THE GLEANER GRAHAM, N. -C., April 20, 1916. Postofiiee Hons. - Offlo open 7.00 a. m. t07.00 p. Ok flnud.7 9XO to 11.00 a. m. and 4.00 to (1.00 p. m J. M. McCRACKEN, Po.tmaßter. ♦♦♦♦•♦♦++% ++♦+++++++++++++ ♦ LOCAL NEWS. + +++♦++++++++++++++++++++++ —The farmers are busy planting corn these fine days. —Graham Township Sunday School convention meets in Granam Sunday, April 30th. —Mr. J. D. Vaughn family have moved to the Th is.*A. Albright residence on E. Elm St. —The buds are a little tardy in bursting, but a few days more of warm sunshine will put a different aspect on nature. —The Priscilla Club will meet with Mrs. Mcßride Holt on Friday, April 28th, at 3:30 o'lock p. m. —The "Sock Social" given last Saturday evening by Graham Chap ter U. D. C. was well patronized and netted the Chapter a nice little sum. —Every preparati n is being made for County Commencement Satur day. Noth ing is being left undone th»t will contribute to the pleasure and comfort of the visitors. —The Graham Choral Union will sing at Graham Christian church next Sunday morning. The Union meets rtgularly for practice and their singing is excellent. —We have done our best to fix the weather so that the County Com mencement will have a pleasant and agreeable day Saturday. If the day shall be adverse it will not be our — Mk Thos. A. Albright, who moved back to his home here frqpi near Cedar Grove, Orange county, with his family just before last Christmas, has bought a farm about a mile and a half south of Mebane and moved to it a few days ago. He will build a new residence on his farm. —Mrs. Geo. S. Rogers came near meeting with a serious accident here yesterday afternoon about 5 o'clock, when her horse became frightened at an automobile. Her horse turned almost completely around and broke nearly every piece ot harness on him, but lortunately he did not run and Mrs. Rogers sustained no injury. Selling Out. The "old reliable" Implement house of is 8. Cardwell is oat oi business. ibis will be re gretted by bis trienas in and adjacent counties, ilia au. ap ptara on our iourUi page, lie nab bargains for you. Among the Sick. Mr. J. £. Montgomery, who has been luiS-e sick lor several days is about welt a^ain. Mrs. Rebecca foust is still Hick, thougn Siignuy improved, at tno home ol ner uaugmer, Jirs. W. r. jti. Clap p. % Prof. John W. Webb Dies in Tenn. On April itli, Prof. Joan W. VVeob, urother ot mr. burnt ii. .Yvebb of uaas, died at denuueaie, Teiin.| in the oSta year oi "is age. Prof .vvebb was a graduate u. chapel ±Jill and a Coiueaerate vet cran. After the war ne and ni» I rother lounded tne military school at fieilbuckle, one ot tue test known military schools in tuc Mouth. .Trot. Vveob married a daughter of Dr. A. M. Snipp, a Proiessor at Chapel Hill and later at Vanderbiit. x'rof. u eou's sou, Prof. A. AX. Vvtbb, i 3 a teacher it. trinity College and is proiessor of French, Uerman and Spanisn. Dr. J. O. Atkinson. The Christian Sun, published at Elon, College, whose editor is Ke >. Dr. J.' U. AtKinson, prints a state ment this weeK from tne Doctor s physician, Dr. Charles L. Minor, at Asheville, who says he is "verj glad to say" Dr. Atkinson's trouble is a very light one and tne outlook very favorable. Says lie is-gain ing weight rapidly, and thinks he "can send him back to the College with tne opening of tne Pall term •in .good shape to continue his work." This is good news that Dr. Atkinsons friends everywhere will be glad to hear. Graham Chero-Cola Plant in Full Blast. The Graham Chero-Cola Bottling Co. is housed in a new brickJuuild ing 30x100 feet on W. iilm St. .Everything is new, spick and span. The building _has concrete floor and is as clean as a lady s parlor. Hi ■ outside openings are completely screened and there is turtuer screenirg on the inside. fSveo precaution (or cleanliness appears to have been provided. livery bottle is soaked in a disinfecting solution, after which it is scrubbed inside and out and washed thor oughly in .pure clear water. This in done by automatic machinery, so there is the least possible handling by hand. . The capacity of the plant is about 400 dozen per day. 'l'he company has two nice auto delivery trucks, and began bottling and delivering last week. A good beginning is re ported. • Saturday is the company's "open ing day" and every caller will be given a drink of their delicious beverage and a souvenir. They invite you and insist on your call ing- County Schools Big Event Saturday is the big day for the Public Schools of the County—Coun ty Commencement. This event is looked foward to with the keenest interest by pupils, teachers, parents and all interested in public educa tion. Supt. J. B. Robertson and Miss Jeffcoat, Rural Supervisor, have been unremitting in their efforts to make the day a complete success. On our fourth page appears tLe programme of exercises. The whole town of Graham bids everybody jn the County a cordial welcome. PERSONAL. Mi.-s Rebecca Scott spent yester day in Mebane. Mrs. Jas. N. Williamson went to Baltimore last Friday. Mrs. J. S. Cook and MAster James are visiting her mother at Pittaboro. Mr. J. 8. Cook left last night for Raleigh to attend to legal business. Misses Beulah Coble and Myrtle EzelJ spent last Sunday in Durham. Mr. Jas. W. Somers of Morton township was in town yesterday on business. Mrs. J. L. Scolt, Jr., attended the D. A. R. meeting in Greenshoro last Saturday. * Messrs. H. L. Ferguson and Rogers of Durham spent Sunday afternoon here. Mr. E. R. Parker, Jr., returned Sunday morning from a week's stay in New York. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Scott spent yesterday in Greenboro, making the trip by auto. Dr. and Mrs. J. Mel Thompson and Master Melvin of Mebane spent Sunday here. Mr, Albert Harden came down from Greensboro and spent Sunday at his home- here. * Mrs. J. K. Mebane is in Baltimore with Mr. and Mrs. Jno. C. Drewrey. Mr. Drewrey is still very ill. Mr. Elmer A. Estlow, head quarters in Washington, D. C. spent Tuesday at his home here. Miss Pricie Farrish of Greensboro spent the week-end here with her sister, Mrs. Lynn B. Williamson Misses Mary Ruth and Lucile Johnston, in school at Elon College, came down yesterday morning. Mr. Clyde Hunter of Winston- Salem spent Sunday here at the home oi his mother, Mrs C. S. Hunter. Misses Frances Moore and Annie Beu Long' were among those who attended the debate at Chapel Hill and spent the week-end there. Mayor W. S. Crawford, Mr. S. G. Morgan, cashier of the Commer cial and Farmers' Bank, and T. C: Carter, 'Esq, of Mebane were in Graham Tuesday afternoon on busi ness. Mr. Michael Holt Kernodle, who bas been at the Naval Academy Training School at Annapolis, Md., since the early part of last Septem ber, arrived home Saturday night and he is in Greensboro this week taking his examinations. Meeting at M. E. Church Closed Tuesday Night—large Congrega tions—More than 130 Converts. After preaching more than two weeks, Evangelist E, T. Liddell closed the meeting at the M. E. church Tuesday night. -Through out the services large congregations attended. From the first the large auditorium of the M. E. church was filled and on a number of occasions many stood on the outside and listen ed through the services. Mr. Liddell is impressive in his earnestness. He speaks clearly and rapidly. He has his message pre pared and there iB no halting in its delivery. He has his sermons nritrj ten with the manuscript before him, but he does no droll reading. His denunciation of every formof wicked ness is forceful and clean cut —no mincing of words. He is a Method ist, but he is no apologist for his or any other church. His is not dry inanimate preaching. Often he says witty things which cause a ripple of laughter to run over his congrega tion, but they are injected for illus tration. To say the least, hs is an unusual preacher, and his preaching has reached many that no other preacher has ever reaohed. During the meetings more than 130 indicated that they were going to change their manner of life and servo the Master. Mr. Liddell left here yesterday morning for Ralegh where he will hold a meeting, and from there he goes to Batesville, Arkansas. DEATHS. R«-v. Geo. W. Tickle died last Sunday morning about 9 o'clock at the home of his father, Mr. Levi " R. Tickle, about one and half miles North of Elon College. He was taken with acute indigestion Satur day afternoon. He was a quiet and devout young man. Mrs. M. E. Morrow, widow of the late D. K. Morrow, died at six six o'clock Sunday morning ih Burlington. She- was taken ill Saturday and had a stroke of ap oplexy. She was about 05 years of age and is survived by three sons and two daughters. TRUTH TRIUMPHS Graham Citizens Testify for the Public Benefit. A truthful statement* of a Gra ham citizen given in hi* own words, should convince the most sceptical about the merits of Doan-s Kidney Pills, if you suffer from backache nervousness sleeplessness, urinary disorders or any form of kidney ills use a tested kidney medicine. ~ A Graham citizen tells of Doan s Kidoey Pills. Could you demand more convinc ing proof of merit. J. N. if. Clendenin, retired farmer, S. Main St., Graham, says, "1 was bothered a great deal by weak kidneys. I had little control over the kidney secretions and had to get up many times during the night. In the morning my back was so sore and lame that 1 could hardly get out of bed. X read so much about Doan's Kidney Pills that I got a Apply from Graham Drug Co. and began aking them. A few doses relieved the pain in my back and one box cured me. I can now go to bed sleep well and my back is strong," „ „ Price 50c at all dealers. Dont simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan s Kidney Pill* the same Mr Clendenin bad. Foster-Mil burn •Co., Props, Buffalo, N. Y. adv. ing shampoo. few droit* tain Syringe of full two-quart screw II SATURDAY Monday and Tuesday APRIL 22,24 and 25 » / "WHAT IS A ONE-CENT SALE?" A NEW WAY OP ADVERTISING. It is a sale where you buy an item at the regular price—then another item of - This sale was developed by the United Drug Co. as an advertising plan. Rather I .the same kind for lc. As an illustration: The standard price of Rexall Tooth Paste than spend large sums of money in other ways to convince you of the merit of these II is 25c. You buy a tube at this price, and by paying lc more, or 26c, you get two goods, they are spending it on this sale inpermitting us to sell you a full-size packy II tubes. Every article in this sale is a high-class standard piece of merchandise, age of high standard merchandise for lc. It costs money to get new customers, just the same as we sell you every day at regular prices, and have sold you for years, and the loss .taken on this sale will be well spent if the goods please you. HOUSEHOLD REMEDIES REXALL TOOTHPASTE. REXALL SHAVING CREAM. GOOD STATIONERY. 85c Baby Laxative 2 for 36c * , , , A perfect dentifrice, antiseptic and de'od- Gj a Rjch creamy i at her and does not 10c Doz " High Grallo Thumb 25c Carboic Salve . 2 for 26c '£ X-,' '■s \\ orant. Cleans and whitens the teeth. Coma ' ,M Tacks '.. '2 for lie 25c Cathartic Pills 2 for 26c ' [0 ■' '™ik\ out flat on the brUßh " ,m * rt or iry on the '*«*• In hermet,ca,,y £ 15c Charcoal Tablets 2 for 16c \ Standard Price. sealed, collapsible tubes. «. 2 C l Designs 2 for 16c II 25c Charcoal Tablets 2 for 26c I One OC- Standard Price lu l°c Doi. Place Cards, assort -26c Cherry Bark Cough Syrup il Tube JBo|l cut** ed Designs 2 for lie || 2 for 26c *£V>|A9M|l Tfci. R«IA ONE /SC 5c FountAi n Pen Pencil 50c Cherry Bark Cough Syrup _ This Sale Tube gHL«ar-i Clip 2 for «c |r „ 2 for 51c 1,1 J w ° 26C This Sale « M 25c Box Writing Paper, White 1100 Cherry Bark Cough Syrup Two „ _!Ui. Fabric FinUh / 2 f.r 26c % M 25c Cleaning Fluid ? 2 for 26c —■——« Tubes T.. fcOC C" ~ 10c Ink Tablet, Fabric Finish 2 for lie 15c Corn Solvent ........ 2 for 16c HARMONY TOILET WATER. _ 6c Ink Tablet, Smooth Finish 2 for 6c II 25c Corn Solvent 2 for 26c 5c Penholders, Cork Grip ..2 tot 6c 50c Kidney Pills 2 for 51c It hu9 a dclic . te arvl flowe ry fragrance that will always HARMONY COCOA BUTTER COLD CREAM. 5c High Gr*ie Lead Pencils 2 for 6c * Extt5rt.r!......... 2 for ,101 hold its popularity The.perfumer has skilfully caught and won(lerfu , buildin(f crcam . A true , kin food . well 60c Box XXX 654 Envelopes 50c Catarrh Spray Liquid.. 2 for 51c he | d th „ O j or 0 f the Rose, Violet or Lilac. v - ten packages 2 for 51e —■ , Standard Price This Sale known assimilating properties of Cocoa Butter makes this a 10c Package Fabric Finish SARSAPARILLA TONIC. _ • distinct improvement over any other. Envelopes ... 2 for lie » Highly recommendede for One "7Cf 7Of a. , , D a ,' 10c Package XXX High Grade general tonic 2 for sl.Ol Bottle ■•JCBottlei ' Standard Price rhis Sale Envelopes, 614 . 2 for 11c One jjQ c Jan, £ 10c Dot. Steel pens 2 for tic ' BRUSHES. FENWAY ASSORTED CHOCOLATES. Jar ••• - 2r,c Cascade Liaen Pound Pa — 2 for 26e II 10c Hand Brush 2 for 11c PURPLE AND GOLD PACKAGE REXALL TOILET SOAP. 25c Cajicacfo Linen Envelopes, 15c Hand Brush 2 for 16c Contains an assortment of Nou- . to narkareß 25c 4 for Me HI2 26c Uther Brush 2 for 26c B atines, Nut Pieces, Caramels, But- Unexcelled in quality for 10c. yf 35c Hair Brush 2 for 36c ter Scotch and Creams. It is a high . . . r»n« MM/ 75c Hair Brush 2 for 76c class value in every particular. Lathers freely In any wat r. O m _flfl )J m ||. —————— —— \\ Standard PHce trial will convince you there is JU JVs2S2sS fl TOILET ARTICLES AND If SUNDRIES VWeggß- E- SOAP - 15c Nasal Douche ........ 2 for 26c v 60c Violet Dulce Liquid comp. 15 U%e) OUChe .. B ' nnmg 2 for 16c "" """" J W ° , 61C One" 10C cZ. Powder.....' 2 for 51c 11 25cTowder Ptiff 2 for 26c I,oun >« Un J 50c Alma Zada Comp Powd. 2 lit Sic || TMTMIFU rnnns AND - 2 " or 5,c • 2 ,or 64 ELKAY'S RAT AND ROACH PASTE. cream a f.r «u II KUHJi£iK uuuua V 50c Violet Dulce Cold Cream 2 for 51e ; H HOUSEHOLD NEEDS PALM OLIVE SOAP. |SiL m f-gfcjf&s?* Bo,p ' s &si SJSa • gsasissfato"""'. 5c Stork Nipple 2 for 6c ' «Mt Brut Soap 2 for 26c i I 25c Ear and Ulcer Syringe 2 for 26c 95 ££. ..... a . u u, , u j 26c Witch Haael Shaving Lo 10c Stork Pacifier ........ 2 for lie ,- . Palm Olive Soap 45 I For dcJtnltiin of RmU ' Micc ' W » t>rbu «" I to 2 for 2#c UK 26c^^e C Wash >r ° I>l ' erß "" 2 for 26c 1 Palm Olive Face Powder 60 mz. Cockroaches. C|^anest —easiest—unrest way. Harmony Imported Soap X Cat aft _ 25c Foot Powder 2 for 26c #5 ~ Rats and mice die out-of-doors. II 25c Healing Salve 2 for 26c .. „ _ REXALL RHEUMATIC 50c Internal Pile Remedy.. 2 for 51c Either of al>ove for ""C ' IjjJ One OC- Two *%C e 25c Ko-Ko-Kaa-KeU 2 26c E ' lher of » ,,ove for • ' Tube IOC Tub .. £OC REMEDY. 25c Mentholine Balm 2 for 26c 15c Toothache Stopper .... 2 for 16c The experience of the pi«scribers 25c w, h tihHa^?Ointment:. 2 for 26c REXALL COLD CREAM. IX)RD BALTIMORE WRITING PAPER. uVthiy'J REXALL KIDNEY REME- I** TA REXALL VEGETABLE ; I ' DY ' chapping and roughness of the skin ' nd 24 enVe, ° PM l ° lh ° /f\l COMPOUND th^rfX:« b Si«^ ln " t0 I by exposure to sun and wind. Standanl Price / fHff o£ Wream | st.nd.rd pnee. tu. - / f( f] v,nc^uaot .. .2^9^l, „ . . nn ih . \k 0n « OC/- Two )Af „ This L, i Victrolas and Records on Vkteoto. Jar Hn IOC 26c V * sale. Regular Price. II VIOLET DULCE COMPLEXION POWDER. IUI 11 il||l fIA BOUQUET JEANICE TALCUM. ■ 111 I ■ ■ ■■ ■■ U■■ brings to you the combined odor II - The name standi for the high- ■ V HI ■ H■ ■ II II II 11 11 11 of the tuherotie, the violet, the helio- E'' k ViM - est quality, t«ing one of the fa- 1111 II 11 II ||f| |lll|||" I 1 I I trope, the geranium, the jasmine ami ■ esvvTr nKAHnNI MKlllr Lll If . DU J-C£ qualities of this complexion II I■■ 111 F1 IHS Ull UAI U |l| One Can 50c Two Cans.... Glc II // i IhßJiliiiilM illil iW ! C HI e Branette ~ DER, 2 FOR 26c. ll ' R li *bwi>Eß Ijg li whl . ">* nnU * A A REXALL VIOLET TALCUM f 'I I Jill Store f 7 I One 50c .* C J to Kentlcmra »ftrr .h.v-n,. . •*" . * m.T S I I I T, £