iHE |; GRAHAM, It. 0., May 11, 1916 " ——■» ■ . Postoltiee Hours. i Offlo open TUN a. m. to 7.00 p. a. ■nuday M 0 totUO a. m. and 4.90 to 9.00 p. m J. M. MoCRACKKM. PoUmuttr. ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦■♦* IH'lt.t W v t LOCAL NBWS. * , * + 0 tIIHIIIHMIIHItOfHW ( —Newlin Township Sunday School Convention will be held this t year at Spring Friends Church on 1 Sunday, May 28th. —-Orange County, on the first 6 Monday, through her County Com- 1 missioners, approporated $40.00 per mile for keeping in repair the State i Highway through that county. 1 ■■ —Mr. J. M. McCracken, Manager of Graham Base Ball Team, for him- * self and team, desires -to thank the I citizens of Graham for their liberal / donations toward making the seoson g a success, having received all and j more than asked for. —Mr. J. O. Corbett of Saxapahaw e has purchased the home of the late f Chas. B. Irwin on N. Main Street, f It it a nice desirable property. It is hoped that Mr. Corbett and fami ly will make it their home at no very , distant day. They will receive a hearty welcome. —The Woman's Club of Graham, a widening their fieldofu sefulness and j helpfulness, have employed a i District Nurse, Miss Margaret Hal], whose business it will be to go among the sick who need services ■ i and are unable to pay for same. This is a most humane work the Club 1 has undertaken and in it they not only deserve, but should have, the i financial aid and moral support of ] every man in Graham. t Frog hunting as a sport in these parts has never ranked along with ' fishing. In fact, as a diversion, it ' has had little attention, but the Sue cess achieved a few nights ago by Mess. J. J. Henderson, Edwin D. J Scott and Michael Holt Kernodle, I bids fair to make the sport loom up c in large proportions. The sports- i men bagged 53 bull frogs and shut off enough music to drown the t Marine Band. , Baptist Protracted Meeting. ! The . protracted meeting at the Baptist ..church will begin Sunday, t June 11th, conducted by Evangelist 6 Fred N. Day of Winston-Salem and i his singer, Prof. Horace B. Easom, j director of music at Buie's Creek. Christian workers from all the 1 churches of the town are cordially 1 invited to co-operate in this meeting. * i Closing Exercises of Graham Graded 1 School. „ • \ The closing exercises of the Gra- ham Graded School will be held on May 16, 18, and 19. On Tuesday • night, May 16, the annual concert ■ wul be held in the Graded School ( auditorium; Thursday night, May , 18, at 8:00 o'clock the Class Day ( exercises will be held at the school building. Friday night, May 19, j will be the last night of commence- , ment. Dr. N. W. Walker of Chapel Hill, State Inspector of High Schools, will deliver the annual address. Dr. Walker is a very forceful speaker. The exercises will begin at 8:15. ————— J Graham Graded School Commence ment. • . The commencement exercises of Graham Graded School will take place on Friday evening, May 19th, at 8 o'clock, and will be held in the Opera House.. The class of 'l6 con sists of the following: Ghana Anne Browning, Lila McLin Bell, Frances Brooks, Leola Gertrude Cook, Sally Emily Jones, Boyd Harden, Otis Haywood Henderson,Charles Needam Jones, Losson Eugene Perry, James Worth Simpson. » The class motto is—"Tonight we launch ; where shall we anchor;" " Colors —Blue and white; Flower- White rose. The class has sent out very pretty and neat invitations to the exercise. May Meeting of Graham Chapter U.D.C. Reported for the Gleaner. Mrs. J. D. Kernodle, CKapter President, was hostess to Graham Chapter United Daughters of the Confederacy at the May meetjng There was a full attendance of mem bers and the ladies were very gM to welcome Mrs. Lynn B. William son as a new r Several fine reports from committees were read and especial attention given to plans for Memorial Day, May 10th. A special Memorial program followed the business meeting and delightful refreshments were served by the hostess. The Chapter will meet in June with Mrs. W. H. Anderson, Haw River. Dr. W. W. Staley of Suffolk, Va., to Preach Sermon at New Providence Memorial Day. Rev. W. W. Staley, D. D., of Suf folk, Va., will preach the annual Memorial Sermon at New Provi dence the first Sunday in June, june 4th) at 11 a. m. The Provi dence Memorial Association is in dee* fortunate in securing Dr. Sta ley, a beloved son fo Alamance j county, to peach for them on this I occasion. Dr. Staley's presence on this occasion will, we trust, be the means of greatly aiding the Asso ciation in the commendable work It is doing in caring for the Old Providence cemetery, that sacred ■pot of land where rests the bones of the forefathers and kin of virtu ally every old famlvi connection of ♦Mi community. Dinner will be served on the church grounds and at 2 p, m. the Memorial Association will hold its annual meeting, elect Its officers and attend to all business coming before It ♦ * + PERSONAL. + ♦ ♦♦l ♦ »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦■>♦♦»»♦♦■>■♦ Mr. W. B. Trogdon of Greensboro is here today. Mr. B. 8. Robertson of Green#- boro spent yesterday here. Miss Eula Dixon of Snow Camp was in town yesterday afternoon. Mr. Herbert Long returned Satur day from school at Baltimore Dental College. Mr. Alfred N. Roberson of Newlin township vA here this morning on business. Mrs. J. J. Barefoot is in Hender son attending the funeral of her uncle, Mr. Hoover. Miss Christine Holt spent the week end in Greensboro as guest of Mrs. E. C. Sykes. Dr. D. A. Long, who has been South for several months, spent the first of the week in Graham. . Mr. Chas- Guy of Richmond, Va., spent yesterday here at the home of his aunt Mrs. E. S. Parker. Mr. Jinks Brady of Kansas City spent Tuesday and yesterday here guest of his cousin, Mr. Don E. Scott. Mrs. P. A. Mitchell of Washing ton, D. C., spent Sunday here at the home of her brother Mr. J. D. Albright. Miss Inez-Albright of Drivers, VS., arrived the latter part of last week for a visit to her uncle, Mr. J. D. Albright. Mrs. Goo. R. Ross and Master Geo. Jr., spent from Monday till Wednesday in Mebane visiting Mrs. J. Mell Thompson. Miss Lucjle Hooper, who has mafle her home the past winter with Dr. and Mrs. T. C. McConnell, left this mornijQg for Oxford. Mrs. Will Thompson and children of Salisbury are spending the week here at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. R. Clapp. Mrs. Adger Alexander and sons, Messrs. John and Robert, of Greens boro, spent last Saturday and Sun day here with her sister, Mrs. C. P. Albright. Misses Ethel and Bonna William son and Messrs Wilson and George Williamson of Saxapahaw and Miss .Nellie Graves left last Friday and spent the week-end in Reidsville. Capt. and Mrs. George A. Mebane and Mrs. Alf. H. Mebane of Mebane spent yesterday here with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Moore and attended the Memorial exercises jnthe afternoon. Mrs. Harry Spencer and daughter, Miss Margaret, of Martinsville, Va., spent the tirst of the week here with Mrs. Spencer's parents, Capt. and Mrs. Jas. N. WiUiamson, Mrs. Willi amson spent the latter part of last week at Martinsville aad Mrs. Spen cer and daughter returned with her. Mrs C. B. Irwin leaves this even ing for East Orange, N. J., where she goes to make her home with her daughter, Mrs. Herbert Post. Mrs. Irwin, during the fifteen years of her residence hure, has made many dear irieuds who sincerely regret her leaving and whose best wishes follow her. Whitsett 28th Annual Commence ment. From May 17th to 22nd the 28th annual commencement exercises at Whitsett Institute will take place. The program is as follows: iSlocutipn—Star Literary Circle — Junior contest Wednesday, 17th, at Bp. m.; Senior contest, Jrriday 19, at 8 p. m. Saturday, 20: Declamation con tests : Dialectic Society at lit, a. m.; Athenian Society at 3p. na.; Senior Class exercises at 8.30 p.m. Sunday, 21: Annual Sermon by Dr. Wm. J. Martin, Prest. David son College, 11 a. m.; address be fore Y. M. G. A. by Dr. Martin at J p. m. ' Monday 22: Literary address by Hon. E. L. Daughtridge, Lieutenant Governor of is orth Carolina, 10.30 a. m.; graduation exercises, 12 m.; .Senior Orators' contest, 3 p. m; Band Concert, 6.30 p. m. j Valley Farm—Drama, 8.30 p. m.; Heception at 1 p." m. Music will be furnished by Whit- Music will be furnished by hWit- New Advertisements. Hayes Drug Co.—Palmolive Spe cil Sale. See ad. in another col umn. National Bank of. Alamance— Statement of condition of business May 1. John J. Henderson, Comi:—Re sale of Land. Citizens Bank of Graham,—State ment of condition of business on May 1. Graham Loan & Trust Co.—Three Big Land Sales in One Day—See ad. on^jag^jt^o^attend^nd^invest^ THOSE SUDDEN TWINGES Bring Suffering 17 to Many a Graham Reader. » Pain is nature's signal of dis tress. A warning not to be ignored. Those sharp twinges in the back, Those sudden, stab like pains when stooping- Are frequent signs of kidney trouble.. To remove kidney pains, you must assist the kidneys. Use a tested and proven kidney remedy. None more highly endorsed than Doan's Kidney Pills. Endorsed abroad—endorsed at home. Bead Graham testimony. Mrs. J. M. Crawford, W". Harden St., Graham, says: "1 suffered so severely from backache that f could hardly get around. Often ■harp twinges caught me across my loins. I was so tired that I could hardly move and was nervous. I tried different medicines for my kidneys but got no relief until I began taking Doan's Kidney Pills. 1 They made me feel better in every way and my back stopped both ering me.'- .. Price 50c at all (lealers. Don t Simply ask for a kidney remedy 1 —Doan's Kidney Pills—the same 1 that Mrs. Crawford had. Foster- Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N.Y. «dv. HAtE YOU BEEN TO THE " * Closing Out Sale AT N. , C' — ; $95.00 Rubber Tire Guilford Buggy . Mk Guilford Buggy Sale price $62.50 JQk Sale price $77.50 John Deere Wood's Spike-tooth ' $37.50 Riding (Cultivators Harrow $12.50 value S9le price $32.50 On sale at $10.50 — D $20.00 Buggy Harness Superior Corn Planters A Great Value % ML m Latest Improvements Sale price $14.50 Sale price $ll.OO $16.50 Buggy Harness Ih" 1 $2.50 Horse Collars They're going fast While they last At sale price of $ll.OO L ■ .. BURLINGTON, N. C. S9O Buggy Given Away May 20th (pQA Get ticket with every $1 purchase CONFEDERATE MEMORIAL EX ERCISES. Or. Harper Deliver* Addreia—Graves el' Confederate Veterana Decorated— Bunliies* Suspends for the Hour —School Children Attend In a Body, Yesterday, May 10th, Confeder ate Memorial Day, was appropri ately observed here, the Daughters of the Confederacy taking the lead, as has been their custom since the organization of Graham Chapter. A well arranged program was car ried -out In the morning flowers were carried to the cemeteries and plac ed on the graves of all Confeder ate veterans, and in the afternoon the address was maae and the oth er exercises held. The hour for the address was 3 o'clock, and during the hour the business men "closed their places of business and attended. The teach ers and pupils of the Graded School marched down Main Bt. to the mu sic of two drums by the Oneida Band, Mr. Boyd Harden leading the' procession and bearing' the Beau tiful flag of_ Graham Chapter. The small children of the Grade carried small Confederate flags and all the children carried flowers. Ar riving at the Confederate Monu ment the school children split ranks, surrounded the monument and placed the flowers on the plat about the monument. After sine- Dixie the school children march ed into the court room followed by the Daughters, Veterans and cit izens. The court room had been attract ively and appropriately decorated for the occasion. A special choir led by Miss Kathleen Long sang appropriate songs. Prayer was of fered by Dr. T. C. McConnell, af ter which Mayor Heenan Hughes introduced in happy style the or tor of the occasion, Dr. W. A. Har per, Prest. of Klon College. Dr; Harper was specially happy and practical in his address, hold ing up the Confederate veterans and the women of the four years struggle as models of adaptability to the conditions then and since— their readiness to do and dare; their unfailing loyalty to home and country; their efforts and success in rebuilding a devastated land, and their model citizenship in all the relations of life, as exemplars and patterns for the young people of this day. After the address Crosses of Honor were bestowed. Then the school children returned to the monument and sang "Tenting To- Night." After "taps" an Informal reception was tendered the veter ans and light refreshments were served. The program of the occasion was well conceived and pleasingly car ried out. It was announced that fin July 4th the Daughters would serve an elaborate dinner in Graham to the veterans. English Spavin Li minuet re moves Hard, Soft and Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses; ill HO Blood Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, Ring Bone, Stifb s, Sprains, Swollen Throats, Coughs, etc. Save 150 by use of one bot. tie. A wonderful Blemish Cure. Sold by Graham Drug Company ailv At Lumberton Will Inman, a 1-1 year-old negro boy, was run over by an auto-track and killed. Will Bullard, colored, who drove the car, was arrested. Cleveland Simians, while en gaged in a scuffle with a compan ion on the deck of an oyster lwat, on Pamlico sound, fell overboard and was drowned. NO. 8841. RKPOHT OF THE CONDITION OF The National Bank of Alamance At Graham, in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business on May 1, 1916. . RESOURCE*). Loans and discount* —5170,686.66 Total lomdh ... .... —• $170,6&6.6fl Overdrafts secured, $ ; unsecured, $830.W .................. '• 830 - WH I U. H. bond* deposited to secure circulation (par value) $150,000.00 Total U. H. bond# # 60.000.00 Subscription to stock of Federal Reserve bank- $4,200.00 Less amount unpaid «... Equity In banking house Furniture and fixtures ; —••• .......... -...- 1,000/10 Net amount due from Federal Reser. e bank - ~ —— 4^ls.tf Due from approved reserve age/its In other reserve cities/ 18,7*3.92 W.7W.W Net aroonnt due from banks and bankers (other than Included In 10 or ll)~ 44,308.76 Other checks on banks In the same city or town as re; orttug bank 2,400.97 OuUldechecks and other cash Item* ....... 906.00 Fractional currency, nickels, and cent#. .. .. YlbM 1,180.34 Notes of other national banks .. .....". « IJSOO.OO Federal Reserve bank notes ... ....... .. .... 3,000.00 Coin and certificates .... .... 8,700.60 Legal-tender notes ............. .. 100.00 Redemption fund with U.H. Treasurer and due from U. H. Treasurer 2.600.00 Total , ........... $ 318,291.11 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid |n • 60.000.00 Hurplus fund - .................... !AM*W.OO Undivided profit* ~ ......... ...... ...$10,7/6.62 lU*erved for Interest.. ... ...» 8!f.07 11,047 60 !>•** current expen*c*, Interest, and taxes paid 2,617.36 8,63".24 Circulating notes outstanding . 60.0H0.00 Demand deposits: Individual depowlts mibject to check ... 7... ......... >114,839.41 Certified checks... ... .... ...~ 30.88 Cashier's checks outflUindluif . . - iU.I6 Total demand deposits. Items 33, 34 36, 36,37, 88,19 and 40 116,141.44 Certificates of depoalt. ....... ..... 21,277 VI Other time deposit* -. - ... 6M41.A1 Total of time deposits. Items 41, 42, and 49 ... 74,619 43 Totiil .. • 31M91.11 Htate of North Carolina, Cofiuty of Alamance, **: I. Chas. A. "»CCt4, Cashier of the above nam"! liank.do *olemnly awcar that the above ataU* ment I* true to the heft of my knowledge and belief, CHAM. A. HCOTT, Caahler. worn U# before m«. this 9th day of May, 191*. T. H. NIFONO, Notary Public. Correct—At teat : If. W. HCOTT. J. L. HCOTT, J a., K. H. I*ARK Kit, J a., Director*. & Elon College 26th Commencement May 20th to 23rd. The Faculty and Senior Class have issued a very handsome invitation to the 2lith annual commencement at Klon College. -The program is as i foll'-ws : Saturday, Mav 20, 4 p. ra. —Class i Day Exercises ; 8 p. rn., Society Itep reseritpti ves. Sunday 21, 11:30 a. m. —Bacca- laureate Sermon, Rev. M. G. Sargent, D. D , Providence, It. I ; Bp. m Haccalaureate Address, Pre*. Wil liam A. Harper, L. L. D. Monday 22, 3 p. m.—Society re union; 8 p. m. —Annual Concert. Tueaday 23, 10 a. m.—Commence ment Day. Graduating Exercise*; 11 a. m. —Literary Address, Rev. James I Vi»nce, D. D., Nashville, Tenn.; 3 p. m. —Alnmni Association meets; 4 p. m. —Art Exhibit; 8 p. in.—Alumni Address, Miss Virginia Godwin, A. B , Appomattox, Va. The class roll of graduates for 1916 is as follows: Russell Talia ferro Bradford, Broadwaj, Va; Robert Frederick Brown, Roanoke, Ala.; Mrs. Annie Crawford, Mebane, S\ C.; Thomas Burkina Harw od, Saluda, Va.. Ruth Johnson, Cardenas, N'.C.; Hilvard Elior Jorgenson, De troit, Mich.; William Lee K'nney, Burlington, N. C, Lloyd Charles March, Holland, Va ; Myi tie Moselle Moser, Burlington. N C.; Paul Virgil Barks, Ilamseur, N. C.; Carl Brown Riddle, BanforJ, N. C.; Susie Blanche Teague, Liberty, N. C.; John Oalloway Truitt, Kummerfield, N. C; Annie Laurie Wicket, Elon College, N. C. Notice to Automobile Driven. See. 19 No person shall drive, run or operate in the streets of said town, an automobile or other machine, operated by motor power, at a greater speed rate than ten miles an hour. Any portion violating the provisions of thin ordinance shall be fined ten dollars for each aud every offense. There has recently been com plaint* ot violation* of the above ordinance and this publication is to put all drivers on guard.. IIKKNAN IICOHKH, Mayor. Fire,which for a time threatened the cotton mill section of Salisbury Saturday, destroyed five residen ces before it could be subdued. Much of the contents of the houses were saved. Paul Safrit, about 30 years old and married, attempted suicide at his home at China Grove by shoot ing himself. He was brought to a hospital in Salisbury for treat iinent. , C. W. Mitchell of Bertie county, who has represented his county in both branches of the Legislature, will oppose Hon. Claude Kitehin for the Democratic congressional nomination in the second district. Palrnolivc Soa^EreM By special arrangement with the J. B. Johnson Soap Co., Inc., makers of the famoijM "PALMOLIVE PRODUCTS" We are able to offer you the following: 3 Cakes Palmolive Soap - - - - > value 30c. 1 Jar of Palmolive Vanishing Cream or 1 Box of Palmolive Face Powder - - value 50c. Total retail value - - - 50c. ALL FOR 44 cts. HAYS DRUG CO. GRAHAM, N. C. _1 OUR SUPPLY IS LIMITED-BUY NOW—DON'T DELAY HAVE YOUR WATCH CLEANED OCCASIONALLY A WATCH will run without oil or cleaning longer than any other piece of machin ery—but it needs both occasion ally. ,■ If you will Mnsider that the rim of the balance wheel travels over fifteen milei a day, you will not grudge your watch a ipeclc of oil and a cleaning once a year. It will increase the life and accuracy of your watch. Leave your watch with us to-day. Z. T. HADLEY JEWELER A OPTICIAN GRAHAM, N. C. REPORT OF CONDITION OF The Citizens Bank OF GRAHAM. it Graham In tlm Htato of North Cnrollim.it he eloanof bualneea, Mny tut, Ittlo. IftRMOU KCKH /oaiiM and dlaoounta... Jverdraffa we'd, $471 Oft; unae'd.f'MW 74, TOSJ9 Furniture and Plxturea. - I,a#>.oo [)ue from National Hank* - m.w Due from State Ilanka and Hankura 3.217 Jti \ 'anh Items fl>r7.'Al j Jold coin * lJft.oo lllver coin, etc., 89.A1 National Hunk notea and other 11. M. notea ~ 1,010.00 Total SM,«W.oi LI AIIILITIKH Japltal a took - 10,000.00 iurplua fund 1,000.00 9111 a payable MOMO Jepoalta aubjeot to check - l-'l/»7:i 40 rime Certltlcatea of l>epoalt 1,040.'in iavlng* Deposit* 1,718.4* aahlur'a Check* outntaudliiß Hft tfl 'brlatmas «avlf>Kß Club 1,10.44 Total State of North Carolina. County or Ala nance, aa: I, T. If. Nlfonic, C'aahler of the above tamed bank, do aolernnly »wmr thai the kbove ata lament In trim to the heal of my enow ledge and belief. T. 11. NIPONO. C'aahler. Subscribed and aworn to before m« tin* 10th day o( May, lIUO. W. K IIAHON, Notary Public Correct—At te*t J. YAM Kit l/)S(l, W.J. NICKS, J. M McCKACK KN, iMm'lura ■ MEXICAN PROGRAM The following in the program -for the week beginning Monday, May 1.1 tli: MONDAY NIOIir. Two Hit* Mustang in 2-parts On The Kumpnge C'ub in 1-pait Search Me Vogue in 1 part TUESDAY NIOIIT. Under Azure Skits Mustang iu 'S-partH Devilish Business Vogue in I part WEDNESDAY NIOIIT. The lxve l.iar Century in 5 part* featuring Crane Wilbur THURSDAY NiORT. The Girl and the Game 2- pur In ' 'Hie 1 'en (l n l iiid of Chance American in '--parts A Trunk and Trouble Beauty in I-jrart The Snow Shoveler'a Sweetheart Falstaff in 1-part FRIDAY NIOIIT. Revelations American in 5-parts featuring Arthur Maude. SATURDAY NIGHT. The Romance of the lb/llow Trt-e Thanhouser, 2.parta. See 1 America First No. 2!) Ganroout, I -part Paiil'w Political I'ull Fill staff, 1-part Graft 2-part* U. G V. REUNION MAY 16-18,1916. Special Sleeping Cars and Special Train -f to Birmingham, Ala., Sunday, May 14th. via SOUTHERN RAILWAY Premier Carrier of the South, Sou hern Railway will oporato through standard Pullman cars from Goldsboro and tourist car from Durham yn train No. 239, Sunday, May 14th, connecting with Hpecial train at Greensboro for Birmingham. Sched ule and round trip fares from some of the principal points as follows: > Lv Goldsboro 2:00 pm, $12.05 Lv Durham 5:08 pm, 111.90 Lv Selma 3:00 pm, 12.9.5 Lv Hillsboro 5:33 pm, 11.66 Lv Clayton 3:29 pm, 12.25 Lv Mebane 6:58 pm, 11.45 Lv Oxford 11:10 am, 12.55 Lv Graham * 6:15 pm, 11:25 Lv C'p'l Hill Sta.' 4:00 pm, 11:95 Lv Burlington 6:25 pm, 11:25 Lv Raleigh 4:05 pm, 12:00 Lv Gibsonville 0:38 pm, 11:10 Arrive Greensboro 7:10 pm Leave Greensboro 7 :30 p m Arrive Birmingham 12:20 noon, May Istj». Fares from other points on samo basis. Passengers from points in Eastern North Carolina can make connection at the several Junction Points with the above train, join Col. J. H. Ham ilton's party at Durham and enjoy ona of the best trips of their life. In addition to the above, tickets will be sold for all trains May 13th to 17th, inclusive, with final limit midnight May 25th. Final limit may be extended until June 14th, 1010, by depositing ticket with special agent in Birmingham before Maya2sth, and payment of fee of 50 cents. Pullman reservations should bo made as early as possible by applying to nearest agent. Stop-ovors will be permitted at all stations where there are agents on either going or return trip or both on application to conductor. For Pullman reservations, fares and other schedules, call on any South ern Railway Agent or communicate with 0. F. YORK, T. P. A., 306 Fayetteville Street, Raleigh, N. 0. Attractive Low Round Trip Fares, via Southern Railway, Premier Carrier of the South. $6.95 (1(«\IIAM, N to Ashevllle, N. C., and return, account Southern Biptist Convention . Ticket* on sale May 13 to 17 inclusive. Final limit May 31. Final limit inay be ex tended to June l. r by depositing ticket and payment of SI.OO at Asheville. $11.25 GUAIIAM, N C, to Birmingham, Ala., aud return, account Annual Reunion United Confederate Veteraus. Tickets on hale May 13 to IT inclusive. Final limit May 25. Final limit may be extended to Juno 14 by depositing ticket and payment of 50 cents at Birmingham. $14.25 GUAIIAM, N. to Lytic, (near Chattanooga) and fa* turn, account National Military Training Camp at Fort Oglethorpe. Tickets on sale during April, May, June, July and August. See ticket agent for limits and other in formation. Low round trip fares from all other points on same basis. ! The Hotithern .Serves the South. •; V O. F. YORK, O. V. A., Italeigh, N. 0. ♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«♦♦♦♦♦ EUREHA ; Spring Water ! FROM j; EUREKA SPRING, • Graham, N. C. C A valuable mineral spring J 1 f has been discovered by W. 11. ;; I Ausley on his place in Graham, n i It was noticed that it brought f health to the users of the water, I and ujiOn bning anal) zed it was n found to be a water strong in 4 mineral properties aud good 1 fur stomal b and blood troubles, * 1 Physicians who have Been the ' analysis and what it does, ji recommend its use. Analysis and testimonials 4 ! will lie furnished up in request, i Wliy buy expensive mineral waters from a distance, when « there 1 h a good water recom- J meudefl by physicians right at 4 home? For lurthor informa- I tion and or the water, if you x desire if ajjj >I y to the under- ♦ signed. J 2 \V. 11. AUSLEY. | To the Democratic Voters of Ala mance County. 1 take this means of announcing the (act that 1 shall bo a candidate for the State Senate in the coming Primary. In this connection 1 desire to thank the Democratic party for the honor it conferred upon me in elect ing me to the House of Representa tives in 1911 and 1013. I shall ap preciate your support. -J. ELMER LONG. Sale of Real Estate Under Mortgage. Cnder and by virtue of tbe power of tele contained in a certain mortgage executed on the 4th luy of April. IWII. by ueorge H. Tro*- U r to L. 11. Aldrldge for tbe purpose of ec ru ring the payment of a certain note of even dale therewith. due and payable oo or before the 4th day of April, 1911, default biWnf been nude In tbe payment of aald note, tbe uuiicrsignel mortgagee will, on MONDAY, MAY 29,1916, at one-thirtr o'clock p. m., at tbe ooart house l"«>r of A lame nee county, la Orabem, North Carolina, offer for aale at public ano- Hon to tbi> highest bidder, for oaab, a tract «r pkrt-i'l of Land 111 the county of AliminCi, *tate of North Carolina, In Burlington town ship, adjoining tbe land* of Maiu and Spring s»i« «t •» and otbeis, and bounded ae follow a, via: lieginning et a §ts>ne on Boutb aide of Mala | street and a corner of the Hank's land, run- II iOK tin: nee South %\% ralu hast iJ.33 cba to an ' iron bolt on West aide «»f bprlng street: taeoee | with Hprlng street Houth 53>% tnln West 1.81 ' ! oh* U- an Iron bolt on Mid Cprlnr street; ; chence .North Zi% mln West 3.33 oha W an Iron i**.t on «*ouih Mideol Main street; tbenoe with j ! MatuHt. N M'i rain W l.« to tbe beginning, M i containing six tenths of an acre, more or ' 1- »h, upon which is situated tbe Burlington Brick hart-bouse. All being In BurllactOft, -o Alamance county, North Carolina; aald mortr a g*ge being duly probated and recorded In 1 the office of tiie Iteglater of Deeds of Ala maiice county In Rook of Mortgagee and IKmhls of Trust No. ft.', at pages IKMBB, *to. This April *4tb, lVltt. t L. 11. ALDKIDQB, Mortgagee. EXECUTORS* NOTICE. Having qualified as Executor of tbe will of w. >lll Ick Jube. deceased, Um hereby notifies *ll nenona holding claims ■(o>lii»t mi>l estate to present the nmt duly authenticated. on or before the day of April, lUI7. or thl, notice will be pleaded In l>arof tlielr recovery. All persons Indebted to laid cute are requeated to make Immedi ate m'ttlement. Tbla Aprils. Hl*. CHAB P. THOMPSON, r ZTaplAt sßi'r W. Amlck Jobe, dee'd, | CASTOR IA For Infants and Children - In Use For Over 30 Years