ilh CLEANhK JL- r - . .. GRAHAM, N. 0., Feb. 24, 1916. , ; ■' %- OfflO * • .UN V, snua«y#.uu i. i.uit .. a » a 4.0U to «.iju t>. u> J. U. MOCRACKEN. I'ONMN^I ++++++++++++++++ + LOCAL NEWS. + tm 1n 11 u 111 nll mln i* —The Uuited Daughters of the Confederacy will meet 'J'hursday afternoon, March 2nd, at 3 o'clouk with Mrs. Junius If. Harden. —The Ladies Aid Society of the Grati&m Christian Church will meet Wednesday, March Ist, at 3 o'clock at Mrs. Walter R. Harden's. —Saturday afternoon- 2:30 the Basket Ball quint of Stcny Creek High School will play Graham on the latter's grounds at the- Graded School. —This week, until today, has been enough like spring to tempt some to begin gardening." A num ber planted garden peas and Irish potatoes A cool raiu has been falling today. —Mr. Hardy J. Stockard and family of the Eastern part of Newlin township moved here last week to make their home. Mr. Htocakard recently bought the cottage next to Mr. Z.T. Hadley on E. Harden St. —Miss Cora Pearl Jeffcoat, Super visor of Rural Schools, who has been at her home in Coble township for several days-recuperating, returned today .and is again at her post in the County Superintendent's office. —A number of young ladies and young men of Graham attended a dance at the Piedmont Hotel in Bur lington last Friday night. It was given by the young men of both towns complimentary to the visiting young ladies in the two towns. —An old time Friends meeting was held in court room Monday night. The Friends, some of them from the Northwest, have been en gaged in a meeting at Spring Meet ing house in Newlin township, and several of them took part in this meeting here. —Last Friday night at Mr. A. Lacy Holt's the Juniors of the High ' School gave a reception to the Seniors. At the same time it, was commemo rative of Washington's birthday and the guests wtre dressed in costumes suggestive of Colonial days. —Mr. Wm. I. Ward returned yesterday Morning from a week's stay in Washington. Speaking of his visit, ihe Washington corres pondent of the Greensboro News of last Friday said: "Mayor Ward and H. It. Oaten of Graham called at the White House today to shake hands with the President, and to tell hiin that North Caro lina is for him."' J—The pulpit at the Presbyterian church was filled last Sunday morn ing and night by Rev. Dr. E.C Mur ray, former pastor for a number of years, but now of Alamance church Southeast of Greensboro. While here from Saturday until Monday, he vras the of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Mebane. Ilia many friends here were glad to greet him again, Dr. T.M McConnell,pastor of the church here, is in Greensboro aiding v a revival service. —Miss Bessie May Dudley of Richmond, Va., gave an informal recital in the County Superintend ent's office this afternoon. Her au dience consisted of about a dozen who happened to be in the court house at the time She was to recite at Glenhope school, north of Graham stati.m, tonight, but on account of t-.e weather the engagement was called off. She is a young woman of preprossessing appearance and re cites with ease and effectively. Though still in her teens her recita tions are her own composition. Damon and Pythias Tuesday Night. The order of Knights of Pythias was founded on the devoted friendship which existed between Damon aud Pythias, which, tradi tion tell us, was so Btrong and sin cere that each would have willing ly died for the other; a friendship close akin to the love between David and Jonathan, told of in sacred history. This tradition has come down through the ages, and so beautiful and tender, that in this enlightened age it forms ttye bed-rock foundation of one of the leading fraternal orders of the world. This devotion of Damon and Pythias will be featured in moving pictures at The Mexican Theatre, Tuesday night, Feb ruary 29th. Prospective Power Development. Between two and a half ana three miles north of Lira ham is the old Sellars Mill property on Haw river. It was bought two years ago by Jas. N. Williamson & Sons Co. It is below the old Big Palls, now Hopedale, owned by this com pany. Mr. W. B. Trogdon and hi# sOn, James S. Trogdon, civil engi neers of Greensboro, have been there for several days making measurements for a prospective * development. If it rfhali be de-' cided to develop the power, a dam will be built at the Sellars * Mill place 25 ft high. This will , do away with the dam at Big Falls 1 From 750 to 1,000 horse power will , be developed, and the pond will cover about X 75 acres. This would be a fine development and we trust the result of the survey, will warrant its being done. This writer has known the older Mr. Trogdon since our school days. He is an expert engineer, practical and de pendable. Baseball at Whitsett -First Game. The first game of baseball (or this season for Whitsett Institute will be Elayed at Whitsett next Thursday, larch 2nd, at 3p, m. WhiUett will play the team Jfroin Pleaaant Garden. 1 + 4 ♦+■♦•» .| I I Ht4« ♦♦*■»»♦■■+ + + + PERSONAL. + ♦ Mr. J. T SUainiMfebane was here Saturday on busiuMi. X 8. ('> ok. Esq, was a business visitor in Hillxboro yesterday.' Mr. Ralph Vincent of Mebane was here Tuesday on business. Mr. Robt. W. Scott of Melville was here Monday on business. Maj. J. J Hen (Hereon spent yester day in Greensboro on legal business. Mr. E. .8. Parker, Jr., was in Greensboro Tuesday on legal busi ness. Mrs. Phil. Carleton, Mrs. Nannie Berry and Mrs. J. D. Kernodle spent Monday in Greensboro. They made the trip by auto. Mr. Lon. G. Turner spent last Sanday in Durham visiting relatives and friends. Miss* Lillian Turner of Raleigh spent the first of the week here with her sister, Mre. H. W. Scott. Mrs. A. E. Warner of Thomas ville spent yesterday here on a visit to Mrs. Chas D. Johnston. Misses Beulali Cc ble and Myrtle Ezell went to Durham last Friday afternoon and returned Sunday. Mess. D.~ M. Ireland and W. A Paschal of Altamahaw were in town yesterday afternoon on business. Miss Pricie Farrish of Greensboro spent the week-end here with her sister, Mrs. Lynn B. Williamson. Mr. Gene Hunter, who spent the first of the week here with his mother, Mrs. C.'S. Hunter, left yes terday for New York, Miss Johnsie Graves, in school at Peace Institute, Raleigh, spent the week-end here with her r gister, Miss Nellie Giaves. . Mrs. Cornelia Morris left Wed nesday night for St. Leo's Hospital in Greensboro where she will under go an operation for appendicitis. Mrs. Logan M. Creighton left Saturday for her home in Atlanta, after spending the past two weeks here with her mother, Mrs. 0. B. Irwin. Misses Mary Holton of Winston- Salem and Mattie Packard of Martins ville, Va., spent the week-end with Misses Ethel and Bonna Williamson at Saxapahaw. .1 Dr. and Mrs. T. M. McConnell aro spending the week in Greensboro, where Dr. McConnell is engaged in a revival service at Westminster Presbyterian church Mr. Will E. White and little niece, Miss Emma White Carleton, went to Charlotte and Concord the lat ter part of last week to visit rela tives, returning Monday afternoon. Mr. Franklin Hadley of lowa was here the first of the week visiting hn kinsman, Mr. Z. T. Hadley. He was reared in lowa, 'but his ancestors went from the southern part of this cotanty many years ago. Mr. W. H. Coop r, near Saxapa haw, was in town this morning. He returned last Friday from Rex Hos pital, Raleigh, whero he underwent an operation for appendicitis about three weeks before. Annual Meeting Graham H. B. Co.— In Excellent Condition. The annual meeting of the stock holders of Graham liome Building Company was held in the court room Tuesday night. A good num ber of shareholders were present and an interesting meeting was held. The report of the Board of Direc tors showed the Association to be in excellent condition and making fine progress. The books of the Sec.- Treas. Jiave just been audited. The auditor's report was read and accepted. It 'is- gratifying to know that our Association was reported, and commented upon as being in excellent condition to the extent that a letter from State Insurance Com'r Young, congratulating the company upon its condition ana showing made, was read by' tae President. After the regular routine of bus iness, sale of Stock for Series No. 13 was authorized and a good number of shares subscribed for. The following were elected direc tors for the ensuing year: *C. A. Scott, C. P. Harden, W. J. Nicks, J. M. Turner, R. L. Holmes,' E. L. Henderson, Allen D. Tate, A. P. Williams, J. C. McAdams, E. S. Par ker, Jr., and A. J. Thompson. The stockholders meeting was then adjourned and the Board of directors met, organized and trans acted the regular monthly busi ness. The old officers were all re-elect ed, to-wit: C. A. Scott, President; C. P. Har den, vice-Prest., A. J. Thompson, Bec.-Treas., and E. S. Parker, Jr., Attorney. After some commemts and dis cussion on things pertaining to the business, the meeting adjourned. GRAHAM HAS MADE THE TEST Graham People Will Get the Benefit. There's nobody in Oraham any better than W. \V. Garrett and in giving his experience with Doan» Kidney Pills for the benefit ot Graham kidney sufferers, he has nothing whatever to gain. Why experiment witn unknown or imitation kidney remedies when you hive such a good reason to try Doan'sY Profit by the test Mr. Garrett has made (or you. W. W. Uarrett, proprietor restau rant, 8. Main St., Graham, N. C. artys, "About a year ago I had a bad attack of kidney colic. I suffered severely. 1 thought my back was broken and I was laid up for days at a time, unable to help, myself. My kidneys were weak and caused me a lot -ot trouble. Doan's Kidney Pills did more for me than anytning I had ever taken. They strengthened my back and my kidneys acted prop erly. When ever I notice my kid neys are out of fix now, a few doses of Doans Kidney Pills give me relief." Price 59c at ill dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy— Set POST'S Kidney Pills—the same Ir. Garrett had. Foster-MUlburn Co., Props,, Buffalo, N. Y. adv. I Honor Roll for Graham Graded School for Fifth Month, 1915-'l6 HIRBT^pRADE- Ausley, Elva. Boggs, Ethel. Boggs, Zelma. Carden, Dacy. Coleman, Malcolm. Davis, Garland. Evans, Pauline. Florence, Aubrey. Fogleman, Dora. Gates, Dan. Hanks, Arthur. Longest, May. I*>vett, Helen. Nicholson, Madeline. , HUnlMi, Milan. Smith, Whittled Sutton, Fred. Shatterly, Ralph. Whitfield, Lob May. HIGH FIRST GRADE- , Welch, Hattie. Alired, Bertha. Boa Well, Elsie. Boswell, Elsie. Allred, Lucy. Bradshaw, Alice. Black, Walter. Cook, Garland. Foust, Chalmers. Geanes, Desmond. Hannah, Thelma. Holmes, Maxine. Harden, Elizabeth. Hunter, Elmer. Johnston, Margaret. Long, Elizabeth. Mann, Carlisley. Moore, Mabel. Moore, Delia. Ray«. ' Taylor, Wallace. Thompson, A. J.„ Jr. Trolinger, Mildred. Ward, Ruth. Wilson, Leola. SECOND GRADE AUison, Maggie. Andrews, Donald. Andrews, Coy. Boggs, William. Fogleman, Martha. - Holt, Don. Harden, William. Holt, Bruce. Montgomery, Elizabeth Pariah, Martha. *\ Pickard, Nell. Phillips, Josephine. Phillips, Cleodore. Reavia, Nellie. Rogers, Joy Belle. Rich, Robert. Stout, Roger. Walker, Margaret. Wilson, Melvin. THIRD GRADE- Ausley, Prances. Ausley, Cornell. Craddock, Stanley. Foust, Dolar. Foust, Leola, Fogleman, Docia. Geanes, Erselle. Hornbuckle, Cornelia Harden, Thomas. Hancock, Beatrice. Jolley, Bessie. Johnston, Minnie. Linnens, Vertie. Linnens, Roy. , McClure, Kathleen. Nicholson, James. Nicholson, Herman. Rich, Ethel. Thomas, Maggie. Turner, Thomas. Vaughn, Madge. Walker, Ruth. Watson, Ruth. Williams, Svbil. Welch, Hattie. • Whitfield, Hattie. GRADE— Andrews, Madge. Gates, John. Harden, Turner. Hughes, Mary Tom. Hornaday, Avonelle. Holt, Nina. Jolley, Raymond. Jolley, Ella. Moore, Edith. Moore, Flossie. Mcintosh, Juanita. Phillips, Floyd. Quackenbush, Nina. Robertson, Cletus. Rich, Laura. Sutton, Dwight. Tinnin, Raymond. Taylor, William. Taylor, James. Vest, Samuel. FIFTH GRADE- Amick, Lavona. Anglin, Hal. Cooper, Watt. Ezefl, Lessie. Harden, Lois. Harden, Kathleen. Jones, Ermina. Suits, Gladys. Thomas, Lou. Teer, Ethel. Thompson, Elise. Ward, Lelia. SIXTH ORADE- Ausley, Annie Laurie. Fogleman, Fannie. Foster, Hadessa. Gates, Martha. Guthrie, Mamie. Hornbuckle, Emily. Harden, Margaret. Moore, Mildred. Moore, Margaret. Moon, Blanche. , Moser, Ammon. Nichols, Claudia. Phillips. Mary. Shatteriy, Alma. Suits, Ava. \ Tate, Alype. ) Woodworth, Dora. SEVENTH GRADE- Bradshaw, Ben. Ray, Sam. EIGHTH GRADE. Cates, Donald. Benham, Waltham. Henderson, Dallie. Nicks, Enita. Rich, Alvis. Rich, Eunice. Thompsbn, Alberta. NINTH GRADB- AndersoS, Elizabeth. Cooper, Myrtle. Cooper, Thomas. Ezefl, Lola. Farrell, Annie Laurie. Fogleman, Dover. Holt, Nina. Hornbuckle, Zelma. Holmes, Lucile. Hooper, Lucile. Kernodle, Lovick. Long, Annie Men. Montgomery, Mattie. Moore, Louise. Perry, Lorena. TENTH GRADE- Browninz, Chana. Cooke, Gertrude. Harden, Boyd. Eggs for Setting. Barred Rock and It. I. R. eggs for Betting. Good Winter layers. They lay when eggs are HIGH. J. W. HOLT. 'Phone 417 J. Graham, N. C. The Gibson Drug Store at Con cord was found guilty of selling grain alcohol mixed with ginger as a beverage and not as a medi cine, and fined S3OO. Notice of ap peal wai given. - The following is the program for the week beginning Monday, Feb. '2Bth: MONDAY jrfOHT. . Broken Coiu 2-parts When Rogues Pell Out 3-paris Mrs. Prunes Boarding House 1-part 4 TUESDAY NIGHT. Damon and Pythias 5-parts Three isja Crowd 1-part WEDNESDAY NIOHT. ■ The Long Chance 6-parts THURSDAY NIOHT. Diamond From The Sky 2-parts Stronger Than Death 2-parts Weekly No. 198 Some Chaperone 1-part FRIDAY NIOHT. Father'a Child 3-parts Evil of Suspicion . 1-part SATURDAY NIOHT. Little Upstart 3-part«. Graft 2-parts Scandal at Sea 1-part Sixty-nine Papers for Registration. The 22nd„ though the 184 anni versary of the birthday of the "Fa ther of His Country," was a busy day in-the office of the Register of Deeds, Chas. D. Johnston. On that day he filed for registration 17 deeds, 20 mortgage deeds and deeds in trust and 32 chattel mort gages. Many such papers come in for registration, but rarely such a deluge as this on a single day, and It means lots of work to dis pose of them. Two Residences Buaned Saturday Last Saturday afternoon about 4 o'clock two residences were burn ed In this county: That of Mr. Claude Spoon in Patterson town ship, an account of which Is given in our "Southwest Alamance Let ter;" the other was the residence of Mr. W. E. Lowe of Elon College. Nearly all the furniture in each was saved. The former was insured in the Alamance Branch of the Far mers' Mutual, and about half the loss is covered; the loss on the latter is estimated at #,1,000, par tially insured.—Mr. Lowe had left his home less than an hour before the fire in an auto for Greensboro. Held in Memory of Mr. Irwin. ■ Last Sunday morning the services at the Baptist church were in mem ory of Mr. Chas. B. Irwin, who died on the evening of February 14th. Thi Pastor, Rev. Jas. W. Rose, con ducted the services and used as' a text for the occasion Phiiippians 1:21. His subject was "The Ideal Life." Among the hymns used was "Land of the Unsetting Sun," one of Mr. Irwin's favorites It won a very appropriate and fitting service. Mr, Irwin was devoted tonis church and for seven years he had been Super intendent of the Sunday school. Basket Ball. Among the High Schools as well as the colleges, Dasket ball seems to have taken a strong hold. Saturday afternoon Chapel Hill High School and Graham High School played a double header here. The former won both games. Score 22 to 8 and 22 to #. The visitors played Greensboro Satur day night and lost 11 to 40. Last night Friendship High School and the Boy Scouts of Eton College played here, the score be ing 35 to XX in favor of the former. The Scouts were outclassed, the Friendship quint being both old er and heavier than their oppo nents. - E. 8. Parker, Jr., Trustee—Sale of valuable house and lot in Oraham. W. H. Carroll, Comr—Sale of val uable land. See ad. elsewhere.. Graham Produce Market Corrected Weekly b> W. J. Nick*. Chickens—Hens—per lb. ,10c " Fryers " 12i-15c Eggs, per doz. 20c Ducks, per U». 10c . Geese, " Ofic' Mutter, " . 20c Wheat, per bu. ' 1.45 Corn, •' .75 to 80c Oat M, " «ftc Sweet Potatoes per bu. 75c Irish Potatoes " 80c to 1.00 Cotton Seed, per bu. ,50c Hides-Green, per lb. 13 to 14c " Dry, per lb. 15 to 18c Bees Wax, per lb. 25c Ta low, " « to 7c Hooey, " 12f to 15c Pork, " 10 to 11c Dressed Beef, " Bto 10c Notice of Sale of Valuable Property. The Trustees of the New Provi dence church have been author ized to sell to the highest bidder one or mora lots of their property north of W. If. Holt's store build i g. The funds comiug from sale to be applied against debts from repairing chur.h. The sale will take place on the church grounds SATURDAY, MARCH 2.7 TH, 1010, and will begin promptly at 2:30 p. m. Terms, Caah. If any person or persona can show why this sale should not take place, please notify the uuder signed trustees. L. 11. IIOLT, A. R. lIKRITAfaK, DAMKL WELCH,, Trustees. WE HAVE THE EARLIEST, BlO gert, high class Strawberry grown. Also the Best one or the ever bearing kinds; bears the best fla vored berries from Spring until the snow llies. Free Booklet. Wake . field Plant -Farm, Charlotte, North I Carolina. , 17feb«t - WEGIVI PSfflnT-SHAKDOGOCPffIfS Reduce the High Cost of Living by Trading with "Crack & Joe" and Graham Drug Co., Graham, N. C. CALLTOOAYAND INVESTIGATE HOW YOU CAN PROCURE. BEAUTIFUL AND USEFUL ARTICLES BY REDEEMING OUR COUPONS AND CERTIFICATES ISSUED WITH EVERY CASH PURCHASE. OR ON ACCOUNTS TO BE PAID BY STH.OF MONTH. COUPON FOR Charlotte Observerßargain Subscription I)ATK 191.... CHARLOTTE OBSERVER CHARLOTTE. N. C.* Find enclosed $ , for which send THE CHAR LOTTE OBSERVER, Daily and Sunday, by mail to ihe under signed for months. BARGAIN RATE Name Daily Daily and Only Sunday St. or R. F. D... .. 3 months. .91.25 $1.60 0 Months.. 2.60 300 T own 1 Year..., 5.00 0.00 Remit by Check or Postal Order. Money gets lost in the mails. Orders accepted under this special rate only during Special Bar gain Period. Financial Report 01 Street Commission. Showing Expenditures for Streets, Sidewalks, Etc. To The Board of Commissioners of the Town of Graham, N. C. The Board of Street Commissioners submit the following report of expenditures ou account of Street and Sidewalk work; . ~ Paid Lewis Lawson for work under contract as ioilows: > Fdr Paving South Main Street i $ 8,158.16 For Paving Public Square ~ 8,651.53 For Paving North Main Street. 14,769.87 For Paving West Harden Street 8,038.24 For Paving East Elm ... 9,433.39 For Grading on Travora Street 70.16 For Pipe Lines in Streets 324.17, For Curbing, Headers Ac 78i1.23 Force Account,(Extra Work outside of contract) 379.54 Overhauls. v •. 23.19 Side walks, original contract, v.... v. 4,581,44 Pipe Lines under Side walks 266.13 Wooden Strips left in cross walks. 17.85 Side Walk on Market Street 636.79 Side Walk on North Main Street to M. E. Church 330.30 Total Amount paid Lewis Lawson as per contract, 156,378.99 Paid for Grading-Popiar Street anvl Sand Clay'- s iug on North Maple Street. 739.50 Paid for Lumber for Wood Shoulders I 315.20 Paid for labor in laying Wood Shoulders.... 118.89 439.09 Paid J. N. Ambler, Engineering services ou Street Work.... 2,022.57 Paid J. N. Ambler, Engineering services on Siie Walks, 232.58 Paid Graham Hardware Co., for wire Ac for reinforcing 18,00 Paid Graham Water Co , for water used on con tract 41.44 Paid Town of Graham tor cleaning mud from « paving ;. 47.49 Paid Miscellaneous Expenses: Advertising for bjds for work 60.40 5 Telephone and Telegraph 1 Jf.J5 Telephone and Telegraph .> ' 7.86 , Frank Drane for Testing Asphalt 61.00 Stenographic Work 30.00 t L.B. Williamson's expenses to Washington in connection with securing rervices of Engineer.... 22.10 189.50 Paid members of Street Commiswon for services 183.00 Total expenditures for all purposes...., $60,287.16 Amount reported to our board as available for work on Street* and Side Walks, by Board of Town Commissioners a* follows: From SaleJbf Bonds *48,400.00 From interest on"Money loaned 1,829.85 ' From Alamance (Jbunty foi work on Square. 2,500.00 From proceeds of note to L. Lawson 8,000.00 Balance Unexpended 442.69 $60,729.85 $60,729 85 We have filed with the Secretary of the Town an part of thin report profile* and of atreeta and aide walks on which work has been done. We required Engineer, J. N. Ambler, to establish the (irade f.evel on many of the important street* on which no work waa done, pro flilea of which are alao filed aa part of ihia report, and we reapectful ly recommend that an ordinance be paaaed requiring property own era to oiwerve these grade levels in laying foundationa for buildings in the future. We have fully discharged to the l>eat of onr ability the duties iin* poaed by the Act of Legislature creating the Commission and we reapectfully request that the Commission be dissolved. Respectfully submitted, January 25, lftlO. IIKKNAN HI.'MIKH, Chairman Ex-Ofllcio. j (Signed) Lrss B. WILLIAMSON, CHAH. A. SCOTT, S. 8. IIOLT, C. P. HARDEN, JOHN T. BI.A('K, Commissioners. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. [„ .. u .. c CI ; Brick Machine For Sale. " J The undersigned haa aJ. C. Steele Ifavinr qualified ea Bxectitor* of the laat O Q n.:«L u. 1 * _ / .1 win and t««uru«nt «r A. I*omm , *- ®° DI Buck Machine lor uale. ceaamf. I*U>of Alamanceoounty. NorthCaro- a i,, .«;#u ;» OPA 4 .., A i „ „ j Una. this la to notify all peraona bavin* Along With It »ro two tfUCk 1 * and claims again at thu e«tat« of aai] >i>o#-a«*d 10 , ,l__ „... • „ •xiiiMt ib#m to th« undf nifiied m Hurling- other pari# neccßMary in handling too. North (Carolina, on or before 'be 6th day » •T, 1. • L J of January. 1917. or thl« notice will b« pl mA- brick. it IB houaed ana in good ed in baroltfeelr recovery. All persona In- „ 1 drM«?d to laid ciUli' will pleaao ruakc Im- condition. m jm!u*rr m a'w» U The purcliaaer will.get a bargain A'L^MLE ' For terms apply to J. W. MENKIKK ttjannt of th«> HUM of A. Leonard Uley or J. D. Kejrnodle. laplt © (oD.llpatlon. When costive at troubled with W. H. York, who sued Dr. J. A. constipation, take Chamberlain"'* Austin a Charlotte physician, (or Tablets. Thejr are easy to take and ; SIO,MO for malpractice—charging most agreeable in effect. Obtaina- I ing that a fractured wrist was im -1 ble everywhere; adv. properly set—lost out BLANK BOOKS Journals, Ledgers, Day Books, Time Books, Counter Books, Tally Books, Order Books, Large Books, Small Books, Pocket, Memo., Vest Pocket Memo* Ac* Ac. For Sal* At The Gleaner Printing Office Graham, N. C ADMINISTRATORS* NOTICE Having qualified ■■ administrator*of the estate of the lute V. 11. Warrao, this la to notify all persom having claims against ■aid estate to present them properly ven ded to tbe undersigned on or before the cut or Januaiy, 1017, or this notice will b« ■•leaded In liar of their reoevery. All peraona Indiilited u> said estate are requested to make Im mediate payment to tbe undersigned. Tills Jan. Uth. MM. H. J. BTOCKABD, A. 0. POUTiRriKLD, Adm'rsof Y. 11. Warren, deo'd. '•OH* h l-ong, Attys. WJanSt NOTICE OF SALE , 01 Real Estate Under Deed ol Trust. Collar and by virtue of tbe power of Ml* contained in a certain deed oftruat ((edit ed on the Brd day of December, IBM, by J. M. t'atea and bla wife, Annie C'atea, to the under pinned Alamance Itiaurance and Heal Saute Company aa ti uatae for tbe purpoee of aacur- Ing the Payment of certain bonoa daaorlbed In aald deed of iruat, which la duly probated uud recorded In tbe oflloe of tbe Heglater of Ileeda for Alamance county In Hook of Mort gagee and IJeeua of Tiuat No. at, at page 117, deiault having been mad* In tbe payment of aald bond*, tbe uaueralgned Alamanoe In •uranoe and Heal Katate Company will, on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8,1916, at one o'clock, p, m., at tbe oourt bouae door ol Alamance oouuty. North Carolina, alUra ham, Nortb Carolina, offer for aale at public auction to tbe hlgheal bidder for eaab the follow'oji two tract* of land, to-wlt; Klrat Tract—A certain tract or parcel of laud In Alamance oouuty and Mtateof Nortb Carotin*, adjoining tbe lant* of J. W. Galea and othera ami bounded aa followa: lletrlnnlnx at an Iron bolt oa Ollmer Hre*t on corner of T, U. Nlcbolaon'a lot, running thence H w deg w 100 faet to *n Iron bolt: thence N m deg » mln W JUO faet to as Iron boll on J. W. Oatea' line; thence N 80 deg K with aald Catea' line 100 ft- on corner of T. O. Nlcbolauu'a lot: thence with aald Nlcbolaon'a line HUVdeglO mln B KM ft to tbe beglnnlnga containg about one-half an acre, more or la*a On tnla lot I* located a all-room modern cottage. neoond Tract—A certain tract or parcel of land alt tutted in tbe town of flurllngton, Ala mance county and HUte of Nortb Carolina, and draortbed aa followa: Uelbg a poruon of Lot No. 16 ot 'he town plot of Hurllngton, altuated oj tba ttouth aide of Davla a treat, near Cameron atreet: beginning at a ataluor boll on I>aTlaatr*et, lid feet from tbe corner of Oarla and Case ion atreeta, running tbence parallel wltb Cameron atreet, ll feel to a alake or boll: Ihino* Nortbweat lUt feet to V. H Hnyder'a line; tlience wltb aald Mnyder'a line tolMrla atreeu tin feet; tbenc* wltb IMvla atreet lOf teet to tbe beginning. Title February Hit, IMC, AI.AMANt.K I.Nrt * KKAI, KMTATE CO, TruaUea. f + U?*TO^ATB + JOB' PRININO** I DONB AT THIS OFFICE. | I % QIVH US A TRIAL. j Mortgage Sale of Real Estate. ( rider and by vrtue of tbe power of sale] contained In a certain mortgage deed dated May *). IttlH, from J. H. Minor and wife, llirdle Minor, to lb* undersigned mortgagee, recorded In Ibe office of tbe lieglsierof (feeds for Alamanoe county. Nortb Carolina, in (look of Mortgage Deeds .No. 61. page 70, de fault baling been made In tbe payment of tbe IndebteoneM secured thereby, tbe under* slgm*d will, on MONDAY, MARCH 20, 1910, at t o'clock, noon, at the court hoaw door In liraliarn. North Carolina, offrr for aale and •ell (or tub to tb« high. ti bidder a certain tract or parcel of land la the county of Ala mance and State of North Carolina, In Bur ll> iftoti townahlp, adjoining the tanda o* M. J. Hall and othera ana bounded aa foltowa: licalniiliiK at a rock on tiie Eaat aide of the old road leading from Burlington to Olen eoe, on tba Wea aide of Haw Hirer, corner with K. J. Hall: thence N *4Jf deg W 12.DS cha to a ro k. corner with U J. Hall; Uaence S IH/, deg W U cha to a rock, a corner with H. J. Flail; thence 8 7ty, deg K ll.ttoba to a rock, cottier with H. J. Hall; thence N 6 'leg K UM cha u> a rock, corner with K. J. Hall; tbenoe N "i a deg W 7 cha to a rock on the old Olen coeroad; tlienoe with an d road NlJf dag ■ 2.M cha to the beginning, containing tweotr two and twenty nine one bundrediha (XI »> acrea, more or teaa. Thla th« 15th day of Feb.. KM, ALAMANCB INS. k ItBAL ESTATE CO., [Mortgagee, MOTHER CRAY'S SWEET POWDEP' ■FOR CHILDREN, DTiorlMt. Mdy• • tr• % any aahetiM* A. «. OLMSTED. La Roy/M. Y. am better prepared to Berwl| | | i I am going to give my tire time to my Grocery-si Business and Meat MarkefcS Everything in Dry Goods and 9 Notions must gp. THE PURE FOOD GROCEB jj Why Are athletes the meat man'* 9 friend? Becaus they nre such great hands I for meets I ' Meats to roast, Meats to Pry I|| The Best Meats always the meats.|| to bay! Meats to Bollf Meats to | Stew 1 The best meats should al- J| ways be the meats for yon. You'll always find them bent ; W. H. ALBRIGHT ■ ——" j'/.ffiM HAVE YOIJR WATCH CLEANED OCCASIONALLY A WATCH will ran without oil or cleaning longer than _ S any other piece of machin ery — but it needs both occaium aUy. If you wffl ssnaMer that the rim ol UK balance wheel travels over fifteen ■'% miles a day, yon will not grudge yooc watch a (peat ol oil and a dean ins . *i once a year. It will increase the life and accuracy of your watch. Leave your watch wi:h us today* Z. T. HADLEY | JEWHH * OPTICIAN GRAHAM, N. C ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. f Having qualified aa administra tor upon the eatate of James T. Bradahaw, dee'd, the undersigned hereby notifies all persona holding claims against said estate to pre sent the same duiy authenticated, on or before the 31st day of Jan y, 1117, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate are re iucHtod to make immediate set- , 'jl tlement. This January S, 1816. J. O. BRADSHAW, Adm r JoJan6t of Jaa T. Bradahaw. :^jj I Very Serious It la a very serious matter to ask I ■ far OSM sasillrins and haws the ■ I WTOQJ OM (hren yea. Per this I ■ reason we vp yea in baying is I be careful to fet the genuine— I BUck-DraugHT liver Mrrtlrhif I The reputation of this aU, refe ■ bU Kdielns, far constipation, In ■ difsatioa and liver trouble, ia flrm ly eatabliahed. It doea not imitate ■ other medicines. It ia batter thaa ■ ethers, or it would not be the fa ■ ewrite Ihrttr powder, with a large* ■ sale than all ethers ccmbmatb M * ou> m TOWM p» •l "irtitr I *, Small Store-bouse For Rent. Well located close to the best trade in Graham. Price reasonable and building ready for occupancy now. JT. M. McCRACKEN,, SSnovtf. " Graham, N. C. .6 ' Dixon's Lead Pencils are the ' are THB BEST. Try them | I and be convinced. They are | I for sale at this office.—Sc. •>. i am— ■*