I HE GLEANER GRAHAM, N. 0., Feb. 10, 1&16. foswllice UotiXb Offlo .pen I.OU m. a. toT.OUp. nu gnuday MO to 11.00 *. m. and 4.00 to 8.00 p. a J. M. MoORACKEN, PoitßUHr. ♦* +H ♦+++++++++++++++ + LOCAL NEWS. + ♦ * >, + ♦♦+++++++++++++++++*++++++ —Seems the grouudbog has set tled the weather proposition -at least it has tended more to fair than to foal and disagreeable weather. —Alamance Republicans will hold a couvention in Graham on Satur day, 26th inßt., to name delegates to the various district conventions. —Saturday will close the health campaign in Alamance. The ezer -eises will take place at Graham and prominent speakers will be present. -y-k brake in the dam at Saxapa haw was caused by the heavy rains last week, but was not diacov red until Sunday morning after the had subsided. The damage Vill be repaired as early as possible. -■• The City of Burlington has sold her bonds to build a city hall and market. The issue is $30,(>00 and was bought by the Alamance Loan and Trust Co. for (31,122 over a number f competitive bidders. —On Tuesday night in Burling ton, where both the bride and groom lived, Mr. Thos. N. Boone and Miss Addie Ray were quietly united in marrage. The bride is a daughter of Mr R. D. P. Ray, near here, and Mr Boone formerly lived here. Both are popular and have many friends who wish them Jong life and much happiness. N Triangular Debaters Chosen. 1 Last Friday the debaters in Gra , ham High School had a try-out con test for places in the triangular de beting contest. The subject is, briefly, "preparedness." The judges for Graham school chose Mr. Boyd Harden and Miss Myrtle Cooper to represent the affirmative and Mr. ~ Thos. C oper and Miss Zelma Eorn buckle to represent the negative. These four, if they get to go to Chapel Hill in April, will have to win over their apponents in both affirmative and negative. These contests will come off in a very few weeks and our Graham debatere will know then about going to Chapel Hill. Commissioners' Meeting. The Board met Monday in regular monthly session with, Mess. W H. Turrentine, C. H. Runey, M. C. Mc- Bane and Chas. F. Gates present. The business attendi d to was chiefly routine in character. One thousand dollars was added to the sinking fund, and 8250 was appropriated for tomato club and demonstration work upon condition that board of education set aside a like amount and amount equal to both be given by the State. Mr. C. B. Irwin Quite 111. About six months ago Mr. Chas. B. Irwin was stricken with' paralysis and since he has been practically confined to his home. On last Fii day he had two other attacks, and fearing the worst his daughters were summoned. Mrs. Logan Critchton of Atlanta, Mrs. Herbert Post of East Orange, N. J., and Mrs. Banks Williamson of Glencoe are with him. His condition is regarded as critical bis friends will regret to learn. Damon and Pythias In Moving Pictures. On Tuesday night, 29th inst., at the Mexican Theaire will be shown Damon and Pythias in moving pic tures. It was upon the devoted friendship of these persons, told in Grecian mythology, that the order of Knights of Pythias was founded, and it will be interesting to all members of the order to witness the portrayal of that friendship which nas come down from the far distant past. The tone of the picture is elevating and ennobling and should be seen for the sentiment it teaches. To the Laymen's Missionary Meeting. A small army of Graham people went to Greensboro this morning to spend the day at the Laymen's Missionary meeting. A dozen or more automobiles were filled. To give the names of all who went would be almost like publishing a census of the town. For Benefit of Daughters Confed eracy. On Friday night, 11th inst., the Mexican Theatre will be run for the benefit of Graham Chapter U. D. C. Cnndies will be sold at the entrance. The Chapter will appreciate a large patronage. * DEATHS. Ovella, aged 3 years, 7 mos. and 29 days, the li tie daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Glosson, died in Raleigh Tuesday and, accompanied I by the parents, the body was brought here at 11 o'cilock yesterday morning for burial. The interment was in Linwood Cemetery. Rev. Jas. W. Rose conducted the services. Mr. and Mrs. Glosson formerly lived here, but moved to Raleigh about four years ago. . , New Corporation. Graham Chero-Cola Bottling Company was incorporated by the Secretary of State on Tuesday. The incorporators are Messrs. A. K. Hardee, Robt. L. Holmes and Robt. B. Tate, The authorized capital stock is (10,000, with *3,- 000 subscribed. ' ( ♦»♦■»■! + I++++++++++H-+++++-H --♦ '♦ + PERSONAL. + » . . Mrs. J. K. Mebane spent Monday in Greensboro. Mr. W. A. Paschal of Altamahaw was in town Monday. Mr. A. W. Norwood is spending the day in Durham. Mr. J. L. Scott, Jr., spent Tues day in Greensboro. W. B. Sellars, Esq., of Pleasant Grove was in town Tuesday. Maj. J. J. Henderson spent last Friday in Greensboro on business. Mr. W. E. Thompson of EflancT was here the first of the week on busiuess. Ex-Sheriff R. T. Kernodle of Union Ridge was in town yesterday on business. Mr. Allan Mebane of Greensboro spent the latter part of last week here with relatives. Messrs. Jerry and Rudy Webster are at home. They have been in Petersburg, Va. Little Miss May Mebane Donoho of Milton is visiting her aunt, Mis. E. S Parker, Jr. Rev. Jas, W. Rose went to Greens boro yesterday evening to attend the Laymen's Missionary Meeting. , Mrs. Jas. D. Proctor and little Misses Elizabeth and Mary Catharine spent yesterday visiting in Durham. MissedJEthel and Bonna William son of Saxapabaw spent the past week here as guestsof Misses Blanch and Rebecca Scott. Mrs. Jas. P. Smith returned last week from Washington, D. C., where she spent about two months visiting her daughter, Mis. Eugene Knight. Mrs. Logan M Critchton of At lanta, Ga.. arrived here Saturday night, and Mrs. Herbert Post of East Orange, N. J., arrived Sunday morn ing, being summoned on account of the illness of their father, Mr. Chas. 11. Irwin. • Rev. T. G. Vickers of Southport was here yesterday shaking hafids with friends. He is attending the Laymen's Missionary meeting in Greensboro and ran down for a few hours. He was formerly pastor of the M: E. church here. MEXICAN PROGRAM The following is the program for the week beginning Monday, Feb. 14th: MONDAY NIGHT. Broken Coin ( 2-parts Little Lady Across The Way 2-parts The Power of Fascination l-part Keeping It Dark l-part TUESDAY NIGHT. The Lion's Ward 3-parts Lizzie's Shadowed Dreamß 1-part WEDNESDAY NIGHT. Campells Are Coming 4-parts - THURSDAY NIGHT. Diamond From The Sky 2-parts Juror No. 7 2-parts Weekly No. 196 Slim, Fat or Medium 1-part FRIDAY NIGHT. Bride of Nancy Leo 2-parts Slightly Mistaken l-part Her Speedy Affair l-p»rt SATURDAY NIGHT. Lord John's Adventures No. 1 4-parts. . . Among the Sick. Col. J. A. Long is able to be out after being confined to his home for two weeks. Mr. Jas. P. Harden, near here, has been sick for the past week. Mr. Will. S. Rives is confined to his home with grippe. Mr. B. N. Turner has been con fined to his home by sickness since Monday evening. TRUTH TRIUMPHS Graham Citizens Testify for the Public Benefit. A truthful statement of a Graham citizen, given in his own words, should convince the most skeptical about the merits of Doan's Kidney Pills. If you suffer from backache, nervousness, sleeplessness, urinary disorders or any form of kidney ills, use a tested kidney medicine.* A Graham citizen tells of Doan's Kidney Pills. Could you demand more convinc i ing proof of merit? I J. N. 11. Clendenin, a retired far i mer, S. Main St., Graham, says: "I ' was bothered A great deal by weak ; kidneys. I had little control over the kidney secretions and had to get up . many times during the night. In I the morning my back was so sore t and lame that I could hardly get out of bed. I read so much about Doan's Kidney Pills that I got a supply at the Graham Drug Co. and began taking them. A few doses relieved { the pain in my back and one box 9 cured me. I can now go to bed, . sleep well and my back is strong." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't 1 simply ask fora kidney remedy—get 1, Doan's Kidney Pills-the same that - Mr. Clendenin had. Foster-Milburn |Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. adv. Swepsonville Defeats Graham by a Score of 21 to 2. v The Swepsonville and Graham schools played a slow but interest ing game of basketball Saturday afternoon on the former's fl»or. The Graham quint wan in every respect out classed by the local team. The visitors were not al lowed to toss a single goal during the first half. The locals became careless in the last half, allowing the visitors to score two points, both of these being fouls. The features of the game were the consistent goal tossing of Gal loway, scoring 15 points, while Neese "tipped" 6. t The line up was as follows: Graham: Swepsonville: Kernodle, R. G. Riddle, L. G. Hradshaw, L. G. Cable, R. G. Moser, Neese, C. Terry, L. F. Galloway, L. F. Cooper, R. F. Isley, R. F. Substitutes:Swepsonville, Pick ard for Riddle. Referee, Mr. J. J. Henderson; Umpire, Dr. Morrow. Graham Produce Market Corrected Weekly by W. J. Nick*. Chickens —Hefts—per lb. ,10c Fryers " 12H5c Eggs, per doz. 20c Ducks, per lb. 100 Geese, " ~ 08c Butter, 9 1 ; 20c Wheat, per bu. 1.45- Corn, w .75 to 80c Oats, " 65c Sweet Potatoes per bu. 75c Irish Potatoes " 80c to 1.00 Cotton Seed, per bu. .50c Hides-Green, per lb. 13 to 14c " Dry, per lb. 15 to 18c Bees Wax, per lb. 25c Tallow, " 6 to 7c Honey, ,r 12£ to lsc Pork, " 10 to 11c Dressed Beef, " _8 to 10c Looking After Highway. Four Greensboro gentlemen, namely: Mr. Andrew Joyner, news paper and businessman; Mr. Gar land Daniel, Secretary of the Greens boro Fair Association; Mr. C. W. Edwards, auto dealer; and Mr. E. L., Goodby, Editor Daily News, were in Graham for a short while this morn ing and in passing were very com plimentary to our excellent streets. As the committee of the good roads bureau of the Chamber of-Commerce of Greensboro they were looking over the highway in Alamance, which had been reported in bad con dition in places. It is well known that there are some bad places in Alamance, especially in bad weather, which have been complained of. These conditions should be remedied so that there would be an all-seasons passable road. ' . Community Service Day for Boone Station Township. Cor. of The (Gleaner. eAoii College has decided to be host to the citizens of Boone Sta tion Township on the last Satur day of this month which is Feb. 26th, in what they bava decided to call a Commnnity Service' Day. In this program the College is to haVe the co-operation of the County School authorities and of the State Department of Agri culture. The exercises will begin at. 10 o'clock in the morning by a basket ball game in the Gymnasium room of the College Alumni building, which will be immediately fol lowed in the same room by an ex hibition by one of the regular gymnasium classes of the boys. At 11:30 there will be an ad dress in the College chapel by Major W. A. Graham, entitled Farming In North C'aroliua, fol lowed by an address by J. L. Bur gess on Lime in Farming. The Y. W C A. and Y. M. C. A. and the Christian Endeavor Societies of the College will serve a lunch to the visitors from Ito 2:30 o'clock ii\ the College Dining Hall free to citizens of Boone Sta tion township who are attending the Community Service Day ex ercises. In the afternoon at 2:30 Mr. T. B. Parker will speak in the Col lege chapel on Live Stock On The Farm, which address will be fol lowed with one by Mr. R. G. Hill on Family Garden and Trtysk Patch. The women also will be cared for in an address in the morning by Miss Jamison on Woman's Work in the Family, and then another address in the afternoon by the same speaker on Woman's Work on the Farm. All citizens in Boone Station township are earnestly requested to accept the invitation of the College to be present for this Community Day Service. The Wadesboro Ansonian tells that a black Angus bull, owned by a citizen of Anson county, dis appeared and 27 days afterward the animal was found alivo in an abandoned well and was able to walk when pulled out. Rev. J. E. Sbenk, a Lutheran" minister, died in Greensboro Fri day. He was a native of Virginia and hta remains were taken to that State for burial. Mr. Shenk WHS admitted to the bar in 1888. Family survives. The 18-months-old child of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Crotts, near Isl ington, was shot to death .when a ! shot gun in the hands of its 5 I year-old brother was accide > tally i discharged. Mr. Crotts had laid' his gun down loaded. *T'» Cure i I old In finr I)*). Take Laxative Brorno Quinine 1 Tp'ilets. All druggist# returnl the t money if ii fails t y cure. E. \\ l Grove's signal ure in oo ca.-b l oi.. io cent*. '/ adv, .'v . • Death of Miss Cornelia Watson. Cor. of The Qleaner. Miss Cornel a Watson, the sis ter of Dr. G. Whison, died at 0 le o'clock this afternoon after an illness Of about a week of paraly sis. Miss Watson was 64 years of age and was the daughter of Dr. E F. Watson, a very promioent physician of Alamance County during his life time. . Her father was a member of the State Board of Examiners for many years and wa* a thirty-three degree Mason and for several years Qrand Master of the N. C. Masonic Lodge. She iB survived by three brothers and an only sister as fol lows: Dr. G. S. Watson, a member of the College Hoard of Trustees and a resideut of this place with whom she made her home Lieu tenant J. II Watsori, Graham, Mr. D. W. Union Ridge and Mrs A G. Garrison, Burlington, R. F. D. Her funeral wHI bo conducted from the Watson resi dency here on Sunday afternoon at three o'clock and her remains will be laid to rest either in the Elon College Cemetery or that of the Union Ridge Christian Church ten miles north of the College, of which church she was a member for many years during her life. Miss Wataon was a noble Ch.istian woman exemplifying in her life the beautiful graces of the Christian life. She will be greatly missed in the community. Elon College, Feb. 5, 'l6. February Lecture by Prof. Brannock. Cor. of The Gleaner. The faculty February lecture was given on last evening by Prof. N. F Brannock, head of the De partment of Chemistry. Prof. Braunock shows as his subject, Romance of the i.'onstituent Elements of Matter. It was a very learned and able lecture treating of the various theories of the origin of matter that have been entertained during the world's history., Prof. Brannock said that the scientific world was beginning now to think that the constiuent ele ment oi the atom is energy. He based his conclusion on the (lose relationship of the elements to each other, on the result of spec trum . analysis, and on the phenomenon of radio activity. Elon College, Feb. 5,1016. Southwest Alamance. Cor. of The Gleaner. Thomas Moser of Roch Hill, S. C., was almost instantly killed by being caught in the shafting at the cotton mill where he was working Dr. J. D. Gregg of Liberty is right seriously sick with rheuma tic fever. Glen Coble came very near los ing an eye by trying to bat a rock. The groundhog didn't see his sh tdow, consequently we are hav ing tine weather. The public road leading from the Stroud farm to the old Oak dale P. O. is about given up as past traveling on on account of inudholesand washouts. WELL AND IN JEOOD HEALTH After 7 Years Suffering, Says Lady, Since Taking Cardui. Columbia, S. C.—Mrs. L. C. Heinmann, of 331 Washington St., of this city, says: "I have re ceived so much benefit from Car dui, I feel like speakiug i good word for it to .every lady I come in contact with, that I think needs it, hoping to help some one to get well, as I did. I had been sick in bed for a long time with the change of life. The doctor tended me all along, and finally one morning when he came he said he believed I would have to go to the hospital yet. I s lid No. I then read all of the testimonials in jthe Ladies' Birth day Almanac and then I phoned for a bottle of Cardui and com menced taking it. I began to im prove from then on. I took live bottles continuously, then off and on for awhile, and I was well . . . and have had good health ever since, I am glad to say. I have recommended it to a lot of my friends. I was troubled for seven or eight years before I took Cardui. 1 think it is the best medicine on earth for female troubles .. .If this testimonial will help some one else you are at liberty to use it if you like." Begin taking Cardui today. It may be the very medicine you need. Your druguist sell* it. Get a bottle from him today. adv i 1100—Dr. B. Detchon'i Anti-Ulu retic may be worth more to you —more to you than 1100 if you have a child who toil* the bed ding from incontinence oi water during sleep. Cure* old and young alike. It arrest* the trouole at - or.ee. SI.OO. Sold by Graham Drug C> mpany. adv. | Dr.-Richard Whitehead, ana tive of Salisbury, for years head of the medical corps of the Uni versity,,going from that position to become dean of the medical faculty of the University of Vir ginia, died at Charlottavill, Va, ■ Sunday. DR. G. EUGENE HOLT Osteopathic Physician i XI. 8 aad n First Nalloul Bankk Uldg. > • BURLINGTON, *N C. ' Stomach and Nervous diseaie*t,a . Specialty. ' Phones, Office 305,—res idence, Wl i. WE GIVE PROFIT-SHARING COUPONS | Reduce the Hi4h Cost of Living by Trading with ® "Crack & Joe" and Graham Drug Co., Graham, N. C. I CALL TODAY AND INVESTIGATE HOW YOU CAN PROCURE BEAUTIFUL AND USEFUL 3 I ARTICLES BY REDEEMING ODR COUPONS AND CERTIFICATES ISSUEO WITH \ COUPON FOR [ Charlotte Observer Bargain Subscription DATK . 191 ] CHARLOTTE OBSERVER I , ■ i CHARLOTTE. N. C. Find enclosed $ , for which send THE CIIAR- i 9 LOTTE OBSERVER, Daily and Sunday, by mail to the under- I » signed for • • w 1 .... months.- , BARGAIN RATE k Name.. Daily Daily and I 1 Only Sunday J St. or R. F. D 3 months. .11 25 $1.50 „ . . - - 0 Months,. 2.50 300 I Town.". 1 Year.... 5.00 0.00 Remit by Check or Postal Order. Money gets lost In the,mails. Orders accepted uudor this special rate only during Special Bar -1 gain Period. ) """" v Brick Machine For Sale. The undersigned l?as a J. C. Steele » & Sons Brick Machine for Bale. Along with it are two truck" and other parts nocessary in handling brick. It is housed and in good condition. The purchaser will get a bargain For terms apply ty J. W. MENKI'EE or J. D. Kernodle. laplt i Overland Automobile Given Away. The Southern Woman n Magazine , is giving awuy a ti-pasgenge r, JI /H --pl bd jO.OO overland louring car, Complete with all modem »4Uii- ment including iilectric Starlet', Lights, ets. j.ni» car is awarded together with ->OO (lesiraole premi ums, ihe publishers of Uie »outn ern Woman's Magazine claim this 1 to be one of the most liberal oi ■ fers they have, yet made. This fs no "catch-penny" content but a fair and legitimate offer, car 1 will be awarded ltt. full par ■ ticulars may bo had by addressing , Southern Woman's Magazine,.N.nii , ville, Telin. 13)antf. I The Rev. Irl R. Hicks 1916 Almanac. The Rev. Irl R. Hicks Almanac is by far the largest, finest and ' best ■ ever before printed. the llicks storm and weather forecasts for 1915 again haie proven their truth and value, and this splendid • Almanac for 1916 should find its , way straight into every home and • office in America. The Irl R. Hicks . Magazine, Word and Works, aod . his unique Almanac should always go together, both for only one dol -1 far a year. The Almanac alone is ) 35c prepaid. Send to word and t, Works Publishing Company, 3401 Franklin Ave., St Louis, Mo. VOJanSt. f MOTHER CRAY'S SWEET POWDER - FOR CHILDREN. 4 rUlin#. f TroMlMr*. iVrlMi! 1» fm »rd» r H. ||4 (9 r«• f « W»rn*. Tb»y Hr» nl m» • #»ld Tr»tl« M*rlL | D *4 Eurm. Ai.lli,, mt.-U, A* I Don'l »ce«p* Han jiU watM rfHtK A M***. 1 an, •utottrtuU. A. *. OLMHYKO. I* ftvy. ti. V b The German government de -1 matids possession of the Appatn, . brought to Hampton Roads as a r prize of war by a German priz-e 0 crew, and England demands that Y the vessel be ret urned to ber own ers. r Mr. A. W. Mcl>ean, who ban j been critically ill with pneumonia f at bis home in Lumberton, is re „ ported somewhat improved. He e is a prominent lawyer and has - been frequently mentioned for t Governor. " The Overbrook hotel, at At -1 lantic City, N. J., was burned on y the 4th and three persons perished in flames. u The War Department has re a ported to Congress adversely on a - project for Federal improvement r of the Neuse river, between Golds (f boro and New Berne. ~ Another cotton mill, with a t. capital of f. r >OO,OW, is to lie built in Gaston county. This will make 60 mills for that couuty. d Mr. VV, I*. Cheek, a lineman lor ■ the Bell Telephone Company, was P killed instanfly on Saturday evj d ning at Athens, Ga., by the over '• turning of a moter car. Cheek . formerly lived in Salisbury. *■' Richard Winfield, a negro who n killed Arthur Bryant, a negro, is in "Jail at New Bern. Claims self defence. -• '* Constipation. When costive or troubled with Constipation, take Chamberlain t> a Tablets. They are easy to take atid mo>t agreeable in eflcct. Obtaina- (ble everywhere. - adv. ' 1 ] Re-Sale of Land! i | fly virtue of mi order of tb* HuperlorCourt j ol Alan auoe countyln a Hpeclal Proceeding j eatlilod Annie L. roust as Administratrix , of Dr. O. K. Fount against Kobena H. and S Zdbulon V. Fount, I will expoee to tale to tbe « hlgheat bidder at the court bouas door ID j Oraham, on » , j - SATURDAY, FED. 10, 1910, at 18 o'clock M.. at nubile auction, the follow* truct of land situate In Alamance conn * ty and doaerlb daa follows: One tract sltosted on the waters of Ver ticil'* cteek, adjoining tbe lends of Hence H« riing, Will Tmllnger and oihois. begln nliiK Ht n gum on a bruneli. K. H. barker's cor* ner # ruiiumg thence rt I 1 12 deg w 41chs?o Ika to M hickory on Parker's line and Her ling's cor- er; thence w •* deg K 'Wi cbs 75 iks to a hickory, Ocorse Koust's corner; thence hip and TfOlluger's line N I 1-19 deg K M obi* HO Ika to a aionc, W. (J Wilson's corner: 1 thence with the linca of W. (j. Wilson and oihera to tbe beginning, containing lk) acrea, n.ore or leas Terms ol Male-One-tbird eaah.aud tbe bal »• nee to be due lu als m»nlli* from day of auie, the deferred ntyment to bvs'r Interest fiom that day. with the privilege to tb# |>ur chatfer to pa* all ciiab at any nu e after the Mtle la confirmed by the court, and tille re tained until all the purchase money Is paid. 1 his Is a i ess e because of a ten pei cent, bid hsving been pla-ed upon sala sale of January luih. .Mitt, and the bidding will . t trt at t'KJO.UU. e Tula January 3Ut. jvitt. (IfcOUOK H. ItOdKKH. Con; in Ist. loner. Isongjt Long. Attorney a. EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE. Having qusllfled as Kxecutrl* of the will of Joe L. Mitchell, deceased, the undersigned hereby notifies nil persons holding clal>ris against sud estate to present the same duly authenticated, on or befor«* the '2lst day ol J.in'y, IWI7, or this uotlce will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to mild estate ure requested to make Irnmedl ate settlement.. This J..n** 14th. IDPt MAItV L MITCIIKx'I*. 9>jai«ot of Joe L. Mitchell, Uec'd SUCCESS OF HOME GARDENS. International Child Welfare League I*. euee S'.&tement on IU Work The International Child Welfare league hfi* laaued u alatcmcnt allow ing what auccena It voia able to achieve In Itn homo garden movement for chil dren luHt cummer with the proceuda of a flower hnll which it held laat aprlng. The Ktaletoent reada In part: The , International Child Welfare , league. In conjunction with the bureau j of education of Waatilngton, haa been i atudylng the Introduction of Commla- j aloner P P. Claxlon'n plan of the i home garden under acbool aupervlulon aa a aubatltute for child labor. The egperlment waa tried in Weatchcater county, N. T., laat atimmer and haa been NO Hurcenaful lhat the Welfare league la co-operaling with all educa tional league* In punhlng the work. The aehool garden and the home gar-' den are oil en confuaed. The former la a community nffair, with a teacher to 1 overaee the whole plot. Thl* plan la an excellent one for collective Inatrtic tlon afid li recommended for chil dren who hav" no home garden. The value of the brine garden Ilea In tbe fact that the parent* lake more pride In the fork of the child and with Itn economic result* which are more read ily seen In the home than -when the i garden l« al none dlxtant point. Tarrytown, N. Y.. rained privately •ufflclenl njenev. coupled with an amount contributed by the Interna . tlonal Child W> Ware league, to alart the work wl h n teacher In the Waali . Ington Irvln? hi :h aehool ond alao In the North Tarry-own high aehool. In tbla town the work was ayatematlcally organized under the Claxton plan, and Ite luccesa haa led to It# adoption by the board of education aa a part-of the regular aehool *ork in the coming ' year. The fact thai the work la done after tchool hour* and continued Into the r Hummer vacation period makes It eaay ' to fit Into the .curriculum of any aehool, and the happy result* In Ita • bearing on health and moral* make It a moat valuable adjunct to aehool edu cation. " • ♦ ."7.777 OPPOSITION. The effects ef opposition are wonderful. There are men who rise refreshed on hearing of a threat —men to whom a crisis which intimidates and paratyzoa the majority cornea graceful and beloved as a bride**—Emereon. ; ' Sale of Land. Under and by vrtue of the power of sale contained In a mortjrace from Cad A. Al iirlebt and bla wife. Krama Albright, and J, 1.. Te«l and hie wife, Ila Te 1, elected on tbe L'Utta dar o' July, A. D.. 1811, and recorded In ■ Hook So, M or Mortca#* Deeda 111 the office f tba HefUter of Deed• for Alamanoe coun ty. Mid morttfrnße and tba bond evidencing tbe Imiebtednee* eecurad thereby having beeh duly aeelaned, and tba henluafter de scribed property having been duly oouvered to the u .der>lvn«d, we will, oo MONDAY, Fliß. 14, at I'i o'ol ok M. ,at tbe oourt bouee dnor In Oiabatn, North Carolina, offer for tale and Milt !>r caah to the hlabeet bidder, tbe follow ing deturlbed traote of land, to-wlti Klr«t—A tract of land bouabt from J. J. Illnbop aud wife, Hepwiuber 28rd, Ul u, re corded In Ihe office of Register of Deeds for Alamanoe county, North Carolina, and de icrioed ai followa: Adjolnlna helandaor Martha i>poon, A. 1. and f, A. Cappe, Martha M. Bykee, Letltla loleaidothert, dr.bam towmblp, beginning at a rook, ooraer with ■eld Cole and Spoon; running thanoe B iIH dear W KB.H cha to a rook, oorner with aald A. J. Dap pa in aald ttpoon's Una; theme N ti'/i dec W tt.SU cha to a rock, oorner with aald K ' A. l appa and Sjrkee; thanoe N IB dec 11M1 cha to a rock, corner with aald P, A. Cappa and Cole; tb.noe 8 4S dec K 83J8 cha to tbe beginning, containing nrty-alx and 17-100 aciee (M.n) but to be the aaine be then mora more Or leaa. Bald deed la reoorded In Book U of Deeda, p. a, to whloh reference la bera hy madfe for a more complete deaorlptlon. Beoond—A tract of land bought from A. J. Marahburn and wife, Auguat IMb, lUIO, re corded In the office of Hegtater of Deeda for Alamanoe oounty. North Carolina, and da- ' acribed aa followa: Adjoining the land aof J. H. White, Dalay Walker, Dan Walker and "there. In Graham townablp, and Uiunded aa followa: llemg one half undivided Intereat ' In lxita No. lai, 132, 133 aud Ul In iilook U, aa ehown by lllue Print, raoorded lo Heglaler of Deeda office of Alamanoe oounty, North Carollua, In Deed Hook No. », p. iU. The other undivided Intrreet la owned by J. L. Teal, of oounty and btate aforoaald, who Jotna In tbla mortgage deed, and oonaeya, fur the purpoaea aforeaald, hla undlvldek.lnter eit In and to the above deeorlbed iotalT 1 hla lath day of January,lSlS. * AI.AMANCK JNM * HBAL EHTATE CO., Awignee. BLANK BOOKS Journals, Ledgers, Day Books, Time Books, Counter Books, Tally Books, Order Books, Large Books, Small Books, Pocket Memo., Vest Pocket Memo., Ac. For Sale AI The Gleaner Printing Office Graham, N. C. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. Having qualinod aa admlnletratoraof tba eaUte or the late V. B. Warren, tbla la to notify all peraoua having olalmi agalnat ■aid eeute to preaent them properly van ned to the undfratgned on or before the Ilat of January. I*l7, or tbla notice will bo pl«-aded In liar of tbelr reoevery. Allpereona Indvhted Ui aald retata are rejueetad to make linmrdlate payment to Uie ui.deral|iied. Tlila Jan. )3tb. ISIS. M. J. HTiK'KAItD. A O. POBTBKPIbLD, Adm'raof Y. B. Warren, deo'd. I«ng * lAing, Altja WJantt NOTICE OF SALE Of Real Estate Under Deed of Trust llOder sud by virtue of tbe power of sale contained lo a certain deed of truat execut ed on tbe 3rd day of December, I9M, bjr J. 11. Cat** and bin wife. AnoleCatee.to toe under signed AUioance inturmnoe ana heal Betate Company a« tiu»t«e for tbe purpose q# secur- Ini the payment of certain bon >■ described In Mid ('red of trust, wblcb la dul? probated snd recorded In tbe office of the fteglster of l>#eds for Alacoaoce county In Boott of Mort gajfrs and 1 >e«l» of Tust No. (S, at page IST. default bavin* been made In tbe payment of said bonds, tbe uniere!«oed Alamanoe In surance aod Heal Kslate Company will, on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8,1916, at one o'rlbck, p. m., at tbe oourt bouse door of Alamance county. North i arolloa, at lira bam. Nortb Carolina, offer for sale at public auction to tbe bl*beel bidder for eaab tbe follow n* two tracts of land, U>*wlt; First Tract—A certain tract or parcel of land In Alamance oounty and Htateof Nortb arollna. adjoining the lama of J. W. Catea and others aud b undod aa followa: Itegiunlnx at an iron bolt oo Gilmer street on corner of T. G. Nicholson's lot, running tbrnce H to deg W HMJ feet to an Iron bolt: t hence, N m deg 30 mtn W 300 feet to an Iron bolt on J. w. Cates' lln#; tbanoe MlO drg K with aald Catea* line 100 ft on corner of T. O. Nlcbolaoa'a lot: tbe nee wltb aald Niobolson'a Hue M W deg 40 rntn K SUO ft to tbe beginning* contalng about one-half an acre, more or leaa On tbla lot la located a all-room modern cottage. Hecond Tract -A certain tract or parcel of land altusted in tbe town of Burlington, Ala mance county and tfUte of Nortb Carolina, aud described aa followa: lletnc a portion of 1/OtNo.ttof tbe town plot or Burlington, mi tuated o.i the South atde of Davis a tree t, near t ameron atreet: Beginning at a stake or bolt on Davis street, I 102 feet from tbe corner of Davia and Came* ron at reel a, running tbence parallel with • Cameron atreet, 213 feet to a atake or bolt; i thence North weal lfe feet to V. H. Bnjder'a line; tbence wltb said Bnyder'a Hoe to Davin I street, il'i feet; thence wltb Davis street 108 i feet to tbe beginning, i Tbls February 4th, 1910 AI.AMANOB IKB. * REAL EHTATE CO, Truateea. f + UP-TO^ATB + JOB + ' I DONE AT THIS OFFICB. | | % GIVE US ▲ TRIAL. | MOVED 1 have Moved my Stock til the Scott buiding receirfjaj ocupied by the Mexican, I an\J»etter prepared to servaß Try me with your | NEXT Order. BELOW COST I am going to give my en tire time to my Grocery | Business and Meat Market. Everything in Dry Goods and J Notions must go. G. W. _ BLACK, II THE PURE FOOD GROCER GRAHAM, - N. C. Why athleU'B the meat man's Becaua they nre no eh great hands for meets! Meats to roast, Meats to Fry I The Best Meats alwayß the meats to boy! Meats to 801 l 1 Meats to | Stew! The best meats should al ways be the meats for you. You'll always And them here! W. H. ALBRIGHT 'Phone 444 I"1 Most Appreciated | ii the gift mott _ Hera we km com*' bmed beauty with usa« bility—lavalieres; ex quitite brooches and bracelet*; sturdy hat* pins; unusual designs -»1 in rings—besides a host of other suggestive ar ticles for gifts to the j young graduate. - Our assortment of •> ELGIN WATCHES * ii etpectall? attractive. Sea ' . I tbeae unialierinf matter- .ii T piece, of watchcnft baton > J 1 making year final gift J Sa choice. - tig Z.T. HADLEY ]FJ JEWELER A OPTICIAN i f GRAHAM. N. C. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administra tor upon tbe estate of James T. Bradshaw, dee'd, the undcrsizned hereby notifies all persons holding claims against said estate to pre sent the same duly authenticated, on or before the 21st day of Jan y, I*l7, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate are ri— quested to make immediate set tlement. This January 3, 1916. J. O, BRADSHAW, Admr 20)an6t of Jas T, Bradshaw. ' I Very Serious > I* ia a very serious matter to aak tor ooe mxllrlna and have the wrong ooe gtvaa you. For thia rassnn wa nrje you in buying It be cssefal lo gat tba gamine—- BLACK-BGHT liver Medldne IThe reputation of this oIJ, rella- Ma medicine, (or constipation. In digaotian and liver trouble, is firm ly eetehllshed. It doea not imitate other madidnes. It ia better than others, or it would not be the fa vorite liver powder, with a larger ■ale than ad othera combined. SOLD IN TOWN Fa ! Dixon's Lead Pencils are the | i are THB BEST. Try them | I and be convinced. They are |- ' I for sale at this office.—sc. —t -Hjl 0 0000 Small Store-bouse For Rent. Well located close to the best J trade in Orabam. Price reasonable and building ready tor occupancy now. U- J. M. McCRACKEN,, 4 25novtf. Grahahn, N. C. SUBSCRIBE FOR THB GLEANER,