TOE GLEANER . GRAHAM. N. C., July 6, 1916 PostolHce Honrs. Offloopen TJloa.m. t07.00 P. BU gnudajr 8.00 to 11.00 a. a. and 1.00 to (JO p. m J. U. MCCRACKEN, Poitmuttr. TTTTV rTTT' TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT ♦ + + LOCAL NEWS. + + + + + + 111 || 11 m* —The seasons continue and vege tation grows by leaps and bounds. —"'The Rosary" at The Mexican Theatre tomorrow night. See it — you will enjoy it. —The contractor expects to com plete the removal of the M. P. church to its new location this week. —The County Board of Education was in session Monday. All the members —Mess. J. L. Scott, J. W. Whitehead and S. E. Tate—were present. —Mrs. Walter R. Harden enter tained Monday night in honor of her guests, Misses Agnes McAdams of Salisbury and Ernestine Reid of Staunton, Va. —lst Lieut. L. D. Meador and Color Sergt. Lon G. Turner wfll ar rive Friday morning lor recruiting services. Any wishing to enlist in 3rd Reg. N. C. N. G. they will be glad to see them. -Mess. Dean Holt and Lewis D. Ray left here last week for Milwau kee, Wis., where they go to engage in mechanical work, both having taken mechanical coursos at the A. & M. College, Raleigh. —She Pension Board was in ses sion Monday and Tuesday. Five applications of Confederate soldiers for pensions were approved; one widow's applicaticto was approved ; and four applications for increase were approved. —''The Turmoil" is the new story which begins with this issue of The Gleaner. It will run through a number of issues. It is a complete novel and of gripping interest from start to finish. Subscribe for The Gleaner now and get the complete story. —Graham and her visitors enjoy ed two good games of ball here on the Fourth. In the morning the game was between Gibsonville and Graham and the latter won by a score of 11 to C. The afternoon game was between Swepsonville and Graham and was the best game of the season. It took -il innings to settle the was 5 to 4 in favor of the visiting team. To Hear Complaints. The County Commissioners will meet next Monday, the 10th, to re ceive the tax lists and to hear com plaints as to valuation of pergonal property. 100 Bushels Seed Potatoes. I have 100 bushels Irish potatoes for fall planting, which should be done from July 10 to 20 for best W. J. NICKS, Graham. Elected Great Sachem. Mr. Heenan Hughes, who is an enthusiastic member of the Order of Red Men, was elected Great Sachem for the State of North Carolina at the recent State meeting of the Order held at Asheville. Great Sachem is the highest State office and we con gratulate cur townsman, Portrait of Dr. Geo. W. Long Will Be Here Next Week. A life-size portrait of .the late Dr. Geo. W. Long will arrive here in a day or two and will be on Exhibit in one of the large windows in the front of Green & McClure Furniture Co.'s store next week. The people of this community and county, among whom Dr. Long did his life work, will be glad to have the opportunity of look ing upon it, and this will be their only opportunity, unless they go to Kaleigh where it will go from here to remain permanently. Anti-Typhoid Dispensary Saturday Bth, Forenoon. People at Graham are requested to come into the dispensary early in the day to take treatment, since it is expected that the work in tho after noon at Burlington will be heavy and I desire to start there ad early as one p. m. THOS. M. JORDAN. Jurors for August Term. At the meeting of the Board of County Commissioners held last Monday the following were drawn to serve as jurors at*\he August Term of court, which will begin on the 21st of August, viz : Patterson Township —W. F. Daff ron. L. L. Spoon. Coble Tp.—N. A.Johnson. Boon Station Tp.—E. T. Troxler, J. Ed. Kernodle. Morton Tp.—L. M. Gerringer, 11. V. Moore. Faucette Tp.—C. A. Wilson, Ed. L. Hughes, 3. M. Shaw, J. F. De bruler, W. L. Motley. Graham Tp. —J. M. Buckner, C. G. Guthrie, C. A. Miller, E. E. Mc- Adams, Sam Cheek, L. G. Freeland, J. D. Albright, J. M. Anglin. Albright Tp.—Linney Bailey. Newlin Tp. —R. L. Foust, Cicero Nixon, W. T. Clarke, J. M. Buckner. Thompson Tp. —S. P. Coble, John W. Williamson, J- E. Williamson, R. P. Ingle, G. B. Pickett. Melville Tp.—Chas. E. Cates, Clay King. Pleasant Grove Tp.—J. M. Flor ence. W. S. Walker, Chas. L. Gil liam. Burlington Tp.—W. F. Shepherd, E. M. Long, J. Q. Gant,-»Thoa. F. Coble, J. W. Tate. Haw River Tp.—Wm. E. Woosley, Jesse B. Sharpe. A. B. Patton, J. W. Simmons. + PERSONAL. + ♦,|[ M | | | |* Mr. Clyde - Hunter 'of Winston- Salem spent Sunday here. Mr. and Mrs. Bun S. Robertson of Oreensbaro spent Tueadayhere. Mr. and Mrs C. D. Johnston and family spent Sunday in Reidsville. Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Harden and family spent Sunday in Greens boro. Mrs. M J. Brady left Tuesday for Mtbune to visit Mrs. J. Mel Thompson. Mr. Peter K. Foust of Mississippi is here visiting his sister, Mrs. Jas. M. Turner. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Webb of Duke spent Monday here with Mr. ana Mrs. J. L. Scoft, Jr.' Miss Annie Montague of Raleigh spent the week-end here at Mrs. C. S. Huijter's. / Mr aEv. Mrs Charlie Roberson of Hillsboro spent Sunday lier as the quests of Mr. and Mrs. J. L.Scott, Miss Lillian Turner of Raleigh ar rived S:il uraav on a visit lo her sister, Mrs. H W. Scott Miss Agnes McAdams of Salis bury ana Ernestine Reld of Startn ton, Va. spent from Sunday till Tu« sday here with Mrs. Walter R. E sirdcn. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. R. Ross and Master George, „Jr., of Jackson Springs spent fron Sunday till >lone.ay here at the home of Mrs. Ross * parents, Dr. and Mrs. W. R. Goley.' Miss Mirce Goley accom panied them home. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. M. Thomas and children of Duke arrived here last Friday on a visit of a few days to Mrs. Thomas' mother, Mrs. K. W. Shields. They made the trip by automobile. Commissioners' Proceedings Will Meet July 10th to Hear Complaints as to Valuations. The Board of County Commission era met Monday in regular month ly session with the following members present, namely, Geo. T. Williamson, chairman, W. H. Tur rentine, C. H. Roney, Chas. P. Cates and M. C. Mcßane, -and transacted the following business: Albert Ward was allowed to ped dle needles, etc., free of license in Alamance county. W. H. Turrentine was appointed a committee to take up the matter of making a sand-clay road out of the road in Alamance county in the town of Gibsonville and to make such contract for building same as he thinks best for Alamance coun- ty. Board ordered that Alamance county pay five hundred dollars toward building road from Mebane to Oaks, provided Orange county county contribute like amount and the citizens interested in said road contribute like amount and same to be built satisfactory to the Com missioners of Alamance county ; ano W. F. Jones, W. S. Crawford and Chas. P. Cates were appointed a committee to look after the Ala mance county part. The Board adjourned to meet on Monday, July 10th, to receive the tax lists and to hear complaints that may be made in regard to val uation of personal property. Mr. Chas. D- Johnston and Family in Auto Wreck—Nobody Seriously Hurt and Little Damage. Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Chas. D. Johnston and family spent the day with relatives near Reidsville. On their return, a few miles out from Reidsville, in passing some people who were afoot and kept the lion's share of the road, Mr. Johnston was forced off to the side. In attempt ing to regain the center of the road again the rear wheel dropped into the side ditch and the car went over, turning turtle completely. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston were both caught under the car, but there were people living near the spot who saw the ac cident and came to their aid. Mr. Johnston suffered a slight brnise of the left arm, Mrs. Johnston suffered a bruised shoulder, and of the five children one or two received slight scratches. The machine was put back on its feet and they all return ed to Reidsville, spent the night and came home Monday morning in the car which was very slightly dam aged. It was almost miraculous to escape vrith so little hurt to person and machine. Good Wheat Crop. Mr. W. J. Nicks is doing some good farming on his "Enita" farm one mile east of Graham. Croppers and all threshed out 511 bushels of wheat and Air. Nicks got 257 J bush els from a ten-acre lot. That's good. Ship Us Your Milk. Stop making butter and ship us your cream. If you are still selling buttei at the low price that usually prevails at this season of tho year, you should investigate our cream buying proposition, as our market for high class cream is exceptionally good. We handle an unlimited quantity the year round at the very highest market price for the butter fat it contains. We are sure you will find results much more satisfac tory than from any other Creamery you can ship to. We want a man in every community to start a cream route. Write for particulars. CAROLINA CREAMERY CO., Greensboro, N. C. A Birthday Celebration On last Thursday (June 29th>Mr. and Mrs. J. N. H. Clendenin went to Me bane, the occasion being the 70th anniversy of Mrs. liebecca Farrells birthday. She and Mrs. Clendenin were school mates here at the Gra ham school for girls before the civil war. They formed a friendship then which has lasted around GO years. It is a beautiful thing to keep friend ships young and alive, though time may commit many depreciations upon the feeble and aging mortal frame. May these good mothers celebrate many more such occasions. Both were born in the same month of the same year. Base Ball Saturday JULY 8. Gibsonville at Mebane. Hillsboro at Graham. Burlington at Swcpsonville. 7 V . The 4th in Graham. A. * A Confederate Veterans Annual Din ner—Good Crowd—En joyable Day. The Daughters of the Confeder acy gave the Confederate Veterans the usual annual dinner on the 4th. The rain of the night before cooled things off and made the day ideal. The ladies had prepared a boun tiful dinner of substantial and del icacies and served It, and once again the warriors of over half a century ago gathered around the festal board and recounted the scenes of that great struggle. An impromptu cenßus was taken and it was found that of the veterans present 12 were at the battle of Gettysburg and 20 at the surrender at Appomattox. When they had finished their dinner the bottling plants "set 'em up" to cold drinks and Mr. R. L. Holmes gave all' tickets to The Mexican Theatre. It was pleasing to hear them say that they had bad a most enjoyable day and delightful dinner. The preparation was so bountiful that the ladies in charge asked, any of the veterans ac companied by their wives or daugh ters to bring them in to dinner with them. Trays were also furnished several old colored men who were servants to their masters in arms. The recent departure of our boys broke into the program for the day,, Members of the Oneida Band and Fire Companies had- gone and the mus'c and Firemen's race had to be left out. On all sides there was plenty of nice cold lemonade free for everybody. The day was a pleasant one, nevertheless,' and enjoyed by everyone. Among the Sick. Mr. J. G. Longest has been con fined to his home by sickness for several days. Mr. J. D. Albright has been con fined to his home since Monday by sickness. Sheriff R. N. Cook, at St. Leo's, is reported to be getting along nicely. DEATHS. Mrs. Barbara Williams, widow of the late P. H. WilliafnH, died on the 25th of June at her home near Os sipee in the 71st year of her age. The remains were buried at Frie den's church. She is survived by two sons, two sisters and three brotaers. Mr. T. Fletcher Pickard died Sunday morning, Juhe 25tli, at his home at Swepsonville after a pro tracted illness. He was between 55 and GO years of age. His widow and a large family of children sur vive him. He was a member of Graham Council of the Junior Or der and a committee from the Coun cil attended the burial in Pine Hill Cemetery at Burlington on Monday afternoon following his death. From Camp Glenn.' Cor. of The Gleaner. Morehead Cit/, N. C., July 5, 191>. —To let the people of Alamance hear from the boys, I am sending a few notes of the Camp, There are more soldiers here tlian the population of Graham. All the boys from Graham are well and in good health —there is very little sickness in camp. The 3rd has not been exam ined yet. The officers are working on the 2nd Reg. and will reach us about the last of this week. The drilling is very light. The boys at night box and wrestle for pastime. On the Fourth the 3rd Reg. went to Morehead City to the celebration and the boys had a great time. The first division of "Skeeters" attacked the camp last night, but were defeated when the wind began to blow. The troops here now are the Ist Reg, 2nd Reg., .'Jrd Reg., Troops A and B Cavalry and Ist Field Hos pital outfit. The boys are well fed are cared for-. For one whd has never seen the liko it is a sight to see the camp— three regiments of men, two com panies of cavalry, one Co. of hospital corps, and about 50 mule teams and wagons —soon of morning one would think that Barnum A Bailey's circus had hit town. Everybody is having a good time. Chamberlalu'a Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Hemedy. Every family without exception Should keep thin preparation on hand during the ho» "weather,,.o. the summer month*. Chamberlain'* Colic, Cholera aud Diarrhoea Keme dy in worth many times it* cost when needed, and in almost certain to be needed before »h(; summer i» over. It ha* no superior for the purpose* for which it was Intended. liuy it now. Obtainable every where. • adv. Teachers' Examination and Institute The regular Summer examination for teachers will lie held in Graham on Thursday and Friday, July 13 and 14. The Teachers Institute will be held in Graham, July 31 to Aug ust 11. All l'ublic school, High school and Graded school teachers are required by law to attend the institute, unless they attend an ac credited summer achool instead. WHAT CATARRH IS It has been said that every third person has catarrh in some form. Science has shown that nasal catarrh often indicates a general weakness of the body; and local treatments in the form of snuffs and vapors do little, if any good. To correct catarrh you should treat Its cause by enriching your blood with the oil-food in Scott's Emulsion w'aich is a medicinal food and a buildinfc-tonic, free from alcohol or any harmful drugs. Try it. Scott ft Boone. H.). People of £l«n*w*,Wlut Will You Do With Your Life? Your State and county are en deavoring to help you protect your lives from disease. They cannot succeed in protecting you unless you help by submitting yourselves for treatment. Will you protect it now, since it costs vou no more than it will cost you if you don't or will you neglect it? Some of you think you are too old, or for other reasons need not take the treatment. Yon don't know so much as that, neither do I. If I were able by an examination of you to guaranteo that you would not have typhoid fever, you would be willing to pay ten dollars for the examina tion if it would assure you the im munity that I am now able to give you without an examination, and the treatment is without pain or subse quent sickness. The United States governmenl compels the soldiers to take it for the saving of tirrffe from sickness and the loes from the value in human life. Large corporations do the same thing for the same reasons. Ii not your life Worth as much to you as to any one else ? It is valuable to no one unless your body is kept in a condition of good health. Prevent ing typhoid fever is the way to keep it healthy. Think seriously now about whai your duty to self, family and the community is with such an oppor tunity hefore you: Can yon afford to let it go without your support be cause some may be waiting to se what you will do ? It will be a pleas ure to wait upon you. Thn Dispensary point in Burling ton will be the Cartee Store on Fron Street, and in Graham the Courl House will be used. THOMAS M. JORDAN, M D., Conductor of Campaign Raleigh Committee Looks Over In terurbau Line From Alamance to Raleigh. ' The possibility of an interurban line connecting Raleigh with the Piedmont section of the State is ir.\olved in a special report which a special commit'ee of the Cham ber of Commerce will make at an early date says this morning » News and Observer. The comit tee at the invitation of Mr. Junius Harden, the promoter of the enter prise, has been taken over the line as now in operation and has had indicated to it the route which it is proposed to have the line follow if the necessary financial backing can be obtained. The line already connects Bur lington, Haw River and Graham, ana there aro eight miles of tracK in operation. I' is proposed to con nect all the mill settlements in the Burlington section, including Oasi pee, Bwepsonviile, Altamahaw and (th. rs ana la'er to buill the road on to Raleigh via Carrboro, ana Chapel Hill. The members of the committee are: C. B. Barbee, chairman, Judge J. Crawfor Biggs, A. R. D. John son, Prof. Wullnca Riddick, Prof. Chas. Park, and O. C. Bcarletto. Members of the committee decline to talk in advance of their report to the Chamber, but K is believea that - the project looks good to them, certainly to some of them. That the interurban is going \.o come in an increasingly large meis ure in North Carolina, and sooner than some think, is predicted by those who have been studying this phase of the development of the State. There is more goingg on than appears on the surfact prob ably. There are those who connect the visit last week of Z. V. Taylor, Charlotte, president of the South ern tJtilities Company, a corpora tion, which operates a hundred miles or so of interurban in South Carolina, with the plans forming in this section for the securing of interurban facilities. Mr. Taylor i» a prominent figure in Southern Power Company circles. English Spavin Linimnet re moves llarl, Soft and Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses; also Blood Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, King Bone, Stifles, Sprains, Swollen Throats, Coughp, etc. Save SSO by u«e of one bot. tie. A wonderful Blemish Cure. Sold by Graham Drug Company adv Over the hills and far away they are baking a cherry pie today. Yon Can Cure That Backache. Fain Along the hack, dlftslneaa, headache and gennerai languor. Uet a package of Notbsr Orty'a Auitralhl'Oar, the p'eaaant root and berb cure for Kidney, Bladder and Urinary trouhlea. Why# you feel all rundown, tired, w*4k and without energy use »hl» remarkable combination f nature* berha and roota. Aa a regulator It baa no etjual. Mother (Jray'a Au»tr*llan-U»af la Hold by l)ruggl»u or aent by mall for AO eta aanipltt aent free. Addreaa, The Mother (Jray Co., Ltt Hoy. N. Y. If men would oiily julep more there noon would bo an end to the war. FOR SHERIFF. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Sheriff of Alamance county, aubject to the action of Democratic Consent iou, and tutk the support of all my friends. J. C'. Fkkkman, 15-june-tf, Sale of Real Estate. By %lrtue (if the power 't air contained In a oartalu deed in truat executed to Uie Central loan A Truat Company on the IIUi day of November, 1912; by P. A. Mitchell and wile, Annie C. Ml chell, and doI> n-glat'-red In the office A the lWlil«r «#f Deed* for Alamance, county, N. C., To (took No > of Mortgage pagea N*»a. Vtl to to wcun the pay meat of one hood, and default having Men madf lo the payment of the "aid bond, the underalgned trUMW will espoae t # public Mile to the hibidder for caah, at the court houee dour of Alamance county on SATURDAY, AUG. frrii, 1910, , at 12 o'clock M., the f Mowing land convened by the wild de d in truat: Two tract* of real property, both altuate In Uie town of OraLem, Alamance county, N.C.. and bound'd and deacrtbad aa followa: Klrat Tract A tract or parcel of land front- Ins 72 ft im W aide of North Maple -t. In aa td town, hounded on the Kaat by aald North Maple atreet, on the HfiUUi by the lot of W. T. Basell. on the Weat by the landa of L. Hauka Holt, a d on the North by another lot of the t>artlea of the flrat part (It bring the a*r«nd tract herein deerrlbed and cooveyed;. Upon thta lot la a dwelling formerly occupied by tlie partlea of the flrat part pa a hone second Tract. -A lot or parcel of land front ing on the W aide of H. Maple *j. and adjoin ing the flrat tract herein described and con. ▼eyed and hounded on the Kaal by aald N. Maple M. on the foulii by the lot herein de acribcd aa "Plrat Tract", on the Weat by th landa of L. Hank a Holt, and on the North h* U»e lot of J. M McCracken. Upon this lot fa a dwelling occupied by a tenant of the partlea of the flrat part. Thla the »th day of June, 1914. CKNTUAL IAJAN A THCHT CO.. • _ Truatee. Wiiiiiti 11. S, OF VILLI'S MID Garranza Declares Word Was Sent to the Border, AMERICAN TROOPS MUST 60 Msxlcan Foreign Office Denies Giving Protection to Outlaw* and Accueea United Btatee of Bad Faith. Notice wag served upon the United States government by the do (acto government of Mexico that the pres ence of American troops would not be tolerated any longer upon the soil ot Mexico. This notlQcatlon was contained In a statement given out by the foreign minister, which Is interpreted as an swer to the recent note of President Wilson, The Mexican government charges the United Slates with sending a haughty and discourteous communica tion, and the attention of the United States authorities Is called to the (act tha Mexicans have b on murdered on the border where no allnmpt was made to punish the perpetrators. The Mexican foreign office lays blame for the killing of Americans at Fanta Ysaliel upon the victims for at tempting to Journey across territory that was known to be dangerous.- It Is declared that the pursuit ol bandits under the leadership of Fran cisco Villa by Mexicans was taken up at once aftor they began their depre dations, and that the duty of stamp ing out these outlaws rests with Mexi co and not with the United States, and adds that the Americans them selves were responsible for the raid, In that Americans on the border had been notified by Oarranza officers ot the bandits' movements. In substance, the Mexican govern ment denies the light of American troops to occupy Mexican territory, and declares that the presonce of United States troops In this country Is a violation or the national rights. The statement Kays: "It seems strange that the depart ment of state slioni'd show surprlso and dlsappohitraout for the tone and character of the note of the twenty second of Mny, which It calls discour teous, when the very name department of state has sent to the constitution allst govefitment not oue, hut many notes, not only discourteous but also haughty, to say the !east. "During the'same period to which the note alludes, 110 Moilcans have been murdered In I/nltel States terri tory by Amorlcan civilians, although the two countries were at peace, and In none of theme cases, although repre sentations have b"en made to the de partment of state through our minister at Washington, the guilty have never been brought to Justice or punished. These acts have been committed by Americans In American territory or by Texan-Mexicans against the lives and interests ot Mexicans. "The government of Mexico cannot be held responsible for those acts which have taken place in foreign ter ritory and which should be charged to the native') of another coiintry. He sides, the American government was well aware of all of the facts before recognizing the constitutionalist gov ernment, and It now appears lrreve- lant or out of place 1o bring then a fact* forward so as to make a base for an unjustified refusal to withdraw the American troops from our terri tory. "It Is not true that the Mexican government or Its authorities had pro tected or covered tho criminals who are claimed to hare committed those depredations and crimes in territory of the United States. Tb|* can never be proved by the Amerltkn govern ment. The constitutionalist govern ment has done all In Its power, and has gone beyond all efforts to protect the foreigners who are to be blamed to a great extent for persisting In re malrilng In places where conditions were not noimal, although Its own gov ernment, on various occasions, has asked them not to remain there. "If our own citizens had to suffer s good deal on account of actual condl lions, It Is not just that foreigners should protend and etpect to be Im munfc. Honor Molly Pitcher. Tlic unveiling and dedication of a monumental memorial to Molly Pitch er, America'* foremost military hero Ine, given bjr the state of I'ennsylva nla and designed by J. Otto Schwelz ler, sculptor, took [dace at Carlisle Pa., In the presence of tremen dous crowd* In the cemetery where Molly McCauley'a body ha* lain for fourscore years. The monument aupport* a jife sized hrome figure of Molly Pitcher, the head and facial features of which were secured from composite photograph* of the fares and heads of lineal female descendant* of Mrs. McCau'ey. Hand some baa-reliefs adorn the wing* of the monument and describe Molly Pitcher** activities a* a nurae and her heroic act In taking her wounded husband'* place at the cannon. In front of the monument stands a repll ca of an ancient Demmlng cannon. Brand Army Mulea. Horse* and mules belonging to th« batteries and troops from New York Connecticut and New Jersey wen taken off the trains at Altoona, Pa. an dfed, watered and exercised. Many of the animals were brands! durlui tb* atop. TAXES! Last .Notice to Delinquents. All unpaid taxea are lon# pt»t due. i have been indulgent to the extreme, but the time has come when I must demand a fi nai set tlement. If you neglect this mat ter another day you are inviting the drastic measures provided by law for the collection of taxes by distraint. Better give thi* your Im mediate attention and save trouble, embarrassment and costs. Thi* June 28, 1916. Respectfully, R. N. COOK, Sheriff of Alamance County. Wanted. Five energetic yourg men to canva** on an educational propo sition in Central N. C.. One hun dred dollar* per month. No ex perience necessary. Address BOX 605. Raleigh, N. C. TO THE PUBLIC! After 25 years, having sold out my buggy, J| ; wagon and harness business to the Covmg • ton Hardware Co., who will continue tne 3f| business at the same old stand, I wish to thank all of my friends all over the country who have patronized me all these years, and ask the same liberal patronage, for the Cov- .*■ , ,1 ington Hardware Co. Parties owing me note or account will find . - d me in and around Burlington, if not in town, ask that you pay, Mr. WT E. Covington, who is authorized to receipt you. N. S. CARDWELL, TO THE PUBLIC: "f * Having bought stock of buggies, wagons, harness, etc., of N. S. Card well, will add a * complete line of builders' hardware, carpen ter's tools, etc., and ask a share of your * patronage. , COVINGTON HARDWARE CO., BURLINGTON. HAVE YOUR WATCH CLEANED OCCASIONALLY! A WATCH will run without oil or cleaning longer than any other piece of machin trr—but it needs both occasion* If jroa will Madder that tfie rim of the balance wheel travels over fifteen mile* a day, you will not prude* jrouc watch a (peck of oil and a cleaning one* a year. It will Increase tho life and accuracy of your watch. Leave your watch with us ftHbr. Z. T. HADLEY JEWtLEIt ft OPTICIAN GRAHAM. N. C. r Land Sale! Ily virtue of an order of Alum* >wt Nupcrl or Court, iuim)c In a cuunc therein |*4*nlliifr to which nil of the ohlldr ri of W. 11. Clapp were duly conatltuted partle*. the under algned will aell, at Ihe oourt boo*! door In Oralmm, *l public outcry, at I'J o'clock, noon, on MONDAY, JULY 17, 1010 the following dcaerllMd real property, to* wit: A certain tra« t or parcel of lurid l> Idk Hfid helnif In the county of Alamance North Car olina, In I'atteraon townahlp. a'lj'dnlnjr the landa of Andy (.'lapp'a helm. John Overrunn. Newton Koaler and otli ra, and l»ouMicd hn follows: Baffinulnir at a cedar tree In dire of rond leading from I'aU ri Weaver'a to tho roek road, thence W. to a rock Mouth of Andy Clapp; thence Mouth to u roek; thence Kmt to a poatoak on the read leading from I'aten Weaver'# to the ||o4'k t reek roa ; ilieiie North to the hcKi'inlojf.cont.ifnlu thlrt) fH (%) acrea. more or Icaa. The title to fhla property haa l>een adjudi cated to be In the children ol W. 11. i hipp b> a decree of the Hii|»erlor Court. and I lie pur chatter *lll yet a title t«» thit property free from lletia and encumbrance*. Teruia of nele: One third of the pur haw money la to l»e paid in eanh and the of he. two-thlrda In c|ual Instalment* at alXKtid twelve month : the deferred payment* to boar Interest from time of confirmation of aale till payment la made, and title t«» he t»e n-aerved till payment of purr ha no money la complete Tlila June I t, iw;n. V H PA It K Kit. Jit . Commlialof «r. BLANK BOOKS Journals, Ledgers, Day Books, Time Books, Counter Books, - Tally Books, Order Books, Large Books, Small Books, Pocket Memo., Vest Pocket Memo., Ac., Ac. For Sale At The Gleaner Printing Office Graham, N. C. aaHßMHaaaai To Cure i ('old In One l»). Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet*. All druggist* refund the money If it fail* To euro E. W. Orove'a cignatuia ii on erich box. 25 eenta. adv. Froin tb© biiny man's jioint of view, impounding all 'borett would bo a Kroud daylight saving de i vice. Trustee's Sale of Real Estate. IJ n«l«*r urn! by vlitue of thepowernf alo contained In H certain deed of trust dated l>«e«mher\ 1918, from U. C. Hmlth and wife, to tho ind ei-Hip tied trustee, record ««d In tho oHIco of to Kojftutor of I>eeda for Alaiuaneo county. N. C., In Hook of Mortgage* and Deed* of TrtlSt No M, |)a«o 88, default hav ing been tnudu In tho payment of tho lndobt odno n secured thereby, tho under Igned will on MONDAY, JULY 3(1, 1910. at 12 o'clock, noon, at tho court house door In (irahatn, N. (J., offer for ante a' public out cry, and w.l for c«*li to the hlghniit bidder, all tlwt certain place, piece, parcel or tr-ict of iand l\lngln tho county and Htute aforo, a»ild Or haiu township. adjoining to land* of 1(111 Ave., Marshall Htreet, A. II Ittvhol nxi and others, bo tided fc« follows, to*w|t: Beginning at an Iron bar on Ka>t side of said street, on*tior with said Nicholson, nin nng hence 2,' id eg K 190 feet to an iron bolt corner with wild s-rcot and Ave ; thenco 8 H?U dog K 145 ft to all lion bolt ou Miuth side «.f said Ave ; thoire H uth d.-g W l»> ft to an Iron lio.t In said Nlcho nun s line; theoco N H7'„ dog W |46 ft to (he Iregliiul.ig, contain dm iJ nasi of iiii acre, in ro or lesa. Tldsttitli dsy of Juno, ittlil W AI/I KK M Mil A Itl'K, Trustee. Trustee's Sale of Real Estate. Under and by virtue of the |n>wit of Mile contained In uicrlMln lK?ed of Trust executed to the undersltfti'il on Ho litem tier IDth mil, by 11. L. hurliam and win-, Daisy Durham, for the piiri»o»M« of s« eurlng the payment of a certain nolo of even date therewith, which deed of trust Is duiy probated and recorded In the office of the lUaflNter of Deed* for Ala mance county, In Hook of Mortgages and l»eeds of Trust No, 116, at page 16.default hav ing Ih* ii made In the payment or Mild note at maturltv, th« undersigned Alamance Insur ance A (leal Kttalu t ompauy, Trustee, will, on WKDNKBDA V, JULY 1!), 1010, at one o'clock p. id., at the court house door of Alamance county, lu (Jraham, North l.'aro Una, offer for Mile at public auction to tho highest bidder, for caali, a certain trict of land lying and 10-lng in I'.mllngtoi. township, Alainance county and HUte of N'Orth Una, adjoining l,ogitti street, Ui * lands of Kl mlia Cotton MhU, I', M. Teerand oUierN.aud Itounded an follows : ll« ginning al an iron bolt ou the southeast al«|e of street.Twr'scorner; thence with Mild street uortbcjiMt 66 feet U> corner Klrnlru MIIIN; thence with lluol of Maid Kliulru Mills Kast 160 fi*t t » a ph'K corner; thence south* west 66 feet to corner of Mild Teer; thence with Twr 1 * line IW, fe, |to the portion of laud conveyed to W. 11. Hall liy \V K. Hteele Dee jjnth, lmw. This June |7IIi, Hlfl, A I.A MANt K I NB. ,v IlKAf# KHHATKIU, • * Trustee. Mortgagee's Sale of Real Estate. I'lidsr and by virtue of the power of Mile contained In a certain mortgage deed dated Octobers, ltd'#, from r. o Hialtli and wife, to the liiideiNlgiiod moltgii/ e, n-eonb d ill tho office of the l(« glster.of D ods for AiMiuaoco county. North Carolina, lu Iksik of More uvifn and I>.. d* of I'rum *o. itfi, page M, de fault having been made in the payment of the Indebtedness M cund thereby, th» un ler liKlifld »111, ou MONDAY, JULY 1010, at 12 o'clock noon, Mt th court bouse door In fir ham, N.tV, fl« r for «i lo m puMle outcry, and M il for nub" to the loaheat bidder, all Unit trio Ler pit reel of Und lylnir and U liik InAlamniMe lotiuty. N and adjolulfiK tl*e |mndm *f 11. (J. Kline. N. in y K. M»»ore pio|«erty mi.i| Main Utruet, boundei an fol low*. iMKiniiiiiK ui u rink, co rmr of flciiry K line n, runnlnif thene« n .VJ d« 24 mlu W jmt ft to ■ r«-ck. coriH-r villi N««icy K. Moore or John f'lspp lino iUt de« M\ loin W »JU ft to a r»»ck cirner on W rtli street; tho'.ce N M dog ~4 min Y. '3H 'l to aro k. corner with Henry Kline No. ft; thence Willi tho nald llenry Kline's lino n m d us. mlu h 261) ft lo the e r[nnliig. contain In if one and f uite««ii one miidr *llllll (I 4 |iS>).of an •ere. more or l*n>. the • rnr \m \tif lor No. " >i dSu« 1 er the ui d N ney K. Moorf's plot, rieefit a ltd mdd off of thin Innd to N. H. Curdwll, ThU day o. June, iwift. A I.A MA S • V. I.NH St ItfcAL Kh't ATKCO., Mori, mki'c. Land Sale! T llv * I rtue of mi order of the HUperlor Court of Altii-iiirf cMiiil/ made In a »pe Inl pro ffHlnj therein pfidllriK. entitle! "Adti« White and oiiffi iur»ey Whit*- and other*." u» which nil the liti«nu In common of Hie land herelrutfu r described ore duly constituted i«rtlct. (be undersigned cum ml»aloner will offer t> r Mil**, to the I> W«l4 r, on SATURDAY, JI'I.V 15, at 12 o'clock, no- n. at the court h«>u*e door in Jrt>ham. fbc following described real prop erty, to wit; Three Wacti or parcel* « f land In ItH>n Htmion township. Alamance county, flttc »>f North i arolljut. •Ituatn in the townoftilli sonvllle. uuiQ**' Joining the land* of Ifcv. K. I'. I'arker Irftd Ari4ier*. and tnliig all of the land of wlu|Mfii A. flu clj died seis ed and yxkittrnt d. and which he devised to A'idle H hit'* ar»d her children, and contain ing about one and one-hill acre* of Utud. i» rtn» of'»•!«; tine third of tie purchase io'Mi«7 to Im> imld in ca-h, the other two third* In i qua! instalment* at *lx and twelve month*, deferred to t ear Intercut fr«'io '1 te of confirmation of nklc till i>ald. and the title reserved until payment of pur cha*e money Is »*»rn|«lete. Ttild June It. IWM. J. DOIJ'H LONG, ( ommlaaloiicr. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Signature of y&t/ffl/'UZcJUii EUREKA ; Spring Water FROM i; EUREKA SPRING, | • Graham, N. C. 11 A valuable mineral spring ! | | J liiiß been discovered by W. H. ; ; : ■ 1 A unley on his place in Graham. 1 ! . ] 1! It was noticed that it brought ! ! - | ]; health to tho users of the water, ; ; 11 and upon beinjg analyzed it vu ' • ' found to be a water strong in ! ! ;; mineral properties and good ; ; > fur stomach and blood trouble*. > {! I'hyHicianfl who have seen the ' , ; | analysis and what it doee, ; > , j > recommend its use. !' Analysis and testimonial* ! I ]! will be furnished upon requeat. ; | ;; Why buy expensive mineral !» waters from when there is a good water recom- | |; mended by physicians right at | J • • home? For further inform*- I l : '.l 11 tion and or the water, if you | "'"4 dusiro if apply to the under- 1 > signed. I! W. H. AUBLEY. J Summons by Publication Virth (arulltii- A Una Dee County, In tbe Superior Coart, Before tbe Cterfc. Emma Jane Mabry, Executrix, vs. Ilannibal D. Dancy and others. Initinibal D.Oancy, or the heirs nt-law of Hannibal l). Dancy, whose niiinrn and residences are unknown; J Jamqs Almarine Mabry, Laura Har ri»on, Charlotte Win, Annie Harris, Lillian Porbi, Battle Anderson, J Klizabeth Hamilin, heirs-at-Uw of j Jane- Hines and all other heira at-law of Jane Hines, whose name* and renidences are unknown; Al ien Mabry, James K. Mabry, or the beir»-at-law of said Jas. K. Mabry, whose names and residence* are unknown; Mary Thomas, Mattie Kdge, Eliza Bulloch, 4 Nancy Coffieid, and all other lieir»-at-law of Mary Elizabeth Cof fieid, whoso names and residences are unknown, Joseph J. Mabry, or the heim-at-law of the said Joseph J. Mabry, names and resi dence* are unknown, and Ann Eli za Durham, the respondents in the above entitled Special Proceeding, will take notice that an action en titled an above has been commenc- ■■ ed in the Superior Court ol mamce county by the petitioner, Emma Jane Mabry as the Execurix of the last will and testament ot - George S. Mabry for the purpose of M-iling the real property of which tbe said Ueor#e 8. Mabry died seized and possessed situate in Alamance county, N. C.. to cre ate a»setn to pay the indebtedness of the estate of said Ueorjre 8. Ma bry, the said respondents Dein/ the devisees in the last will and testa ment of the said Oeorze 8. Ma bry, and as such would be entitled to certain interests in remainder in the said real property of George 8. Mabry, and the said respondents J will further take notice that they are required to appear at the of fice of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Alamance County, at tke court bouse, in Uraham, on Satur day, the Wnd day of July, 1918, and answer or demur to the peti tion which will be filed in thie cause in said office within 10 days * fiom the issuing of summons herein or the jietitioner will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said |ietit|on. Done this the 15th day of June, 1916. J. D. KERNODLE, C. S. C., M of Alamance County. Overland Automot)j|e Given Away. The Southern Woman s Magazine is giving away a 5-paasenger, Mod el 83 $750.00 Overland Touring Car, complete with all modern equip ment including Electric Starter, Lights, ets. This car is awarded together with 500 desirable premi ums. The publishers of the South ern Woman's Magazine claim this to be one of tjie most liberal of fers they have yet made. This is no "catch-penny" contest but a fair and legitimate offer. Car will be awarded June lit. Pull par ticulars may l>e had by addressing Southern Roman's Magazine, Nas hville, Tenn. lljantf. • \ Dixon's Lead Pencils are the | I are THB BEST. Try them | I and be convinced. They are | I for sale at this office.—Sc. ■ j