PTHE GLEANER IBBOKD KVKUY THDKBDIT. J. P. KEBNOPLE, Editor. •1.00 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. ' ADVBRTISINO RATBS Jne square (1 In.) 1 time 11.00, or MCJ «üb #quont insertion 60 cents. For more (pace a .'I longer time, ratal furnished on appllea- ut.—Local notlaes 10 cti. a line for llret atertton ; subsequent Insertions 6 cut. a line transient advertisement! must be paid Tor In idvance The editor will not be responsible for /lews expressed by correspondents. Entered at tlio Postofflce at Graham, N. C., as second class matter. i* GRAHAM, N. C., June 8, 1916 T. W. BICKETT Raleigh, N. C. Democratlo Candidate for Governor, BiGkett Wins Out. In the primary Saturday Hon. Thos. W. Bickett was nominated for Govornor by a majority of more than 30,000. J. Bryan Grimes was re-nomi nated for Secretary of State; B. R. Lacy for Treasurer; M. L. Shipman for Com'r of Labor and Printing; W. T. Lee for Corpora tion Com'r; W. A. Graham for Com'r of Agriculture; and Jas. R. Young for Insurance Coin'r. The.nomination of Judge Man ning for Attorney General is yet in doubt. THE BIG STICK The Republican National Conven tion is in session in Chicago. 80 far it has been only turmoil. Whether it will bo HuglioH, Itoose velt, Hoot, Uurton or Weeks or somebody else, no living man 8001118 able to say with any certainty yot. One thing, however, is certain, that the "Big Stick" is in e\ idoneo and is being wielded. It is believed that Itoonevell will be a candidate, whether nominated or not; and that if he should get the nomination, :ho stand-pat Itepubli cans will not suj)]iort him to any considerable extent, or may put out a man to their liking. Cut Out Diseased And Inferior Trees. Timber lias been conidered too much as a "And", ns clear "vel vet," ami has been wnsted. The years of time taken to yield that timber have not been considered, lie must begin to think of that now, and increase the yield of his woodlota by giving them proper attention. He must cut out and utilixe the mature and old trees and those of the poorer species. In this way he is not ouly getting a return from them, but is giving the apace taken up by them to new growth and letter species Too often the best trees are cut even for tire wood and the poorer class of trees left (the crooked, knotty, lirnby and decaying). Snch a process of handling depreciates the timber.— lt. S. Maddox, in The Progressive Far mer. Senator Overman has intro duced in Congress a resolution to permit the erection in Washing ton of a monument to Kev. Francis Aabury, a Methodist circuit rider, who traveled from Canada to the Qulf of Mex'oo. No appropria tion ia asked, the bill being simply to secure permission to erect the monument on public grounds in Washington. . Kx-Gov. Glynn of New York trill be the temporary chairman of the Democratic national con vention at St. Louis, and will be the "keynoter v for the occasion. Some of the papers printed it . ex-Gov. Glenn and assumed that § it was the North Carolinian. „ Quick action on the part of the 1 Sheriff, the police and military in arresting ten men who were the leaders of a small mob that gather ed at the county jail at Mobile, Ala., to get a negro supposed to ? be in the jail, broke up the mob Is and it dispersed without any dis order. RaleighNewsLeiter Cor. ot The Gleaner. Raleigh, N. C., June 7.—June eighth is the date to which was adjourned the hearing of the charges made against the Central Hospital for the Insane at Raleigh. The Investigation was ordered by Qov. Craig to begin May 11th, but that date was inconvenient for Attorney-General Bickett who is to conduct it on the part of the State. Mr. Latta, whose complaint was largely instrumental in order ing the inquiry, is now again an inmate of the asylum, he having been recommitted several weeks "at the instance of relatives" it was stated at the time. That fact, however, is not expected to have much effect oiuthe investi gation, especially in view of the fact that the Superintendent stat ed to the Governor that, under all the circumstances, he desired the inquiry to be made in order that the truo situation might be made known to the public. The death of Col. Ale*. Blow of Groenvilie, Clerk of the U. S Court, which occurred Sunday at his home in Greenville, was a great shock to his friends in Ral eigh where lie spent most of his time on account of olticial duties. While it was known here that he had not been entirely well for several days and was taken to Greenville Saturday last to re cuperate, no one thought his ill ness was of a fatal character. Speculations its to his successor are already heard. - Judge Connor controls the appointment. Ntate Primary Allirinslli. Now that the first "legalized" State primary is over, it is to be hoped that every Democrat in North Carolina will make himself content with the result—for the selections made furnish the party with a line State ticket from Gov ernor down. The strongest men won (just as the most popular candidates usually won in Demo cratic State conventions) and the friends of the defeated aspirants should promptly get in line and join heartily in the campaign, without any "pouting" or the nursing of auy disappointments or grievances, real or imaginary. State Chairman Warren, upon whose shoulders the burden is now largely transferred, has a right to oxpect the hearty and active sup port of all true Democrats in the campaigu how just opened, in the effort to elect by creditable ma jorities the nominees of the party uaiued last Saturday. Without a whole-hearted sup port the party cannot poll its full strength and ensure continued good government and safe admin istration of public affairs, and of all years the Democrats should make a good showing in,,, North Carolina this year by uuitod ef fort and unusual activity. For the Republicans will make the most spirited light of many years all over tho country in the effort to capture the Presidency and the next Congress aud to reduce pr reverse tho Democratic majorities in all the States —with plenty of "big business" campaign money to speud. The priuiary did not elect anybody and no Democrat should slop working simply be cause the primary is over. Tho real work of the year lies before us. A half-hearted campaigu would be disastrous to tho Demo crats of North Carolina, at home and iu the eyes of the nation. Uaughtr-ldgr !Mnii|fer« tturprlaed, Probably the most surprised peo pl# ol all were the Daughtridge managers at the Kdgeeomb man s headquarters in Kaleigli. Mess. Conawajr and Capelle were un pies tionabl.v expecting Oov. Daugh tridge to win, and they even stuck to it till midnight on primary dav that 'it was almost a "landslide 1 for their man. tVhen they woke up they were very much disap pointed, for early advices wired them Haturtay' night had encour aged their belief. / Oov. Duught ridge made a fine run, when the date of his candida cy is considered, and if he had £one into the fight six months earlier than he did it Would have been a closer race than it was. had he been elected North Carolina would have had a true and devoted son in the executive office, a gentle man, and a high-minded anil cour ageous, faithful public servant, whose administration would have contributed much to the business security, the promotion of the ag ricultural Interests and all the best interests of the State he loves so well. As It is the part.v has nomln*t«d the man must popular with the vo ters. Mr. Bickett is not only strong popularly speaking, but In state craft and superior knowledge of public affairs and political jues tionl and in actual fitness to abl.v Ugh I Calomel Makes You Deathly SiGk Stop Using Dangerous Drug Before it Salivates you ! It's Horrible,! You're bilious, sluggish, consti pated, and believe you need vile, dangerous calomel to start your liver and clean your bowels. Here's my guarantee! Ask your druggist for a 50-cent bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone and take a spoonful to-night. If It doesnt start your liver and straighten you right up better than calomel aad without griping Or, making you sick, I want you to go back to the drug store and get your money. Take calomel to-day and to-mor row you will feel weak, sick and nauseated. Dont lose a days work. Take a spoonful of harm less, vegetable Dodson s Liver Tone tonight and wake up feeling great It's perfectly harmless. Give it to your children any time. It cant salivate, so let them eat anything they want afterwards. lui tue position to whlfeh he -has been called to aapire aa the nominee of .the "Democratic party. Hia oratorical ability to meet the enemy on the stump and elsewhere probably also contributed to his selection in the primary. What we Democrats want to do now la to give our nominee oar united and active support and roll up as Urge a majority for him and for Wood row Wilson as possible at the No vember election. While it is generally admitted that the pre-primary Btate conven tion was devoid ot the usual ginger and enthusiasm which heretofore has characterized conventions, the candidates who were successful In the primary are the ones who would have been nominated in the convention had one been held this year, to a man. Critics ot the State primary plan are still asserting the belief that this lack of "ginger' and enthu triasm has extended to the party workers in the ranks and they are voicing the fear that this cold-air feeling may interfere with getting many voters to the polls. But a live campaign will cure that, and an active Slate campaign is what must be had at all hazards. LLEWXAM. A Story 30 Years Old- And Still Too True, Progressive Farmer, A friend of ours told the other day about hearing Col. L. L. Polk, the founder of The Progressive Farmer, make a sptlfcch thirty years ago. "And he told one story I have never forgotten," our friend said. "He told about see ing a farmer with a wagon-load of meat, hay, and flout* about this lime of year. "Col. Polk said to the farmer: 'Why are you buying all this meat, hay, and flour ?" " 'So I can make cotton,' was the reply. " 'And why do you want to make cotton V" "'So I can pay for the meat, hay, and flour,' the farmer an swered ." A'"! the pity ot it is that after tliiity years of agitation and edu cation, thero are still so many of our farmers guilty of the self evident folly which the story illus trates—binding thefhsi'lves to a sort of industrial bondage in order to pay freights, middlemen's charges, commercial profits, etc., on products grown a thousand miles from home but which should be grown at their own doors. Nor does the evil stop here, because this excess acreage in cotton (the part grown on land that should be devoted to food and feed crops) beats down the price of cotton on all the normal acreage as well. Whatever others may or may not do, Mr. Farmer, yon may Bee that this folly is not perpetual on your farm. Lei's look to that. Making Second Applications Of Fertilizer To Corn. Progressive Farmer A roador asks if wo advise two applications of fertilizers to corn. It seems quite certain that in so far as phosphoric acid and potash are concerned it does not pay to applications, because they are not leached from the soil by the water that passes down through it. If no nitrogen is used, then the answer to the question is an unqualified no. Possibly the most satisfactory way of applying nitrogen to the corn crop is to use some such nitrogen supplying material as cottonseed meal in rather smai! quantity wheu planting and then using uitrate of soda as a side dressing when the corn iB about two and a half to three feet high. It should be put out before the starting of tho formation of ears, as proper fertilization at the right time may have an important in fluence iu determining the number of ears produced and consequently the yield. • Atlantic Coast Inventors. The following patents were just issued to Atlantic Const clieuts reported by D. Swift A Co.; Patent Lawyers, Washington, I). C., who will furnish copies of any patekit for ten cento apiece to our readers. Virginia—V. L. Ktnersou, Alex andria, Universal joint; C. H. II Scott, Lynchburg, Airship; T. W. Davis, llouaker, Mechanism for operating ooal-.igers; S. II Richmond, Pressure-oper ated ve-goar-shifting means. North Carolina— l>. M. Bar ringer, Greensboro, Nut-lock; L. P. Blackburn, Idlewild, Grind ing-milT; G." W. Connor, Bear Wallow, Washing apparatus; I). "It. Henderson, Charlotte, water-cooler; V. O. Hopkins, Winston-Salem, Ice-creaui-saiid witch mold. South Carolina—C. T. Mason, Sumter, Ignition device for inter nal-combustion eugines; It is never wine to maintain a broadcast crop of any kind in the fruit orchard during summer. Even cowpoaa when planted in the orchard should be placed in rows so that the land may be culti vated. It pays to summer prune peach es. Rub off the new shoots throughout the tope of the trees so that they will not become crowd ed, and pinch back the tips of those shoots that aro growing too rapidly. Put a heavy mulch of stable manure, straw, or other litter about raspberry plants to retain moisture in the soil. To produce good crops of this fruit, the plants must be supplied whh abundant moisture during their bearing sea son.—P. J. Crider, in The Pro gressive Parmer. Very properly, Germany has turned over her food supply pro blem to the interior department. The one beet bet is that the first belligerent nation that talks peaco ia the one that needs it most. County Comnissioacn' Proceeding*. The Board met Monday with the following members present, Geo. T. Williamson, Chaiman, W. H. Tarrn tine, Chess. H. Roney and |I. G. Mcßane, and tbe following business was transacted; This Board ordered a special elec tion in certain territory in Coble township to vote upon lovying a special tax for school purposes. The election returns show the elec tion was held according to aaid order on 10th, May, 1016. There were 36 registered voters, and eleven votes were cast for special tax and twenty five votes cast against. It was declared that said election was car ried against said tax. Lucinda Burnett was ordered received as an inmate of the county home. .» Ordered. That no more werk be done the Ossipee road unless order ed by G. Ab. Fogleman, Supt. of roads. The Road asked for in Coble t>wnshipwas granted and G. Ab. Fogleman authorized to lay off same. It was ordered that SIOOO.OO for the sinking fund fur bond issue of 1003 be set aside. The out Bide poor list was revised and the usual orders made. Tlx Levy for Year l«l«. It was ordered by the Board that the following taxes be levied for the year 1810 on the SIOO valuation of real and personal property which each tax-payer owned on the first day of May, 191G, listed or required to be listed, for State, School, County and Special taxes. Wtate and Petition. A tax of twenty-three and two third cents on the one hundred dol lars valuation for gennral State tax; a tax of four cents on tbe one hun dred dollars valuation for State Pen sion tax. Mtate Hrhool Tax. A tax of twenty cents on the one hundred dollars valuation for State School tax. General County Tax. A tax of nineteen and one-sixth cents on the one hundred dollars valuation for General County tax. County Koad Tax. A tax of sixteen and two-thirds cents on the one hundred dollars valuation for County Road tax: County Debt Tax. A tax of four cents on the one hun dred dollars valuation for County Debt tax. Road Bond Tax. A tax of twelve and one-half cents on the one hundred dollars valuation for Road Bond tax. Poll Tax. A tax of two dollars on each tax ablo poll —one dollar and fifty-three cents of which is levied by the State and fifty-seven cents by the Board of County Commissioners, the pro ceeds of which is to be devoted to the purpose of education and the support of the poor as may be pre scribed by law not inconsistent with Artiole five and section two of tbe Constitution of North Carolina, and the same shall be divided as follows, viz : Pensions 12 cts., eehools $1.50, general county fund 38 cts. GRADED SCHOOL TAXES. Tax levy lor the several graded schools (or Alamamce county on the one hundred dollars valuation and polls is as follows: Sylvan, tax on SIOO valuation 30c, on the poll 80c. Friendship, tax on the WOO valua tion 30c, on the poll 00c. Hawfields, tax on the WOO valua tion 33 l-3c, on the poll W.OO Aycock, tax on the SIOO valuation 20c, on the poll 60c. Spring, tax on the SIOO valuation 25c, on the poll 75c. Green, tax on the WOO valuation 20c, on the poll 60c. Mebane, tax on the SIOO valuation 30c, on the poll 90c. Oakdale, tax oh the SIOO valu ation 20c, ou the poll 60c. Gibsonville, tax on the WOO val uation 30c, on the poll 90c. May wood, tax on the WOO valua tion, 10c, on the poll 30c. Elon College, tax on the WOO val uation 30c, on the poll 90c. Saxapahaw, tax on the W°o val uation 15c, on the poll 45c. Shallowford, tax on the W°° val uation 15c, on the poll 45c. Eldermont, tax on the WOO valu ation 20c, on the poll 60c. Fairground, tax on the SIOO valu ation 20c, on the poll 60c. McCray, tax on the SIOO valua tion 30c, on. the poll 90c. Glenn Hope, tax on the WOO val uation 25c, on the poll 75c. Klmira, tax on the WOO valuation 20c, on the poll 60c. Ossipce, tax on the WOO valuation 10c on the poll 30c. Attamahaw, tax on the W°° va ~ uation 10c, on the poll 30c. Bellemont, tax on the W°o valua tion 20c, on the poll 60c. Woodlawn, tax on the SIOO val uation 30c, on the poll 90c. Glcnnwood, tax on the WOO val uation 20c, on the poll 60c. Sidney, tax on the WOO valua tion 20c, on the poll 60c. Stony Creek, tax on the WOO val uation 20c, on the poll 60c. Sylvan High School, tax on the SIOO valuation 20c, OD the poll 90c. By the same levy under sched ules B and C as by the State, not otherwise specified. An I 7~ I By an American Bestseller American Story of Author _J the Season S« TURMOIL Br BOOTH TARKINGTON It to be OUR NEXT SERIAL and is coming soon. The For Best Story Of American theYearAmerican Readers I life HICKORY CHIPS. It is a wiae State that its own favorite son. , As a sphinx the colonel wonld never set still anywhere. Political orators ought to begin laying in their supplies of gas bombs. German editor's announcement that Germany will give back Bel gium after the war is one Teuton statement the World can cordially indorse. We fear the Colonel is not the master politician he used to be. He made a long speech in Detroit and didn't say a word in praise of Tyrus Cobb. However, one- comforting thought is that our sport sheet per capita this summer doesn't appear to be anywhere nearly as large as it was last. They are talking of General Wood to head the Republican ticket, and it must be admitted that a Republican ticket usually has that kind of a head. A conscientious paragrapher's notion of a good, honest day's work is thinking up 20 original thoughts and stealing only 10, in stead of vice versa, as usual. Regardless of peace rumors, in quiries for shell steel continue. Other wise, Col. Roosevelt thinks that Henry Ford is a fine fellow. Wisconsin is to have a stadium. Thus the glory that was Greece continues to spread. In the meantime Portugal con ducts its correspondence school war on humane principles. No\v is the time for the frugal man to give last year's straw hat the classic once over. A man isn't wholly bad if his dog has confidence in him. Most of the stupendous lies from the Mexican border are con cocted for the same purpose as the bandit raids—for bringing about war. «■ New York's claims to individ uality appear reasonable in view of the fact that the holder of a $12,000 sinecure in the city gov ernment; insists on working and returning full value for his salary. Let us carefully distinguish be tween the dangers incident to a spirit of militarism and the secu rity and better manhood that would come from universal mili tary training and preparedness to defend the country. Justice Hughes has done every thing to stop his boom except the things that would stop it. Rumors that peace negotiations are under way are not loud enough to drown the echoes from the artillery at Verdun. According to political experts on both sides, next month the landslide begins. Trouble about a concert with Carranza is that we are expected to make all the overtures. Berlin police searching butch er's homes should not overlook Count Zeppelin's residence. Quickest way to overawe old Carranza would be to threaten to send a regiment of barbers after hiin. And you needn't snicker too much over our harsh langnage to Berlin, Bro. Bull. You are going to get one of them there notes yourself in a few days. "10G Years Of Gas", sayß a Louisville Headline. Oh, no, we don't think Oyster Bay has been established quite that long. Opportunity likes to knock at the door of the man who has a little cash saved up for a rainy day. Every time a man starts in business for himself he learnfl a lot of things he would rather not know. The greatest event in a hen's life is merely an egg and a cackle. R ches used to take wings, but nowadays aeroplanes take riches. Who steals Billy Sunday's purse certainly doesn't steal trash. If Qermany had a band in the Irish revolt, she must have put her foot iu it too. What Mexico needs is a de facto President with a head as cool as his feet. What has become of the old fashioned kings who used to lead the charges? People who believe in ample preparations against war, would have Columbia the gem of two oceans. Evelyn Nesblt Thaw, (he lady of fame who was recently divorced by her husbaiyl, Harry K. Thaw, alao a gent of fame, baa married Jack Clifford, her dancing partner. Three lives were lost, m iny per sons were injured and much prop erty was damaged in a severe hailstorm that swept over eastern Pennsylvania and southern New Jersey Saturday. In New York city last week Dr. Arthur Warren Waite, a dentist, was convicted of murder in the first degree for poisoning bis father-in-law, John E. Peck, a millionaire drug manufacturer of Grand Rapids, Mich. A vigorous effort to reduce the appropriation for the inland water way between Norfolk, Va., and Beaufort, N. C., from $1,000,000 to $200,000,. was defeated in the Senate by a vote of 25 to 20, after a convincing speech by Senator Simmons. Members of the Baptist Taber nacle in Atlanta- have decided to extend a call to the Rev. Dr. Len. G. Broughton, now pastor of the First church at Knoxville, Tenn., to return to the Tabernacle church, which he founded about 15 years ago. He served the Tabernacle as pastor until six years ago, when he became pastor of Christ's church, London. He returned from London about a year ago. There li more Catarrah In this Motion of the country than all other dlaeaaea put to gether, and until tbe last few year* waa sup posed to be incurable. For a great many year* doctors pronounced It a local disease and prescribed local remedies, and by oon stanUy falling to cure with local treatment, pronounced It Inourable. Science ha* proven Catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by V. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio, la the only Con stitutional cure on tbe market. It Is taken internally In doses from 10 drop* to a tea spoonful. It acta il rectiy on the blood and muoous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for anv case It falls to oure. Send for clroulars and tesUmonlals. Address: F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, Oblo. Sold by Druggist*; 76c. Take Hall's Family Pills for oonstlpa tlon. adv This country has the biggest dam in the world, close to the Mexican border. How appropri ate! Secretary Lansiug takes a com mon sense view in refusing to afct as cat's paw for any European power. Democratic ' Switzerland, with its citizen army, is giving a spectacular demonstration of sit ting tight. Only an obfuscated mind would confuse militarism with a dem ocratic system of universal mili tary training and service. - Unless the weather quickly turns warmer, Justice Hughes will never thaw out in"tfme for the republican convention. Edison is out for T. R., Tom naturally knowing a good talking machine when he sees one. Congress could employ a little time usefully by passing some much needed defense legislation. Nood Men on Farm*. - Employment agents in the cities are besieged with requests from farmers and gardeners for farm workers and milkers at from $25 to S3O a month, with board and lodging. For every ten demands made for tbis class of em ployees only one man Is supplied, and frequently he Is Inexperienced and un able to perform the Unties required. Employment agents nre doing their ut most to obtain farm and garden work ers by offering highly increased wages, but their appeals are unheeded. The public employment bureau said that existing conditions were unprecedent ed and that there was no relief In sight until after the close of the war. "You can't get a man to work on a farm for $25 or S3O a month when he can earn $3 a day In a factory with eight bouri' work a "day," said an official of a state employment bureau. Information Wanted. "Nora," said the mistress to the new servant, "we always want our meala promptly on the hour." "Yla, mum. An' If I miss th' first hour shall I wait for th' next?"— Bi rmingham Age-Herald. BLANK BOOKS Journals, Ledgers, Day Books, Time Books, Counter Books, Tally Books, Order Books, Large Books, Small.Books, Pocket; Memo* Vest Pocket Memo* &c* Ac. Par Sale At The Gleaner Printing Office Graham; N.C. | You Can Trade i the Article You } Don't Need For | Something You ) Do by Adver- | > rising ( ' \ ~ TjL" ffltJrasy | *THB CREAM OF ALL KE CREAMS 3ft Your doctor will tefl you how Ice cream soothes j3E B fTjAeHomel the mouth and throat, tempts the appeiiteand gives K K the readily available nourishment aillllliKHMiMiilllHiHMHWK The "VELVET KIND" Icc Cream Sold by Graham Drug Company The Dreamer's Idea of His Father: "The shadowing of something enormous and indomitable—and lawless—conquering and irresistible and blindly noble." a TURMOIL Br BOOTH TARKINGTON An American Story Of American Life For American Readers By an American It is you and me and all of us—just we, the people—our town—our country— us. And it's no moral tale, nor tale with a moral—unless you care to look for one. The Doer's Idea of His Son: "You're cracked! Oh, I got a fine layout here! One son died, one quit and one's a loon! Don't let me hear from you again until youVe waked up; you poor, pitiful, dan delion-pickin' sleepwalker you!" 1 Jn Book Form It Is the Best Setting Novel of the Year *' It's Our Next Serial! ' That's All! Will begin With Issue of JULY 6th I Brick Machine For Sale. The undersigned has a J. C. Bteele A SODS Brick Machine for sale. Along with it are two track* and other parts necessary in handling brick. It is housed and in good condition. The purchaser will get» bargain For terms apply to J. W. MENKPEB or J. D. Kernodle. laplt Just at present, almost anybody would rather be right than Pres ident of Ireland. Wall street's war brides &mnot successfully compete with the incomparable Jane variety. The army appropriation bill,' which has been reported to the , House of Congress, includes the appropriations for carrying out | the re-organization provisions of the Ilay-Chamberlain bill, and is f the largest regular army supply bill in the history of Congress. It is an increase of about $49,000,- , 000 over last year's bill. A truck train has been sent from Columbus, N. M., to disinter the bodieH of American soldiers killed in clashes with the Mexican bandits and bring them back to American soil. Military aathori > ties believe that the total will not exceed 10.