THE GLEANER IBSUKF EVERY THUEBDAT. L J. P. KERNODLE, EdltorT 91.00 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. I. r / t • ' ADVBHTIBINO RATES JB* square (1 in.) 1 time 11.00, cr ©Ac-, sub •quent insertion 60 cents. For more space ■id lonrer time, rates furnished on applies -00. Looal notices 10 ots. a line (or Hrat mertion ;subsequent insertions # cts. a line transient advertisements must be paid tor In advance fi The editor will not be responsible for /lews expressed by correspondents. Tvt v Bntered at t&c Postoilice at Orsham, N. C., as second olass matter. C,. (KWWWWV-,^—*.-«•—•../ GRAHAM, N. C., Aug. 31, 191 G. The Party's Business. Mr. E. S. Parker, Jr., Chairman Of the County Democratic Execu tive Committee, has entered upon bis duties and will conduct a high-toned vigorous campaign. The work is not now to him. Just eighteen years ago ho was chair man and conducted one of the mos tvigorous campaigns the coun ty ever had. The defeat ,of the former election was turned into a splendid victory for the Democ racy of Alamance county. The Gluirman will do his full share in the campaign, but lie cannot do it all. The other com mitteemen, the candidates and all loyal Democrats must put their shoulder to the wheels and the result will bo assured. A good tickot, composed of competent men, has been nomi nated by the Democrats of Ala mance County. The next thing is to elect everyone of them. The railroad strike may or may nol be averted. Congress is now at work on a bill, at the solicita tion of President Wilson, to meet the situation. Congressmen dilTer very much as to the scope the bill should take; but an emergency is at hand and it must be met, that the business of the country may not be paralyzed. Should a strike be ordered, such as contemplated, no section of this great country could escape harm in its business relations. Maine Election Without National Significance. Portland, Mc., Dispatch. History would merely repeat itself if one party carried Maine in the September election and the other carried it in November. This very thing occurred four years ago when Maine elected a Repub lican Governor in September aud returned a plurality for Woodrow Wilaon in November. A leading Democrat said recent ly that a Republican victory in the September election need nol be regarded as an ill omen to the Democratic party. Maine is nor mally a Republican State aud when it goes Republican it merely follows its natural beut. Hence tho moral eflect throughout the country from a Republican vic tory hero would lie practically negligible. Nor is Maine a pivotal State in presidential elections. Democratic candidates for Presi dent get their strength olsowhore. Maine, by turning Republican in September, might merely once more sot at naught tho proverbial saying applied in presidential years, "As Maine goes in Septem ber, so goes the nation in Novem ber." But a Democratic victory on September 11, in tho opinion of most of the Republicans, would be tantamount to the handwriting on the wall—it would have a dis astrous effect on tho Republican party throughout the country, especially in doubtful States. It la the common judgment among! the politicians here that it would be more felt beyond than within the State. CoaoeMkm al Canal End to Be In vestigated. Investigation of report* from Panama that a CO.OOO-aore laud concession at the Atlantic oud of the eanal la being nought by a Spaniard named Fernandez, pro sumably for Japanese interests, haa been ordered investigated by Secretary Lansing. Mr. Lansing refused to discuss the report in detail but the action is considered significant. Ramon of a similar nnture have been common ever sinco the canal was well under way. Several months ago it wits commonly be lieved in diplomatic circles that private Japanese shipping inter eats were seeking land through Spanish intermediaries to estab -■ lish a base for storing coal at lower rates than could be had . from (ho American government monopoly base. So far as known nothing definite came of that plan. The present reports are that Fernandez is seeking or has al ready secured a 60,000-acre land concession through the activity of Baymond Vaider, whose recent election to the presidency of Pan ama may possibly be disputed by the United States because of al leged frauds and coercion. Admiral Concas of tho Spanish navy, selected by the Panama government as umpire to Bettle the dispute with the United States over the pnrchaae. price of canal property, is alleged to have given aom6 very valuable information flbou t the canal itself. ■' i lemocratic Speaking!! HON. N. A. SINCLAIR Democratic Candidate for Elector at Large Will speak on Political issues at the Farmers' Warehouse, in Burlington, ON FRIDAY EVENING September Bth, 1916 At 8 o'clock p. m. Mr. Sinclair is a gifted and vigorous speaker and it will be well worth your time to hear him. The hall will be well lighted and comfortably seated. E. S. PARKER, Ch'm'n Dem. County Ex. Com. OVER SEVEN YEARS ON ROADS. Court From Monday Till Friday-A Dozen or More Get Road Sent ences, Aggregating Over Seven Years 'A Busy Week. The August Term of the Superier Court conveiTbd Monday and ad journed Friday morning of last week. It was devoted exclusively to the trial of the State docket. Judge Daniels charged the grand jury at some length, duties of the jury. Incidentally he referred to the subject of taxation and honest listing, and recited many of the benefits which the peo ple get from the taxes they con tribute—the maintenance of the State hospitals, the county homes, all pub lic institutions, the enforcement of law ; public schools and higher in stitutions of learning ; farm demon strations, public hoalth, and so on. lie, too, alluded to the fast aud dangerous running of automobiles in derogation of the rights of others, and threw out some valuable sugges tions, if projierly heeded. These and other matters were very proper ly discussed, in which all the peo ple who stand for good government and social reform aro interested. liolow are some of the cases tried and the disposition made of them. In all the State was plaintifl and the person named dofendant. Joe Mitchell; nol. pros, with leave. James Bowman; nol pros, with leave. 11. C. Edwards; nol. pros, with leave. Lawrence Sutton; 3 cases —lar- ceny, false pretense and embezzle ment. In first and second, each 0 mos in jail and assigned to roads, and third prayer fcr judgment con tinued and capias to issue at any time on application of Solicitor. Ida Terrell; nol. pros, with leave. W. A. Terry; liquor for sale; pleads guilty. On payment of costs prayer for judgment continued for L' years and dofendant to appear at each criminal term and show goo f be havior. Monnie Curtis: concealed weapon; pleads guilty; judgment sus]>ended on payment of costs. J. T. Odell; selling liquor; not a true bill. Hannah A. Holt; false pretense; not guilty. Abraham Graves; trespass; nol. pros. Sara Davis; simple assault; judg ment suspended on payment of costs. Ed. Willis; assault with deadly weapon; fined S2O and costs. Ike und Everett Hoggs; larceny and receiving. Former plead guilty of receiving; *1 mos. on roads. let ter, guilty, and prayer for judgment continued. To pay half costs aud appear undei bond at each criminal term and show good behavior. Sheriff to arrest at any time upon complaint of misbehavior. Lawrence Fowler; house breaking, Ac.; pleads guilty; judgment sus pended on payment of costs. Will Collins, liquors for s.»l»; guilty; prayer for Judgment con tinued upon payment of costs and defd't giving bond to appear at each criminal term for two year* and showing good behavior. Tom ilefuiUW; selling liquor, six cases. DefdtJ pleads guilty. First three 6 mos. vaeh on public roads; fourth and sixth Judg't susp'd , tilth, lirsyer for Judgment cont'd and ca piat to Issue at any time upon re quest of solicitor. Bill Smith; selling li]our, two cases; 3 mos. on rosds in each. Kdgar Carter; asuuult with dead ly weapon; pleads guilty; Judge ment sus|>ended. Prank flarde; selling liquor; guil ty ; upon payment of costs, prayer for Judgt. cont'd and deft, to ap pear at each criminal term for two years and show good behavior. Tom Lamar; assault with deadly weapm; pleads guilty; 1 moa. oil roads. John Latta; larceny; guilty; 2 years on roads. W. C. Kowe; trespass; pleads guilty; judgment suspended ou pay ment costs. Charlie Self; selling liquor; pleads guilty; upon payment costs prayer for judgment continued and defend ant to appear at each criminal term for two years and show gocd behavior. Charles (Shot) llolt; assault with deadly wea]>on; pleads guilty ;t> mos. on toads. Ab. Causey and K L. Mcpherson; search and seizure; not guilty as to McPherson; guilty as to Causey and sent to roads 0 mos. Monroe Johnson; infg. liquor; not a true bill. Henry Perry; infg. liquor; not guilty, Jerry Wood; concealed weapon; pleads guilty; fined tlO and costs. Bill Willis, Ed. Willis and Albert Jamte; forcible trespass;', not guilty. A. C. Ilornaday; disposing of mort. properly; judgment suspend ed on payment costs. I'earson J raven; larceny; 2 cases; fi mos. on roads in each. Joe Foust; assault wilh deadly weapon and carrying concealed weapon; not guilty in first; in second guilty and judgment suspended on payment costs. Kufus Heritage; selling liquor; [♦leads guilty; upon payment costs prayer for judgment continued and giving bond to appear at each crimi nal term, for two years and show good behavior. Mrs. Sallie Montgomery; nuisance; jail for 3(J days. Doster Allen;, escape; guilty; 30 days ou roads. Charley Cliavis; larceny and re ceiving; pleads guilty; judgment suspended. Lawrence Lashley and Rulus Phil lips; ullray; plead guilty; judg ment suspended on payment costs. And hoth plead guilty of carrying concealod weapons, and each fined $lO and costs. Ernest Pickard, mfg. liquor; not a true hill. Miltou Williamson; selling liquor; not a true bill. Bylvestor Hunter and Matthew Wellington; affray, plead guilty. Former 00 days on roads; latter, judgment suspended. Will Walker; assault with dead!) weapon; pleads guilty; 2 mos, ou roads. The road sentences aggregate 91 months—7 years and 7 months. There is also one jail sentence of one month. ) The House of Congress has re passed the $374,000,000 army ap propriation bill, without the re vised articles of war, features of which caused President Wilson to veto the measure. The Senate reinserted the articles of war with out the particular section objec tionable to the President, and passed the bill, and the House is ex pooled to agree. Ouly six deaths from disease and a present sick rate of I S pi r cent, for the Americau expedition since it entered Mexico over live months ago, is the record contain ed iu oDicial figures. Adding the number of sick being treated al the base hospital to those in the Held, the rate is increased to 2.5 per cent. There has not been H single case of typhoid fever. The Treasury Department has received $4 for the "conscience fund" from a Texas preacher, who wrote as follows: "You will find inclosed four one-dollar bills. The person that is sending them has got to go—aud is doing his best to get to heaven. This is what he beat the government out of several yoars ago, so please make some disposal of them, as the one sending theui don't want them." Chairman Vance McCormick of tho Democratic national commit tee and Gov. Fielder of New Jersey, have completed arrange ments for tho notification of Presi dent \\ ilson of his reuotnination, at Shadow- Lawn, Long Branch, N. J., September 'I. Invitations have beeu issued to 5,000 persons and accommodations have been arrauged for 10,000. Despite the recent floods (he North Caroliua mountains are still partly there. Calomel Dynamites A Sluggish Livei Crashes into sour bile, mak ing you sick and you loose a work. Calomel snlivateal It's, mercury, Calomel acta like dynamite on a sluggish liver. When calomel comca in contact with aour bile it craihei Into it causing griping and nausea. It you feel bilious. headachy, con stipated and all knocked odt,]ust Eo to your druggist and get a JOc ottle of Dou son's Liver Tone, which is a harmless vegetable substitute for dangeroua calomel. Take a spoonful and if it doesnt atart your liver and straighten vou up better and quicker than nasty calomel, and without making you sick, you lust go and get your mobey back. . It you take calomel today youti be afck and nauseated tomorrow; besodea it may salivate you, while if you take Godson's Liver Tone you will wake up feeling great, full of ambition and ready for work or play. It's harmless, pleasant and aate to give to children; they like it adv, A dispatch from Berlin says the submarine Deutschland arrived at the entrance to the port of Bre men Wednesday, 23d. Since its establishment nearly two years ago the Bureau of War rsk insurance has brought a net profit to the Treasury Depart ment of 12,237,859. Five persons were killed and four injured when the Pennsyl vania train struck the car of John at a road crossing about a half mile from Berlin, Md. As the naval appropriation bill was perfected, the navy yards at Norfolk, Charleston, New Orleans, Puget. Sound, Boston, Portsmouth and Philadelphia will be equip ped to build warships. A memorial tablet to John Brown, the American abolitionist, has bsen unveiled at his grave near the village of North Elba, N. Y. 'Addresses were made by Myron T. Herrick, former ambas sador to France, and others. President Wilson has vetoed a bill allowing cities and township to buy public lands, including forest lauds, in their vicinity for parks, cemeteries and sewerage, The President vetoed the bill on ihe ground that the national for ests should not be utilized in that way. Proposals from various cities offering sices for the $11,000,000 government armor plant will be heard by Secretary Daniels on September 18, together with such offers as any private manufactur ers may submit for the sale of their establishments to the gov ernment. A dispatch from Eureka, Cal., nays the most violent earthquake felt (here nine© April, 1906, when San Francisco was destroyed, rocked the city and northern Hum boldt county at 6:55 o'clock Wed nesday morning, last week. There was no material damage. There were two shocks, each lasting several seconds. Be prepared for summer. Buy a bottle of DR. SKTH ARNOLD'S BALSAM. The oest remedy for all bowel complaints. Warranted by Hayes Drug Co. adv. Walking in her sleep, Mrs. Mary Cottrell of Richmond, Va., aged S5, fell off a porch and was killed. ITou Know What You Are Taking When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula Is plainly printed OD every bottle showing that it is Iron and Qui nine in a tasteless form. No cure, no pay.—soc. adv. Should the allies win, the Kaiser's faith in the Lord will be sorely shaken. Cure lor Cholera Morbus. "\Vhen our little boy, now ten old, was a baby he was cured of chr>lera morbus by Chamber lain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy," writes Mrs. Sidney Sim mons, Fairhaven, N. Y. "Since then other members of my family have used this valuaole medicine for colic and bowel trouble with good satisfaction and I gladly en endorse it as a remedy of excep tional merit.'' Obtainable every where. adv. The only redeeming feature of Mr. Hughes' candidacy is the strong probability that lie won't be elected. You Can Cure That Backache. Pain along tbe back, dlsslness, headache and irenneral languor. Get a package of Mother Uray'a Australia Leaf, the pleasant root and herb oure for Kidney, Bladder and Urinary troubles. Whsn you feel all rundown, tired, weak and without energy use this remarkable combination %»f natures herbs snd roots. As a regulator It has no equal. Mother Grsy's Australian-Leaf In Sold by Druggists or sent by msll forfiOets, samplu sent free. Address, The Mother| Uny Co., Le Hoy. N. IT. It's fortunate for the rest of the world that Mexico haan't any colonies. English Spavin Liniinnet re moved Hard, Soft and Calloused Lumps and liletnishes from horses; also Hlood Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, King Bone, Stifles, Sprains, Swollen Throat*, Coughs, etc. Save SSO by use of one bot. tie. A wonderful Bleuiish Cure. Sold by Graham Drug Company adv Oyster Bay is one of those old towns that live almost wholly in the past. Liver Trouble. "I am bothered with liver trouble about twice year,' - writes Joe Dingman, Webster City, lowa. M have pains in my back and side and an awful soreness in my stomach. I heard of Chamberlain's Tablets and tried them. By the time 1 had used half a bottle of them 1 was feeling fine and had no signs of pain. Obtainable everywhere. aay. %, Mr. Hughes is so sorrowful over the state of the nation that he bits left the supreme bench to mount a mourner's bench. sloo Dr. B. Detchon's Anti-Diu retic may be worth more to you —more to you than SIOO If you have • child who soils ths bed ding from incontinence Ol water during sleep. Cures old and younjr alike. It arrests the trouble at once. SI.OO. Sold by Qraham Drug Company. adv. President Wilson was going to tonr the country, but since Mr. Hughes made his trip ft is un necessary since he made the doubt ful States sure Democratic. CASTOR IA For Infaati and Children In UM For Over 30 Years Always bears . Sbtnamrc at Gasoline is acting positively flirtatious. While instructing a Sunday school class at- Zion Reformed church at Hageratown, Md., Dr. Edward KerShner, United States navy, retired, was stricken with paralysis of the brain and died in 10 minutes. Ir. Kerahner enter ed the navy ae assistant surgeon. He was serving on the sloop of war Cumberland when that ves sel was sunk by the Merrimac in Hampton Roads in 1862. When the Cumberland sank the doctor went down with her but was res cued. • RACE LETS 1 | C H„* I N • || Ml N'O • V pncc i o o • STONE S-K9 SILVERWARE ! JTOILET SET» . V ELG I N Z. T. HADLEY JEWELER * OPTICIAN ' GRAHAM, N. C. Sale Under Mortgage. By vlrtue'pf the powers contained In a oer taln mortgage deed executed op the 12th day of January, 19111, by W. W. Owens and bis wife, Sallle Owens, to A. L Pickett, and duly assigned to the undersigned, said mortgage having been made to secure the payment of a bond of even dale therewith due and uay able on the 12th day of Jan tarv, 1910, end de fault having been made In the payment of said bond, the undorslgnqd will offer for wile, for oaah, at the oourt house door in Qraham, at 12 o'clock, M., SATURDAY, SEPT. 30,1916, the following described tracts of land, to-wlt: A tract of Tsnd in Patterson township. Ala mance county, adjoining the Innds of 11. Z. Pike's heirs, A. H. Way lands, Wm. Hodglu and others, and beginning at a stone, A, H. Way's corner in the Hod gin line; thence N 06 poles to a sour wood tree; theuce 8 87Kd eg K 118 poles to a stone; theneu b VA deg w 80 poles to a postoak; thence N 87% deg W 28 poles to a s«ake; thence S 7 poles to a stone, way's corner on side of public ro d; thence W 85 poles with the said road with IU various courses to the beginning, containing 51 acres, mof&tor less, and known as the W. H. Mc Pherson land. _ Lot No. 2 beginning at a stone in the Mo- Pherson line; tnonce N 19 uoles to a stone; thence ft 48 poles and 18 links to a stone; theuce 8 102 poles to a stone: thence W 18 poles and 18 links to a stone in the Member son line; thence N BS poles to a tone; thence W 3u poles to the beginning, containing 16 acres, more or less, and kuown as.the M. F. Horn iday land. Batd mortgage Is duly recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds of Alamance county in llook No. 00 of Mortgage Deeds at page 92 et seq. This August 31,1910. A. L. PICKBTT, Mortgagee. W. H. EULIB4, Assignee of Mortgagee, Sale of Real Estate Under Deed of Trust. Under and by vlitoe of thepowerof tale contained lu a certain Deed of Ti u»t execut ed by Vlney Murray on July Ist, IVI3, to the undersigned Alamance Insurance and Heal Estate Company as Trustee, for the ourpose of securing the payment ef two oertath bonds of even date therewith, and default/having been made lu the paymentfibf SHIA bonds, dije and puyable on Julv Ist/AgLl, the under signed will offer forsale at publ c auction to )be hlgheet bidder for oa*b f at the oourt house door of AlaUance coufcjy,.ln Qraham, North Carolina, onV^—J SATURDAY, SEPT^3ty-^9l/ at 1:80 o'clock p. ra., the following described real estate, to-wlt: § A oeitaln tract or parcel of land In Ala mance county and btate of North Carolina, an Joining the lands of Mebane flsnbyterlan church lot, Wm. Malone. James Florence, Bam WagstafT, Monroe Jones, Wm. Leath, John Byrd f Husau llalns (or now llester) and others wnd bounded as follows, to-wlt: Beginning at an iron bolt, corner with said Itogers, running thence 8 ai y A deg 1.38 chs to aolron bolt, corner with said Halns (or Hes er) In said Murray's line; thence 860 deg E 11.87 chs to au iron bolt, corner with said Bains, or Hester, In said Byrd's line; thence N 7 deg K7.75 chs to au lnn bolt, corner with said Byrd; theuce 8 MO deg W 11.07 chs to the beginning, containing 6 10 acres more or ess, on which Is situated a two-story dwelling now occupied by the assured. Beoond Lot —A certain tract or paroel of laud In Alamauce county and Btatc of N~rth Carolina, idjolulngthe lauds of Wm. MaiOne, James Florence, Mam WagstufT, Monroe Jones and others aud bounded as follows; Beginning at a rock, corner with said Leath and church lot, running thence BBodeg W 10 02 chs to a rock, corner with said Malone; thence 8 10 deg W 4.01 chs to a rock, eorner with said Malone; (hence N 70% deg W 1 30 chs to a rook, coruqf with said Florence, In said Maloue's line; thence H deg K 0.34 chs to a rock, corner with said Fioience in said W«irstafTs Hue; tbence E l,vl chs to an Iron bolt, corner with said Wagstatf's In said Jones' line; theuce N 18 deg EOO chs to an Iran bolt, corner with said Jones; thence 8 71 Ji deg E 5 chs to an Iron bolt, corner with said In said 1/eath's Hue; thenoe ft 18 deg k 8.43 chs to tbe beginning, con taing 7.6.1 acres, aaore or All of said real estate being fully described In the deed of trust under which this sale la made, duly probated and recorded lu tbe office Of the lie,lst ro: Deeds for Alamance county In B jok ot Mort gages aud Deeds of Trust No. ttt, at page 41. This Aug. 85th, IWIO. ALAMANCE INH. * It SAL ESTATE CO., Trustee. Mortgagee's Sale. - Under and by virtue of the pow er ot sale contained in a ceriain mortgage deed executed by J. A. Garrison and wife, M. A. Garrison, on Ma y 10, 1913, to the Alamance Insurance & Heal Estate Company, for the purpose of securing the bond of even date therewith due and payable on May 10, 1914, said mortgage deed being duly probat ed and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Alamance county, in book of mortgages ana deeds of trust No. 81, at page 74, default having been made in the !>ayment of said bond at maturi ty, the undersigned mortgagee, will on Monday, SEPTEMBER 85, 1916, at 13 o'clock M., at the court house door, in Uraham, North Carolina, offer tor sale to the highest oidder, for cash, a certain tract or parcel of land in Burlington township, Al amance county, North Carolina, ad joining the lands of the North Car olina Railroad Company, Alamance Insurance & Real Estate Company, Holt Street and others and bound ed as follows: Beginning at a stake on Holt Street, running thence with said Street East 70 feet to a stake on said street, corner North Carolina Railroad Company, thence with the line of said railroad company Sout hwest 234 feet to a stake, railroad company's corner, thence with tbe line at railroad company North 70 feet to a stake, corner Alamance Insurance & Real Estate Company, Northeast with line of said Ala mance Insuranqe St Real Estate Co. 234 feet to the beginning, oeing a part of lot No. 190 in the plot of the City of Burlington, N. C. This the 17th of August, 1916. ALAMANCE INS. A REAL EITAIE CO.. Mortiaft*, Sale of Real Estate Under and by vii!ue of an ordei of the Superior Court o 1 Alamance county, made in the s|>ecial pr *• ceedings entitled Aaro r Richmond, Adeline Richmond vs. Anne Rich mond, Rudy Richmond, Jennie Richmond, Mollie Richmond and Fannie Richmond, the same* being No. 1 up in the special pro ceedings docket of said court, the undersigned commissioner, will, on SEPTEMBER 18, I'JiC, at 12 o'clock noon, at the court bouse door in Oraham, Alamance county, North Carolina, offer for side to the highest bidder for cash a certain tract or parcel of land in Melville Township. Alamance County, North Carolina, described as follows: Adjoining the lands of C. F. Cates, Charles Harris, B. 8. Ben son and others; beginning at a hickory tree, corner with said Harris in Cates' line, running thence N. 7 deg. W. 8 chs. to the center of Mill Creek in said Cates' line* thence up said creek as it meanders S. 72 deg. E. 1.70 chs. N. 33} deg. E. 6.20 chs. to concrete bridge, N. 30 deg. E. 3.30 chs. to the center of old bridge, thence S. 75 deg. E. 1 ch. to the old road at ford, thence with the old road S. 10 deg. W. 2 chs. to intersection of road from bridge, thence S. 15 deg. W. 2.55 chs. S. 21} deg E. 6.35 chs. to a rock in W. side of old road, thence S. 82} deg. 4.15 chs. to a rock corner house lot, thence S. 21} deg. E. 2.50 chs. to rock in Harris line, corner house lot, thence $. 82} deg. W. 5 chs. to the beginning, containing 7 1-10 acres, more or less. This 17th day ot August, 1916. W. S. COULTER, Commissioner. Service by Publication CITATION IN KK CAVBAT. North Carolina—Alamance County. In the Superior Court, In the matter of4be Will of Y. 11. Warren, Citation. To Hulda Warren, Molile Dameron and hus band Jim Damerou, Brown Nicks and wife Mollle Nicks, Ruth liurtli, Myrtle Burch, Bethel Burch, Walter nurcb, Nannie Fitch ar d husband Buck Fitch, Effle Smith and husband Alex Smith, Kston Burch, Lizzie Burch, Oaille Burch, Irma Burch, Qastou llurch, Valeria Hlghtower and husband J. R. Hlghtower, Mollle Evans, Lewis Mar shall, Fannie Hlggs and husband James Higgs, Lillian Burch, Lewfs Burcb, Matlie Uranam and husband John Graham, Ella Sirterfleid and husband A_G. Porterfleld, ollle Fonvllle and husband Karle Fon ville, Sailie Hurse and husband JoeHurse, Bailie stockard and husband H. J.Stockard. Annie Biggs and husband Sidney Hlggs, R. E. Warren and wife A. I. Warren, w. B. Warren, A. B. Warren and wife EtJiel>War ren, F. D. Warren and Mfi/e Mabel War ren,, Era Miles and husband Jack Miles. You, and each of you, as persons interested in the estate of the late Y. B. Warren, are hereby notified that a caveat having been en tered to the probate of the paper writing pur porting to be the will of 8.. Warren, and tbe bond required by law having been Hied and the case having been transterred to the Superior Oourt for trial at tTTni, you will ap- Sear at the Siptembur term. 181(1, of Alamance upcrlor C-ourt, which said term convenes on the 11th day of September, 1816, and make yourselves proper purtles to the said proceed ing, If j'ou choose. This 10th day of August, 1918. J. I>. KBRNODLB, lOauglt Clerk Superior Court. NOTICE Of Mortgagee's Sale of Real Estate. Under and Ijy virtue of the power of sale contained in a cer tain mortgage executed by J. W. Lynn and Lizzie Lynn to the under signed Alauiauce Insurance and Real Estate Company on the 4th day of November, 1909, for the purpose of securing the payment of a certain bond of even date therewith, said mortgage being duly probated and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance county, in Book of Mortgages and Deeds ofiTrust No. 01, at page 105, default having been made in the payment of said bond at maturity, the undersign ed mortgagee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bid der, for oash, at the court house door of Alamance county, in Gra ham, North Carolina, on MONDAY, SEPT. 18, 1910, at 1 :U0 o'clock p. m., a certain tract or parcel of land in the coun ty of Alamance and State of North Carolina, in Burlington township, Cit/of Burlington, and bounded as followH: Beginning at an iron bolt on Mebane Street, corner with lot No. 1, running thence South 21 deg West 217 feet to an iron bolt; thence North 55 deg East 70 feet i©an iron bolt; thence North 25| deg West 214 feet to an Iron bolt on Mebane Street; thence with the liue of Mebane Street South 54 3-4 deg West 70 feet to the beginning. - This fßth of Aug., 1916. ALAMANCB INS. & HEAL ESTATE CO., Mortgagee. Trustee's Sale of Real Estate. Under aud by virtue ol tbe power of Halo contained 10 a certain Deed of Trail execut ed by Cicero Whltemoro on June Ist, 11)15. to the Alamance insurance and Heal Estate Company for the purpose of securing tbe pay ment of a bond or even date therewith, due and payable Jane Ist, WIS, said Deed of Trust being duly probated and reoordedln the office of the Beglster of Dee s for Al dknoe coun ty. in llook or Mortgages and Deeds of Trust >o aft. at page lis, default having bean made lu the payment of akl bond at maturity the undersigned AlaonM Insurance aud Keal Kslate Company, HuMe, will, on at one o'clock p. m., at tbe court bouse doo of Alamance county, at Urabain, N. ...offer for sale at publle auction to tbe blgheal bid der fur cash, the following two Uauta or par cel a of land, to-wlt: Two certain traots or parcels of land bounded and dewrlbed aa followa: Klrst Tract—Lying an l being In Alamance county. North Carolina, adjoining tbe lands of the late Washington Dixon, W. Barnwell, a. K Martin and others, oomalnlug acrea, more or less, and lully described In Deed Book No. 33, pp. si, as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a stak* In S. K. Martin's line and corner ot lot No 1; thence N W deg W 14h chs to s Stake, corner with No. I; thence N 2 deg K 10 cba to a slake, corner with No. 4: thence 8 W deg BM Iks to a white oak; thence 8 V 6 chs to tbe II rat station, contain! ng torty- H»e acres, more or less. Seoond tract—Also one other tract of land being In Ibe said couuty aud Bute, and in Pleasant drove township, known as a part ot the Jainea Durham land tdeueaaed). con taining tweuty-fouracrva, more or less, and bounoed as fullews: On the North by 8. °. u by b. F. Martin, on tbe West by A. J, McCautay, deceased, and on Souib by Alvln Dixon, containing 24 acres, more or less. This July (list. 11116. , ALAMAMCKIMS * KEAL EHTATB CO., Trustee. |* *u P-TO-^ATB^OB + PRI N | DONE AT THIS OFFICE. I % QIVB US A TRIAL. I - this treat always avaflablo. B Always the same delicious quality, made Jg In the Purity Palace and kept pure until ID • I I ¥3 it reaches your table. IHj I _ (M Alk for "VELVET KIND," insist on it' |H | ! , g The "VELVET KIND" Ice Cream Sold by Graham Drug Company '"he Moon Motor Car Co. At W. E. Petty's Old Stand GRAHAM,N.C. All work guaranteed to give satisfaction. Repairs for all standard cars sold here. Cars for Hire. - - Open All Hours. ion Motor Car Company Phone 558J GRAHAM, N. XT. The Greensboro Daily News $2.50 Cash with order to new subscribers from now until November 30th. Your acceptance of this special price will also entitle you to a free copy of our Handy Almanac and Encyclopedia, a book that you will find invaluable, containing many impor tant facts, statistics and figures for which you have frequent use. Order The Daily News to-day and get the greatest benefit of this special price. Remember this is campaign year aud we handle the news impartially. Greensboro Daily News GREENSBORO, N. C. MOUNTAIN Excursion to Ashe vile "The Land of the Sky" ' TUESDAY, SEP. sth, 1916 SOUTHERN RAILWAY Premier Garrior of the South. Tickets Limited Six Days-Through Pullman Sleeping Cars and Coaches. Schedule and round trip fares as follows: I Leave Goldsboro 2.00 p. m. $6.75 1 ' Selma 3.00 r * 6.25 B Raleigh 4.05 " 5.75 Henderson 2.15 " ' 5.75 Oxford 2.55 " 5.75 Chapel Ilill 4.00 " 5.75 Durham 5.08 " 5.75 Burlington G. 25 " 5.75 Greensboro 7.20 " 5.00 Arrive Asheville, Wednesday Morning, September 6tli. Round trip fares in same proportion from intermediate points. Returning tickets will be good to leave Asheville on all regular trains up to and including all trains leaving Asheville, Sunday, September 10th, 1916. This is the best time of the season to visit the Mountains. Asheville, Waynesville, Lake Toxaway, llendersouville, Lake Junaluska, Brevard and various other points. Make your sleeping sleeping car reservations in advance. For sleeping car reservations and further information ask Southern Railway ticket agent* or address J. O. JONES, T. P. A., Raleigh, North Carolina College ol Agriculture And Mechanle Arts. meD Bee king an education which will for prac tical lUe in Agriculture and all its allied branches: in Civil, .Elec trical and Mechanical Engineering; in Chemistry ana Dyeing; in Tex tile or other Industries, and in Agricultural teaching wiU find excel' lent provision for their chosen careers at the State's great Techni cal College. This College fits men for We by giving practical in struction as well as thorough scientific education. Four Course* In Agriculture, in Chemistry, in Civil. Electrical ana Mechanical Engineering, and in Textile Industries " a culture Jre#r ' tW ° , ' ear * oae year and Summer Normal courses in Agri- Numerous practical short courses. Entrance examinations held at each county seat on July 13th. For catalog and entrance blanks, write * ' - I I E. B. OWEN, Registrar, }unc29—july 13, 27—aug 10, 21, 31. Wcrt Ra * h ' *°*

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