VOL. XLJH Rid of Tan, Sunburn and Freckles •• c.iug HAGAN*S r/lagnoliajylf Balm. •\et» instantly. Stop* the burning. Clears your complexion of Tan and Gltmishes. You cannot know how a - jod it is until you try it. Thoua .tnda of women say it is betftof all heautifien and heal* Sunburn rjuiclteat. Don't be without it a lay longer. Get a bottle now. At your Druggist or by mail dirndl. 75 cent* for either color. White. Fink, Ro*e-Red. SAMPLE FREE. ' LYON MFC. CO., 40 W. 3L, Brooklrm. HY. EUREKA Spring Water FMM EUREKA SPRING, Graham, N. C. A valuable mineral spring z has been discovered by W. H. f Ausley on his place in Graham. 2 It was noticed that it brought 1 health to the users oi the water, 4 and upon being analyzed it was 2 found to be a-water strong in 2 mineral properties and good J for stomach and blood troubles. 2 Physicians who have seen the * analysis and what it does, | recommend its use. 2 Analysis and testimonials will be furnished upon request. Why buy expensive mineral waters from a distance, when there is a good water recom mended by physicians right at home? For further informa tion and or the water, if you desire if apply to the under signed. W. H. AUSLEY. BLANK BOOKS Journals, Ledgers, Day Books, Time Books, Counter Books, Tally Books, Order Books, Large Books, Small Books, Pocket Memo., Vest Pocket Memo., Ac., &c. For Sale At The Gleaner Printing Office Graham,N.C. English Spavin Linimnet re moves Hard, Soft and Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses; also Blood Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, Ring Bone, Stifles, Sprains, Swollen Throats, Coughs, etc. Save »50 by use of one bot. tie. A wonderful Blemish Cure. Sold by Graham Drug Company adv With all it* faults this is the best country the world has ever known, and whoever commits the slightest act of treason should face a tiring »quai at sunrise. That is the way to deal with traitors, Mr. Wilson. Oo after them. RUB-MY-TISM —Antiseptic, Re lieves Rheumatism, Sprains, Neo rolgia, etc. "It'e true Senator Vardaman has long hair," the Wilmington Dis patch observes- "out the wonder is how.he miseea having long ears.' He keeps them rubbed short oy holding them to the ground per haps Break your Cold or LaGrippe with few doses of 666. An Ad. In This Paper Reaches Thousands, A Card In Your Window Hundreds THE ALAMANCE GLEANER. ' , * 4 . " t MRS. IRA COUCH WOOD ! % Mrs. Ira Couch Wood, executive sec retary of the Woman's committee, Council of National Defenae, was grad uated Into the public service field through Alteration, sswage and other reforms In ths village of Wlnnstka, ill. * HUMS LAUNCH ATTACK GERMANS TAKE ANOTHER BLAV FORTREBB WHILE RUSBIANB CONTINUE FLIGHT. fa l —r-xf * —-»*—f- .... •, . Attempted to Btop Cadorna's Further Approach to Trieste.—Nearly 1,700 Men Have Been Captured By Ital ian* In Corltla. While the RusaJans continue their flight before the Osraaans In the re gion of Riga, the Italians, after a few days of comparative Idleness, again have started their gr*at offensive on the Balnalsea plateau against the Aastrain* and to the northest of Qoriala. In the sonth, however, from the Brestovisza valley to the sea, the Ital ians have been compelled to with stand viol eat counter-attacks by the Auatriaa*. who are endeavoring to hold baek General Oadorna's lines from a further approach to Triest. The Aa stria as at OH place momenta rily forced the Italians to cede ter ritory. A ceun tar-attack by he Ital ians not alons retrieved the lost po sition but resulted la the capture of more than 400 prisoners. On the Bainslzsa plateau, northeast of Go rilla* the Italians have made further gains, capturing an Important Aus train position near Ocroglo. > No details have been vouchsafed concerning the battle which is In progress northeast of Oorizla, and no confirmation is at hand of the re ported capture by the Italians ot Monte Ban Oabrlele, the last dominat ing position held by the Austrian a north ot Oorizla. ' Nearly 1,700 men have been cap tured by the Italians in the flighting hi the Qorliia sector. Again the Italians have sent their airmen over Pola, the Austrian naval base in the Adarlatle, dropping bombs, the explosloas of which have added materially to the damage done in pre vious raids. In the region of Riga the Russians are retiring eastward and northeast ward all along the line, pursued by the Germans. SENATE'S BITTER PROFITB BATTLE BROUGHT TO END Committees Compromise Provisions Are Adopted. Washington. The Senate's bitter fight over war profits taxation virtual ly ended with adoption of the finance committee's compromise provisions for a total levy at |1,28i,000,000 or about ene4hird of this year's war and nor nuil nctii profits. This Is an increase of |1,000,000,000 over present taxes. The high-tax ad vocates tailed to secure adoption ot a single amendment. Action on the war profits section the largest revenue-producing provi sion, w as taken technically in com mittee of the whole and Is subject to •aal review later. Today's decisive rout at the high-tax element, however, may prevent farther efforts along this line and Senate leaders say It fore casts defeat for the fighting for heav ier Income taxes. ISHII DELIVERS JAPAN'S MESSAOB OP COMRADESHIP. Washington—Japan's message of comradeship and co-operation in the war was delivered to the House by Vlsooont Ishll amid hearty applause from a crowded floor and galleries. The syecial ambassador told the House as he had told the Senate snd President Wilson Wat his country wss In tfce battle against military oppres sion te stay and welcomed the oppor tunity to fight beside the United (Hates. Tea ILaew What r«« Are Taking When yon take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula Is plaioljr printed od every bottle showiog that it is Iron and Qui nine in a tasteless form. No cure, no pay.—6oc. adv. ■ ; —* A peace is demanded that will not create more treaties as m«r- •craps of paper to add fuel to the flame. Thus it appears that gamoling in gtuffs j» Just gambling. GRAHAM, N. C., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13,1917 GREATEST H CMHlSflffl GOVERNMENTS SEPTEMBER CROP REPORT FORECASTS MANY BIG CROPS. IS 3,248,000,000 BUSHELS Bprlng Wheat Shows Fsvorabls In crease, Oat Crop la Expected to Set a New Record Along With Rye and Potatoes. Washington.—Corn, the country's greatest crop, needs only a few weeks freedom from frost to mature Into the largest production ever known In the history of the nation. The govern ment's September crop report fore casts a production of 3,248,000,000 bushels, which is 124,000,000 bushels more than produced in the record year, 1912. Corn prospects Improved to the ex tent of 53,000,000 bushels as a result of good weather during August, the Kansas crop showing improvement to the extent of almost 40,000,000 bush els, and Missouri 23,000,000 bushels, ecllnes were recorded in other states. Spring wheat yields are turning out better than expected and the Septem ber forecast showed an Increase ol 14,000,000 bushels over the produc tion forecast in August with a total ol 260,000,000 bushels. Adding the win ter wheat production, a total yield ol 668,000,000 bushels ofwheat was an nounced. That is 28,000,000 busheli more than last year's harvest, bul 138,000,000 bushels less than the aver age of the crops for the five yeari 1911-16. Besides the record crop of corn, larger production than ever before will be harvested in oats, with 1,638,- 000,000 bushels; rye with 66,000.000 busehls; white potatoes, with 462,- 000,000 bushels; sweet potatoes, with 8,200,000 bushels; tobacco, with 1.- 221,000,000 pounds, and hay, with 91,- 700,00* tons. Oats prospects Increased 79,000.000 bushels during August but tobacco lost 49,000,000 pounds. Virginia 61,752,000 bushels; North Carolina 66,393,000; Georgia 71,344,- 000; Tennessee 117,273,000; Alabama 89,014,000; Mississippi 86,333,000; Louisiana 42,246,000; Texas 81,80%.,- 000; Oklahoma 36261,000 and Arkan sas 71,307,000. CHICAGO OFFICIALB THINK MRB. KING WAS MURDERED Will Investigate Tragic Death «f Wealthy Woman at Concord, N. C. Chicago,—Findings of a midnight postmortem here over the body of Mrs. Maude A. King, who was killed at Concord, N. C., August 29, were communicated to the attorney general ot North Carolina by Assistant State's Attorney Sullivan in a telegram. Tho tleegram reads: "Postmartem examination by Coro ner Hoffman of this county on body of Maude King, killed at Concord, N. C., August 28 ,1917, by pistol shot, re veals that shot could not have been self-inflicted and also reveals that her left ankle was broke nshortly beforo her death. Coroner believes that in your stato. Coroner and state's at crlme of murder has been committed in your state. Coroner and state's at torney of this county await your di rections." ' The postmortem examination of the body of Mrs. King indicated that Mrs. King was murdered, in the opinion ot Coroner Peter M. Hoffman. The body was removed from the masoleum here and te examination conducted just before midnight last night by order of Judge Kersten, of the criminal branch of the circnlt court. Dr. Wil liam Burmelster, pathologist ot North western University conducted the ex amination In the presence of repre sentatives ot the police and coroner's office. Ashevllie. Emphatically denying any complicity in the death of Mrs. Maude A. King, widow of James C. King, late Chicago millionaire, Gaston B. Means, the dead woman's secretary, who arrived here told the story of the tragedy at Concord, N. C., Aagust 29. PRESIDENT WILSON PLACES EMBARGO ON GOLD EXPORT Washington. President Wilson placed an embargo, eßsctlva Septsm bar 10, on the exportation of coin, bullion and currency. At the iam« time be authorised the secretar yol the treasury to license such exports tlons where, in the opinion of the federal reserre board, they are not harmful. The effect of the embargo, which applies to all nations, will b« to place In' the hanas of Secretary ItcAdoo. BRAGG MADE HIGHEST AMERICAN AIR PLIGHT New York.—The 12.900-foot alti tude flight made by .Caleb Bragg In a hydro-airplane with two passengers at Port Washington, N. T., August 2S, has been sanctioned as As American record for that class of fylag by Uw Aero Club of America. It wss an nounced here. The pansengers wars Harry Guggenheim and K. A. Craig. Tba previous record wss 9.524 feet, msde at North Island, Cel.. by Floyd Smith, .February 11, 1916. You Can Cure Tbst Backache. Pain alon* the buck. dlizlncM. hssdsclie snd rennerai isosuor. iet a package of Mother Ofay's Au«r.il» Leaf. the P""***"* root and herb cure tor Kidney, Bladder atd I" rlnar r trouble*. Whan you feel all rtiu down, tired, weak and without enef*y u«e 'bin remarkable combination f nature* herb* and ruots. A« a reKulal..r lt ha« rwi equal. Mother Gray'« Aualrallan Leaf Is Sold by Druggists or »- nt by mall for I »cUk "ample sent free, /(ldrew, The Mother Gray Co.. Le Kov, K. V. For light summer reading the U. 8. Infantry Drill Regulations is finding many admirers. v BIG WAR TAX BILL PASSED BY SENATE ONLY FOUR MEMBERB RECORD ED AGAINST BIGGEST SINGLE TAX MEASURE IN HISTORY. LEVY NEARLY 02.400,000.000 I Carried $1,867,870,000 as Passed by House—Senators Borah, Gronna, La Follette and Norrl* Being Re* corded In Opposition. Washington.—The war tax bill— the largeat single taxation measure In American history—was passed by the senate. It provides for a levy some what under $2,400,000,000 as compar ed with tha $1,867,870,000 proposal in -the bill as It passed the house May 23. Tha vote was 69 to 4, Senators Borah, ,Gronna, La Follette and Nor rls being recorded In deposition. Voting on amendments to the bill, preparatory to flbal passage, began In the Benate with the adoption, 61 ta 27, of a motion by Senator Brous sard to atrlke out the first consump tion tax clause, levying two cents a pound on coffee and its substitute* and designed to raise $18,600,000. Another motion by Senator Brou*- sard to strike out the one and two cents a gallon taxes on molasses, ac cording to grades, waa adopted, 60 to 28. Then the senate voted, 62 to 48, to strike out all consumption taxes In the bill, Including those on sugar, tea and cocoa, all designed to raise $86,- 000,000. By a vote of 69 to 11, the provision for repeal of thtf present law allowing "drawbacks," or manu facturing re-export allowances, to sugar refiners, was eliminated. Benator Owen's amendment provld- In gfor a tax ranging from one per ceat on Inheritances of SIOO,OO to 100 per cent on those over $96,000,000 was rejected by a vote of 61 to 39. The Jones' amendment, revised by the committee to levy a 10 percent upon corporations' undistributed sur plus was adopted on a viva voce vote. A substitute by Senator Jones to eliminate an exemption In the committee's clause of Income actually Invested and employed was defeated, 46 to 36. > - Senator La Follette's substitute war tax bill, ,proposing to raise about $3,- 600,000,000 solely from Income, war profits, liquor and tobacco, .was re jected, 66 to 16. The senate adopted, 40 to 34, Sena tor Smoot's motion to strike out the McKellar amendment providing a one cent Incleaae In second class postage rates beyond 300 miles and designed to secure $12,600,000. The house zone provision and the finance committee's special publishers' prof- Its provisions already had been elim inated. Senator Hardwlclf'a substitute to a wJne system Increasing sec ond class postage rates on advertis ing portions of publications, estimat ed to raise »16,600,000 neit year, was rejected, 48 to JO. KORNILOFF DEMANDS FULL CONTROL OF GOVERNMENT Wanta Supreme Power In Ruaala—Ka ranaky Votaa for "Blood and Iron" Methods. The Russian government la again facing a crlsia, but apparently with hie usual "blood and iron" methods Pre mier Kerenaky has taken vigorous ateps to combat It and to punish se verely those of the opposition element* who brought It about. Succinctly. General Kornlloff, com mander ln-chlef of the army, backed toy * group of political agitators, has demanded for himaalf dictatorial pow ers by the surrender of the govern ment into hie hand*. Kerensky re fused to comply with the demand and ha* bad Incarcerated In the Petropar losk fortress M. Loff. member of the duma, who acted as Kornlloff'* medl ary. and who under a eavere exam ination ha* l>ad wrung from him the detail* of the plot to overthrow the government and bring about a return of the despotic regime. TWO AMERICANS HURT ON DUTY IN FRANCE Washington—The war department announced that Sergt. M. O. Calder wood and Private W. F. Brannlgan, both of Company F, 110 th Railway en gineer*. had been *llghtly wounded by ■hell fragments while on duty In France. Thl* I* the army'* flrat cas ualty announcement of the war except that concerning the members of the medical corps killed when German aviaors bombed a hospital. MAINE 1$ TWO TO ONE AGAINST WOMAN SUFFRAGE Portland, Me.—Woman suffrage In Maine was defeated. 2 to 1. at the spe cial election If the Toting ratio Indi cated by newspaper returns from ap proximately one-third of the state pre vailed In the remaining districts. Returns from 275 election precincts out of 635 In the state gave: yes. 11, HI; 80. 12.2 W. The tabulation Includ ed complete rspurna from the prise* pal cflee ' (•real Faith Id Chaaiberlsln'a telle and Diarrhoea Rsmrd). "Chamberlain's Colic and Diar hoea Remedy waa used by mv fa-1 ther about a year ag owhen he had diarrhoea. It relieved him im mediately and bv taking three doses he was absolutely cured. FU' has gn at faith ill this remeiKlL writes Mra. W. 11. WiiUanui, Stnn ley, N. Y. What a prolific brood the fa ther of lie* is leading around by hand in these buay day* ot strife. VIOLENT RGHTII6 111 VERDUK SECTOR FRENCH AND GERMANS AGAIN ENGAGED IN EXTREMELY FIERCE STRUGGLES. PEWS MEN HOLD TEOTONS Germans Returned to Fray With New Vigor—Halg'e British Troops D*lN er Successful Attack*—Lull In Northern Russian Front*. Again the French and Qermans ar* engaged in extremely heavy fighting In the Verdun sector, with the Ger mans trying to recoup their loss of the end of last week on the right bank of the Meuse, but with General Petaln's forces holding them back al most everywhere and covering the ground with their dead. Ov*r a front of nearly two miles the Germans, following unsuccessful attacks in the sector of the Bols Dss Fosses and the Bols dee Caurleres, re turned to the fray with renewed vig or, especially around Hill 344. At some points French trenches were captured by the Qermans but they later were driven out and the French line was entirely re-established. In the fighting around the Bols de Posses Saturday night the Germans left near ly one thousand dead on the ground before the Prench positions. At various points on the front held by Field Marshal Haig the British troops have dellverod successful at tacks, especially northwest of St. Quentln, where German positions on a front of several hundred yards were captured and prisoners taken. In | Flanders the British guns are still roaring In the mighty bombardment that has been In progress more than a fortnight, but as yet the Infantry has not been looßsd for the Impend ing dash into the enemy territory. There has been a considerable slackening In the German advance In northern Russia, due In large measure to the Russians making stands si sev eral point*, particularly on the front of the Pskoff railroad Una leading eastward from Riga. Hare the van ! guards of the. Oermans and Russian | cavalry are engaged In fighting, the I result beln* that the invaders are held back while theßusslans are pre ! paring defenses in which to make a ; stand. LANSING EXPOSES BREACH OF SWEDISH NEUTRALITY Develops Another Ca** of Sinister Tsutonlo Diplomacy. Washington.—Cople* of three brief dispatches made public by the state department revealed another ca*a of sinister German diplomacy, thli time directed agMnst Argentina ar.d Involv ing the Swedlah foreign office In an apparent grave breach of neutrality and diplomatic propriety. They were messages to Berlin from Count the German charge at Beunos Aires, forwarded by the Swed ish legation there as It* own commun ications. Desldes advising that no concessions be granted Argentina In the submarine controversy, they sug gest that the South American coun try's ships be sunk "without leaving any trace" and gave Information as to the sailing and position* of certain vessels. The department's announcement was sent to the Argentine embassy and the Swedish legation here at tho same time It was given to the public. There was no explanation as to how the messages came Into the hand* of the United States nor discussion aa to what may be the result. The action created a aenaatlon, par ticularly among the r.eutral diplomats. Baron Akerhlelm, the Swedish charge In the absence of advices from his gov ernment, would not comment further than to say It was Improbable the Swedish minister at Buenos Aires knew of the contents of the dls patchos. Axel Robert Nordvall of tha special Swedish economic mission, de clared that he was certain that Baron Lowen, the Swedish minister to Argen tina, had no knowledge of the contanta of the dispatches. May Recall Baron Lowsn. Mr. Nordvall was of the opinion that Baror. Ixiwon would b* recalled by the Swedish government and aald tie looked for an explanation and a disavowal of any Intention to commit an unneutral act. What effect the disclosure will have on Argentina's relations with Germany could only be guessed at both by state department officials and by Ambassador Naon. The ambassa dor already has transmitted message* to hi* government and until Instruc tions are received he will not comment on the Incident. Washington.—Launching of a Junior Red Cross memberiiblp In which will be open to all school children of the United State*, waa announced by the American Red Crons. It la hoped to as semble 22,000,000 children Into a body that materially will assist In the work of the main organliatlon. The mow Bent waa planned by Dr. H. N. Mc cracken, president of Vaaaar. with the cooperation of many educational authorities. ELEVEN OF EVERY 1000 SOLDIERS AT FRONT ®IE Washington.—About eleven soldiers are killed In action or die of wounds In each 1.000 of mobilized strength on the' western Kuropean front according to figures compllsd by the committee o* public Information, based on the •Report that during the Marne and Charlerol baUles casualties were 1.41 estimates of military erperts In this per cent of the mobilised strength and country that fatalities hare never ex ceeded twenty per cent of casualties, OLD NORTH STATE NEWS; Brief Notes Covering Happening* In I This States That Ar* of Interest ta All the People. Maiton 1* planning to Install as electric light plant soon. Edward K. Brltton has gone to Washington and taken up his dutlei as private secretary for Josephui Daniels, Secretary of Navy. Mrs. M. L. Poole, one of the oldest women In Burke county, met death by tailing down a flight of stairs dur ing the night. Her body waa not dla covered until next morning. A check for SI,OOO waa forwarded to Francis C. Boyer. North Carolina di rector of the Red Cross, for the Ameri can Red Cross ambulanca to be seat to Prance by the people of Fayette vllls. Employes of the SouUtyn Railway at Spencer received pay* checks cov ering back time since March 1, in ac cordance with an agreement for a* Increase In wages from forty-two cents per hour to fifty and a half cent* an hour. Visitors will be allowed to land al Fort Caswell provided they know an officer there who is willing to vouch safe for them and they can proceed to the National Guard camp 1( they do not object to the presence of an armed sentry strolling by their aid*. The fall crop of cabbage all through the western part of the stat* always suffers from the several kinds ol worms which eat the leaves. Thess come from eggs laid by Innocent looking yellow-white buttarfllas, oi dull-gray motha. And It I* a quostlos whether they do not sometimes de vour, or spoil, a* many pounde of th« cabbage aa ar* *at*n by people, states Entomologist Sherman. The "Patriotic Penny" movement tor the benefit of the Red Croaa wll> be put Into effect In Rocky Mount by the local chapter. The movemenl means that the city will be divided Into districts, with a captain appoint ed for each. This captain will call on •very family In his district once s week for a contribution of ono penny from each member of the houaehold The North Carolina troop* are pour Ing Into Camp Sevier at a rate which will soon see them completely mobil ised. The third regiment I* already complete, following th* arrival of six companies early this morning on a special train of twenty coaches. The companies were: Headquarters, from Oraham; Company A, from Lexington; Company I, from Burlington; Com pany K, from Asheboro; Company L, from Thomasvllle, and Company O, from Reldsvlll*. Miss Blanche McDada, twenty-live wall known Raleigh woman, was In, atantly killed whan an automobile in which she waa riding collided with a car driven by Luther Austin, automo bile mechanic of Knlghtdale, ten miles west of here, Austin, together with two othar occupants of his machlns and three occupapta of the car In which Miss McDade was riding, wat aeverely If not seriously Injured Miss Lula Ford, another Raleigh girl in tha car In which the young woman |wa* killed, escaped unhurt. It la aafci both cars were running wlthoul lights. When the West Point graduation ceremonies came to a clone another Fayotteville woman could aay trial ahe had four boys In the active service of the United Statna army. Ur. and Mrs. J W. McNeill have three sons and one grandson In the army—Nor man McNeill, who received hi* com mission as a second lieutenant at the hands of Secretary Baker at the mili tary academy recently; Kenneth Mc- Neill. a corporal In company K, see ond North Carolina Infantry; I-auch lln McNeill, private In oompany A North Carolina englneera, and Oeorge Standi!, a private In company V of the aecond regiment. Oeorge Poo. son of Representative Pou. Is preparing to leave for France with the signal corps to which ha be longs. His mother and wlfa are Is Washington to see him oil. The North Carolina Pine Emergen c.j Association will furnish IJWO.OOt (est of lumber for the construction ol a frame stucco building to bouae the council of national defense In Wssh In*tun The order waa given Satur day and will be rushed here before the end of tbla week. The flrat and only drowning of ths 1»17 season at Wrlghtsvllle Beach oc curred when James Kdwards. 1* year old aon of Mr Jacob Kdwards ol Wilmington lost his life. Hla brother, aged 35 years, who went to his rescue, came near being drowned also, being brought In by life guards when almost exhausted. Governor T W Bkkett made a war speech In Salisbury. He was beard by about 4.000 people from all sections of the country and his address made a deep Impression for patriotism. WANTED I Ladies or men with rigs or auto /nobilos to represent a Southern Company. Those with selling ex perience preferred, tho* not neces sary. Past selling proposition. Brand new article. Exculerit pay for hustlers. Address Mr. Greg ory, 160 4th Ave. N. Nashville, Tenn. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE GLEANER, 9M9 A YEAR VICTOR MURDOCK 1 ——ebBBBB Victor Murdoek, former congressman from Ksnsas, was nominated by Pres ident Wilson to be a member of ths federal trad* commission. WM CREDITS BILL PASSED GREAT AUTHORIZATION OF BONDS AND CERTIFCATES PASS UNANIMOUSLY. 1 ' Not a Material Amsndmsnt Was Add ed to th* Bill By th* House.—Total Amount Which Is Authorised I* SIV 638,948,460. Washington.—The great war credits bill, authorising $11,635,546,460 In bonds and certlflcates, passed ths House unanimously. Action by the Senate si sopn as the pending war tax bill Is disposed of Is planned by administration leaders. Not a material amendment was added to the bill by th* Hons*. Rep renentative Moore , of Pennsylvania, led a group of republicans In a futile light for consideration of his proposal fof a war expenditures committee, which was thrown out on a point of order. Every effort of republicans to limit the control the bill would give Secre tary McAdoo over the bonds and cer tlflcates resulted In failure The last flgfct, made by Representative John son. of Washington, to direct th* sec retary to spend at least $2,600,000 for newspaper advertising In disposing of the bonds, was d*feat*d overwhelm ingly. If the secretary desires under the measure, he may us* some of the $17,600,000 appropriated for disposing of all the bonds and certlflcates In newspsper publicity. Representative Cannon, of Ullnoii, obtained the adoption of a compro mise amendment to exempt from tax ation forever Interest on bonda not In excess of |6,0Q0. He wanted to make It (10,000, but Democratic Leader Kit chin would not agree.. The bill authorUoa the lasuanc* of $7,638,945,400 worth of convertible 4 per cent bonds, .aubject to super-taxes and war profit* taxes, and to termi nate at the dlacretlon of the seers tary of the treasury. Of this total, ♦4,000,000,000 worth la for a new al lied loan; »:!. 000,000,000 worth to talfe over a 3 12 per cent Isaun already au thorized and the remaining $5211,948,- 400 to be used for converting certain outatandlnK bonda, Including the Dan lah Weat rndles, Alaakan railway. Pan ama canal and naval conatructlon Is ■DM. RUSSIANS FLEE WHILE ITALIANS HOLD AUSTRIAN® Carman Fleet la Active a* Slava are Preeaed from Riga, The Russians and Austro-Itallan theaters continue the centera of Inter eat In the world war. In the former the Oermana are atlll preaalng the Ruaalana la their retreat from the Riga region; In the latter the forcea of General Cadorna continue to haraaa the Auatrlana but with the enemy of fering atout realatance on the major aectora—north and northeast of Qeor fla and alone 'he Carao plateau. With the Ruaalan front already brok ' en over a dlatance of about 45 mllea between Riga and Prlodrlchatadt. the province of Livonia la faat being over run by the Oermana. Kverywhere the enemy la preaalng the retreating Rua alana, among whom the disaffection that permitted the eaay taking of Riga dally becomes more apparent. Although the Ruaalana have fallen Duck with great a peed all along the line ,lt aeema evident that they have not bee nput to rout and thta the loyal troopa are fighting aplemlld rear-guard actlona. Thla seemingly la borne out by the fact that the German bag of prlaonera thua far has been leaa than eight thousand and their capture In guna only ISO. QERMAN AIRMEN BOMB GREAT FRENCH HOSPITAL Grand Headquarters of the French army In Prance —The Vande lalncourt hoapltal In the region of Ver dun wax again bombarded by German aviators for alx and a half hours. Nine teen persona yere killed and 26 wound ed The huta attacked contained only aevorely wounded men, who were unable to move from their cots. The hostile sirplanes flew over the boslptal 20 times from 8:30 o'clock In the even ing until 3 o'clock In the morning. WE HAVE THE EARLIEST, BlO geat, high claas Strawberry grown. Alao the Best one or the ever bearing kinds; bears the best 11a vored berries trom Spring until the snow flies. Free Booklet. Wake field Plant Farm, Charlotte. North Carolina. I7febßt Cnrranaa's attitude in interna tional affairs would fe more con vlncing if it could Have the un qualified endorsement of Villa. NO. 32 (•KAHAM CHCJHCH DIBECTOBY Qraham Baptist Church—Rev, W, K. Davis, Pastor. Preaching every first and third Sundays at 11.00 a. m. and 7.00 p,, m. Sunday School every Sunday at ■9.45 a. m. A. P. Vvilliama Hiipt Prayer meeting every Tuesday at 7.40 p. m. Urahain Christian Church—N. Main sirui'i Kev. J. tf. Truit'. Pieachi ujj services every Sec ond and tourin Sunday*, at 11.04 a. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 10.00 a. m.—K. L. Henderson, Super intendent. New Providence Christian Church —Worth Main Street, near Depot— lie v. J. U. Truitt, Pastor. Preach ing every Second and Fourth Sun day nights at 8.00 o'clock. Sunday School every Sunday ai M 6 a. m.—J. A. Bayliff, Superin tendent. Christian Endeavor Prayer Meet ing every Thursday night at 7.46, o'clock. friends—Worth ol Qraham Pub lic School—Kev. Fleming Martin, Pastor. Preaching Ist, 2nd and 3rd Sun day*. Sunday School every Sunday at 10.00 a. ro.—Belle Zacnary, Superin tendent. k- Methodist Episcopal south—cor Main and Maple Bt„ H. B. Myen Pastor. Preaching every Sunday at U.« a. m. and at 7.30 p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at '.46 a. m.— W. B. Green, Supt, M. P. Church—N. Main Street Rev. K. S. i'roxler, Pastor. Preaching first and third Hun davs at 11 a. m. and t p. m. Sunday School every Sunday ai '.46 a. m.—J. L. Amick, Supt. Presbyterian-Wat Elm Street- Rev. X. M. McConnell, pastor. Sunday School every Sunday si 1.46 1 m.—Lynn B. Williamson, Su perintendent. I P u? , V?* riM lT r " TOr " Ch«p«l)— • J. W. Clegg, paatcr. Preaching every Second end Fourth Sunday* at 7.10 p. a. v Sunday School every Sunday- at tJO p. m—J. Harvey White, Su perintendent. Oneidn-Sunday School every Sunday at 3.30 p. m.—J. V. Pome -roy, Superintendent 1 ■ njiiiih.^J PROFESSIONAL CARDS E. C. DERBY Civil Engineer. GRAHAM, N. C. National lapliaf W«1 BURLINGTON, N. C, It. Ist Wall—l l«k talMtif. 'Rmh 47* JOHN J. HENDERSON Attorney-at-Law GRAHAM, N. C. Mile* ever ••—,- MT , J", S. ~a~Cr2JBZ, Attorney-at-Law, • BAH AM, N>)o. 0171 oe Pittonoa Building / Second Floor. DR. WILL S. LQKfI, JR. . . . DENTIST . . . Iraham, . - ■ - Nerth Carsllaa >KFICK M SI MMONB BUILDING ACOB A. LONG. J. ELMEB LOM. LONG *, LONG, attorney* and Connaalora ut Law GRAHAM, M. 0. JOHN H. VERNON Attorney and Counaelor-at-Law i Pii*E» (lite 1U KeaMenee SSI -* BURLINGTON, N. C. Dir. J. J, Barefoot OPFICE Up Stairs ID Oolcy Building. Leave messages at Hayes Drug '.J Co.'a, 'phone «7, residence 'phone 282. Office hourse 2to 4 p. m. and by appointment. DR. G. EUGENE HOLT Osteopathic Physician XI. H aad M First Natlooal Baahk SM« BURLINOTON, N C. Stom.icb and Nervous diseases a Specialty. 'Phones, Office 305,—res idence, 362 J. LIVES OF CHRISTIAN MINISTERS This book, eutitled aa above, . jontiiinit over 200 memoirs of Min isters iu the Christian Cliurcb with historical references. An interesting volume—nicely print >«l and bound. Price per copy: cloth, $2.00; gi!i top, 12.60. By mail 20c extra. Orders may b* sent to P. J. KKRNODLE, 1012 K. Marshall St., j Richmond, Va. Orders may be left at this office. jt sloo—Dr. E. Detchon's Anti-l)iu- 1 retic may be worth more to you . j —more to you than |IOO if you have a child who soils the wed ding from incontinence of water during sleep. Cares old and voiinjr alike. It arrests the trouble at i once. 11.00. Bold by Qraham Drug Company. a«tv,- | China and Siam may hot be of j much help in the war against Oer-, many, but their entry i» encouraj-'«| inr and shows that they have ex- Jg eelloDt judgment in picking a