THE GLEANER GRAHAM, N. 0., July 12,1917. Postofllce Hons. Offloopea 7.00 a. m. toT.OOp. 01. Buuday fl.oo toll.oo a. m. and 4.00 to #.OO p. m J. M. McCKACKEN, Postmaster. ♦ *+++++++++++++++ ♦ + ♦ LOCAL NEWS. + Tniinuninmimmii —Dog days begin today and end Aug. 26th. —Examinations for teachers in the public schools were held Tues day and yesterday. There were about thirty candidates. —ln the southern part of the county, the cotton growing sec tion, the cotton prospect is re ported the poorest at all, but corn is exceptionally fine. —Rev. Carl Craig of Reidsville filled the pulpit at the Presbyterian church last Sunday and was the guest ot Mr. and Mrs. Mcßride Holt. —Those who have seen the crops, especially corn, in the county say they are the finest ever, and that there appears to be something plant ed and growing in almast every available plot. —Postmaster J. M. McCrackcn authorizes UB to SAY that the early mails received Sunday mornings will be opened and put up without wait ing fqr the mail due at 0:17 a. m. under the new schedule. —Wheat threshing has commenc ed. While much of the wheat was thin in many places owing to un favorable conditions at seeding time, while the grain was coming up and winter killed, yet for the quantity of straw the yield is excellent, it is learned. Among the Sick. Mrr John D. Vaughn has been confined to his home since Monday by sickness. Mr. J. ,B. Farrell, confined at his home on account of burns received two weeks ago, is improving. Gen. Pershing at the Mexican. Mr. R. L. Holmes, Mgr. of the Mexican Theatre, has arrainged to show a film of Gen. Pershing and his staff in addition to the other pictures on Friday, July 20. This is Red Rross Day. Help a good cause and see a good show. On Saturday, July 21, matinee and night, "The Reckless . Romeo" featuring Fatty Arbuckle,assisted by "Trouble", his pet' dog, will be shown. This is his best. Many Ask for the Free Medical Ex amination. Nearly 800 have received the phy sical examination given by Dr. El lington of the State Board of Health. Since opening bis office in Graham, Dr. Ellington has given a complete examination to about 200 persona. The Life Extension Work ends in Alamance on August first, and every one who wishes to tajkp advantage of this method of prolonging his life and making himself more useful to his family and to the county should arrange with Dr. Ellington at once. Ice Cream Supper Saturday Night, July 14th. There will be an ice cream supper on Mr. C. C. Thompson's lawn, near Eureka School House, Saturday night, July 14th, for the benefit of Mt. Hermon Sunday School. A splendid place to go for a hay or car ride. Mujic by community musi cians. Come! Manorial Services at Bethel M. P. Church July 15th. - Memorial services will be held at Bethel M. P. church, Alamance Cir cuit, next Sunday, 15th. In the morning Children's Exercises will take place, and immediately follow ing the graves will be decorated. In the afternoon there will be appro priate addresses for the occasion. County Pension Matters. The County Pension Board, con sisting of Mr. J. N. H. Clendenin, Capt. Jas. A. Turrentine, Mr. J, H. Watson and the Clerk of the Superior Court, waa in session Monday and completed its work of passing on applications and and revising the old list. Four new applications were passed on favorably— two soldiers and two widows. As far as it could be learned from personal knowledge and inquiry, since the meeting in July, 1910, thirteen pensioners—eight soldiers and five widows —have passed away, leaving on the list 85 soldiers and 62 widows. The Confederate soldiers and the widows of Confederate soldiers are now our oldest people and their ranks thin rapidly as the years pass. Nr. O. F. Liner Weds MissLila Bl«ke at Greenwood, S. C. News Jus reached here announc ing the marriage ol Mr. O. 9. Liner and Miss Liia Blake, which took place at the first Baptist parsonage in Greenwood, S. C„ June 30th, at 8.30 o'clock a.m., Rev. B. H. DcMent officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Liner left immedi ately after their marriage for a *ay of several days in Asheville other mountain towns. Mrs. Liner is the only daughter Of Mr. Edgar Blake. She is a graduate of Lander College anu has a large circle of friends who will be Interested to hear of her marriage. " Mr. Liner is one of Graham's most highly esteemed young men. He s- fa 'now in the employ of the Pied mont Motor Co., of Greenwood, 8. C. They will make their home is that city. He is the son of Mrs. | W. M. Liner of Graham ana his | many friends wish for him and hU bride much happiness and prosperi- + PERSONAL. + ♦ + Mr. W. E. White of Mebane was in Graham this morning. Mr. T. C. Carter of Mebbane is here today on business. W. B. Sellars, Esq., near Stain back, waa in town yesterday. Dr. and Mrs. W. G Stafford, near Oaks, were in town Tuesday. „ Mr. Alf H. Mebane of Mebane was here Monday for a few hours. Dr. Jas H. Hurdle of Mebane was here yesterday afternoon on busi ness. Miss Minnie Long left for High Point this morning to visit rela tives. Mr. Allan Mebane of Greensboro is now with the L. Banks Holt Mfg. Co. here. Mr. E. L. Henderson was in Dur ham and Chapel Hill Tuesday on business. Miss Elizabeth Warren of Wash ington, N. C\, is visiting Mrs. J U. Cor bet t. Mrs. Junius H. Harden and son Boyd are visiting relatives in Rae ford, N. C. Mr. William Scott returned Sat urday from a trip to Wilmington and Wrightaviile Beach. Rev. Joseph G. Walker of Greens bope-is visiting here at the home of his mother, Mrs. Ida Walker. Mrs. Bynum of Raleigh is here visiting ner daughters, Mesdames W. S. Hives and J. N Taylor. Mr. Dolph Moore of Greensboro spent Monday here at the home ot his father, Mr. W. C. Moore Messrs Lacy H. and Carl D. Sel lars of Greensboro were business visitors in Graham yesterday. Miss Lottie Denny returned to Greensboro yesterday from a week's visit to relatives here. Mrs. E. D. Scott returned Mon day from Augusta. Ga., where she has been visiting her parents. Miss Luta Harden, in school at King s College, in Raleigh, Spent the week-end ,at her home here. Mrs. J. Dolph Long spent the lat ter part of last week and the first of tnis week visiting at Blon Col lege. Dr. and Mrs .T. M McConneli and Misses Louise and Fannie D. Moore have to Montreat to Bpend some time. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn B. William son and little Miss Eleanor return ed Tuesday from a trip to the mountains ot Virginia by auto. * Masters Wallace, James, William and Edwin Taylor, sons of Dr. ana Mrs. J. N. Taylor, left last week for Rock Hill, S. C„ to visit at the home of their grandmother, Dr. Taylor's mother. Mr. Geo. R. Ross arrived fnom Jackson Springs Friday afternoon knd left Saturday "morning, accom panied by Mrs. Ross and Master George, who had been visiting her parents, Dr. and Mrs. W. R Goley. Rev. J. G. Truitt left Monday for Halifax county, Va. He will spend the greater part of his time at News Ferry, near which is Pleasant Grove church, of which he is pas tor. Mr. and Mrs. G. W Denny and Mr. and Mrs .J. C Hill and chil dren of High Point and 'Miss Re becca Denny of Greensboro were here the latter part of last week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Mcßride Holt. Mr. E. S. Parker, Jr., returned last Friday from the Bar Assocl tion meeting at Asheville. Mrs. Parker "and little Miss Carolyne will will remain in the mountains for a while. Jurors for August Term. The following named persons have been drawn to serve as jurors at the term of the Superior Court which will convene on August 20, viz: Patterson Township—M. C. Spoon, D. M. Alexander. Coble Tp.—John C. Bowman, W. H. Rich, Thomas Overman, John E. Shepherd, J. M. Councilman. Boon Station Tp.-rC. G. Phibbs, J. L. Whitesell. Morton Tp.—J. B. Cantrell, J A. Lillard, John W. Beckom. Faucette Tp.—J. Ed Garrison, R. L. Holt, C. R. Mffitt, W. C. Sar tin, J. P. King. Graham Tp.—A. N. Neese, T C. Montgomery, R. L. Holmes. Newlin Tp.—John C. Moore, Wm. Marlett, R. G. Marlett, W. P Stout. Thompson Tp.— W. Benton Thompson. Melville Tp.—A. N. Scott, U S. Ray, G. L. Steele, W. E White. Burlington Tp.—John Helm, E. A. Rimmer, R. A. Coble, Vitus Holt, N .S. Card well, C. L Isley, D. H. White, A. C. Andrews, J. B Wad dell, L. B. Whitted, H. W Trol inger. , Haw River Tp.—J. Archie Lonz, Jas. Anderson, J. W. Anderson, 8 C. Spoon. ~ Mr. Roy Long and Miss Christina Wood Holt United in Marriage. A quiet wedding took place yes terday morning at 16.30 o'clock in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Lacy Holt In Graham. The contracting parties were Mr. Roy Long, the popular and highly esteemed drug gist and manager of Hayes Drug Co.. and Miss Christine, the pretty 'ana attractive daughter of Mr. ana Mrs. A. Lacy Hdrtt: The ceremony was performed by Hev. W. R. Da vis, Pastor of the Baptist church. Owing to the recent death of the bride's grandmother, the wedding was extremely luiet, and was wit nessed only by the immediate fam ily of the bride arid less than a dozen of the young men and lady friends of the groom. Immediately after the ceremony the bride and groom motored to Qreensboro, where they boarded the train for Asheville. They will spend a week in the "Land of the Bky," after which they will make their home in Graham. The popular couple have a host of friends who will wish them the fullest measure of happiness in their new estate. The following announcement was sent throujb the mails yesterday : Mr. and Mrs. A. Lacy Holt announce the marriage of their (laughter Christine Wood Mr. Roy Long on Wednesday the llth of July nineteen hundred and seventeen Graham, North Carolina. HAVE YOU BEEN SICK? Then you realize the utter weakness that rJbs ambition, destroys appetite, and makes work a burden. To restoretliat »treng th end •Umlnathut is so essential, nothing l:as ever equaled or compared with Scott's Emulsion, tie cause its strength -mistaining nourinb ment invigorate* tbc blood to distribute energy throughout the body while its tonic value sharpens the appetite and restores health id a natural, permanent way. Ii you are run down, tired, nervous, overworked or lack strength, get Scott's RmoJsion to-day. It is free froq) alcoboL ■coti * H.J. County Commissioners' Proceedings. The following business was trans acted by the Board of Commission er* at tneic meeting on tne 2nd ana 3rd: i ' The allowance of Henry C. Bache lor was increased to »3.00 per montfi. Mr. Harrison Stephens was allow ed $3.00 per month, to be furnlauea by K. L. Clapp & Bro. Ruffin Odeu waa relieved of road and poll tax for IHI6. The request for work on the road from Mt. Hermon -church to ROCK Creek; the road from Haxapauaw to Orange county line; and repair on bridge across Back Creek near R. L. Small's was referred to Supi. Lutterloh. The Chairman and Clerk to thu Board were -instructe d- to- oorro * (3000, 'with which to take up a note tgr $3,000 at the Commercial and Farmers' Bank, Mebane. Lonnie Dawson was ordered ad mitted to the County Home. The bonds of Constable W. T. Dillard and COnstable J. 1). Pritcu ett were accepted add filed. The application for placing Jeff and Inez Cole in the North Carolina Childrens' Home Society was ap approved. To Earlie Ireand was refunded $1.26 road tax, paid twice. It was ordered that the Board make application to the Govern ment for $6,000 aid for tne roaa from Burlington. to Kimeviile. Ordered that the county pay the railroad fare and hotel expenses ot any metauer of the Board of Coun ty Commissioners who can attend the Association of County Commis sioners at Asheville. Messrs W. J. Graham and R. A Lutterloh, appointed to inspect the Glencoe Dridge, recommended that the approach to bridge be re paired or rebuilt withi:i ul) days Report accepted and work ordereu to be done. W. J. Graham and R. A. Lutter loh were appointed a committee to exchange the old automobile for a new one. W. P. Smith was instructed to employ "Sam T. Johnston to put a concrete floor in the Teasurer's of fice at sl.lO per square yard. W. K. Holt was instructed to sell all old scrap iron from tne old jail or eleswhere belonging to the coun ty at best obtainable prices. Local Exemptionsoard Finishes; Work —Drawing Next Under the selective draft act ana the rglstration on June 6th there under,, together with the instruc tions to local exemption boards, the local board for Alamance complet ed its worjt last Friday. They com pared the original registration cards and the copies, numbered all consecutively in red ink; then they made lists of all the nmaes with the postoffice and the number giv en each. One copy was sent to the adjutant general, Raleigh, one to the office of the provoist mar shal, Washington; one posted on the bulletin board in the court house and one was provided for the newspapers. '' i The men will be called for by number. So far it is not known how the drawing wil lbe made, but it will take place in Washington. It is understood that it is propos ed to place in a single Jury wneel one Complete set of numbers. When a number is taken from the wheel the man In each exemption district whose card bears that serial num ber will be drafted. Thus as each number is drawn approximately 30,000 men will be drafted or one in each exemption district. If 1,- 200,000 men are to be called before the exemption boards in the- first selection, only 40 numbers would need to be drawn. Train Schedules, Mails, Etc. Beginning with Sunday last the number of passenger trains on the Southern, passing Graham, is re duced two to the day -one each way. East and West. The schedules are as follows: OOINQ EAST — No. 112 (mixed) due 1:45 a. m. " 108 " 9:17 " * " 22 " 5:00 p. m. GOING WEST — No. 11l (mixed) due 5:23 a. m. " 21 "11:13 " " 139 * " 6:15 p m. All trains carry mail, and Nos. 108 and 139 carry express. Mr. Wm. B. Lasley Dies at Creedmore. On last Thursday night Mr. Wm. B. Lasley passed away at his home at Creedmore, where he held the po sition of cashier of the Bank of Creedmore. The remains were brought to Burlington and the in terment took place Saturday. He waa a son of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Lasley of Burlington, where he was reared. He was 33 years »f age and is survived by his widow and two children, his parents and three bro thers—E. W. Lasley, secretary of Graham Loan fe Trust Co., K. K. Lasley of Burlington and Earl Lasley of Smithfield. • He had been in failing health for sometime and a recent operation fail ed to give the relief sought. Mr, Lasley was a good business man, genial and highly esteemed by a host of friends. Notice To Automobile Owners. The Town Commissioner* have passed an ordinance that all automo biles must keep on the right hand side of Main St. between Harden St. and Court House Square, and al au tomobiles stopping on Main Htret between Harden Street and the Public S juare must be headed North when stopped on the East side of said street and headel South wheu stopped on West side of said street. All automobiles passing around the Court House Square must go to the right. All violators will be fined $lO and cost. W. H. BOS W ELL, Chief of Police. LEMON JUICE IS FRECKLE REMOVER filrls I Make thlaJUheay Beauty I-olutlon to Clear and Whiten your Mkln. Squeeze the Jucic of two lemons into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white, shake well i and you have a quarter pint of the best freckle and tan lotion, and complexion beautifh-r, at very, very small cost. Your grocer hhaa the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will supply three ounces of orchard white for a few cents. Massage this sweetly fragrant lotion into the face, neck, arms and hands each day and se» how freckles ana blemishes disappear, and bow clear, ■oft and whlt« the skin becomes Vent It is harmless. adv. Millinery At Cost: . -• . .' 7 ' ' -, "' 1 Beginning Saturday July 14th, and cqptinu ing through the season. We will sell our entire stock at cost. We have some good bargains. Come early and get your choice. Hughes & Snyder. . IN M. R. RIVES' STORE THE GIRL WHO HAD NO GOD By MARY ROBERTS RINEHART -• A pulse-stiring tale of a beautiful young girl who succeeds her father as leader of & band of intel ligent anarchistic bandits. 4* A Narrative of Mystery, Courage, Love and Sacrifice. This Gripping Serial Starts with the Next Issue of THE GLEANER. The name of Mary Roberts Rinehart is a sufficient guarantee that it is one of the best stories. Vacation Fires in Schools. During the week which ended June 20, which might be considered the first generally full week of the summer vacation period, the fire losses on school buildings through out the country is totaled at $305,- 000. These figures Illustrate very plainly the reason the warnings sent out by the North Carolina In surance Department for several weeks prior to the time of the clos ing of the schools for the summer months. It urged careful inspec tion and a general clean-up of all buildings. It asked that closets be freed of all rubbish, and especially of oily rag* and mops whi?h are so carelessly put away in closets and dark corners only to reach the stage of spontaneous combustion and start a fire which will result in losses of hundreds and thousands of dollars. A significant comparison is here fflyen to illustrate the error of the belief of so many that school buildings do not burn during the vacation months, when it is brought out that the losses in the lumoer fires, one of the most hazardous forms of risks, amountod to $330,- 000 for the same period of time. Mobilizing The Guard. The original plan for assembling the National Quard at its divisional training camps in three increments, will be carried out says fjtretarv Baker, although the entire force will be drafted formally Into the army of the United States on the same day, to prevent confusion and injustice in the relative rank of Guard offi cers. The mobilization dates are July 15 for the eastern section 6f the country, July 2b f I the central section and August ft for the West. Negroes and whites fought for more than an hour Tuesday night of last week in the section of New York city known as "San Juan Hill," as the result of the arrest of Lawrence Joaquin, a negro pri vate in the 15th infantry, ou a charge of disorderly conduct. Pistols and night sticks were used by the police reserves who were called, »nd clubs, bricks and knives by the rioters. Jtfaquin and two other negroes were ar rested. Cash bequests of more than #7,- 000,000 to charitable and educa tional institutions are provided in the will of Colonel Oliver IL Payne, who died in New York recently. The largest gifts are to lakeside hospital, Cleveland, (>., Yale uni versity and New York public library, each of which wilt receive ♦1,000,000. Don't Let Food Burn. "Our armies need food; dop't let it burn I" is the slogan adopted by the Conservation Association ol Michigan recently, and it might well be adopted as the slogan of every association and of every in dividual in the country at this time, vast numbers of association* and Government agencies throughout the country are urging every hour the growing and conservation ol food stuffs. The earl.) reports from the Department of Agriculture in dicate an enormous yield lor the year. Hut planting and raiHirig the crops will riot suffice. Every care must bu exercised toward tne pre vention and . destruction of the food after it hhas been made anu housed. Just a few days ago a grain ele vator In Chicago was destroyed oy fire and with it wheat sufficient to make 50,000,000 loaves of bread. Ta king this amount of Oread and esti mating the amount of flour used by bakers in making bread and fig uring by the army quartermaster department's allowance for feeding a soldier, this wheat destroyeu would furnish the necessary bread for the American army now in Franco for five years and two months. These figures are based on the estimate that (len. Persh ing's expedition is composed of Ift,- 000 men, which estimate Is arrived at from newspaper report* concerning the army movements. Senator Sherman of Illinois Hays the riot* at Hast St. Louis were' due to the saloons; that it lit the worst saloon town in America and the saloons have for years disre garded the law. Cigarettes have been barred from the United States naval training station at Great Lakes, 111. It in said that because of the large number of youths and young men in training on the reserva tion, it was deemed advisab'e i«> restrict their smoking to other forms of tobacco. The contract for lumber for the naval cantonment at the old James town exposition site has been awarded to the North Carolina Pine Bureau. The bureau is com posed of the North Carolina I'ine Association and other lumber dealers. * The contract calls for 3,000,000 feet of lumber. The plan for the unification of the three great branches of the Lutheran Church into the United Lutheran Church in America was recommended by the committee on constitutional revision of the general council of the Lutheran Church in North America, at the close of * two-day debate at At lantic City, N. J. This Man Smile ? SrEJs,':*,' ■w&t b'l nan la|r. #v —the greatest dollar-for- \Mm -W' fwtSk dollar value there is in tires. He has Fisk Qu a |- 3i\eage at t 7>« For Sa/c By t HBh ||| Moon Motor Car Co. $2.50 ' REWARD For First Ten t /A RATS i Brought Alive To NORTH STATE CHEMICAL CO S OFFICE IN SCOTT BUILDING. Hurry ! Hurry! Hurry! North State Chemical Co. GRAHAM, N. C. Notice of Sale of Val uable Land. - Default having ti made by tha ifwi.lma j In tii" payment of the iu:eh!t-.1u.-»i aecur ed by (hat eertaln deed of tnut made lo lite «• Tru'tuu for ll.n Ortooaboro lAtv Insurance (.'oiM'iifi y of Ur«tii»lK»m North « arollrut, Oy J, W, Mcnefi ft and wii.-, I imidh W, Men«'fei, | 00 tbe Jm da; of April, lull, and recorded In I tbe office of the K«-glater of .1 feed aof A a man. n rount>- In llook '& at painn V>, ct ae«|. 1 m ill, und'-r and Oy virtue of the power of *al«- vcniad In fii'- Or amid dee i of irint and Ml the r. qoeatol tne ccaiul que truat, art'*, for the |'urj>o»e of ll charging the debt keCurcd by raid dNNI of U* mil la Ui« blfheat bidder lor cmii, «»t Him c urt door In (Iraham. Aln man. v, county, Nntb Carolina. N if o'clock M-.on SATUIIUAY, AL'Ci. 18, IDI7, the following doacribed laoda, to-wlf:* In Hi" county of Alamance and Htatr of Korih 'nr"lln«, and mora i artlcu larly bouuded mil described n* follow*: Kind Tract. I>lm* and Indu* in l'i» . iipaon tow nah Ip, In Ala mane*' roun ty, Mitlli • »ro llna, adjoinm* the tad» of MiiaO* il. I'.. k ard, Mary Jtogrra, ti>* land# formerly o* uml by J. W Meoi«»«, anu oihra, and bound* I n* follows: H+gtnnlng at a rock and p intra. KlUilxth Flck-ird'a corner m **id M# nefe- line, mi, .J running i!on« riort/i rock and potutera, Jobo i arrtoKl' (."• Corner In Klliabcth I'lckard'a liio ; i jm-ik* N '*> 4 deg W iVl*) cUa to a r»*k In Mra. H"** r» line; then. • wltb b«r line r 1* ring W WW cba to I what wga formerly J. W. • Ho.; [ t hence ft IV drg cha 10 Ho- first >'at on, and ioiilmlii u* ft.IV ntMk more or biiugt m i«#.e known ai the llyoo K.i. ni. rtwr.'i Jl l and inug in » noinj aon towuabip, In *«id Aiauian.n f.ui.ty, 01» tiiu waleraof lUw and o untiw* u»iol- Iowa: lie, Inr.inr at n rock and |Mdnt«-ra. tbc n .rth eaaccoro r el 11. 1* Jon#a'a £ lacratntc, r jniiiiig tbeno* - « M 1 SlUK«b#to a ruck; tM-iior ft »>df -a &MJ2O caa to aro k, fb*o« n •jUdeg W fba t-v a rot kou iliv hitnk oI mer; Uieueo down •.i i nr* r«■ It lat-Mii l •. Incluflluff tb« i»iaitd« In aaid river kuvaua* "Nine Acraa" to a nn k and fxniitcru on tli#s north aide of aaM river awiriirfu' the W«ter Power tract, oonvryi d U»J. W. Mf« fa«i Oy W. ft. and J. A. lAtug, o )mi« 1 t'-Oruary JPTtb, IMI K tli«nc« $ tUfg Y.&tfi chs lo a rock pile; Ibenc*- ti a. ,F. >J mto a r«jck; toefx- ft lt» 'H it W ih eh* to a rock. «-»n liiv north tide of llair rl- mud eaui m ,#o| |»op lar bitinch, at *a rr lomk ol »ai'i i|v«',tbe befiumnK •ration 01 NVat* r I oWtr tr«ci; tbeno* ooto aaid 11** rivar It intwod-r • to tbe ruoulb of cane creek; tnern e uj aala • 'arw cieck wltb Its turn »om-iii loftianuna rord. conitjr of J. Morrow ** Utidn: tbente s 'A deg W cbn lo a r-4*k arid pointer*; theuc«t X %\ d ig W ii« VJ cbt to a r«/ek; tbe. cc X 51 d'l H 4S.Mcbefoa po*to. k atu b p; tnei.«' vi d» a V* 7® *) cha to a rock and pointers tbe iiiuiuk atatiori, and con tain log lift.'* acre*, but Co o. in*- «aiuu lot there 100 re or |.«a, It beluf too major pa it or tne piautatlou known aath* Alaton laud. Tbl« tbaaiu day of July. lUI7. j J. w. ruy, Tfimioe. Ilrooka. Hapi> k Kelly, AMoriu'>«, Ureeuaborc, N. C. The Chatham Manufacturing Co. f> plant in Winston-S.iU'in and iilkin are engaged in iilling an order fox* 300,000 blankets for tne L', S. ar.n.v The order is to be filled by the Ist of January, and the mills are work ing day and night. Mrs. Jennie Ward Si'itz, 35 years old, wife of Mr. H. L'J.Y Seitz, a far mer tbe vicinity of Hick ory, was killed by lightning near her home inoinliiz of last week. Several of her children were with her but they were only slightly shocked. •V r ~ • . ■ ..--V i | L R IA/ UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA LAW SCHOOL Excellent Family Reasonable Cost WRITE FOR CATALOG THE PRESIDENT, ( H AITI, IIIM- V. C. Lucky U tH« msi who owns a Waltham—but only the man who has car ried a Waltham Watch lor thirty or forty year? hnows what a fine investment a good iVValtham is, "If* Time You Owned a Wall ham." Com* In and talk watch with m, JV t arc headquarter* tor WaJtliam Vatcbca and carry a complet* aMvru&cct of all grade*. Z. T; HADLEY JEWCLEK « OPTICIAN RAH AM, N. C. The State convention of the So cialist party, about 69 nv mbera of the party iK-lng prvaont, w is held in Wilmington la*t wi-ck. Rojr Swaim of Will .1 .11-S Was efcetoU Sale of Real Estate Under and by virtue ol the terms ol a certain Mortgage Deed exe cuted and delivered to Alamance Insurance and real Estate Com pany, and recorded in Book No. ttl of Mortgage Deeds, page 24, in the office ox the register of deeds for Alamance county, to secure an in debtedness evidenced by a certain note therein described, default ftav ing been made in tlie payment of said indebtedness, the undersigned will, on MONDAY, JULY 23, 1917, at 1.30 o'clock p; in., at the court house door in Uraham, N. C., otter lor sale at public outcry to too 4ghe'St binder, tor cash, tlie loliow ii,(j described land and' premises, 10-wit: A tract or parcel of land in tne county of Alaiuance, and State of > North Carolina, in Jiurlington town snip, adjoining tho lands of W. H. ; Cum Klin, if air Urounds, W. H. Car roll and others, and described us follow* > Beginning at a rock, corner witii said Conklm, running tnence Soutn 1 1-4 deg. W. i enk 2 1 Unas to an iron bar, corner with said conit iln in said Pair Urounds line in tne road, thence N. 0J 3-i deg. ii. 2 cits, and 34 links to a rick in said line and road corner with said Car roll; thence N. 1 d g, B. to cor iicr of tract conveyed to (J. K. Aiar iett on Carroll's line, thence W. to the beginning, being a part of tun tract convoyed to U. M. Marlett by • ieo. VV. AuUiony, May ard, 189 1, .uid recorded m Uook of D.-eas ol . Alamance county, No. 20, pages Mi and 301. But in conveying this tract a light of way ten l'- t .? Aide on West sidj as an entrance nid outlet to the property 4a rear , is reserved with lull power of in gress and egress over said rigut 'if way. This June 18, ion. Alamance in*. & Heal Estate Co., .- Sm Mortgagee Land Sale ! Pursuant to an order of tho Su petior Court of Alamance county, made in a special proceeding therein pending, entitled JWi. ai iy han ami others vs. Kannlo Tisu and others, to which all the tie VI fees ol the iato VV. I'. Muyhan are duly constituted parties, the underniguod Commissioner will olier tor »ii at public auction, to tho higiv.'tw bid der, ull MO-MAy, JULY 16, lil7, at 12 o'clock, noon, upou the pn ra ises immediately l:i Iront ot ihe i-esidencu ol tho iato VV. I'. Ma, the following described real prop erly, t'»-w it: «k.A certain tract or parcel oi land situate in Pleasant Urovo town ship, Alamance qounty, North Car olina, aujoining the. lands ojt John A. Warren, '1 nomas ii. Blunchard and others, and containing one hun dred and iUty acres, more or less, it being the plantation upon which tho said VV. i\ Mayhan lived up to his death, and ujfin which his aon, C. S>. llayhan, lias sincu lived. # Terms of sale; One-third of the purchase price to "be down, and the other two-thirds to be paid in e(ual installments at six and twelve months, the deferrea payments to bo evidenced by bonus uf the purchaser, bearing interest at six per cent. from date ot sale. Saie -to remain open twenty dfcys for ad vaueo bid.% and made sabj :ct to (confirmation by the court. * I This l.ltii day of June, IDI7. J. DOLPH LONO, Commissioner. Small Store-house Foi Rent. vv ell located close to the best,, 1 traile in Uraham. Price reasonable I and building ready tor occupancy ! now. , J. M. McCHACKKN,, 25novtf. Uraham. N.C. Warning to Delinquent Tax-Payers. ! Your town tax for 1916 have been duo since Oct. 1, 1910. If you do not want to embarrassed by liav . ing your property advertised or your i IV *k«t pleane call at ray ' iffice in Holt-Nicholson Building ! and settle at once. 1 also have a few who have liot paid their 1014 and 1915 taxes. A. G. AUSLEY, "june Tax Collector. Superintendent U. It. Brown of the Oxford Orphan Asylurrv-hjia inaugu gurated campaign in Nortii Car-