THE GLEANER • 1 GRAHAM, N. 0., Ang. 16,1917. Posmfllee Hours. . Offlo open T.OU a. m. to 7.00 p. m. Snndar >.OO toll.ooa.ia- and 1.00 toß J. M. McCRACKEN, Postmaster. RAILROAD SCHEDULE. GOING lA*r —» No. 112 (mixed) due 1:45 a- m. » 108 " »:17 " " 22 " 5:00 p. m. going west — No. 11l (mixed) due 6:23 a. m. » 21 " 11:13 " " 139 " 6:18 p." m. Ml trains carry mail, and Nos. ilf-22, 108 and 139| carry express. V*++++++++ , 4*+". •4*++ * + + LOCAI. NBWB. + ♦. + t+tt++++++t+++++'M'+++l-+++* — A good rain fell yesterday after noon that will put fallow laud in condition to plow. —Mr. J. B. Farrell has accepted a position with the clothing depart in nl of 11. A. Sellars Sc Son in Bur liugton'and wilt also keep his own tailoring business in operation. —The following composed a party that started to. W ashiugton, U. U„ last Kriday morning by auto, viz: JR. W. Lasley, W. E: Petty, Jas. W. Holt, T. 0. Montgomery, J. M. Mc- Cracken and W. 11. Albright. They went by way of Richmond and will take in Baltimore on their trip. They are expected to returu tonight. —Mr. Chas. Brown,»a Registered Pharmacist of Charlotte, has accept ed a position with the Hayes Drug Co. A few years ago Mr. Brown was employed in a drug store here for a short while. Mr. Roy Long, one of the owners and the manager of Hayes Drag Co., will divide his time in the management of the busi ness here and of the Freeman Drug Co in Burlington but will retain his residence here. Durham Sdtdier Boys Pass. s The vanguard of the Durham mili tary company passed here yesterday evening going to camp at Greenville, S. C. They will put things in shape for the coming of the remainder of the regiment. Exemptions Appealed. Gov. Bickett has commissioned the county attorneys to act for the Government and issued a proclama tion appealing all exemptions by county boards to the district board. Mr. E. S. Parker, Jr., county attor ney, acting under his commission from the Governor, will carry the appeals up from Alamance. Members Headquarters Co. Vacci nated. On yesterday the members of the Headqarterp Co., stationed here, were vaccinated \iy Drs. W. R. Goley and J. N. Taylor for both smallpox and typhoid fever, The typhoid treat ment is given in three "shots" a week apart, so it is pretty certain that the boys will be here at least two weeks longer. Mr. P. Y. Bowles Dies on Way to Hospital. Mr. P. Y. Bowles of Morton town ship was being conveyed to the Rainey Hospital yesterday for an operation and died on the way some three miles West of Burlington. The seat of his trouble was in his stomach and bowels. Mr. Bowles was about sixty years of age and a most excel lent and highly esteemed citizen. The funeral will be held at Htoney Creek church this afternoon. More Drafted Men Being Examined. When tfie examination of the first 330 registered men was completed last week it was found necessary to call 3:30 more to secure the quota of 162 needed for the army. Many were turned down as physically un fit for service, and considerably more than half of these called filed claims for exemption. Out of the first 330 there were 62 secured. The appli cations for exemption have not been heard yet. Those in the second call are being examined this week. Baptist Church News Notes. Services Sunday morning at 11 o'clock in the church building. Sermon subject: "Prodigal Sons and Daughters of Today." Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. ' The evening service will be held in the Court House, beginning at 8 o'clock. Sermon subject: "The Ethic* of the Danea " The public is cordially invited to attend these services. Specials at the Mexican. Mr. R. L. Holmes has booked for the Mexican Theatre the following pictures: "The Rough House" featuring Fatty Arbuckle in 2-part, Saturday, Aug. 25. '"The Gray Ghost" featuring Ed die Polo, Tuesday, Aug. 28. Miss George Washington featur ing Miss Margaret Clark, Friday, Aug. 31. Three-Coarse TreaL For • number of years, at the time of year when watermelons, can taloupes and grapes are at their best, it has been the custom of Farmer Mcßride Holt on Pythian meeting nifcbt t > ask for an early closing ol ths lodge and march the Pythian brethren to his home at the west end of W. Elm St. This performance had its annual repetition last Tues day night. Twenty or more of splendid capacity gathered for the feast. First course cantaloupes, sec ond course watermelons, third course grapes—all fit for a king. Ample justice was done and none went away dissatisfied as to the quality or quantity of the feast. Everyone was profuse in thanks, but that was poor pay for ths enjoyment. ' , ♦ ♦ + PERSONAL. + ♦ + Mr. M. R. Rives spent Tuesday in Greensboro. Misa Frances Moore is spending the week in Clayton. Miss Louise Moore spent the flrßt of the week in Mebane. Miss Ivora Tripp of Greensboro is visiting Miss Conley Albright. Dr. and Mrs. J, Mel Thompson and Master Melviu of ai bane spent Tuesday here. Mr. John Scott and Miss Blanche Scott left Tuesday for Baltimore to spend a few days. Miss Marce Goley left Friday for Jackson Springs to visit her siater, Mrs. George Ross. Mrs. C. S. Hunter left Tuesday for Winston-Salem to vißit her son, Mr. Clyde Hunter. Mr. John A. Forlines left this morning for a vacation visit to At lantic City, New York and Philadel phia. Mr. Elmer Estlow of Washington, D. C., ariived at home Tuesday to take the physical examination for the army. Miss Norine Faucette, who has been here visiting her aunt, Mrs. W. C. Moore, returned to her home in Norfolk on Monday. Miss Lillian Turner left yester day for her home in Raleigh after spending a week here with her sister, Mrs. H. W. Scott. Mrs. Richard Josey and little daughter, Martha Anderson, of Tarboro, arrived Thursday for a visit to Mrs. John J. Henderson. Mrs. Herbert Post of East .Orange, N. J., who is visiting her sister. Mrs. L. Banks Williamson, in Bur lington, called on friends here the latter part of last week. .Mr. W. K. Scott of Hiwfields was in town yesterday. Mr. J. Dolph Long is spending the day in Greensboro. «■ Mr. A. N. Roberson of Lacy was here Monday with his family in his auto. He was in town again this morning. Mrs. W. A. Woods of Hawfields, Miss Dorothy Anderson and Mrs. J. S. Woods and daughtei of Roanoke, Va., are visiting Mrs. C. D. Moore. • Mr. and Mrs. John Goley and two children of Wilmington and Mrs. Lilian Fry and daughter of Durham were hure yesterday visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Garrett. Misses Dorothy and Frances Rike of Richmond, Va., spent the week with their cousins, Master James Worth Rich and Miss Eunice Rich in Graham Mr. qnd Mrs. E J. Rike and daughters, Misses Dorothy and Frances, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Dapprich of Richmond, Va., are visit ing at Fairview, the country home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hawkes, west of Graham. They made the trip by automobile. Sale Amounted to About $3600. The sale of stock recently at Mr. R. W. S;ott's Melville Farm amount ed to aoout *3t)ou. There was no. fancy selling—the stock selling for about lis worth under normal con ditions Talking with air. Scott s son. Mr. Kerr Scott, he said one could hardly miss the stock sold off, which with the amount of the sale goes to confirm the preach ®t n: that'stock raising is profit able Criminal Court Next Week. August Term of the Superior Court for the trial of criminal cases wiii convene next Monday. Judge Connor will preside and hold his first term in Alamance. Already there have been 43 new cases dock eted for trial next week. Of these 12 are charged for larceny and 12 for having to do with liquor in some way. The law has been maut more stringent for violations of the prohibition laws of the State and some of the offenders may get something they are not tor. That people in their right lu'lnds will jeopardize their freedom by short cuts for money by the selling of liquor and stealing when work is plentiful and wages are good is passing strange. All such deserve Jobs in road building for the pub lic. County Commissioners. The Board was in session Monday and Tuesday, with all the members present. The principal business at tended to was the auditing of ac counts, On Tuesday the jury list was revised, and a jury for Septem ber court was drawji. Orders vtere made as follows: Granting G. A. Loy permission to set poles for telephone line along public road from Graham by Mrs. Mike Neece's. Zachariah Hooper was admitted to the County Home. Note for 12,500 at National Bank of Aiamaucke was renewed. The signature by the Board of a petition lor the conditional pardon of Harrison Stevens was refused; and Mrs. Stevens was allowed $5.00 additional for August. Lizzie Hoffman was allowed three dollars for August. The road fiom Elon College by Shailowford church toward Wssipee was designated for sand claying. Board agreed to pay not exceeding fifty dollars when work is completed and accepted. Yancey Wall, aged 60 years, was found dead in his meadow in Yadklii county Tuesday. Died of heart dis ease while mowing. WHYYOUMENEmOIB The nervosa ijwtem lathe alarm system of the human body. *" In perfect health we hardly realize that we have a network of nerves, hot wbea health is ebfaiag, Wheo strength is declin ing, the same nervous system gives the Alarm in headaches, tiredness, dreamful aleep, irritability and oales* corrected, leads straight to s breakdown. To correct nervousness, Scott's Emul sion Is exactly what you should take; its : rich nutriment gets into the blood and rich blood feeds the tiny nerve-cellj while . tbswboJssystsorsspapdstoftsrrfrssh- Two P*u~ J > Churches Resigned Sunday. Following the morning scrvic; at Graham Christian chart.i mat dun day morning a conference o» me church was called and he.', J. Oh j Truitt, the Pastor, tendered n.s rea- • ignation, wnich was in ' had under consideration oih r calls, one' ol them college panto.' ;o. - , Western College. Tne cnurcu ui Pleasant Orove, Va„ which n.* has been serving about twoiyears, inau* the most acceptable otter a.i.t ut ■ will devote all nis time there. j with his church work ha w.ii oe superintendent of an excellent scnool there. Sunday night Rev. E. H. Myers, ( who has served the M. »*. euu.'cii for more than two years, his charge to take etfectpat once. ; The Way had been opened ur um\ , to take a course oi study in a Theological Seminary without any expense to him, and he leil t«e u,j portunity should not dj vii.own away. He lett Tu .'sdty fur Western part of the State for a lew ; days, then will go to the noau ot his father at Hoffman ,tf. C. tu spend a few days before laa.i.ii for school. In his worn, lwre «vu. be succeeded by Rev. O. ii. Earn hart, who bears the reputiti Jii o; being both a splendid iuaa aud ar. an excellent preacher, wiu ar rive this»Weelc. The pulpit at Ihe Christian church will be supplied at the regular ap pointments. Both congregations were taken rather by surprise whan their re spective pastors made known then intentions. Both are youiig uj.ii o» sterling worth and fine ability, ih. future holds out to the.n orient prospects of splendid and us.ial careers. By thtir genial and s/m pathetic bearing they nuvj endear ed themselves to their coiijjrega tidns and won the coniideoc.* ana esteem of all who kne>v Their going out of oar midst is sincerely regretted, but they g j witn the good wishes of their enti.v ac quaintanceship. • Jurors For Sept. Term. The following have b.en drawn to serve as jurors at tha civil term of the Alamance Superior Coart which convenes on September lutn, and continues for two wejks, viz* Patterson Township—2nd vtvK- W. T. Moody, J. \V. Rutiv J A. Staley, J. G. Euliss. Coble Tp.—2nd week—John Dix on. Boon Station Tp.—lst week—Da vid R. Bar>er, Peter Jameaf tna week—H. C. Tickle, J, C. McAdams Morton Tp.—lst • week—Amos Jones, Rooert L. Foster; 2nd week —J. D. Barnette, D. M. Ireland, J T. Barker, Or. J. Hufiines. Faucette Tp.—lst week—W. J Canttell.John Vaughan; 2nd we?k E. L. Boswell, R. lillman. Graham Tp.—lst week—Geo. Rob ertson, V .8. Freeland J. Harvey White; 2nd week—Root L. Clapp, Geo. 8. Rogers. Albright Tp.—2nd week Bon] Sharpe. Mann, R. L. Perry. Thompson Tp.—lst week— D. C Riddle; 2nd week—Sam ■ McAdams, Jesse P. May, Henry G. Pari3. Melville Tp.—lst week—J. W. lynch, C. Dillard, S. W. Dixofi J. P. Albright, Ernest Cat » ; 2ml weak G. R. Grant. Pleasant Grove Tp.—lst week—L. B. Oliver; 2nd week— W. ll.' Whit ted, J. A. Mitchell. Burlington Tp.—lst week— V. W. Mebane, S. A. Horn?, J. M. Work man, J. M. Fowler, J. E. Moore, W B. Quails, P. E. Morrow ; 2nd week J. B. Cheek, J. H. Ilali. A C. Black MEXICAN PROGRAM The following is the program for the week beginning Monday, Aug. 20. MONDAY NIGHT. Surf Scandal j LKo in 2-parts Current Event No. 0 Special in 1-part . Dark Deeds Nestor in 1-part. TUESDAY NIGHT. Triangle 5-parts WEDNESDAY NIGHT. The Web Rex in 2-parts Animated Weekly No 80 Special in 1-part Some Nurse Joker in 1-part THURSDAY NiOHT. Six Shooter Justice Gold Seal in 3-parts. Shorty Ilamil'on Special in 2-parts He Had Them Buffaloed Victor in 1-part. FRIDAY NIGHT. One Bride Too Mamy Victor in 2-parts Box Car Bill Powers in 1-part Universal Screen Magazine No. 27 Special in 1 part BATURDAY NIOHI. Rough House Featuring Fatty Arbuckle. Comedy—2 parts. Patria 2-parts featuring Mrs. Vernon Castle Like Wildfire Butterfly in 5-parts LEMON JUICE IS FRECKLE REMOVER (ilrla! M ska this Cbesy Itcauty lyilotlon to Clear and Whiten your Mkln. Squeeze the Jucie of two lemons into a bottle containing threi ounces of orchard white, shak? well and you have a quarter plat of the best freckle and tan lotion, and complexion beautifi r, at vary, very small cost. Your grocer hhas the lemons and I any drug stora or tall ft cantr will supply three ounces of orchard white for a few e-?nta, Massage this sweetly fragrant lotion in o tn face, neck, arms and band i each day and see how fr ckbi a.Ti blemishes disappear, and how clear, •oft and white the skin b -comes. I Yes I It Is harmless. I adv. i Red i (Uvea "Jitney Party," Organizes Auxiliaries, Maks Fine Progress With Work. The Graham Red Cross Chapter gave a most enjoyable "Jiney party" lust Saturday night on the court houw square, which had b en appropriately decorated for the oc casion, with bunting, lanterns, etc. The whole town turned out to par ticipate, and what with the fortune telling, fish pond, ice cream cones, jitney rides, patriotij by a chorus of Ouir; people, excellent music furbished by the Headquar ters Company Band, statloneJf at present in Graham, and above all the inimitable Mrs. \> ijgs of th Cabbage Patch and her numerous offspring who Bold realistic cabbaij? heads liiled with d'.ilcisus candies the evening was a round of pleas ure. The formal presentation of the comfort bags made for the soldi >r boys in catpp here by the locaf Red Cross Chapter, was made by ulr J. Dolph Long, Chairman of tn.i lo cal chapter, ana aceptanco made by Waj. Dun IS. Scott, The net proceeds oi' the eveni.vjs entertainm nt aountsd to about which will be applied to th • current expeqses of the Graham Red Cross. Chapter. The Graham Chapter is doing good work and the work room is now open Tuesdays as wtll as Kri days from 9 to la a. m. and from 3 to 6 p. m. Almost 10 do/.fn suit* suits of pajamas have be.n finish ed, and Beveral sample suits for warded to Washington headquar ters ant.- approved. All can devote .is much as an hour a week i i ll 'u Cross work are asked to come v. Uetbei members or nor The committee.„on mebershjp ex tension, including Mesdam s Lvnn B. Williamson. J. Dolph Long, J. D. Kernodle, J. W. M 'nefee, and Mr. E. S. Parker, Jr.. have h Id Red Cross jnaßs meetings at Saxapa haw, Swepsonville and Haw River during the past lew weeks,-and or ganized auxiliaries at all three places, and it is expected t > organ ize at Snow Camp, Friends.lip and several other places. Play Saturday at Hawfields Benefit Red Cross The IlawfieMs Chfiitian Endeavor Societv is giving a play on Satur day night for the benefit of the Red Cross work. This Society is doing effective work for the benefit of the community. While a number of the boys are entering different places of government service, those remain ing on the-farm, together with the girls, are using their spare moments in the evening to get up a play, "The Kentucky Belle." Half of the pro ceeds are to be used f«.r the Red Cross work, the remainder will be used to carry on other work under laken by the Society. The traveling library arrived. Miss Julia Barclay, the librarian, has a reaily given out a number of the new books. It is hoped that the school, church, and traveling library mav he combined and a permanent lihiarian secured. The "it" is be ing emphsixeii that "lie who reads is the one who lea ls." Graham-Long. The following invitation has lieen sent out, which will be of interest to the large circle of friends of both parties throughout the Stat#; to-wit.: Mr. anil Mrs. Jacob AlsorifLong request the honour of your presence at the marriage of their daughter Kathleen to Mr. Alexander Hawkins (iridium ou Tuesday evening August the tweuty-eighth at eight o'clmtk at the First Presbyterian church I Graham, North Carolina. The bride-elect is one of the State's handsomest and niost'eultured daugh ters. Mr. Oialiam is t,e son of Maj. •John W. Graham of llillsboro, a lawyer by profession and a young mail of B'erling worth. Teachers' Special Examination Au gust 23rd. There will oe a special county examination at the Graham Orad.-d School ouilding on Thursday, Au gust 23, ocginning at 0.30 a. m. This examination is given for the oene fit of those who did not take tn? examination ill July, and wi'f oe given without cost to the appli cants. Arrangements have oeen made to give the examination to ooth the white and colored teach ers the same, day. M. C. TERRELL. County Supt. Your Wants. If you don't lind what you want aud don't knaw where to gel it, you should call at The Variety Store, Southwest corner court house square. ]Gaug4i Of the first 100 men examined un der draft in Wilkes county, Jo were found physically disqualu'i -d. Of the DO qualified 38 call d for ex emption. Mr. Geo. B. Crater, who recently severed his connection with tne Greensboro Record to become ousi ness manager of the Charlotte Ob server, gave up the latter Jo.i and is now with the Meridiin, Star. Harold Lever of Sh lby was killed by a Southern railway train at j Blacksburg, S. C. lie was (sitting lon the end of a eross-ti* when the train struck him. I GO NO FARTHER II iThe Evidence Is At Your Door. , I Graham proof is what you want, | and the statement of this highly re > spected resident will brtnis i all j doubt. ' J. E. Hornbuckle, W. Harden S;„ 'Graham, says; My kidneys were IJ weak and 1 had inflammation oi ' the bladder. The kidney secretions , | were scanty aud in pas • sage, highly colored and co.itain- I ed sediment. I was nervous and a • few boxes of Doin's K:dney Pills I brough me wonderful benefit. My ' kidneys soon acted property and ,; my back got stronger." I j Priee luc at ai, dual r.». Don t , simply a»k for a kidney remedy get Loan's Kidney Pills— tue same | that Mr. Hornbuckle had. Foster- Mil burn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. V. - PROM Mr. Freshwater Writes About the Camp and the Boys to Mr. Nicholson. To The Gleaner. Graham, Aug. 10.—Among the| young men who are answering their country's call for it's de tense Hgainst a foreign foe is one, tuning many others, whom I es pecially admire for his many sterling qualities. The geutleman to whom I refer in Mr. VV. R. Freshwater, who is well known throughout the coun ty of Alamance. He was among the first to volunteer and join the Ambulance Corps of the Red Cross Society organized at Greens boro, N. 0, « For the interest of his friends and others who have connections beiojiging to lliis Company, I sub mit for pufflicatiou the following letter just received from him: "Fort Oglethorpe. Ga., Atnb. Co. No. 32. I have planned to write you for several days, but had to write to all my girl friends first, you know. So 1 am just getting to you. We are just getting down to work. We go to bed strictly at 9 o'clock, get up at first bugle call, which is at 5 o'clock, a. in., and you must be up or go to the ; uard hoUHe. We have breakfast at 6:30 a. in. This consists of coffee, rice, or grits, gravy, fried meat and Stewed fruit. We then go out at 7 aud drill until 11a. m. Come in for dinner at 12. This consists of navy beans, meat, Irish pointoes, dried peaches and tea. We then go out at 1 o'.-lock aud drill until 4 o'clock, when we come in for supper, which consists of stew beef, pota toes and dried peaches, wijh water. From five nine at night we do our cleaning up aud washing. You should see Murphy Nichol son aud Clem Bradshaw washing their shirts. They are falling Into it due. We are all feeling good, though the weather has been awful hot. We have had about a dozen to fall out ou drill field, though they afterwards got ali right. This Fort is called "Sol diers C'lty." There are about 75,(>00 here now, some coming in aud s.iuie going out to 1 don't kuow where, perhaps France. How long wo will be here I dou't know, at least two months I think. Somehow I like the life. There is a fascination about it that 1 love, yet there are many of the boys that cry like kids. They joined lor a good time, alrd they are not fiudiug anything but hard work. It is not as bad as I thought it would be. We have an excep tionally good bunch of boys; they all hang together like brothers. 1 do not exaggerate in telling you that we have the niopst and most intelligent bunch of boys iu the camp, and they aw making a line showing. 1 have been placed iu the medi cal department and go to school two hours every night. I like it fine. We have a good Captain and he is good to every one of the boys. You have never seen so much building going on. The Govern ment is working (XX) German pris oners building mess houses and other quarters. I would guess there are at least 1,600 carpenters working hero. The fort is about 15 milea square and literally cover ed in houses. lam sitting out on the street writing this letter by a very dim light. Don't know whether you can read it or not. Drop me a liue when yon have time. Very sincerely, W. 11. Fkksiiwatek." There in one thing about this war that is to be regretted. Only those who stand on a higher plain than dirty partisan politics can see it. Some writers for the press intimate that .only Republicans resist the draft system. No sane person believes it. Kvery intel ligent man or woman knows that the Republican party has ever, and will ever and always stand by the "Stars and Stripes"—the grandest flag that floats in the breeze. When our first battle is fought on the front, afterwards, in gathering up the dead and wounded you will find the patri otic soldiers, both Democrat and Republican, dressed alike in the same colored drab suit lying side by side Both have done their duty, Iwith have done all that mortal can do—given their life for their country, l'osterity will be generous and will give to each alike the plaudits and honors due ' to heroes. Very truly, A. B. NICHOLSON. Free of Charge. I Why suffer with indigestion, dys- I pepsla, torpid liver, constipation, | sour stomach, coming up of food after eating, etc., wnen you Can get . a sample bottle of OREEN'S AU GUST FLOWER free at Graham Drug Co.'s. Thin medicine has re markable curative properties, and has demonstrated its efficiency by fifty years of success. Headaches are o»ten caused by a disordered stomach. AUGUST FLOWER is put up in 25 and 75-cent bottles. For sal" in all civilized countries. Capt. T. ii. C. Knight, a well known Ashi vllte railroad man, for I years an engineer on the Southern j railroad, has filed suit for slity | thousand dollars in Buncomoe Su perior Court against the railroad. I lie was injured ill a collision last month. Chronic Cuuttprtloii. It is by no means an easy matter to cure this disease but it can be done in most instances by taking Chamberlain's Tablets and comply -1 ing with the plain printed direc tions that accompany each pack age. adv. COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF VAL UABLE REAL ESTATE. Under and by virtue of an ordar ot the Superior Court of Alamance county, made in a Spfedal Proceed ing therein pending wherein all the heirs-at-law ot Alson Isley, da ceased, were duly constituted par ties, the undersigned commission ers, will, on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 1% 1917, at 13 o'clock M., at the court house door of Alamance county, at Gra ham, North Carolina., o.fer lor saie at public auction, to tie highest bidder, a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in 'Alamance county, Nortn Carolina, adjoining the lands of Adeline Cooper, A. Thompson, deceased,. Riie.v Isley, and others, and bounded as follows vie : Beginning at a stone in tie center ot tha road to Burlington, Adeline Cooper's corner; and run ning thence with her line N. 89 2-3 deg. E. 5 chains 4 1-2 links to a stone on A. Thompson's, (deceased:, line j thence with Baid l'homps >n s line S. Ik deg. W. 2 ens .23 links to a stone, Riley Isley's corner; thence with his Un 38. 83 2-3 dej. W , chains and 46 links to a stone, said Isley's corner in the center ot said road; thence N. 14 d g. W. 2 chs. 36 1-2 links to the beginning, con taining 1 1-10 acres, more or 1. SH Terms of Sale: One-third cash, one-third in six months and one third in nine months, subject to confirmation ot court, and titie re served until purchase price is fully paid; deferred payments to bear interest from day of sale till paid. CLAUD CATEB, E. S. W .DAMERON, Commissioners. This August Bth, 1917. ■ 4 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Alson Isiey, da ceased, late of Alamance county. North Carolina, this is to noti.y all persons having claims again*', the estate-of said decease! to ex hibit them to the undersigned at Burlington, N. C» on or beiore 10th day of August, 1918b or t.iis notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in " debted to said est ite will please make immediate payment. This August 7th, 191*. CLAUD CATES, Adm'r 9aug6t of Alson Isley, dec d. Sale of Real Estate .By virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed i.i Trust executed to the Central Loan & Trust Company on the 14th day of April, 1916, by Geo. E. Colemajn and wife, and duly registered In the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance county, in Book No. 71 ot Deeds of Trust, page No. 2J, to secure the payment of four bonds, and default having been made in the payment oi said bonds, the undersigned Trustee will ex pose to public sale to the highest bidder for cash, at the court hous * door of Alamance county, on SATURDAY, BEPTEMHER 1, 1917, at 11 o'clock A. M., the following land conveyed by the said Deed in Trust: A certain tract Hr parcel of land in Burlington township, Alamance county, Aorta Carolina, adjoining the lands of W. E. Hay. Bettle A. Adams, and others, and boun Jed as follows: Beginning at a stone on the line of said W. E. .Hay and running thence 62 1-2 deg. E. 117 ft. t» a stone; thence 21 1-4 deg. E. 100 ft, to a stone ai the 8 .E. tfbrnar oI lot No. 36 of said ilettle A. Adams; thence N. 66 1-2 deg. W. 143 1-2 ft. to a ston ;; thence 8. 6 1-2 deg. W. 104 1-2 ft. to the beginning, con taining 20-lwo acres, and belrK lot No. 33 ot the plat ot sal 1 Bottle A. Adams. This the oth day of Aug., 1017. Central Loan & Trust CO., Trustee. Valuable Farm For Sale. Consisting of 108 acres, 7 miles south of (irahatn, on sand clay road leading to Saxapahaw. Suitable for cotton, tobacco and grain. Must be sold. Apply to T. C. MOON, Graham, N. C. Phone 200-.I - 'iojullt Small Store-bouse For Rent. Well located close to the oesl trade in Orabam. Price reanonaoie and building ready for occupant!/ now. J. M. McCRACKEN,, Mnovtf. Orabam. N r SEPTEMBER COSMOPOLITAN. Of course Robert »V. Chambers newest and best novel, "The Hest less Sex," is the big feature of tne new Cosmopolitan, now on sale. Next to tnat comes a story r»y Fannie llurst, "Get Ready Wreaths," is this popular writ>r's masterpiece up to date. There Is a tear and a smile In almost cverv line. Gouverneur Morris is there witn a tale of terror and romanc , enti tled "The Purple Flask." . This writer ap pears a£Uin aft r » long Interval, liis new story h a grip per. Theodore Dri Iser makes his ap pearance In September Cosmopoli tan with a story entitled "Alar rled." Every reader will feel a sym pathetic understanding with Mar- Jorie and Duer astuy. endeav or t oadjust themselves to their new relation and environment. "Blue Aloes,' by Cyntnli Stocft ley, is continued. This is a tnr.-e --psrt mystery story of South Africa, land of adventure and romance. Read the synopsis of the first in stallment and be sure to finish this remarkable narrative. Herbert Kaufma writes about the Morgans, father and son. The per sonalities of these coloossal ■* of finance are depicted in Kauf man's wonderful ttictureaqui* phra seology. C. A. and A. M. Williamson write of the "Adventure of Jose," the girl In search of a husband. A motor ing romance of rare entertainment. Liliie Langtry, tne famous b.-auty writes her reminiscences for Cos mopolitan readers in "Mya -If and Others" in this issue sh-; tells of her acquaintance with Oscar tide. Jack London's "Michael," the f greatest dog story ever written, is n this numoer. Also a new fable in slang by George Ade, the philos opher in cap ana bells. Ella Whrel er Wilcox is represented by a Si-eat, moving poem entitled "The [esaage." Mary Roberts Kinehart writes of her camping trip in the Northwestern Rockies. All things considered this Is on? ot the best numbers of America s Greatest Magazinz. Frank Tetter of Athens, Oa„ en route to Monroe, jumped from a . Seaboard train at Russelvilie and I was killed. Ready For Business! The Graham Elevator Company, located eastS of the court house on the asphalt street, wishes to announce to the farmers of Alamance and ad- J joining counties, that it is ready for business. We will buy your wheat and corn and pay you 1 as much as any mill in the county. Also, we will exchange flour for your wheat 1 and meal for your corn. We are also prepared to clean your seed wheat. Give us a trial and be convinced. Yours for buSiness, Graham Elevator Company GRAHAM, N. C 1 H. M. ROGERS, Manager. . TAXES FOR 1916 Must Be Paid On Or Before Sept. 3, 1917. The County Commissioners made the following order at their meeting on Aug. 6th: On motion, duly made, seconed and carried, C. D. Story, Sheriff, was ordered to collect all 1916 taxes on or before Sept. 3, 1917, and to advertise the property of all persons who fail to pay taxes owing by said date, and to hold said sale at Court House aoor, October 1,|1917, after conducting same according to law and after advertising ac cording to law. Let everyone take notice and pay his 1916 taxes before Sept. 3rd. I am compelled to obey the order of the Commissioners. Very truly, c. D. STORY, 1 Sheriff of Alamance County. Notice of Sale of Val uable Land. I>t*fnult having beuti made by the grantor* tu thu payment of the Indebtedness secured by thai curtain deed of truat in ado to uie as Trustee for Uie Ureei.slairo Insurance Company of Greensboro. North Carolina, by J. W. Mcnefee and wife, Kmma W. Menefee, ou the lai day of April. 1911, and reoordad In the oltloe of tbe Keg later of Deeds of A a mance county In Booh fcJ at paves 7ft. et seq , 1 will, uudcr and by vinue of the power or sals vested In me by said dee i of trust and at the r« queatot the ceatul que truat, au«! for the purpose of dl charging the uebt si-cured by said deed of trust. proceed u> sell to the highest bidder for cash, at the c urt hou?e door In Uraham,. Alamance county, North Carolina, at If u'olock M., on SATURDAY, AUG. 18, 1917, the following deacribed landa, to-wit: rltuate lu tbe county of Alamance and Htate of North CaroMua, and mure i arUcu larly bounded and described aa follows; First Tract. lylng and being in Thompson township, in Alamance county, North « aro Una, adjoining the ia dsof hil£alM-ih Pick ard. Maty Itogera, the lands formerly owned b> J W Mcueiee, and others, and bounded aa followa: Beginning at a rock and pointers, Kll&abeth Pick rd'a c«>ruer lu aald Meuefi"* hue, and running thence net tu iJUj-, deg K 24 36 cha to a rock and pointera, John Parrlbgurn's coruer In HliftabeUi I'lckard'a line; thence N 61fy 4 deg V% itf./ai cha to a rock in Mra. Mosera' line; tbeuie witii ber line A Ik dag W ittflftchs to what wsa formerly J. W. Meuciee a I lu*; thence H 4W deg K 40.H6 cha lo the first station, aud iMiiiUiuiug Ml. IV ucies, more or leas. It being t e same known aa ihs Hyco Farm. ret*#nd Tract, li>lng and being In itiorap* aon loMfMhip. in aald Aiainauoe county, ou lite water* of Hmw river, and bounded aa fol lowa: lie Inning at a rock and pointera. the north i'ui rurm rcl 11. U L. Jones's X 4 acre tract, rulining thence ft 0 utg r. ifci.HU una to a rock: then* e H» deg K 3U 60 cha to a rock; thence o GO deg W 26 cha to a rock ou the bank ol Haw river; thence down a ill river aa It tuuandtiia, including the lalauda lu said rivei known as "Nine Acres" to a rock aud pidutera on the north aide of aald Hver a cornero' the Water Power tract, conveyed to J. W. Meni fee by W.n. and J. A. loug, b deed dateu February £7in, IMJO; iheucv N 4WH deg Kt> tl chs to a rock pile; thence M de* K iU «n» W a roek; iheiK*« « Ik (leg W l'» uh m a rock on the north aide of Haw river and east ai&e of Pop lar brau«.h, at wa er mark of aald ilver, Uie begiuniug station of aald Wat* r Power tract; theooe «io«ii astd Haw river aa ll meanders to the moutb of Lane creek; thence up aald Caur e.eek with Ita me-iuneriugs to rtiautltig lord, comer of J. Morrow's suds' lands; thence N bl deg W fte.76 cha to a rock ami pointers; theuce N 61 dag W Ik 40 cha to a lock; thence N 61 deg » UHAolil to a post oak stu . p; thenco hi deg w 7s 0 chs to a rock aud pointers; tbe begluning station, and oon lalmug acrea. but lo be the aame be there more or lias, It being tne major part Of the p.aiitatloa known aa the Alston laud. This the r »ih day of July. IW|7. J. W. ► KY, Truatee. Brooks, Sapp k Kelly, A*torue> *, Oreensboro, N. C. Summons by Publication North Carolina -Alama nre ( ounty. In the Muperlor Court, Before tbe Clerk James Uumu Murrav vs. Not ce Marshall Murray. Alias Mmray Hill. Ins defendant alM>v«d named will take i o lice thai an action entitled as above lias be* u beguu In the Muperlor Court of Alamame (kwoty before lite Clark for the sale or oer. MsltSdllß Melville township. In tbe aald county and slat* for division; aud the defen dant whi further tak" notlre that he is re quired to apt*ar before the Clerk of seld Court, on the 3rd day of Hepteinber, 11*17 and anawer or demor to llie complaint filed m aald action, or the pialnUff will ap ly w th- court for itoe relief demanded in said cltnplainc This 2nd day of Auguat, IVI7. 7. U. K KIiNODLK. taug4t . Clerk of the r upenor Court. Commissioners' Sale of Valuable Real Estate. L*nd*r and by virtue of sn older of the Su perior ( ourt of Alaojauce county , made In a npeclai » roce* ding therein i>en'iiug w here in sII tie the heir>-at-law of Ulles Walker, dec*as«-d, w- re duly «-oustltutri par ies, the uuderalgmd oommiaaiouers will, uu TUESDAY, AU«. 28,1917, at eleven o'clock a. m.. at tbe court house' door of Alamance county, at (Jrtham, North Carolina, offer for aale at public auatlon to the highest bidder, ao» rtaln tract or parcel of land I) ing aud being in Alamance county. North aoJoining me lands of C. Sel la rs. Martin McCsUley. I). ". Benson and others bounded as folkuws. vis: »wg'titling at rock in ooroer of the two roads; Uieuce Weal lour chains ami fifty lluks witb road to a roos; thence North 90 deg K 4 chains and mj links to a rock; thenee »> dag West 4 cbatus and to liuks with the road to tbe b«g ouitig, containing two acres, more Terms of Hale—One-third cash, one-third In alz montsb, and oue-ihi d lo uine months, subject lo conflrmaUon of Court, »-nd »lUe reserved until purch .se price Is p«id ; defer red paymeou to bear lute re si from day of aala Uli paid. This July 21st, ltl?. CLAUD CATEH, K. U. W. DAMKBON, , -j . tommlssloners Commisslones' Sale of Valuable Real Estate at Glbsonvllle, N. C. Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Alamance county, made in a special pr - ceedlng therein ponding wherein all tne heirs-at-law of Andrew derringer, deceaaed, were duly con stituted parties, the undersigned / commissioners will, on TUESDAY, AUGUST 28. 1917. |at 1 o'clock, p. m. on the premiaea M-reinafter described, offer for aale at public auction, to the highest bidder, a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the sub urbs of tne town of Uibsonville, Al amance county, North Carolina, ad- Joining the lands of Marlon Smith, and others, bounded as followa: Beginning at a stake, Marion Smitn'a corner, running thence with his line S. 88 deg. £. 8 cha. and 34 links to a atone on said lindj" thence S. 2 deg. W. 3 chains and IT links to a stone, thence N. 88 deg. W. 6 chains and 34 links to a stone, thence N. 2 deg. E. 3 chains and IT links to the beginning, and con taining two acres, more oslcs*: the same being the land owned and oc cupied by said Andrew Oerringer up to the time of his death and upon whi£h hla widow now resides. On this land is a six-room dwell ing and out houses, and the land lies on both sides of the macadam road leading to Eton College, North Carolina. Terms of Sale: One-third cash, one-third in six months and one thlrd in nine months, subtec* to confirmation of court and title re served until purchase price Is paid; deferred payments to bear interest from day of sale till paid. E. S. W. DAMERON, * CLAUD CATEB. , \ Commissioners. July 20th, 1917. Lucky is the man who owns a Waltham—but only the man who has car- I ried a Waltham Watch ior thirty or forty years knows what a fine investment a good iWaltham is. -If* Tim* You Owntd a WalOutm," W. 11. kMdouaror. for Waltkn ticket and carry • complete ■Mortmcct at *ll trade*. Z. T. HADLEY JEWELEH * OPTICIAN KAHAM. N.C. Warning to Delinquent Tax-Payers. Your town tax for 1916 liave been due since Oct. 1, 1916. If you do not want to be embarrassed by hav ing your property advertiasd or your wages garnigbeed, please call at my office in Holt-Nicholson Building J and settle at once. 1 also hare a few who hare not 1 paid their 1914 and 1915 taxes. A. G. AUBLEY, M 7Jane Tax Collector, *'•

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