THE GLEANER J ■ .= GRAHAM, N. 0., March 9.3, 1916 Postolfice Horn. ' Offloopen 1M «. m. toT.OSp. m. (nudajr MM toll JO a. m. and 44)0 to MO p. ■ J. If. MoCRACKHN, Postmaster. * LOCAL KBWS. + —That must have been the 64111- 1 noctiai storm' late yesterday after- 1 upon. —Mr. ,W. P. Smith and family £ moved Monday to Mf. Jas. P e Smith's residence on W. Elm St. —Tuesday was the most Spring- I like day so far this Spring and C many got busy making garden. —Mr. W.J. Nicks, one" of Grahams t farmer-merchants, planted about r two acres of Corn Monday;' Tues day he planted' more corn and otu er seeds. ' —The opening base ball game here last Saturday between Oil lliam'ft and Sylvan was won by the * (latter ill a score of 2 to 1 . J —The ladies of Burlington have organized a Chapter of cue United . Daughters of tne Confederacy ana * by invitation Mesdames J. Dolph ( Long and J. D. Kernodle, of the Graham Chapter, met Tuesday af ternoon with the Burlington chap- j ter at Mrs, J. W. Page s. j —According to the old Salem Al- 1 • manac—and it's the "law and gos \ pel" in Piedmont North Carolina j in all things pertaining to tne { weather and the planting of seeds s —the days and nignt were Qf } length Monday, and by the same token it was on that day that wintef ended and spring begun, and that t the days are now longer than the ■lights. —Mrs. Chas. P. Harden entertain ed the following at dinner Mon- ' day, namely, Mesdames A. M. Sim- S mons, Mcßride Holt, W. R. Goley, f J. D. Kernodle and Miss Ada Den- 1 ny. Mrs. Harden expects to move ] to her handsome new home, abolt one mile due South of tne court house and wanted to have some of ] her friends witn her before leav ing her town home. All had an enjoyable day. 1 —Messrs. A. K. Hardee, Robt B. ' Tate and Lon G. Turner went to f •Winston-Salem Wednesday morn- I ing. The first two are mem- | bers of the Graham Chero-Cola Bot tling Co. Mr. Hardee returned in the afternoon. The other two re mafned to learn about the manu- . facture of Chero-Cola at the Wins- ' ton-Salem plant in which Graham people own a controlling interest. ,Work on the Chero-Cola plant here is progressing nicely and it is ex- 1 pected to oegin operations In ■ about two weeks. Operation for Appendicitis. Mrs. Phil. Carleton, who went to , the Stokes-Whitehead Sanatorium, Salisbury, more than ten days ago, underwent an operation for appen dicitis the latter part of last week. She is reported doing nicely. Humorous Entertainment. Miss Bessie May Dudley of Rich mond, Va., will give an humorous recital at the court house Friday (tomorrow) night at 7:30 o'clock. She is an accomplished elocutionist and impersonator and her entire pro gramme is original. If you want an evening of fun and laughter, don't fail to hear her. Southern Christian Convention to meet in Burlington. The next session of the Southern Christain Convention of the Chris- Air-tain Church will meet with the Burlington Christian Church May 2nd to sth. The Convention will be composed of the leaders in the Church organization. No doubt it will be attended by a large number of the Northern branch of the church. Belgian Relief Commission Returns Thanks for S6O Raised by Woman's Club. * Mrs. H. W. Scott, on March 18tb, sent to the N. C. Commission for Relief in Belgium a check for $60.00 as a result of the efforts of the com mittee from the Woman's Club ap pointed to solicit funds for this pur pose. Mrs. Scott has received a letter of acknowledgement from the Commission, desiring-her to thank both the committee and all those who contributed to this cause, and ehe takes this opportunity to do so Capt. A. J. Albright Dead. Capt. Albright died last Saturday at his home near Friendship and was buried at Mt. Hermon Sunday. He was a veteran of the Civil war, a brave soldier and an excellent citi zen. He was about 83 years of age and was active up to the time of his last sickness. His widow and sev eral sons and daughters survive him. Capt. Albright pexved as County Commissioner several terms and took a deep interest in county affairs. As official and citizen he could be de pended on to do what he conceived to be fair and just. Dr. Atkinson's Enforced Rest. That Rev. Dr. J. 0. Atkinson is decreed by the doctors to take abso lute rest for six months on account of impairment by overwork will be heard with sincere regret by his friends in every corner of the State. t He is pdstor of the local church at Elon College and the gifted and learned editor of The Christian Sun at the same place. He is a member of the North Carolina Press Associa tion and knows and is known by practically every editor in the State, and he is very popular among the fraternity and is beloved and es teemed by all of them. He has just returned from Johns Hopkins Hos pital, Baltimore, and thence comes the decree for rest. At the end of the period the consoling hope is held out that he will be completely re stored. His rest period will be spent at Ashevillle. The Dr.'s friends will also regret to learn that his ex cellent wife is not very well. She ia expected to be well soon. 11UU11MMM.i1...... 1.1 ♦ ♦ + PERSONAL. + ♦ + Mr. J. S. Cook spent yesterday 1 at Hillsboro on business. Dr. J. L. Kernodle of Greensjboro was here Monday afternoon. J. Dolph Long, Esq., was in Greensboro Monday on business. Mr. John W.Wells of Raleigh was here Monday on business. Mr. Jas. P. Kerr of Hawfields community was in town Tuesday. Prof. W. P. Lawrence of Elon Col lege was here' Saturday on busi ness. Mr. Fred Poisson of Raleigh spent - Saturday here with Mjr. Chas. Men efee. Mesdames C. P. Albright ana Frank Moore spent Monday in Greenaboro. Mr. J. Elmer Long went to Pitts boro Monday to attend court and returned Tueaday. Mesdames L. Banks Holt, Jas. K. Mebane and W. R. Goley spent Tuesday in Greensboro shopping. Rev. Dr. C. G. Vardell of Rea Springs spent Sunday here and was the guest of Mrs. J. t W. Meiv fee. f Mr. Clyde Hunter came down from Winston-Salem and spent Sun day at the home of his mother, Mrs. C. S. Hunter. y Miss Vaughn Andrews, who has been here on a visit to Mrs. Jas. P. Smith, returned to Sallisbury the first of the week. Rev. Dr. P. H. Fleming, Pastor of Firat Christian Church of Greens boro was here Monday on business and shaking hands with friends of his young manhood days. Mrs. Herbert Post, who has been spending some time with her moth er, Mrs. C. B. Irwin, returned to her home at East Orange, N. J., the latter part of last week. ' Mrs. C. W. Causey and Masters Spencer and Frank of Anderson, S. C., arrived here Tuesday on a visit to the home ot her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Scott, Jr. I i « Thunder, Lightning and Rain. The first thunder and lightning heard and seen here this year was in the early part of Tuesday night. A shower fell at the same time. Yes terday afternoon about 5 o'clock there was loud thunder, much light ning and a heavy dash of rain. New Chief of Police. Mr. Boyd Trolinger has been elected Chief of Police of the town to succeed Mr. Robt. B. Tate, whose resignation went into effect Monday night, and Mr. Trolinger immediate ly entered upon his duties. Mr. Trolinger has been in the insurance business here for several years. Mr. Tate goes with the Chero-Cola Bot tling Co, in which he is a stock holder. Glencoe Mills Gets a Kelly-Springfield Truck. The handsome new Kelly- Springfield motor truck recently bought by Glencoe Mills was on the streets here this morning. It is a 2% ton 35 H. P., battleship gray and about the best looking one that has come to these parts Mr. Williamson Menefee, who knows how, was at the wheel. Mr. J. ,W. Menefee is the selling agent for this State of this famous truck. PAIR MULES for Sale. Price right. LAFAYETTE HOLT. 2mch. Burlington, N. C. Mrs. Mary McLain, an aged wo man of Buncombe county, ia charged with arson. She is under SSOO bond for her appearance at court. Frightened by an automobile, a horse driven by John A. Narron, county solicitor of Johnston conty, ran away at Smithfleld, Mr. Nar ron jumped from the baggy and fell. His skull was fractured, the injury being fatal. Mr. H. B. Varner, editor of the Lexington Dispatch, • will be a candidate for the Democrat nomi' nation in the seventh congression district, to succeed Mr. Page. Chief in his platfo.m will be Fed eral aid for good roads. For State Labor Commissioner, so far the only avowed candidates are Commissioner Shipman, who seeks re-election, and Mr. Delling er of tiaaton county. The Davie court house was partially destroyed by fire. The Mocksville Record says the county officers are occupying their former quarters on the tirst floor of the building and that the loss by the fire is estimated at $15,000. There was no insurance. i At San ford Saturday night a week two negroes, John Woodard and Earnest Mclver, engaged in a shooting affray. When the smoke cleared away Mclver had three i holes in his body and died next day. Woodard escaped. WHY THAT LAME BACK? That morning Lameness—those sharp pains when bending or lift ■ ing, make work a burden and rest t impossible. Don* be handicapped , by a bad back—look to your kid neys. You will make no mistake by following this example. Levi R. Tickle, Elon College, N. t C., says: "I Was afflicted with | kidney trouble, the pains in the small of my back being very se vere. My back ached intensely at " night and was lame in the morn - ing and bothered me greatly when , I stooped to lift anything. I tired easily, felt languia and nerv ■ vous and had dizzy spells. I had > to get up three or four times at - night to pass the kidney secretions l and sediment was noticeable in them. I lost 25 pounds in weight ' and had about given up all hope i of recovering when Doan's Kidney E Pills were brought to my atten l tion. In four or five days, they relieved me and I cannot say too " much in their favor." 1 Price 50c at all dealers. Dont » Simply ask for a kidney remedy— . get Doans Kidney Pills—the same . that Mr. Tickle had. Foster-Mil burn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. adv. x , , MEXICAN PROGRAM * mm-mmmmmmmrnm—m The following is thfe program for the week beginning Monday, March 27 th: MONDAY NIGHT. Broken £oin 2->»rts The Reward of Chivalry in 3-parts -Flivvera' Famous Chees Gouhd in 1-part TUESDAY NIGHT. , - Buck Simons. Puncher ■ * in 2-parts Vanity, Thy Name Is in 2-parts ' , WEDNESDAY NIGHT. The Supreme Test in 5-parts THURSDAY NIGHT. The Girl and the Game 2-parts Her Better Self in 2-parts Her Steady Carfare in 1-part Weekly No. 202 - FRIDAY NIGHT. Knocks And Opportunities in 2-parts A Sea Mystery in 1-part Her Dream Man in 1-part SATURDAY NIGHT. Graft t . 2-parts The Red Lie in 3-parts Flivvers And The Dance Of The Shivvers in 1-part The meeting of the North Caro lina Bankers' Association will be held in June 14-15-16. Ola Point Comfort, Va., was originally selected as the place of meeting but it was last week decided to go to Asheville instead. A 10-room house at Rutherfora College owned by the estate of the late Rev. J. P. Moore, and occupied by Mr. Bolick, a ministerial stu dent at Rutherford/ was burned Thursday. Students who roomed in the building lost their all, - The story comes from Goldsboro that a Wayne county farmer who used his feed barn for a bank, hid three SIOO bills in a basket of shucks and a cow are the shucks and the money. The farmer then gathered up the balance of his roll and deposited it in a Goldsboro bank. » * I REV. E. T. SIDDELL. 1 The revival services at the Gra ham Methodist Episcopal church ! "Will begin on Sunday, April 2. Rev. E. T. Siddell will do the preaching from the first service. This most unusual preacher has been a great power for good in the places where 'he has labored. Those converted i under his preaching are numbered by the thousand. His method of presenting the old truths has a grip ' in it that arrests and convinces the hearer. To miss even one service will be a distinct loss. Make your plans to come for every service at ' 7:30 p. .ra. each day. Yadkiuville Ripple: L. E. Mar \ tin, who visited this section about • one year ago and passed a cert I i tied but worthless check on the 1 Bank of Yadkin, has been caught i in South Carolina for a similar ; offence and is now serving a ihroe ' year term for his crime in that J State. ; The North Carolina Baraca . Philathea organization will hold r its S'ate meeting at Goldsboro » April 27-30. I)r. Chas. D Bulla of Nashville, Tenn., superintend ' ent of the Wesley Adult Claws \ Department of the M E. Curch, - South, will be one of the principal speakers. Southwest Akmance. Cor. of The Gleaner. m Old Uncle Mathias has been true to his word—he has given us Ice in abundance, and still more to come, ha is an honest old fellow and w'e will not grumble. Claude Spoon, whose dwelling was recently burned, is preparing to rebuild. Several workmen have been employed and the work will be hurried on. Mt. Zion Sunday School will have a singing on the fift'> Bjndiy in April—everybody invited. Sprout boys are getting ready for their summer's work. Several new te'ephone* have be >n added to our community. Dr. G. A. Poster of Liberty an 1 !- Dr. H. B. Foster of Roinoke Ra]Xtls visited in the community a few days ago. Essex Womble, a Chatham coun ty negro, 72 years old, committed suicide Wednesday by hanging himself with a rope fastened to a rafter in his barn. Mimosa Inn, near Tryon, a pop ular resort hotel, was burned Fri day. The loss iB estimated at SIOO,- 000. The place was filled with win ter visitors. ~ The corporation commission has appointed Herbert L. Newbold of Elizabeth City assistant .Bank Ex aminer, to succeed H. D. Bateman, whose resignation is effective April lsft. A stock company is being formed ed at Hickory to take over and in corporate the Blowing Rock Hotel, at Blowing Rock—capital stock, $25,000. The Newton Enterprise he irs that the engine of Tim Cline's saw mill in Hickory township, Catawba county, threw off its 03lt in a fit of petulance, and leaping from its fastenings ran away down a short incline, landing in a hole from which it will take a week to rope and tackle it. 0 .. Notice of Re-Sale! North Carolina -Alamance County. 11l the Muperlor Court, 1 Before the Clerk. 1 John Allen, Claud Allen et al. vs. f —— et al. f NOTICE OK KE-BALE. . ) By virtue of an order of the Superior Court or Alamance county. North Carolina, made In the above Special Proceeding, the underv Hfgned commissioner, duly appointed by l court, will at 12 o'clock M., on s „ MONDAY, APRIL 10, 1910, ' at the court house door at Graham. N. C., re - sell to the bighetit bidder for one third caxb, one-third in three moiilhsitnd one-third In nix * months from day of sale, the valuable land* i ol Hampton Allen, deceased, Hituate near hylvau Academy, Alamance county, N. C\ adjoining the lands of H.E.Htuart. Jacob and D.B. Allen, the helm of James Orllll::and Wil . Ham Stout, Henry and William Moone and others, minutely descried in the |Mlltion > In Mild cause, and containing 53 acresAinore or less. The bidding will start al » This Is a valuable tract of land, well slluat f ed and is being sold for partition among the heirs- it-law of Humpnon Allen deceased, F» all or whom have been made parties to sulci , proceeding. Possession will be given U|k>n , confirmation of sale by said court. \ 1 This March ffl, 1910. \ » W. H. CARROLL, \ I - Commissioner, * Miss Ada Brooks, who lives wit» Mr*. Lanier, in Tarboro, awoke in ■ the night and tf'.Jild a negro man .'kneeling beside her bed. Her I scream* brought Mr*. Lanier witn * a light and tne two Daw a mulatto I in the room. He knocked the light t from Mr* Lanier* hand and alter t a struggle with the two women he escaped. 3 ' 1 \ 1 trou Know Wliat 1 nil Art Taking f When you take Orove's Tasteless j Chill Tonic because the formula 1» plainly printed on every bottle I showing that it is Iron and Qui -9 Dine In a tasjeless form. No r cure, no pay.—soc. adv. A 2-irtory frame dormitory of th p Cary High School, at Cary, Wake counts, was burned Thursday night. " building w«s valued at from eight t to ten thousand dollar* and was in sured for five thousand dollars. j OLDER BUT STRONGER t To be healthy at seventy, prepar^at forty, is sound advice, because in the strength of middle life we too often forget that neglected colds, or csr»l»aa treat ' mept of slight aches and pains, simply J undermine strength and bring chronic () weakness for later years. - 0 To be stronger when older, keep yryai blood pure and rich and active with tha * strength-buildlDg and blood-nourishing 8 properties of Scott's Bmulsion which isa , foba, a tonic and a medicine to keep your 1 blood rich, alleviate rheumatism and i avoid sickness. No aloobol in Scott'*, ' • Scott ft Sewn*, Bloomteld. N.J. • VEGIVEPBOFrr-SBABINGGODPONS 1 . Reduce the Hi4h Cost of Living by Trading with " v "Crack & Joe" and Graham Drug Co., Graham, N. C. j CALL TODAY AND INVESTIGATE HOW YOU CAN PROCURE BEAUTIFUL AND USEFUL ARTICLES BY REDEEMING OUR COUPONS AND CERTIFICATES ISSUED WITH „ ( EVERY CASH PURCHASE. OR ON ACCOUNTS TO BE PAID BY STKOF MONTH. T Bargain Period Extended To April 10 THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER announces the extention of its Special "Bargain Period" to April 10th. Until that date New Subscriptions will be accepted at the rate of $6.00 per "year for | the Daily and Sunday. $1.50 for 3 months trial! subscription. The Observer's Special Leased ( Wire News Service from Washington is worth the subscription price. "The Foremost Newspaper In The Two Carolinas." COUPON 1 . DATK ..... HI 1 CHARLOTTE OBSKIiVER CHARLOTTE. N. C. Find enclosed $ for which wend THE CHAR LOTTE OBSERVER, Daily and Sunday, by mail to the under-1 signed for months. BARGAIN RATE Name . i.. . \ Daily Daily and Only Sunday St. or R. F. D 3 Months.. 11.25 *1.50 r, Months.. 2.50 '3.00 S 1 Year.'... 5.0f) (J,OO .Town \ Reffiit by Check or Postal Order. Money golH lost in the mails \ Orders accepted under this special rate only during Special Bar gam I'eriod. To the Democratic Voters of Ala-J mance County. I take this moans of announcing tiio fact that f shall be a candidate for the State Senate in the coming I'riinary. In this connection I desire to thank the Democratic party for the honor it conferred upon mo in elect ing pie to the House of Representa tives in 1011 and 1913. I shall ap preciate your support. J. ELMER LONG. In the scarcity of leather in Ger many they are considering linoleum as a material for shoo solo. A Hperlllr Agalii»t Oldn. The nearest thing to a specific against colds is a sleeping porch or an open bed room and a cold sponge bath every morning when you first get up. Et-vn then you I will! occasionally take a cold, es pecially when colds are epidemic, and when you do you will find Chamberlains Cough Remedy a great help in enabling you to get rid of it. Try it. Obtainable everywhere. adv. - China has established a double standard ol weights-arid measures that includes the metric system and a native one. You Can Cure That Backache. I'ain •lon ir the bark, hMdncbti ■H I !r*tiii?rni luiitfiior. itel • iHU-kagi* of Mother (Jra>'a Au»trilhilcaf, tbe p eaaunt root •*»'! berb cur« for KIdMX, •nd Urinary trouble*. Winn you furl nil rundown, ilrfil, wcult and without energy umi thU rcm«rkiibl« combination f n»turw her ft* and root*. Aa •regulator It ha* tut eijual. Mothni Oray'a la Hohl by l)riitit\*t» or writ by mall for Ml eta sample lent frise. addreaa, The Mother Uriy Co., U Hoy. N. V. The Japanese are now manufrctur i ing yearly about $5,000,000 worth i of toy*, of ' for exportation. ! WE HAVE THE EARLIEST, BIO t gent, high class Strawberry grown, r Also the Best one or the ever e bearing kinds; bears the best fla vored berries from Spring until the snow flics. Free Booklet. Wake field Plant Farm, Charlotte, North Carolina. l'febot • » .Jack arid J tile Buingariier, met c ' on the public highway ill Caldwell ~ 0 county and disputed about a case that had been tried in court. Jack shot Jule in the neck and he is now under ♦•'>oo bond until the f result of July's injures can be determined, I J Seed Sown Here J I i ' Falls In ' Fertile ( ; 1 j Soil, Insuring a r rj i Bountiful Harvest V i 1 SUBSCRIBE FOR THE OLF.ANER N - 11.00 A YEAR J.D. MOON Auto For Hire Cajl 'Phone 558-W RF.PORT OF CO NDITION OF The Citizens Bank OF GRAHAM. Attlriliarn In th« Htnt«- of North Carolina, at the clot* of buslneaa. Murh 7, IWIfl. KRHIHJttCRH . loana and #.'l Overdraft aee'd, 177* 1 ft; u use'd, 907.12, 074.27 Furniture and Fixtures Hue from National lla k« IMM I)ue froiu *tate Hunk* and Hanker* :i Caab Item# - fi&.lH (Jold coin .« j Hllvcr coin, ete., 19)42 National llunk not«*a and other I*. H. note* IJ/n.lti Total s»,*!& J* I.IAIIIMTIKH Capital atock - 10.MUM) Murplua font IjVtI.QU flllla payable ZjBMMJU I h'f HjHl l • *ljbJ« Ito C'ht*4Tk . U.yVi '.s) Time Certlflaatea of Depoelt ijvu t# Haviritfa l>«-poalta 2 0 4* V» ( aahlcr't r'hccka ouUtaudlng - I*7 C'brlitmaa Havll.#*l,lub 4.5.44 Total ISHjmM Mtate of North Carolina, County of Ala mance, »*; I. T. If. Nlbm*. Caabler of the above nami-fl bank, do aolemnly iwi«r that the aliove utafiiicnl la trim to the l»eat of my know led*" and helbtf. T 11. NIFONO, .Caabler. Bul»«*rlbed arid nworri to l**fore tv.* Una lath day of Ma :h. IVJtt. W. K HAjMiN. Notary Public Correct—At tent: J M McCItACKF.N, W. J Mi K*. J KI.M Kit 1/iNfl. directors Small Store-house For Rent. Well located close to 'the oest trade in Oraham. Price reasonable and building ready for occupancy now. J. M. McCRACKEN,, 2Jnovtf. Oraham, N. C. Frank C. Ta|bert, a deputy sher iff of Rowan, Iris been appointed a deputy under Re\enue A(t'*nt Vaniierford at Oreerinboro. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years ZE7 C&tfZzSc I BLANK j BOOKS (Journals, Ledgers, Day Books, Time Books, j Counter Books, Tally Books, Order Books, Large Books, Small Books, Pocket Memo^ Vest Pocket Memo., , &c., &c. For Sale At The Gleaner Printing Olllce Graham, N. C. 0 '•? " Graham Produce Market Corrected Weekly by \\, J, Nlekn* t B Chickens—Hens—per lb. .10c J? " Fryers " 12i-15c » Eggs, por do/.. * ' 20c ° Ducks, per 111. 10c J (Jeese, " 08c K , liutter, " 20c a Wheat, perbu. 1.25 Corn, " .80 to 85c Oats, " 05c 2 Sweet Potatoes per bu. 75c Irish Potatoes "♦4oc to 1.00 Cotton Seed, per bu. .60c llides-Grooti, per lb. 13 to 14c " Dry, per lb. 15 to 18c Ilees Wax, per lb. 25c 'fa low, " . (j to 7c Honey, " t0 l^c Pork, " 1(1 to lie Dressed Heef, " Hto 10c HFI'OHT Of TIIF. CONDITION OF THE 1 Bank of Haw River At Haw I(4v«*r, lu the Hiatif of Caro lina, at tin* of hiuliK'M, March 7, iwitf. ItKMOUItCBH dlkiountii t25.fi2H.71 Overdraft* xicuml OWU.UI KurnMuro ami KUturos 700.0' " hue from National I'mik* ft.MW.ff*. u»h lt«'iri« ... 41A.41 , Oold coin IfA.Ui ' Mirer coin, incluriltiir Mil minor coin currency . tOC.lw | National bank no ICM «nd other V. H. note* 1.(0® 00 \ 1 Total $ 3A.WA.7* C IJAIIIMTIK* I , Capital RU»rk I'M I*l in • 10,000 00 j » Hurplus fund tOUOjOo j I fidlvllcl profit*, !«'«• current « *• i | criM-a and tax«« paid 492. M lull* puyalila 4 • ln*po»lta Mulfji'cf to cliM'k \A,4K7.ft- ( 'I ima Certificates of lipoid t ..... s.ttseVt j Having* l>ep« i*t« 6JC4JTI j (' shler*a Checks outstanding VtT. 1 . A crucd Intciool lu« ilfpoiitori" H4.U' „ Total $ m,uan.7u HtAta of North Carolina, * . « County of Alamancn. M#> : I I,H. A Vest, President of the aliove named I Imnk, do »oi«;riifil > iwi'ir that tin- ulxive uttU • ment In true to the I**l of ruy knowledge and liellef. H. A. VBMT, I' resident. and »«»otn to lit'fora me, th s » I '.th day of March. IW|*i. r J. AiiClllß l»NO, Notary Public. Correat Attest : ' j J . w JOHNSTON. , J. A Al lllill'OK. J M. HAKKH, I 'I > r«. | I | Foreclosure Sale Real Property. \ t • j , l'r>di-r and l»y virtue of the terms of sale r J contained In a l ortain Morttrajr* lKMtd. exo- | icut4'd >■> I' If. Kveretf and wife,M. 1.. K vert-It, to J.C. Walker, dated KeOruary Ist, MM 1, and I re«-ord«d In the ofThf of the le«t*fvr of fleoda for A lainanee county In fiook IA of A. ' I).. I»hk-» to 21*4. snd d« Nuit having t>een , _ made in tin- payment of Initti the Interest and ™i the principal, me uudrrM'goed will « ffer f«»r 1 | raie, For « n*H, at the court house door In . jJrab*io, AirtiuaiMi- county and Htate of I North «. aroli.«a, to the hlKhest bidder, on 1 SATL'IiDAV, Al'IlIL 15, I'Jlti, at 12.W o'clock 3H.. the fiJllowliitf deacillH. ( d real eatate. U--all; HititMU} in township, on the road leading from Graham to Haw tllver, tM*aiu nl Kat a stone, the centre ot said road, wal kers line: thence with said road N 44 dea K 3 chi to a stone In the road; then- c N 70 d«u K n't iks to a stone. Walker'* corner: thence 8 V> d«nf K 7 cha and 12 lka to a stono; thence 8 • Odea W 2 elm and AO Iks to a atone, W. Y. •lonea' llrw; thence N 4H deg W 0 chs and 35 Iks to the Ix'irlmilnir, contalnlug two acres, hut to he the i>aine ho there more or less. Terms of Kale—All cash ou day of sale. March Hth, Itfltf, , „ _ 11. J. STOCKARD, Assignee of J. C. Walker., ' , • '• ' [ have Moved my Stock tcm ;he Scott building occupied by the Mexican, im better prepared to serve Try me with your NEXT Order. BELOW COST I am going to give my en tire time to my Grocery Business ar\d Meat Market. Everything m Dry Goods and Notions must go. G. W. BLACK, HIE PURE FOOD GROCER GRAHAM, - N. C. HAVE YOUR WATCH CLEANED OCCASIONALLY! A WATCH will run without oil or cleaning longer than any other piece of machin ery—but it needs both occasion ally. . r „ If you will Mnsider that the rim ol the balance wheel travels over fifteen mile* a day, yon will not grudge yooe watch a speck of oil and a cleaning once a year. It will increase tha r. life and accuracy of your watch. Leave your watch with us today. Z. T. HADLEY JEWELER A OPTICIAN GRAHAM, N. C. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administra tor upon the estate of James T. Bradsbaw, dee'd, the undersigned hereby notifies all persons holding claims against said estate to pre sent the same duly authenticated, on or before the 21st day ot Jany, 1917, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate are re quested to make immediate set tlement. This January 3, 1016. J. a. 11RAD8HAW, Adm r 20)»n6t of Jas T. Bradsbaw. I, Very Serious It is a very serious matter to wk tor one medicine and have the wrong one given you. For tbf» reason we urge you in buying to be careful to get the genuine— BLACK-DRAUGHT liver Medicine IThe reputation of this oi,', relia ble medicine, for constipation, in digestion and liver trouble, ic firm ly established. Ic docs not fmitatt other medicines. It ts bcltri than others, or it would ret be the fa vorite liver powder, with • larger sale thai, all others combineo. SOLD IN TOWN F3 Notice of Sale of Valuable Property. The Trustees of the New Provi dence church have been author ized to sell to the highest bidder one or mora lots of their property north of W. 11. Holt's store build i i«. Tho funds coming from sale to be applied against debts from repairing church. The sale will take place on the church grounds , (SATURDAY, MARCH 25TH, 1910, and will begin promptly at 2:30 p. in. Terms, Cash. If any person or persons cat show why this sale should not taki place, please notify the under signed trustees. L. 11. HOLT, A. R. II KMT AGE, DANIEL WELCH, Trustees. Brick Machine For Sale. '1 lie undersigned has a J. C. Steele & Sons Brick Machine for sale. Along with it are two truck." and other parts necessary in handling brick. It is housed and in good condition. The purchaser will get a bargain For terms apply to J. W. MESKFEB or J. D. Kernodle. laplt Overland Automobile Given Away. The Southern Woman's Magazine is giving away a &-passenger, Mod el #3 *7Jj.oo Overland Touring Car, complete with all modern e4uip ment including Electric SUrter, Lights, ets. This . car is awarded together with 500 desirable premi ums. The publishers of the South ern Woman's Magazine claim this to be one ot the most liberal of fers they yet made. This is no "catch-penny" contest but a fair and legitimate offer. Car will be awarded June ltt. Full par ticulars mav be had by addressing Southern Woman's Magazine, Njrsh ville, Tenn. 13jantf. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE GLEANER, SI.OO A YEAR

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