[THE GLEANER ■GRAHAM, N. C., March 9,1916 Pnstftffice Honrs I Offlo lou 7.0U a. in. to7.oUp. m. J. H. McCRACKEN. PoltnuW. ■ + LOCAL NEWS. + ■ —Another week of what the alma ■ nac makers call "variable" weather ■ has passed. It snowed Friday after- I hood, wan cold Saturday, lair and B spring-like Suuday and Monday, I rained Tuesday auu again is much ■ cooler. The grip of winter is hard ■ to break.. —Mrs. J. L. Scott, Jr., entertain- I ed at dinner Friday in honor of her I mother, Mrs. M. J. Hrally, now 78 I years of age. An elegant repast I wan provided, to whicti the ollow ■. ing were invited : M6»dames C. P. I Aloiight, 0. S. Hunter, T. M. Mc- I Connell, J. M. Turner, Jas. V. I Pomeroy, J. D. Kernodie, and Misses Ada Denny and Ida iScott. —Mrs. James G. Hanes of Win > ston-Salem died Monday in the City Hospital. She was Miss Emmie Drewerv of Raleigh, daughter of Mr. John (J. Drewery. She had visited here many times and made rasnf' friends. Mesdames L. Banks Holt, J. K. Mebane and J. W. Menefee went to Winston-Salem Wednesday a. m. to attend the funeral. ■gpgfe-rr-. • . •s^. —Master George Long, the little spn of, Mr. and Mrs, Long, ■ while cutting pictures from a maga zine last Friday, had the misfortune to stick the point i f the scissors in one of bis eyes. They carried him to Dr. Reaves, an eye specialist in Greensboro. It 11 pleasing to learn that he is getting along nicely, and that while the eye will probably be slightly disfigured it is not appie hended that the sight will be im- I paired. ,7' • ■ • 0 > Married. ! At the home of Rev. 0. B. Wil- Iliams, in Graham, on 'Wednesday afternoon, Feb. 23rd, Mr. Leroy M. King and Miss Esther Montgomery were united in marriage. Mri King is the son of Mr. A. L. King, and is a prosperous young farmer of North Alamance. Mrs. King is the pretty eighteen-year-old daughter of Mr k and Mrs. D., F. Montgomery of Haw River. The attendants were Mr. L. M. Huffman, Miss Willie Browning and Miss Bcrta Freeland. Highway Through County and Anti- Typhoid treatment Receive Favor able Action by County Commis sioners. A large delegation appeared be fore the County Commissioners Monday to urge the completion, rather tne mailing passable, oi me - State Highway turougn this coun ty. Lately Alamance has received some not very favorable advertis ing on account of the condition of the Hig.iway. The Board has de termined to act. An engineer or • engineers will go over two or more routes and their report will deter mine whicn route will be improv ed. The action of tae .uoard will be generally commenued, for Ala mance has furmsned a bad link in the cuain for month 9, which has caused motor car travellers to go around the county in going iro.ii one end of the State to cue other. Another very nignly commenda ble thing was done—putting on an . anti-typhoid campaign. Dr. i'. -•!. Jordan, ofr .Raleigh, who had charge of the late nealtn campaign for the Sublic schools, representing tue tate Health Department, was pres ,ent and outlined the plan. The Board appropriated !jHOO for the campaign. in the few counties where such campaigns were con ducted last year the reports snow that tne number of deaths were less by forty-three than in the pre vious year. The people of the cOunty will be fully advised as to ,the time and places of tnis impor tant- campaign. March Meeting of Graham Chapter, U. D. C. The regular monthly meeting of the Graham Chapter, U. D. C., met with Mrs, Junius H. Harden,.March 2nd at 3 o'clock, Mrs. J. D. Ker nodie,-President, presiding. * In the absence of the Secretary, Miss Mamie Parker was called to serve. Reports from several committees were heard. The committee in charge of the recent movie-benefit made a nice re port, and the Daughters are grateful to Mr. R. L. Holmes and all who helped them in any way. The committee on arrangements I for loth of May reported plans in mind. The prospects are for a most interesting program and the Daugh ters hope that the citizens of Gra ham and Alamance county will co operate with them in fitting me morial exercises to the Confederate dead of Alamance. The Chapter listened with interest to letters from Mrs R. E. Little, State President, O. D. C , bearing on year's woik for the Chapters. Mrs. J. W. Page of Burlington asked for Dew it. as a Chapter has been organized there. Graham Chapter parts with sincere regret from Mrs. Page. After disposing of busiriess the Daughters took .up the Historical Program for March. These mon'bly programs are a study of the " Wrongs of History." A great effort is being put forth by Daughters everywhere to right these wrongs and to see that histories tbat do not set forth ihe truth be abolished from the schools., At the conclusion of the program Mrs. Harden served . laborate and; ;•*' -delicious fresbments in two courses.; The Chapter meets in April with Mrs. J. S Cook. * . MRS. J- Doli'll LONG, g/ - ' Secretary. PAIR MULES for Sale. Price El light. ' . ». • „ LAFAYETTE HOLT. jftacb. Burlington, N. C.' ♦ ♦ . + PERSONAL. + Ti 11111ii11111111111111»it Mr. H. L. Ferguson of Durham spent Sunday here. Mr. W. P. Smith is spending the ' day in Durham. Miss May Norman spent the week end at her home in Winston-Salem. Mr. John Barnes of Greensboro spent Sunday at Mr. J. B. Farrell's. Chas. A. Hines, Esq., of Greens boro was here last Friday on legal business. Mr. Daniel Bell, in school at Chapel Hill, spent Saturday and Sunday here. Maj, J. J. Henderson spent last Friday and Saturda at Siler Cify on businees. Judge W. P. Bynum of Greens boro was here in attendance on Court the first of the week. Capt. and Mrs. Jas. N. William son returned home Monday after spending the winter in Florida. Mrs. A M. Hay and daughter, lit tle Miss of Greensboro spent Monday with Mrs. J. B. Mont gomery. Mrs. William Purse of Charleston, S. C , arrived Tuesday night for a visit to her parexits, Mr. and Mrs. •Jas. P. Smith. Col. Jacob A. Long went to Ral eigh yesterday to attend the Demo cratic Executive Committee Meeting and rally in Raleigh last night. Mr. ind Mrs. Will Thompson ai.d "children of Spencer spent Sunday" here at the home of the latter's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wj F. R. Clapp. Mrs Max Zinkeisen and daughter, Miss Josephine, of New York arrived last Thursday cn a visit to the form er's brother and .sister, Mr. Jas. V. ■ Pomeroy and Mrs. J. Harvey White. Mrs Zinkeisen left yesterday for her home. Superior Court This Week —Over Seven Years in Sentences Hand- , ed Out The Superior Court convened Monday for the trial of criminal cases with Judge W. A. Devin presiding and Solicitor S. M. Gattis prosecut ing for the State. Mr. A. O. Huffman was appointed foreman of the Grand Jury. The work of the Court was expedited •rapidly and smoothly. The docket, covering 77 cases, was disposed of and the Court closed yesterday after noon. Road sentences were imposed as follows: For dealing in liquor—Doc Terry, 8 mos ; Nub Bradsbaw, 8 mos.; and Hadley Burnett, 8 mos ; For house-breaking, larceny and receiving—Louis Shanks, 6 mos.; William Garrett, 4 mos.; Dan Sparks, two terms of 5 mos. each; Albert Pinnix, three terms, two of 4 mos. . each and one of two mos.; James Mc- Cauley, 6 mos.; For Embezzlement—Albert Tate, two terms of 4 mos. each, and two months lor escaping from jail. I Wiliie Garrett, a small boy, was Bent to jail for 4 mos. for larceny , .with leave to County Com'rs to hiie ; out, Lucien Crater, for' having i liquor for sale, was Bent to jail for 1 JSS mos., to be used at County Home; ' and in two other cases prayer for ' Judgment was continued upon pay- 1 meut of costs. Nancy Garrett, lar- ' ceny, was sent to jail 4 mos., in ! discretion ?f County Com'rs to use ] at County Home or hire out. Building Another Street. The town is preparing for another sand-clay Btreet. The grading is now in operation. It is the street leaving N. Main St. at Mr. Seymour , S. Holt's and running East to Tra- ■ vora Manufacturing \ Co.'s office, j There are some heavy grades on ; this street, but it will all be re- ] duced to a five percent) grade by j cutting down and / filling. The town has two other sand-clay ' streets and they are proving very ' Satisfactory. ! I There Is more CaMrrah In thl» tecflon of tbe country than all other diseases put to- I grtber, and until the l«»t few years waa sap poaed te be Incurable. For a great many ' yearn doctors pronounced It a local dlaeaae and preaorlbea local remedlea, and by con- 1 alantly falling to cure with local treatment, , pronounced It Incurable. Science baa proven Catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and ] therefore requlrea constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by P. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio, la tbe only Con stitutional cure on tbe market. It l> tf ken . Internally In doaea from 10 drops to a) tea- I spoonful. It acta directly on tbe blood and mucous surfacea of the s>stem. Tliey otle one hundred dollars for anr caae It rails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. 1 Add reus: K.J.tHENEY* CO., Toledo, Ohio. Hold by Druggists; 75c. Take Hall's Family Pitta for constipa tion. adv 1 i Nailing a lie won't usually keep it down. i. GOOD CAUSE FOR ALARM ! These Figures Will Make Graham People Take Notice. Deaths from kidney disease have increased 72 percent in 20 years. People overdo nowadays in so ; many ways that the constant fil tering of poisoned bllood weakens the kidneys. Beware of fatal ' Bright 8 Disease. When backache or urinary Ills suggest weak kid neys, use Doan's Kidney Pills, live carefully, take things easily, and avoid heavy eating. Doan s Kid ney Pills command confidence for nq other kidney remedy is so wide lly used or so generally successful. Home endorsement is th • best proof of merit. Read this Graham resi dent's story: .... J. E. Hornbuckle, W. Harden jStreet, Graham, says, "My kid neys were weak and I had Inflam ! mation of the bladder. The kidney wcretirths were scanty, highly col ored and scalded in passage. The secretions also contained sediment. Doan's Kidney Pills brought me wonderful benefit. My kidneys soon acted properly and myb ack got stronger." Price 50c at all dealers. Dont simply ask for a kidney remedy--' Iget Doan's Kidney Pill?—the same Mr. Hornbuckle had. Foster-Mil burn Co, Props., Buffalo, N. Y. adv, . • ¥ MEXICAN PROGRAM The following is' the program for tbe week beginning Monday, March 18th: MONDAY NIGHT. Broken Coin 2-parts The Heart of a Mermaid ( 3-parts The Boy thd Girl and the Auto 1-part TUESDAY NIQHT. On the Trail of the Tigers 2-parts Billy's Reformation Mparts WEDNESDAY NIQHT. Colorado 6-parts THURSDAY NIGHT. Diamond From The Sky 2-parts The Boob's Victory 2-parts Weekly No. 200 His Return * 1-part FRIDAY NIGHT. Man and Morality 8-parts - Gerty's Busy Day 1-part SATURDAY NIGHT. Graft 2-parts The Law of Life 3-parfs Flivvers Good Turn 1 „ 1-part ST. ELMO AT THE MEXIcaN. FIVE REELS Manager R. L. Holmes of, the Mexican has secured for Tuesday, March the 14th, that beautiful love story, St. Elmo, in five reels. Remember the date, March 14. New Advertisements. Miss Margaret Clegg, Mebane, N. C.—Millinery Opening, Mar. 17-18. See ad. elsewhere. H. J. Stockard, Assignee—Fore closure Sale. Among the Sick. Mr. C. P. Albright was confined to his home by sickness the latter part of last week, but is out again. Miss Donnie Cobb is confined to her room by an attack of la grippe. New County Demonstrator. Miss Myrtle Ezell has been elected County Demonstrator, the position vacated by Mrs. Cornelia C. Morris. Miss Ezell entered upon her duties Monday. Paralyzed and Critical. Mr. C. F. Robertson was stricken with paralysis at his home in Coble ( township Tuesday and his condi-1 tion is critical. He is> past 70 yrs. | of age. He is the father of Prof, i J. B. RobSrtson, County Bupt. of Schools, who is at his bedside. Clendenin-Freeman. Miss Kate Clendenin of Burling ton and Mr. J. B. Freeman of Wash ington, D. C., were united in mar riage Tuesday morning in Burlmg- i ton at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J !i Cheek Their home will be at 314 '2nd St., N. E„ Washington' The bride is an accomplished' and talented young tfoman. Shemade her home in Graham for a number of years and has many friends here who wish her a bHght and happy married life. Two Brothers and a Sister Die Inside Ten Days—Combined Ages 260 Years. Elsewhere in this paper is an ac count of the death of Gideon C. Foust, who died February 20, aged 83 years. A sister, Miss Mary Maria l'\ ust, died about 10 o'clock Monday ; night, born March 25, 1925, and : John F. Foust, a brother, born April! 2, 1830, and both lived at the old Foust home near The in terments were at Spring wood yester day. Tbe combined ages of the two brothers and sister is about 2>o years They were the brothers and sister of the mother of Miss Annie Foust who lives four miles south of Gra ham. Eggs for Setting. Barred Rock and R. I. R. eggs for Setting. Good Winter layers. They lay when egga are HIGH. J. W. HOLT. 'Phone 417 J. Grahatn, N. C. More than 100 men voluntarily helped to build, in Salisbury Sat urday, the tabernacle In which Bish op Kilgo will conduct a meeting next month. The timber had been prepared and the work of erection was very nearly finished in one day. The tabernacle will accom modate about 1,509 people. At Sylvia, Jackson county, last week, Emory Dillard was a wit ness in against Alf. Amons who was charged with killing a lot of hogs. Later Ammons attacked Dillard, knocked him down. Jumped on him and bit a bi& chunk out of his cheek. A reward of >IOO was offered for Ammons. The Charlotte Observer says that George Stevens and Word H. Wood have purchased from the D. A. Tompkins estate its holdings of stock in the Observer Company and are now the sole owners of this property. For tame time they have owned the majority of the otock of the company. --. Jim Davis of Greensboro, white and 19 years ol'l, who is said to have liyed on the labor of his j mother and little sister, factory op- j erativjs, whipped his sister severe ly because she refused to go after ice cream for him. The police court judge gave him two years on t'.ie roads. I .. . i * Gideon Crawford Foust. Gideon Crawford Foust was born at the old Daniel Fount home near Whitsett, N. C., on Augßßt 7, 183$, and died at hi* home near Alamance Church in Guilford county, Feb. 26, 1916. He was married to Sallie R. Green of Randolph county, Sept. 20. 1877. He is survived by his widow, one son, Egbert Foust, and one daughter, Mrs. David Young. Ol his large family of brothers and sis ters there survive him one sister. Miss Merv M. Foust, and one brother, John. F. Foust. About forty years ago he joined Springwood Presbyterian church near Whitsett, and remained a mem ber of this church until bis death He was a man of character, but with a disposition so modest.and re tiring that he seldom mingled in public affairs, choosing the quiet ol his home circle rather than the bus) outside world. His funeral was nducted by Dr. E. C. Murray, who preached his funeral from the text 1 I'eter, 3rd veree, ' Blessed be tlie God and Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to His abundant! mercy hath begotten us agaiu unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead." Dr. Murray spoke of the preparation for a life beyond this present world as demanding of all (1) Purification, which is obtained by the various ex periences of this life, suffering, sor row, etc.; (2) Expectation of that which is to be,, and the higher state awaiting us all, and last of all (3) Holy Obedience to God's will and law, in this present world. Heaven is reserved for the finally faithful, and we are preserved by the abund ant mercy cf God's unfailing good noss. W. Preparing For Elon Commencement Cor. ol The Gleaner. Elon commencement this year be gins on May the 20th ana closes on the 23rd. All arrangements for the event have been perfected. Class Day exercises, Society Rep resentatives, Departmental Recite anls, and Baccalaureate Address will come as usual together with the various Society Alumni Reun ions. The Baccala\ireate sermon will bo by a leader in the modern church union program, Dr. Wm. C- Sar gent of Providence, R. I. Dr. Sar gent is pastor of th 3 United Con gregational Christian Church of Providence, and a genuine apostle of Christian Fellowship. He is a native of Canada and a graduate of Toronto University. The Literary Address will be by Dr. Jas. I. Vance, Nashville, Tenn., who is no stranger to N. C. audi ences, and is recognized a ona of the South's leading thinkers and orators. Dr. Vance captured the Pan-American Congress on Chris tian Work, held in Panama, Feb ruary 10-19, according to the Star Herald, the leading Panama daily. He spoke on the 18th and of his ad dress the following account was given : "Rev. Jas. I Vance of Nashville, Tenn., delivered a masterly ad dress last evening on "The .Vitali ty and Conquering Power $f Chris tianity, sharing the theme with ' Rev. Alvare Reis, who spoke im- I mediately preceding him. Dr. ! Vance delighted his auditors. His message was an analysis and inter pretation of the Christian Gospel, than which there has been no more satisfying utterance in all the ses sion of the Congress. His speech was & rare combination- of schol arly thought and human appeal, of the most modern intellectual vision and the old but ever true evangei . leal message." The Alumni Address this time will be given by Miss Mary Virgin ia Godwin, Appamattox, Va., of the class of 1907. Her subject is to be: "Woman's Rights," but whether suffragette or anti is not announc ed. Claude Sugggs, in Craven county Jail awaiting trial for the murder of his father-in-law, suffered a stroke of paralysis. Postmaster Finch of Lexington and Solicitor Bower fought at Lex ington Wednesday. Ihe scrap took place in front of tha court house. Attempting to board a motor truck answering ~a fire al inn at , New Berne, Garland Eastwood was i thrown to the ground with such | force that his skull was fractured. Jos. Owens, the 7-year-oIJ Sal isbury boy- who was struck by an automobile Monday and was re dead, was badly hurt but is ex pected to recover. • The explosion of two boilers at a cotton mill at Greenville, S. C., wrecked the boiler and engine rooms, killed the engineer, and fa tally wounded the night watchman who died next day. The voters of St. Louis have vot ed in favor of an ordinance prohib iting negroes from moving into residence blocks in which To per cent of more of the families are white. The ordinance also prohib its whites from moving into blocks blocks in which 75 percent of the families are negroes. Officers searching for Dave Evans, the negro who recently killed Mt— Lawhorn, the chain gang guard, in Pitt coutjty came upon the negro in the woo«l». Evans fired on officer Redding Smith and then made his escape. Smith was shot in the ab domen and dangerously wounded. The Republican convention of the fifth congressional d'strict, in ses sion at Greensboro, elected Judge W. P. Bynum of Guilford and J. K. Joyce of Kockingham count.v, dele gates to the national convention at Chicago; alternates, VV. K. White of Mebane and iieenan Hugh .-s of Graham. Great Britain will permit the si i;>- ment of two cargo.-s of dyestulls, vallued at $5,000,000, from Rotter dam to the United State, Ambassa dor Page at London has advised the State Department, and Wash ton officials ar« hopeful that Ger many will make an exception to its embargo by granting its permiss.on for its exportation., WHY YOU ARE NERVOUS The nervous system Is the alarm system of the human body. In perfect health we hardly realize that we have a network of nerves, but when health ia ebbing, when strength is declin ing, the same nervous system gives the alarm in headaches, tiredness, dreamful | I sleep, irritability and unless corrected, leads straight to a breakdown. To correct nervousness, Scott's Kmul- ! sfon is exactly what you shftuld take; its rich nutriment gets into the blood and Hch blood feeds the tiny nerve-cells while the whole system responds to its refresh i inz tonic force. It irfree from alcohol. : i 0 Scow h Bswas, BJoomSeld. W. J. | / —S——MS— 'HINOW JO HIS Afl QlVd 2Q OJL SINfIOOOV NO aOUSVHOand HSV3 AB3A3 HUM 03TCSI S2IV3IJIIH3O ONV SNOdnOO 3(10 ONIMHaa* Afl 5313112JV 1 iruasn awv nruimxras lanooad NVonQAwMOH3is9iJS3ANiaNVAvaomv3 * * *0 'K '-00 3iua uiTjqtuo pus ( aof jptUQ,, c vuiAiq jo sip oonpetf SNOJftO99NBIVHS-XUOJJ 1A192A- I. COUPON FOR Charlotte Observer Bargain Subscription DATE. . *i .'.191 CHARLOTTE OBSERVER CHARLOTTE. N. C. Find enclosed $ ; , for which send THE CHAR LOTTE OBSERVER, Daily and Sunday, by mail to the under signed for .months. BARGAIN RATE Name .. . Dally Daily and Only Sunday St. or R. F. D 3 months. .11.25 $1.60 (i Months.. 2.60 3.00 Towo 1 Year 5.00 0.00 Remit by Check or Postal Oftler. Money gets lost in the mails Orders accepted under this special rate only during Special Bar gain Period. A Hprrltic Agalniit Colds. The nearest thing to a specific against colds is a sleeping porch or an open bed roo.n and a coda sponge bath every morning when you lirert get up. Eevn then you Willi occasionally take a cold, es pecially when colds are epidemic, and when you do you will find Chamberlains Cough Remedy*M& great help in enabling you to get rid of it. Try it. Obtainable everywhere. adv. A charter has been granted the Shelby-Northern Hailwa.v Co., the much talked of line that is to run through Cleveland county 'from Shelby by way of Fallston, Beam s Mill and fiellwood to Casar. The road will be 21 miles lon^. You Can Cure That Backache. I'uln alotitf the back, dlzxlnes*, headache •n i vennerai languor. Get a pucka#** of Mother (iray'M Auntr..llaLesf, the p easuni root aii'l h.-rb euro tor Kidney, lllsdder a d Urinary trouble*. Wtiin you feel ail rundown, tired, weak and without *berjfy Ute this remarkable combination f iiatuio* herbs and root*. As a regulator It has no equal. Motbei Gny'l Australian-Ixmf IN Bold by Drugget* or sent by mall for AOots sample sent free. a duress, The Motbei Oray Co., lA* Hoy. N. Y. # Fire at High I'oiijt Tuesday nij|it a week destroyed the machinery building, engine room and kiln of the Rankin Coffin and Casket Com pany, involving a loss of more than SIO,OOO, with very little in surance. Origin of the fire un*- known. Well, didn't Kerinit once say that "dad ttlwayn wants to Imj the corpue ai a funeral?" The Knglinh gontlemnn who blueponcils the nows is the ceiiaor. The one who ntopH our inai lh 1h the incenttor. You may do thingH a« well as olherH--if you try. It ia easier to thwart a villain on the Btage than in real life. Keep in the Middle of the road until you meet an automobile, and then dodge. It hax been demonatrated that a man can wear a Hinailer hat at 70 than he could at 20. With the advent of baldnesi) the Dwelling in his head goes down. A writer says speech was given man to conceal his thoughts. It was a needless precaution in most cases. The alleged rounding up of Houthert Republican delegates ma* be only a myth, but it at least has the effect of rediscover ing Frank Hitchcock. Advising Americans to leave Mexico would be more acceptable if accompanied with a map out lining few safe routes. WE HAVE THE EARLIEST, BIO ge»t, high class Strawberry grown. Also the Best one or the ever bearing kinds; bears the best fla vored berries from Spring until the snow flics. Free Booklet. Wake field Plant Farm, Charlotte, North Carolina. 17febt>t An Atl In These m a Columns Will Sell C & Anything From a « m Needle to an Anchor. a J What Do You Want ( +-i-t+++++++++-'-+++-i-+++++++++ ; | UP-TO-DATE JOB PRININU i | DONE AT THIS OPFICB. | I\, n nn* mm ft Tutu, i„ 11 Frank Nunn of Kinston, N. C., who was enroute from New Orleans to Cincinnati, was shot and killed by a railroad watchman at Som erset, Ky. Nunti's body was brought to his home at Kinston for burial. Three women are known to have been killed and many other*|)ersons were injured, seven seriously, when five cases of dynamite for use in sewer construction in a suburb of St. Louis exploded in a smallb uild ing in which it was stored. Fifteen men were killed and five seriously injured b.v an explosion of dust in a mine at Kempton, W. Va., of the Davis Coal & Coke Co. —All the victims were foreigners. Fifty-one miners who were at work at the time were rescued. The Mississippi Senate has passed the House bill which would prohib.t liquor advertising through news papers, circulars, street cars, bill boards or other means in that Bt:ite. The measure is to become effeet ive 30 days after its passage. It now goes to the governor for his signature. J .D. MOON Auto For Hire Call 'Phone 558-W SPRING 1916 YOU ARB CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND The Opening Display My Pattern Hats and Millinery Goods, : : : : March 1718 MISS MARGARET CLEGG MEHANE, N. C. Foreclosure Sale Real Properly. Coder arid bv virtue of the term* contained In a certain Mort«a#« IKNVI, exe cuted by I*. D. Rverett an I wife. H L Kveret' to i.C. Wiikur.daiftd February Ist. 1911, and recorded In the offl'-e of tbe Register of f leads for Alamance c.unry In Book &6 *4 M. I)., i«f«i«fW to SMs. and d«*f-«uit having ixM-ti made la tbe payment of both tbe Interval and the prluclpsf. tbe unders-fned will « tt*r tor sai". Por i asb, at tbe court bouse dwr In 1 , (irahsm, Alamance. o>unty snd Htate of I North ('aroll.iM. to tbe blgbnd bidder, on I SATURDAVr-'APRIL 15, 1916, [ st UJJO o'clock M;, tbe following described . real eat eta. to-»l»: Hitunii in (iiahsm townthlp. on tbe road leading from Orabarn to llaw K|v«r, bee In , nl g st a sbme. tbe centre of said road, Wal-, ker s line: thence with eald road X 41 def E 9 rbs to a stone In tbe road; thence N 70dif K I Milks to s stone, Walker's corner: tbence H ■W. deg K 7 cbs and 12 Iks to a stone; tbeoce M .0 deg W i c-bs and 60 Iks to a atone, W. V. Jonea* line; then£e X 4* deg w a cbs and 36 to tbe beginning, containing two acres. J T>ut to t*> tbe name be tbere more or less. Term# of **eie—AJl cesb on day of sale. Marcb stb, IHI4. 11. J. HTOTKA Hl'. Asalgnfe of J. C. Walker. Application For Pardon of Henry Jeffreys Application will t»e made fo tlf floTcmor of Nortb Carolina for the parlon of Henry , c«»n\W ted at tbe Kali tVrm of tbe j Hupeilor Court of 4'anisnce county for tbe crime of bavlnir In bla pose* salon more In | tozlcatlnir I quors thin Is alio*ed by law, and tenteored for a term ef six months on tbe county ro«da, and to pay a fine of One Hun drrd fl(J») iKiila s. All arsons woo oppose tbe granting of aald pardon are Invited to forward their prottssta to tbe OuTernor with* out de lay Tbls tbe fith day of Marcb. Hit), by B. ». PAHKBH. JK , Att'Y. Vmcb2t Graham, 19. C - \ I BLANK BOOKS Journals, Ledgers, Day Books, Time Books, Counter Books, Tally Books, Order Books, Large Books, . Small Books, Pocket. Memo., Vest Pocket Memo., &c., Ac. For Sale At The Gleaner Printing Oltlce Graham, N. C. _ & ' ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. Having qwitlfltxl as administrators of the •state of the late Y. 11. Wsrreu, this Is to notify all persons having claims against KM id estate to present the in properly veri fied to the undersigned on or before the 21st lif J'liiuuiy, 1917, or this notice will t>« plcado'l In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebt 1 to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This Jsu. 13th. 1 VIA. H. J. STOCK A HD, A U. POKTBKKIBLD. Adm'rsof V. 11. Warren, dee'd. Ixmg & Long, Attj s. JUJan6t Mortgage Sale ol Real Estate. Under and by vrtue of the power of sale contained In a certain mortgage seedduted May W. 1914, from J. H. Minor and wife, llirdle Minor, to the undersigned mortgagee, recorded In the office of th'j Register of Deeds for Alamance county. North Carolina, lu llooli of Mortgiige l>eeds .So. 01. page 70, do fault having I>een mace in the payment of the indebtedness secured thereby, the under signed will, on MONDAY, MARCH 20, 1916, at f o'clock, noon, at the court house door In Graham. North Carolina, offer for aale and sell for t-ash to the high- si bidder a certain (met or parcel of land In the county ol Ala mance and HtMte of North Carolina, In llnr li' gton township, adjoining the lands of 11. J, Hall and others and bounded as follows: lleglnnlng nl a rock on tie Hast side of the old road leading from llurllngton to (Jlen coe, ou the *es side of Haw itlver. corner with K. J. Hall; thence N 4S deg W li.Mchs lit a rock, corner with It J. Hall; thence H I**4 deg W IH uhs to a rock, a corner With It. J. flail; thence M 71% deg K 17.H2 chs to a rock, comer with H. J. Hall; thence N 0 deg BHMiO chs to a rock, corner with H. J. Hall; thence N 7, k deg W 7 chs to a rock ou the old Glen foe road; tiience with su 1 road N deg K I &4 chs to l he beginning, containing twenty two and twenty nine one hundiedths ('l2 fw) seres, more or less. This th« l'»th day of Feb., 1916, ALAMANCK J NH. 4 It KAL KHTATK CO , (Mortgagee, Graham Produce Market Correct** Weekly by W. J. Kirk.. Chickens —Hen*—per lb. ,10c Fryers " 12J-15c K(fgs, I*>r doz. 20c Ducks, per lb. 10c (reese, " 08c liutter, " 20c* Wheat, per bu. 1.26 Com, " .HO to 85c Oats, " 05c Sweet Potatoes per bu. 75c Irish Potatoes "80ctol.OO Cotton Seed, per bu. .50c llider-Green, per lb. 13 to 14c " Dry, jwtr lb. 15 to 18c Hees Wax, per lb. 2.5 c Ta low, " »i to 7c Honey, " to 15c Pork, " 10 to lie Dressed Beef, " 8 to 10c Small Store-house For Rent. Well located close to the oest : trade in Graham. Price reasonable I and building ready for occupancy , now. I J. M. McCRACKEN,, 25novtf. Graham, N. C. I Overland Automobile Given Away. The Southern Woman a Magazine in giving away a 5-passenger, Mod el 83 #7iM>o Overland Touring Car, complete with all modern equip ment including Electric Starter, Lights, ets. This car is awardea together with 400 desirable premi ums. The publishers of the South ern Woman's Magazine claim this to be one of the most liberal ot ters they hav® yet made. This Is no "catch-penny" contest but a fair and legitimate offer. Car will be awarded June ltt. Full par ticulars may be had by addressing Southern Woman's Magazine, Njhh ville, Tenn. lJJantf. Subscribe for THK GLEANER— TI.M a year ID advance, C MOVED L have Moved my Stock tc the Scott buiding recently am better prepared to serve Try me with your NEXT Order. BELOW COST I am going to give my en tire time to my Grocery Business and Meat Market. Everything in Dry Goods and Notions must go. G. W. BLACK, THE PURE FOOD GROCER GRAHAM, - N. C. ' . '' V HAVE YOUR WATCH CLEANED OCCASIONALLY A WATCH will run without oil or cleaning longer than any other piece of machin ery—but it needs both occasion' ally. If you will asnsider that the rim ol the balance wheel travels over fifteen miles a«day. you will not nudge your watch a speck of oil and a cleaning once a year. It will increase the ' life and accuracy of your watch. Leave y6ur watch with us to-dar. Z.T. HADLEY JEWELER « OPTICIAN GRAHAM. N. C. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICB. Having qualified as administra tor upon the estate of James T. Bradshaw, dee'd, the undersigned hereby notifies all persons holding claims against said estate to pre sent the same duly authenticated, on or before the 21st day of Jan'y, 1917, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All per sona indebted to said estate are re quested to make immediate set , tlement. This January S, 1911. J. G. BRADSHAW, Admr 20)an6t of Jas T. Bradsbaw. 1 . I Very Serious It la a very serious matter to ask I tor one medicine and have the | wrong one given you. For this I reason we urge you in buying to D be careful to get the genuine— ; BLACK® GHT i Liver Medicine i I ■ The reputation of this ol.t, rella . I bis medicine, for constipation, in- I digestion and liver trouble, ic Sim. .11 ly established. It does not imitate r ■ other medicines. It is better than •! I others, or it would net be the fa* „ | ■ vorite liver powder, with a larger I sals than ad others combined. J I BOLD nt TOW n > Notice of Sale of Valuable Property. The Trustees of the New Provi dence church have been author ized to sell to the highest bidder one or more lots of their property north of W. 11. Holt's store build i ig. The funds coining from sale to be applied against debts from repairing church. The sale will taktx place on the church grounds SATURDAY, MARCH 25TH, 1910, and will begin promptly at 2:30 p. m. Terms, Cash. If any person or persons can show why this sale should not take place, please notify the under signed trustees. L. H. HOLT, A. R. HERITAGE, DANIEL WELCH, Trustees. Brick Machine For Sale. The undersigned has a J. C. Steele & Sons Brick Machine for sale. Along with it are two trucke and other parts necessary in handling brick. It_U housed and in good condition. The purchaser will get a bargain For terms apply to J. W. MF.XKKKE or J. D. Kernodle. laplt EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Harlnr qualified as Executor, of the last will and tnUmiai of A. Leonard later, de ceased. late of Alamanceoouoty. North Caro lina. this Is to notify all persona having claim, against the estate of said deceased 10 exhibit them to the undersigned at Burllug ton. North Carolina, on or tx-rore theoth da.' ot January. 1917. or this notice will be pi. ail ed in bar of their reoovery. All perron. In debted to said estate will please make Im mediate pa> meat. ■ January 8,1918. r JOSEPH A. ISLKY, C. L. IS LBV, Kx'rs 6Jan«t of the estate of A. Leonard Isley.^ ' Dixon's Lead Pencila are the | | are THB BEST. Try tliem | I and be convinced. They are | . i for sale at this office.—Sc. | 0000 o a o

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