I THE GLEANER GRAHAM, N. C., March 2, 1016. Postofffcr Hoars. . Offlo .|MS 1M »• m. to 7.00 p. m. ! gnudar'-OO to 11.00 «. m> and 4.00 to M 0 p. m J. M. lIoORACKBN. foltmuUr. P ♦ LOCAL NEWS. + —The County Commissioners p » meet in regular monthly session ; . session Monday. X !8f —The Burlington-Graham Liter' : ary Club Was entertained yesterday aftertoon by Mute Mamie Parker. —Regular Communication of Thos. ■M. Holt Lodge No. 492, A. F. and fe A. M , Friday night, March 3rd, at \ —Alamance Superior Court for the g? p trial of ''.riminal cases will convene eJ next Monday. Judge Devin of Ox ford will preside. —The weather has been freaky for the past week. High winds pre £.■" vailed, then it snowed Monday night i . -The Chero-Cola Bottling Co. * has received a new auto truck to be reidy.to deliver as soon as th; 3 company star's, which will be the latter part o 1 the month. —The Baptists are making an & effort to secure Rev. J. C. Owens of ABheville to conduct a revival service here in the spring. As yet the date 1; has not been arranged. Mr. Owens conducted a very interesting and H successful revival here last spring. ll** —Mr. "Shag" Thompson, lately chosen for baseball trainer at Chapel . Hill, was here Sunday. Later he will go to Florida for regular train ing. He has played with some of the big teams for the past year or so. He was reared at Haw River. —Ye writer spent Tuesday lit Wentworth, the capital of t-ie good old county of Rockingham. It i» an ancient looking old borough and crowns a hill in/the rolling section of the county.- They have excellent county buildings- —court house, jail and County Home. —Mr. W. P. Smith, the grocery man, is treating the inside of his Store to a coat of paint, which will greatly improve its appearance. He 'will also soon put on an auto dejivery / ' truck and will'deliver goods "while : you wait." The object with the truck is to not keep eustomers wait ing too long, jk •. —At the last meeting ol the ,WX>- ■ man's Club of Graham it was de cided to change the day of meet ing to the second Thursday in the month. The next, meeting of the * Club will be held on, Thursday af ternoon, March 9th, at 3 o'clock, in the Club Room in the Paris Building. This will be the last meeting of the Club year and a full attendance is desired. 5 —The Methodist Protestant cofi gregation are making arrangements to move their church. They have secured a lot on East side of N. L Main St. on the corner of N. Main find the street running East by the water tank. The work will be under taken as soon as the necessary funds •are in hand. This chnrch is now located West of the Graded School building. , —Mhe Republicans held their county convention here last Saturday to name delegates to the State and Congressional conventions. The con > vention was called to order by Mr. Geo. W. Vestal, county chairman. Mr. J. H. Harden was elected permanent chairman of the conven tion and Mr. T. C. Carter secretary. The delegates were instructed to * vote for C. J Harris of Dillsboro for national committeeman. r Among the Sick. Mrs. E. S. Parker, Jr., has been on the sick list for a few days. Mrs. Jas. P. Smith has been sick for'Beveral days, but is improving. Mrs. Rebecca Foust is quite sick at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. F. R. Clapp. ; Mrs. L. G. Turner is confined at her home by sickness. For SIO,OOO Damages. Growing out of the case of State vs. Young E. Smith of Durham, heard on 18th and 19th of February, in which defendant was charged with an assault upon Mrs. Foy Wyatt, wife of John W. Wyatt, on llth of February, and of which charge the trial Justices said de fendant Smith was not guilty, John W. Wyatt hits instituted a civil ac tion for 110,000 damages against Smith. The case is made return able to the May Term of Court and the plaintiff is represented by W. H. Carroll, Esq. New Can For Street Railway. The Piedmont Railway & Electric Company has purchased four cars for service between Burlington, Or*ham and Haw River. Two of these are being built by theSouflT ern Car Company at High Point, North Carolina, and are said to be models of excellence in construc tion and equipment, 'being of the closed type and all steeL Theoth ' er two are built by the Keulhman Car Company of Cleveland, Ohio, and are similar to the two built by the Southern Car Company, j These are being put through the Southern Car Company's shops for overhauling and painting and when Completed will be equal to the new cars in every particular. _> Home-made Candy Sale. Saturday afternoon, at P. S. Dixon's Store, (or the benefit of mov ing the M- P. Church to North Main street, | -V. - * * ♦ . + PERSONAL. + ♦ * Mr. John G.' Clark, near Snow Camp, was here yesterday. Miss Rebecca Scott spent the first of the week visiting in Mebane. Mr. C. C. Shepherd of Gibson ville was here yesterday on bus iness. Miss Ada Denny returned Tues day from a visit to relatives in Greensboro. J. Elmer Long, Esq., attended court at Wentworth the first of the week. Mrs. J. J. Henderson is spending the day in Mebane with Mrs. J. Med ; Thompson. Mr. Don. E. Noyes of Great Falls, S ,C., spent the fatten part Of last week here. Mrs. John Ross of Philadelphia spent yesterday here with her , aunt, Mrs. J. K. Mebane, i, Miss Nellie Graves spent the week-end at Davidson College, at-, 1 tending the Junior speaking. Miss Alene Long returned the lat ter part of last week from a visit of several weeks in High Point. Mr. Phil. Carleton left Tuesday . for Greensboro where he will be engaged in the insurance business. Mrs. Edwin D. Scott left Mon day night for, Troy, Ala., where she will visit Miss Lillian Brant ley. Mrs. C. B. Irwin and Mrs. Her bert Post are spending the week with Mrs. L. Banks Williamson at Glencoe. i Mrs E. C, Murray of Alamance Church, southeast of Greensboro, . was here last Friday attending the meeting of the PrisciHa Club and visiting friends. - -—— Campaign Against Typhoid in Ala mance—County Commissioners will be asked for appropriation. Mext Monday the County Com missioners will be asked for an appropriation of S4OO to make campaign against typhoid fever in Alamance to pay the expense of free inoculation at twelve points in the county. Under the direction of the State Board of Health Campaigns were conducted in twelve counties. Here are the figures for deaths from typhoid in these counties in 1914 and 1915. In the former year there was no campaign but In 1915 there was. Read the figures and see for yourself: 1914 1915 Buncombe 13 12 Cumberland 16 13 Craven 7 9 Edgecombe 16 21 Henderson 8 6 Halifax 14 14 Iredell 10' 6 Northampton 7 3 Wilson 18 9 Warren 13. - 7 Wayne fi6 17 Wake 27 15 Totals 175 133 Lives saved 43. The department states that in spite of the unsatisfactory and late dato of two or three of the counties campaigns; and that in Craven and Edgecombe counties where new Hospitals that took patients with typhoid from sur rounding counties and the deaths from which being recorded in thoss counties where the deaths occurred, there is shown a gradual decrease, in the death rate from typhoid, with a saving in the twelve counties of forty-three deaths. Because he couldnt marry a 15- year-old girl Dessie Wood of Wil bor, Wake county, tried to kill himself but was restrained. Ernets Lowry and George Poston, , the Gaston county negroes who murdered Grant Davis, a farmer, March 9, 1918, were electrocuted on last Friday morning at the State prison. Lowry and Poston killed Davis with a s>ick and robbed him of S3OO in cash. In Guilford Superior Court last week, Mrs. Mary C. Gurley was awarded SIO,OOO damages against the Southern Power Co. on account of the drowning of hen young son in a bathing pavilion at High , Point, the pavilion being under the control of an employe of the com pany. Six hundred boys and girls will enroll in Durham corn, pig and to mato clubs of Durham county, Miss Beulah Arey of Iredell, who is in charge of the canning clubs of that county announces that preparations are bein& made to put up 100,000 cans of tomatoes and other vege tables. THOSE SUDYEJI TWINGES Bring Suffering to Many a Graham Reader. Pain is nature's signal of dis tress. A warning not to be ignored. Those sharp twinges in the back. Those sudden, stab like pains when stooping- Are frequent signs of kidney trouble.. - To remove kidney pains, you must assist the kidneys. Use a tested and proven kidney remedy. None more highly endorsed than Doan's Kidney Pills. Endorsed abroad—endorsed at home. Read Graham testimony. Mrs. J. M. Crawford, W. Harden ISt., Graham, says: "I suffered so severely from backache that I could hardly get around. Often sharp twinges caught me across my loins. I was so tired that I could ' hardly move and was nervous. 11 tried different medicines for my kidneys but got no relief until I began taking Doan's Kidney Pills. They made me feel better in every way and my back stopped both ering me.' Price 60c at all dealers. Dont Simply ask for a Kidney remedy —Doan's Kidney Pills—the same . that Mrs. Crawford hid. Poster . Mil burn Co, Props., Buffalo, N. T. ' sdv, F 1 MEXICAN PROGRAM The following is the program for the week beginning Monday, March 6 th: MONDAY NIGHT. Broken Coin 2-parts A Tribute To Mother 2-parts Bobbling Tongues 1-part Flivvers Terrible Past 1-part TUESDAY NIGHT. The Dawn Road 2-jtaitp Pants And Petticoats 1-part Lemonade Aids Cupid 1-part WEDNESDAY NIGHT. The Frame Up 5-parts «■ THURSDAY NIGHT. Diamond From The Sky 2-parts One Hundred Years Ago 2-parte Weekly No. 199 Jed's Trip to the Fair 1-part FRIDAY NIGHT. As The Shadow Falls 2-parts Shattered Nerves 1-part «• The Underworld 1-part SATURDAY NIGHT. { Graft 2-parts Lord John's Adventures No. 2 4-parts. Mr. MDton Clapp Dead. Yesterday morning at 4 o'clock Mr. Milton Clapp died at his home here, aged about 65 years, from paralysis. He suffered a slight stroke 3 or 4 months ago. but had been able to be up and out most of the time. He had another stroko Mon day. The interment takes place at Mt. Pleasant today. He is survived by four sons and 'five daughters. Work on Greensboro, Northern & Atlantic Railway Begun. A Over three years ago several Ala mance townships voted in stock to the Greensboro, Northern & Atlantic Railway, conditii nel on the read being built in a certain number of years, Money matters were not hopeful snd . nothing, it seemed, could be done to put the project through. The matter has apparently been dormant for some time, but the President, Capt. T. 0. Troy, has not given up. Work was commenced between Chapel Hill and Durham yesterday, and the road may be built yet. If built according to surveys that have been made, it will run from Durham by Chapel Hill, Graham, Burlington, Greensboro and to Danville, and no connty will profit more than Alamance from it. Whe ther Alamance township will be asked to renew their subscriptions cannot be authoratively stated now. Four Cases From Alamance in U. S. Supreme Court Reversed. The Supreme Court of the United States last week reversed the North Carolina Supreme Court in five cases. Four of the decisions were in cases against the Southern Railway Com pany in which W. C- Thurston was plaintiff. The cases were tried orig inally in the courts of Alsmsnce couuty, before Judge Devin. Thurs ton sued the railroad for overchages in freight on cotton shipped from various points in the South to cotton mills at King's Mountain and other points. In each ea-e he got judg ment for the amount of the freight overcharge and the 1100 penalty im posed by the Revisal of 1905. The Supreme Court of this State sustain ed the verdict of the lower in esch case and it was carried up to Wash ington, attorneys for' the defendsnt claiming that Congress alone has powor to fix rates for the inter-State shipment of goods and that the sec tions of the State code relied upon to uphold the contentions of the plaintiff were clearly in conflict with the rules snd regulations of the inter- State Commerce Commission. The decision is one of far-reaching im ix rtance and practically nullifies the State penalty provision ss to inter- State shipments. Eggs for Setting. Barred Rock and R. I. R. eggs for Setting. Good Winter layers. They lay when eggs are HIGH. J. W. HOLT. 'Phone 417 J. Graham, N. C. WE HAVE THE EARLIEST, BlO gest, high class Strawberry grown. Also the Best one or the ever bearing kinds; bears the best fla vored herries from Spring until the snow flies. Free Booklet. Wake field Plant Farm, Charlotte,' North Carolina. 17feb6t Father and Son Contest in Corn Growing ■ .jt • An ambition to do better than his boy caused a Haywood county farmer last year to make the rec ord yield of corn In th*t county. It was 126.14 bushels of ear corn to the acre. The highest yi»ld in the history of the county, and was made W. W. Wilson. Three years ago a son of Mr. Wilson was enrolled In the Boys Corn Club work and he secured a yield of 119 bashels of corn to the acre as a result qt following the directions given him by those in charge of the work. The father had never achieved any such result as , that by his own methods, and i sat up and took notice. Further more he decided that if his young boy could beat him farming it was time to quit, and he set out to beat the boy. Now he will try to beat his own record. PAIR MULES, fo/ Sale. Price right ' LAFAYETTE HOLT. Jmch. Burlington, N. C.' (Educational Column Conducted j by Supt. J. B. Robertson. j' The people of Oakdsle communl- , ty met on th ; Mod aod organized a Country Life Club with Mr. J/ A. Hornaday president, Mr. Claude Spoon, vice-president and Mr. Wil lie Fogleman, secretory and treas urer. Oakdale is a good commu-1 nlty and we are expecting some Sood work at Oakdale. Already tey have announced their inten tion to hold a community (air next fall. ' I On Feb. 35th, Belmont and Climnx i had a close game of biak»t bill i 24 to 25 in favor of Belmont. On ! the 26th Belmont gave an apron hemming that netted $6.50 for the school. Mr. Charles B. Coble, Prin cipal of the school, wort the prize. Prof. L. C. Brogden, Supervisor of Rural Schools lot the State will in the county this week for two dates and for the regular Teach ers Meeting Saturday. On Thursday night the Domestic Sci- ' ence Class of Stony Creek School serve dinner to the county officials, Mr. Brogden and tha local school committee. On Friday night the Domestic Science Class of Friend ship will also entertain at dinner, having aa their guests the county school officials, Mr. Brogden ana the school committee. After each of these banquets Mr. Brogden will deliver a lecture on some phase of country life and the country school. On next Saturday the pupils of Spring School will spell against the community. Such spelling match es are worthy the attention they are receiving in the county, be cause they are helpful to both the pupils ana the patrons. The County School office force is busy getting ready spel.ing terti for the prize contest in the county and also the full examina tions for the seventh grade stu dents who wish to graduate from the Public Scnools. The regular time for examination w,li be March Softh and 31st. On the first day the teats will be given on Arithmetic, Geography, .D S. History and San itation; on the second day Gram mar, Civil Government, Spelling, Supplementary Reading, Drawing, and Agriculture. All the teachers ahould take note of this order. It will Jae well to make a wrltt.en. memorandum of the same. Teach ers whose schools close before these dates may use earlier dates for the tests and observe the same order in giving the subjects. The last Teachers' meeting of the year will be held next Saturday at 11 a. m.. Prof. L. C. Brogden, State Supervisor of Rural Schools will be present and speak to the teachers. Many points SDout the examination and the County Commencement will be explained. It is very im portant that all the teachers at tend. What to Do For Headache. N. C. Board of Health Bulletin. Headache is not a disease of the head. As a matter of fact it is not a disease at all any rtiore than a coated tongue is a aisease. It is only a sign—a warning that some thing is wrong and needs attention. • Visually one or more of natures laws has been violated. Excess of one kind or another are tne usual violations and are the most fre quent causes of headache. Take n omedicine to cure head ache. Find out 'ne cause and work there to effect a cur>. Don't '•dope" a headache. The longer you defer removing the caus3 oy taking headacne medicine, the more aggravated becomes your condition causing your head to #CAB the more. Constipation is the most'common causes of headache. Such a head ache is promptly relieved by the use of a simple laxative, and its return is prevented not by the con stant use of laxatives, but by reg ulating the diet, eating an abund ance of fruits, vegetables and bulky foods. Regular habits should be 1 practiced daily to avoid constipa tion. Overeating is olten a cause ot headache. The cure in such in stances is obvious. Give your stom ach a rest and -avoid repeating this Violation. Working or sleeping in close, ot- poorly ventilated rooms of ten brings on headache. A head ache from this cause may be quick ly removed by walking in the open air, walking slowly at first, then more rapidly so as to get the ef fectjs of the pure air forced into all parts of the body and the impu rities driven out. Another common cause of head ache is eye strain. If you find af ter reading, writing or sewing that your head aches you may be quite Sure that it is dje t oeye strain. This cause can be removed only by the use of properly adiustea £ lasses. In some instances the eye may actually be diseased adn need treatment. Be careful to see a good specialist when having fitted or your eyes treated. Next Week Baby Week. Next week beginning with Satur day March 4th, and continuing for seven days is the time S2t apart for considering the ways ana means of giving the babies more of a square deal. A bulletin from the State Board of Health says that the big towns, rural communities and clubs of all denominations in the State are interested and are wanting to do something in behalf of the babies and to reduce the ba by death rate. The doctors ot the different towns and communities are being called on to tell during this week what they may know about raising babies, especially how to keep them from getting sick. Trained nurses and baby specialists are to tell and show ss well how to prepare baby-s food, how to bathe him, and how the mother care not only for the bab.v but for herself. "This in no vis ionary impractical scheme." says the Board, but a plan to help N. C. Mothers to raise North Caro llina babies, and it is specifically directed against the coming hot weather months when babies sick en and die most According to the Board, many States and cities arc spending large sums of money to bring about through this movement better conditions for their babies during the coming summer. They know from experience that mon"y Invest ed int a campaign of this kind pays New York State outside of New York City, during the past year saved nearly 2,000 baby lives under one year of aje, an 1 at' bmu* mothers were told and taught how to care for their babies. A nptrtne Agsiast CoMs. The nearest thing to a specific against colds is a sleeping porch or an open bad rooai' and a cold sponge bath every morning when you first get up. Eevn then you Willi occasionally take a cold, es pecially when colds are epidemic, and when you do you will find Chamberlain s Cough Remedy a I great help in enabling you to get rid of it. Try it. Obtainable | • everywhere. adv. ■■■'X-'-- / - '• ■ >V WE GIVE PROHT-SHABD#} GOWONS 1, Reduce the HiAhCost of Living by Trading with 3 "Crack & Joe" and Graham Drug Co., Graham, N. C. »■ CALLTODAY AND INVESTIGATE HOW YDU CAN PROCURE BEAUTIFUL AND USEFUL ARTICLES BY REDEEMING OUR COUPONS AND CERTIFICATES ISSUED WITH EVERY CASH PURCHASE. OR ON ACCOUNTS TO BE PAID BY STHOF MONTH. IS———■— —J———— To Our Patrons: When we begun to operate the cars in 1911 it was our intention after the system had got to running smooth ly to give a thirty minute service. We, however, were soon satisfied this could not be done with the equipment we had until the patrons of • the cars and users of the streets were accustomed to the cars, without either in creasing the speed to a point that would invito accidents or put on more car thereby increasing the cost of opera tion beyond reason. There has been a growing demand for better cars and a more frequent service. We know there are worse cars than ours running in other places but the requirements of onr patrons for better cars the Com pany has ordered two new all steel cars and two others which when they arrive will be up-to-date in every partic ular. These cars we feel sure our patrons will appreciate and we hope they will be the means of increasing our revenue to a point that will justify the expense of their purchase. We also want to give a quicker and more frequent service and propose to try to do so without in creasing our expense far in excess of our receipts we must have the co-operation of our patrons which you can give reading and observing the notices being issued for this purpose. With your hearty support and co-operation we hope to furnish as good equipment and service as can be found in much larger cities. We have provided the equipment, will you help us give the service? Piedmont Railway & Electric Co. " COUPON FOR ~ Charlotte Observer Bargain Subscription V DATK 101 CHARLOTTE OBSERVER CHARLOTTE. N. C. Find enclosed ♦ for which wind THE CHAR LOTTE OBSERVER, Daily ami Sunday, by inail to the under signed for. . ..months. BARGAIN RATE Name Daily Daily and Only Sunday St. or R. F. D 3 month*. .11.25 $1.50 « Months'.. 2.50 300 t - , 1 Yesr.... 6.00 fiJN) Remit by Check or Postal Order. Money get® lost In tfoe mails. Orders accepted under this specinl rate only Special Bar gain Period, * N. EXECUTORS* NOTICE. , Havlnr qualified aa Esectilora of the laat will and teaUm* nt of A. laley.de- 1 ceaaed. lata of Alamance county, North Caro lina. tbla la to notify all peraona having ola Ima aaalnat the eatate of aald dec«aacd to exhibit them to tbe uodoralgned at Hurllojf- 1 ton, North Carolina, on or before the otli day ot January, Itl7. or tbla notice will be pl« ad ad In her of ttoelr recovery. All percona In debted to aald eatate will pleaaa make im mediate payment. January ft. ltflfl. _ JOHN I'll A. I BLKY, C. A#. IMLE Y, Ka*ra AJanAt of tbe eatate of A. Leonard laley i Notice of Sale of Valuable Property. The Trusteeeof the New Provi dence church hhve been author ized to sell to the highest bidder one or more lota of their property north of W. 11. Holt's store build- I g. The funds coming from sale to be applied against debts from repairing church. The sale will take place on the church grounds SATURDAY, MARCH 36TH, 1916, and will begin promptly at 2: 30 p. ro. Terjpos, Cash. If any person or persons can show why this sale should not take place, please notify the under signed trustees. L. 11. HOLT, A. R. HERITAGE, DA.VIEI. WEM 11, Trustees. • 11 he . I Advertisements In Ij This Paper a Cover 1 the Community 1 r + tJP-TO-DATB + JOB' PrlnlNo' * | DONB AT THIS OFFICE. | % OIVB US A TRIAL. | +»♦♦♦»+♦♦♦»♦+♦♦+♦»»♦♦+++++ ' Brick Machine For Sale. The undersigned bat* a J. C. Steele & Sons Brick Machine fur Male. Along with it are two truck" and other part* necessary in handling brick. It is housed and in good condition. - The pun-hatter will get a bargain For terms apply to J. W. Mknkkkk or J. D. Kernodle. . laplt £ Graham Produce Market Corrrrltd Weekly b> W, I. Wlrka. / Chickens—llenH—per lb. :10c " _ Fryer* " 124-lsc FgJW. per doz. 20c ' Ducks, per lb. 10c Geese, " 08c Butter, " 20c Wheat, per bu. 1.25 Corn, v " .NO to 85c Oats, " 05c Sweet Potatoes Jer bu. 75c Irish Potatoes "80c to 1.00 Cotton Seed} per bu. .50c Hidei'-Green, per lb. 18 to He " Dry, per lb. 15 to 18c I Been Wax, per lb. 25c | Th low, " Hto7c | Honey, " IL'J to 15c Pork, " 10 to 11c Dressed HeefJ " 8 to 10c Overland Automobile Given Away. The Southern Woman » Magazine i* giving away a &-jia»»engcr, Mod el 83 tiou.OQ Overland Touring Car, complete with all modern equip ment including Electric Starter, LjgbU, ets. This car is awardeu together with W desirable premi ums. The publishers ot the south ern Woman's Magazine claim this to be one of the most liberal ot ters tbpy have yet made. This is no "catch-penny" contest but a (air and legitimate otter. Car will be awarded June ltt Full par ticulars may be had by addressing Southern Woman s Magazine, Nas hville, Tenn. 13)antf. SUBSCRIBE FOR THB GLEANER, •1.00 A YEAR ■ .. C I BLANK ' BOOKS ■ Journals, Ledgers, j Day Bwriu, Time Books, j Counter Books, Tally Boolfs, Order Books, Large Books, Small Books, Pocket, Memo^ Vest Pocket Memo* &c„ Ac. For Sale At • " The Gleaner Printing Office *" Graham, N.C ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. Having ijuaJifliMl administrators of tbe enisle or the lute V. B. Warren, tbls la to notlfj ail persons having olaiota against uid eatate lo praaant than properly veri fied to tlia uudrralrned on or before the 21«t ill Jsnuaty. I*l7, or tbla ootloe will be pleaded In bar oi their reoeTerjr. All peraona Indebted to nald estate are requeated to make Immediate payment to the undersigned. Thla Jan. lath. mm. H. J. STOCK A HD, A. U. POHTiBriILD, Adin'ra of Y. I). Warren, dee'd. Long A Long, Attja. aojsuSt NOTICE OF SALE Ot Real Estate Under Deed ol Trust. Under and br virtue of the power of iale oontalned In A certain deed of truat execut ed on the 3rd day or Deoember, WIS, by i. M, rates and bit wife. Annie Gales, to tbe under •lgned Alamance insurance and heal latate Company a» tiuatee for the purpose of secur ing tbe uayment of certain bonds described In asld deed of trust, which la duly probated and reuorili'd In tbe offloe of tbe Register of Ueedi for Alamance county In Book of Mort gages and Dccus of Ttust Mo. St, at page I*7. deisult having been made ID the payment of said bonds, the uuderalgned Atamanoe In surance and Heal Kstate Company will, on WEDNESDAY, MiRCH 8,1916, at one o'i look, p. m., at lb* court bouaa door ol Alamance oouuty. North Carolina, at lira ham. North i arollna, offer for sale at public auction to tbe highest bidder for cash tba follow ng two tracta of land, to-wlt; Klrst Tract-A certain tract or paroel of land In Alamance county and Htateof North Carolina, adjoining Ihe lan-ia of J. W. Catea aiid others and bounded aa follows: Heglunlng at an Iron bolt on Ullmar street on corner of *. U. Nicholson's lot, running thence H 01 deg W IIJU feet to an Iron bolt: I hence N m deg ,10 mm W 'MO fsat to an Iron bolt on J. W. Cales'llm; thence N ® deg K wiin aald Cates' Una lUI ft on ooroar of T. O. Nicholson's lot: thence with said Nlebolaon's line H w deg 30 mm if Ml ft to tbe beginning* conlslng about one-half an acre, more or Mai On this lot Is located s six-room modem cottage. necond Tract- - A oertaln tract or parcel of land situated In tbe town of Burlington, Ala mance county and state of North Carolina, and described aa follows: Being a portion of Lot No. Kof 'be town plot of Burlington, situated o.i the South aide of Davis street, near street: Beginning at a sUkeor boll on Oavls street, lie feet f rtmi tbe corner of Oavls sod Oaasa rou streets, running thence parallel with i ameron street, l3 feet lo a stake or boll; ih nee Northwest IW feet to V. H Border, line; thence with aald Hnyder's line lo Davis street, ill feel; thence with llavls street IOC feet to Uie beginning. This February 4tb, IMS. A I.AM ANCK I No. * HE A I. ESTATE CO., Trustees. Mortgage Sale ol Real Estate. Under and by vrtuoof tbe power of a*k contained in a certain mortaace oeeddated May » |9M, from J. H. Minor and wife, llirdln Minor, lo tbe underelaned morlasnee, r»©orded In ib« ofltcn of the Register fir Alamance county. North Caroling In iUntk of Morton* JJeedt .So. ll, paye 70, do fault hat In k iMM>n in arte in i h«* payment of iln* Indebteoneae eecured thereby, the under signed will, on MONDAY, MARCH 20, 1910, at 1 o'clock, noon, at tbe court bou*e door In Oreham. North Carolina, offer for aale and 1 sell for cash 10 tba hl«h n bidder a certain I tract or" parcel of laud In tbe county of Als | mance and Htateof North Carolina, In llur lh ston townablp. adjoining tbe lands of K. J. Mali and others and bounded as follows: Jtoiflnnlnf at a rook on toe Bast side of the old road leading from Burlington to Ulen coe, ou the *«s side of Haw Miver, corner with li. J. Hall; Uieoce N UH deg W 12*6 obi Uiarock. corner with H J. Hall; tbencett Id's dea W U chs to a rock, a corner with K. J. flail; thence 8 7% dec K 17.01 chs to a rock, coiner with IC. J Itall; tbence N 6 deg BI9JO ctis u> a rock, corner with B, J. Hall; tbeuce N 7iH deg W rcbs to a rock on tbe old Gleo ■«*? road; tdeuce with sa d road N UH dec It t M chs i'» the beginning, containing tweuty two and twenty nine one bundiedihs (Xt Si) acres, more or less. Ibis th- 16th day of Feb.. Itl«, ALAMANCE i NB. k KKA L KMT AT B CO., (Mortgagee, You Can Cure That Backache. Pain along the back, dizziness, headache and gennerai languor, tie! a package of Mother li ray's AustnllaLeaf, the pleasant root and berb cure for Kidney, Bladder a>,d Urinary troubles. Wb*o you feel all rundown, tired, weak and without energy use ibis remarkable combination . f naturae herbs and ruota. As a regulator It has no equal. Mother Or.y'a AuatraUan-baaT la Mold by Druggists or sent by aairtorlOots sample sent free. Addreee, The Mother Uray Co., L* Hoy. N. Y. ' ' , Subscribe for THB GLEANER— li.w a j ear in pdvaace, I am going to give my en tire time to my Grocery Business and Meat Market. Everything in Dry Goods and Notions must go. G. W. BLACK, THE PURE FOOD GROCER GRAHAM, - N. C. Why are athletes the meat man's friend? Becaus they are each great hands formeetal Meats to roast, Meats to Pryt The Beat Meats alwaya the meats to bny I Meats to Boil I Meats to Stew 1 The beat meats should al waya be the meats for yon. You'll alwaya find them here! W. ft. ALBRIGHT 'Phone 444 HAVE YOUR WATCH CLEANED OCCASIONALLY A WATCH will run without oil or cleaning longer than any other piece of machin ery—but it needs both occasion ally. If yon win moMer that the rim oi the balance wheel travels over fifteen miles a day, yon will not grudge your watch s speck of oil and a clean ins once s year. It will increase the life and accuracy of your watch. Leave your watch with us to-day. Z. T. HADLEY JEWELER * OPTICIAN GRAHAM. N. C. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified aa administra tor upon the eatate ot James T. Bradsbaw, dee'd, the undersigned hereby notifiea all peraona holding claims against said eatate to pre aent the aame d/ily authenticated, on or before the Slat day ot Jany, 1917, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All per aona indebted to aaid estate are re quested to make immediate set tlement. Thla January 3, 1911 J. O. BRADS HAW, Admr JOJanßt of Jaa T. Bradahaw. I Very Serious htoavary sarioosmattcr la aak lar eos mad kins sod have the «Toaf one ghrea you. For this ISMOO we orgs yea m baynf to bs csfsfal «o get ihs genai&e— BLAck»GHT liver Medldae IThe rapotstMo of this old, rails We madiclna. constipation io. difaedoa and liver trouble, is firm ly eeiahrtehod It does not tmttasa other msdidnss. It is better than othara, or It woold not be the fa» worite Htw powder, with a largar nil than afl Otberi combtaMds BOLD Df TOWM VI Smsll Store-bouse For Rent. • Well located close to the beat trade in Graham. Price reasonable and building ready for occupancy ; now. J. M. McCRACKEN,, | 25novtf. Graham, N. C. I ' j Dixon's Lead Pencils are the | I are THB BBBT. Try them | j and be convinced. They are I • j for aale at thla office.—sc.

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