Gleaner Supplement—April 20, 1916. RaleigliffcwsLetter^ t*, Special Correspondence. lialeigh, N. C., April IS —That j II >osevelt will be the nominee of l both the Bull -Moose and the regu- j lar Republican uatioual couveu tioi)# at Chicago two months hence] is the growing belief of the more or less export political proguoaii-| cators who abound quadrennially at the State capital. The recent espousal of Teddy's cause by the New York Tribune lends addi tional suspicion that the old party elephant is blowing the wind de cidedly HI that direction. In that eventuality it will be iuieresting to observe just how "prominent'' will be the part played >y .Mart in butler in the conduct of tin- na tional campaign in North Caro lina—ln view of that fcelegrtui j from "T. It V' best friend, George \ Perkins, repudiating butler's as- J sinned championship or t ii-1 doughty Colonel's cause which ex | Congress nan Cowles carried on ] the inside vest-pocket of his politi- j cal garments wnile the recent Re- ! publican Stale convent ion wa* in ; session in Raleigh. ' Many Democrats express 11n*. In- J lief that Wilson can beat Roose-1 velt inure easily than tie could | liughi-s o some possible lesser light, while others hold to the eon- [ trary view. However that may | be, all good Democrats will unite I in the effort to re-elect President | Wilson and they Mill do so strong { ill the belief that the count'), fi.otu the Atlantic to the Pacific. | recognizing the wisdom of his sam- I and sale administration, will give it hearty endorsement. Hut ihere' is one thing that looks pretty i certain—with Teddy in the nice there will be some spectacular! carryings-on for the four or live I months in which the people ol the! United States will be called upon ! to devote considerable of their time in selecting our next Presi (lent. The Anylum Management Investigation, As an editorial writer on the Kaleigh Times (who has bei-n ab sent from this -late while engaged| in work in several other States; for a few years, until recently) indicates that tlie public might like to know whether the gentle-! man referred to in these Letters! lust week' as having been "form-! erly connected with an asyluiti fjipj the insane" was a pat ient or em ployee—he is Jierewith informed! that he~was neither. Hut he was for many years an official and H competent and faithful one. Aud what is more —he is one of the most reputable, honorable and respected native citizens of North Carolina, and the reference to I him in that paper is quite worthy! the writer ot it. The other por tion of the editorial isn't worth ; Very much, especially to the j Central Hospital for the-Insane',! for which, and its continued and expanding usefulness to the un fortuuate wards of the State, these Letters hold the warmest of best wishes and have never entertain ed a captious spirit of criticism of its management. The Political Thermometer. Among the candidates qualify ing Saturday for the State pri- maty was Corporation Coin in is- j sioner Lee. The "rotation" scheme ! would seem to apply to him with; lens force than to any of the other : present officials, as he is now serv ing his lirsl. term anil those in' close touch with the work of the Commission say that ho is the right man in the right place—a! successful business man. Tliej other two members of the Coin-1 mission, Mvssrs. Travis »od Pell j are law ers, anil good ones. Alter tiling his notice of entry Commis sioner Lee made a brief state ment of his candidacy, in which! he said: "It is generally accepted -is wisej policy to renominate an oflicial| who has given faithful and elli j cient service and it is practical y j ilie universal Democratic custom J l'he Uouinimsion should at all | limes have in tin uieuiuership a man of mat ure -business cxpen-i eii H. I have given t> Ilie office! during my Hist term Ihe same! careful attention thai in my 3(ll years 01 business experience I gave to 1113' private business. I wish to assure those friends who have assured in-* of ilici, support and all other Democrats wlio give'inei th ir gupporl 111 the primary of •11 v sincere appreciation.' 1 A* the time approaches for the meeting of the Democratic State Convention, April 27, the z-al ot the party workers and the average good citiz'in grows apace The getting together here on that oc casion of so many of the friends j of the several candidates for the j leading State offices will be one of the features of that week. At liiekett Headquarters in Louisbiirg Manager lirlice White is reported to b" pegging n ong with the usual assurance of tne Itickett followers. Gov Dnughl ridge's friends here tire now emphasizing their pre vious declaration lliat they have I lift winning candidate HIHI say thai I be way his cause has been and is growing day l>y lay will show I lie truthfiilucsMof their pre diction when the home-stretch is reached. The rotation in office for rota l ion's sake i» Kt ill regarded as rank heresy hereabouts With Insur ance roiiiiiiiMMioner "I>iek" Young not having even a subjected com petitor, and Treamirer Lacy (llie senior oflice-holder ol 'email) with "no opposition lo speak of," the friends of I hat equally competent and experienced and faithful stale officer Secretary of Statu Unities are denying any - go > I reason why You Can Cure That Backache. Palo ftioug the back, rtiwUnea*. • eadache aixl icennerai lai»iru"r. u«-t a ph. kaye "f Mother (4 ray'a Aunt r It I ••«•(. flit- |> KIMIH root am) ht-rb cure lor Kld'ey, liH.iiW aid Urinary troublca. Wim you fed all rundown, tired. Ht-ak and WIIIM ill oi>eiyy u>e »-h|a remit rkabl* combination f nature* berb« an«l root*. Aa a n uulator it turn no eijual. Moth?« Or > a A Mtrailari-f eaf in Hold hy Ilruirirl'ta or ami l»> li.all f.»r AO eta aamplo soot frw. Adore**. llir Mothei «r«y t;o.. Ho jr. N V To the Democratic Voters of Ala mance County. I take thin mewii of announcing the fact that 1 shall be a candidate for the State Senate in the coming Primary. In this connection f desire to thank the Democratic party for the honor it conferred upon me in elect ing me to thd Mouse of Representa tives in 1911 and 1913. I shall ap preciate your support. J. ELMER LONG. ! he should vacate to make way for ' it gentleman Who has continuously ' held (*Ad is Htill holding) office ; loftier tlmu he has. Tlie U rimes people are certainly putting up » | bold front, of assurance and it is j reasonable to believe that they have ground for the spirit of con- I fidonee which characterizes their j demeanor and utterances A. And M. College Presidency, j The select ion of a new president of the State A. and M. College at j Italeigh, which the boaril of trna lees now have under lio i, is enlisting much interest. J I'rof. W. (!. itiddick of the A. and j M faculty is regarded as one of Ihe most likely possibilities, but j then* are a dozen available and j receptive candidales either one of J which would till the bill creditably I.MCWXAM Rubbing Eases Pain Rubbing sends the liniment tingling through the fleah and i quickly dtops pain. Demand a i liniment thatyoucan rub with, ji The bedt rubbing liniment is MUST AUG LINIMENT ff .... SI Good for the Ailmenti of | Horses, Mules, Cattle, Etc. Qood for your ouin Ailtet, Pains, Rheumatism, Sprains, Cuts, Burns, Etc. 25c. 50c. $!. At all Dealers. Land Sale! By virtue ■ t an rd« rof the Superior Court of Almnmne eon-ty made In tin* Special I'roeeedlUtf ntlfled M. J. Htockard and A. (I. i ortrrfM ta* admnilaf rat r* of the e*tal* of V 11. Waurffi, deceaaed, and other* irxlnid nt'i llurch, Myrtle flur h ai»n other*. d«- f»■ nlhii p. tI»H under Alancd ai !iimiiiiM|(io«r« w I offer lor nah* to the hiulw-M hldde- the t following Very vrih.ahln tract* of | nd, tltuar e«d In Almiianre routiiy. N In K*ocett«-'M towrmhip. rii«* *a.e will take idace a» lb , homo piano of tin; late V 11. Wnrrcu at two . o'oJi'Cli p to., on SATURDAY, MAY 20, 1910. ' The flr»t tract to N* *"ld Imhr diihoii which J. A. (iiah rn flow ri-mdf*, «••Join!ii|f the land* of J Q Oant, It. T. K« r tudle. V. It. Warren hdtUe Ira- C and Iho tract koown hm the lIKA L tract mid cotit .ln« Jtjf»;» acrim, morn or leaa. I he nd Tract k- own** Ibe ll«*al tract, a'J dnlny lh© iJlckc) tract. lt»e l indn of It T. ( K rnodle. tor V. II «Varr*ll hon'.e traci. 1,. K. Walker, J. Hunt and oib'r* an cori tu>n* lirJ ■> wrap, more oi icm Tlik atniv name • two tract* will he tirit offered »e pe rm* ly, and ihen an onu no t, -•nd the hid for the greater ruiu will I*- rfpii Ud Tlw Third I rjet nd tne f urth co«m>o*e the A. H l>lck* y irtrt wh eh U divided Ink# two tract*. 'lh » third tract adjoin* trie fund* of L II AJdrrd. ilia hoira -t the I t It. J G*rrl*on. A U. I'«ru*i flt- d a d oth** * and ; conf iilnh lIN acr §, more • le** The ' our h Tiact adjoin* the third tract, the land* of K W. (J mli hi. it T. Kernodie A. O t'orterfleld and oih- rn arm nmuirx 2 # aero, taore or le*». 'I hear two tr~cta wjli aim) t*e offered nepara ely and ti en i«fi* tract, » nd thegra-ter hid will tie reported. The Mr liiriia rompo e all of ih* land- of th«» late V. 11. Whit* fi* except the home |il ice, ' and on each o| lhem arc good ■ provemetii■ and I bey are I* a high algle of culllvation itood for all kind* of irrait) crop* and very flue for tohacco, l h land'are «*«ld for p r fltlon au.f nifKt the lie Ira-illiw «d the late V. 11. Warr*u. The term* of *alo are one thlid mull, one third dua In ili mom b* arid one third due In twelve months from date of aale Ibe deffrred |*eymeut* to i fnnn date of nale. Hale *uhject U# confirma tion of the #!*»urt a d twenty day* from date 1 of report of aale open for advance hid* of ten per otnf. Plat* c*o lie aeen by apply In* to the Corn ' rn i mil oner* and will l»e present on day of aale. Ai.rll 71b. Im K. H. I. KI.MkK M)SH. C'ornmiMloritfr*. Chamberlain'* Cough Remedy. From a small beginning the sale and use of this remedy nap extend ed to all parts of the United State and to many foreign countries. When you have need of such a medicine give Chamberlain's Cirugli Remedy a trial and you will un derstand why it has become so popular for coughs, colds ana Obtainable everywhere. Notice to Tax-Payers of the Town of Graham. If you owe any town taxes you arc requested to see nie and pay them HB HOOII an possible. The To * n ban obligations that mUht be paid at once und the prompt collection of 'he past due tuxes is absolutely uecefuiary. My order of the Hoard of Coming' HionerH uf *niliHm. H. It. TROLLING Kit, ■'"pHt Tax Collector. tluu—Or. K. Deletion's Aati-Diu retic may be worth more to yo>) -more to you than *IOO if you' have a child who soils thn bed ding from incontinence ol water durinir sleep. Cures old and *oun* alike. It arrests the trouble at orpe. *I.OO. Hold by Graham Drug • mpanv ~sdv. NOTICE Of Mortgagee's Sale of Real Estate. i I'ndcr and by vlrtuo of fh« power of Ml* I ,n a '^ rU4 l" roorlKHg. v rirrijU«| by Kriink Mnyn«rd NVici It!, wl n to I In- Aliununc. ! innuriiimriiiid liral »uiif rorniiuiiy on ■*« I tciiiiit'r i*t. |f#l A, for tin* purpowHif MHTiiriiiu 1 '"J y,,,P11 i of VV onU ' 1 **•" tliwe with. (Inn HiKf Imynble irinlwr l*t, IWHI, d«* f.» It having i**««n made In ttiH i'H>merit oi • wiia ootid, tin- uiider*igti4»d mortgagee wlll.oi; MONDAY. MAY 22, JOKJ, j at I:.IU o'clfH'k p. in , nt llin ooiul houw do i «.i ain inn in «• in oniimrn. North ffcro llllH, olftor for mil# nt public am-floo to tin lilfh« nt bidder, for c«*b. tint following true* I or i.un«;l of land In the county of \ imuiun-* ' T,"i. ."i,*" " 'u Hurlliiguui lc»wi,«hl>., adjoining 111. IIIIKIXOI I.UI'IIIII VI "Kn«'fc» - wi. I/. Himaniid uUieniaiKl bounded >m follow* • I 1«K >||"l|>K at * rni-r of fi,, and | xv j Xmir, ritiiuiiiK Ihino- win, m |,| k | Hire|lU« IW I 1., orri. rori"»t N."a!i,:,r 1; 2" 2M 1 ' 1 "":Uietn* hiiii Dm'orm>|l| ~ii„r Ni.rrti tu lew t» i-iirn.r on W. II iirannw-k !'» •. "IV 1 "'" "ll!' 1 """I " ri » iHK'k line -ouUi ' ' 'li'K l&mlii H fril fi l to corner >n anld I*. """ in''l Le ttnti J..uih liWjJ". Ito ttiu la-glnnlug, twin* lot. i M>. I and J in block Hut nurv.y of Brook. i En, •'ill* prolntU-ll HJ-JJ 1 "" "Hl''' of till' It. r of l>o.«l« r ,r a nliiiuiiv ...untyf in I*,.!* or Mori rru.t St. 111, ttt pug... | I'll » April SOlli, OKI. t AI.AMA.NUIC I.VvA ItKAI. K TATK 111, • -I rimu*. Summons by Publication North aroliimtlamanrc Count). In (lie Muprrlor Court. A . I'. All#riffti t «•( Hi. v* T. K. Albright *t al .VITICR. To W. V. Albright. Mr". W. V Albright, I>rvl " *J""iii All,ri»hl, illniii llau-h Albright 11. U-n Am.r,biil. C It. AlbrUbt. ar lilt"., ertaon. T M. Ilotiiitaon, ji. w K.bnrtaon Mr.. I. w l,oi„,' fw, r i IWtorSE?, ii»f«nfii.u * Hobertaon. Tfi« i|.-fi'li'l'.ril, iil,r,v.. ru.rn.wl will uk. untie* Ilial *ii aotloi. I'IIIIiukI «, .1,,,*,, h „ t.««u oummmi md In 111- uVH.r Court ~i Alitmii'icu count v . North IjAnlina, u, .mo th.. til. of.fl.lirlir., A (./Albright, H V... " J'l«y[u> 111. lanl. i> ilawl to tlißtri by tl...|r f.uhc>, I) ||. «lr,rlwtt .1.-1 that in- iHiriKM.' Of MI'I Action la to-, • I", i l.fe'Mlanu from any I ,i..r„at therein and the mid dvfi u laiita will further tak. notice tint tlMiy are r.q.ilreil at in. i.rin of Uia Mnpcr or I ourt of miM count* i, be b»ld oil lb.- I2rli Monday afi.r Hi", Aral Monday In M >»reti, l»I», ai lb., oourt b .uw of V'■ county In raft,.in, N an . anaw.r .. 1 mur ro lb« coinpianu ~f plaintiff. ~r tn. plaintlffa will apply uiooourt for the r. liof ih#ir«|n Thu the jhu diy of March. !H#J J • *>. khhnodlu. ClMliN(ip«rl'«Cuuri Itch relieved In 'jo minute* b- Wood lord 'a Sanitary Lotion. NeveV 'all». Sold by Oranam Drug Co.

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