THE GLEANER •GRAHAM, N. 0., April 19, 1917. Postollice flours. Offlo open 7.00 a. m. to 7.00 p. m. gnuday 9.00 to 11.00 a. m. and 4.00 to U( p. m J. M. McCBACKEN, Poitmuter. +++++ !•+++-. ++++++++++++++++ + LOCAL NEWS. + iiniiiniiiiniiiiii mil —Summer days this week. —Clean-up week iu Graham next week. —lt is corn planting time—dog wood trees are in bloom. —Next week has been appointed clean-up week in Graham, designat ed as such by the Mayor. —The Pricilla Club will meet on Friday, April 27th, at 3:30 o'clock, with Mrs. Arthur T. Walker. —"Aunt" Patsy Tate, an aged and highly respected colored woman, died here about 2 o'clock this moruiug. —Plant food crops for man and beast is being urged from every station in the life of this great country. —lt is learned the Republicans will meet next Wednesday night at the court house to nominate a ticket for town officers. —Mr. Thos. C. Bradshaw has purchased the Chas. P. Harden resi dence on W. Elm St. It is a very desirable property. , —Graham Highs and Saxapahaw played ball here last Saturday. Graham lost to the visitors by a score of 14 to 7. —Little Miss Rebecca Harden was confined to her home last week by an attack of rheumatism. She is up and out again. —Mrs. T'ee Andrews underwent an operation at Rainey Hospital the lat part of last week and has since been in a critical condition. —Mr. Banks Quakenbush is re modeling his cottage on McAden Street. A second story and other improvements are being made. —Mr. Jas. W. Cates of Saxapa haw and Miss Cassie Peoples of Burlington were united in marriage at 10 o'clock Sunday morning at the home of Mr. V. M. Euliss, the of ficiating Justice pf the Peace, —Graham High Pinafore combination gave the Grad ed School in Burlington' Tuesday night to a good audience. The pro ceeds were divided and each school received a nice sum. —A number of Giaham people saw the ball game in Greensboro Saturday between Virginia and Carolina. Carolina won by a score of 3to 2. The result caused the wildest enthusiam among Carolians. —The Woman's Club on yester day presented two "slides" —one for the boys and one for the girls—to -Graham Graded School. The) are located in the play grounds, the school Children like them and are gitting lots of pleasure out of them. Florida Excursion Gall Off. Last week in these columns ap pealed an advertisement that the Southern Railway jvould operate an excursion to points in Florida on Monday, April 23. This excursion has been canceled. National Chero-Cola Day. Graham Chero-Cola Company kept open house yesterday in cele bration of' National Chero-Cola Day." Each caller, free of charge, indulged in the refreshing beverage and was presented with a pocket memoran dum book, a lead pencil, or other souvenir. Hundreds called du'ing open hours. County Commencement. Preparations for County Com- j mencement ~ tomorrow are being ] pushed to have everything in good I shape. The exhibition of all sorts of ' handcraft will be in the Paris j building, where will be seen innum erable things —useful and ornamen tal—made by the boys and girls. It is a show worth spending a while over, and you will be surprised. If the day is fit, an immense i crowd wijl be present. The town of Graham opens its gitet*, throws away the keys and bids everyone a most cordial wel come. Debaters off for Chapel Hill. The final debate of the State i High School Debating Upion takes Slace at Chapel Hill tomorrow (Fri- 1 ay) night under the auspices of i the Dialectic and Philanthropic Literary Societies. The query is,: "Resolved, that the Federal Gov vernment should own and operate, thr railways.'-' Graham High School teams — Misses Zelma Hornbuckle and Myr tle Cooper for the affirmative and 1 Miss Enita Nicks and Thos. D. Jooper for the negative—went this morning to take part in the preliminaries for places in the fi-i nals tomorrow nizht. Their teacher, Miss Thomas, ana other pupils ac companied them. If Graham's debaters should get |n the final contest, and it is con fidently believed they will, there Will be a large delegation going down tomorrow. Reynolds-Harden. The Greensboro News this morn ing says that Miss Annie Reynolls ind Mr. Thomas H. Harden surpris ed their many friends last evening by driving to Guilford College where they were married at 8 o'clock, Rev. W. M. Robbins, pastor of the Methodist church at Guil ford College, performing the cere mony. Mr. Harden is a native of Graham, and a brother of Mess. Jas. P., Chas. P. and Walter R. Har den and Mrs. M. R. Rives of this place. , His frjands wish him much happiness. ♦ PERSONAL. + ♦ ♦ Mr. J. M. HcCracken spent yes terday in Raleigh. Mr. Chas. P. Cates. near Mebane, was in town yesterday. Mr. T. Prank Hudson, attorney, of Spencer was here on business Mon day. Ma). J. J. Henderson was a busi [ ness visitor to Greensboro yester day. Messrs. J. Elmer Long and Edwin D. Ssott spent yesterday in Gre«nsboro. Mrs. L. Banks Holt and Mrs. J. K. Mebane are in Greensboro attend ing the Mebane-Jones wedding. Mrs. W. A. Wood returned yes terday from a visit, to relatives in Gibsonville and Greensboro. v Messrs. Ralph Lone and Clyde Hunter of Winston-Salem spent Sunday here with the home folks. Miss Marce Ooley, teachhing in High Point, spent the week-end at her home here. 'i Mrs. J. Elmer Long returned home Saturday from a visit to her mother, Mrs. Thos. Peay, near Pitts boro. Mrs. P. H. Norcross of Atlanta arrived here Monday to, spend some time' with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Banks Holt. Mrs. W. P. R. Clapp was called to Spencer last week on account of the illness of her daughter, Mrs. Will Thompson. Mestdames Will E. White, Lynn B. Williamson and J. L. Scott, Jr., went to Winston-Salem Tuesday to attend the Presbyterial. Mrs. E. C. Sykes and little Miss Catharine of Greensboro spent the latter part of last week here vis iting relatives. Mrs. J. Mel Thompson and Mas ter MelVin of Mebane spent last Priday and Saturday here at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Scott, Jr. Mrs. Victor" Graves and Little Miss Mary Louise of New York are visiting Mrs. Graves'" parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Banks Holt. Mr. Chas. D. Johnston, Supt. of the Christian Orphanage at Elon College, was at home last Friday afternoon and left that nigh: for Holland and other points in Eastern Virginia. In Honor of Mrs. Don Scott. Oa last Friday afternoon the home of Mrs. J. L. Scott, Jr., was the scene of a lovely reception in honor of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Don E. Scott. Mrs. Scott, before her mar riage. in October, was Miss Margie Gray" of Winston-Salem. Captain and Mrs. Scott left immediately after their wedding for El Paso, Texas, where Capt. Scott was stationed until about three weeks ago. The home was beautifully decorat ed for the occasion. The parlor was in white lilacs, the sitting room in purple lilacs. ' The guests were met at the door by Mesdames J. V. Pomeroy and Lynn B. Williamson, little Misses Cornelia Pomeroy and Eleanor Wil liamson receiving the cards. Mrs. J. Harvey White invited the guests into the parlor to meet the follow ing : Mesdames J. L. Scott, Jr., Don :K. Scott, Mrs. Eugene E. Gray and Miss Mary Sheppard of Wiuston- Salem, Mrs. J.; Mel Thompson of Mebane, Mrs. Victor Graves of New York and Mrs. Edwin D. Scott. Mrs. E S. Parker, Jr., invited the guests into the dining room, where Mesdames J. Dolph Long and John J. Henderson presided, assisted by Misses Martha Holt, Marce Goley, Mary "Hunter and Elizabeth Ander son of Haw River, served a delicious salad course. The dining room was a picture of loveliness with its beau ful table with a big white emamel basket tied with white tulle and filled with apple blossoms, forming a center-piece. Inviting the guests into the punch room was Mrs. A. K. Hardee. Misses Corinna Gant and Mamie Parker presided at the punch bowl, assisted by Misses Blanche and Rebecca Scoot and Margaret Hunter. Many guests called from 4 to C, among them a number from Burlington and Haw River. After that hour a number of gentlemen called to while away an hour. . The Fall of A Nation. Last Tuesday from 8 till II p. m. The Mexican theatre was crowd ed with old and young to see "The Fall of A Nation''—a most wonder ful production. The scenic effect was wonderful and the quickening of patriotic emotions was electric. No one saw It without having his love of "The Land of Liberty" forti fied and a feeling that "prepared ness" should be taught as ele mentary principles to maintain peace and guarantee democracy. In the\vent of war, this nation could depend upon Charlie Chap lin and his lethal cane. Germany showed restraint in not offering California to its pro posed allies. Wonder what is the matter with California? If Count Zeppelin could have lived a few years longer be might have seen his dirigible a blessing in peace instead of merely a fail ure in war. ANY CHEST COLO MA Y BRING Bronchitis or Tonsißtis The irritating, tickling cough affects the lung tiooue and wean down nature's power to reoiot disease germs. scorn EMULSION suppresses the cold, allays the in flammation, steadihr removes the irritation and rebuilds the rusirtiia power to prevent lung trouble. Ajb SCOTT'S has done mora k&m (or bronchial troubles than ijyV any other one medicine. lli A It contains no alcohol (AMP* Scou*Bow».]*>wSd4.».J.U!» CLEAN UP WEEK , *N I hereby set aside April 23 to 38 as Clean-Up- Week for the town of Graham. I request and expect that every citizen of the town will collect all rubbish on his premises and place -it on the edge of the street in barrels or boxes. The town wagon will begin to haul away the trash the middle of the week. Let us all work together for clean lawns and back yards. HEENAN HUGHES, Mayor. Will a Christian Fight? Cor. of The Gleaner. Elon College, April 13.—"The Christian man is the fightingest man on earth", declares President Harper in discussing before the Y. M. C. A. last evening the ques tion, "Will A Christian Fight" ? "Bathe will not fight for himself," he immediately added. Dr. Harper discussed the issue of the international situation thoroughly and declared that no nation ever had a more righteous cause for resorting to force than the American people have today. The situation is evenmore humani tarian in its demands upon our spirit of helpfulness to our brother men than the righteous Spanish- American war, which liberated Cuba, because now we are to re store the freedom of the seas and guarantee the rights of neutrals. The speaker showed that the first law of Biology is self-preser vation. The Bible, he declared, nowhere teaches A JPa" to use force Co save his own life. Self preservation is selfish and anti- Christian. A Christian must, not fight in obedience to its behest. But the first law of Christianity is self-sacrifice. The Christian man who will permit innocent children and pure women to be outraged in his presence without throwing himself in the forefront to protect and rescue them may be a biological biped, but he is no Christian. Under such circum stances a Christian man is the fightingest man on earth. / The men who came out to hear the address and who overflowed the Y. M. C. A. hall and had re course to the College Chapel almost to a man gave hearty as sent to the conclusion of President Harper. The selective conscription bill was incidentally explained and defended as the proper course for our nation to pureue in its effort to meet the crisis we face. In conclusion all were urged to be calm and prayerful, ready to go on quietly In life-preparation, if not selected by the Government for its defense, or equally ready to yield up even life that humani tarian principles may obtain throughout the earth. Two to Jail and One to Roads. Tuesday two negroes, named Ce cil (o* Casar) Freeland and William Massey, took a horse and buggy from W. A. Loy's stables in Bur lington to drive to Mebane, they said. Policemen Trolinger and Bos well were put on the track and caught them at the fork of the road between here and Haw River. They were hailed before 'Squire Euliss, charged with taking a horse and buggy, a lap robe, over coat and pocket knife. A razor was also found on Massey. In default of bond both were sent to Jail. An other who took the opportunity to ride with them, named Henry James, and could srive no satisfac tory account of himself, was sent to the roads for 30 days for va grancy and seemed to b? pleased at getting off so easy. German Spies (?) Now that this country and Ger many are at outs, almost every stranger and strange-looking per son that comes around is regarded with some degree of suspicion. Chief Boyd Trolinger and Police-, man W. H. Boswell looked a couple over the first of the week. One who had been in Burlington Mon day, walking around and looking up at some of the tall b-jildings, came this way and they investi gated him. He had a small grip in which It was expected to lino some mysterious implements, but It turned out to be a kit of paint brushes. He was a Greek paint er. Another was looked over here Tuesday. He had a small pack with a few fancy pieces. H» was an Assyrian peddler. When told of their suspicions as to him he said, "Me no Germ'."- Thus it goes and tales of spies are passed along. It- in ay be observed in passing that Orville Wright hasn't yet died ot a broken heart, which is the reported cause of Count Zep pelin's demise. Considering how many collegiate debates and oratorical contests have been held in the United States, the number of problems that it still faces is unaccountably large. China prefers to do things back wards, and focA time it appeared that she wv going to declare war on Germany and then reinforce the act with a severance of diplo matic relations. Another unpleasant feature of the situation is that should war come, Col. Roosevelt, realizing that it has been a good while since the diplomatic break with Ger many occurred, will again go throu h the ceremony, in hia own inimitable way, of offering to sac rifice himself for hia country. The Revolution in Russia was the most wonderful in his tor} - . Nercr before has n great country risen up and kicked a tj rant off the throne and established a re public with so little bloodshed as Russia has done. Long live free Russia. i —/ CONFEDERATE MEMORIAL DAY. Graham Chapter Will Give Dinner to Veterans—Col. Fred A. Olds Will Speak—Names of Those Who Will Attend Reunion Wanted. Veterans J You are invited by the Daugh ters of the Graham Chapter Daughters of the Confederacy to join them May 10 in Memorial Ser vices in Graham on that day. The graves will be '•decorated and a 1 speech will be made by Col. Pred A. Olds at 11.30 a. m. Dinner will be served to the veterans after the speaking. I also notify all Veterans who wish to attend the reimi'on at Washington, D. C., June the Bth, to notify me as Boon as possible, giving name of Regiment and Com pany you belonged to, as I intend to apply for free transportation and wish to know who Intends to apply. Very important. J. A. TURHENTINE, Commander Resolutions of Respect to Wm. P. White by Marietta Lodge, Ramseur, N. C. Whereas, It has pleased Al mighty God in His wisdom to re move from us oue of offr beloved members, in the death of Brother William P. White, on April 3rd, 1917, who was ever loyal to our order and faithful to his obliga tions; therefore, be it resolved by the members of Marietta Lodge No. 444, A. F. fc A M : Ist. That while we mourn .his untimely death, we bow in hum ble submission to the will of Ilim who doeth all things-weil. 2nd. That we will cherish his memory as a true man and Mason and as a kind and lovable soul. 3rd. That we extend to the be reaved family our heartfelt sym pathy, and assure them of our continued interest. 4th. That a copy of these reso lutions bespread upon our minutes, a copy sent to the family of our deceased brother, and a copy he sept for publication to the follow ing papers: The Orphan's Friend, the Alamance Gleaner and the Asheboro Courier. T, E. White, I. F. Cravkn, - T. fi. Wkht, Committee. Hot K now W bat Vim Arc Taking When you take Orove'a Tasteless Chill Tonic became the formula It plainly printed on every bottle showing that it la Iron and Qui nine in a tasteless form. No cure, no pay —6oc. adv Reports are that Roosevelt wants to lead a division, lie has always led divisions when hf thought he had anything to train j by a split. Break your Cold or LaGrippe with a few doses of 666. In a world racked by war it must be conceded that the tropics have the best of it. The tropical population ueedn no clothes and | food grows there of its own ac cord. WHITE ORPINOTONS-15 eg** for hatching,, Tf by express, otherwise fcl.OO. Standard bred; Good layers. Cash. , ' J. 8. COOK, Graham, N. C. The food rioters who are pour ing oil on the butcher's meat seem to have taken their philosophy from the fellow who cut off his nose to spite his face. ItUB-MY-TIiSM-Antiseptic, Ite llieves Rheumatism, Sprains, Neu ralgia, etc. 1100— Dr. B. Deletion's Anti-Diu retic may be worth more to you —more to you than |IOO if you have • child who soils the bed ding from Incontinence of wafer duringr aleep. Cure* old and vouojr alike. It arreata the trouble al orce. •1 00 "old by Graham Drug C« mpany. adv. .Before the war, probably Count von Bernstorff wouldn't have thought of spending a week or [more at Halifax without taking a look around the citadel. Lillie Langtry Writes Her Auto biography. Llllie Langtry, most famous ac tress of her day, has at last con sented to give to the public the story of her career. This most interesting history of the stag* begins fn the M*y issue of Cosmo- Ipolitan. Heretofore Mrs. Langtry has strongly objected to writing her autobiography, so Cosmopoli tan is indeed most fortunate in being able to at last place before its reader* the story of Mrs. Lang -1 try's social and artistic career. Illustrated with very remarkable i photographs. ' Subscribe for "THE GLEANER | *I.OO a year ID artTSpc*, Re-Sal:' *jindt Under and by. virtue, of an order Of the Superior Court of Alamance County, North Carolina, In a Spe cial Proceeding entitled Caroline McVer, lira. Lena Durham, et al., vs. Wayne McVey, et al., the un dersigned commissioner will offer at public re-sale to the highest bid der, at the court house dopr in Graham, Alamance county, on SATURDAY, MAY 5, 1917, at 12 o'clock, noon, the following described property, to-wit- Tract No. 1. Being a certain tract or parcel of land lying ana being on the North side of Cane Creek, adjoining the Snow Camp Foundry Lot, and bounded as fol lows : Beginning at a stone In the said Foundry Lot and running N. with David Dixon's line, 30 poles to a stake, John line, thence W. 8 poles with sal 1 Dixon s line to a stone; thence S. SO poles with said line to a stone: thence E. with said Snow Camp Foundry Lot 8 poles to the beginning, ana containing one and one-half acres, more or less. Tract No. 2. Being a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being on the waters of Cane Creek, adjoining the lands of Wm. Walls and John Dixon and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake in a road and running thence N. 71% deg. W. 21 chains and 70 links to a rock in said Wall's line, thence N. 44 deg. B. with said Wall's line 33 chains and 70 links to a rock in said Wall's line, thence 8. 29 chains and 20 links to the beginning, and (obtaining twenty-nine and u»re*- fourths acres, imore or less. Terms of Sale: One-third cash, one-third in three months and one third In six months, deferred pay ments to bear interest, ana sale subject to the confirmation of the Court. Bidding to commence on tract No. 1 at SBB.OO. Bidding to commence on tract No. 2 at, $121.00. Thl« 16th day of April, 1917. JOliN J. HENDERSON, Commissioner. Summons by Publication. Worth Carolina—Alamance County. In the Nuperlor Court, Before the Clerk. J. M. M Than and his wife, Ida Miihan, Mary Jane Holand and bur buaband A. L. Holand, Petitioners, vs. Fannie Tine and her husband, Oconee Tlae, Kate Cauaev and her husband. George Causey. Jim Mavhan and his wife, Lydla Mayh in, or full age, and M>rtle Mayhan, a minor of about eighteen yearn or age, Keapondenta. Tlie defendant, Jim Mnyhan and 111* wife, Lydla Mayhan, aiiovv named, will take notice that an action rut It In'! as above »> h been ooramonced In the Huperlor Court of Ala mance county* to tell for partition certain lands of allien W. K. Mayhan died »elzed and poflaesned; and the ««aid d«tfeod#»nt4 will fur ther take notice tbat they are leijulred to ttpiwar at th office of the Clerk or the su perior Court for Alamance county, at tha court house In the town of (iialntui, Ala mance county, N* C., on Monday the 21 *t day of May. 1017. Hiid answer or dotnur to the po tllloti (lied In »alJ office, aa required by law in AUch proceedings, or the petitioner* will apply to fha court for the relief demanded In said pnltlon. TbU the Uth day of April, 1917. J. D. K BItNODLB, lttuprU Clerk Huperlor Court, Summons by Publication North Carolina Alamance County. In the Huperlor Court, llefore the Clerk. W. K, Hay and wife, Georgia Hay, Plaintiffs, (Petitioners), ilertba tletbel anl husband, Charloa Itotbel, Prlno« Mchjto. Gil' Muoro and I'rlaH I Hon ) Mooro, liefclid iilm, (KeapondouM). The dereudanU abov# named will lake notice that an acUßn entitled aa above h» been uommcuuetl In tho Superior Court of Alamanoo county for the purpose of selling for division real estate »ltuat« In said ooiiiity and described in tc e petition in this proßed- Ink; anil Uie said defendants will further take notb-u that they are required to appear at the (.fflce of tbe Clerk of the Superior Court for tbe county of Alamanee on M'in day the 14tb day of May. IVI7. ai d answer or demur to tbe coinplalut (petition) In said proceeding, ohlchwlll be deposited In tha office of satd uleik within teu days from the dale uf the summons, or tho plaintiffs will apply lo the court for the relief demanded In said complaint [petition). This«h day 0,itpr,,.l^ KHNOD inaprtt Clar* Superior Court; Commissioners' Re-Sale ol Land. Under and fey virtue of an order of the Superior Court in a special Proceedings entitled Arthur C. Thompson and wife, vs. Michael K. llolt et ala., the undersigned Com missioners, being licensed thereto oy and order, will offer al public auction to the highest bidder, at the court house door, in Graham, North Carolina, on SATURDAY, APRIL 21, 1917, at 12 o'clock, noon,— 1. A certain tract or parcel of land, lying and being in Albright Township, Alamance county, N. C., adjoining the lands of the late Wil liam Fount and others, and contain ing 50 acres, more or less, and the same being a part of the following tract or parcel of land, bounded as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a stake, Foust's cor ner,, thence S. 5 deg. E. 67)4 chaa. to a black oak in Aloright's line; thence N. 45 deg. E. 31 chas and 36 links to signs; thence N. 15 deg. \V. li% chs. to a stake; thence 8. 15 deg. W. 15 chs. and 65 links to a 'Make theuo N. 46 deg. W. chs. to aigna in Foustfc line; thence 8. 45 deg. W. 16)4 chs. to the be ginning and containing 1U acres, more or less. 2. After the deduction from the above described land of the tract of 50 acrea, tho remaining 65 arres, more or less, will Ld sold suuject to a life estate of Mrs. Mary Thompson. Terms of Salo: Tract No. 1, one third cash, one-third In three montha, and one-third in six months I;t lcrrcd payments to Jeer interest. Bidding to commence at 4 *90.00. Tract No. cash. " Bidding to commence at ♦550.00 Sale subject to confirmation by tho court. This April 2, 1917. W. X. WARD, J. J. HENDERSON, Commineloners. To Graham Tax-Payers. If you dj not want to l»e em bar ratwed by having your property ad vertised, or have your wages garni sliced, for taxtm, see me at once and pay your Lack taxes. This March Ist, I'Jl7. B. U. TROLINGER, Tax Collector. Small Store-house For Rent. Weil located close to tbe Rest trade in Graham. Price reasonable 1 and building ready for occupancy now. J. M. McCRACKEN,, | 25novtf. Graham. N. C SUBSCRIBE FOR THE GLEANER fl.oo A TEAR - 11 1 LUCKY is the man who owns a Walt ham—but only the man who has car ried a ~ Waltham Watch for thirty or forty years knows what a fine investment a good IWaltham is. "If* Time You Otvntd a Wallhom." fe&stguas* as Watt bet and carry a oomph la assortment oi all grade*. - Z. T. HADLEY JEWELER A OPTICIAN GRAHAM. N. C. Summons by Publication North Carolina—Alamanre County. In the tiuperlor Court, May Term. I»IT. Bessie Shoffner vs. Frank Shoffner. The defendant above named will take that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Alamance County by the plaintiff and against the defendant for th 9 purpose of securing an absolute divorce from defendant; and the said defendant will further take notice that he in required to appear at the next term of the Superior, Court of sai.l county, to be helJ at Graham, N. C., at the pourt house, on the twelfth Monday after the first Monday In March, 1917, nad answer or demur to the complaint in said action, which has been filed in the office of the Clerk of said Court, or the plaintiff will apply to tie Court for the relief demanded in said ac tion. Thi.( 4th day of April, 1917. J. I). KERNODLR, saprit Clerk Superior Court. HIIXLKHI ANTIMKPTIC OIL, Known aa Snake Oil Will Positively Relieve Pain In Three Minutes. Try It rlitht now for ltheumattsm Neuralgia, Lumlago, sore, stiff and swolllen Joints, pains In the head, back and limbs, corns, buulons, etc. After one application palu dlsspnears an by nisglc. A never fulling remedy used Internally and ezternslly for » onghs. Colds, Croup, Wort Throat, Dip therla and ToimUltls. This oil Is onceded ro lie the moat pene trating reuedy known. Its prompt snd Immediate effect In relieving palu Is due -to the fact that It penetrates to the affected parts at once. /• an Illustration, pur ten dropa onjibf thickest pleceof sole leaih rand It will peuetmte this substance through sud through in three minutes. Accept no nubstltuth n. Thin great oil Is golden ioa color only. Kvery Inittle guarau teed; and Mic a t>otlle, or money rer inded. IIAVI-IH DRUG COMPANY. Public Sale of Valuable Real Property. Pursuant to nn order of the Hunerlor Court of Oullford county, made I • a H|>eulal Pro ceeding therein pendlmr, entitled "italph L Hteelo and J. O. Hu-ele, Adm'is of the «»tnu> of 11. W. hteelo, ex parte", the under I. Ned duly appointed commissioner will offer for sale on SATURDAY, MAY 19, l'Jl7, at 2 o'clock p. m.. on the premises. Dear the town of (ilbsonvllle, the following deaorlbed real proporty, to-wit: A certain tract or parcel of land In Hock Creek Township, In Oullford county, Mtate of North Carolina, adjoining the lauds of Under flooue, Gideon I>evault and others, and bounded ss follows: lieglnnlng at a black Jsck and running tbouce N ih dog W IA chs AO Ik* ton white oak or m Stage; thence h W V# chs 74 Iks to a dogwood; thenoe h 4 d«*g N 7 chs 76 Iks to a BUitw, tbenca H if, d*g K ZT chs 0 Iks to a stone on tue old line; Ihmica with said old line N 60 deg K JIU ch- to the begluulUH; contaliiliig IMA acres, uiore or lena: Kxto|.teil from the above described tract of land Is a tract of 70 ncr«s, o>or« or less, sold and couveyed to M. It. Mufejati. This Is a vitluabie fsrm and is well Plated; It lies parity wlibln the corporate ilmns of Uae (own of GlbsonvlUe and a part of It l»** been aut>«>lvlded Into town lot* for the pur Jr>#e of this salo. These 4 own Lots aud sun ivlslons cf said farm will first be offered for sale, the com oissloner reservlua tae right, uu er the orders of the court to thcra after offer tha s Id far for sai«>a« a whole aud report that bid or bids to the court for confirmation tuat ninth nut the *r ater suin for aald "state. Plal of tbe divisions of s .id land may IN* seen by calling upon J. G. nteele, Gibsonvllie, N. C. Terms of Mala—On* third In -ash on day of sale and ibe other two thirds In equal instai ments at three and sis mouths; ttu deterred payment to be evidenced by tbe bonda of tbe purchaaer. tmarin* six p«»r cent. interest from date of the c.-nflimatiou of the sale until paid. Ail of said s«le subject to con flrmaUon by the coutt aud title racai vatl until tbe payment of t -e purchaae pricu Is oomple e. This Uie 17th day of April, l»17. J, iHfLi If IAJMJ. commissioner. He-Sale of Valuable Land. By virtue of an order of the Sj perior Court of Alamance county, made in a proceeding therein pending, whereto the heirs at-law and administrator of J. A. Mowr, deceased, were all consti tuted parties, tne undersigned com missioners, will on A SATURDAY, APRIL 21, 1917, at 12 o'clock M., at the court lio jin door in Graham, offer for rc-sale to the highest Wilder, the following real property, to-wit: A certain tract of land in Coole township bounded a* follow*: Be ginning at a rock, corner with J P. Bharpe, formerly J. (J. Sharoe » corner, running thence 21* d' g E. 9.4* ch». to a rock in W. A. J, Sharpe's line, corner with school lot No. 9; thence N. 88 deg. W. 00 feel to a rock, corner with said lot; thence N. 21 3-1 deg. E. 100 feel to a rock in Holt's line, cor ner with said lot; thence N. 88 dc/. W. 8.40 chs. to a j>«:k .(Mil hickory tree with top cat off; thence a. leg. W. 7.98 chs. to a rock on south side of public road to Ueile raont Cotton Mills, thence 8. 60 2-3 deg. E. 4.72 chs. to the beginning, and containing 5.4 acres, more or less. This lot his on it a build ing occupied by Claude Moser as a residence. • Terms of Sale: One-third in calti ; one-third in six months ana one-third in nine mooths. Sale suo ject to confirmation oy the Clerk; and title reserved till fully paid for. Deferred payments to Leai interest from day of sale till fully paid. Kidding to commence at $687.50. This April 4th, 1917. J. 8. COOK, E. 8. W. DAMERON, Commissioners. Special Kale 1 ALL HATS Trimmed and UnMmmed, at A' f Great Reduction For Two Days Only Friday ani Saturday, April 20--2 I All New Goods And - Latest Styles 1 HUGHES & SNYDER In M. R. Rives* Store GRAHAM, N. C- If and When You Want Ice Call 'Phone 299-J BLACK & SMITH ommlssioner's Re-Sale of Land. Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Alamance county, North Carolina, in a Spe cial Proceeding entitled J. H. Allen et ala vs. Mrs. Ellen Thompson et ills, the undersigned commissioner will offer at pubuc sale to the high est bidder, at the court house door in Oraham, Alamance county, North arolina, on SATURDAY. APRIL 21, 1917, at 12 o'clock, noon, the following described real property: Two tracts of land lying and be ing in Newlin township, Alamance county, N. C., adjoining the lands of Jonn D. McPherson and others and located on cane creek. Tract No. 1. Adjoining the lands of John D. McPherson and others, and containing filty acres, more or less; it being that tract of lana conveyed by John Marshall, Jr., to E. McPherson and Inter conveyed under an order of the Superior Court of Alamance county, to Jobe Allen by deed of August 17, 1886. Truct No. 2. Adjoining the above tract, being that tract of land pur chased from Dr. Freeman by Jobe Allen and Joins tract no. 1 on the east, and contains thirty-five acres, more or less. Biding to commence at m 4 45.60. Terms of Sale: One-third cash, one-third in three months, and ene third In six months. Deferred pay ments to bear interest. Sale suo- Ject to the confirmation of the court. J. J. HENDERSON, Commissioner, March 27, 1917 SALE OF REAL ESTATE UNDER DEED OF TRUST Under and oy virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain died of trust executed by Jeter Vaughn and Weldon Vaugiin, on July IS, 1913, to the undersigned Alamance Insurance & Heal Estate Company, Trustee, for the purpose of secur ing the payment of two certain bonds of even date herewith, and default having been made in the payment of said bonds, due ana pay able on July IS, 1914, the under signed Trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, at the court house door of Alamance county, in Gra ham, North Carolina, on MONDAY, M\Y 7, 1917, at 12 o'clock, M., the following de scribed real estate, to-wit: A certain lot or parcel of land In Alamance county, North Carolina, and in Hurlington township, ad joining the lands of H. M. Morrow, and others, aud bounded and de scribed as follows; beginning at an iron bolt on the South aide of an alloy; running thence S. llKdeg. E. 135)4 to an iron bolt; thetoce 8. 70)4 deg. W. 70 feet to an iron bottf corner of lot no. 8; thence N. 11)4 deg. W. 112)4 feet to an iron bolt on said alley; thence with line of sild alley N. 74 deg. SO min. E. 7U feet to the beginning, containing 22-100 of an acre, more or loss; and being lot No. 5, in the plan of said proper ty as recorded, the same having been conveyed to Sarah Vaughn by Dr. H. M. Morrow and wife, June 10, 1913, by deed duly probated and recorded in Hook of Deeds No. 49, page 128, in the office of the Reg ister of Deeds for Alamance coun ty. Alamance Ins. 4 Real Estate Co., A|»ril 2. 1917. Land Sale! Under and by virtue of an order c.f the Su[K-rior Court of Alamance county in a special proceeding en titled Edward Guthrie, et al„ vs. Will Guthrie, et al„ the undersigneo commissioner will offer at public auction, to the highest bidder, on SATURDAY, MAY 12, 1917, at 12 o'clock, noon, on the premises, in Newlin Township, the following described tracts of land, to-wit: TRACT NO. 1. A certain tract or parcel of land lying and being on the waters of Mar.v s Creek, adjoin ing the lands of Mary Wright, Ma jy Shaw and others, and containing 43 acres, nore or less. TRMT NO. 2. A certain tract or parcel of land lying and being on the waters of Mary's Creek, adjoin ing the lands of Stafford, Mary Woods, Rachel Thompson, and oth ers, and containing 37 acres, more or loss. TRACT NO. 3. A certain tract or parcel of land lying and being on the waters of Marys Creek, known as the saw mill and cotton gin tract, and contains one acre, more or less. Terms of Sale : One-third cash, one-third in six months and one third in twelve months months. De ferred payments to bear interest. Sale subject to confirmation of the Court. ThU 11th day of April, 1917. J. J. HENDERSON, Commissioner. Notice of Sale Under and by virtue* of an order of the Superior Court of Alamance county, made in the special pro ceeding* entitled Fannie Black, as administratrix of Martha Andrew, deceased, and individually, vs. Don nie Sharpe and others, the aame be ing No upon the special pro ceedings docket of said court, the undersigned commissioner will, on MONDAY, MAY 21, 1917, .. | at 1.30 o'clock p. m., at the court house door in Oraham, North Caro lina, offer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, that certain tract or parcel pf land in Burlington Township, Alamance county, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Ja cob Bike, William Cates and others, and bounded as follows, vis: |B ' Beginning at a rock or stake on West side of Means street 59 ft. from Everett street, running S. 63 deg. 24 min. W. with Jacob Rike's line and parallel with Everett *t„ 215 ft. tp a stake or rock, thence N. 36 deg. 36 min. W. 59 ft. to a rock or stake also William Cates' cor ner, thence N. 63 ieg. 84- min. E. with said Cates.' line 216 feet to a stake or rock with Means street 59 ft. to the beginning. It is further described by saying it is situate el in the Eastern part oft the town of Burlington and is a portion 'of lot No. 55 of the towq plot of Bur lington. This 19th day of April. T917. J. H. VERNON, Commisaioner. Sale of Real Estate Under and by virtue of the terms of a certain Deed of Trust execut ed and delivered to Alamance In surance & Heal Estate Company, re corded In Book No. 62 of Deeds of Trust, page 181 in the office* of the Register of Deeds for Alamance county, to secure an indebtedness evidenced by two certain notes therein deacribed, default having been made in the payment of saia indebtedness, the undersigned will. On MONDAY, MAY 14, 1917, at 1.45 o'clock p. m„ at the court house door, in Graham, North Car olina, offer for sale at public out cry to the best bidder, for cash, the following described land ai«d prem ises, to-wit: A certain tract or parcel of land in Hurlington Town ship, Alamance county, North Caro lina. adjoining the lands of Blmira Cotton Mills Company, Right of the Southern Railway Company, and others, and described as fol lows, to-wit: Beginning at a stake 100 ft, from center of Southern Railway Com pany's track on line of estate of H. P. Ma.v, running thence N. 3 1-3 deg. B. 96 ft. to a stake; thenc!*.' South 86 2-3 deg. E. 198 fecft to a stake on West side of Chestnut *tre^; thence South 3 1-3 deg W. 200 feet to a stake 100 feet from center of Southern Railway Com pany's track 226 feet to the begin ning, containing 67-100 of an acre, more or less, and known and mark ed as lot No. 1 on plot; on which is situated a five-room dwelling. This lot hi day of April, 1917. Alamance Ins. & Real Estate Co. Trustee. Sale of Real Estate Under Mortgage. Under and by virtue of the[ pow er of sale contained in a certain mortgage bearing date of Novem ber sth, 1910, and duly probated and recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance county, in Book of Mortgages and Deeds of - Trust No. 50, at pages 323 to 326, the 'undersigned mortagees will, on MONDAY, APRIL 30, 1917, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the court l ouse 'door of Alamance county, in Graham, North Carolina, offer for sale at public auction to the high est bidder, for cash, a certain tract of land in Hurlington township, A|*- mance county, North Carolina, ad- Joining the lands of Alamance Insu rance & Real Estate Company, Dave Moore, 25-lfoot alley and others, ana bounded as follows, to-twit: Beginning at an iron bolt on cor ner of 2 alleys, running thence with said alley 80 ft. to an iron bolt, Dave Moore's corner, thence with- tine of Dave Moore South 127 feet to an iron 'bolt, corner of lots No. 13 and 14, thence with line of Alamance Insurance) & Real Estate Company 80 feet to an iron bolt on alley, thence with line of alley 127 feet to the beginning, being lot No. 7 in plot of Alamance Insurance & Real Estate Company, and contain taining 2 MI OO of an acre, more or less. . J Place of sale, court house door, 2 Graham, North Carolina. Time of sale 12 o'clock, M., April 30, 191 T. Terms of sale, CASH. JORDAN A. ISLBY. CORA ISLEY, ..jJ Mortgagee*. I This March 24, 1817.