THE GLEANER ■■ ■■ A " ' '- ~— ISH UED CVKHY THUBBDAY. J.,0. KEBNOPLE.Editor. •1.00 A VCAB. IN ADVANCE. ADVKHTTSINU KATES Jna square (1 In.) 1 tloie tl.uU, r cat-. aul»-' q juiit Insertion bOceuts. For more am« an I linger time, ntai lurulsbsu on u. Local notice* 10 ota. a Hue (or Oral OMitlon ;subseiiuont Insertions & cu. a Uue franslent adTertlaeuivala must tie palu for lOsuvanea r-;----- - I'Ue editor will nut be reapunalole tor /lews expressed by correspondents. Koteredat tbe PoatoSloe at Orabam. R. C., aa aecond claaa matter. W GRAHAM, N. C., Aug. 9, 1917. EXEMPTIONS. Soma want to be exempted form army duty for one reason and some for another. Some are entitled to be exepted and some are not. It is the patiiotic duty of everyone to serve when hi* country calls. The call haa come. I'be supreme test is at hand. It must be met. Information and instruction** have been aent out from the War Depart tnent in regard to the manner of ap plying for exemptios and discharge and who are entitled. This infor mation i» published in full else where. NAMES SHOULD BE PUBLISHED. If your neighbor is exempted from military duty and you are not, though both of you asked to be, you have the right to know upon Wliat grounds your noighbor based his claim. The facts should be publish ed along with the names. GEN. CARR NAMED. den. Julian 8. Curr of Durham is designated by the M. K. Church, South, as aliim to Herbert Hoover, food commissioner, to have charge of the church's part of the cam paign for food conservation. The WaahingUm correspondent ol the Greensboro News sent out on Tuesday a letter which stated thore would poaaibly be a reorganization of President Wilson's ctbinet; thai Hon. Elihu Root, head of the Rus sian commission, just returned, would possibly be made Secretary 'of State, and ex-I'resident Roosevelt Secretary of War, thus putting the cabinet on a nou-jwrtiaan basis, as the war ia neither a Republican or Democratic proposition. Oenerul von nindenburg is one of tho biggest military forces in Germany. He has u sister, Mrs, Frank Schliek, who lives at Ml. Paul, Minn. She has a soiv I'aai " . Schlick, a graduate of Yaloy who haa Joined tho U. 8. Navy and litis invented a device for fighting sub marines and placed it at the disposal Of the government. He has anothei invention that he has plae.d at tnr disposal of Cnclo Sam. There has been somewhat of h lull in the fighting in Europe for the psst week, but the Allies in the .West have more than held their own. The Kusaians in tho Bast have shown up a little better. Gen. Lawrance W. Young will again be Adjt.-Gen. of the N. C. National Guard. Gov. llickell Las given him bis commission, effective Sept. Ist. The food control till was adopteo by the U. 8. Senate by a vote ol M to T yesterday and It becomes a law tomorrow. Ji. S. Jones, a merchant in North Newton, left a bucket of gasoline and dipper on bin store porch. The two-year-old twiu babies of Will Lominac aaw the bucket and look a drink. The doctors pulled them through. Gen. Michael Yasiukov'cli, chief of a Russian military commission, aald in San Francisco a few days . ago that if America will send 100,000 soldiers to Russia it would be the nucleus for a Russian army of a million men that would prove fatal to Germany. A delegation of nerroea fiom New York carried to Washington a petition bearing 15,(XX) signa turee to present to President Wil : hod protesting against discrimina tion against their race and lynch | logs, and aaking that the latter y : - be made a Federal offence. * When the motor of their air i plane stopped 300 feet above the [fc ground, C. B. Lambert of Welch, IW, Va., a student at the West Virginia aviation school at Beech | Bottom, w. Va., was killed and K. h. Frey, a member of tbe Brit £ ish royal flying corps, detailed as BiW instructor at the school, who gfwas accompanying Lambert, sus- injuries yrjijch it is-believed will prove fatal. Germans Treated Well at Hot Springs. Statesville Landmark. A German »übject in the intern ment camp at Hot Sprin », N. C , who before the war WHS an officer on a Qerman whip, has written it Washington official conveying the thanks of himself and his com panions for their treatment at the cam p. "* "I beg to be allowed," he wrote, "to express my heartiest thanks for your unlimited benevolence toward me and my family and for the troublesome efforts you under go in my behalf. "I also wish to state that all without exception—are exceed ingly satislied with the conditions the United States arranged for us at Hot Springs, and that this hu mane, kiud treatment is also ap preciated. The United States authorities are treating us bet ter than could he expected of any other country except the United States. "All arrangements prove that this country not only takes, lint also acts according to the princi ples of humanity and the words of President Wilson when he de clared that the war will not be carried against the German peo ple as individuals." Kvideutly the Germans interned at Hot Springs are wed treated. Recently a correspondet>«- wrote the ltecbrd com plaining that they" were too well treated. The correspondent said they had luxuries such as were furnished summer tourists who paid high prices anil that the} were so particular about their ac commodations that they refused to sleep two in abed. Possibly the report of luxuries furnished may be exaggerated. The Land mark is inclined to think it i». If it is true it should be discontinued. Tlie prisoners should lie made comfortable and given enough to eat —good food—but they should not be given luxuries—certainly not at public expense. The letter of the German pris oner, however, is gratifyiug. Abovh all thhigs, prisoners should not. b«t starved and ill-treated, lteports xrom the prison camps iu Germany horrible cruelties: Not ouly are prisoners practically starved aud furnished miserable quarters, but they are tortured. German barbarism is no excuse for us to follow their example, but it's a pity the statement of this German prisoner couldn't be setit broadcast over Germany. It would probably dO no good, but the Ger niaiip ought to be shown the dif ference between American culture and German "kultur" as it applies to the treatment of prisoners. A statement from the Asheville Times, whose owner is limited States Marshal Webb, who ought to kuow, denies that the Germau interned prisoners at Hot Spring* have made demands or that they are given luxuries. It is stated that their health is cared for aiid their needs met. Watching Tom Watson. The alleged activitiesof Thomas H. Watson of Thomson, Ga., are uuder close scrutiny of the l)e partmeut of Justice. Officials are seeking todetoriuiue whether they can bring proceedings agaiust him because of recent statements urg ing resistance to the draft in his inaga/.iuo. Copies of the publication brought to the Attorney General's atteutiou contain lists of contri butions, varying between 9~ aud SIOO from Atlanta, Chattanooga, Danville, Va., and numerous small towns in North Carolina, Teuues see, Alabama, Kentucky and Georgia, to a fund to be devoted to testing the constitutionality ol the drati law. The subscriptions iu a recent number of the pub lication totaledJ>jiproximHt«ly sl,- 000. /^ L SIUW Krwsrd, SIOO Tim rriutors of Una |>i>|Mir will ln> pit sa*t t« loam Uiat thrrr I* si n»»t ou« urusUtsl ll» MUD that Kiton luu twvn stilv to cum Iu all ll* utauo* sou that l( catarrh. t «l«rih bring greatly IMtuenn'l 0/ oulntilulloiial Ouudl iHMia rv>|uit*» etmatUgiloual trvaliuvm. Ilali'a Uuriti Mattlcme U Uken till«rnall> and sou Uif liiah th* lllouu uu >b« Mucuua nurtama ,i int. s>sirm tharelijr dtatmylns tha ot tha ulnsn, MI tun In* |m Lieut atntivtUi by buodin* U|i UM> «>oatiiu- Utin and aaalaUua uatuia in d"lii« Ita wurk. Tba propriaUira bave so lausb r*lth lb tra mirativr |iowaia ot Hall's Catarrh Maoluliw tuat tbp> otfar tioa lluwirwl Dutlara lor so> oaaa that It tall* Iu cure KMII for llal ul tea- Mousls. Addrvaa P. J. Cbooay *Co . Toledo. Ohio. Solu t>y ml i>ru,*i«i. Tbu, ad, Tho Second Hegimeiit of ihe North Carolina Natioual Guard, which has lieeu iu cauip at Golds boro since it returned front the Mexican border early last spriug, has lieeu sent to Camp Sevier, at Greenville, S C. Calomel Salivates and Makes You Sick Acts like dynamite on a slug gish liver and you lose a day's work. There's no reason why a per son should take sickening, salivat ing calomel when 50 cents burs r large bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone a perfect substitute for calomel It Is a pleasant vegetable liquid which will start your liver lust as surely as calomel, but it doesn't mnke you sick, and cannot sali vate. Children and grown folks can take Dodson's Liver Tone, because it la perfectly harmless. * Calomel la • dangerous drug. It is mercury and attacks your bones. Take a dose odf masty calomel to day and you will feel weak, sick and nauseated tomorrow. Dont Ipse a days work. Take a spoon ful of Dodson's Liver Tone instead and you will wake up feeling great. No more biliousness, constipation, sluggishness, headache, coated tongue, or sour stomach. Your druggist says if you dont find Dodson's Liver Tone acts better than horrible calomel your money U waiting for yon. INFORMATION FOR PERSONS. REGISTERED All About Numbers, Liability and Ex aminations ; Claims for Exemption, Appeals and Discharges; Forms Used- I—LOCAL BOA.KDB. In every county in thi United States and for every city oI over 30,000 there are one. or more tl exemption boards. Each o.' s ich boards are in charge of th rjiii tration cards of persons ret over the area in which tha oaarf has Jurisdiction, and has jutiidtc tion of all claims for exemption ex cept those bas.-d on industrial grounds. Find out what board h::s your card and where th.> of lice ol that Board is. LI—DISTRICT BOARDS. In every Federal judicial :t there are one or more Uiitrii. - * boards having appelate Jurisdiction over a number of local boarJs and having original JuilKliction oi claims for exemption on inaustiii: grounds. If you intend to make a claim on industrial grounos, incl id ling, agriculture, learn w.iat unt.i.t board to apply to. lII—RED INK SERIAL NUMBKR3. Every board has number d the cards In its Jurisdiction w.t.i red Ink in a series mildly 1 to the number representing tne to tal numoer of cards in its Jurisdi :- tion. Lists showing '-he nam:.-* of persons in tlie Jurisdiction ot each board and the red ink numb-rs ol each card are to inspection at the office of each board. Inspect the lists and inform your self of your red ink s-rial num ber. IV—ORDER OF LIABILITY. These rod ink numbers are to be drawn by lot to- determitu order in which registered persons are to be called by tne various local boards. As soon as tne drawing it. complete lists snowing the order in wnich these red inn numbers ait drawn will be publisned iu tin press, and will be posted at toe olfice of each local board. Oo to tne local board and find out the order in which yoj stanu lor call. V-CALL FOR EXAMINATION,. ! As soon as the are assign ed to eacti Stat j, and eaca ooa. J, each board will call upon per«> wnose cards are in its Jurisdiction instructing them to pres ni me.n selves for examination. I'nls call will be posted at tae oifice oi toe local board and the %»ili o requested to print it. J\ notice vti. also be maileu to you, but poai ing of the list at tlie omcv ot tin. board will be deemed suilicient no tice to charge you with th; duty o, pre wilting /oun;U. Tne ia >v merelore maKes it your duty to in form yourself wnen you are called The mailing is for your convent net but if the letter never reaches yo, you cannot make that an excus •. Watcn the lists at thu offic J o, your board and see When yoo art. called for examination. VI—PHYSICAL EXAMINATION. Vou must report lor physical ex amination on tne day named in your call. (aj If you are foiind piiysl rall> dis|ualifled the board will give you a certificate wnich »i.l plain co you that your (urtner du ties are. (0) If you ara found physi-'allj disqualified and liie a claim lot exemption witnin seven days ufte, your call you «Ul bJ given U nay. after filing your ,cuuni oi tion to file prou f In support o. your claim for exemption. S.e Vi oelow. icj If you ara found p.iyUcall.. qualified and liie no clal.n tor e* emptlon, or if yoj do not appea. for physical examination you. name will be posted to tne district board as one vvno was called 10. military service and was not ex empted or discharged. On tin cigntli day after cull, or within t>v> days thereafter copies of I■ of persons so posteu to uiitrtc. boards will oe given to tne pres wit'a a request lor publication, «1 be posted in a plaee at tne offict of the local board access! ou to the public view, and notice »i., be mailed to you at.tne address on your registration card. Therefore, watch the notices post ed in tha olfice of tne board aoout 10 days after the day you were call ed uiid make arrangements for t.ifc prompt receipt of mail. VII-7 DAYS TO FILE CLAIMS Ot EXEMPTION OR DISCHARGE. Except for industrial or agricul tural reeasons. NOTE. (a) no claim ol discharge on ac count of the industry in wnich yo. are engeged can be decided by u local board. See Par. X V below. t(b) Whether you ille a claim of exemptlou or not, you must pre sent yourself for physical exami nation on tne day named iu In. notice. From the day notice that you nr. called is mailed and posted you have seven days In which you ma> file a claim oj exemption or oi*- charge. The 'form lor tiling thit. claim is Simple. If you w7».i it, file suclv a claim (a) Uo'to the board and get form llu for exemption or lorm l'il foi discharge, li the board has not (h printed forms ask to consult the form pamphlet and copy the form shown there. (b) Fill out the proper form an;, file it with the hoard. (c) Do this within seven dava o. the posting and mailing not it- to you to present yours if. , . The lollowing are tha only grounds for exemption 1. That you are an officer, I'g illative, executive, or Judicial of t.u United States, a State or Territory or the District of Columbia. •i. That y) a *n> a regular oi duly ordained minister of re||(ion S. That you were on May 18, 19H a student preparing for the min istry In any recognized theological or divinity school. 1. That you are in the military or naval service of the United States. 5. That you are a subject ol Germany. whether you have taken put papers or not. M. Tnat you are a rettid nt aliet who has not taken out first pa pi is In addition to claims for exemp ,i n claims Iff diactiarge nty .in n ide «.|i Ml* of tne lal'ium. grounds which are the only grounds for discharge by a local 1. That you are a county or mu nicipal officer. 2. That you ars a customhouse clerk. 3. That you are employed by the Vnitcd States In th? transmissiir 'of mails. J 4. That you ar." an artificer ot ; workman employed in an armory , arsenal or navy yard of the United States. 6. That you are employed in the ' service of tbe United States (under cert tin condition*). Sea paragrapu '(e) of section 20, Regulations. ti. That you are a licensed pi lot regularly employed in tne pur suit 01 your vocation. J. That you aru a mariner ac tually employed in tue sea service oi any citizen or merchant witni i tne united States. 8. Tnat you are a married man with a wife or child dependent upon you lor support. ». Tnat you i.avj a widowea mother dependent upun yoj for I support. lit. That you have aged or infirm parents dependent upon your labor lor support. 11. mat you arc tne father of a motherless child und_*r ltt depend ent upon your labor for support. 11, mat you afe a brother of an child or children under 16 dependent upon your labor for sup poi t. Ij. That you are a member ol any well recognized religious sect or organization orgilnizeu and ex istent, May ID, 1917, and wnosj tnen existing creed or principles forbade its meinbers to participate in war in any form, and wnosa reugious principle are against war or partici pation therein in accordance with the creed or principles ol said organizations. inese ai_- ilie only grounds for exemption or uiacuargj oy local bxunis. VKI-H DAYS AFTER FILING *"t:LAi»l TO I'.i.ri PHOor. Your claim of exemption or dii charge must be liied witnin seven day's of tne day on notice to you tnat you are called was posted and mai/ed. Hut aitjr you nave liled your claim tor exemption or discnarge you have ten tlays iu which to tile proof. 'ine method of proving claims is very simple but it is ratner exact.. If you follow the rules given beio.v you will have done what is required oi you. first. Go to the local boards ana the regulations to find out the lorin number of tne afiidavits that yo.i must submit for your particular claim. Ask the board for the blank ai>idavits that are necessary in presenting you»' bfoo.; if the board has not the forms, a».t to consult the pamphlet ol tor.ns. 'i hird. Have Ine aifidavits prop erly accomplished and return tlie.n to the board within the time ii.nit assigned you—lo days lrom the fil ing of your claim. Ki member : (a) you must submit your proof in the prescribed form and tne board has no authority to exempt or uischarge you unless you submit all tne afiidavits required by regu lations. (b) There will be no argument beiore the board and no proof other than the prescribed affidavits un less the board calls for. other proof which it will do in only a limited number of cases. » IX—WHEN CLAIMS ARB DE CIDED. Every claim (or exemption or dis charge will be decided oy the local boara witnin three day* after your affidavits have been liled. X-CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION OK DISCHARGE. If your claim is alloVed your cer titicate of exemption or will bo issued to yoy. Remember : (a) This certificate may bj re called at any time. lib) If it is temporary or condi tional, it becomes of no eflect w.ien tue time or tne condition name 4 are lullilled. (c) Vou have been drawn for mil itary service and wnen tne condi tion that has postponed your post ing to the colors ceases you may otr retailed at any time. (d) Remember that your case may still be appealed t i dis trict board by.tne and •in tnis appeal your certuicate may be withdrawn at once When so with drawn you stand precisely as mougn you had been selected for military service by tne local JSard. XI—ADVERSE DECISION ON CLAIM. If your claim is disallowed by the locai board your name will be cer tified and sent by local board to tne district board as one wno has been called for military service and not exempted or uitcnargeu. 'Within two days thereafter, if prac cable, a list of taose so certified to tne district board will be git en to tne press with a request fo.- publication, will be posted in tne olflce of tne local board accessible to tne public view, and notice will be mailed to tne address on yojr registration card. - i nerefore, if you have filed a claim for exemption and proof is support thereoi, watch the notices in tne office of the local board be ginning about five days after you nave Hied your proof to see wnat disposition was made of your case anu make arrangements for tne prompt receipt of mail. XII—HOW TO CIAIM APPEALS TO DISTRICT BOARDS. Claims of appeal may be made by a person witnin ten uays after the day when notice has been posted and mailed that such person's name .ias been certified t > tne district board as one wno has been called for service and not exempted or discharged. Thereiore, if you desire to ap peal— 1. Go to the local board and get or copy Form US or 154 for filing your claim of appeal. a. Oet or copy Form 151 or 152 for notifying tne district board of appeal. J. Pile your claim of appeal (153 or 154) with the local board. 4. Send your notice of appeal form 151 or 15/> to tie dlitrict board. j 5. Do this within 10 days from the day when notice that your name wa(i certified to the distilet boaru was posted and mailed. Renumber: 1. That you can only appeal the final order of the board exempting board exempting or discharging or refusing to exempt or discharge .Vou. You can not appeal other or ders or actions Of the local boards. XIII—PROVING YOUR APPEAL. You have five days after the district board receives your notice that you have filed a claim of up peal in which to file th? evidence additional to that filed by you in the local board, but all such evi dence must consist of affidavits. XIV—DECISIONS ON APPEAL. • The decision on your appeal mtis. be made within five days of the closing of proof, and you will be notified by mail of the action of thrt board on your appeal. XV -CI.AIMS FOR DISCHARGE ON INDUSTRIAL GROUNDS. Only the district board can re ceive claims for discharge on the R round that you are engag-d In idustrjr, including agriculture found to be necessary to the main tenance of the military establish ment, the effective operation of the military forces, or the mainten ance of national interest during the emergency. Such claims must be filed with the district board on or before the filth day after the mailing and posting of the notice that you have been certified bjr the local board as one who has .been- called for. aervice and not exempted or discharged. If you ocsire to IH« such a claim: "L Get or copy at the local or district board Form 101 or 161 a. 2. Fill out properly. 3. File it with the district board within five days after the mailing and posting of notice that your name has oeen certified from the local ooard to the district board. See Section 44, Regulations. XVI—PROOF IN SUPPORT OF INDUSTRIAL CLAIM. Only affidavits can oe used in fil ing proof before the district board of a claim for exemption on indus trial grounds. All sucn affidavits must be fileci within five days after the filing of the claim. ' XVII— DEISIONS OF DISTRICT BOKDOX INDSTRIAL CLAIM. Within five days after the clos ing of proof in any industrial cla.m tne district board must decide tne claim. If the decision of the district board is in favor of the claim tne board will issue- a certificate of discharge. If the decision is against the claim the district board will so notify you. Remember that you have been called for military service ayd tnat the certificate of the district board is only conditional on your remain ing in the kind of industrial service on account of which you are dis charged. No such exemption shall continue when, a cause therefor no longer exists and your certificate of discharge may be withdrawn or modified by the district board at any time that the board shall determine that the circum stances require, it. XVIII—APPEALS OF INDUSTRI AL CLAIM TO THE PRESIDENT. Only decisions of district boards on industrial claims for discharge can be appealed. If you desire to appeal the decis ion of the district board to the President, you may do so within 7 days of the date of mailing to you of the decision of the'district board. To perfect your appeal— 1. Get or copy from the district or local board Form 163. 2. Fill out the form and file it with the district board. 3. Do this within seven days af ter the mailing of notice to you of the decision of the district bqjira in your case. XIX—HOW YOU WILL BE NOTI FIED THAT YOU HAVE BEEN SELECTED FOR MILITARY SERVICE. As soon as your case is finally disposed of, tue adjutant general of ydur State will notify you by mail that you have been selected for military service. Your local boards will post a list of all persons selected for mil itary service in a place at the of fice of the local boards accessible to public view. Tne local board will also give lists of persons se lected for military service to tne press with requests /for publication. XX. Notice that you have been select ed for military service will not nec essarily order you into service. The notice to report for military service will come wnen the Gov ernment is ready to receive you. E. H. CROWDER, Provost Marsnal General. Germans Drown Prisoners. Thirty-eight members of the crew of the British steamship Belgiin Prince tfere drowned deliberately by the German submarine which sank her, according to the account given by survivors- who ; have reached British shores. The chief engineer, who many times after tne steamer was torpedoed was peril ously near drowning, gave the fol lowing narative of his experiences ; "About eight o'clock on Tuesday evening when we were 200 miles off land, I saw the wake of an ap proaching torpedo. The vessel gave a lurch as she was hit and I was thrown to the deck among the de bris. The vessel listed heavily and all of us took to the boats. "The submarine approached and shelled the vessel and then ordered the omall boats alongside the sub marine. The skipper was summon ed and taken inside. The others were mustered on the deck of the submarine. "The Germans removed the life belts and outer clothing of all ex cept eight of us, smashed the life boats with axes and then re-enter ed the submarine and closed the hatches, leaving us on deck. The submarine went about two miles and then submerged. '"I had a life belt. Near me was an apprentice boy of 1J shouting for help. 1 went to him and held him up until midnight, but he be came unconscious and died of ex posure. At daylight I saw the Belgian prince afloat. I was pick ed up after 11 hours in the water by a patrol boat." The second emgineer also was a survivor, and succeeding in reach ing the Belgian Prince before she blew up. The Germans came on board and looted her, he reported. He was in hiding, but finally jump ed Into the sea and kept afloat in the wreckage. The only other knovn survivor is too ill in a hos pital to tell his story. You Can Cure That Backache. Pain along the tack, diulneaa, Headache and gennerai languor. Get a package of Mother la ray's Australia Leaf, the pleaaat I root and bt rb cure for Kldoey, Bladder and I'rlnary troublea. Wbju you teal an rundown, tired, weak and without energy um« »hl» remarkable combination f nature* kerbs and roota. As a regulator It has DO equal. Mother Gr»y*s Australian-Leaf Is Mold by Druggists or sent by mall for 00 ots Ham pi« sent free. a oa rasa, Tue Moin«r Uray u.. u Kor, K. T. Kddie Briggs, 14 years old, ac cidentally fell into the reservoir al Trenton Mills, Uaatonia, and was drowned. tttoMsrh satf Liver Trooblr*. No end of misery and actual suf fering is caused by disorders o{ the stomach and liver, and may be avoided by the use of Chamber lain's Tablets. Give them a . trial. They only cost a quarter. Herman C. Smith, defaulting ban k cash ler of Qoldeboro, charged with a shortage of upwards of #BO,OOO, sentenced to four years in the State prison in 1914, is out. His. term was shortened hy time allowance for good behaviour. Break your Cold or LaGrippe with few doses at 666. MR TAX MEASURE - POTIN HNKLFOEIM REVISED BILL 18 REPORTED TO THE SENATE Bl FINANCE COM j MITTEE. NO PROVISION FOR BONOS Reported Bill Provide# For Approxi mately $2,000,000,000 For War Ex peneee.—lncreaee Taxee on Liquors, j Beer, Wlnea, Profits, Etc. Washington.—The war tax bill, un der revision since May 24, was pat into final form for report to the Sen ate by the finance committee. It pro- Tides for approximately $2,000,000,000 in taxes to meet war expenses, but makes no provision for further bond authorizations. The bill was Increas ed $133,000,000 over the total as it passed the House. About $327,000,000 was added during the last week be cause of the latest war estimates. Senators LaFollette, Gore and Thom as a separate report advocating higher tax levies. The new increase of $327,000,000 over the committee's original draft is distributed approximately among the following additional leves: On corporate incomes, $162,000,000. Additional sur taxes on individual incomes of $15,000 and over, $27,600,- 000. Distilled spirits, $96,000,000. ' Beer, $12,500,000. ' Wines, $17,000,000. '« War excess profits, $6,000,000. n I Bank checks, $2,000,000. Floor, or stock, taxes on sugar, cof fee, tea and cocoa, $6,000,000. Total $327,000,000. The additional levy on incomes of corporations applies also to partner ships, joint stock companies and es •soclatlons, including life insurance companies. Their normal income tax is increased to Six per cent, four per cent more than the present law, and two per cent above the oringlnal House and committee program. The increased surtaxes fall entirely on individuals having income* of $16,- 000 or above. FEW EXEMPTIONS FOR GOVERNMENT EMPLOYES Postal Carriers, Clerk* or Laborers Not to be Exempted. Washington.—A ruling by the post office department showß that the de partment officials will make few re quests for exemption from military service. Postmasters are Instructed not to ask for exemplton for carriers or laborers or for clerks in second class offices below the SI,OOO grade, clerks In flrst class offices below the sl*loo grade, or any above these grades un less they are qualified distributors of mall. The ruling Is the first formal action by an executive department In com pliance with President Wilson's order directing that department officials in* icadet exemptions and that the re quirement of indispensabillty be rig idly enforced. As generally con strued the postal ruling shows the purpose of the administration ot make the government departments leaders in freeing valuable employes for war service. The entre mail carrier force, num bering thousands of men, of whom a considerable percentage are within the draft age limits, Is excluded from exemption unless tot physical reasons tor because they have dependent fam> illes. Every portion of the country is reached by the ruling, as even the rural carriers are included. The department's ruling in regard to clerks, leaves railway mall clerks within the exemption class, as they are highly specialised distributors. Provost Marshall General Crowds* took steps to reduce the number ef exemptions because of dependent fam ilies. Instructions were sent to the governors of all states pointing oat that the minimum pay of soldiers Is now S3O a month and that local hoards must consider whether a man's d» pendents could not be supported a* that amount. U. 8. POSTAL AGENCY EBTABLIBHEO IN FRANCS Washington.—American soldiers at the front no ware receiving their null without interruption, as a result at the establishment of the United Statea postal agency in France, Postmaster General Burleson announced. A corva ot experienced workers, under the di rection of Marcus H. Bunn, is hand ling mall matter at the base post, office and at branches established Paris, the training camps, and at th« American V>rt of debarkation. OKLAHOMANB ARM TO REBIBT CONSCRIPTION DRAFT Shawnee, Okla.—One hundred and fifty men Mid to hare gathered with the Intention ot resitting the selective draft were reported here to have gath ered at Rock Oroealng on the Booth Canadian river, on the boundary be tween Seminole and Hughes counties. This point was selected to be the re sisters' base ot operations. Roy Craae, a apdaHs tagltator. was arrested at HofdensTllle. He carried a grip filled with ammunition. ' Ask Aayoae Who Hsa rWd lu There are families who always aim to keep a bottle ot Chamber lain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy in the house (or us 3 in case it is needed, and find that it is not only a good investment but aavea them no end ot suffering. Aa to Its reli ability ask any one who haa used it adv. Five persons were instantly killed and two others fautlly in jured when a train collided with an automobile at a railroad cross ing at Crossville, Tenn. Four of the ffVe killed instantly were wo men and the two fatally injured were women. One 6f the latter died in a short time. Tbe war tax with prohibition outlook brought the total of with drawals of whiskey from bonded warehouses during July up to 28 million gallons, three times the normal and higher than any month for 23 years. The entire volume of withdrawals was in eastern, middle western and sooth era districts. SEE "ay o%? * it will get youhome wt\ ' I HE new* Fisk Cementless Patch for ' auto tires haa the strength where yoa want it. It's thick in the center. Cover* \tr3P" a ' at B er cut > hut because all waste rub- her is eliminated costs less. Most W WrM lf\j I efficient and best value tire patch on JK yM _yS>/ j the market—the best insurance you'll ffSSiitfj* if I get home. This patch is one of the Imany standard value W_ RISKL TIRE SUNDRIES \ There's no higher quality anv |p v \ where. No motorist should be witb ■ w \ out them. Among the best known J) Fisk Sundries are Fisk Emeigency VP Patches, Pure Fine Para Cement in cans and/ Fisk Repair Flik Tint For Sole By j Moon Motor Car Co To Whom It May Concern: This is to notify all users of automobile, bicycle and motor cycle casings and 'tubes that they are doing their bank account a fearful injustice in not using Pennsyl vania Rubber Company's goods. The best—no others sold here equal to them. A wri'.ten guarantee. Should one go bad, then the most liberal settlement. Ask those using Pennsylvania Rubber Company's goods. See me'&r waste your money. Very truly, W. C. THURSTON, Burlington, . . N. C I Promise Every accommodation consistent with Safe Merchandising. I Want Your Business v The proper service will retain it. Your Dollar Will buv as much from me as the other fellows. FULL LINE OF DRY GOODS, NOTIONS AND GROCERIES. J. W. HOLT, - Graham, N. C. WANTED CEDAR LOGS Until December 24th, 1917 r , Any quantity, delivered at my mill near Graham Depot, or conveniently piled on any public road leading to Graham or Burlington where we can reload on truck. This service will extend for several miles around. Price high. Terms Cash. For in formation 'phone 541-W ;H. CURRIE WALKER, Agt., GEO. C. BROWN CO., Graham, N. G. Greensboro, N. C. Safest Druggist Sells E-RU-SA Pile Cure Becauae It oontalna no opiate*, 110 lead, no belladonna, no polionoui drug. Ail other Pile medicine containing Injurous narcotic and otber potions nun constipation and damage all wbo one tbem, K-KU-BA cures or (to paid. Hayes Drag Co., Sole Agents, Graham, N.C. Re-Sale of Valuable Farm, Pursuant to an order of the Su perior Court of Alamance county, made in a special proceeding tAerein pending, entitled J. H. May ban ana others vs. Fannie Tise and others, to which all the devisees of the late W. F. Mayhan are duly constituted parties, the undersigned Commissioner will offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bid der, on SATURDAY. AUGUST 18, 1917, at IS o'clock, noon, upon the prem ises Immediately in front of the residence of the late W. F. Mayhan the following described real prop erty, to-wit: A certain tract or parcel of land situate in Pleasant Grove town ship, Alamance county, North Car olina, adjoining the lands of John A. Warren, Thomas A. Blanchard and others, and containing one hun dred and sixty acres, more or less, it being the plantation upon which the said W. F. Mayhan lived up to his death, and upon which his son, C. N. Mayhan, has since lived. Terms of saie: ■ One-third ot the purchase price to be paid in money down, ana the other tyo-thtrds to be paid in equal installments at si* and twelve months, the deferred payments to be evidenced by bonds of the purchaser, bearing interest at six per cent, from date of sale. Sale to remain open twenty days for ad vance bids, and made subject "to confirmation by, the court. This is a re-sale and bidding will start at $2750. This July 41, 1917. J. DOLPH LONG, , Commissioner. • ! . ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of UUee Walker, deceased, sil persons holding claims against said esUta are lierebj notified to present the sans, tauljr authenticated, on or before tlx »tb day of July, 1018, or ibis notice *lll be pleaded in bar of their recovery; and >ll persona In debted to said estate are requested to make Immediate settlement. This July 17, 1917. CLAUD CATEB. Adm'r MJulSt of Giles Walker, dee' I, ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE Having qualified as Administrators of the estate of Andrew OerrlDger, deeeased. the undersigned hereby notifies all persona bold ins olalms against the said estate to present the same, duly authenticated, on ortx-rore the 20th day of July, IVIB, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of tbeir recovery; and all persons Indebted to said eaube are request ed to make Immediate settlement. This July nth. 1».7. ~ CLAUD CATKB. Adm'r IVJulst of Andrew derringer, deed. Notice To Automobile Owners. „ The Town Commissioners have passed an ordinance that all automo biles must keep on the right hand side of Main-St. between Harden St. and Court House Square, and al au tomobiles stopping on Main Street between Harden Street and the Public Square must be headed North when stopped on the East side ot said street and headea South when stopped on West side ot said street. All automobiles passing around the Court House Square must go to the right All violators will be fineo (10 and cost. W. H. BOS WELL, , i i Chief of Polio*.

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