THE GLEANER GRAHAM, N. 0., May 17, 1917. Postolfice Hours. Ofllo open 1M ». m. toT.OOp. m. Boudaj MO to UjOO t. m. »nd 4.00 to *4)O p. B J. K. McCBACKEN. Poitmaater. ».»««««»« J ILI AILI AILI IIHIIII»I|MI>I|I'I 1 'L"I I TTTRRRRM TTTTTTTTTTTT .J. X LOCAL NBWS. ♦ . .♦ —Oapt. Jaa. N. Williamson has bought a handsome Packard car. —Graham- Hose Co.'s new racing wagon came a few days ago. It is a handsome vehicle. —Green & McClure Furniture Co. • have installed a handsome mot r driven delivery truck. —On 4ast Saturday," Sunday and Monday nights it failed to froßt by a very narrow margin. —Mayor J. Ed. Moore of Burling ton was renominated Tuesday nigf.t by the Democrats to succeed himself. —The recent cool days temporarily 'aide-tracked low quartered shois, straw hats and shimmery dress fab rics. —Mr. Robert R. Bain, who has been living at Trolinwood for about three years, has moved back to his home here. —Mr. Parke Cooper Stratford of Haw River on Monday enlisted in the U. 8. Navy at the recruing sta tion in Raleigh. —The meeting of the Priscilla • \ Club with Mrs. J. N. Taylor has been postponed from May 25 till jf June Ist at 3:30 p. m. ) —A special Sunday School pro gram will be given at the M. P. church Sunday by the Baraca Class. All members are urged to be present. —News came Tuesday that Mr Wm. E. Holt of Lexington had suf fered a stroke of paralysis. He is about 75 years of ape and a brother of Mr. L. Banks Holt of Graham. —The teachers of the Graded School have departed for their several homes, and here's wishing them a pleasant and restful vacation. —Graham Council, Jr. O, U. A. ■ M., last week placod a handsome U. S. flag -over the Simmons building in which it has its lodge room, which evinces the patriotism of an order " composed only of American citizens. —Hayes Drug Co.lias greatly im proved the interior apperance of its store in the past few days. The old plaster overhead has been replaced with art metal ceiling and the side walls will be suitably decorated. —Mrs. J. L. Scott, Jr., with her sister, Mrs. B. S. Robertson of Greens boro, is entertaining today the of the Daughters of the American Revolution ol Greensboro in which she holds her membership. —This is no time for loafing, when the country and world need every whit of energy and push ay%jlable in these tense and critical times. It is noticed that in a num-. ber of towns the authorities are go ing after the loafers. —The Graham Choral Union will meetat the M. P. church Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. All mem bers are requested to be present and any others who will join in practic ing songs for the Memorial services the first Sunday in June at New Providence church. —A demonstration, to which all the ladies are specially invited, will be given on May 28, 29 and 30 at the Ladies' Euporium. An expert specialist will be in charge of this feature and will give each one indi vidual attention. Attention is called to the Ladies' Emporium ad. in this issue for further information. -« —A device, electrically controlled, has been invented by Mr. Eail B. Horner of Burlington, that is claimed will successfully put submarine tor pedo boats out of commission. It has been submitted to the Navy Department to pass on. If it shall be found practical and efficient it will be a blessing to the Government and will bring fortune and fame to the inventor. —Burlington Graded School clos ing exercises begin tomorrow (Friday) night with the literary ad dress by W. J. Brogdon, Esq., of Durham. Sunday night Prof. 11. 11. Williams of Chapel Hill preaches the annual sermon to the graduating class. Monday night annual debat ing contest; Tuesday night music recital; Wednesday night senior reception to juniors; Thursday night senior class exeicises. On Sunday Next Special Services Be gin at M. E. Church. With the eleven o'clock service*, of Sunday, May 20, there will be.fin a series of special services in the Graham Methodist Episcopal Church. Those to assist in t he meeting are Revs. W. C. Swope anu W. 8. Eskridge of Charleston, Mo. Both of these men are active min isters of the Methodist church anu come to Graham with excellent rec ommendations. While both are min isters, Mr. Swope is to do the preaching dand Mr. Eskridge is to have charge of the singing durin/ the Graham campaign. Press re ports in the Missouri papers as sign to Mr. Swope the place of best pulpit orator in the State and speak of him as a speaker of unsnswer ble logic, convincing and master ful. This is his first visit to Carolina. The people of the State's first towns have, thwFfore, have the first opportunity ot hearing this very gifted speaker. All members of the community are urged to attend the meetings and thereby derive personal bene fit and make the services of these men count for rhe most for the town. The hours for the week-day ser vices are 3.00 in the afternoon and 7.20 tft night. Later announcements will be made regarding special fea ture services. All come to all the .meetings and take part in the ser vice^ »+»»++l+l ♦»♦■» i ♦♦■Hl 11 ♦ CRww ! + PERSONAL. ♦Qj jl Grthun, Prest ol Univer ♦♦♦♦♦*•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦ gity, Speaks to Graduat- I Mr. William Scott 4>ent Tuesday ing Class, in Greensboro. v - Mr. H. W. Scott spent Tuesday Three evenings' exerihes compos-1 in Greensboro. a * fourteenth annual commence-; lf w A if , ment of the Graham Graded School. Mr. W. A-Murray of Mebane was week the delighlful reutal , in Graham Monday. by the music class on Wednesday! Mr. M. G. Flanigan of Greens- night was mentioned in these col ! boro was here Sunday. umns. A program was given that J. Elmer Long. Esq., ia attending hi ß h, y pleasing and that reflect court at Pittsboro this week. Ed credit on both pupil and teacher. _ , „ , x. . , Class Day exercises was the order Mrs. Frank Moore has returned for Thursday evening, to-wit: from a week s visit in Greensboro. Claßß Song—Lorena Perry, Presi- Mrs. J. R. Harder and children dent's Address—LovickH. Kernodle, of Elon College were here the latter History—Zelma Hornbucklo, Siatiu part of last week. tics—Myrtle Cooper, Class Essay— j Masters Jack and Bill Barefoot Gifts-Annio Laurie have returned from a visit of several * 1 hat p 8 Wh . ftt , the „ D?' 8 * weeks in Greenville. Sa.d-Song Poem-Luta Harden, Prophecy—Charles Phipps, Last Mrs. Fannie Roberson of Greens- Will and Testament —Lucile Holmes, boro spent Saturday here with Mrs. Presentation of Banner and Ladder— T. M. McConnell. „ Dover Fogleman, Response From Mr. and Mrs. Will E. White spent Grade—Margaret Moore, Sunday in Morganton at the home of Farewell Song. _ > the latter's mother. claß f, organization : Lovick 11. . Kernodle, President, Thomas Cooper, j i A Hurst, Principal of Secretary, Mattie Montgomery, Manndale Academy, was in town Treasurer. Tuesday. Claßß Motto; « Not at t h e top but + PERSONAL. ♦ Capt and Mrs. Don. E. Scott spent climbing." the week-end with the latter's par- Clbbs Colors: Yellow and White, ents in Winston-Salem. Class Flower: Daisy. ~ T n The evening was given over ex- Mrs. Jas. S. Cook and Master clusively to the class of 'l7 and it James returned triday from a visit waa the .._ ho | e ghl , w » Each one to relatives at Pittsboro. performed his part creditably to the Maj. J. J. Henderson went to school and himself. A fine vein pf Asheville Sunday night on business humor and brightness pervaded the and returned this morning. entire exercise. Xf. m A tr m c r, >. The Class was composed of eigh- Mr Claude H lurner of Durham memb as follows: 's here to-day attending the funeral Elizabeth Anderllon ; Thomas of his aunt, Mrs. Sallie F. Turner. Myrt , e Cooper| EzzM> Mr. Hansford Simmons, Jiving in Annie Laurie Farrell, Dover Fogle- Greensboro, spent yesterday here it man, Lucile Holmes, Nina /Holt, the home of his mother, Mrs. J. C. Zelma Hornbuckle, Luta Harden, Simmons. Lovick H. Kernodle, Julius John- Miss Nettie Leete Parker of the Bton - Anm ® *»*• Mattie Mont- N. &I. Gollege faculty, Oreeneboro, «" mer y. T L™ l9 ?, Moo ™ u £ arle9 .pent the week-end at Mrs. E. S. Pinppe, Lorena Perry, Nell Thornp- Parker's 801 i, ~ . . ~ n Friday evening, at the Opera Mr. and Mrs. Lacy Moore of Char- House filled to its capacity, the final lotte Bpent Saturday and Sunday exercises were held, here with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. The event of the evening was the Moore. address of Dr. E. K. Graham, Prtst. Mesdames Corrina S. Hunter and of the University, who was intro- Edwin D. Scott and Misses Margaret duced by Mr. J. Harvey White in and Mary Hunter spent Saturday in happy manner. Greensboro. Dr. Graham made some verj ' , TT , _ pleasing references to the school it Master Robert Holmes spent Sun- d to itß high Btand in the an day in Greensboro with his father, nual j ebate9 at chapel Hill, and hif Mr. R. L. Holmes, at Dr. Reaves ad (j reßß otherwise was made up front Sanatorium. the things which will confront anc Mesdames Geo. A. and Banks H. make up the boy and girl's life in Mebane of Greensboro spent a few the coming years. It was pleasing days here last week with Mrs. L. entertaining and instructive. Banks Holt. Next the diplomas were awardec Misses Agnes and Eunice Mc- *? the and 'he 'presenta i tqv u tlon °* *" e Trustees Medal to Miss .darns of Salisbury spent the week- . B h o wed the end here with their aunt, Mrs. , . , . . r , # .. Walter R. Harden. h, « heßt averß ß e m her claß9 for the year. Mrs. John C. Drewry left, for her Certificates of attendance were home in Raleigh Sunday after spend- given to the following: ing a-few days herewith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Banks Holt. First Grade Paul Longest. Mr. Daniel Bell, attending the Ruth Riley. University Law School at Chapel lone Stanfieid. Hill, spent the week-end at the home , .winn of his aunt, Mrs. Edgar Long. Ilfa May Rich. Misses Mamie Turner and Eugenia Gordon Davis. I Banks of Raleigh arrived here Sun- First Grade day to spend a few days with the J ola , I former's sister, Mrs. 11. W. Scott. Louhle Buekner. Mess. Ralph Long of Winston- Salem and Bynum Merritt of Chica go spent Sunday here at the home of the former's father, Col. J. A. Long. Mesdamea J. D. Kernodle and J. Dolph Long spent last Friday in Raleigh attending a demonstration of Red Cross - ' work at the Woman's Club. Dr. and Mrs Everett Brady of Smith College, Mass., and Mrs. M. J.' Brady of Morgantown, W. Va , are visiting here at the home of Mr. J. L. Scott, Jr. Mrs. J. W. Menefee left the latter part of last week for Covington, Ky., to visit Mrs. Herbert Jackson —the latter a granddaughter of C«pt. and Mrs. Jas. N. Williamson. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Harden spent Sunday in Guilford. They went to carry Mrs. Harden's brother, Mr. Chas. Phipps, who had been in school here, home. Mr. Lee Cooper of Qlade Valley and his sister, Mrs. J. S. Cook of West Va., are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Cooper, 3 miles Southeast of Graham. Mrs. J. C. Hocuttand her daugh ters, Mesdamea R. L. Holmes and J. P. Goodman, spent Sunday in Greensboro, and Mrs. Goodman left Monday for Roanoke, Va., after a visit to relatives here. Mrs. Junius H. Harden left last Friday, going to Randolph-Macon Academy, where her son, Mr. Boyd Harden, is in school, to attend the Field Day Exercises Saturday. From there she went to Philadelphia where her other son, Mr. Graham Harden, is attending the Pennsylvania Medi cal College, to spend a few days. Engine For Sale. One Tractor, 12-H. P. Frick Steam Tractor in good condition, has not been used muvh. If interested ap ply to L. \V. M"B BOW, / Mebaue, N. C., 10may2t R. F. D. 4. Confederate Memorial Day. Last Thursday's Confederate Memorial exercises were thoroughly enjoyed by the Veterans and a large assembUge of other citizens. Col. Fred A. Olds' address in the court house was heard by an audience tbat filled the court room. It was full of historical interest in in regard to the Civil War, for few, if any, are better posted than he. lie was listened to with rapt attention to the close. After Col. Olds had finished the veterans were served a splendid dinner by the Daughters of the Con federacy. The music was furnished by the Oneida Cornet Band. Annie June Fount. Kuhl Holt. Edward Harden. Annie Ruth Harden. Annie Boyd Hadley. Ruth Henderson. Talmadge Jones, lone McAdams. Edward Martin. Malcolm MeAdams. Willard McPherson. Annie Laurie Parrish. Albert Reavis. , May Roney. Virginia Tate. Walter Welsh. Duella Walker. Clara Walker. Katherine Watson. Arthur Cole. Roy Evans. Otis Self. Frank Holt. Serunl C; r ade Virginia Harden. Elizabeth Harden. Margaret Johnston. Elizabeth Long. Aileen Pegg. Mildred Trolinger. Ruth Ward. Helen Lovett. Lou Clapp. James Corbett. Arthur Hanks. Bemiss Core. Elva Ausley. Third ;rade Louise Robertson. Lily Austin. Nellie Reavis. Cornelia Pomeroy. Don Holt William Harden. Elizabeth Montgomery- Lois Corbett Robert Rich. Martha Fogleman. Martha Parrish. / Josephine Phillips. Delia Moore. Willard Flintom. Carlisley Mann. Fourth firade Frances Ausley. FEWER PEOPLE GROWING OLDER The Public Health Service report* that more people live to the age of forty yean today, but from forty to sixty year* mortality is increasing from degenerative diseases. Thousands of well-informed men and women to-day are learning the true value of scorrs EMULSION OF NORWEGIAN COD LIVER OIL fas a powerful blood-enricher and strength-builder to ward off the headaches and backaches that mean weakness. SCOTT'S helps fortify the body against grippe, pneumonia and weakening colds, through its force of medicinal nourishment Bcfnae UMIMUt Extracts That Do Not Contain Cod Lira Oil. hM a B*w~. M H. J. Safest Druggist Sells E-RU-SA Pile Cure lioekuae It cofitAlo* no opiates, no lead, no belladonna, no poisonous , drug. All other Pile medicine containing Injurous narcotic and other poisons cause constipation and damage all who us n them, K-KU-*A cure* or ffto paid. Hayes Drug Co., Sole Agents, Graham, N. C. r f " "ell Auale.V. Cornelia Hornbuckl*. Minnie Johnston. Winona Noah. Ethel Rich. Margaret Stockard. Madge Vaughn. Ruth Watson. Hattie Ida Rainey. Thomas Harden. James Nicholson. Fifth tirade Rebecca Harden. Rebecca Johnston. Edith Moore. James Ta.vlor. William Taylor. Beulah Cornell. Robert Geanes. William Hadle.v. Floyd Phillips. Scott Sn.vder. Charlie Thomas. Willie May Wilson. Nina Holt. Nina Quakenbush. Mary Hunter. Hlxtli tirade Legale Ezell. Lois Harden. Ethel Teer. Lou Thomas. Leila Ward. ' Eleventh tirade Mildred Moore. Margaret Moore. Dora Wood worth. Right tirade Louise Cooper. AUie Martin. Ray Harden. Nlnthtirade Dallie Henderson. Enita Nicks. Eunice Rich. Nell Simmons. Alberta Thompson. Hal Farrell. William Scott. Annie Barnwell. Teutli tirade Elizabeth Anderson. Lola Ezeil. Luta Harden. Nina Holt. Zelma Hornbuckle. Mattie Montgomery. Louise Moore. Nell Thompson. And certificates of honor were giv en to the following: High l''lr«t Gride Walter Welsh. Second Grade Mary Hornaday. Margaret Johnston. Helen Lovett. Bryce Wrenn. i Third Grade Nellie Reavis. Don Holt. William Harden. Fourth Grade Cornelia Hornbuckle. Minnie Johnston. Ruth Watson. Ruth Walker. Julia Webster. Filth Grade Bertha Black. Eugene Holt. Rebecca Johnston. Griffin McClure. James Taylor. William Taylor. Robert Geanes. Scott Snyder. Charlie Thomas. Willie May Wilson. Harvey Wrenn. Hltth Grade Annie Boone. Lessie Ezell. Luna Jones. * Elise Thompson. Ethel Teer. Lou Thomas. Heventh Grade Annie Laurie Ausley Mamie Guthrie. Helen Jones. Willard Boone. Julia May Bradshaw George Harden. Clarence Noah. Dora Woodworth. I'.lght Grade Sallie Jordan. Alile Martin. Robert Reavis. Annie Walker. Lelia Walker. Ninth Grade Hal Farrell. Dallic Henderson. Garland Henderson. Eunice Rich. Alberta Thompson. Tenth firide Lola Ezell. Luta Harden. Nina Holt. Nell Thompson. Julius Johnston. Charles I'hipps. "Good Night" ch rus concluded the 1917 commencement exercises. Mrs. Sallie F. Turner Passes Away After many months of declining health Mrs. Sallie F. Turner passed away al her home here Tuesday af ternoon about 5 o'clock. About two weeks ago she suffered a stroke of paralysis and since no h i|ie of her recovery has been entertained. Mrs. Turner's maiden name was Gray and she waa tho widow of the late T. J. Turner. At the time of her death she waa 73 years, 'J months and '2O days of ago. Two sons anil two daughters survive her —John G. Turner of Graham, Kd. Turner of Charlotte, Mrc. Bert Kenyon of Goldsboro and Mrs. E. W. Maddry of Raleigh. • Mrs. Turner was a consistent member of Graham Christian Church and highly esteemed. The funeral was conducted from her home this afternoon at 2 o'clock by her pastor, Itev. J. G. Truitt, assist ed by Rev. 11. E. Myers, aflor which the interment was in New Provi dence cemetery. Everybody Is' Talking NEW STORE ■■ ■■■ ■ 9 ■ ■ Wait for the opening & About the Opening of the « f • I NEW GOODS v- Fair Department Store SAT. MAY t9 t h.|Ffl|R DEPARTMENT STOREpAT. MAYtgth. In the Building formerly occupied by the GRAHAM CASH STORE —' | Don't forget to wait and save your money for the opening of the FAIR DEPT. STORE who will sell it for less. We don't ask you to buy— all we want is to just give us a call. We dress the entire family from head to fobt. Mark the date of opening— Saturday, May 19, 1917 Men s and Boya Panta. Ladie'a Dreaaea. Dreaaea For Children. We've got them and plenty of \y e have them and all classes— Any style you want—come and them. If you are in need of any, p o pij n Tafeta Silks, Serges, a t them We will save vou come to the Fair. Prices to suit Voiles Georgette crepe. Come look ZJv ' you - ' them overat the Fair T At the Fair. ' Shirt Waiata For Ladiaa. A Yes, we have them,-the Ladiaa'Hata. Clothing. Clothing, latest styles. Prices the lowest. Our stock is complete-we have Wo 'v o „.w ,„ 0 _ f Visit the Fair. what you want. Come and see „ Weve « ot 4 J ,hat , y0 ? want : them. Come to the Fair. Come and 866 them—for boys and Shoaa. Shoes, Shoaa. P ric * right. Visit the Fair. Yes we have got them and plenty » J, of them—all prices, all leathers. Skirta For Ladiaa. n ,+ . . , Our line of shoes is complete. Our line is complete—any size, forget we have anything Come and see them. style. Come, ladies, and IOOK them you want in the ready-to-wear and Visit the Fair. over at the Fair. prices to suit you. You don't have to buy. All we ask is that you wait and come to the BIG OPENING of The Fair Department Store Where we positively guarantee to save you Money. Mark the the date and mark it well. Saturday, May 19, 1917 Yours Respectfully FAIR DEPARTMENT STORE Who deals on the Square* Your Money Back If You Want It. Dr. Brown and Miss Donnie Cobb j' Married in Greensboro. I Miss Donnie Cohb, who has taught I in the Graham Schools lor the pa t j four years, sprung a big surpriso on ( her Graham friends when she took ( the matrimonial vows in Greensboro Monday night. She and her bus- j band arrived hore Tueedav afternoon, j and will make their home at Swep- ( Honville. The bride's many friends here wish her great happiness. ( Tuesday morning's Greensboro , News contained the following ac count of the murriage: Miss Donnief'Cobb, of Morganton, und Dr. I'ressley It. Brown, oTSwep sonville, were married here yester day afternoon at 6 o'clock, the cere mony being performed in the Guilford hotel, Rev. K. L. Main, I). D., pastor of the West Market street Methodist church, was the ofliciatiiig minister. The ring cere mony was used. Dr. and Mrs. Brown spent last night here and will this morning go to their future home at Kwepsouville. This informal wedding is of much interest to scores of friends and rel atives of the couple throughout the state. Mrs Hrown is a daughter of Mrs. T. O. Cobb, ol Morganton,and of the laU> T. G. Cobb, for many years clerk of the legislature and editor of the News-Ilerald, of M >r ganton. Dr. Brown's old home is near Charlotte, lie is a graduate of Davidson college and received most of his medical training in the Medi cal college formerly conducted at Charlotte. Delias been practicing for some time at Hffepeouville. Mrs Brown has for four years been leaching in the public schools of Graham. Her close relatives were informed of the engagement but the date of the wedding had not been announced. Friday the school, in wh ch the bride was employed, closed and relatives were advised that the coremony would occur here yesterday. I»r. and Mrs. T. A. Grif hn, of Clayton, brother-in-law and sister of the bride. Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Barefoot, of Graham, !)r. C. E Moore, of Greensboro, friends of the couple, and Miss Beatrice Cobb, of Morganton, a sister of the bride, «ere in attendance. Pine Lumber. I will buy yonr pine lumber and pay the market price. W. J. Nittu, 17mayL'l Orahain, N. C. —The new Graham Loan & Trust Co. building next to the Mexican > Theater is nearing completion. New Providence Memorial Associa tion. ' This Association which for a number of .years has been caring for the old cemetery at Pro\ idence , Church, (iraham, S. C„ and which i is making strenuous effort* to 1 greatly improve the Cemetery, will | hold its Annual Meeting the Ist | Sunday in June at New Providence I Church. The program this year will be in deed interesting, the speakers be ing citizens of Alamance county. Basket dinners will be served on the grounds, as heretofore, and the occasion is looked forward to with much anticipated pleasure. At these annual meetings of this Association, friends, relatives and loved ones greet each other per haps the only time during the year. Jurors For May Court. The following named persons have been drawn to serve as jurors at the May Term of Alamance Su perior Court for the trial of Civil cases: Patterson township Ist week—J. L. Jones, 8. Y. Allred.L, N. Shoff ner. K. D. Bharpe, P. If. Stephens. A. H. Moser; 2nd week—Wm. C Mcpherson, K. M. Graves. Coble Tp. Ist week —C. P Rob ertson; 2nd week-S. L. Murray. B6on Station Tp. 2nd week -J. If. Loy, A. W. Warren. Morton Tp. Ist week -J. T Wrenn; 2nd week ll. It. Wilkins Pancette Tp. 2nd »V. G Kernodle. Graham Tp. Tit week —J. (lai'. >n Cook, Arthur P. Williams, Law rence l. Nicholson, Charles Knoeh / 2nd week—J. P. McAdams, I'.'l. C Kdwards, R. '! Poster, VV R Perry. Albright Tp. 2nd week—J. I'. As kew. Newlin Tp Ist wei'k-A. T. Ri'l die, T. F. MeVe.v, J. A Winning ham, Geo. P. Xachary, George it Stoekard, A. 1.. Fonst; 2nd week J. R. Coble, R. P. Ilolman, J. I! Singleton. Thompson Tp Ist week —II. M Cates, W. 11. Bason : 2nd week -K P. Crawford, Jas. R. Minor. Mellville Tp . 2nd week-S. G Morgan, J. K. White. Pleasant Grove Tp. Ist we'k- J. A. Gentry, J, C. Walker, J. 1. Chandler, W. 8. King. ! Burlington Tp. Ist week —R. W. ; Billiard, Y. 8. Miles, C. T. Holt;] 2nd week —W. M. Baker, Perry A Bharpe. J. A. Sbarpe, J. W. Stor.v,. W. P. Baulding, A. 8. Ingle. Haw River Tp.; Ist week—J. A. I Trolinger; 2nd week—G. C. Stout. Notice of Sale ' Under and by vlrtuo of an order of the SuiHjriof. Court of Alamance county/ imidc ln tho special pro ceeding* entitled Fannie lilack, as J administratrix of Martha Andrew, deceased, and individually, vs. Don ! nie Sharpo and others, the same be ing No upon the special pro eeediriKs docket of said court, the I undersigned commissioner will, on I , MONDAY, MAY 21, 1917, at 1.30 o'clock p. m., at, the court house door in Orahum, North Caro lina, offer for ftalo to the highest bidder, for cash, that certain tract or parcel of land in Township, Alamance county, North C arolina, adjoining the lands of Ja cob Kike, William Cates and others, and bounded as follows, viz: beginning at a rock or stake on West side of Means street 69 ft. from Everett street, running 8. 53 drg. 2i min. W. with Jacob Kike's line and parallel with Kverett st., 215 ft. to a stake or rock, thence N. 36 deg. 38 mill. W. 59 ft. to a rock or stake also William Cates' cor ner, thence N. 53 Jeg. 2t min. E. with said Cates' line 215 fe -t to a stake or rock with Means street 59 ft. to the beginning. It is further described b.v saying it is situat ed in the Eastern part of the town of ilurlington and is a portion of lot No. 55 of the town plot of Bur lington. This 19th day of April. 7917. J. H. VERNON, Commissioner SUIEI SCHOOL University of North Carolina CHAPEL HILL. N. C. June 12 to July 27 " (Write for complete" announcement) Able Faculty Complete Curriculum Modern Rates Credit Courses Delightful Environment Excursion Rate Tickets Summer Law School June 14--August 24 Regular Session. Opens Sept. 13 . Students who expect to enter for : the first time should complete their Arrangements as early as possible. SUBSCRIBE FOR THB GLEANER •1.00 A YBAR Ml I.I.I.KK'M AXTIHKPTICOIL. Known sa Snake Oil Will Pn*ltl?ely Relieve. Pain In Tfapce Minutes* Try It right now for Kbeunattera Neuralgia, Lumbago, tore, stiff and awoillen Joint*, jiains in the bead, back aud limbs, oorni, buulon*. etc. After one application pain dlsapuears as by magic. A never- falling remedy used internally and externally for inugba, Cold*. Croup. Bore Throat, Dipl.tberla and Tonsllltls. This oil Is conceded ro be the most pane trutliitf remedy known. It* prompt ami Immediate effect In relieving pain Is due o tho fact that It penetrates to tbe affected part* st once. As sa Illustration. prnar ten drop* thickest piece of sole leatberand It will penetrate this au balance through and through In three minutes. Accept no substitution. This great (Ml is golden red color only. Kvery bottle guaran teed; Zftc aud 500 a bottl**, or money ref iaded. IIAYKM DHLC. COMPANY. Public Sale of Valuable Real Property. Pursuant to an order of tbe Buperior Court of Guilford oountjr. made 1 • a Hpeclal Pro ceeding therein pendlog, entitled "Ralph 1.. Bt*ele and J. (j. Hteele, Adm'rs of tb»* estate of 11. W. htee'-, ex parte", the under l*ned duly appointed commissioner will offer for oaie on ,> SATURDAY. MAY 19, 1917, at 2 o'clock p.m.. on tbe premises, near the town of (jlboonviHe, the following described real property, to-wlt: / A certain tract or parcel of land In Rock creek Township, in Guilford county, Ktate of North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Butler lloooe, Gideon De Vault and others, and bounded sa follow*: beginning *t a black Jack and running thence N t'» deg W ,V> cbs 50 Ik* to a white oak or n stake; thence M i> leg W V» cbs 75 Iks to a cogwood; thence K 3 deg N 7 cbs 7# Iks to a stone; thence M 4.', deg KXT chs 0 Iks to a stone on tbe old llnet thence with said old line N fio d g tbe beginning; containing ISS, more or lean; K from the above described tract of >ani Is a tract of 70 acre*, more or less, •old and conveyed to M. K. McLean. Till* I* u valuable farm and la wall located: it lie* partly within the corporate liml«s of ibe own ot Gibsonvllle and a part of It has t*e«-n subdivided Into town lota for the pur- I ore of thla *alo. These Town Lots and Sub d 1 \i»ion* ct said fann will first be offered 'or *alc. the corn mis* loner reserving the right, uti er the orders of the court totnen after offer the • Id far u tor sale as a whole aud report that bid or bids to tbe eourt for confirmati on that shall net tbe greater sum for said estate. Plat of the divisions of s id land may be st ea by calling upon J. G. Steele, Gibson vllle, ft. C. Term* of Sale—One- third In cash on day of aale and the other two-third* In equal Instal ments at three and els months: thj deterred ' payment- te be evidenced by the bonds of the purcha-cr. btaring *lx per cent. Interest > from date of the confirmation of the aale unul i«!d. All of said sales subject to con firmation by the court aud title received until the payment of tue purchase price IS comple e. This the 17th day of April, 1917. J, DOLPfti LONG, Commissioner. * The political rubbish pile in Sw£eden needs only a match to become a bonfire—and you know r what Sweeden'a great product is. r Some of the noisy advocates of the volunteer system in Congress weren't so much in fav9r of it a» I the time of the Spanish-American war, Jg