THE GLEANER GRAHAM, N. C., Aug. 9, Postofllcn Hours. Offlo open 7.0U a. tu. t0 7. 0il p. m. (DUdsr MO to IJ JO ». m. «nd 4.00 to LOO p. m J. M. McCHACKEN. PoitnuMr. RAILROAD SCHEDULE: : J. V' - I mmmmmammm GOING EAST — No. .112 (mixed) due 1:45 a. m. "108 " 9:17 " " 22 " 5:00 p.m. QOINQ WIST — No. 11l (mixed) due 5:2 a. m. " 21 " 11:13 V " 139 «' " 6:15 p.m. \ll trains carry mail, and Nob. 21,2%, 108 and 139 carry express. + ♦ ♦ LOCAI. .tBWS. + ti i n 111 n 1111 i n 11111 nit —Mr. M. R Rives has bought.a new Ford. —The County Commissioners were in session Monday "ftnd Tuesday. —Mr. E. S. Parker, Jr., spoke at Saxapahaw last night in behalf of the Red Cross work. He is repor'ed to have made an excellent Bpeecb. —Special Communication Thos. M. Holt Lodge No. 492, A. F. & A. M.., Friday night 8:00 o'clock. Work in Third. Visiting brethren invited. J. Habvby White, W. M. J. 8. COOK, Sec'y. —The Southern Dell Telephone and Telegraph• Co., who bought out the Independent Alamance Tele phone Co. several months ago, iB having the underground cables laid by the latter taken up. Instead of taking up the cables fell telephone lines in town should be underground. "Jitney" Party. Saturday night at 8 o'clock there will be a lawn party on the Court House Square for the benefit of the Red Cross. Everybody is cordially in vited to come and bring a pocket full of nickels to spend for this good cause. Rev. W. R. Davis Tenders Resigna tion. Rev. W. R. Davis, Pastor of the Baptist church, tendered his resig nation Sunday morning to take effect the first of October, when he enters the Seminary for a year's study. Mr. Davis has been here less than a year and has made a good impression. V Icecream Supper and Box Party at Bethany. There will icecream supper and box party at Bethany church, H miles south of Graham, Saturday night, Aug. 11th, for ihe benefit of tbe church. The public is cordially invited to attend. Third Regt. Band Will Visit Dur ham. The Third Regiment Band with headquarters here will go to Dur ham Sunday to spend two or three days,. The Durham company will be leaving for the training camp in a few days and the band is invited to attend a series of entertain ments the Durham people have planned for their boys. Hocutt-Petteway. Last night at 8.30 o'clock at the residence of the bride's sister, Mrs. Bob't L. Holmes, on Albright Ave, Mr. Walter Raleigh Petteway o 1 Tampa, Fla v and Miss Naomi Ho cutt of Oraham were united in marriage, Rev. W. R. Davis offi ciating. After the ceremony the bride and groom left for Greens boro where they took the train for Waynesville. . They will spend a short while in the mountains before going to their home at Tampa. The homw was tastefully decorated, the color scheme being yellow and green- Mr. Hubert Petteway, brother fo the groom, was best man. Miss Lucile Holmes, niece ot the bride was maid of honor and Mrs. Holmes presided at the piano. The guests were confined to the immediate family. Those present were: Miss Nannie Petteway of Tampa, Fla„ Mr. and Mrs. John Hocutt of Chape! Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Goodman of Ashevllle, Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Flan igan of Greensboro and Mr. ana Mrs. Phillips of Oxford. Mr®. Petteway is the youngest daughter of Mrs. Hocutt and the late Rev. John C. Hocutt, and is a most excellent and amiable young woman whose friends are numbered by -her acquaintances. Mr. Pette way is a lawyer by profession ana Uvea at Tampa, Fla. Their many friends wish them unbounded hap piness. Fanners' institutes, Aug. 13 and 14. The Famere' Institute of Ala mance county will be held at Elon College Aug. 13th and at Snow Camp Aug. 14th. Mrs. McKira moD, State Demonstration Agent, is very anxious that there be the largest representation possible of all the ladies who are in any way interested in canning in glass at these meetings. Miss .4jtcbacffer, Asst. State Agent, will be present and give demonstrations in can ning in glass, which will be of great value to each lady interest ed in this work. Every Canning Club member within reach is nrged to attend these meetings and 1 use every in fluence to get all the ladies of the community to attend. Negro men, women anl chil dren, estimated to number 10,000, marched down Fifth avenue, New York city, in a "silent protest" parade against the race riots in East St. Loais and other sections. Except for a fife and muffled drnm corps the marchers had no music, but carried hundreds of banners inscribed with various legends of protest. ♦ • ♦ PERSONAL. + * * ♦♦♦♦♦«♦♦♦ !♦♦♦♦♦) WW Ex-Bheriff R. T. Kernodle was here this morning on business. Mr .lohn M.' Foust of Newlln township wni in town this morn ing Mr. Euell McAdams of Greensboro is spending a few days at his homa here. Mr. Ralph Long of Winston-Sa lem spent yesterday at his home here. Mr. W. B. Sellars of Plrosant Orove township-was in town Satur day on business. Mr. Broad W. Johnston and daughter, Hiss Lucilet, near here, left yesterday for Clayton on • a Mr. and Mrs. John Estlow and lit tle daughter of SchoolflMd, Va.. came Saturday afternoon and are spending a few days here with relatives. • , Mrs. J. W. Menefee spent Sunday in Winston-Salem. Miss Kathleen Long speqt Tues day in Duiham. -\ Mr. and Mrs. £. D. Scott spent Saturday and Sunday in Raleigh. Miss N irine Faucette of Norfolk is visiting Miss Frances Moore. Mr. J. Elmer Long is attending oonrt-at Pittsboro this week. Miss Rebecca Scott left Tuesday for Whiteville for a visit. Misses Helen and Nell Simmons of Durham spent the week-end here visiting friends. Mr. Ilenrv M. Rich, near Snow Camp, is visiting here at the home of hiß son, Mr. Jim H. Rich. Misses Mamie Turner, Alice Johns and Eugenia Banks of Raleigh are visiting Mrs. H. W. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Cooper and chil dren of Glade Valley are visiting at Mrs. W. L. Cooper's, near here. Mrs. Sabra Ilutchins of Gulf, N. C., left Tuesday for her home after a visit to her aunt, Mrs. Geo. S. Rogers, near here. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Sykes, Mrs. W. H. Foushee, Miss Kate Alder man and Mr. Tom Alderman of Greensboro spent Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Thompson's. Mr. and Mrs. Will I. Holt and lit tle daughters, Misses Nell and Mary Lou, of Wilmington and Mrs. Wil liam Purse of Charleston, S. C, are visiting at Mr. W. P. Smith's. Local Exemption Board in Session. Tuesday, yesterday and today were appointed by the Board for the ap pearance of those called in the first army draft. The Board is sitting at its offices in tlie First National Bank bui'ding, Burlington. Altraance's quota on the first call was 165 men, and 330 were summoned from whom to select the number required. These men were summoned to appear in three squads of 110 each on the three several days. As yet it is not learn ed what percent of those called have passed such physical examination as will be acceptable to admit them to the ranks. Some have been turned down for reasons which incapacitate them lo the lile of a soldier. Not a few have filed applications for ex emption, some of them having rea sonable grounds upon which to base their claims, while others ak-fcroat ter of fact have no grounds at all worth considering. The task of the Board, so far as it is empowered to allow exemptions, is not au easy one. There are those who will ask the Board to favor them on personal grounds, perhaps, but they forget that the Board has a con science and that it has a sworn duty to perform for the government, and that no personal grounds will have anything to do with exempting or not exempting any of those who may be called, 'ltie Boord is the govern ment's agent and it will deal with each case on its merits, regardless of whom its decision affects. This is the only course it can pursue and maintain self-respect and the respect of tbow with whom they will deal in the discharge of their sworn duty. Lawyers' Services Free to Soldiers. We, the undersigned practicing attorneys in Alamance county, hereby agree that we will, without charge, perform anyservice, such as drawing powers of attorney, deeds and wills,, or advising as to arrangements to be made .concern ing property, for any person who has volunteered, or has been ac cepted from Alamance county as a soldier to serve his country. PARKER & LONG. LONG & LONG. J. 8. COOK. • W. L WARD. J. J. HENDERSON. HEENAN HUGHES. VERNON ft COULTER. E. S. W. DAMKRON. W. H, CARROLL. » I. C. MOBER. D. R. PONVILLE. T. C. CARTER. To stimulate interest in the nation-wide canning campaign the National Emergency Food Garden Commission announces that it will give $5,000 in prizes for the best canned vegetab es shown at town exhibits and at couuty and State fairs in September and October. NOT ENOUGH CHILDREN ever receive the proper balance of fftd | to sufficiently nourish both body and brain during the growing period when nature's demands are greater than is mature life. This is shown ia so many pale faces, lean bodies, frequent colds, and lack of ambition. For all suck children we say with unmistakable earnestness: They need Scott's Bmulsion, and need it now. It possesses in concentrated form the very food elements to enrich their blood, ft change* weakness to strength; it makea them sturdy and atroug. No alcohol. x I c MEXICAN PROGRAM \.'i The following is the program for the week 6egiiining Aloud*), Aug. 13. MONDAY NIOHT. Hearts and Flom L Ko in 2-pari« Hatton of Headquarters Imp in 1-part Law and Juatice Big U in 1-part TUESDAY NIOHT. Three Women of France Rex in 2-parts Animated Weekly N> 7!f Special in 1-pari Minding The B.iby Nestor in 1-part. ( WEDNESDAY NIGHT. Kicked Out I s * Victor in 2-parts Monkey Love , Powers in 1-part Kitchenella Joker in 1-part THURSDAY NIOHT. A Limb of Satan' Gold Seal in 3-pjris. Shorty Harnil on Special in 2-parts Meet My Wife Victor in 1-part. FRIDAY NIOHT. Double Suspicion Bison in 2-parta. Universal Screen Magazine No. 27 Special in 1 part The Paper Hanger's Revenge Victor in 1-part SATURDAY NIOHI. Patria 2-parts featuring Mrs. Vernon Castle Money Madness Butterfly in 5-parts Beginning August 15, the gov ernment war risk itmurauco bu reau will increase from 5 to 6J- per cent, the insurance rat£s for ves sels and cargoes sailingVfrom American ports for Europe and for African ports on tha Mediter ranean, and from these ports to America. The increase is made necessary, it is stated, 'because of the war. Lieutenant James It. Dickinson of the personal guard of J Iferson Davis, president of the Confed eracy, died Tuesday a week at Lee Camp Soldiers' Home, Richmond, Va., aged 80 years. He was i na tive of Virginia. Mr. Dlckinsou accompanied President Davis when he left Richmond at the time of the evacuation by the troops of the Confederacy. Seven years at hard labor in the United States disciplinary bar racks at Fort Leavenworih is tin sentence Private Otto Liidwi#, Third Aero Squadron, must serve formpking disrespectful remarks about President WiiAon and the American flag, and for threaten- \to desert to the Germ .ris if -MUt to France. Ludwig was con victed by a court martial at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. D. G. Scofield, former president of the Standard Oil Company ot California, and more recently chairman of the Hoard of direc tors, shot and killed himself at his home at Oakland, Cal. Despond ency due to grief for the death of his wife Ave years ago is believed to have been responsible. He was 74 years old. Scofield was one of the founders of the Standard Oil corporation. Danville, Va., has had near-race clashes several times recently and guards have been on duty to pre vent out-breaks. A crowd of sol diers seized a negro a few days ago to throw him into the river on account of some remarks he made, but he was rescued. : i Secretary of War Haker haij asked Congress UP pay troop. A, North Carolina cavalry, located at Lincolnton, for safeguaidiug bridges after war was declared. Capt. W. A. Fair aud his troops responded promptly, sltbou.h tin y had been mustered out of Federal service. The bill is for one day's service and expenses—about ss' J. Charles Fleischmaun, son of Jalins L. Fleischmaun, former mayor of Cincinnati, was instant ly killed when the hydro-airplane in which he was flyiu# uoiiipsed in Great South bay, New York. Harry Wittz, pilot ot the machine, was aUo killed. LEMONS WHITEN AND BEAUTIFY THE SKIN Make this Beauty Lotion (Ueapl) for Voir Face, Mark, Arm • and Hands. At the cost of a Ha mil )ir of or dinary cold crpam one can prepare a full quarter pint of tle most wondeful lemon skin soften r an> complexion beautifier, by »|uccv.- in* the Juice of two lemon* into a bottle containing three ounc -H ol • orchard white. Care should he ta ken to strain the Juice throjjh ■ fine cloth ao no lemon pulp g?t» in then thla lotion will >e fresti for months. Every woman knows that lemon Juice is used t> bl-act arm and remove such blemi*h » a» freckles, sallowncss and tan anl i:t the ideal akin loften i. whitenet apd beautifier. Just try it I Oct three oun? * ol orchard white at any store and two lemons from t te gr rcvr and make up a quarter pint of this sweetly fragrant lotion ait mat sage it daily into the face, n ck, (and hands. It Is marvelous to amoothen rough, red hands. GENERMDDW HOI 181 TROOPS MAJOR GENERAL WILL"""HAVB NOTHING TO OO WITH TRAIN ING OF MEN. 0 - ANNOUNCEMENT SURPRISING , 1 New Ordar Issued By Department R» lieving All Commander* of Thai Duty.—Supervision of Training te * Devolve on the Dlvlalon Officer*. An announcement that will be r» celved with a great deal of Interest and no Inconsiderable disappointment, particularly throughout the south, U that making It known that MaJ. Gen Leonard Wood, now commander ol the department of the southeast and the ranking officer of the United States army, will have nothing to do with the training of the of thousands of young men to be sen# to the train' lng camps In his department. And just as General Wood will be relieved of any connection with the training of the men, so will the other department commanders be relieved of that responsibility, and the duty of supervising the training of the great number of young men to make up the army being prepared for the war with Germany will rest upon division com manders, of whom there will be scores and who afe yet unnamed. This is due to an order recently is sued by the war department, which, op to this time, has not been pub lished, taking the duty of supervising the training of the men at the va rious camps away from the depart ment commanders and placing It with the division or camp commanders, who will be at the various training camps. Therefore, with the arrival ol troops at a camp In any of the de partments, the responsibility of the commander of that department for the discipline at that camp, lta rules, regulations, or any connection what ever with the camp will cease except, of course, that he will continue to be commander of the department, but that department headquaretrs will be come really little more than a supply depot, storeroom, or quartermaster's depot. And as Is General Wood relieved of this responsibility In the department of the southeast so art the other de partment commanders, Generals Bell, Barry, Parker and the others, who are the highest officers In the regu lar army. UNCLE SAM TAKE HAND TO PUNISH DRAFT REBISTERB Government Act* Quclkly In Oklahoma to End Anti-Draft Riot*. Oklahoma City, Okla. Without waiting for a conclusion of the Btate's campaign against organized resistance to the selective draft In central Okla homa, the United States government moved to punish the 200 men under ar rest In connection with armed opposi tion to military service. Warrants charging treason were served on the prisoners who were taken to the pen itentiary at McAlester or the Jail at Muskogee to await trial at which Uni ted States District Attorney McGlnnls will ask that the death penalty be lm- Imposed. Announcement that extreme punish ment would be asked was expected to aid materially In bringing to terms the few reslssters still sheltered in the hills. Posse* In three counties— Seminole. Hughes and Pottawatomie— reported that Isolated groups refused to surrender, but that they apparently -were discouraged and seeking to avoid an encounter. Determination of the possemen to run down all of the leaders was strengthened by confiscation of half a freight car of dynamlto which had been run on a siding southeast of Sasakwa In Seminole county. An In vestigation Is being made to establish ownership. Clashes between the resistors and pORBes have co»t three lives and nu merous Injuries. Two objectors to the draft have been killed and a traveler ■was shot when he failed to heed a posse's warning to halt. MONEY CIRCULATING HAB REACHED RECORD AMOUNT Washington.—Money In circulation In the United States, the treasury department's circulation statement ■hows, reached a new record August 1. The total on that date wan $4,862,- 084.469, an increase of nearly twenty three per cent within a year. This In cludes gold, silver and all forms of ourroncy, but does not Include money in the treasury which would bring the total up to 16.813,392,894. FOUR BENT TO JAIL FOR FAILING TO REGISTER Hartford, Conn.—Pour men from various part* of the state who failed to register on June 5 for the selective draft were found gul!ty of violation of the act In the federal court and were sentenced to JaM for from one U> aU months. The sis months' sentence was Impoaed on Anthony Orasnitskl, of Brlstcl, vho told the court ho would rather be In Jail than light for the Cnlted State*. He was born In Roscla. STRONG EVIOENCE In the Mtatement of Tliln Iturllngton Woman. Backache is often kidncv ach". A common warning of serious kidney ills. "A fctitch in time save* nine''— Don't delay—use Doan's Kidney Pill* Profit by this near by residents experience. Mrs. J, W. King, near the Pair Grounds, Burlington, N. C'„ saysr "The action >t my kidneys was Ir regular. At times I was nervous and dizzy. I also had backaches and didn't slften well, gstilitt up in the morning feeling all tlr d out. I used Doan's Kidney Pills and they mad« me feel better and stronger in (every way." Nearly three years later Mr*. King arid: "My kidneys haven t caused me any trouble in over"* year. I recommend Doan's Kidney Pill* as highly a* ever." Price 60c at all deal >r*. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedv —get Doan's Kidney Pills—the same Mrs. King ha* twlca pualicly, recommended. Poster-Mil burn Co., Props., Buffalo, N, Y, Commandeering Ships. ( Immediate cotuinindei ring of lIIOHt ol 1 ll*« Vessels Ulllhr COII-' I struct ion in American ship-build-[ I ink plsnts linn Wen decided on by ! I the fliippiiig IxiHrtl. The rle|i in pieliiniiiNry in ilim nqoisitiuiiiug ' of Ani'ericitVi lonitsge already on I Jlio M'lis iinn will !*• tnki-n lo speed cmisirueiion ho Hint Hie jiiiiHl inny »» clmred lor building shlpx tor which the uovtM unit-lit lihh let con tl'HCls There are building in the yards I of Mim country hlmiui "DO ships, totaling more than I,5)(J,II00 iu touimge, most of it for foreign ac count. Hulls mid contractu both will be taken over, the llnal dis -1 position of the foreign craft to be 1 left to negotiations between the Uuiteil States and the goyern+ men tH concerned. The completed American ships will' be retained by the board for operation. A team belonging to Mr. Phin Church was drowned when Mr. Church's boy drove into a swollen stream—Lewis Fork, Wilkes couuty. Dr. Wilson MeConnell of the Davidson College faculty, has beeu selected as oue of 20 nose and throat specialists in the Unit ed States to serve in France. A Union couuty man, Grover McHride, has foursous in the mili tary draft and oue has volunteer ed—live out of one family if all those drafted are taken. A cor respondent of the Monroe Journal says Mr. Ale Bride's chief iegret is that he cau't go with the boys. Chronic Conntlpetlnii. It is by no means an easy matter to cure this diseasa but It can be done in moat instance* by taking Chamberlain's Tabletß and comply ing with the plain printed direc tions that 'accompany each pack age. adv. Fire at lligh I'oint Friday dam aged the dry g >ods store of 11. A. Moffitt, the undertaking establish ment of Loflin & Broekway and the millinery store of Mrs. R. L. Loflin, and wjiter practically com pleted the damage. Loss esti mated at $25,000 to $50,000, cover ed by insurance. Free of Charge. Any adult suffering from cough, cold or bronchitis, isTnvited to call on Graham Drug Co. and get abso lutely free a bottle of BOSCHEE'B CIERMAN SYRUP, a healing and soothing remedy for all lung" trou bles, which has had a successful record of fifty years. Gives the pa tient a good night's rest free from counghing witn free expectora tion in the morning. Regular sizes, !ia and 75 cents. For sale in all civilized countries. British casualties in all theaters of military operations, published in the newspapeas during the month of July, total7l,B32officers and men. The officers killed, wounded or missing total 2,60.", while the men number 69,329. The iKisition of German spies in a belligerent Mexico wonld not be without its perils. Gus A. Price, the Catawba young man who is the tlfeft of an automobile Hen derson, is in jail in default of bond, awaiting "trial at October term of Vance county court. Small Store-house For Rent. Well located cloie to the oeat trade in Graham. Price reasonable and building ready for occupancy now. J. M. McCRACKEN,, •JBnovtf Orabam, N. C Valuable Farm For Sale. CnhHihlinK of 108 acre*, 7 tnilea HOIIIII of (irahain, on aaml clay road leading to Suiapatiaw. Suitable for cotton, tobacco and grain. Must be aold. Apply to T. \ MOON. Graham, N. C. Phone 200-J 2f>juMt ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified a* administrator of the eatats of Al*on liiey, de ceased, late of Alamance o«uny. North Carolina, tin* is to notify all peraona having claim* against the e*tat3 of said decease.! to ex hibit them t:> the undersigned at Burlington, N, C_ on or beiore the 10th day of August, 191«, or thi* notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All person* in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This August Jth, WIJ. CLAUD CATKS, Adm'r Oaugtit of Al*on Isley, deed. Sale of Real Estate By virtue of the power of sale contained In a certain Deed in Trust executed to the Central Loan Si Trust Company on the 14th day of April, 1916, by Geo. K. Coleman and wile, and duly registered in the office of the Hegister of Deed# for Alamance county, in Hook No. 71 of Deeds of Trunt, pa({i; No. 2i, to secure the pay inent of four bonds, and default having been made in the pay merit of said bonds, the undersigned 'i ruslee wilt en poae to public sale to the highest bidder for cash, at the court housr door of Alamance County, on BATUHDA Y, SKPTKMBEK 1. 1917, at 11 o'clock A. M„ the following land conveyed by the said Dee>i in Truat: A certain tract fir parcel of land in Burlington township, Ala mane county, .North Carolina, adjoining the lands of W. K. Hay, Betti.! A. Adams, and other*, arid bonn ie'l -us follows: Beginning at a stone on the line of said W. R. Hay and running thence 62 1-2 deg. H. 117 ft. t» a atone; thence 21 1-4 deg. B. 100 ft. to a atone ai the H .K. corner of lot No. J6 of said Bettle A. Adama; thence N. i/tj 1-2 deg. W. 113 1-2 ft. to a stone; thence 8. 6 1-2 deg. W. 104 1-2 ft. to the beginning, con taining 29-100 acres, and bein? lot No. 33 of the plat of sail Bettle A. Adams. This the 9th day of Aug., 1917. Central Loan St Truat Co., Trustee, pTTHBpIFAD" ' Pf WORTH 09 - 5 par MM ad iddrm nwdil tklt M U4II»" S art front wtth 15« It takr atari l»rMa,ud fit • i ■■FULL SIZE 50c BOX ' | MADAME CAVALIER FACE POWDER I FOR ORIY.ISC AIDTIIS AD-SUP W# want mry woman to know tha and superior quality of MR. " CAVAI ICS'S lIfMITI FACI NVWI and tha satisfaction yon can experience only by actually naina it. Wondarfnllydlffarant from ill others. Haa thai faint lingering fracranco of draam poeies- Jnat a touch of ML MVAIJtt'S exquisitely dainty faoa powder will impart a natural complexion that it beyond criticism and beautiful to look ao aura ara wa that you will use It always, % wa maka thia ramarkabla Introductory offer. aawwwMT IWMIWI at naaaxa axuw aa. t ewteaeo Hayes Drug Co., Graham,fN. C. Read; Far Business! 4 ! - ———— The Graham Elevator Company, located east of the court house on the asphalt street, wishes to announce to the farmers of Alamance and ad joining counties, that it is ready for business. We will buy your wheat and corn and pay you as much as any mill in the county. Also, we will exchange flour for your wheat and meal for your corn. We are also prepared to clean your seed wheat. Give us a trial and be convinced. Yours for buSiness, Graham Elevator Company GRAHAM, N. C H. M. ROGERS, Manager. TAXES FOR 1916 Must Be Paid On Or Before Sept. 3, 1917. The County Commissioners made the following order at their meeting on Aug. 6th: , On motion, duly made, seconed and carried, C. D. Story, Sheriff, was ordered to taxes on or before Sept. 3, 1917, and to advertise the property of all persons who fail to pay taxes owing by said date, and to hold said sale at Court House door, October 1, 1917, after conducting same according to law and after advertising ac cording to law v Let everyone take notice and pay his 1916 taxes —"'before Sept. 3rd. I am compelled to obey the order of the Commissioners. Very truly, C. D. STORY, Sheriff of Alamance County. COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF VAL UABLE REAL ESTATE. Under and by virtue of an ord r of the Superior Court of Alumani county, made in u Special Proci •'!- ing therein pending when l.i all the heTr»-at-Jaw of A lion Inle.v, d - ceased, were duly conitltuted par ties, the undersigned commissi in ert, will* on MONDAY, BBPTKMBEK la I«i7, at 12 o'clock M., at the court ho.jse door of Alamance cbunty, at Ura ham, North Carolina., i»llar for sale at public auction, t j thf hi;;he*t bidder, a certain tra-t uX|iyc.'l of land lying and being in xWnance count.v, Nortn Caroling adjoini.ig the land* of Adellna Cooper, A. Thompson, decease d, Riley Isley, and other*, and boundei a* follow* VU : Beginning at a »t >ni* in 15i>■ center of road to Burll.igto.i, Adeline Cooper'* corner; and run ning thence with her line ft, b,l if-J deg. K. 5 chain* 4 1-2 link* t > a atone on A. Thompson'*, (deceased line; thence with *aid I h >mps »n s line 8, 1% dog. iV. 2 ch* .2.1, link* {'> a atone, Hi ley I*l, y's corner; tuenee with hi* llni S.» H * 2-3 de;. W 1 chain* and 46 link* to a *to,i», said lalej 'a corner in the center of *aid road; thence N. II d.*g. W. 2 ch*. Jfc 1-2 link* to the beginning, con taining I 1-10 acre*, more or I *» Term* of Sale Ont-tnlrd ca*h, one-third in six month* and one third in nine month*, subject to confirmation of court, and title re served until purchase price I* fully paid; deferred payment* to bear lntere*t from day of aate till paid. CLAUD CATBB, K. S. W DAMKRON, Conwni salowr*. Thi* August Bth, 1917. Commissioners' Sale ol Valuable Real Estate. Und*r and by %lrtue of an order of the Su perior «*iurt of Alacounty . nu*l«- In a bpeelai t roce* ding Itirrvln p*uulng N n»-re ln all t«»e the heir»-at-iaw of (illes Wmkir, deceased, w« re uuly con*fltuUti panic*, (hi* undersigned commissioner* will, on TUKBDAY, AUG. 28, 1917, i si eleven o'clock a. m., at the court house door of Alsmance county. al Or«h«iu, North Carolina, off«r for sale at public au»tlon to the blglKut bidder, a o* rtali. tract or parcel of land Ijinar and king in Alamance count y. North Carolina. anjoining tn« land* of C. Hol lars, Martin NcC'tuley. 11. ifouaon and others bounded aa loifow*. Tlx: Beginning al rock In corner of tbn two rthence four chain* and fllty link* wiib road to a roc*; ti«ence North J) Org K 4 chain* and bu link* to a ruck; tbeneo /vuth »t tleg Weal 4 cbatua a«d Uu Uuka with the rued to the btf IIDIUI, containing two acre*, more or leas. Terma of Male-One-third oaab, one-third Id six montan.anu oue-tnnd lu nine mouths, subject to confirmation of Court, »nu title reaarved until purob jv price Is paid ; defer red par men ta to be«r inter cat from Ja y of aaialffi mud. TblsJu ly lUU Itl7. CLAUD CATKH. K. If. W. DAMKBON. Commlaaioners ' Notice of Sale ol Val uable Land. IH-fiiti!t lim ving bean by the grantor* In the payment of Uie ImithttOiiDM accured liV that i « r lit lii deed of truat made lo tne aa TruiiW) f'ir 1110 (Jrae>sl*oro I,lle Iriauraucc 1 oiupany of lirei*uilhru North l'aroiina, by J. W. Mfiirrmi mid wife, f* iiiiiiu W. Mem fee, on the lat da> of April, lull, and recorded In llie office of the tv«tf|fti«r of ttocdaof A a inanri) county In flook tvi at panua 75, ft aej, I will, under and by virtue of tbe pow«r ol rale vi »u«J lu me by said d«« 1 of trust and at the ft ju**l rt the ceaiul que truat, an'. for tbapuipoaeof dl charging tbe uebt secured by Mid deed of proceed to ae|| lu the highest bldoer lor cash, at the it urt hou*e dour In Uraliaui. Alsmatioe county, .Nortb laiolina. at 12 o'clock M., on SATURDAY, AUG. IS, 1917, the following described Uuda, to-wli; riiuite lu tbe touuiy of Alamance and * fate of Nortb Carolina, and more particu larly bouudeu au J drscNbed as loliowa: Kir.t 1 rati, laying and being lu Thompson township, lu Alamance county, Nortb « ero llua, sdJoining lb* 1a d»of Kllaabetli Pick aid. Msiy ra. the laud* formerly owned by J- W Meueiee, *ud oilers, and hounded aa follows; . , . , , iw-ginning at g rock and pointer*. Klliabeth Pick rd's coruer In tald M« nefe*> llua, and tunning llieiioa riarlu »>!, deg KMU cb* to a rock and pointer*, John Varrlegiou* Coruer in MlxaheiU Picks id'* llnr ; ihcuoa N 6(leg * 4 tJn eh* to a nick in Mr a. Hoger*' line; Iben a wiui her line r» I * dug W itf mi cba lo what wm formerly J. W. Jdeneiee s ilo; iln-iH D h> tw deg K Vi.*', rtiß to the flrat atat on, alid i oriUiuing W IV scie*. mora or leas, It b»ing t e siiiio knowi as the Ifyco Farm. reuuiid iract. L>lng aud Oainif in Thomp son toaiiabip. In said Alamance county, on the waters of Haw rit«r, sua bounded as fol low*: lie, Inning at a rock and polntera, tbe north essi ctinu ret 11. U Jones's 2 4 acre iraci. running mence n 6 'leg h "Si.&U übs to a rue*: thati- ««■! dn K3O fi« cba to a rock; tbe nee n Ui deg W a, i ba to a rock ou the liauk ot Haw liver; Uieue«i down s .11 river as It lueamß-.s. including tbe Islauda in said riwi known a* "Nine Aorea" t»i a rook and pointers on tlia nortb side of said liver aoorneio' tne W«ier Power tiaci, conveys loj. W. M'-m-fee i#> w .r». and J A. Ixiig, lii diNMj daia i February f'.tb, IWI>. ,> w* «1» gfc £, cba to a M*k piia; tbelica H ¥> K >*} eua Mia rock; n IH Oi g W 14 cb» to a rock ou tbe norib *lde of Haw rKeraud oaat »iof pop tar braneli, at «*a «-r inar* ol aald ilver, tin in-ginning atatioii of aaid * at* r l ower tract; tb«i**r no*!* said lis* river aa It iiioander* lotto- moutb of Cane cr*ek; tbeuce up sold tHiiie e.i-rk with If a to H, anting i ord. coiner of J. Jdoriow'a e«na' landa; tin in.« t% 61 deg H ,Vt'."»i> cn* to a rock atiu poiutcra; Ibelic4i H hi deg W liifiliibatoa rock; lba> ev N 61 de g W «& uia » oat oik alu p; tnei.c i u | di g W 7a 0 inalo a rock and pointed; the beginning station, and con laming ll«fJ.u* acrea, out to be ibe same he tbere mole or i«sa, It tailug trie major part ol toe pian tatlou known aa tbe Alatou laud. Ttiia tne day of July. IWI7. J. W. I* IIY, Tiuafee.' Ilrooka, .Hapn k KeJly, Auorueys, ial'reusOulOt N. t. Summons by Publication North Carolina - AUmiiirc County. la the Mapcrlur Court. Ilelore the Clerk. Jamea HafMn Murray va. Not ee Marshall Murray. Aiia» Moi• a> Mill. in« d«iebbaiif Hlivvod namt 1 will take no tice that an acion «• aboru haa been U-KUU IN IHE TIUPVFLOR Court of Alamance County Iwiure Uie Clark for the aale ol cer tain laitae Iti Melville to»nahl|>, in the aald county and elal» lor Uiilaiuo: aiu the defen dant Will further uka notice tunt too la re quired to appear before the Clerk ol Mid Court, ou Ihe 4rd day of sepiembei, 1017 aod anawer or demur to the complaint tiled la aald action, or itw plaintiff will api>ly t» the court for in* relief ueuiauded In aald clmplalnt. Tbla Hud day ol Aufuat, IWI7. J. D. KKKNOULK, £auf it Clerk of the ruperlor Court. Another Re-sale of Valuable Land. By virtue of an order ot the Su perior Court of Alamance county, made in a special proceeding therein pending, whereto the heirs at-law and administrator ot J. A. Moser, deceased, were all consti tuted parties, the undersigned com missioners, will on SATURDAY, AUfIUUST U, 1917, at 12 o'clock M., at the court house door in Oraham, offer for re-sale to the highest bidder, the following real property, to-wit; A certain tract of land In Cooie township bounded as follows: Be ginning at a rock, corner with J. i\ Sn&rpe, formerly J. li. Sharpen corner, running thence 21% a eg. E. 0.48 chs. to a rock in W. A. w, Sharpe's line, corner with school iot No. 9; thence t*. oa deg. W. 60 to a rock, corner with ssld lot; thence N. 21 i-i deg. B. luo to a rock in lioU't line, cor ner with said lot; thence N. 88 deg. W. 8.40 chs. to a rock and hickory tree witn top cut off; thence tt. deg. W. 7.08 chs. to a rock on soutii side of public road to Ueile mont Cotton Mills, thence 8. 60 2-3 deg. B. 4.72 ens. to the beginning, and containing 5.4 acres, more or less. This lot has on It a build ing occupied by Claude Moser as a residence. Terms of Sale: One-third In cawa; one-third in six months and one-third in sine months. Sale suo- Ject to confirmation oy the Clerk, and title reserved till fully paid for. Deferred payments to bear interest from day of sale till fully paid. Bidding will begin at |o27«>. This July 24th, 1817. J. 8. COOK, U. S. W. DAMEROK, Commissioners. Commlsslones' Sale of Valnable Real Estate at GlbsonvUle, N. C Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Alamance county, made in a special pro ceeding therein pending wherein alt tne heirs-af-law of Andrew derringer, deceased, were duly con stituted parties, the undersigned commissioners will, on TUESDAY, AUGUST 28, 1017, at 1 o'clock, p. m. on the premises hereinafter described, offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder, a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the sub urbs of the town of Uibsonvllle, Al amance county, North Carolina, ad joining the lands of Marion Smith, and others, bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake, Marion Smitu's corner, running thence with his line S. 88 deg. K. 6 chs. and 34 links to a atone on said line; thence S. 2 deg. W. 3 chains and IT links to a stone, thence N. 88 deg. W. 0 chains and 34 links to a stone, thence N. 2 deg. E. 3 chains and 17 links to the beginning, and con taining two acres, more o» Jcs*: the same being the land owned ana oc cupied by said Andrew Oerrlnger up to the time of hi» death add upon which hia widow now resides. On this land is a six-room dwell ing and out houses, and the land lies on both sides of the macadam road leading to Elon College, North Carolina. Terms of 8ale: One-third cash, one-third in six months and one third in nine months, sabiect to confirmation of court and title re served until purchase price is pal'i; deferred payments to bear interest from day of sale" till paid. E. S. W. DAMERON, - CLAUD CATEB. Commissioners. July 20th, 1917. LUCKY is the man who owns a Waltham—but only the man who has car ried a Waltham Watch for thirty or forty years knows what a fine investment a rood iYValtham is. "J ft Time You Owned a Waltham." Cone In and talk watch with ML e arc tor Wahfcaa Waichet and carry a rnmaiiia •••oruaent, of ail grade*. Z. T. HADLEY JEWELER RAHAM. N. C Warning to Delinquent Tax-Payers. Your town tax for 191G have been due since Oct. 1, 1910. If you do not want to be embarrassed by hav ing your property advertised or your wa«es garnisheed, please call at my office in Holt-Nicholson Building anil settle at once. u 1 also have a few who have not paid their 1914 and 1915 taxes. A. G. AUSLEY, j 7june Tax Collector, i

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