e* Assignee of Mortgagee. "HtreistheAnswerfifl ! Z- WEBSTERS - R I NEW INTERNATIONAL! TK IfenuM wasm gj ■▼err day in your talk and reading. a| home, on tbe street car, in the office, shop and school yon likely question the mean ing of some MS word. A friend askst What makes mortar harden?" You seek tbe locatioa of Loch Katrin* or the pronun ciation of JmjmtML What is white coat? litis NfW Creation answers all kinds of questions in Language, History, Biography. Fiction, Foreign Words, Trades, Arts and irttn MmntmmikM ffn iL -1 400,000 Words. Ti gODO ' cwwoojoo. Theonlr dictionary with 5 flkction toown the J ftrriam MjEWP If ml I Webeter ID a form mo light KKfMI Uj El , j and ao con Ten lent to Me I AaL f/n fl lW One h«!f the thlrknea H]tm I WelchtofßeffnUf Edition. K>n ll I I I I An Yn a Westao? is Cardui The Woman's Tonic FN SALE KS ILL NBHBTS W4 \ \jP-Vo-DATB * JOB ' P RTNTNQ 4^ I DQNB AT THIB OFFICE. | ( oivs ( y» t j Approximately a million dcl'arr worth of internal revenue stamps and several thousand dollars in cash were stolen Thursday night oy robbers who i>lew' open -ap- vauit in the old Federal building at St. Paul Minn. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children In UM For Over 30 Years Always bean - MgJroof I trade marks and copyright* obtained or no B fee. Send model, iketcb* or photos end de- ■ •criptlon for FRHTSEARCH and report ■ on patentability. Dank references. PATENTS'BUILD FORTUNES for I you. Our booklet tell how, whet to Invert B and mre 700 money. Write today. D. SWIFT & CO. I PATENT LAWYERS, 303 Beventh St., Washington, D. C.Js ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified AH administrator upon the estate of Mat lie Wells, dec« used, thn un dersigned hereby notijW all p rsons holding claims ngainst said estate to present the duly auth- ntlc»ted. on or before 1 he 24i h day of D« c.. 1010, or this nonce "ill be pleaded IQ bar of tneir recovery. All j>erao s indebted to Balilrfre requested to make im mediate settlement. This December 20th, 1915. J. L. M OTT. JR., Public Adra'r, 23Ueo6t Adin'rof Matlle Wells, dee'd. ARE YOU rj UP r TO DATE - nwn—• II you are not the NEWS AN* OBBRYER is. Subscribe for it ai once and it will keep yon abreast )t the times. Full Associated Press dispatch i the news—foreign, do aestic, national, state and local J1 the time. Daily Newf and Observer $7 jer year, 3.50 for 6 mos. Weekly North Carolinian $1 tier year, 50c lor 6 mos. MEWS & OBSERVER PUB. CO., RALEIGH, N. C. The North Carolinian and THE ALAMANCE GLEANER will be sen tor one year tor Two Dollars. Cash in advance. Apply at THE GLEANER office. Graham, N. C. ~ ~ THE Charlotte Daily. ODserver Subscription Rates Oatiy - tb.tM) oauy and Sunday soo &unuay - - - - 2.ue Tbe Semi-Weekly Observer Tues. ana rriaay - l.oti The Charlotte Daily Observer, is sued daily and Sunday is the lead ing newspaper between Wasning ton,«. C, and Atlanta, Ua. it ' gives all tbe news of worth Caro . Una besides the complete Associat ed Press Service. I The Semi* Weekly Observer, ia sued on xuesday and Friday lor per year gives tile reider a full report ol Lhe weeit'a news. i'ue leading aemi-,weelcty ot the State. 1 Address all orders to DBS.ERVER CO. CHAKLU'I It, N. u. ! w Vou *AHT A Ml S 0K«1?~ I If you do "Digfatoncipe" >ul give you one." For full particulars regard ing this wonderful Remedy which has benefited thousands, apply to Hayes Drag Co. LIVES OF CHRISTIAN MINISTERS This book, entitled as :J. contains over 200 memoirs of Min- ' isters in the Christian Chnrcb with historical reference*. AD interesting volume —nicely print ed and bound. Price per copy: cloth, $2.00; gilt top, $2.60. By mail 20c extra. Orders may b* sent to P. J. KEKKODLK, 1012 E. Marshall St., Richmond, Vn Orders may be left at this office.

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