HUSBAND RESCUED DESPAIRING WIFE After Foar lean el Dbcovafkf Conditions, Mrs. Bollock Gin Up in Despair. Husband j Cam* to Rescue. Citron, Ky.—ln an Interacting letter bom this place, Mrs. BetUe Bullock writes as follows: "1 suffered tor four yeats, with womanly troubles, and during this time, I could only sit up hx a little while, and could no walk anywhere at an. At times, I wotiid bare severe pains in my left sldej * The doctor was called in, and his treat ment relieved me to a while, but I was soon confined to m- bad again. After that, nothing seemed to do me any good. . CONGRESSMEN ALL HASTEN FOR HOME ANXIOUB FOR REBT OR PART IN .THE NATIONAL CAMPAIGN WORK. | PRESIDENT'S STATEMENT Gives Notloe R.m.lnd.r of Rallrnnd Program Will Be Pressed Next Ben> slon.—Three Other Important urs. Go Over, Washington.—Adjournment of Con gress waa qulokly followed by a gen eral exodu. of member, hastening homeward for reet or the national political campaign. While the cloalng saw the adminia tration legislative program mainly completed soma things wait to be oomtlnued at the winter session notably the remainder of the prealdent'. pro gram of railroad legislation which wa. partially enacted to prevent the threat ened etrike. In a formal statement President Wilson speaking of the work of Congress, gave notice that ths re mainder or the railroad program would be pressed at the n«w session. The president's statement wa* as follows: "A very remarkable session of Con gress hsa just closed, full, as all ra oent sessions of the Congress have best! of helpful and humane legislation which constitutes contributions of cap ital Importance to the defense, the eco nomic progress and the wholeeome Ufa of the country. "It is to be regretted that the ses sion could not have continued long enough to complete the praaram re cently projected with regard to the ao oommoddtion of labor disputes be tween the railways and the employee, but it was not feasible In the clrcum etanqpe to continue the session any longer and therefore only the most im mediately pressing part, of the pro gram could be completed. "The rest. It Is agreed, has merely been postponed nntH K can be more maturely deliberated and perfected. I have every reason to believe that tt is the purpoee of t2ie leaders of the two houses immediately upon the re asaembllng of Congress to undertake this additional legislation. It I. evi dent that the country .hould be re lieved of the anxiety which must hfve Seen created by recent events with re aard to the future accommodation of euch disputes." The Immigration bill, the corrupt practices bill and the bill to permit combinations of American exporters to meat foreign competition abroad went •ver|. The closing hours of Congrees were remarkably qulot. Only the presence of the president In his room, near the Senate chamber, served to attract in terest to what otherwise would have keen aa uneventful ending of an event ful Congras. ItUSSO-RUMANIAN FORCES IN GREAT BATTLE WITH FOI Latest Country to Enter European War Seen, of Chief Oonfflet Now Raging. London.—Raman la , which entered the European war leee than two weeks ■fo. now la th* scene of a great bat pU between Roano-Rumanian forces and armies of the Central Powers. The ■oatreu part of Dobrudja or saatssa ftamania. has become a fighting ginaad and the opposing armies are enswged from the Blank Sea «b the Daaaha along a front of about 70 miles. Bulgarian and Turkish troops ar riving along the Black Sea coast have aocnpled BaJtjik and two other asa ports, Sofia re porta, and the (ortreee of DobrMch or Basardjlk, B0 miles ■otmwaat of Buchareet has been taken hy a combined Butgar-Oerman force. Th« Rumanians continue their of fenalve In eastern Transylvania and afcro have occupied the important town ot Orsova on the Danube, above (he Iron Gate. Advanctng from ■asreda in Than.ylvanla north of Smartadt, the Rumanians are driv- Ing westward and Vienna admits the withdrawal ot Austrian force, before attacks against Hergltta. - BAKERS WOULD QUIT MAKING SCENT LOAF Chicago.—Recommendation, to all bakers of the United Statee that the S-oant loaf of bread be abandoned and die IS-oaat loaf standard!ted. war. Inert, after conaldsrable dlscueekm at Itta dosing aeeelon of the exeouttve committee of the National AssodaUon sf Maater Bakers. They urged that the Senommeodatlons be pMt Into effect !m --■, mediately. Boonomlc waste Incident So the manufacture of the Scant loaf «aa emphasised as a reason. ai. *"We gather from the papen that the other aabmarine "Bremen" •V ia coming in at Portland, Boston, Baltimore, New York, and New k*. * —- I had gotten so weak I could not stand, and I gave up in despair. At last, my husband got me a bottle of Cardul, the woman's tonic, and I com menced taking tt. Prom the very first dose, I could tell It was helping me. I can aow walk two miles without its tiring ma, and am doing an my work " If you are all run down from womanly troubles, don't give up la despair. Try Cardul, the woman's tonic. It has helped more than a million women. In Its 90 jtMit of cootisuous success, nf* tbodd surely help you, too. Your druggist has sold Cardid for years. Ha knows what it win do. Ask him. He win recom mend it Begin taking Cardul today. Wrttt tot CWtueod SUflclM Co.. Ladta** Advisory Daw.. Chaltuoos*. T«n n.. far fccfil Inttrt MSMSf m mar CM udM-mi book. Horn, tiMM IK Wan, MM la data vrawar. )-«• TEUTONIC ALLIES TIKE FORTRESS BULGARIAN AND GERMAN FORCEa CAPTURE OLD FORTREBB BIL IBTRAI ON DANUBE. RUSSIANS SUFFER BIG LOSS Rumanians Advanoe Against Aus tria no—Rueslans Fall In Atlmpt to v Bresk Through Austrian Lines Beutheaal of Lemburg. London—Continuing their advance In Weatern Dobrudja, the German and Bulgarian forces have onptnred the old Bulgarian fortress of SlHntral, which Ues on the Eastern bank of the Dan ube about >6 ml lee east of Buchareet, the capital of Rumania and about an equal distance south of Conatansa> Bucharest railway Mne. The capture of the tortreas Is announced by the Berlin war office which asserts that the' Rumanians and Russians fighting in Dobrudja apparently have suffered very considerable losses during the last few days. In the Banat,North of Orsova, however, the Rumaniana advanced against the Austrian, compeiiod the Austrian right wing after H had push ed them back two and a half mile., to withdraw to Rs former poaltlon under a strong oounter-atteck. Attempts by the Rumaniana to advance against heights Weet of Calk Ssereda were re pulsed. In Southern Dukowlna near the junction of the Hungarian and Ru manian borders the Germans are In contact wkh the Rumanians. Attempts by the Russians to break through the Austrian lines Southeast of Lam berg, near Hallcaa, failed ac cording to Vienna with heavy losses. The Vienna etatement mentions the gallantry of the Turkish forces fight Ing with the Anatrlans In this region. GEN. BLiaa TO AaaiaT •ORDER COMMiaaiON Beoretsry Baker Grants to Permit Army Offloers to Explain S Military Condition.. Washington—Seoretary Baker grant ed the request ot the American-Mexi can oomlaaton to have Maj. Oen. Tank er H. Biles, aeeletant chief of staff, go to New London, Conn., to give the commissioners Information that he has gathered first-hand concerning the military eituatlon along the Interna tional border. The general Is regarded as one of the army's nori competent authorities on Mexican questions. As assistant chief of staff he has more to do wRh the administration of military opera tions along the border than any other officer eaeept Major Oeoeral Funaton and recently he completed a personal inspection of all the border patrol mi ll tla oamp. Preesurs from political and business quarter. Is being brought to bear upon Secretary Baker and administration officials generally to withdraw Na tional Guard organisations from the harder. Members of Congress, busi ness bonnes and friends and relatives of gnarfemsn have del aged the dn pnrtmeot the last few days with m qnssts (or the Ninaen at the miHtl*. GERMAN CASUALTIES THUS FAR M 75400 London —Onxaan easnattlee la the war daring *e aennth at Angnat ac cording to a oomgltMlna hare from the German casualty Mala, totaled 140.500 Thl» bring, the Osi man total einca the beginning of the war, an complied from the same sources to These Scores taolnde sit the Oerman naSlnwaimsa, bat do not taehsde the naval and colonial oasualtlen The detailed flgnrea for the month of August follows: Killed. 41.100: prisoners. 1.(00; missing. 42,900; wounded, 1BS.B00; to tal 240,900. Detailed figures for the period of the war to the end of Auguat. ISIS: Killed 882,000; prisoner., 1(11,000; missing. 284.000; wounded. 2.144.000. Total 3,375,000. BRITIBH TROOPS ENGAGED IN HEAVIEST OF FIGHTINO London.—Brltlah troops have been engaged In the heavleat kind of fight ing along a I 1-t mile front on thn Bomme. extending from High wood to Leuse wood and have captured Otnchy, which lien almoet directly north of Combine, and all fee ground between Otnchy and Lnnan wood. On n front of more than a quarter mile the Brit ish gained 300 yards enst of High wood and north enst of Posters, captured (00 yarda of German trsochea. The survivors of the European war will doubtless have more ex periences to "reminisce" than the veterans of any other conflict in the history of the world. GOOSE PIMPLES | Coprri«hL) ' "" CONGRESS ENDS SESSION FRENCH MAKE BIG GAINS IMB,RQKNCY REVENUE BILL DRIVE MEN FURTHIR INTO GBR CONFERBNCE AGREEMENT 18 MAN LINK ALONG 80MMI APPROVED. 4 RIVER. Purohsss of Danish Wast Indies For Bsrlln AdmlU Less of Clary—ln Gala •2,000,000 Was Ratified by aenate o | a Russians Have Taken About , —Both Houses Hold Protraoted B>o oo Prisoners— Near Lem. Night Besslon. berg. Washington^—Congress adjourned London'.—While their compatriots Friday morning at 10 o'clock. After busy north of the Bomme ward nine months devoted to legislation 0 g German counterattacks or en both bouse. held protrated sessions gaged In artillery duels, the French, Thursday night to wind up their of- south of the River, drove their men fairs by approving the conference farther ipto the German lines for note agreement 9n the emergency revenue worthy gains. bill to raise approximately WOO.OQO,- In , tubborn fl(hUac oTer » front 000. deelred by the Administration to foor mllM vermandovlller. meet the eitraordlnary approprla- and th , Germans have been tions for national defense and the for ced to give up the northern portion Mexican of vermandovlllers; while the French The last apropriatlon measure, the haTa the outskirts of the general deficiency bill, was adopted ralhwßy Ju „otlon tow, of OhauUiee to by both houses whlls waiting for the Ho^> MwHII chaulnee and Chilly. conference report on the revenue bill, and the senate ratified the Danish " ort i ,^7 treaty to provide for purchase of {he *** u " lm^ Danish West Indies for 126,000,000 ob ,^ ot ' T6 ' ,?"* The Owen corrupt practice, bill to '^T'furt^riJnlZ limit campaffn expenditures and the en-Banten-e further German trenches immigration bill which President Wll- f d sin had announced he would veto It £? n^b^Trf passed, were put aside and will bbe nf ,,, * taken up and pressed to a vote early taken apparently was large, in the December session. Berlin admits the loss of Clery The revenue bill as It went to Pres- whlch »«• * 'hort dlstancs northweet Ident Wilson for approval contained ot Peronns. drastic provisions empowering the In Oallcla on the front ot the Zlota President to retaliate against foreign Llpa and Dniester Rivers the Rue interference with American com- slans have driven the Teutonic Allies merce, creates a non-partisan tariff from fortified positions and have tak commlsslon, Increases the duties on en 4,500 prisoners, among them about dyestuffs to encourage their menu 2,000 Germans. Berlin concedes a vlc facture In the United States, provides tory to the Russians In this region, means to prevent dumping of cheap Violent fighting contlnuee around foreign-made goods Into American Brzeany, southesat of Lem berg, but markets after the war and provides here Berlin aays the Russians have for Income, Inheritance, munitions, suffered heavy loseee and have made corporation stock, liquor and mlscel- no advance. Russian attacks near laneous internal revenue taxea. Bborow, northern Oatlda, and in Vol- hynla, also failed, according to Berlin. GOMPERB AND BURLESON ATTACKED BY BHER>fIAN. SUFFRAGE BODY WILL CONTINUE DUAL CAMPAIGN Benator In Bitter Partisan apssch Wages PolKloal War on Labor .. . , . , „ , , Chief and Postmaster Gensral. Vote Support In Seeking Bo h National . Washington.—Benator Sherman re- ,', nd ® « T" M « , newed his atuck on President Bam- £S y ' . ,/J 6 u.l Gompers of the American Fed.r- Woma " , Bu , , bjr Bn atlon of Labor, during debate on the overwhelming vote decided to con- Owen /irrupt practice bill in the fnue H* present policy ofworklng for .enate, declaring the labor leader and ' i f ht ? tb ~ n « h l Po.tmUter General Burleaon were *" d The vote was the two most prominent figure, on 7 w°JT the Democratic .id. of the Presiden- er had thfi ™ the U.l campaign. Mr. Oomper., he .aid, »""™"™m.nt artlon ,ake " wa. to deliver the 2,000,000 labor vote, to th. Democrats while Mr. ° f lhß Vlrtua,ljr " th# •»«*•» country to fry fat for It f ri noutrallty , n pres |dentlal Senator Sherman quoted from a and non . Texas newspaper of 1»0» to show ..»—»« ,>,„ #„ tkm* Mr Iliirlnann thasn wma nmrf •uOTtJI Of tu6 IHOCIAUOn tO owner of ."«Twh.r. hundred^! J . I L I ■ '.W TU® UNILEA OULIM, convict laborer, were employed. In m .. . .. .... .. , , ' , ... Women from every state In the tttl, he said, the foreman of the Dnlon v( landing the forty-eighth M w U hl ß, invention of the *Jocl£on of A negro CODTIO! who nad been ~ . M |.. . »»• » ZT. ; „ U)D,"* Tmm P® #tlnMtw ".f ,ha n»ti«n.i tnlHlol!,o COFFIN GIVKB CLUB AUBTRIANB, MENACED «Y T0 WRECKED ZEPPELIN RUMANIANS, WITHDRAW. London.—The number of the Zeppe- Vlenna. via London. - Austrian Hn wr(Klk(K ) ih „ mu troops have withdrawn before threat- tack on London waa dtacloeed for the enlng Rumanian envelopment to the fln * time at U»e funeral ot the victim heigbta west of Oiah TopUtsa. south m the inscription on the coffin eontaln of Dorna Watra and 20 miles west of tn , he bod r of the commander. The the Rumanian border, says the offl- a |r,hlp wm the Lll. clal sutement Lined at the Auatro- The only coffin marked waa Oat of Hungarian headquarter.. On the the commander and U bora these Rua.lan front the Au.trlan troop, be- wonj,; "An unknown Oennaa officer tween the ZloU Llpa and the Dnl.ter killed while oomnandlng the L-ll River also have been withdrawn. September 2. lata.'* HINRY FORD BUEB PAPER MEXICAN-AMERICAN FOR I'WOfIOO DAMAGEB. COMMiaSIONIRB MBIT. Chicago —Unit tor 11.000.000 was New Tork.— The formal opening of ated Iff Henry Ford, the Detroit man- (he dlaeasai— of the relations be afacturer, against The Chicago (ween Mexico and the United Mates ane In United Statee District Court by rommlsslooen appointed by each here. Mr. Ford asks foe personal Government, brought an exchange of damages as compensation for an edl- credentials, a general talk ov«r the torial la The Tribune, which. It Is situation and n recees until Friday charged, called Ford an "anarchist - to p, mU Cabrera, head of the The bill charges that The Tribune Hektcan party, to attend to personal "sought to bring the plaintiff Into business In Boston. Secretary Lane public hatred, contempt, ridicule and area host to the party aboard the ananclal Injury," by the editorial. presidential yacht MINORITY LEADER MANN PAYB TRIBUTE TO KITCHIN Help For Girb Desiring Education. _. . t Wehaveonour campus an apart- Washington.—'WKh the doee ot the men t house, n two story b uildin/ Brat .eolon of the Slxty-fburth Con ' of 28 with n frontage of sz rrt «»«« »>• by ea out nki tint experience u floor lead-... . . . . , . . . er. He was complimented by Mlnori. '" rU , wUh to ' orm c,ubt and ty Leader Mann In a speech. "It was Uve at ,helr OWD char W natural." aald Mr. Mann, -to eee the 1 . p an . " vu cheaply and com- Mainritv Uble supplies sent to his poaltlon. Mr. KKchln Immediate- them from their homes, ly after adjournment stopped across I For further information address the aisle and grasped the hand of Mr. J 'M. Rhodes, Littleton College, Mann. I Littleton, N. C. " FARMERB ARK URGIO « TO HOLD THEIR COTTON While wo never make rath statements, we do feel justified in Ft Worth. Texas—Henry N. Pope, announcing that there are certain bead of the Association of Farmers' gignfi which seem to indicate that Union presidents, leaned a etatement t ) le backbone of winter has been urging all farmers to hold their cotton hroken for twenty cents, declaring that this A price would be reached before the prva- There was undoubtedly a cross ent crop Is picked, tf a general holding gtrain of poetry in that British plan Is pot in practice by Southern Ani , y officer who reported that >"» Rw W u,, Turk, were defraud by the aa the minimum price ot ootton. moon. FRENCH MAKE BIG GAINS DRIVE MEN FURTHER INTO GER MAN LINE ALONG SOMMB RIVER. Berlin Admlte Loss of Clsry—ln Gala ola Ruaalans Have Taken About 6,000 Prisoners—Fighting Nssr Lsm berg. London'.—While their compatriots were busy north of the Somme ward lac off German counter-attacks or en gaged In artillery duels, the French, south of the River, drove their men farther Into ths German llnea for note worthy gains. In stubborn fighting over a front of four miles below Vermandovlllers and Chilly ths Germans have been forced to give up the northern portion of Vermandovlllers; whlls the French have occupied the outskirts of ths railway Junction towij of ChauUiss to Roye, between Chaulnes and Chilly. To the north, operations of the French with Barleux, and ultimately Peronne as their objective, also met with success. Southeast of Belloy en-Santsrrs further German trenches were captured and moet of the village to Berny-en-flanterre fell Into French hands. Paris says ths number of prisoners taken apparently waa large. Berlin admits the loss of Clsry which lies a short dlstancs northwest of Peronne. ' In Oallcla on tha front of the Zlota LI pa and Dniester Rivers the Rus sians have driven the Teutonic Allies from fortified positions and have tak en 4,600 prisoners, among them about 2,000 Germans. Berlin concedes a vic tory to the Russians in this region. Violent fighting continues aroand Brzeany, southsaat of Lemberg, but here Berlin says the Russians have suffered heavy losses and havs made no advance. Russian attacks near Sborow, northern Oallcla, and in Vol hynla, also failed, according to Berlin. SUFFRAGE BODY WILL CONTINUE DUAL CAMPAIGN Vots Support In Sesklng Both Nstlonal and Btate Legislation. Atlantic City, N. J. —The National Woman Suffrage Association by an overwhelming vote decided to con tinue Its present policy of working for equal rights through both National and State legislation. Ths vote was taken after a long debate and no soon er had the applause that greeted the announcement of the action taken ceased than a resolution was preeent ed which threatens to open aguln the whole question. Virtually all ths speakers declared for strict neutrality in the presidential campaign and to continue the non partisan efforts of the association to bring about equal suffrags throughout the United States. Women from every state in the Union are attending tha forty-eighth annual convention of the association which was called two months in ad vance of Ms regular meeting because of the national political campaign. COFFIN GIVES CLUE TO WRECKED ZEPPELIN London.—The number of the Zeppe lin wrecked In the recent aerial at tack on London was. disclosed for the first time at the funeral of the victim In the inscription on the coffin contain ing the body of the commander. The airship waa tha L-11. The only eoCIa marked waa that of the commander and K bere these words: "An unknown Oennaa officer killed whlls commanding the Hi, September I. ISM." MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMISSIONERS MEET. New Tork.—The formal opening of the discussion of the relations be tween Mexieo and the United States by commissioners appointed by each Government, brought aa exchange of credentials, a gsaeral talk over ths situation and a recees until Friday to permit Lais Cabrera, head of the Mexican party, to attead to personal buslnsss la Bostoa. Seorstary Lane was host to ths party aboard ths presidential yacht Help For Giris Desiring Education. We have on our campus an apart ment house, a two story b uildini of 25 rooms, with a frontage of 100 feet which may be used by girls who wish to form clubs and live at their own char£e%. i Pupils can live cheaply and com- I fortably in this way, many of them 'having their table aupplies sent to .them from their homes. For further information address J M. Rhodes, Littleton College, Littleton, N. C. While we never make rath statements, we do feel justified in announcing that there are certain signs which seem to indicate that the backbone of winter has been broken. There was undoubtedly a cross strain of poetry in that British army officer who reported that the Turks were defeated by the pale light of a waning crescent moon. SIIIM OF WORK Of 64TH CONGRESS RECORD OP CONSTRUCTIVE LEG ISLATION BY CONGRESS- IB GREATEST IN HISTORY. MANY IMPORTANT MEASURES Total of Appropriation $1,626,439,208 With Additional Contraeta Amount ing to »231,945,278.—1 tarns Are Eneumsrated.—Soms Big Bills. Washington, D. C. —A record of con structive legislation, improving the . advantages of ths people all along the line Is that of ths 64th Congress which has Just snded. The total of tho appropriations, specifically made. Is $1,626,438,208.68. In addition to this congress haa au thorized contracts to be en tared Into obligating appropriations in tha fu ture of $231,946,276.20. These con tracts include $226,266,126.20 for na val and coast defense purposes, while tha remainder, $6,678,960 is for or dinary objects of Government Ths appropriations for mUltary and naval purposes and for additional sea coast defenses alons amount to $686,- 709,823.09. This sum, with tha con tracts authorised, brings the total for preparedness to $>10,976,148.28. How ever, there Is still more to be added to the preparedness. Congrsss has authorised 90 additional war vessels to be constructed In ths nsxt three years, which will oost $296,000,000 ad ditional when they are completed and in commission. Tills brings the grand total for the preparedness legislation of this congress to $1,206,976,148.28. The appropriations are distributed as follows for preparedness: Army appropriation act, $267,696,• 680.10. Naval appropriation act, $318,800,- 666.84. Fortification appropriation act, $26,- 747,660. Military Academy act, $1,286,048.67. Sundry civil appropriation act: Armories and -arssnala, $4,683,496; military posts, $1,616,000; military surveys, $86,000; Panama Canal for tlflcations, $4,636,000. Deficiency appropriations, military and naval establishments $46,770,- 648.68; National Guard cam pa, $200,- 000; nitrate plant, $200,000,000. Investigations havs been started to ascertain where the nitrate plants are to be located. Tha plan contemplated when this provision was acoepted by congress was to place the plants at convenient sections of the country where they would supply tha needs of agrlcultura with fertilizer, easily dis tributed, and also be ready for uuse In time of wor in the manufacture of munitions. One of the plants will be in the south. New government activities will be looked upon in the future among the notable achievements of the finest session of the sixty-fourth congrsss. For these a total of $73,719,700 is appropriated, to be used as follows: To encourage, develop and create a naval auxiliary and naval reserve and a merchant marine, $60,100,000; federal aid in the construction of good roads, $6,000,000; establishment of federal farm loan banks, $6,200,- 000; federal employes' compensation commission, $660,000; tariff commis sion, $300,000; construction of rail roads In Alaska to develop Its coal 6eh2s, $8,247,620; expenses of ooUeoting the Income tax, $1,888,000; federal trade commission, $444,080; eight hour day commission, $60,000. Included In the legislation of the session Just closed are the following Items: Reorganization of tha army. Vast Increases In the navy and for tifications. A government controlled merchant marine. Exclusion of products of child la bor from Interstate commerce. A system of rural credits, assuring the farmer of his ability to borrow money upon his asset at 6 per cent. Adequate compensation for work men Injured in government employ ment. A fuller measure of independence for the Philippines. An eight-hour day on the railroads, ■ighty-five million dollars for good roads. Established official grain Standards applicable to grain shipped in inter state or foreign commerce. A uniform system of bills of lading. Amended the federal reserve act to make It more generally appllcat)le. A tariff commission. | Levlaa upon dyestuffs. Retaliation for unfair trade meth ods by foreign ooun tries. Government armor plate plant. Increased lntsrest-bearing accounts In postal savings banks from S6OO to Created a sub-committee of the commerce committees to Investigate railway problems. Some important measures failed to pass. They will be disposed of at the next session. Among them are the following: Conservation bills, Including those relating to oil lands, water power, and coal lands. Women suffrage. Prohibition in ths District of Co lumbia . Nationwide prohibition. An especially complete survey of the flood damage regions of Western Carolina Is Just projected by Dr. Jo ssph Hyde Pratt, for ths State Geolo gical Survey In conjunction with tha state and federal department of agri culture looking to both immediate and future relief mens urea. There Is to be a Joint survey of the flood re gions aa to flood damage to soils and beat means of restoration and in con nection with this survey as to forests, the damagee thaee here sustained and means of counteracting .ha damage. The repreeentatlves of the state and the federal departments will report as tfe the best means of restoring soil fertility where the top soils of fans lands have been a wept away. That hold up by the bandits in Detroit makes it evident that the Michigan guardsmen sent to Texas are needed more at home. The proposed broadening of the scope of the income tax is viewed with perfect equanimity by the private in the National Guard. tarvms w mame BY SAFE PLUMES DEMOCRATS LOCK GOVERNOR SHIP, TWO SENATORS AND (ONQNESSIONAL SEATS. * ENDS HOTTEST CAMPAIGN Reunion of Republican and Progreeelve Partus Marked,—State Lofliolaturo - Palls Wholly Under Control of the Republican*. * - Portland. Maine.—lndications aro that tho Republicans have won tho etate election by aalo pluralities. KMho ratio of tho Republican mar gin is maintained, Carl E. Kllllkln will bo elected governor by about 11,000 plurality. Bert M. Fernald, Republican, seemr to hare been elected tor the short term in the United States Senate and tho aame ratio of fain would give him a plurality of 1,500. United States Senator Charles F.- Johnson. Democrat, apparently has been defeated by Frederick Hale, by an Indicated plurality of 7,600 If the Republican confreeiilonal candidates hold the lead they had at latest report, three, Louis B. Qoodall, In the Pi ret District, Congraesman John A. Peters In the Third, and Ira Or Hersy in the Fourth are Elected. Con crnasman Daniel J. McOflllcuddy, Democrat, appeared to hare been de feated In the Second district by Wal lace H. White, but this fight was close. The total rote may prove to have been the largest ever cast In the state. The election was the culmination of one of the hottest lights ever waged In the state and marked the reunion of the Republican and Progressive par ties. whose differences in 1911 gars the electoral vote of Maine to Presi dent Wilson and two years later re sulted In the election of Governor Oak ley C. Curtis, a Democrat, by a plu rality of 3.18*. Tonight's figures indi cate that the larger percentage of the Progressive rote which two years ago .was 18,226, was cast for the Republi can ticket Throughout the campaign In which a great number of men from all parts of til* country and drawn from Repub lican, Democrats and Progressives ifar tlclpated, National issues were kept to I the forefront. The Interest aroused to gether with perfect election weather, brought out one of the biggest votes ever cast In the state and possibly greater than has been known before. CONFEREEB TAKE NOTE OF CONTROL CARRANZA SHOWS Mexican Commissioners Prsssnt In formation m to Da Facto Gevern msnt's Authority In Southern Re public. New London, Conn.—With the bor der situation set aside temporarily, the American-Mexican Joint commission, devoted HselL-to determining ths ex tant of the control exercised In Mexico by the de ttoto government, the infor mation being supplied by the Mexi can commissioners at the request of their American conferees. It was stated informally thsrt uporf the show ing made by the Car ran ta government rested the possibility that he Waah- Ingon government would revoke Ha warning to Americans to stay out of Mexico and would encourage their re turn to their properties there. W- was explained that the question efi transportalon was vial to any re sumption of Industry In Mexloo and to show present conditions, the Mexi can commissionsrs presented figures from which the following conclusion was drawn in a formal etatsmsnt is susd by Secretary Lane: "Ths data presented by the Mexi can commissioners, Indicates that the government roads now are being oper ated with a large degree of regularity and that the roads owned by private companies are being turned over to trese companies, the only exceptions at the present time being a line In tha Federal district, one in the State of Hidalgo and the United Railways of Tucatan. 11 DEAD IN PLACING LAST SPAN OP BRIDGE Quebec. —With the loes of 11 lives the eecond attempt to bridge the St. Lawrence river here resulted in a fail ure when the masslvs csnter span, weighing 6.100 tons, suddenly col lapsed and fell Into the river. Of the M men caught on tha span when it be gaa to sway all wars rescued except 11 and of thaee only four bodies have been found. Tha span waa being rais ed from pontoons and was atooet II (set above the water. CAN USB MAIL ONLY POR MILITARY NEED—LANSING Washington.—A declaration by Sec retary Lansing that ha considered In formation secured by censors from ths malls should ha used only for mill tary purposes waa believed to fore cast injection of that Issue into the negotiations with Great Britain over mall seiturea. While no Inquiry has been eent regardng the statement in Parliament that Information gleaned by the censors properly could be pot to "any public or national use." Small Store-bouse For Rent. Well located close to tha beat trade in Graham. Price reasonable and building read/ (or occupancy J. M. McCRACKBN„ SSnovtf. Graham. N. C * Probably the Naval "expert*" who declare that oar navy la only junk, are as far wrong m those who believe that it is invincible. Mr. Cook, reading that Crocker Land, which Admiral Perry thought he saw in the North Polar region, was only a mirage, will do his beat to keep'still. Apparently it wasn't true that the Crown Prince said he waa go ing to take Verdnn by August 1. The third member of that oom mlaslon has not been appointed by the President yet, but it is understood that Mr. Hearst is not belsg considered for the place. Children Cry for Fletcher's The Kind Ton Hare Always Bought, and which has been In tut for over SO yean* haa borne the signature of f and has been made under his per* ST* v sonal supervision since its infancy* CfC Allow no one to deceive yon in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health oC Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment* What Is CASTORIA Caatorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverlshness. For more thaa thirty years It has been In constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles, and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels* assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought ASK TO SEE HIS LICENSE Ne Rmmm Why Any Clttosn «hodWI Be Iw;mi Up*« by Anyone v Claiming k ta M Agent IWi to 10 MM why My dttoea should be Imposed upon by anyone representing himself M an agent of an Insurance company. Th» tow pro vides that evsry agent shall carry hto license with him and exhibit tt oa de mand. Reed the tow: Saottoa 4TOI. Agents moat prooure license. Every agent of any insar anoe company authorised to do basi bom In thia SUta shall ba required to Obtain annually from the Inaurance Commlaaloner a llcenae under the eeal of thto offloar, showing that the eoinpaAy for which ha to aieot to 11* eanaod to do bualnaaa In thto State, 'and that ha la an agent of euch com pany and duly authorised to do busi ness (or It And every auoh agent, on demand, ahall exhibit hto llcenae to any officer or to any peraon from whom he ahall »ollelt inaurance. See. IMS. Agent to exhibit llcenae. If any agent of any Insurance com pany ahall, on demand of any peraon tram whom he ahall eollctt Inaurance, toll to exhibit a certificate from the Inaurance Commlaaloner bwu-lng the eeal of hto office, dated within one year from auoh demand, ha ahaU be fined fire dollar* or lmprtooned ton days for each offense. SUSPICIOUS FIRES. AH suspicions fires must be toveeti fated and proaecuttons made where the evtdsnoe ealle tor them. Seotion Ul(. Commlaaloner to take teetUaocy, cause arreato and proaaou ttooa, and furnish intonation to war- Itattor. It slwU ba tae doty of tfaa In aurance Commies loner to examine, or eaaae examloartloa to be made, into the oaaae, circumstances and origin of all fires oocarrtog within the state to whtofc hto sMeotton has bean called to aooordaace with the provisions of the aaat preceding section, or by Inter ested parties, by whtok property Is ao ciden tally or untowtoUy burned, de stroyed or damaged, whenever In his (idpuai the eridenoe to aufflolent and to specially examine and decide whether the fire wea the reeuit of care leasneea or the act of an Incendiary. The oommtosloner shall, In person, by dapaty or otherwise, tally investigate sS drcumstancea surrounding such fire and, when to his opinion each pro ceedings are aecssaary, take or oaaaa to ha taken the tsatimony on osh of all parsons supposed to ha oogniuaat at any toots or to have means at in ratotion to the metiers aa to which an examination to herein repaired to be made, and ahall canaa Ike eame to he reduoed to writing; and if ha aluril ba of the octaton that there to sTidenee sufficient to charge any parson with the crime of areon, or other willful burning, ha shall cause saoh person to ba arrested and sharg ad wtth ewefc offmss, and proaaonted. aad ahaM furntoh to toe aolleMor of dMriet aS sash eridenoe, togeth er wtth the aaaaes of altosaisa and aS the hliiaOi thtotoil hy Mm. toslndlng a sopy of all nrllsil and material testimony teksa In the ease. ARE YOU O UP r TO DATE " If you arc not the NEWS AIT* OBEEVEK is. Subscribe lor it at once and it will keep yon abreast of the times. Full Associated Press dispatch es. Ml the news—foreign, do mestic, national, state and local all the time. Daily New* and Observer $7 per year, 3.50 for 6 mos. Weekly North Carolinian $1 per year, 50c for-6 mos. MEWS & OBSERVER PUB. CO., RALEIGH, N. C. The North Carolinian and THE ALAMANCE GLEAMBK will be sen*- for .one year for Two Dollars. Cash in advance. Apply at THE GLEAMEB office, Graham, N. C. Are YOB a Woman? ™» Cardui ITiio Woman's Tonic FOR SALE AT ALL DRUGGISTS fTO YEARS REPUTATION U, . RNOLD'SM BALSA? Worronted To Cure !. I SUMMER SICKNESSES UN j Graham Drug Co. [DO YOU WANT A NEW STOMACH? If you do "Digestoneine" will give you one. For full particulars regard ing this wonderful Remedy which has benefited thousands, apply to Hayes Drug Co. I Very Serious It to n very serious matter to ask lor one medicine and have the wrong one given you. For this reason we urge yen in buying to ba careful to get the genuine— BLACK-'FRMIGHT Liver Medicine I The reputation of this old, relia ble medicine, for constipation, in dication and liver trouble, is firm ly established. It doea not imitate other medidnea. It ia better than others, or it would not be tbe fa vorite liver powder, with s larger sale than all others combined. sou) m TOWN FA I trade marks and copyright* obtained orno I fee. Bind model, sketches or photos sod do- H acrlption for FREE •■ARCH and report ■ on patentability, fianttrsfereneea. PATENTS BUILD FORTUNES Mr ■ 70a. Oar free booklets tell how, what tw invent I and saee yea money, Write today. D. SWIFT &C 0.1 PATENT LAW* ana,. 303 gevsatfc Bt, Washington, P. C.J THE Charlotte Dally Observer Subscription Rates Dally£- ... $6.00 Dally and Sunday 800 Sunday .... 2.00 ' The Semi-Weekly Observer Tues. and Friday - 1.00 The Charlotte Daily Observer, Is sued daily and Sunday to the lend ing newspaper between Washing ton, D. £. and Atlanta, On. It civna all the news of North Caro lina besides the complete Associat ed Preee Service. The Semi-Weekly Observer, Is sued on Tueeday and Friday for il per year wives the reader n full report of the week* news. The leading semi-weekly of the SUta, 1 Art (Trees all ofders to OBSERVER CO. CHARLOTTE, H. 0.

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