|THE GLEANER IBSPSD «TMY THPESDAT. J. P. KERNOPLE, Editor. •1.00 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. ' ADVKBTISINO RATBB Jna aquare (1 In.) 1 time SI.OO, cr ««CJ •üb -5 equant lnaertlon ftOcenta. For mora space I • .>1 loncer Mm*, ratei fnrnlttaed on applio*- I ca. Looal notloaa 10 ot». a 11M (or Brat - naertlon; aubaequenll nwrtloin t ota. a Una tranalent adrertiaementa mult b« paid for I* tdfasci The editor will not be raaponalble for riwn wpwmi by oorreepondente. Sntered at the Poitolßoa at Graham. N. 0., M eaoond olaM master. GRAHAM, N. 0., April 13, 1916. _ •*■ - Democratic Convention. A Democratic county convention it hereby called to meet at the court botiae in Graham on Saturday, April 22nd, at 12 o'clock, for the purpose of electing delegate* to the state and congressional conventions, and to transact any other business that may come before it. W. H. CARROLL, Chairman. WELCOME! ) Graham extends an unstinted wel come to the whole of Alamance county on County Commencement Day—April 22nd. Jfc ia hoped everybody will come and enjoy the day. It will be great and inspiring. Last Saturday the State Republi can Executive Committee met in Greensboro and named the follow ing to be voted for in the State pri mary on June 3rd for State ofliceia, to-wit: For Governor, Frank A. Linney; for Lieut.-Governor, L. L. Jenkins; for Commissioner of Agri culture, A. L. French; for Attorney- General, Z. V. Walser; for State Auditor, J. Q. A. Wood. Villa atill keeps out of the clutches of both Mexican and American sol diers. A day or so ago he was re ported dead and buried, but that waa regarded simply aa a "trick." It would aeem that he could have been taken before now, if the Mexi cans were aa earnest about the mat ter aa the Americans are. T. R. Roosevelt is runniDg a big bluff. Progressive or whatever he may call himself, he is after the lie publican nomination for President. He run well four years ago and had a tremendous following, but he will not do so well again. When ho tries it he will see. In the past few days the fighting in Europe appears to have been the fieroeat and most deadly of the whole war. To Pension Jobless. A proposal for national insur ance against unemployment has been Introduced In Congress by Representative Meyer Loudon, the Socialist member from New York. The measure proposes that a fond be established "to secure to workers adequate means of sub sistence while involuntarily un employed, whether the unemploy ment be caused by lack of work, alckneea or old age." It provides for the appointment o(a com mission, two members of Wrcfch ar»> to be employers of labor, two rep resentatives of organized labor and the fifth the Secretary of Labor, M chairman ex-offioio. To minimise the bnrden placed apon the insuranoe fund Mr London proposes that employ ment bo provided by the develop ment and exploitation of public lands. He puts forth his meas ure aa jui avowedly aociallstlc scheme, such schemes of social insuranoe are better understood in Knrope, where many nations bare adopted them as neoeesary measures of national welfare. -Mr. London's plan, however, is comprehensive and embraces practically all the various branch es ot social insurance that have secured wide adoption. They bare usually been taken up as natural extensions of workmen's compensation laws. Last month one branch of Mr. London's sohemeraade its appear ance in Mew York State in the shape of a bill introduced in the Legislature providing for a State scheme of sick payments to work ers gettinglees,than SIOO a month. Robbing Eases Pain Rubbing sends the liniment II tingling through the flesh and II quickly flops pain. Demand a - | liniment thatyoucan rub with. II The be* nibbing liniment is I MUSTANG LINIMENT Good for the Aibntnt* qf I Horses, Mules, Cittlc, Etc* Qood/or your own A ches. Pains, Rhaamatism. Sprains, Cuts, Burns, Etc. 25e.J0e.11/ At aO Dsslsn^ ■ i r THE GRAHAM DRUG CO. .* AYCOCK MEMORIAL CUP High School Debate Friday Xlfbt- IS Mrboula I'.uler Final Conteat—Cilrl Debaters In 45 of Them—Gra ham Mend* Two (ilrla. Cor. of The Oleaner. Chapel Hill, N. C., April 12. Seventy-five schools, having com plied with the conditions regulat ing and governing the High School Debate, are how eligible to outer the final contest for the Ayeock Memorial Cup. Each of these schools will send two teams to Chapel Ilill on Thursday, April 13—one affirmative and the other negative. And once on the Hill, the affirmative team and the nega tive team, which are to face each other in Memorial Hall Friday evening at eight o'clock, will be chosen by the process of elimina tion. From thesevcfnty-fiveschools which will enter the first prelimi nary Thursday evening, about sixteen teams will be chosen to inter tho second preliminary Fri day morning. At this time and from this number tho two teams ' which are to enter the final debate in Memorial Ilall will be chosen. One interesting phasoof the de bate is the fact that very few of tho High Schools win out in the trlangulars two years in succes sion, a fact which siguifles that all schools enter the contest upon an e{iial basis and all have the same chance of winning the , Aycock Cup. For instance, only | t«n of the schools which sent down teams last year will be reprosent -1 ed again this yoar; and only eight of the schools represented here in 1913-'l4 will be eligible this year. Out of the 325 schools in the con test this year not a single one of them has sent down teams for four | successive years. Eight schools, however, have been represented at Chapel Hill three times. Of that number three—Luuiberton, Holly Springs and Stonesville - sent teams dowu for the first three years but lost out in the triangu lar contest this year. Tho othor five schools achieving such dis tinction are I'leasant Garden, Wilson, Graham, Statesville, and Stem. Forty-five schools will be repre sented at Chapel Hill by one or more girl debaters. Eighteen of these schools will sond down two girls; two—Vanceboroand Tren ton —will send three girls each; while the teams representing Fai son and Swanuauoa will be com posed entirely of girls. Robeson county heads the list with four representatives among the 75 schools coming to Chapel Hill next Thursday. Seven other counties—Alamance, Uuncombe, Gaston, Iredell, Scotland, Wake, and Wilson—have three schools each; and still three others —Gull- ford, Duplin, and Johnston—will be represented by two schools. A ' curious coincidence occurs in con nection with the counties repre- : sented and the girl debaters— in , that, six of the counties which will be repreaented at Chapel Hill ( by three schools will also be rep resented by five girl debaters. Halle! In Sli Hour. > Dfetresaina Kidney and Bladdei s Ultcaae relieved in six hour* by , the "NEW ORBAT SOUTH AMER ICAN KIDNBY CURB." U ie a great lurprise on account of ita • exceeding oromntneaa in relie* in^ Rain in bladder, kidney* and back, i male or female. Relieves reten tion ot water almost immediately, i If you want quick relief and cure I this Is the remedy. Sold by Ora ham Drug Co. adv. This time Russia seems to have a real irou horseshoe concealed in its boxing glove. Uncle Sam is now, by the logic of events the policeman of the world—and he has not a sufficient f jrco to police half his own hem * (sphere. ■ i -——: — ■ Mr*. Boa* A. Mr. Wimui K. DM, (!• Cltntoo J Praor. 10»P*S M'vai nr nil PE-nU-NA iSK-a with tIM TMUIU. MW""*' _ I .»» OTBA'AMDSA*."' T.W« M«RK V. G. FM* OM - "* / Coughs, Colds, \ / Stomach Troubles \ / and Catarrh Relieved. No \ / Remedy can Compete with \ / Pernna 4 The Ready-to-take Kissed The Flag. What Belgium's King and Queen have said concerning what baa been done for the people of that Had, war-stricken land makes quite clear their heartfelt ap preciation, but the most touching evidenceof gratitude comes from the women and children and the old men who remain in theYr invad ed country and who are direct beneficiaries of the benefactions of the kind-hearted outer world. Their efforts to show weat they feel, to make others know how they are touched, is pathetic. Americans who have been working in Belgium, distributing food and clothing, find their task arduous, not physically, for the stimulus is great, but wearing on their powers of self-control. It isn't scenes of poverty and hungry women and children, for everyone in Belgium gets enough to eat now, that fills the eyes and makes speech difficult it is rather the poor, yet the best, efforts of the people to demonstrate their appreciation, Some time ago a motor car be longing to the Commisison for Relief in Belgium, through which lias been distributed that vast quantity of food and provison which America sent across the seas to the stricken nation, drove slowly through the streets of Lou vain. The car flew the America flag. A lady, evidently of goodly station, well dressed and refined, stepped in front of the machine, holding up her hand in signal to the American driver to stop. He did so and the lady advanced to ward the car. Paying not the slightest attention to either driver or his companions, who looked curiously on, she approached the forward part of the car, from the engine hood of which rose the flag. Simply she lifted one of the folds of the emblem, bent over and kiosed it. Then she turned with out a word and walk don. And as the car resumed its journey there wasn't much conversation there, either. Investigation has shown - that there is a smaller uumber of bactefla in New York's subway air than in the outside atmos phere. Presumably the bacteria are crowded out by passengers. Mhould Not Peel Dlacouraged. Bo many people troubled with constipation and indigestion have been benefited by taking Chamoer lain'i Tablet* that no one should feel discouraged who haa not given them a trial. They contain no pep sin or other digestive ferments but strengthen the stomach and enable it to perform its functions natu rally. Obtainable everywhere. adv. Villa has some of the qualities of the gila monster, but not the staying qualities. There la more Oalsmh In this Met lon of , the country than all other dleeaaea pui to gether, and until the laat few years wa* aup poaed te be Incurable. For a great many years doctor* prunouneed It a local dlaaaae and prescribed local remediaa. and by con stantly falling to oura with loral treatment, pronounced It Incurable. Science has proven Catarrh to be a oouaitluUonal dlaaaae, and therefore require* constitutional tnatmeut. Hall's Catarrh Cure, Manufactured by V. J. Cheney * Co.. Toledo. Ohio, la the only Coo- I •tltuUonal dure on the market It la taken Internally In dueee Irora 10 drope to a tea •poonful. It acta directly on the blood and muouua aurfaoee of the ejstaa. They offe one hundred dollar* for asv oaee It falls to cure. Mend for circular* and teeUmoalala. Add rasa: P. J. 11l K.N 11Y * CO.. Toledo, Ohio Hold by Urugglata; 71c. I Take Hall'* Family Pills for oonaUpa u«a. it Poat master may be made, but toast masters are born —but not BO ' very frequently. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. > From a small beginning the sale and use of thia remedy haa extend ed to all parts of the United State and to many foreign countries. When you have need of auch a i medicine give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a trial and you will un derstand why it haa become so popular for coughs, colds ana • : croup. Obtainable everywhere. I adv p. if V " V " V —iT^ l —¥ " V[ Y y Y y - if ji - ur~ TP i ryi n iyi 1y • y-y -- y - - Y-| | ——OPENING OF THE CHERO-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY Saturday, April 22, 1916 | GRAHAM, N. O. ■ i . . A We Invite You to Come to See Us \ > k ' ' J • •: ~ .**; ; ;- , AND In-sped Our Chero-Cola Sanitary Plant The big idea in of fering Chero-Cola to mankind is to provide a perfectly delicious, refresh ing beverage, that is absolutely pure and wholesome. In order to be sure the real goodness of Chero-Cola gets to the consumer, it is sold only in the orig inal bottle, steriliz ed, carbonated and sealed at the plant. No Chero-Cola syr up is sold in bulk. It is not on sale any where except in a Chero-Cola bottle with the label on it. Each bottle bears • the Chero-Cola la bel that prevents the possibility of substitution. You get what you ask for. Each bottle is ster ilized and filled by machinery. The : contents are clean, i The Syrup has not ; even a chance ex i posure to contami ; nation or adultera tion. t iiiiiiiiimtimHinim J •••••••••••••••••••••••••• : CHERO-COLA BOTTLING I COMPANY GRAHAM, N. C. ■■ W. Elm St, Near Express Office - - - - 'Phone 404 J SKA #■ M H 4*** A»ii A » ■«—yL n r|p. n \/i □ 4 - . j \ - 7 \ i'v..i ' • Y r . vrf-i; v " ■; U : - - i \ Each bottle is abso lutely uniform in flavor. The syrup and the carbonated water are accurate ly measured by ma chinery. There is no guess work in the manufacture of this beverage. When you drink Chero-Cola from the original labeled bottle—through a straw—you have the satisfaction of knowing your drink is as pure and clean and refreshing as it can possibly be made. Many families are serving Chero-Cola in their homes. They keep it in the refrigerator at all times—a real treat 1 for eveiy member of the family and for the unexpected guest. Keep Chero-Cola in your home. Buy it by the case from your dealer.

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