THE GLEANER GRAHAM, N. 0., March 15, 1917. Postottiee Hons. Offle op«n T.OO •. a. to T.tO p. a. Bnuday 0.00 to 11.00». m. and 4.00 to 8.00 p. m J. M. McCRACKEN. Poitmmatar. .♦♦♦ ■M l Mt > ++++++++++++++++ + LOCAL NEWS. + ♦ + —Mr. George W. Black has mov ed from the Hunter residence to the BUckmon residence near the Grad ed School. —Mr. Robt. L. Holmes went to Dr. W._ Perry Reaves' hospital in Greensboro last Saturday for a slight operation. —lt rained Monday again. There have been so many rainy Mondays in the past few months that we have lost the count. -Rev. Mr. Carter of Elon Col lege filled Rev. J. G. Truitt's pulpit at the Graham Christian church last Sunday morning. —Mess. J. D. Albright & Co., who suspended business long enough to have a new floor put in their store last week, are in shape again to take care of their customers. —The weather feels Spring-like today, and as there has been no weather fit to do garden work and 1 plowing for some three months every body will now get busy. i —Special Communication Thos. ' M. Holt Lodge No. 49?., A. F. & A:, to be held Friday night 8:00 o.'clock. i J. HARVEY WHITE, W. M. I J. S. COOK, SBTFY. —Mr. Emory Coble, an old Con- I federate veteran, died at Haw River ( on the 17th of February in the 87th year of his age. Their ranks are , growing thinner and thinner as the ' years go by. —The Republican Club of Gra- | ham will give a banquet at Graham , Hotel Saturday night. All Repub licans are invited to attend. It is surmised that this is done, looking • forward to the biennial election of i town officers in May. 1 —The second meeting of the Child's Conservation League of I America was held Monday afternoon j with Mrs. R. L. Holmes. Mrs. H. W. Scott, President, presided over the meeting. General topics for the year were discussed. Mesdames J. . N. Taylor, J. J. Henderson and W. ( P. Smith were appointed a commit tee on programmes for the coming year, J " SOCIAL ITEMS. Mrs. Lynn B. Williamson enter tained at a five course dinner Friday evening. Her guests were Mr. and ' Mrs. Bob Glenn of Greensboro, Mr. 1 and Mrs. Will E. White of Graham, 1 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence S.Holt Jr., of Burlington, Mr. and Mrs. J. Harvey , White and Mesdames Phillip R. I Carlton of Greensboro and James D. i Proctor of Lumberton. i Mrs. John J. Henderson enter tained a few friends at bridge Tues daj morning from eleven till one 1 o'clock ih\hoßor of her sister, Mrs. 1 James D. of Lumberton. ' Those present were Mesdames A. K. Hardee, E. D. Scott, Phillip R. ' Carlton, J. Harvey White, Will E. White, Lynn B. Williamson, J. D. 1 Kernodle and Miss Mamie Parker. , After the game refreshments in two courses were served carrying out the color scheme of yellow and white. "Moot Court" Entertainment. On Tuesday night, the 27th inst, Chaß. F. .Fisher Chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy will give a "'Moot Court" entertainment in Burlington for the benefit of their Chapter. We are unable to state what phase of court it will represent, but it will no doubt be very enter taining. Several personages in the performance will be Graham people, and for that reason and the further reason that Chas. F. Fisher Chapter is a daughter of Graham Chapter, Graham people should be liberal patrons of the performance. "Pinafore." A generation ago "Pinafore" swept the country. It was very popular and pleased everybody who heard and saw it. The little opera should be no less pleasing now than it was years ago. On Friday night, March 23rd, it will be played at Graham Graded School auditorium. The teachers are now busy training the children in their parts. Everyone should see it and encourage those who are devoting their time and tal ents to make a success of it. Feature Pictures. Mr. R. L. Holmee, Mgr. the Moxiean Theatre has booked for March 26ch, "The Great Secjet" featuring Francis X. Bushman. "Pearl of the Army" featuring Miss Pearl White. "Pride of the Clan" featuring Miss Mary Pickford. This is the sweet est picture ever screened. New Advertisements. Hayes Drug Co.—Have something to say about their Prescription De partment. See ad. in another col umn. Misses Hughes & Snyder—Milli nery Opening Friday and Saturday,, March IC-17. lie sure to attend. Black & Smith—lce. See them and keep cool. - R. B. Keck, adm'r of Lawrence J. Ke*;k—Notice. J. J. Henderson, com'r—Sale of Valuable Land. Tournament Wagon For Hose Co. Graham, Hose Co. is to have a new Tournament wagon by the annual meet of the North Carolina Firemen at Aaheville in July. The citizens of Graham have subscribed the necessary amount to pay for the wagon. It is intended to go in the races and compete for prizes offered by the Firemen's Association. ♦ 4 ♦ PERSONAL. + f mi , mm it Miss Alice Fox of Liberty ia visit ing Mrs. J. B. Montgomery. Mr. Geo. M. Pattonof Greensboro was here Monday on business. Mr. W. I. Ward left for Washing' ton, D. C., last night on business. Mr. Frank Moore spent the past week in Greensboro with relatives. Mr. J. A. Winningham, near Saxapahaw, is in town today trading. Mesdames W. S. Rives and J. N. Taylor spent yesterday in Greens boro. Mr. Mayo R. Rives left Monday night on a business trip to Balti more. Mr. Haywood Henderson, in school at Elon College, spent Sunday at his home here. Mrs. Engene Sykes of Greensboro spent from Friday till Monday with relatives here, Mr. H. W. Scott left Monday for Lynchburg and other cities on a business trip. Mr. J. W. Menefee returned Tues day from a three weeks' business trip to New York. Mess. J. Elmer Long and J. J. Henderson were in Greensboro Tues day attending court, Mrs. R. L. Holmes spent yester day in utreensboro with Mr. Holmee at Reaves' hospital. Mm. H. H. Simpson of Haw River spent Tuesday here with her daugh ter, Mrs. E. L. Henderson. Little Miss Elizabeth Hill Pomeroy leaves today for Milton to visit her grand-mother, Mrs. Hines. Miss Minnie Long, in school at the State Normal College, Greensboro, spent Sunday at her home here. Mrs. W. H. Foushee of Greens boro arrived yesterday on a visit to her mother, Mrs. W. A.-Wood. Misses Myrtle Ezell and Duke McCracken and Mr. "Shag" Thomp son spent Tuesday afternoon at Elon College. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gleen of Greens boro spent Saturday night here as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lynn B. Williamson. Mr. E. S. Parker, Jr., went to Washington Sunday night and re turned Tuesday morning, and he spent yesterday in Raleigh. Miss Doris Holt, in school at Greensboro College for Women, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Lacy Holt. Mr. Peter Rives and daughter, Miss Vivian, of Robersonville, -ar rived aere last Friday on a visit to the homes of his sons, Messrs. M. R. and W. S. Rives. Mrs. J. D. Albright and Miss Myrtle Ezell spent last Saturday in Greensboro. Miss Conley Albright, at the State Normal College, return ed with them to spend Sunday at her home here. Mrs. Phillip R. Carlton of Greens boro, who has been spending a few dayß here with her brothers, Mess. J. Harvey and Will.-E. White, left for Atlantic City this morning ac companied by Mrs. J. Harvey White. Mr. Harvey White accompanied them to Greensboro. Baptist Church News Notes. Sunday School every Sabbath morning at 9.45. Let us all stand by the Bible and the Bible School. "A single word is a little thing, But a soul may be dying before your eyes For the lack of comfort a word may bring With its welcome help, and its sweet surprise.'- Morning worship next Sunday at 11 o'clock. Sermon theme, "The Place of the South in the Religious Life of the Nation." Evening wor ship at 7.30. Sermon theme, "The Death.. and Burial of Moses.' These are 'important subjects ana we would like for all to be pres ent. Mid-week services every Tuesday at 7.30 Subject for March 20th, "Disciples.'' ■-All who have no regular church affiliation in the town are cor dially invited to share with us all the services of this church. All Baptists are urged to be loyal to the church, and attend all its ser vices possible. _ Our revival meeting will begin April 22nd. Kev J. F. Black, Kair napolis, N. C, will aid the church, and pastor. Mr. Black has had years of experience in this kind of work, and is a very fine preacher. Majestic Shows Coining. The Majestic Shows which were booked for Graham next week have changed their date—coming to Gra ham the week of March 26th. Thia is one of the cleanest, largest and best equipped carnivals On the road, -traveling on their special train of 10 all steel cars, carrying 0 Big Shows, a new 110000 Merry-go-round and a Big Eli Ferria Wheel. Thia is a clean and up-to-date attract! n. A Royal Italian Band furnishes the muaic. OUR IJUNGS SE Overwork, lack of fresh air, mental strain or any sickness disturbs their functions. Stubborn coughs tear and wear the sensitive hing tissues. , ENiLSION 11 should be taken promptly for hard coughs, unyielding cold*, » Ajk> or when strength is knrereJfrom any cause. Its high ' nutritive value creates resistive force to ward off sick -9 ffrffi nm. The rich cod liver oil improves the quality I ilnr of the blood to relieve the cold and the glycerine is 1 ijj A soothing and healing to the hing tissues. I Ms* MMS Akaklk SdbtiM« Wbidi ExcMs tfc* Oi. •,*. ( GRAND MURITS REPORT. A New Court House Aanong Recom mendations in Report i March Term Superior Court, , i Alamance County, N. C. , To His Honor, J no. H. Kerr, Judge ; Presiding: We, your Grand Jury, beg leave to make the following report: We have examined all bills pre sented to us by the Solicitor and ( have passed on Bame. j We visited the County Jail and , found it well kept and sanitary, | the inmates well cared for, but . would I'ecommend that the Honor orable Board of County Commis sioners have the lot cleaned off, ( especially the rubbish of the old ( jail, and lot beautified by sowing grass and planting ■ shrubbery. We have visited the County . Home and found it well kept and in good sanitary condition, in- . mates well cared for—found the rooms neat and clean. We would recommend that the Honorable Board of County Commissioners have a permanent road built from the macadam road to the Home. We have visited the county con vict camp and found the camp in good condition, couvicta well cared for, the stock in good con dition and well cared for, tools in good condition tnd well cared for. 1 We visited all the offices of county officers and found them well kept, and as far as we could see the books are well kept. We would recommend a floor be put in the Treasurer's office, also in the office of Clerk of Court. We would recommend that an soon as the County Commissioners see the way clear thnt they have a Court House built that be in keeping with the progress of our county. We find the closets in the Court House in a very unsanitary con dition. Very respectfully submitted, J. A. HAMILTON, Foreman. Some Drew Road Sentences; Some Fines. A vast amount of work was accom plished in the four days that court was in session last week. Judgs Kerr and Solicitor Gattis were on the job all the time, not goiug by fits and jerks, but going at a steady gait that brought results. Some of the matters disposed of were as follows— all State cases : Pleas Harden; liquor for sale; SSO and costs. Ray Thomas; forcible trespass; $lO and costs. Luther Perry; abandonment; pen ny and coets and S2OO to prosecutrix. John McMillan; assault with dead ly weapon and concealed weapon; 4 mos. on roads in one and 2 mos. in other. Hadley Burnett; liquor for sale; 6 mos. on roads. Lawrence Graves; trespass; sls and costs. Joe Handy; larceny; 6 mos. on roads Grover Whitt, larcency; 4 mos on roads. Weldon Fonville; bastardy; S6O and costs. Guy Phelps; assault; $lO and costs. Flony Wilson and Levi Enox; as sault; each S4O and coets. Clarence Wiley; assault; 2 mos. on roads. James E. May; housebreaking, etc.; 6 mos. on roads. Jim Allen; larceny and selling liquor; 12 and 4 mos. on roads. Clem Bradshaw; assault; 6 mos. on roads. Harrison Stephens; larceny—2 cases; 24 moe. on roads. Dooster Allen; assault d. w ; 6 mos. on roads. Rude Keck, Teer, Luther Lee; fore, trespass; costs and appear two years and show good behavior. Will Thacker; concealed weapon; $25 and costs. Charlie Thompson, Robert Wal ker, Henderson Davis and John Walker; gambling; $25 and coets. George Hooper; escape; 4 mos. on roads. MEXICAN PROGRAM The following is the program for the week beginning Monday, March 19. MONDAY NIQHT. Sunshhie Girl Pathe in 5-parts featuring Lucile Hutton TUESDAY NIOHT. Loneeurn Luke 2-parts Western Drama 2-parts WEDNESDAY NIOHT. Right Direction Paramount 5-parts THURSDAY NIOHT. Bine Grass i World in 5-parts FRIDAY NIOHT. Snow White Paramount in 5-parts I SATURDAY NIOHT. Gloria's Romance 2-parts ) Henie and Louie 1-part To Graham Tax-Pa yert.^ t If ven d j not want to be embar rassed by having your property ad vertised, or hare yonr wages garni sheed, for taxes, see me at once and pay yonr back taxes. This March Ist, 1917. B. R. TROLINGER, -Tax Collector. Write the Pennsylvania Lumber Company, Greensboro, N. C, for ito formaaion and pricea of Spanish oak, red oak, willow oak, hickory, beech, birch and maple croaa ti>». Oak and poplar furniture stock. Marl-4t. Itch relieved In SO minute* by Woodford's Sanitary Lotion. Neve. . fails. Sold by Qrabam Drag Co. =VISIT= Ladies' Emporium And Millinery This Emporium Carries [Skirts, Waists, Children's Dresses, Corsets, Underwear, Etc. COME TO SEE US GRAHAM, N. C At Misses Freelands' Old Stand MO. 8844. REPORT OF THE CONDITIO!* OF The National 6ank of Alamance At Graham, in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business on March 5, 1917. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts (except those shown on band e) . f 106.190.77 Total loans _ $ IW.ltt.7T Notes and bills redlscounted (see Item •!)..... $196,120.77 Overdrafts secured, ; unsecured, $494.74 . 4#4.74 U. S. bonds deposited to secure circulation (par value) f/j0.0n0.00 Total U. S. bonds «0 000 00 Stock of Federal Reserve Bank (/JO per oent of subscription) '2,100.00 Value of oaoklng house (If unencumbered) 6,000.00 Equity In banking house. - fi,000.00 Furniture and fixtures . ROO.OO Net amount due from approved reserve agents In Now York, Chicago, and Si. Loials. ...... 9 17.423.M2 Net amount due from approved reserve agents In other reserve cities/ 17,421.82 Net amount due from banks amd bankers (other than Included In 12 or 20).. 80,878.82 Outside checks and other cash ■+ *. 6,^70.00 Fractional anrmojr, nickels, and cents 130.90 99 Notes of other national Federal Reserve notes - '. 1,900.00 Lawful reserve In vault and with Federal Reserve Dank 21,41040 Redemption fund with U. 8. Treasurer and due from U. H. Treasurer 2.000.09 Total .. • «6,49H.64 LIABILITIES. Ospltal stock paid In • V). 000.00 Surplus fund.. «• 20,000.00 Undivided profits 9 9,226.24 Less current expenses, Interest, and (axes paid - 7/VM.9* Amount reserved for all Interest accrued #• - 1.0HH.17 Circulating notes outstanding * 4i»,fino.oo Dividends unpaid 14.00 Demand deposits: individual deposits subject to rbeck ..... 140.f1f19.79 Certified checks 16.f1fl Cashier's checks outstanding JW2.00 Total demand deposits. Items 88, 84, 86, 86, JT7, BH, 89 slid 49 140.99 V 46 Certificates of deposit ff1.117 99 Other time deposits ~ f19,f1«6,78 Total of time deposits. Hems 41, 42, and 43 7. 90,000 72 ToUl ...~. • 386,498.8* State of North Carolina, County of Alamance, ss: 1. Chits. A. Scott, Cashier of the above named bank,do solemnly swear that the above state ment Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, ' CHAM. A. SCOTT. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 16th dsy of March, 1917. E. W. LAB LEY, Notary Public. . Correct— Attest: J. L. SCOTT, Ja., J. HARVEY WHITE, E. H. I'ARKER, JR., Directors. If and When You Want Ice Call 'Phone 299- J BLACK & SMITH NOTICE! All persons liable for special road tax, or who in •rent or failure to pay, moat work on the public roads, are notified that unless thev pay thia special tax to W. P. Smith, County Treaaurer, on or before April lat, 1917, the law requiring them to work upon the road will be enforced strictly. You must pay 11.25 or work two days, and if you prefer paying the cash you must pay thin gum to the County Treaaurer at Graham before ■pril Ist. Take notice and do not •-omplain because the county authori se* enforce the law. ' B M ROGERS, Clerk to Board County Coram seioners. 22feb In n running fight between h posa* and two bandits, who hal robbed t lie Bank of Collinston, La., 20 mile* north of Monroe, La , a few days ago, II W. Vaughn, mayor of Collinatou, was shot and killed. One of the bandits waa shot and blightly wound**} during the fight, and WHO captured and rushed to the Morehouae Pariah j-til. A sack containing $3,000, *hich the robbers had taken from the bank, waa recovered. Th« other bandit eaca|>od. i SPRING OPENING MISSES HUGHES & SNYDER f » Announce the opening of their new Spring Millinery Friday and Saturday March 16 and 17 In M. R. Rives Store Graham, N. C. Break your Cold or LaGrippe with a few dotes of 666. , , A contract baa been let by rela tive* of the late O. Henry for n - | production on acreMi of Home of r the author'N storiee. • WHITE ORPINGTONS—IS eggs 1 for hatching, 1J.50. if by express, I otherwise fcl.oo. Standard bred; Good layers. Cash, j ' J. 8. COOK, Graham, N. C. ' Mm. Matthew Maury, aiater of # Mrs. Wood row Wilson, died Mon t day a week at Hoanoke, V'a., fol lowing an operation for peritoniti*. RUB-MY-TISM -Antiseptic, Ke . iievea Rheumatism, Sprains, Neu ralgia, etc. t —-For Sale—One pair good I mulea, medium size, cash or time. , Cbaa. C. Thompson, Graham, , N. ('. Route No. 1, Phone No. (5604. , 18jan4t. , The Southern I'ower Company , has let a contract for an immense I hydro-electric power plant on the , Wateree river seven niilee from Camden, S. C. Estimate cost of I outlay for construction is ffJ.'WO,- 000 and 100,000 horse-power will be developed. Sale ol Valuable Land In Pleasant Grove Township. Under and by virtue of an order ol the Superior Court of Alamance . county, made in tuo special pro log 10 wnich all the heira-at-iaw r Ol tne lute jftary J. Anderson wer. joined, the undersigned commis sioner will, on MONDAY, MARCH 20, 1917, at 12 o'clock M., offer at public auction to tne Highest bidder, ui the court house uoor, in uranain, Alamance county, iNortn, tne following described lands, ij ing and 'being in Aluinance county, North Carolina, and in Pleusain Grove Townsiup, and more particu larly bounded and described us tol lows, tO-Wlti First Tract—Beginning at point era, Rich Corn • corner and IJICK erson Corn's line; running tnence Soutn With his line lo cnuins an.. 90 links to pointers on ligberi Corn's line and corner lo t.iu Ui. J. ,W. McCauley land; tnence n.asi with his line t> chains to pointers, John Mason's corner; thence iNortn ltt chains and #0 linica to a gum, (.hence West 6 chains to the lirsi station, containing ten acres, more or less. Second Tract—Beginning at u stake, corner with ngbert Corn in Cicero Anderson's line; running thence Nortn bl'A degrees West lt.ij chains to a stake; thence t*. 1 deg. East 37.20 chains to a rock in uiei John A. McCauley line, thence Soutn 8/)4 deg. Kjst with said line 14.55 c.iuius to a rock, thence South 1 degree West with the Cicero Anderson line .17.20 eta*, to the beginning, containing lo acres, more or less. Third Tract—Beginning at a gum, corner of Cicero Anderson; running thence Kust with Kicher erson Corn's line 3 chains and 9v links to a stake; thence South i. chains and t»0 links to a white oak, thence Kast 3 chains and 31 linns to pointers; thence Soutn 10 chains and 30 links to pointers on Joan McCauley's line; tnence West 7 chs. and 21 links to a st-ike; tnence iV 7 chains and 90 links to the first station, containing ten acres, more or less. The three tracts of land descrij ed a JO ve are contiguous, and to- i gether constitute tne plantation owned and occupied uy tne late Mary J. Anderson up to.tne time of her death. Upon this land are located a four-room dwelling house, teed jam, two good tobacco barns, and other out-houses, good mead ows, excellent weU ol water, and the land is especially adapted to the cultivtion of both tobicco an.l all kinds of grain. Terms of Sale: One-third of the purchase price to. be paid in cash on date of sale; one-third at the expiration of six months from date of sale, and the balance at the expi ration of twelve months from date of sale; title to be reserved until the purchase price is paid, with op tion to purchaser to pay all cash and receive deed upon confirmation of sale. This February 17, 1917. E. 8. W. DAMBRON, Commissioner. Sale of Real Estate. 1 Under and by virtue of the terms of a certain mortgage deed exe cuted and delivered to Alamance insurance & Keal Estate Company, recorded in Book No. fll of Mort gage Deeds, page 27H, in the office of the Register of Deeds for Ala mance county, to secure an indebt edness evidenced by a certain note therein described, defauult having been made in the payment of said 1 Indebtedness the undersigned will on MONDAY, MARCH 26, 1917, at 1.30 o'clock at the court house Ov>or in Graham, N. C'., offer for « sale at pi ' outcry to tne bc.»t bidder for cash, tho following de scribed land and premises, to wlt: Adjoining the lands of K. A. Coble, May estate, Gen.. Gri-eson, and others and bounded as follows Beginning at a rock, corner with said Coble, running thence with snid Coble's tyie South 45 deg. Kast 1171 feet to a corner on said May , thence with May's lino North 15 deg. West feet to a corn T, thence with line of said Gre •■on North 45 d«g. Kast 1988 fe* to If large rock corn ', thence with th line of the North .Carolina Trust Company, South 15 deg. Kast 39, feet to a stake in center of new surveyed 'fid; Iher-e with centei of said roan North 21 deg. Kast 7.S feet to stake; thence 34\ deg. Kasi to Coble's corner, the beg.nuing L point, being tract No. 24 of the sur ® vey of the Holt farms, and contain ing 35 19-190 acres, more or less This February 20, 1917. Alamance Ins & Keal Estate Co., - Mortgagee NOTICE ! s , >i To Whom It May Concern ; Notice is hereby given that Rich ard Neville, residing in this coun ty for the last five or more years, has this day filed his petition in t the Superior Court of tnis county. praying to be restored to the rights ' of citizenship according to law. - He was convicted of larceny on i. March 6, 1911, and was pardoned by the Governor before his term of sentence was to oegin. f This application will oe present ed to the Superior Court on the | second Monday oefore the first Monday of September, 1917, which will be the 20th day of August, 1917. This the day of March, 1917. I J. D. KERNODLK, C. 8.C., i. of Alamance County. ' Small Store-house For Rent. Well located close to the. Best y trade in Grabam. Price reasonable „ and building ready for occupancy now. 8 J. M. McCRACKEN„ n JSnovtf Graham. N. C. The big iron cross received from II Kaiser Wilhelm seems to ha\e showed Von Maclcenson up consid erably. 1 . 1 . We A* w Your Physician's AssiiflH ust°properly fill si» HAYES DRUG CO: S GRAHAM, N. C. Day 'Phone 97. Night 'Phone 399. t '^Smß To Whom It May Concern: This is to notify all users of automobile, bicycle and S motor cycle casings and tabes that they are doing their % bank account a fearful injustice in not using vania Rubber Company's goods. The best—no othert sold here equal to them. A written guarantee. Should & one go bad, then the most liberal settlement. Ask IHOHO using Pennsylvania Rubber Company's goods. See me or waste your money. Very truly, W. C. THURSTON, Burlington, . • N. C For Breakfast 1 Monogram Buckwheat along with some of our Pure Log Cabin Maple Syrup. Hot Cakes go mighty good. Big Stock Canned Goods--Prices right. 'Phone 496. J. W. HOLT, - Graham, N. C. WANTED CEDAR LOGS •-V'yM Any quantity, delivered at my mill 1 near Graham Depot, or conveniently piled on any public road leading to Graham or Burlington where we can reload on truck. This service will extend for several miles around. Price high. Terms Cash. For in formation 'phone 541-W JH. CURRIE WALKER, Agt., GEO. C. BROWN CO., ' Graham, N. C. Greensboro, N. C. Mortgage Sale of Real Estate. Under and b.v virtue of the jiow- J it of »alo contained in a certain trior I gage deed bearing dale of | April I, 1807, and duly probated ano j recorded in the office of the Reg-1 iater of Deed" for Alamance cotin-j ty, in Hook of Mortgages and Deeds : of Truat No, 38, at page* 55 to 59, i the undersigned mortgagee will, on MONDAY, MARCH 19, 1917, j at 12 o'clock M., at the court house door of Alamance county, in | ham, North Carolina, offer for sale at public auction to the highest oiu- ; der, for cash, two certain tracts of j land in Wurllngton township, Ala- I mance county North Carolina, ano > bounded ana descrioed as follows, to-wit: First Tract—Adjolnnig the lands of |W. If. Conklio, 0. A. Clendenfcrii heirs of T. C. Lutterloh and others, and bounded an follows: Begin ning at an iron bar or rock cor ner with said (.'on kiln and Lutter loh" heirs, running thence North f) 2-3 degrees Hast 109 feet to white flint rook, corner With said Conk lin, thence North 83 2-3 deg. West 13ti feet to mi iron pipe, corner with said Clendenin, thence South de grees West lthK fe-t to ail iron pipe, corner with said Lutterloh heirs; thence North hf> East 19 feet to the beginning, contain ing O-100 of an acre. Second Tract—Adjoining the l.rnds of R. M. Stockard (now Geo. 1 Clendenin), R. M. Thompson and a ' cartway 8 feet wido, and boundeo l as follows: Beginning at a stake ' 8 feet South of J. \V. Holt's line, running thence South 122 feet to to R. M. Htockard's (nc*v Geo. Cien denin's) line, thence Kast 87 feet feet to the beg.nning, cont lining l*-l of an acre. l'lace nt sale, court door, Oraham, North Carolina. Time of sale, 12 o'clock M , March 19th, 1917. Terms of sale, cash. KUGKN'B HOLT, Feb'y 5, 1917. Mortgagee. A I)M IN IST It A T RIX 'S N O TICK. i Having (iwlifii'd as admiriistra . trix of the estate of Oeorge T. Wil » liamson, dee'd, the undersigneo hereby notifies all persons having i claims against said estate to pre- I sent the same, duty authent cated, i to the undersigned administratrix, or her attorney,. K. S. I'arker, Jr., • Ksf|„ (iraham, N. C., on or before • sth day of March, 1918, or this no t tice will be pie id ql in bar of i their recovery. All persons indebt . Ed to the said estate are requested tt> make Immediate settlement. This February 23, 1917. Mrs. Flora T. Williamson, adm'r'x of Qco. T. Williamson. ADM IN IST R A TORS' NOTICE. • Having qnsline.l a» Administrators of the , ortateof Taylor Pickett. deceased. the undersigned hereby notify all persons hold ing claims MKsla«t thewt'l e.tat« to |>re«ent th*' nemo. uuly sutoentlc «ted. on or before the oth ilsy of M»r. h, ISIS, or this notice will • 1h- pleaded In bar of their recovery; and all pernon* Indebted toxoid eatate are request ed v rnnK.* immediate settlement. 1 : This March «tb. 19 7. „ H. J. THOMPSON, L C. U MOSKII, " I Adm'rs of W. Taylor Plcsett, dee'd. I smchst J UCKY is the man who 'm-j owns a Walt ham— but only the man who has car j -icd a Waltham Watch for thirty or forty years knows •vlnt a fine investment a good \N jltliam is. 'lft Time You Ownti o Waltham." ionic in and talk witck iHtk aa. \ « are beaduuartera for Waltbaai V.aube* *nd carry a nniflaf £**ortment of all gradea. Z. T. HADLEY JEWELER * OPTICIAN , GRAHAM. NX EXECUTOR S NOTICE. flavin/ qualified aa exec a tor of tb« will of Ufii* Loy, dau'd, tht* undaraigned bciabjr notinaa all peraona holding claims agalnat a«ld eatata to nreaent heaarne, duly authen ticated. on or before the *rtb day of January, ivift. or tbia ii'itice will be plaadad In bar of i heir recovery. All per .ooa Indebted to aald • «tau« are rt-queaiad to make immediate aatr • lament. Tbla Jan. in I*l7. JOU • A. BAKU WELL. Ei'r | I ■•Janet % of Galla Loy, dee'd. j ' ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administra tor with tne will annexed of the i-state o Oeoree W. Sutton, dee'd, this Is ta notify all persons hold ing claims against said estate to present the same, duly authenti : eated, on or before the 25th day of February. 1918, or thla notice will be fiieaded in bar of their re , covery; and all persona indebted . to said estate are requested to ' make immediate settlement. This the (l9 th day of Fefc'y, 1917. £. H. MURRAY, AdmT with will annexed of I Oeorge W. Sutton, dee'd. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICB. llaTlns qualified aa administrator of the eatata of K Clay Murray, deceased, the un dersigned hereby notifies all persons holding claims nasi nst said estate to preeeot the sal I duly auui ntloatad. on or before the 10th day s of Feb., 1»18, or this notloe will be pleaded la - bar of their reoovery. All peraoui Indebted t to mid esute are requested to ssake Im ) mediate settlement. I This November tl, ISIS. 1 A. CLAY MURRAY, Adm'r - BfeblTSt ot K. Clay Murray, decM. Subscribe lot THB OLBANKR-. ' |I.H a year In advance,