THE GLEANER. GRAHAM, N. 0., March 1, 1917. Postotlice Hours. Offlojjpen T.OO a.m. toT.OOP. m. fnuday 9.00 toll.oo a. a. and 4.00 to p. a J. It. McCRACKEN. Postmaster. +♦+♦+ >♦++-. ++++++++++++++++ + LOCAL NEWS. + Tim 11 mil mmiii 11 in —The County Commissioners meet in regular monthly session next Monday. -The Ladies' Aid Society of Gra ham Christian church will meet with Miss Mollie Clendenin, Wednesday, s March 7th, at 3 o'clock p. m. —The latter part of last week and the first of this Week was regular spring-time weather, which was fol lowed by rain yesterday and last night: —rAlamance Superior Court,will convene next Monday for the trial of criminal cases. The docket is nt a large one and there are no cases of unusual importance. —Mr. Earnest Anderson, with Hayes Drug Co., was called to his home in Durham Tuesday on account of the death of his sister. He re ceived two telegrams. The first an nounced her serious illness, and an hour later he received another which brought the sad intelligence of her death. Pythian Banquet. Graham Lodge Knights of Pythias have heretofore given entertainments, but none more enjoyable than that given Tuesday night. There were about of the order, ladies and jfetftKemen. The assembly was calledlto order hy Mr. Mcßride Holt, GranS Chancellor for the Domain of Nortlk Carolina, who called Mr. Joseph Pridgen, a prom inent member of the order of Dur ham, to the chair The address of the evening was made by Mr. D. W. Sorrell, a prominent attorney of Durham. He spoke on what the order stood for and made a most interesting and instructive speech. Another feature was Mr. Arthur T. Walker's impersonations. Brief re marks were made by others. Then came the delightful repast prepared by the ladies, which consisted of chicken salad, sandwiches, ice-cream and coffee, and no feature of the pro gram was more enjoyable than that. The speeches, impromptu talks, 3nd the refreshments were fully enjoyed and the occasion wJrs a delightful one. Mrs. Hughes, wife of Mr. Peter Hughes, Passes Away. After a few days illness from pneumonia Mrs. Sarah J. Hughes died about 11 o'clock last Friday. She was born about one mile west of Elon College, September 18, 1848, and was a daughter of Joel Tickle, deceased. The funeral was conduct ed from the home of her son, Mr. Heenan Hughes, with whom" she and her husband made their home, at 1:30 o'clock Saturday afternoon by Rev. A. F. Iseley assisted by Rev. Fleming Martin, and the interment was in Pine Hill 'emetery, Burling ton. Mrs. Hughes is survived by her husband, Mr. Peter Hughes, and one son, Mr. Heenan Hughes. Mrs. Hughes was a most estimable chris tian woman, and the breaved have the sympathy of their many friends in their sad bereavement. Child Conservation League Organized In Graham. Reported for The Gleaner. On Monday afternoon the home of Mrs. J. J. Barefoot was thrown open to the members of The Child-Con servation League of Americauor vhe purpose of organizing thejr local circle. The national organizer, Charlotte E. White, acted as chair man, and Miss Fleuhr as secretary pro tem. After the adoption of the Consti tution and By-laws, the , following officers were elected : President, Mrs. H. W. Scott; Vice-President, Mrs. J. J. Barefoot; Secretary, Mrs. R. L. Holmes; Treasurer, Mrs. C. H. Phillips; Press Reporter, Mrs. Taylor. The second Monday in the month, March 12, is the date of the next meeting, and it will be held at the residence of Mrs. R. L. Holmes. A program has been arranged which will be announced later. Local clubs have already been formed in Greens boro, High Point, 'Vinston-Salem, Burlington and Durham. In the evening at the court house, under the auspices of this League, a lecture was given on "Some Problems of the Parent." The speaker was Charlotte E. White, who is also Na tional Lecturer. She was introduced by Prof. Robertson, who, in a few well chosen sentences, welcomed the speaker as a fellow-worker in the great work of child welfare. Great interest was shown in what the speaker had to say, and many were the hearty endorsements and thanks from fathers and mothers at the close of one of the most vital talks on this subject which has ever been presented to a Graham audi ence. "A Coney Island Princess" Paramount Company presents at the Mexican, Friday, March 2, Miss Irene Fenwick and Owen Moore, in "A Coney Island 'Princess" in 5-acti. Can you imagine a Coney Island dancer introduced to Fifth Avenue as the financee of one of the "four hundred?" There is a lesson in this picture. t To Graham Tax-Payers If you dj not want to be embar rassed by having your property ad vertised, or have your WBges garni sheed, for taxes, see me at once and pay your back taxes. This March Ist, 1917. B. R. TROLINGER, Tax Collector. ♦ ♦ + PERSONAL. + ♦ ♦ Mr. H. W. Scott spent Tuesday! in Greensboro. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Holmes spent Sunday in Greensboro. Mr. J. S. Cook spent yesterday in Greensboro on legal business. Maj. J. J. Henderson spent Tues day at Mebane on legal business. Chester D. Turner, Esq., of Hills boro was here yesterday on legal business. Mrs. Jacob- A. Long has return ed from a vißit to relatives in Stateaville, Miss Margaret Clegg returned Monday from a visit to the north ern markets. Mr. George Attmore of New Bern spent Sunday here with his sister, Mrs. J. Dolph Long. Mrs. Don P. Noyes of Morganton arrived Monday on a visit to her mother, Mrs. W. A. Wood. Mr. and Mrs. J. Mel Thompson and Master Melvin of Mebane spent Sunday here with relatives.- Mrs. Alice Taft, who has been vis iting Mrs. J. ,J. Barefoot, left Sun day for her home in Greenville. Mr. James D. Proctor of Lumber ton spent Sunday here with Mrs. Proctor and the children. Mr. Albert Harden, who holds a position in Greensboro, spent Sun day at his home here. Mr. G. Clay Lewis, located in Greensboro, spent Sunday here at the home of his mother. Miss Viola Brook field ef Clarks burg, Maryland, is here visiting her sister, Mrs. W. P. Smith. Mr. E. L. McAdams, at work in Greensbore, spont Sunday here at the home of his father, Mr. Jas. C. Mc- Adams. Mr. Hansford R. Simmons, drug gist in Greensboro, spent Sunday here with his mother, Mrs. A. M. Simmons. Mr. J. T. Best of Whiteville was here yesterday in behalf of the Rad cliffe Chautauqua. Mr. Be«t was formerly Sheriff of Columbus county. Mr. Jas. P. Smith returned from the Eastern part of the State the lat ter part of last week and has gone to the Western part of the State on business. ' Miss Helen Simmons, accompanied by Miss Elizabeth Cheatham of Dur ham, came up Saturday afternoon on a visit to the home of the former's mother and returned Sunday after noon. Mess. James M. and Jack Stock ard, who have made their home in Rhode Island for many years, ar rived here Sunday and went to se6 their sister. Mrs. Julia Lindley, who lives in Chatham county near the Alamance line. They returned Mon day- The former went on to Florida and the latter turned his face home ward. At one time they lived about two miles North of Graham. Graham Baptist Church News Notes. Sunday school every Sunday morn ing at 9:45. We have classes for all ages, men, women and children. Come. TJie greatest need of the present is for more people who will dare to stand up squarely always and every where for right. The question is not what others say or do, but is it right? How do you act in such casfis ? Services next Sunday at 11a. m. and 7p. m. The pastor will preach at both hours. Mo>ning subject: "How we might be excused from sending the Gospel to the heathen." Evening subject: "Five Crowns." Mid-week service Tuesday evening at 7:30. Subject: "Seven character istics of the people of God." All Baptists living in the town or community are cordially and earn estly invited to attend all of the services. We want all Baptists to get acquainted. The public is also cordially invited to worship with us. NOTICE! All persons liable for special road tax, or who in event or failure to pay, must work on the public roads, are notified that unless they pay this special tax to W. P. Smith, County Treasurer, on or before April Ist, 1917, the law requiriag them to work upon the road will be enforced strictly. You must pay 11.25 or work two days, and if you prefer paying the cash you ipust pay this sum to the County Treasurer at Graham before April Ist. Take notice and do not complain because the county authori ties enforce the law. B. M. ROGERS, Clerk to Board County Commissioners. 22feb —For Sale—One pair good mules, medium size, cash or time. Chas. C. Thompson, Graham, N. C. Route No. 1, Phone No. CGO4. 18jan4t. DISTRESSING RHEUMATISM How many people, crippled and lame from rheumatism, owe their concmioo to neglected or incorrect treatment! It is the exact combination of pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil with glycerine and hypophosphites as contained in KOTT3 EMULSION fthat has made Scott'a famous for relieving rheuma tism when other treatments have utterly failed. If you are a rheumatism sufferer, or feel its first symptoms, start on Scott'a Emulaion at once. IT MAY BE EXACTLY WHAT YOU NEED. IwM > Siwn IhwhUltt !•-« Mr. W. A. Moore Dead. ' '] Last week this paper noted the serious illness of Mr. W. A. Moore, i hetter known as Lonnie Moore. He 'had been ill for only a few days. He waa taken sick at Graham Hotel and moved to the home of his father, Mr. W . C. Moore, Thursday aud died about 4 , o'clock Friday morning from heart failure. He is survived, by six children — four girls and two boys. Mr. Moore was forty-one years of age and for a number of; year had been' a traveling salesman. Mess. A. G. Morre of Greensboro, Lacy Moore of Charlotte and Faucette Moore of Thomasville, Git., three of deceased's brothers, were here to attend the funeral. The funeral was conducted from the Presbyterian church at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon by Dr. T. M. McConnell and the interment was in Linwood Cemetery, The bereaved children and family of deceased have the sympathy of their many friends. DEATHS. Mr. Ben. McClure, who lived here up to a month or so ago, when he moved to a farm near McLeansville, died last Tuesday morning from acute indigestion He was about 55 years of age. A widow and two or three small children survive him. His remains were carried to High Point for interment. Mrs. Simpson, widow of the late T. R. Simpson, died last Saturday" at the home of - her daughter, Mrs. Jack Capps, near Burlington. felie wasJ3 years of age. Miss Mattie Anderson died on 20th of February at the home of her brother, Mr. Eugene Anderson, about two miles North of Haw River. She was a daughter of the late James Anderson. The interment was at Cross Roads church. Write the Pennsylvania Lumber Company, Greensboro, N. C, for in formaaion and prices of Spanish oak," red oak, willow oak, hickory, beech, birch and maple cross ti -s. Marl-4t. Small Store-house For Rent. Well located close to the Dest trade in Graham. Price reasonable and building ready tor occupancy now. > J. M. McCRACKEN,, 26novtf. Oraham. N C Thef Daily Reflector of Green ville, wtiich was some months ago placed in the hands of a receiver, has been sold for SO,OOO to 1). J. 1 Whichard, postmaster of Green ' ville, who was for years owne/ and editor of the paper. Break your Cold or LaGrippe with a few doses of 666. The First Presbyterian church of Wilmington will celebrate its centenial in April and President Wilson has been asked to attend. Ho lived in Wilmington in his youth, when his father was a mem ber of that- church. Itch relieved in 20 minutes by Woodford's Sanitary Lotion Neve. | fails. Sold by Graham Drug Co A inad dog bit a woman and six ; children at and near Pilot Moun , trfin, Surry county, all of whom . went to Raleigh far the Pasteur i treatment. l RUB-MY-TlSM—Antiseptic, Re lieves Rheumatism, Sprains, Neu ' ralgia, etc. The West Virginia Legislature is in special session for t lie second time in four months. The le is lative session ended Friday night with the work uncompleted and the Governor callea the body back on tlie job Saturday. The House, however, is exhibiting a Hpirit of rebellion and is not. disposed to work in accordanco with the Gov ernor's wishes. A special rule to insure a vote in the House at this session ol Congress on the District of Colum bia prohibition bill has been agreed to by the House rules com mittee. The measure already has passed the Senate. Representa tive Pou of North Carolina, a member of the committee, voted against the rule. He favors sub mitting prohibition to a vote of the people of the District. Damage aggregating more than • 1,000,000 was caused by a flre that Sunday night destroyed at Louisville, Ky., three elevators of the Keutucky Public Elevator Company and destroyed or dam aged 75 Ireight cars standing on storage tracks Approximately 500,000 bushels of wheat, corn, rye and oats were stored in the elevators and the railroad cars wore loaded with merchandise and lumber. If war balloon* nhall crom the Atlantic, why nut build them in Un united States to make th» eist bound voyage first? HONOR ROLL GRAHAM GRADED SCHOOL. JANUARY, 191 T. 1 FIRST GRADE- { Craddock, Jennie Mae. Dixon, Opal. Longest. Paul. 1 McCieod, Rosa. *• f Rich, Frank. Riley, Ruth. Robertson, Kat'ileen. e Sweney, Annie. ( HIGH .FIRST ORADE- Hlack, Lola. ' Black, Levona. g Buckner, Louise. t iCarden, Irwin. . , Clapp, Mabel. Cole, Arthur. Evans, Roy. ' t Foust, Annie June. Evans, Roy. h Fogleman, Dora. A Hadley, Annie Boyd. j. Harden, Annie Ruth. Holt, Kulil. Jones, Talmage. t Jolley, Richard. h Love, Lacv. Longest, May. Martin. Edward. f MeAdsms Malcolm. t McPherson, Willard. Parrish, Annie. Reavis, Albert. * Self, Otis. c Taf4, Virginia. „ Thompson, Jvan. w Walker, Duella. Watson, Katharine. ( Welch, Walter. ( Williams, Teddy. SECOND GRADE— , Anderson, Mattie. |, Brincefield, Rosa. Conklin, Thelma. . Corbett, James. ■ " D..viß, Garland. ( Hanks, Arthur. Harden, Elizabeth. Hannah, Thelma. Harden, Virginia. Hornada.v, Mary. Hunter, Elmer. Johnston, Margaret. Long, Elizabeth. Lovett, Helen. McAdams, Julian. Moore, Mabel. Nelson, Talmage. Neese, Bryce. Pegg, Aileen. Stanfield, Lillian. Straughn, Velma. Taylor, Wallace. Thompson, A. J.» Jr. Trolinger, Mildred. Ward, Ruth. Wilson, Leota. THIRD GRADE- Austin, Lillie. Fogleman, Martha. Harden, Willjam. Holt, Don. Moore, Delia. Parrish, Martha. Phillips, Josephine. Pomeroy, Cornelia. Reavis, Nellie. FOURTH GRADE- Ausley, Cornell. Ausley, Frances. Craddock, Stanley. Fogleman, Docia. Geanes, Ercell. Harden, Thomas.. Hornbuckle, Cornelia. Johnston, Minnie. Nicholson, James. Noah, Winona. I Parker, Carolyn. Rainey, Ida. Rich, Ethel. Vaughn, Madge. Walker, Ruth. > Watson, Ruth. , Welch, Hattie. fWhitfield, Hattie. FIFTH GRADE- Bradshaw, Hazeline. Harden, Rebecca. Holt, Nina. Hunter, Mary. Johnston, Rebecca. Longest, Aimer. Moore, Edith. Moser, Darrell. „ Moser, Flossie. ; Qnakenbush, Nina. Taylor, William. Ta,vV«r, James. Vest, Samuel. Wilson, Willie May. SIXTH GRADE- Cook, Mae. Ezell, Lessie. Harden, Kathleen. Harden, Lois. Murray, Waldo.' Teer, Ethel. i Thompson Elise. | Thomas, Lou. Ward, Lelia. Wilson, Laird. SEVENTH GRADE— Estlow, Lenora. Heritage. Elizabeth. . Hunter, Annie. ) Moore, Margaret. Moore, Mildred. Noah, Clarence. EIGHTH GRADE.- 9 Bradshaw, Ben. I Campbell, Ollie. Cooper, Louise. Harden Ray. i Jordan, Sallie. Martin, Allie. N Walker, Annie. - NINTH GRADE II Barnwell, Annie. 1 Benham, Watham. i- Farrell, Hal. r Henderson, Dallie. Nicks, Enita. |{ich, AI vis. Rich, Eunice. n Simmons. Nell, e Scott, William, t Thompson, Albert?, j Walker, Doak. r TENTH GRADE- Anderson Elizabeth. ii Ezell, Lola. y Holt, Nina. Hornbuckle, Zelma. Moore, Louise p Thompson, Nell. * Montgomery, Mattie. • "Kaiser unites family," siy» a New York headline. " By O -rman ' j mathematics, unites family an f sep ' arates thousands. Fortunately tiie army and navy are recruiting while they may. This nation cannot conduct Unit and sea defens s on wind. Since China spunks up enough to threaten to sen I th • German en * voy home, ( fil. Roosevelt must sek , a better word for "Chinifie I." ' ' The idei of a Villi officer b l ing named I'rudeneio ! I Have .vrr.i heard of any of the Hohenzollern boys go ng out in a submarine ? A great nation mav prove itself •the most powerful of all brites and what in the end would it prof it ? China has, brok p off relations with Germany. Now that she has thus proved worthy, a certain not ed Americ in might obtain his thiru cup of coffee as President of the Chinese Republic. HICK«RY CfflPS.* The neutral declined Uncle Sam's kind invitation to break with Ger many, but in some cases It clear ly was With regrets. In the matter of sea law Americ is for right first and safety as part of right. With potatoes at per bush el, housewives might consider them for desert. Ambassador Bernstorff'a decora tioi» of (the Iron Cross will, not Jin gle so loudly around the world as the tin can that Uncle Sam tied to him. Having been told by the Kaiser that the Tnain issue is for him to hold his throne, Constantine awaits another note explaining how to do It. Germany somehow cannot seem to get over the hostage and reprisal habit. Fears of Uncle Sam becoming ef feminate I It is thus that genial temperament is often slandered. It is only a little while ago that we were talking of orave self-sacrl cing France as a decadent nation. Th eman who applies for naturall tion papers now leaves Uttle room for doubt as to his sentiments con cerning the hyphen. "Let us have faith that right makes might; .and in that faith let us dare to do our duty as we un derstand it."—Abraham Lincoln. Waa ever (a people on thei verge of war serener than this mighty American family to which we all belong? Poor Bernstorff will perhaps get a room when he arrives In Berlin for having been kindly treated in the United States. German-Americans who weri lately striving for ftle Iron Cross will find an honuable discharge from the United Estates Army or Navy a bully substitute. Ain egg laid four years ago in North Dakota was found in the pos session of a Scotchman. There is thrift for you. The rush of foreign residents to become naturalized emphasi/eB the the "Here's your hat, what'B your hurry?" saying. A German U-boat is reported to have bagged a French aeroplane, and without warning. Re-Sale of Land! nv virtue of an order of the Hupcrlor Onur* 'of Alamanc* county made In a Hpeclal Pro ceedings therein ponding whereto ttio heirs at law anil J. W. Hiaxton, Administrator, c t. a., of Aaron McPherson, late of said county, were duly constituted parties for the fiurix aeof selling land to make assets and or division, the undersigned commissioner will sell at public auction to the highest bid der, at the court house door In lira ham, at 12:10 o'o ock, M., on * . SATURDAY, MARCH 17, 1917, rhe following described real estate, to-wlt: A parcel of land beginning at a stone. Min nle Mcpherson's corner and running Kast with line of (). I). McPherson Jifi poles to a "take, corner with Jane Workman; thence •South with her line M poles to a stone, corner with D. K. To.igue; th- nee West wlili ulrilne &"> poles f> a stone, corner with Teairue In Minnie McPhornon's line; thence with her line North M poles to the begluulng and con taining H -Hi acres, more or leas. Terms of Hule-Onc-half cash, balance In (tlx mouths with deferted payments to carry Inter st from day of sale till uald and title reserved till fully paid for. *ale subject to confirmation of tierk of Couit. 11l ding will begin at fI&.UO This February 28,1917. J. n. COOK, Commit loner. Land Sale! , tiwAttC and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court In a npocia> Proceedings entitled Arthur C. Thompson and wife, vs. Michael F. Holt et als., the undersigned Com missioners, being licensed thereto r.y mid order, will offer at public auction to the highest bidder, at the court house door, in Graham, North Carolina, on SATURDAY, MARCH 31, 1917, at 12 o'clock, noon,— 1. A certain tract or parcel of land, lying and being in Albright Township, Alarflance county, N. C„ adjoining the lands of the late Wil liam Foust and others, and contain ing 50 acres, more or less, and the same being a part of the following tract or parcel of land, bounded as follows, to-wit : Beginning at a stake, Foust's cor ner,, thence 8. 45 deg. E. chas. to a black oak in Aloright'a line; thence N. 45 deg. E. 31 chas anil 36 links to signs; thence N. 45 deg. \V. 14% ch». to a stake; thence 8 45 (1«■ (5. VV. 15 chs. and 65 link* to a it.ike tlionr. N. 45 d"g. W. 43)4 chn. to signs in Founts line; thence 8. 45 (leg. W. lb% chs. to the be ginning, and containing 115 acre*, more or less. 2. After the deduction from the above described land of the tract of 50 acres, the remaining 65 acres, more or less, will be sold subject to a life estate of Mrs. Mary Thompson. Terms of Sale: Tract No. 1, one third cash, one-third in three months and one-third in si* months. la ferred payments to ,e »r interest. Tract No. 2, cash. Sale suijject to confirmation by the court. This March Ist, 1917. W. I. WARD, J J. HENDERSON, , Commissioner* A DMINISTR ATOR'B NOTICE. Having iiialified as adminislra -1 tor with tno will annexed of tht i estate of Oeorge W. Sutton, dec'd - this I* tu notify all persons hold ing claims against siPl estate If: present the same, duly authentl y cated, on or byfore tne 25th day of February, I#lo, or t h v* notice will be {pleaded in bar of their re ' cover,V: and all persona indebted to said estate are re |u»ste 1 t. make immediate settlement. " This the /19 th day of K.-b'v, I'M? K. Ff. Mf'RKAV, A/lm r t with will annexed of Oeorge W. Sutton, deed ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. p „ Having 'iiialified as administra trix of the estate of Oeorge T. 1 liamson, dec'd, the undersign •« hereby notifies all persons having claims against said estate t» pre ■ sent the same, duly authenticated - to the undersigned administratrix . or her attorney, E. 8. Parker, Jr. Ksq,. Oraham, N. C„ on or before sth day of March, 1118, or this no i tiee will be plead-d in bar ol their recovery. All persons indeht ed to flie said estate are requester " to make immediate settlement, i This February 23, 1917. e Mrs. Flora T. Williamson, odm'r'x of Oeo. T. Williamson Commissioner's Sale of , Land. •0 Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Alamance county, .North Carolina, in a Sue c,al Proceeding entitled J. H. Allen _t als vs. Mrs, Kileto Thompson ei is, tne undersigned commissioner _ vill offer at public sale to tiie high- I »l bidder, at the court house door , Graham, Alamance county, Nortn .olina, on * v SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 1917, 12 o'clock, noon, the following described real properly : i'wo tracts oi lauo ij aig and oe ine in jtewlin towusiap, Alaaianei county, «. C., adjo.niiig toe lando oi Joufl O. 'jucFaerson and Oiiiw' u 1 and located on cane creen. iract i>o. 1.. Adjoining tne laudo I oi Jomn L>. aicPiierson uiid owners, J and containing Uliy acres, moro o. less; it ueing luat tract 0,. lauo conveyed oy Joan iUarsn.ui, jr., to K. aicPtterson iud later con. ejo. under an oraer oi t«e £>ui>ei-.0. Court ol Alamance county, to om. Allen by' deed oi Augusv ii, low. iracl ixo. ~1. Adjo.iiuig tile auo>- tract, being tnat tract ot laud par caused iroal Or. rrecinau oy uoot . Allen and jo.iis tract uj. i on tac oast, and contains ti.irty-live acres, f uiore or less. , Aerms oi Sale: One-th;rd casn, one-tiurd in tiiree montiis, unti one tnird in six niontns. Ucierrea paj aients to near interest. £>aie 5.,0 , ject to tne ot tub court. •inis February li, 1917. J. J. ilea*UiiltS cominisoiJiici Sale oi Valuable Land In Pleasunt Grove 'township. Under and by virtue of. an orde. of tne Superior Court oi Ala inane county, made in tae special pro aig to Waicn an tiu lleiia-at iu » oi tne lute i»iar> J. Anaernoa wei joined, tae undersigned coiiun.s aioiier will, on MONDAY, MARCH 2fi, 1»1", at 12 o'clock ai., offer at pabln. uuctiun to tae liiguesl Uidaer, a. tne cojrt hoase ttoor, in uranuai, Alamance county, iiort.i Caroi.uu, tne louovt'.ng uesciioed lauds, ij illif UllU (IK-liU 111 AlkUlkllCO iiorta, and in Fiea.«aiu urove Towpsaip, and more particu lariy bounded and uescr.oeu as 10l iows, to-w,t: First Tract— beginning at point ers, K.CII corn s coram and UU* ersou torn s line; running taence Soutu Willi liis line lo cKains ain. 90 links to pointers on fcgt-eri corn s line and corner v."* tau Dr. j. ,w. AicCauley land! taence Kasi with his line o chains to pointers, John Mason's corner; thence i>orti. 1# chains and 90 linitJ to a gum, thence west 6 chaius to the ursi station, containing ten acres, roori or less. ~ Second Tract-Beginning at a stake, corner Witn bgnert Coin in Cicero Anderson's line; running thence Worth 87:4 degre.-s ive« chains to a stake; thence i>. 1 deg. Kast 37.20 chains to a roes in tne John A. AicCauley line, thence South b7|4 deg. bust witn said Ujie 11.05 chains to a rocK, thence South 1 degree est with the Cicero Anderson line 37.20 en*, to the beginning, containing It acres, more or less. Third Tract- Beginning at a gum, corner of Cicero Anderson, running thence Kast with Itieher erson Corn's line 3 chains and Hi. links to a stake; thence South t chains and 60 links to a white oak, thence Kast 3 chains and 31 links to pointers; thence Soutu 10 chuiuh and 30 links to pointers on Joan McCauley's line; tnenee West 7 chs and 21 links to a i.t-ikc; tnenee -> 7 chains and 90 links to the first station, containing ten acres, more or less. ■ The three tracts of land descri j ed aaove are contiguous, und to gether constitute tne plantation owned and occupied uy tlie late Mary J. Anderson up to the time of her death. U|>on this laud are located a four-room dwelling house, feed oarn, two good tobacco barns, and other out-houses, good menu ows, excellent Well of water, anu the land is especially adapted to the cultivtlon of both tobacco anJ ' all kinds oi grain. 1 Terms of Sale. One-third of the purchase price to be paid in cash on date of sale; one-third at the expiration of six months from date of sale, and the balance at the expi r ration of twelve montiis from date of sale; title to bo reservel until the .purchase price is paid, with op tion to purehas-r to pay all casn and receive de.'d upon confirmation of sale. This February 17, 1«17. * K. S. VV. DAMKRON, Commissb^ief. Sale of Reaf Estate. Under and by virtue of the terms of a certain mortgage deed exe cuted and delivered to Alamance Insurance & Real Estate ( omnany recorded In Hook No. 61 of Mort gage Deeds, page 275, ifi the office of the Register of Deed* for Ala mance county, to secure an Indebt edness evidenced by a certain note therein described, defauult hating 10-en made in tiie payment ol saio indebtedness the undersigned will on MONDAY, MARCH 26, 1917, at 1.30 o'clock at the court ho.ise ti- or in Oraham, N. C,, o.'fer for sale at p. outcry to t be>t bidder for cash, the following de scribed land and premises, to wit: Adjoining the lands of R. A. Coble, May est ate, Oeo. Or-eson, and others and bounded a* follows beginning at a rock, corner with said Coble, running thence with said Coble's !lne South 45 deg. East 1171 feet to a corner on said May ; thence with May's lino North l'> deg. West »72tf feet to a corn r thence with line of said (ire son North 45 deg East 19B« fe * to a large rock corner; thence with th line of the North Carolina Ti ist Company, South 15 deg. East feet to a stake in center ol new surveyed road; thence with center of Ma id road North 21 deg. Kast 720 feet to Htake ; thence 34* deg. East to Coble's corner, the beginning point, being tract "No. 21 of the sufr vev of the Holt fanos, and contain ing 35 19-100 acres, more or less. This February 2", 1917. Alamance Ins & Real Estate Co , Mortgagee. J Place a Business M 9 Stimulator j C Here J 9 And Be Happy § We Will Be Closed! Every Sunday la Except From 8 to 10 A. M. and 3 to 6 P. M. For Accuracy and Best Results ffl Bring us Your" Prescriptions. • HAYES DRUG COri Graham,N.C. 1 Day 'Phone 97. Night 'Phone 399. 11 ————Hf To Whom It May Concern: This is to notify all users of automobile, bicycle and motor cycle casings and tubes that they are doing their bank account a fearful injustice in not using Pennsyl vania Rubber" Company's goods. The best—no others sold here equal to them. A written guarantee. Should one go bad, then the most liberal settlement. Ask those using Pennsylvania Rubber Company's goods. I See me or waste your money. Very truly, W. C. THURSTON, Burlington, . . N. C For Breakfast Monogram Buckwheat along with some of our ; Pure Log Cabin Maple Syrup. , Hot Cakes go mighty good. Big Stock Canned Goods —Prices right. 'Phone 496. J. W. HOLT, - Graham, N. CM INAUGURATION 1 President Woodrow Wilson WASHINGTON, D. C. Oj Monday, March sth, 1917 $10.05 Round Trip via Southern R'y From Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, Burlington, and all inter mediate points to Greensboro. $10.05 from Goldsboro; $10.70 froin Selma; round trip fares in same proportion from intermediate points. Round trip tickets for this occasion will be on sale March 1, 2, S, 4, and for trains scheduled to arrive Washington by noon, March sth. Tickets will be limited returning to reach orl inal starting point not later than midnight of March 10th, 1917, or by depos l ting ticket at Washington and paying a foe of SI.OO final return limit can be ex tended to April 10th, 1917. Special Pullman Sleeping cars will bo operated from Raleigh and Durham, and from all points for special parties of 25 or more. For sleeping car reservations, and complete information, ask Southern Railway Agents, or address J. O. JONES, T. P. A., Raleigh, N. C. _. 1 Mortgage Sale of Real Estate. Under and by virtue of- the pow- | er of Halo contained in a certain j mortgage deed bearing date of i April 4, 1007, and duly prob»u>i aim 1 recorded in the office of the Reg- j i»ter of Deeds for Alamance coun ty, In Hook of Mortgages and Deeds of Tru«t No. 3d, at pages 50 to 59, [ the undersigned mortgages will, on, MONDAY, MARCH 19, 1917, , at VI o'clock M., at the court house I door of Alamance county, In Gra- | ham, North Carolina, offer for sale at public auction to the highest olu der, for cash,, two certain tracts ol land In Burlington township, Ala mance county North Carolina, ano bounded and descrioed as follows, to-wit; Kirst Tract—Adjolnnig the lands of )W. 11. Cunklin, G. A. Clendentn, heirs of T. C. Lutt'erloh and others, and bounded as follows: Begin ning at an iron bar or rock cor ner with said Conklin and Lutter loh heirs, running thence North t, 'i- 3 degrees East lu9 fc tto white flint rocK, corner with said Conk lin, thence North 83 2-3 deg. West 13d feet to an iron pipe, corner with said ( b'lidenin, thence South 5% de grees West 14»K fe.'t to an iron pipe, corner wiUi said „ Lutterloh heirs; thence North Kft degr> es Bast 19 feet to the beginning, contain ing 40-100 of an acre. Second Tract —Adjoining the lands of H. M. Htockiird (now Oeo. ( lendenini, It. M. Tnompson and a cartway H feet wide, and boundeu as follows Beginning at -a stake H feet South of J. W. Ilo't's line, running thence South 122 feet to I to H. M. Stockard's (now Oeo. Cien denin's) line, thence Bast H7 f«-et I feet to the beginning, containing h-4 of an acre. Place of sale, court house door, Graham. North Carolina. Time of sale, 12 o'clock M , March i 19th, 1917. Terms of sale, cash. BI'OBNE HOLT, \ Keb'y 5, 1917. Mortgagee. AIJMINIBTRATOB'B NOTICB. Having ri UK 11 »« admlrilntratoi of the ' muii- of v. Clay Murray, deoeaaed, til*" un dnralicni-d her»by not I flfa all [>t rwria holding I'lalni, rigal n*t Mid eitatft tn tb« smf duly autb nllcled. on or Ix-fore the lothda) of Ki-b , ISIS, or this notice will be pl«»ad*d In Imr of Ihelr recovery. All perso i ladabud to Mild fatal* ari* requested u, make I"■ mrdlal* aetlleaifnt. Thin November "SI, IBM. A. CI. AT MI'HIIAY. Adm'r Hftbl7»t of K. Clay Murrey, doe'd. That the German government is I working frightful destruction does not take the fact that it is, never ' thelesa making a frightful ass of | itself. ' Brand VVhltloek s American flag | in Brussels may not have oe?n J strictly legal or diplomatic, as the II Government to which he is accred ited is no longer in Belgium, but | when it came down, there dis | appeared one of the last rays of \ hope that have heartened a per- I aecuted nation. T UCKY is the man who owns a Walt ham—but only the man who has car ried a Waltham Watch for thirty or forty years knows what a fine investment a good Waltliam is. ' "It's Time You Owned a Waltham." ( omr In and talk watch with aa. V* c iff haadotsartera lor Wahhss Writhe* and carry a romplata CMotiment of all grades. Z. T. HADLEY JEWELER A OPTICIAN GRAHAM. W. C. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. llsvlni (justified u executor of Um will of Oella l/oy, dee'd, Ibit undersigned hereby r.otlflra all |*nom holding claims imlml . ■ ud ran ale to prvaenl ih-aanie, duly authen- I i«l«l. on or before the aith day of January, 111.*, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of i heir recovery. All per »na Indebted to said . .La lf are requested to make immediate set tlement. Thla Jan. IS, I*l7. Jthl . A. BARNWELL. »t'r IKjaust .of (iella Loy, dee'd. Summons by Publication N'OBTIt CAROLINA, ~ § ALAMANCE COUNTY, In the Superior Court, March Term, 1917. Green & McClure, a firm compos ed of W. B. Green and E. P. ■Ac-' Cluro » ? vs. The Southern Railway, G. E. Nich olson and G. A. Nicholson. • The defendant, G. E. Nicholson, above named, will take notice that an action entitled aa above hasp been instituted in the Superior Court of Alamance county, to re cover the possession of certain per sonal property rented to the said G. E. Nicholson by the plaintiff; and the said defendant, G. B. Nich olson, will fuurther take notice that he is required to appear at the term of the Superior Court of said county to be held on the first Mon day of March, 1917, al the court house of said county, in Grahaas,' N. C., and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff, or the plaintiff 'will apply to the court for the relief demanded in aaid complaint. This the Bth day of Feb I*, 1 *, 1917. ■ J. D. KERNODLE, » Clerk ol Superior Court.' feb-8-17

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