THE GLEANER GRAHAM, N. 0., March 16, 1016 Postollice Hours. Offlo open 1M ». m. toYoop. m. / Bauday SM to 11.00 a. m.itid 4.00 to 8.00 p. m J. M. MoCHACKEN, Postmaster. * LOCAL NEWS. t ♦ + —Mr. and Mia. Percy Homewood moved Monday to Winston-Salem where Mr. Homewood will work for the Chero-Cola Bottling Co. —Mr. -Benj, J, Williamson is at the Stokes-Whitehead Sanatorium in Salisbury for treatment. His ail ment is of such a nature that he will probably be carried to Baltimore. —ThA crop'of froit tree blooms which usually appears as early as this is still lacking. The cold has kept them back. Some are of opin ion that much pf the fruit has already ■ been killed in the bud, but we are hoping it is a mistake. , —The first game of baseball of the "season at Graham Athletic Park will be played Saturday afternoon at 3:30 between Sylvan if the South ern part of the county and Gilliam's Academy of the .Northwest part of the county. —The first of the week was springlike. Wednesday there was a slight fall of rain, after wnich it commenced turning colder. Yester day afternoon ana last night it was blizzard weather—only tne snow /V lacking. • 1 —Lately severe coldß have' been unusually prevalent. Also there nas been much grip, SUCH ailments may float around in the air—tnat s the tneory. The many extreme changes in the weatner have op erated to aggravate and intensify these forms of sickness. —lt has been noticed tnat for the past two years, at least, March winds have been absent, leastwise they did not come to these parts. However, judging from the past few days the windy montn has lapsed into the old groove and old Boreas has howled around with peculiar shrillness. —Mrs. J. Dolph Long and Master George returned Saturday from the Sanatorium ol Dr. Keaves, specialist, of Greensboro, where they spent a week on account of an injury to the boy's eye. tie was operated upon last Thursday. Mrs. ixing caineu him to Ureensboro again Tuesday and the Doctor dismissed the case. So successful was the operation that the injury is believed, leave no impairment of the sight nor dis figuration of the eye. Among the Sick. Mr. J. B. Montgomery was sick the iirst oi tne weeK. Mr. Chas. D. Jonnston's little son, Charfes, is quite SICK from pneu monia. .ttir. C. F. Robertson of Coble townsihip, latner ol County Supt. '' J. B. Kooertson, who was stricnen with paralysis lyore tnan ten days ago, is reported as greatly improv ed. Mr. Peter. R. Harden has been Biek since Tuesday from an attack of grippe. Auto Wrecked and Occupants Hurt. Sunday night, so tne report says —no detinue lniormation, an au tomobile wag wrecked just out oi town on the road to naw Kiver. 'A tire collapsed and beiore any thing could oe done tne maciune turned over, whirling around to tne Side of the coiiapsed tire. It was right near tue noine of air. Kanirej, wno toon tue injured persons in and cared for them. Xiiere were four men said to oe from .Durham, ana heading in tuat direction. Aiie names oi two were two Pettj brothers of tuat city, tne name* ol the otners not learned. At tirsi three ox tueui were reported Daaljf hurt, one very seriously. it is learned this morning tnat all have Deen moved to Durnam. Provide Homes tor Desutute Children hi mainance uouuiy. Adjutant and mi a. M. Her lan oi rtui-uugtonr ii. c., will be in this city tue icuuunuer ol tms wee* in the interest oi tue emergency noiue lor the providing oi uomes fdr aestitute children and giris Oi Alamance county* ihe work IB * supported by voluntary contribu tions. ihe people 'oi Buruugton have responded liberally toward this cause and during tne two months tne wont' has been operat ing in this section mucn good nas been done, ihe county iieadquar ters of the organization is St., Burlington, ihe name of tne organization is the American Res cue worlcersj with national iieau quarters at Philauelpuia, to wuicn these offioers Belong. It is an in corporated society. Woman's Club of Graham Pass Pre paredness Resolutions. Be it Resolved, ihat whereas, the glory of any country in its linai analysis rests upon its homes; And Whereas, tne first part of any country to feel the bnguting efiects of war is its homes; And Whereas, recent events have dhown tnat tne country which is best prepared for war is best abje to protect its homes; And v« hereas, me women of this country are lirst and vitally inter ested in its homes, and believe tnat it is the duty ol tnose in authority > to be prepared under aft circum stances to protect those homes; 'therefore be it resolved: Tnat it is the belief of tne Woman s Club of Graham, North Carolina, >"■ that it is tne duty of our govern ment to spend such sums and take such steps as will make the army and navy of the United States able ,®o meet any loe whicn may come against the homes of the Lnited States. That those who represent us in the Senate and Congress of the United States be requested to use their influence snd to cast their votes for such laws as may bring about this state of preparedness. That tne Secretary of this Club be instructed to send a copy of these resolutions to Hon. V. M. Simmons and Hon. Lee S. Overman, United States Senators from this State, and to Hon. Chas. M. Stedman, member of Congress from this Con gressional district ... 'MRS. E, 8. PARKER, JR-! MRS. P. Vv. MOORE, - MRS. a W. RANKiN, | Committee. H I 1111 H 1 M I fHHHft = ♦ PERSONAL. + , ♦ ♦ > ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦■lit lilt !■♦♦♦! 1 »»»> Mr. Chas. Menefee spent Saturday and Sunday at hia hoinq here. P. S. Dixon left Monday for D Washington on business. w Mesdames J. N. Taylor and W. S. Rives spent Monday in Greensboro. I Misa Vaughn Andrews of Sftlis h bury ia waiting at Mr. J. P. Smith's ► this week. | Misses Ethel and Bonna WilKam son of Saxapahaw are visiting in Greensboro. j Mrs. J. D. Kernodle and Mrs. John J. Henderson spent Saturday in Greensboro. I Mr. and Mrs. George T. William soft of Saxapahaw spent Tuesday in j Salisbury. ' Mr. E, L. Henderson spent the 1 latter part of last week in Salisbury on business. . t i Rev. C. M. Lance of Whiteville ia spending a day or so visiting at Mr. . J. N. H, Clendenin's. .. Mr. Robert Knight, in" school at the A. & M. College, spent Sunday at Mr. J. L. Scott, Jr.'s. 1 Mrs. W. J. Allen of High Point visited her sister, Mrs. E. L. Hender son, here last week. Mr. Chas. 0. Thompson of Gra ham, Route 1, returned today from a business visit to Greensboro. Mr. and Mre..S. M. Pickard, and Mesß. Austin and Dewin of Chapel Hill spent Sunday afternoon here. | Mrs. Nannie Lindley of Guilford College arrived Saturday on a visit here to her sister, Mrs. W. R. Goley. Mr. Phil Carleton came down from Greensboro and spent the week-end here with his family at Mr. Will E. White's. Mis. Bynum of Raleigh has been here on a visit to her daughters, Mesdames J. N. Taylor and W. S. Rives. Mr. W. Lee Cooper of Glade Val ley spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of his father, Mr. W. L. Cooper, near here. Misses Conley and Frances Al bright of Concord, at sohool Jit the State Normal in Greensboro, spent the week-end here at the-former's ' home. i The Girl and the Game at 7he Mex ican. ' ] "The Girl and the Game" will be shown at "The Mexican" beginning Thursday, March 23,. This is one of the greatest railroad pictures I ever produced.) Miss Helen Holmes plays the lead in this great film novel which is told in chapters. The story is of a girl whose la- , ther is killed and sne is swindled out of her inheritance and is fore- 1 ed to work in a railroad station ! to make her living. Sae makes ] good and all ends well. See trains wrecked—trains blown ; up! This is one of the greatest 1 pictures ever produced. On the same night the last chap- j ter of "Th® Diamond from the Sky" will/be rup. , The Spoilers at The Mexican, Tues- | day, April 11, Matinee and Night 1 "The Spoilers" is a thrilling, red- ] blooded story of strong men bat tling for supremacy, with all their . power of mind and muscle—alert for every cast of chance. The picture with the punch pow- I erful. i This pictures-pie, rugged romance of AJaska has a love story with , splendid imagination that grips and 1 holds the sympathies. "The Spoil- I ers" presents the most stubborn, strenuous and exciting fight ever ( pictured—the acme of realism. See the whole town dynamited ! 1 A volcanic earthquake extraordi- nary ! A wonderful drawing pow- , er 1 J This great picture will se shown at "The Mexican" Tuesday, April 11th—dont forget the date. Eggs for Setting. Barred Rock and R. I. R. eggs for Setting. Good Winter layers. They lay when eggs are HIGH. J. W. HOLT. Phone 417 J. Graham, N. C. PAIR MULES for Sale. Price right \ LAFAYETTE HOLT. 2mch. Burlington, N. C. One of the reports coming from j the recent meeting of the State Democratic committee in Ralfigh 1 is that District Attorney Hammer may resign and run for Congress in the seventh district, and that ex-Lieut. Gov. Newland would be i Hammer's successor as district attorney. "make work easier ! Graham People Are Pleased to Learn How It Has Been Done. ; It's pretty hard to attend to du- I • With a constantly 'aching back; . With annoying urinary disorders. Doan's Kidney Pills have made work easier. So thousands have gratefully tes tified. ' | They're for bad backs. They're for weak kidneys. Graham people gratefully recom- i mend Doan's. ] Mrs. A. R. Plintom, South Slain , St., Graham, says, "While I was doing my house work, I often had such awful pains across my kidneys i that I couldn't move. Sometimes , when stooping I had to scream out loud and had to catch hold of something for support, f couldn't turn over in bed and morning® I had to have assistance in getting up My kidneys acted irregularly and I felt all run down. 1 got a supply of Doan s Kidney Pills and a few doses made my back strong er. I soon felt better in every vcay". Price 50c at all dealers. Don t simply ask for a kidney reraedv ask for Doan s Kidney Pills—the ! same Mrs. Plintom had Fbjter jMUbnru Co, Props,. Buffalo, N.^Y. ' * ' " ' MEXICAN PROGRAM The following is the program for the week beginning Monday. March 20th : MONDAY NIGHT. Broken Coin ' 2-parte Her Defiance 2-parta Missy ' ' | 2-parte TUESDAY NIGHT. Life's Shop Window 6-parte " ~ j WEDNESDAY NIGHT. My Old Butch 5-parte THURSDAY NIGHT. Diamond Frdm The Sky 2-parte The Oirl and the Game 2-parte The Little Maacott 2-parte Saving Sue from the soa 1-part Weekly No. 201 FRIDAY NIGHT. X 3 . 8-parte The Silent Member , 1-part v - SATURDAY NIGHT. Graft 2-parte Just Plain Folks 3-parts • The Whole Jnngle Was After Him 1-part To the Democratic Voters of Ala mance County. I take this means of announcing the fact that I shall be a candidate for the State Senate in the coming Primary. In thia connection I desire to thank the Democratic party for the honor it conferred upon me in elect ing me to the House of Representa tives in 1911 and 1913. I shall ap preciate yonr support. J. ELMER LONG. Death. Mrs. Elizabeth Ward, relict of Alfred Ward of Co. H, 6th Reg. N. C. State Troops, died at her home at Bellemont last Saturday evening about 6 o'clock, aged 80 years. She was the grandmother of Mess. Wm. I. Ward and John A. Forlines of this place. The interment took place about noon Monday. Health and Sanitation the Theme of Resolvtions. The following recommendations were made by the Health Commit tee at the last meeting of the Wo man's Club, and they met with sdeh hearty approval that we have been requested to publish them for the benefit of all those interested in the private and public health and wel fare of our community: We, your Health Committee, real izing that the education of the gen eral public to the risks of neglect and to the advantages and ways of healthful living is necessarily a slow process, recommend : " First. That we see that our own premises and outbuildings are kept clean and in a sanitary condition, as an example of what we wish to teach others. Second. That a "clean up" week for the whole town be appointed at an early date. Third. That during the months of March and April the campaign against flies be commehced by prop erly screening all doors, windows and porches, as far as practical, and by killing out all left over winter flies. And that all garbage be re moved, manure piles scattered or covered and sprinkled with borax, and that stalls and other places where fliles breed be sprinkled with powdered borax, which is said to kill the larval. We realize that the reduction of flies is due in a large measure to the winter campaign and to, ;he vigilance of the tidy kouse keeper in "cleaning up" and destroy ing all the "left-overs ' in the early spring. One fly that survives the winter may become the parent of myriads next summer. Fourth. That we recommend, and get as many members of the Woman's Club as possible to install some form of sanitary closet, as has been recom mended by the State Board of Health for outside closets. ' Fifth. That we keep the laws of aanitation and hygiene and the mode of healthful living continually before our people: Ist, By recommending that the Health Bulletin be in the home of every member of the Club, and that it be read as regulsriy as the Bible, as a guide in ways of healthful living, remembering that "cleanliness is next to Godliness," but should come before for no one can be Godly who is not clesn. 2nd, Thst a paper setting forth some of the laws of hygiene and sanitary living be read at stated times before the Club by s member of this com mittee, snd that the same be pub lished in Tne Alsmance Gleaner. Sixth. Looking forward to the time when it will be possible for us to have the "whole time" health officer, to make popular the cause of health and open the eyes of the pub lic to the necessity of ssnitation. Any further suggestions from the Club will be appreciated by your committee. HEATH COMMITTEE. Grah'.m, C„ March 9, 1916. The caae of Herbert C. Cbafln and, his wife, Mrs. Mary Cliafin, against the Langren hotel, Aslif ville, has been settled by compro mise, Mr. aiid Mrs. ChaSn weie ejected from the hotel, charged with being persons of immoral character. They brought'suit for damages and wereawarded $10,(DO The compromise was for $7,000. ~ v *- _ ; V . Expression Department. Cor. of The Gleaner. At five o'clock this afternoon the Expression Department gave an af ternoon matinee. This was the flrtt of a sarins of four. The others will occur next Friday af noon and two during the Spring Term. , .The program was a pronounc ed success and applauded to the echo by an enthusiastic audience. The folllowing is the program in full:. Edwin Markham—The Great Quest Comes—Miss Mary Randolph. Ernest Poole—The Slow Man— Miv Frances Hal?s. Schiller—Mary Stuart, Act TIT, Les • sons 4 and s—Miss Eunice Wei • lons. Kipling—lt My Rival Tommy At kins—Miss Parmele Gwynn. Dreyfus (translated by Brander Matthews)— The Silent System—a Sketch in *One Act—Miss Lorena Garrett, Mr. Charles Whitelock. Eton College, Mar. 11, 16. County Commissioners' Proceedings. The Board of County Commis sioners met on 6th in regular monthly meeting, with the follow ing members present, Goo. T. Wil liamson, Chairman, W. H. Tur rentine, Chas. F. Cates, M. C. Mcßane, and the following busi ness was transacted: Ordered, That this Board ap propriate the sum of four hundred dollars for the typhoid campaign to be pat on in this connty. The doctors in Alamance county will be allowed the same amount per patient to vaccinate up to Decem ber Ist, 1916, as it costs under the campaign per patient. It is fur ther ordered that the doctors who vaccinate will be required to re port to the State Board of Health as per rules and regulations laid down by the State Board of Health. The Board appropriated the sum of thirty-five dollars toward build ing a bridge on Tom's creek be tween Union Ridge and the Dolph Qarrison place. The petition of citizens in Mor ton township asking for a sand clay road from the end of the macadam near Altamahaw to Cas well county line was filed and the Supt. of Roads and \V. 11. Tnr rentine were instructed to investi gate this road and report to this Board at its next regular meet ing. The report of E. C. .Derby, Engineer, in regard to the curve in the road at Mr. Fred Home wood's was accepted and approv ed, and it was ordered that said curve In said road-be built as per his report and recommendation as filed with the Board. Daniel So.its and wife were al-, lowed 83.00 per month for three months. The official bond of G. Ab. Fogletqan as Supt. of Roads in the sum of two thousand dollars was accepted, and ordered record ed and, filed. Ordered, That notice be given to those liable for road tax in lieu of two da) s work that the $1 .25 tax is now due and payable on or before the first day of April, and it is further ordered that lists of those paying and those not paying be promptly furnished the Super visor on' the first day of April. The law provides that the tax is payable only to the Treasurer of Alamanje county. Ordered, That Alamance coun ty surface a road connecting the Alamance.county improved roads with the Orange county improved roads in keeping with Orange Central Highway road and ac ceptable to the State Highway Commission. Ordered, That the Slate Road Engineer and the U. S. Office of Oood Roads be requested to ex amine the different routes across Alamance connecting with . the roads of Orange county and report to this Board the most feasal-le route to be surfaced first. Chance for Government Jobs, Civil Service examinati >ns will be held in Asheville, Charlotte, Dur ham, (ioldsboro, Greensboro, Mal eigh, Salisbury, Washington, ami Wilmington, April 4th, /or income and tax deputy collector*, inspect or« and agents. The positions pay Iron fJ,OO to 11,600 per annum and offer oppor tunity for promotion to i|7 per day with $3 for expenses. Each appli cant must show at least two years practical experience in public ac counting, auditing or as head book keeper, within the last five years. Atlantic Coast Inventors. The following patents were Just issued to Atlantic Coast clients reported by I). Swift fc Co.; Patent Lawyers, Washington, I). C., who will furnish copies of any patent for ten cents apiece to our readers. Virginia—James ' Williamson, New Port News, Machine for blad ing turbine rotors: North Carolina—Van. Taylor Deaver, Canton, * chair seat; Samuel J. Fisher, Asheville, coat ing machine; Jnlious L. Weathers, Shelby, electric fire alarm; Arthur S. Wheeler, Billinore, adjustable measure ( South Carolina—Cornelius K. Pegues, Cheraw, corn and pea planter; Chas It. Saylor, Charles ion, combination pipe wrench aud ; cutter. HAVE YOU WEAK LUNGS? Do cold* arttlr on your cheat or la your bronchial tube*? Do cough* hang on, or •re you anbject to throat trouble* ? Bitch trouble* ahouH hare immediate treatment with the atrengtbening power* of Bcott'* Emulsion to guard against consumption which to easily follow*. Scott'* Emulsion contain* pure cod liver CriJ which peculiarly atrengthene the res piratory tract and improve* the quality of the blood; the glycerine in it aootbea and bests the tender membranes of the throat. ieott's is prescribed by the beat special* MM. You CM get it at any drag store, ~ feett h Bewoe, KtomSM, M.I. •'VfcfiWE PKOnT-SHMUHeGWIPONS Reduce the Hirth Cost of Living by Trading with "Crack & Joe" and Graham Drug Co., Graham, N. C. CALLTODAYANO INVESTIGATE MOW YDU CAN PROCURE BEAUTIFUL AND USEFUL ARTICLES BY REDEEMING OUR COUPONS AND CERTIFICATES ISSUED WITH „ U EVERY CASH PURCHASE OR ON ACCOUNTS TO BE PAIO BY STH.OF MONTH. Bargain Period Extended To April 10 THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER announces the extention of its Special 1 'Bargain Period" to April 10th. Until that date New Subscriptions will be accepted at the rate of $6.00 per year for the Daily and Sunday. $1.50 for 3 months trial subscription. The Observer's Special Leased Wire News Service from Washington is worth the subscription price. "The Foremost Newspaper In The Two Carollnas." COUPON DATK L'jj CHARLOTTE OBSERVER CHARLOTTE. N. C. Find enclosed $ for which send THE CHAR LOTTE OBSERVER, Daily and Sunday, by mail to the under signed for - months. BARGAIN RATE Name.. Daily Daily and • 4 Only Sunday St. or R. F. D '. 8 Months.. 11.25 $1.50 Hi Months.. 2.50. IJ.OO Town. 1 YeHr 5,00 Remit by Check or Postal Order. Money gets lost in the mails » Orders accepted under this special rate only during Special Bar gain Period. Frank Rainsey, a young man 21 t years old, walked from Dillsooro, v t Jackson county, to Ashuvilie and ■ IB [>/■ ■IM I [ml aroused Oeo. Pennell, a lawyer, at aJLe# 2.30 in the morning, ta ask Pennell to make an affidavit that he hau voted the Democratic ticket at tne last two elections. And Rainsey didn't want an office either. He A wanted a. wife, and found it necea- At Mill Bflry to prove to his future father- * Ih—law that he was a Democrat to get that gentleman's consent. W* The obliging lawyer, who knew ' ft Al* UinA how Rainsey voted, made the affi- T ■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ WT davit and It is supposed that all is Well. A MpeclUr Again*! Coldk fill 11 The nearest thing to a specific against colds is a sleeping porch mmr\ mmr or an open bed room'and a cold KtlOIlP Sflrt— \/\/ sponge bath every morning when »■ "" v you first get up. Eevn then you Willi occasionally take a cold, es- - pecially when colds are epidemic, and when yow do you will find T 'KT Chamberlain s Cough Remedy a I |\l great help in enabling you to get m A M m rid of it. Try It, Obtainable everywhere. • adv. Deputy Sheriff Hawkins of X V? X Halifax county was killed Sunday l»y Oeo. Collins, who resisted YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED arrest. Collins is in jail. TO ATTEND You Can Cure That Backache. The Opening Display of My p*in ajontr the buck, hcN«i«cbo pattern Hats arm Millinorv and gennerai languor. (Jet a package of , »IIU I*l 111UCI y Mother (Jray'a Auatr»llal*#f, the P tiOOdft root and herb cure for Kldiiey, oukMtr uywuo# • . and Urinary trouble*, wain you feel all run down, Urwl, wuiik and without energy m m - * mm * UM'fliU remarkable combination f nature* MllFPh ■ M 1 V liorbian*] root*. Ai a regulator It hae no lYltll Vll JL I "X(J *'iuui. Moth«i Or«y'a Auatrallan-Leaf la Hold by l>ruggi«ta or acnt by mall for AOota _ _ __ rr^ktwrvi.V""*"' n ' *"*" MISS MARGARET CLEGG WE HAVE THB BABLIEBT, 810- GRAHAM, N. C. gest, high class Strawberry grown. ——_ _ Also the Best one or the ever bearing kinds; bears the best ria- Foreclosure Sale Rent vored herries from Spring until the '"rKCIOSUre 3HIC Keai snow flies. Free Booklet. Wake field Plant Farm, Charlotte, North ■ ru|M:riy# Carolina. 17febCt Under and by virtue of the term* of aale , contained m a certain M >rUf** IMM-«I, eae- Ciited by V. !>. Kt'ereft no I wife, S \.. Kverett, M Walker, dated Ketiruaiy lit, 11111, ana ■ reeorded In the ofQce of ibe ftegiaier of A \r « Deeda for Alamance county In Book Mof *f. Simnnop Y nil n M,mi'i t »i«\iu* i^-u I 11 wLI H made in the pa) ment »1 U«th the luieii at aii'l v it*• principal, tne unJeratjfned will • ifer 1 >r __ . _ _ M aale, For i aah, ai the oOurl boua* door In 1 «« A J I 1 i n m Orahaiu, Alamance eounty and Htate ot I IcICC £lll / AQ« I lere V to the higfewat bidder, on C SATURDAY, AJiUL 15, lUIO, And »3tOD It ■ -l oVloek M., the fiil!owln«r de t crjl»ed! 1 m real fewti: | M nituat-j in Uiaham t«iwu»lilp, on Unr road . i * r a rv • r\ V leadlnir from Orahmn to flaw Hlver, begin-' Ir II I )r\P€n t II 11 LyUCoII 1 lay m u tr » lloe. theme With aald road .V 41 deg HA I I ■ eh ato a atone In th« road; theme S ?odeg K m e'i ika Ut a atone, Walker'a corner: thence Hi 'V. deg K 7 Cha and O'X'g w 2ch* and H) Ikn to a atone, VV. K.I Joue*' line; tneuce N Hi deg W 0 cha and &! - - lk-to the iH'g!ii(jing. containing two acrea. . . || i, .. hut to be the aame there mora or l^aa. Yeggmen early Monday morn-. T« riD . of naie-Aii caaii on day of a«ie.. lug broke into the west Durham M«rcb nib, mie. |( j kTOCKAHI , postofllce and cracked the safe J.C. W>U«. for the fpurth time within a little more than a your. Thirty dollars Application For Pardon of Henry j in money and f'JOO in stain [is were Jpffrev* torn into shreds by the nitro- glycerine In the explosion. A, .mcion -n, ,» mlule to «... flm of ftortb Carolina for tne pwrlon of llenry j Jtffieys, convicted at the Kail Term of the I Mupenor Court of Aii\mauoa county for the crime of tiHvlug in lua po«a« Maion more lu mmmm a aa tonicating I (4Mgm than la ahowed by law, #" M\ | U I g\ and »«ut«nceu forateruief all montbaon the V m mA. J I VV n I c«iuniy r«»d«, and to pay a tine of Oae 11 un fired fflmO I Mia a. Ail per»oua wuooppuae For Infant, and Children £ r \K,'r »'£« « fc u^VSu V fe In Uae For Over 30 Yeara 1? Always bears I steJiur. Of Cta/rfffiZZ&K BUBBCRIBB FOR THB^QLEANEa I I BLANK BOOKS —**■—— } Journals, Ledgers, Day Books, 1 Time Bookjs, lj Counter BOoks, l j Tally Books, Order Books, 1 Large Books, Small Books, Pocket Memo., Vest Pocket Memo., &c., &c. For Sale At The Gleaner Printing Of lice Graham, N. C ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. Having qualified as administrators of the estate of the lute V, It. Wurreli. tlila la to notify all persons having claims smilnat mid eatJite tp present (hem properly verl nod U) the undi!ril|oc(l on or oelorc ttoe Xlfi of Jiihumiy. 1917, or this notice will be pumrtod lii liar or tlielr recovery. All pornona Inncr>t4'd to mll ontate are requested to make iinm«*«Jl/&t«• imyment to tliu u.idersUnad. I lilm J4ll. laib, lOlfl. H. J. OTOGKARD. A. (i. POUTKitKIBLD, Adrn'reofiY. 11. Warron, dec'tl. k Attja. • 'JOJanOt Mortgage Sale ot Real •" Estate. Under and by vrtno of the power of aale contained in a ueruilu inort>raff« avuddatod May HO. IttliJ, from J. It. Minor and wife, llirdif Minor, to llie ufidursltfiied mortgagee, recorded In iliu oftlce of thv U«-Kl»i«r of 1>« eda for Almn.iiicc county, North Carolina, In Book of Mortiratfo l>eeda No. 01, page 70, de fault having been made in ihe payment of the liidchteuuuaa aeeured thereby, the under ml if lied will, on MONDAY, MARCH 20, 1910, at '? o'clock, noon, at the court bouae door in (iraham. North Carolina, offer for aale and »ell for ntali to the hltfh ai bidder * certain i rue! or parcel of land In the county of Ala mance and Htateof North Carolina, In llur li jftou towimhlp. adjoining the lands of H. J. Hail and othtr* and boutidel HS follows: Ueiilunlijg m a rock on tne K«at aide of the old toad leading from llurllngton to Ulen coe, on the we# aide of Haw itlver, corner with It. J. Hall: thene« N ',«* deg W ll.m cb* loarot k; corner with It J. Hall; tlienoe * IKU deg W l;| cba to it nick, h eorner with H. J. flail; Lhenee H 74ft deg KI» MB ehs to a rock, eoiner with It. J. limit; thence N u deg B k-ba ui a rock, corner with It. J. Hall; thence «*i ".If deg W 7 chs to a r«**k on the old Glen coeroad; tnence with sa d road NJH deg K - chs to Ihe beginning, containing twenty '"o snd twenty nine one hundiedibs (22 acre*, more or leaa. Ihis ih- l/.th day of Peh., 1010, ALAMANCK . Ntf. A 11KA L KHTATKCO., |Mortgagee, Graham Produce Market Corrected Wrekly bj W. », Kirks. Chickens —liens—per lb. .10c " Fryers " lity-15c K.KK m I I'MT doz. 20c bucks, per ll». 10c tieese, " 08c -Mutter, " 20c Wheat, per bu. 1.35 Corn, " .80 to lj Oats, " 66c Sweet Potatoes jer bu. 75c Irish l'olatoes " Hoc to 1.00 Cotton Seed, per bu. ,50c llidei'-Greeii, per lb. 13 to He " I>ry, per lb. 15 to 18c Ilees Wax, per lb. 2~>c I Ta low, •' 6to 7c Honey, " ]J to lAc [I J'ork, " 10 to Ile Dressed Beef, " Hto 10c I j Small Store-house For Rent. I Well located close to the o'-st (trade in Uraham. Price reasonable . and building ready for occupancy now. , J. M. McCRACKEN',, i SSnovtf. Graham, N. C. [Overland Automobile Given Away. The Southern Woman s Magazine in giving away a &-|>ussenger, Mud el 83 $7 jO.OO Overland Touring Car, complete With all modern equip ment including Electric Starter, Lights, etg. This car is awarded together with Wit desirable premi ums. The publisher* oi the South ern Woman's Magazine claim this to be one or the most liberal of fers they have yet made. I This ts no "catch-penny" contest but a fair and legitimate offer. Car will be awarded June lit. Pull par ticulars may be had by addressing Southern Woman s Magazine, N.rbh ville, Tenn. 13]antf. ' - 1. ; Subscribe tor THE GLEANER -11.00 a year in advance, M U W T UI I have Moved my Stock Jfg occupied by the Mexican, - am better prepared to senM&j Try me with youri NEXT Order. BELOW COST I am going to give my en tire time to my Grocery Business and Meat Market. Everything in Dry Goods and \ Notions must go. G. w. BLACK; 1 J THE PURE FOOD GROCER GRAHAM, - N. C. HAVE YOUR WATCH ' I CLEANED OCCASIONALLY! A WATCH will run without oil or cleaning longer than any other piece of machin ery—but it needs both occasion* a, 'y- ! ? ' If yon will Mftsider that tfie rim ol the balance wheel travels over fifteen miles a day, you will not grudge your .km watch a speck of oil and a cleaning once a year. It will increase the life and accuracy of your watch. Leave your watch with us Unlay. Z. T. HADLEY J JEWELER A OPTICIAN GRAHAM. N. C. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as admiolstra- v 1 tor upon the estate of James T. , Bradshaw, dee'd, the undersigned hereby notifies all personS hoiding claims against said estate to pre sent the same duly authenticated, on or before, the 21st day of Jan'y, *4 1917, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted tp said estate are re- ■ ' m guested to make immediate set , tlement. . This January S, 1916. J. G. BRADSHAW, Admr 20lan6t of Jaa T. Bradshaw. *2 I Very Serious It Is a very serioua mattsr to ask far one medicine and have the wrong one given you. Foe this reason we urge you in buying to be careful to get tha genuine— '■ ■ A BLACK-DRWJGHT I Liver Medicine ITbe reputation of this ot.l, Telia- V bte medicine, for conatfpa-.on, io digestioo and liver trouble, iu Ann* ly established. It does rot Imitate other medicines. It is better than others,' or it would not be the Cs> vorite liver powder, with s larger sale than all other* combined. I | ■OLD OL TOWH T2 I i Notice of Sale of.Valuable Property. The Trusteos of the New Provl- »| denco church have been author- i Ized to sell to the highest bidder « one or more lots of their property jf north of W. 11. Holt's store build- ■ i >K. The funds coining from sale A' to be Applied against debts from j repairing churjh. The sale will take place on the -jm church grounds SATURDAY, MARCH 2&TH, 1910, and will begin promptly at 2:3 CL.. p. in. Terms, Cash. If any person*or persons can j show why this sale should not take place, please notify the under signed trustees. y -• L. 11. IIOLT, A. R. HERITAGE, ; i '& DANIEL WELCH, ; j | Trustees. •' 1 Brick Machine For Sale. The undersigned has aJ. C. Steele jt j & Sons Brick Machine lor salq. Along with it are two truck" and j - other parts necessary in handling [, brick. It is housed and in good . ; condition. The purchaser will get a bargain : Jf | For terms apply to J. W. MEKKFKK T or J. D. Kernodle. laplt 'EXECUTORS' NOTICE. * llavlnr ■iU*lltl«l aa Executors of the last will aud tesMiut'Dt of A. Lxouanl Xiler, de- « ceated. lute of Alamaaoeoouatjr, North Uero- jl Una. tbla Is to notify all penous havltiv it claims HKalust the estate of said deceased to J I eitiiuit tiiern to the undersigned at Hurling- ' ' ton. North Carolina, on or before the Stli d*y ■>t January, IVI7, or this noUce will be pit ad ed In bar ol their recovery. All persons In debted to ssld estate will please make Im mediate payment. January », WIS. . j£jt JOSEPH A. IBLEV, - A O. L. I»LKV, Ka'ra ejaoSt of the esute of A. l«onard lsley. I Dixon's Lead Pencils are the ' ' | are THB"~ fiJiST. Try them | j and be convinced. They are | . | for sal* at this office.—Sc. | . i *OOOOOOO o-o o o—n '

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