THE GLEANER ' i i' 1 * '*i ■ ■ n r " . GRAHAM, N. 0., Sept. 7, 1916 Postoftice Hours. onto open 7.00 a. m. to T. 00 p. m. gnuday (UN to 11.00 a. m. and 4.00 to MS p. a J. U. MoCRACKEN, PoitmaAer. X LOCAL NEWS. + Tllll 111111111111 111 1111 1 1 —Mr. C. A. Thompson is painting his residence on N. Maple St. . —A fine boy was born Tuesday to Mr. and Mrs Clarence Bradshaw. Congratulations. —Miss Margaret Clegs will have her opening of Pall Milliner.y Sat urday, 16th inst. —Judge P.-A. Daniels, of Oolds boro is here holing a two weeks term of civil court which openea Monday. —A number of Graham people attended the ball game at Mebane Tuesday. Mebane defeated Hills boro by a score of 6 to 1. —Misses Hughes & Snyder will have their millinery opening Sat urday 16th, at M. R. Rives' store. See ad. in another column. —The Patriotic Sons of America installed officers Monday night ana sevred ice cream when the busi ness of the evening was over, —Mr. J. J. Snyder, W. Elm St., has a snowball bush in bloom ana the blooms are in clusters of three. Something unusual for snowballs to appear so late as this. / —The following attorneys of Greensboro have been here this week attending court, viz: Judge R. C. Strudwick and Messrs. R. R. King, Jr., Geo. S. Bradsjhaw, T. C. Hoyle and Chas. A. Hines. —Revival services were begun at the Methodist Protestant church Sunday night. Rev. N. G. Bethea of Elon College, is doing the preaching and the singing is oe ing led by Mr. T. O. Pender of Me bane. —Mr. John D. Vaughn has bought and moved into the residence next to Mr. J. M. McCracken's on North Maple Street. .This is the res idence formerly owned and oc cupied by the late P. A. Mitchell. The residence is in need of some repairs, which Mr. Vaughn will make at an early date.- —On Saturday of thiß week there will be given an examination for the seventh grades of the county who failed to pass on their examina tions last spring. There will also be given at the same time a special examination for the colored teachers of the county. All colored teach ers of the county. All colored teach* ere are especially urged to come and take this examination as this will be the last g' ven before the next regu lar examination. The date is Satur day September the 16th, beginning at 9:00 a. m. J. B. ROBERTSON, Supt. Public Schools. Among the Sick. Mrs. C. P. Albright was taken quite ill laßt night. Mrs. J. M. McCraeken is 'very ill. She does not appear to be gain'ng any strength. Little Miss Margaret Turner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Turner, is on the sick list. Mr. Herbert Long Undergoes Opera tion. Mr. Herbert Long, son of Dr. Wilt S. Long, was operated on at St. Leo's Hospital last Priday. He had a dislocated kidney, caused by an accident, that had given him more or less trouble since he was a mere child. At intervals his suffering was intense. The organ was re moved. He stood the operation ail right-and he is getting along as nicely as 'could be wished. - Baptist Church Services. Regular .services at the Baptist church next Sunday, September 17. Subject, 11' a. m., "The Chris tian's F1ag7.30 p. m., "The Heavenly Benediction.'' These will be the pastor's clos ing sermons, he having accepted a call to the West End Baptist church in High Point. Pastor Rose will begin Work in hiß new field Oc tober Ist, with a protracted meet ing. Knocked Boy Down and Broke Bike. Saturday Mr. K. B. Poole was driving his l auto from the postoffice to his store at southwest corner of court house square. As he turned the corner between the court house and W. J. Nicks' store Waldo Murray ran in front of him on a bicycle. The boy was knock ed down and the bike badly broken. It is stated the boy was watching a motorcycle and ran in front of the auto. Mr. Poolo was driving very slowly and stopped almost instantly, otherwise the lad likely would have been badly hurt. The Jar from falling on the pavement was about the extent oi the boy's injury. AnExcelent Lecture, Delicious Re fseshments, Good Music. There will be a lecture by Dr. D. A. Long of Burlington, who is a teacher and preacher of nation al reputation and a most interest ing speaker, in the beautiful grove at Low's parsonage, on Saturday, Sept. 23 at 2:00 p. m. A small admission fee will be charged the proceeds to go the new Church Orgah Fund. Immediately fol lowing the lecture, the old church organ will be sold to the highest bidder. This is an opportunity to buy a fairly good organ at your own price. Come! Ice cream and cake will be sold duriig the entire afternoon. The public is most cordially in vited. Everybody come; both old and youug and bring some body else with you and lets have an afternoon full of good things, a good lecture, a good sale, and good ice cream. Undine "Undine" the greatest picture ever produced will be seen at the Mexican, Tuesday Sep. 19th. A beautiful story of a sea nymphs, featuring the champion lady swim mer of the world. Don't forget the date. MHUnery Opening. Misses A. & L. Preeland will have their millinery opening Priday ana Saturday, September 22-23. Every body cordially invited. i • I ++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ Jv PBRSQWAL* t Mrs. Jaa. D. Procter spent yester - day in Greensboro. Mr. T..0. Coble of Durham spent Monday here. ■» Mr, and Mrs. H. L. Ferguson of Durham spent Sunday here. Miss AUie Pearsall of Red Springs is here visiting Miss Martha Holt. Miss Naomi Hocutt left for Merdith College, Raleigh, Tuesday. Mr. Junius Goodwin of Lumber ton spent Saturday and Sunday here. Mr. Elmer P. Williams of Colum bia, S. C., was here a short while Monday. Misses Minnie Long and Lila Bell left for the State Normal, in Greensboro, this morning. Miss Minnie Horn buckle left Monday for Louisburg Female Col lege, where she will attend school. Misses Conley Alhright and Mary Walker returned this week to the State Normal College, Greens boro. Mrs. Jas. K. Mebane is in Raleigh at the home of her brother-in-law, Mr. John C. Drewry, who is quite ill. Mrs. W. A. Wood and daughter, Miss Agnesß, returned home Friday from a visit to relatives in Greens boro. Mr. Bryan Phillips of Greensboro, wh6 lived here up to a few years ago, was in Graham a short while Saturday.. Miss Mary Pritchard who ha&been visiting Mrs. J, Dolph Long re turned to her home in Chapel Hill last Sunday. Miss Lorena Kernodle left Wed nesday for Gastonia where she will teach in the Central Graded School of that City. Miss Lillian Brantley, who has been here visiting Mrs. Edwin D. Scott, leaves today for her home in Troy, Ala. Mrs. J. W. Goodman, who has been here visiting her mother, Mrs. J. C. Hocutt, will leave for her home in Asheville tomorrow. Mrs. Theodore Caswell of Augnsta, Ga., who has been here visiting Mrs. Edwin D. Scott, left Tuesday for a visit to her old home at Milton. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Carlyle, who have spent the past two months at Hendersonville, spent from Satur day till this morning here visit, ing Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Henderson when they left for their home in Lumberton. They motored the en tire trip through the country. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. R. Ross and Master George left Monday for their home at Jackson Springs, accompa nied by Mrs. Ross' mother, Mrs. W. R. Goley. Mr. Rose arrived here Sunday in his automobile and they returned through the country. Mr, James Holt of Jacksonvilie, Fla., was here Tuesday calling on relatives and friends. He was born and reared a short distance south of Graham. His father was Dr. Michael Holt. He is a brother of Mrs. Jas. E. Boyd of Greensboro and Mrs. Annie Foust of Ramseur. Mrs. J. C. Hocutt and daughters, Mrs. R. L. Holmes, Mrs. J. W. Goodman and Miss Naomi; Mrs. Holmes' children, Misses Luci e and Maxine and Master Robert; and Miss Annie Ben Long; and Mr. Glenn Huffman spent Sunday in Durham visiting at the home of Mr. Suitts, Mrs. Hocutt's brother. Court Items. Court opened Monday morning. The first cases on the caelndar were divorces, of which two were tried and divorces were granted to Moses Harvey, colored, and Mrs. Georgia Smith. In another a nonsuit was taken. Tuesday morning the case of A. M. Hadley vs. T. D. Tinnin for damages, charging false arrest and abuse of process, waa| taken up and was not finished until yesterday morning. It was a hard fought case. The jury's verdict was in favor of the defendant Tinnin. Since then two cases have been taken up growing out of horse trading— One, J. R. Shepherd vs. J. V. Tickle, taken up yesterday, resulted in favor of the defendant, this morning, and another started on the reconvening of court this afternoon. It Happened In Honolulu. "It Happened in Honolulu," will be seened at the Mexican, Friday Sept. 22, introduces to the Red Feather audiences a set of players who have never been neen in a Red Feather production before, though tber are all well known stare and their work in two and three reelere have made them famous in filmdom. Of this cast Myrtle Gonzalez, Val Paul and Jack Curtis are best known. Good, Gentle Mare For Sale At once—a bargain. Apply U? Mrs. Paul Kimmins at Lafayette Holt's, Burlington, N. C. To Core a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if It fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature i» on each box. 35 ceDts. » dv - A WORD FOR MOTHERS It It a grave mistake for mo4her» to neg lect their aches sod pains sod suffer in silence —this only leads to chronic skk neas and often shortens life. If your work is tiring; if your nerves ars exdtable; II you feel languid, weary or depressed, you should know that Scott's Emulsion overcomes just such conditions. It possesses in concentrated form the very elements to Invigorate the blood, strengthen the tissues, nourish the nerves and build strength. Scott's is strengthening thoussods of mothers—and will help j**. No alcohol. • feCTtt » Bpwnc, Blowagsjjyji J. • A BIBLE CAMPAIGN Began in this city last night in a large and well seated tent across from the COURT HOUSE SQUARE Conducted By Evangelist U. D. Pickard, Of Washington Missionary College. A feature of interest at this campaign will be a "question and answer" service at 7:45 each evening. Meetings will be held Sundays at 3in the afternoon. Since, according to the Evan gelist, prophecy is the only means of penetrating the future" considerable time will be given to a discussion pf the prophecies found in the Books of Daniel and Relelavions. The general purpose of the movement, it is stated, is to confirm the faith of the people in the Bible as the inspired and authoratative word of God. Coming Tuesday Sept. 19th AT THE MEXICAN The Magnificent Dramatic Spectacle UNDINE In Five Acts A Beautiful Story of the Sea Nymphs Admission 10c to All Evangelist Pickard In His Tent Meet-, ings. "The devil was once the moft beautiful of all the angels in heaven,!' was a statement made in an address by Evangelist Pickard at .the tent across from the court house square, where, in spite of the inclement weather, a splendiu audience gave most rapt attention. "Nowhere in the Bible, he contin ued, does it say has horns, hoofs, or a forked tail. Neither does it say he has a pitchfork in his hand tormenting those who are in the fire; out on the contrary is says he was created perfect in beauty, and full of wisdom until sin was found in him.'"' He further stated that "oefore the Devil sinned his name was Lucifer, meaning "day star". He was chief of the angels and next in position to Christ. He became exalted be cause of his beauty and entertained a great desire to be equel with Goa. Securing a large following of angels he led them to war against Christ and the loyal angels, but he prevailed not, neither was his place found any more In heaven. "As this rebellious leader was not successful in heaven he turned his attention to the tearing down of creation. We find the story of hite first victory in the third chapter of Oenises. Ah, the pity of it—here Satan ursurped Adam's position as prince of the world. "Christ came to destroy the Dev il and meets him face to face in the wilderness. For six thousand years these two princes have con tending for the riglit of the king dom. Both were once in tie truth, but the bible says Satan aoode not in the truth. He thus became the father of lies. In John 17 :17 we find these worns of our Saviour, "Thy Word is Truth." The Bible then is the story of Truth, which thing Satan hates. In order to escape tue nets he has set for our feet, we must study the Truth—which is the Word. "There is a Truth or portion of the Bible written for every gener ation, and it is th-'i portion appli cable to this generation which is to be studied in this tent.' The subject for Friday nig'it will be the "Return of Our Lord,'' lor Saturday night 'Signs of Christ's Coming' for Sunday after loon at 3 o clock, "Th" Devil's Vaca tion," Sunday night, "The Homo of the Saved.' Meetings through 'he week of thrilling interest. Fishing at Morehead. Mees. Chas. P. Harden, A. K. Hardee, 11. L. Holmes and Cbas. P. Harden, A. K. Hardee, R. L. Holme* and Chiw. A. Scott left the first of the week in Mr. Holmes' automobile for Morehead City on a fishing tri|. As an evidence of their success a number of their friends have been with nice strings of trout. Liberty Mr. It. L. Holmes, Mgr. of the Mexican Theatre has booked for Tuesday, Sept. 26, Liberty, a beauti love story of the life along the Mexi can border, featuring Miss Marie Walcamp and Eddie l'olo. This is a military play showing the condi - tion of our country along the border and using 7 regiments if U. S. Soldiers. Dog Tax. Your dog tax will be due on and after Sept. Ist for 191G—'17. All owners of dogs in Graham are re quird to pay this tax. BOYD R TBOUNOEB, Aug. 10, 1916. Tax Collector. First aid for all bowel attacka is DR SETH ARNOLD'S BALSAM. Known for sixty years. Keep a bottle in the house. Ouaranteea by Hayes Drug Co. adv. Woodlawn Picnic and Educational Rally Day. The Woodlawn day school and the Sunday School of this com munity joined hands in a picnic last Saturday on the beautiful grounds of the Woodlawn school. Mr. L. C. Brogden, State Rural Supervisor, made an interesting and vital lecture on "llow Bobby Brown went to. school," showing the ia|>ortance and value of chil dren being at school every day dnring the entire school session and the necessity of having each child supplied with his own books and other necessary equipment. He gave the statistics and called attention to the fact that a day in school is worth to the dhild about S2O each day. l)r. D. A. Long of Bnrlington was also present and gave a few gems of thought to the people. A bountiful and sumptuous picnic dinner was served by the people of the Community The afternoon program consist ed of presentation of Bible and flag to the Woodlawn school by the Junior Order and of the rais ing the flaggiven. The ceremony was very impressive and made the blood of patriotism rise within the vein ofs every one as the Star Sprangle Banner slowly was made to ascend to the top of the mas sive pole and unfurl her siars and stripes "O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave." Later in the afternoon the Sidney ball team crossed hats wiih the Woodlawn leam in a game of ball. Mebane Brass Band furnished music for the day. Upon the whole it was a good day for the Woodlawn people aud for every one who attended. MEXICAN PROGRAM The following is the program for the week beginning Monday, Sept. IBlh. MONDAY NIOHT. The Iron l'athe in 2-parls featuring l'earl White and Sheldon Lewis Timothy Doblm U S F in 2 parts He Wrote a Book Victor in 1-part Good for Evil Imp in 1-part TUESDAY NIOHT. UNDINE The Greatest Picture Ever.Produced WEDNESDAY NIOHT. Son of Neptune G. S. in 3-parts Broke but Ambitious Nestor in 1-part THURSDAY NIOHT; Boyond the Trail Bison in 2-parts Weapons of Love Nestor in 1-part Soup and Nuts Joker in 1-part FRIDAY NIOHT. It Happened in Honolulu I ted Feather in 5-parts SATURDAY NIOHT. The Brennon of the Moor U S F in 2-parts Weekly No. 33 A Double Croas Iy-Ko in l»part BANKRUPT SALE! 1 . : By virtue of an order of the District Court of the United States for the Western District of North Carolina, in the matter of the estate of J. W. Menefee, bankrupt, I will offer for sale the property described herein, at public auction on the premises, known as the .RIVER FALLS FARM OR "ALSTON PLACE" . in Thompson township, Alamance county, N. C., to the highest bidder, upon the terms hereinafter stated. The sale of the lands will be at 11 o'clock a. m. Friday, September 29, 1916 and the personal property on the same day beginning at 10 o'clock. The first tract of land contains about 1,400 acres, and is situated in Thompson township, Alamance county, North Carolina, on the East bank of Haw river, and has upon it a number of tenant houses and out houses. Has a large area of cultivated lands and a large area of original forest and pine timber v It is well watered by springs and wells, and is in a high state of cultivation. A fine farm for all purposes—grows grain, grass, cotton and tobacco—in fact everything that grows in this section of the State. This farm of 1,400 acres has been subdivided into 14 tracts and will be offered according to the plats of said tracts, and then as a whole, and the best price will be reported to the court for confirmation. The scond tract consists of about 86 acres, and is situated immediately upon the waters of Haw river, on the East bank of the river, and upon it are a number of houses, builtrecently for operatives' houses, and is known as the ' - River Falls Cotton Mill Property The last named tract of land has upon it a mortgage of $4,000 and the first tract has mortgages amounting to about $14,800, but the lands willbe sold free and clear of mortgages. TERMS:' One-third cash on confirmation of sale, and balance one-third due in six months and one-third in twelve months from date of confirmation, deferred payments to bear inter est at 6 per cent, from date of confirmation and title reserved until purchase money is fully paid. On the same day and place I will sell FOR CASH all of the personal property of said J. W. Menefee, consisting of 4 mules, 9 head of cattle, sor more nogs, 14 sheep, 2 boilers and engines, 1 cotton gin, 1 reaper and binder, 1 threshing machine, a lot of plows, cultivators ana wagons, a lot of household and kitchen furniture and a lot of lumber on the farm. This will be a fine opportunity to obtain a nice lot of these articles as they are all practically new and in good condition. J. C. STALEY, Trustee This August 24th, 1916. of J. W. Menefee, Bankrupt. To My Creditors And Friends: - That you may not hold me responsible for all of the misfortunes attending my failures in business, I will say that my wife and I have lost Sixty-seven Thousand Dollars due to failures on the part of corporations in which we had investments; failure to receive dividends and other losses made by solvent companies, and in neither of which we had any voice in the active management. „ J. W. MENEFEE. I" tookJElsie ! r Thats The Way i ■, 0 Vfy CONKLIN Writes" || H AND it not only means better writing I and higher grades—it does the work H with speed and smoothness. Ej I efficient self-filler. | ■ NON-uAKABis The Conklin ia the ■ ■ l . self-filler and ■ ■ has over 1,500,000 satisfied users everywhere. ■ f auitedto HAYES DRUG CO. GRAHAM, N. dt FALL OPENING MISSES HUGHES and SNYDER Invite you to attend their Opening of Fall Millinery, SATURDAY, SEPT. 16, 1916 * Main Street, Graham, N. C. In M. R. Rives Store. Mortgagee's Sale of Real Estate. t'rut-r .ind j\* virtue of th • pow er ill Vile • uiiaiiK (I in a certain mortgage deed dated April 11, IWH, from Suiti ii and wlfiy Alice IJ. Smith, to tlir undersigned mort gagee, recorded i:i the office of th" Heginter of Deeds for Alamance county. North Carotins, in >o ot mortgages and deeds ot trust M;>. 1,4, page I.sft, defaul'. leiMie; >.i*n mini • in l lie p:.> nu'i.t ot I ii* in J bt - edheiet secured 11■ .-n -by, t:k under signl d will, on Monday, 01 Tf'Ußit tb, rn., "V«, ill 12 o'clock, noon, at the court house door In (ira'e-i.ii, Nonh T ir olina, off'T for sale i. |Mitilic : cry, to th- beit hid ler, ill tnat ' c rtaiii lot or parcel ot land in ill - city nl Burlington, Alamance county, North Carolina, adjoining ttir- land* ul 11. fi. Kime; Nimey v.. ' Sioor" property, and Main Street, hound "I as follows j Beginning at a rOek corner of Kime'g, running thence South -V( ■ d »{. 2t mill. V\'e»i 2'XI fi ct to a rock , cornVr Willi Nancy Ii Moore oa John Clnpp'n |{ne thence North 3!S d j'. 3# min. West 25n feet to a rock eorn'Ton Worth Street , then*c North 53 d g 24 mm. East 200 feel to ii rock corn- r "Mti Henry Kime, tlienco Willi said Kime'* South 3t) iV-jf. 3'i mill. East 250 feet to the beginning, containing It-100 of an acre, more or less, the name being lots No. 7 and 8 as p»r the said Nancy E. Moore's plot, except a lot sold off land to N. S. Card well. This September 13, Jtlti. South *rii Life A; Trust Co., Mortgagee. NOTOE!! Taxes Due the Town of (irsham Must Be Paid Al Once. I am instructed to collect all ; taxes due the Town of Graham be- I fore October 15. The 191# books will be in my hands about that date, and past due tuxes must be , paid now. I'ay yours at once and j gave cost and trouble ol levy. This September 7, 191 G. B. K. THOLINGER, Tax Collector. WE HAVE THE EARLIEST, BlG gest, high class Strawberry grown. Also the Best one or the ever bearing kinds; bears tho best fla vored berries from Spring until the snow flies. Free Booklet. Wake field Plant Farm, Charlotte, North Carolina. I7febot Subscribe for THE ULEANBR |I.OO a year In advance, NOTICE >» Mortgagee's Sale ol Real Estate. I'lnlur and by virtue of the~"J jiower of halo contained in a cer tain mortgage executed by J. W. Lynn mid Lizzie Lynn to the under signed Alunuiuce Insurance aud Uxal fcjituto Com puny ou the 4th day of November, 130'.), for the purpose of securing the payment of u certain bond of even dato therewith, said mortgage being duly probated and recorded in the ollice of the KffgiHler of Deeds for Alamance county, in liook o£ Mortgages and Deeds of Trust No. (il, at page 10.'), default having been made in the payment of said bond at maturity, the undersign ed mortgagee will offer for sale at public auction to the -highest bid der, for oatih, at the court house "§| door of Alamance county, in Gra ham, North Carolina, ou MONDAY, SKIT. 18, 1910, at 1 :M) o'clock p. m , a certain tract or parcel of laud in the coun.- ' , ty of Alamance aud State of North Carolina, in Burlington township, City of Burlington, aud bounded as follow*: •, Beginning at an iron bolt on Mebano Street, corner with lot No. 1, running theuco South 21 deg West 217 feet to ati iron bolt; thence North 55 deg East 70 feet to an iron bolt; thence North 25* deg West 214 feet to an iron bolt on Mebaue Street; thence with the Hue of Mebaue Street South 54 3-4 deg West 70 feet to the beginning. This 10th of Aug., 1916. At.AMANCE INS. 4 HEAL ESTATE CO., Mortgagee. Littleton College A well established, well equipped, and vcy prosperous school for girls and young women. *Fall Term begins September 20th, ■ " For Catalog, address J. M. Rhodes, Littleton, N. C. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE GLEANER, f 11.00 A YBAR

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