THE GLEANER ISSUED EVERY THUBSDAT. J. P. KERNOPLE, Editor. (1.00 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. ADVERTISING BATES me square (1 Id.) 1 time 11.00, rreacj sttb *quunt Insertion MceoU. For more stare an I longer time, rate* furnished on applies a. Looal notices 10 eta. a line for tint ixert.on t-aubsequent Insertion! ft cu. s line transient advertisements must be paid (or in advance fheedi w not be responsible for /lews expressed by correspondents. Entered at the Postoffloe st Uraham. N- 0., as second class matter. ORAHAM, N. C., Sept. 13,19X7. "We must have one language— the language of the Declaration of Independence, of Washington's farewell address, and Lincoln* great speeches." So said Mr. Roose velt at Gotham, N. Y„ a few days ago in nn address. Only a few days ago about all the people connected with a leading Ger man paper printed In Philadelphia were arrested. Papers in this coun try not printed in the language ol thi» country— the English language —•re a menace to the good order of the government and a suppres sion of them would be along the light line at this time. It is believed that Russia will come arouud alright. The tug of war in that great country now is ' i Whether KornllofT or A shall prevail. The latter Is iu ac cord with the ideas tho world-war \ la being waged for aud the Rus sians wifi, it is bolieved, come round to hiin. His ambition is for world-freedom aid not per sonal aggrandizement. On the other baud KornilofT leans toward Autocracy, tho thing that the Rus sians wore ridding themselves of when the Czar was forced down and out, aud when the people really loam what tho difference between tho two men is they will turn to Kerensky. , There' seems to bo no end of Ger -1 man intrigue. The lutest thing was by Secretary I-ansing. No consideration of friend or foe is considered. As an international dis turber tho like of Germany has never before been known. At Lenoir nn automobile driven by Ned Jones collided with a tele phone pole. James T. Gross, one ol the occupants of the cor and a member of Battery K. Field Artil lery, was thrown on tho concrete sidewalk and his skull fractured. His condition Is serious. The oth ers were not seriously hurt. If the Hoheniollern bunch had finished the war business in the W allotted six weeks the crown Prince would not ha\ e had his glory ruo bed off by Hlndonberg. As the ex-Czar v compares Sinerlo and a retinue of many acrvanis with what waa handed irfniis XVI. of France, he should distinctly cheer up, it might be worse. It way JO Mr. Hoover'* privilege claim the gratitude of future gen eration* aa the man who made economy popular. There arc varietica of the middle man which on cloae inspection look like tho hold-up man. Elihu Root, one of our greoteat atatearner), and in patriotism sec ond to none, aa.v» there are men walking around thia country plot ting In the interest of Germany and they abouid je ahot without delay. Senator Root la right, the U. 8. la too alow about ahooting ita cop perheada. Profiteering la rapidly naasing in to tha same moral classification as privateering. Ciprluno C'astro is saving dark things about the United States. Ap parently he la "pro-American* too. Banar Law aaya that the British are grateful to Americans. The people of Germany will be event ually. - " A pacifist in America ia worth two in the Herman army—to the Kaiser. While In the war yesterday Chi na behaved with her accustomed dignity. It aeema thai there will be a Hearstles* race tor mayor of New York thia year. , Forecast: '-About November 15 look out for a great cackduz on account of the scarcity and high price of eggs. Pershing that the war wilt be won only oy hard blow*. Ami Perahing ia not apeaklng from hearsay evidence. The prominence of "Milk Street'. Boat on. i* believed to be due to the convenience of other ingredi ents found around the cormv, Pro-Germans cannot chatfge their apots oy calling themaelvea "pro .' Americans." Worldwide democracy and the hsoit of growing one'a own garden are well worth while. When the Kniaer geta ready to •- abdicate he should take along hia Junkers and the other remnanta of feudalism. The Kaiaer'a troops In the West * continue active. Their latest tri umph ia the fall of the mighty St. Quentin Cathedral. Food Conservation >, v Hoover & P Company ia much oetter than food I), conversations oy Reed, LaFollette p & Oronna, Inc. Bjf- EverT peace suggestion la a f:„ grateful reminder that eventually! ft. peace ia aure to come. Provisions of Soldiers' Insurance Law. The Soldiers' and Sailors' Insur ance .bill, designed as a substitute iq the future for the present pen sion system, favorably reported to the House of Congress, would provide allowances for dependent* of men in the service, compensa tion for death and disability, op tional insurance for officers and enlisted men, and educational and vocational training for honorably discharged men. Administration costs for the first and second years of the war are estimated at sl7ti,'' 000,000 and $380,000,000, respec tively. ~ The optional insurance section of the bill, around which, the bit terest tight will centre, contem plates the issuance to officers and men without distinction of policies ranging from SI,OOO to $5,000 for the duration of the war only, at an estimated cost of $8 per SI,OOO to the policyholder. Insurance companies are said to have de clined to assume such war risks for less than S6B a SI,OOO. Proposed allotments fordepend ents of men in the service would range from $5 a month to SSO, ac cording to the number of depend ents and their relationship to the man in service. A dependent wife with no children would re ceive sls a month; witn one child, $25; two children, $32.60, and for each additional child, $6. Upon death resulting from injuries a wido»v would receive from S3O to s2otl a month. Similar provision is made for widowed mothers. A 1 lowance for disabilities incurred in the service would range from S4O to S2OO a month. Burke Man Gets Big Money From English Government. D. F. Asbury, son of 8. M. As bury of Murko county, nays a dis patch from Morgauton, has won world-wide fame by an important invention covering improvemenlH in big guns. This improvement was studied out by young Asbury several yearn ago, wliilo lie was draftsman in ihe War Department. llfx im provement was instantly recog nized by the British government, which bought the rights to use it and since that time Anbury ban been getting large royalty check*. Last weok he received a chock from ihat government amountiug to over $.''.0,000, leaving him a clear royalty of $26,000, after the English income tax wan de ducted. How the War Started Wne of the little grandsons of the Kaiser said lately to his im perial relative: "Grandpa, did you make this war"? "No, child," replied the Kaiser. "Then did Uncle George make the war'"' ' ••No." "Did Uncle Nick make the war, grandpa"? "I'll tell you how it started," said his grandfather. "A man namod Teddy Roosevelt came to see me and I took him to look at the Krupp works. He examined everything I showed him care fully and then crid: "With all these works and all your prepared ness you can lick the world." "And," added the Kaiser, sadly, "I was fool enough to believe him. HTATF. or Oil KMI, JITY or Toi.mio I Loo« Frank J. Cheney make* o%tn that ha la aenlor partner ef the llfui oi F. J. rhatiay & Co,, tloWig Inialneaa In thu city or Toledo, county and Mtate j»ior«»nil, and that said nriu will |M»y tha mini of our Hundred IMlara for each and every caai of Catarrh that caiinot IM» cur«Hl by the ui* of llAll'a catarrh «urt\ KftA*K J. tHKNKY. Hworn to before lia and luliM'rltitd lu my pretence, thlaftlh day of l>ecetnt>er, A. D., 1«« A. W. Ol.KA^oif, IHaall Notary Public, itad ■ Cntarrh Medicine In taken luicrually and act thpiuili the tdood on the inwooua •urfacea of the ayatetn. Mend tor Uatlmo nlala free. K. J. CH KNKV * CO., Toledo, O. Hold hy all DruarxlaU, T"KJ. Ilaira Family rllla tor eonattratlon. J. 11. StApluH, aherilT of Patrick county, Va., ia charged with mia> conduct in ofllce, the chargea bo iug brought by hia brother, Archie Htaplea. An investigation lute been ordered. Liliuokalani, former queen of Hawaii, haa aunt to tho American Ked Cruoa a couiribution of SIOO. in a letter she tiaid the contribu tion would be renewod monthly to the end of the year. The I'reaident and Mrs. Wilson went to New York early Saturday morning and boarded the preai denlial j acht at the lirooklyn Navy Yard to spend a few days (•ruining in New York waters. The contract has l>een let for the new buildings for the institution lor the blind to be erected near the State prison in Raleigh. The coat ia (140,000. Calomel Salivates and Makes You SiGk Acts like dynamite on a slug gish liver and you lose a day's work. There's DO reaaon why a per-i son should take sickening, salivat ing calomel when 30 cents buy* e large bottle of Dodaon's Liver Tone a perfect substitute for calomel It Is a pleasant vegetable liquid which will start your liver )uat a* aurely a* calomel, but It doean't make you sick, and cannot sali vate. Children and .grown folks can take Dodaon'a Liver Tone, because it U perfectly harmless. Calomel is a dangerous drug. It is mercury abd attacks your bones. Take a dose odf maaty calomel to day and you will feel weak, sick and nauseated tomorrow. Don't lose a days work. Take a spoon ful of Dodson's Liver Tone instead and you will wake up feeling great. No more biliousneaa, constipation, aluggishnesa, headache, coated tongue, or sour stomach. Your druggist says if you don't find Dodson's Liver Tone acU better than horrible calomel your money is waiting for yob. STATE IS SAVED BIG MONEY ON TYPHOID. » . Insurance Company Saved Thousands of Dollars Annually. ■" Heat evidence that t.vphold fever haa been coating the State thous and* of dollars ever.v year is fur nished by the Southern Life ana Trust Company of Greensboro, in its monthly publication, Tb* Phot The August issue says: "Up until last year typhoid fever was cost ing this company thousands of dol lars annually; but the constant a;,'i tation kept up by the Board of Health, newspapers, county phyii cians and other means of transmit ting advi c?"to the people to guard against typhoid fever, resulted in this company's not having a death from typhoid fever in 1816,' and on ly one this year.' The State Board of Health points out that the thousands of dollars that are saved this company annu ally are only 6,824 people the num ber of this company's policy hold ers in the State, and that if typhaiJ prevention work has meant this saving on such a small proportion it has meant a saving over 300 times as great for the entire State. The Pilot attributes this great re duction in typhoid mainly to th' 3 .fact that people are learning that it is strictly a filth disease ami must either be eaten with one's food or drunk with one's drink to be a case. The disgrace that goes with the disease is another feature that is beginning to appeal to the to the people. More care is now being given to home sanitation ana the various means of preventing tae spread of this dangerous disease. More interest is also being taken in anti-typhoid vaccination which every day is proving its value. No Secrecy About Preventable Dis eases—State Board of Health Will Make Reports of New State Law. Raleigh, Sept. 4.—That there shall be no secrecy as to preventable diseases that shall occur in the State from now on, particularly an to where they occur and in what number, is the announcement made to-day by the State Board oi Health. The purpose is to aid the Board in its plan to reduce the number of preventaole diseases in the State. The information will oe obtained through the new State law requiring physicians and house holders to report cases of commun nicable diseases to the county quar antine officer and the latter to the State Board of Health. This law went Into effect August Ist. The first month'r reports show that the law is already in active operation. It is the opinion of the Scate Board of Heallh that the presence of any contagious, preventable dis card in a town-or community is a matter of vital interest to tho pub lic, that the people have a right to know where it exists, and that there Is no reason for suppressing such information. If anything mus: be Huppresscd, says the Board let It be the disease itself and not th fact that a town has had so many cases or has had so may deaths. The Board's plan of informing the public regarding the presence o, any contagious disease in the State will embrace two methods. The first will be through the monthly reports of the county quarantine officer, which records will be puo- Ushed monthly, and the second will lie by means of an epidemiological map on which the number of caseb of a contagious diseases at any place will be Indicated by colorea pins. This map will be kept In the office of the State Board ol Health for the information of the public. Biggest Better Babies Contest at The State Fair—New Building For the Better Babies Now Enrolling. Raleigh, Sept. 6,—The biggest Bet ter Babiea Contest ever held in the State and probably in the South will be held here at the State Fair next month, Oct. 15-20. For this purpoae a wing or aection of the new Woman's Building, recently constructed 1 and uaed thia season .for the firat time haa been aet apart and apecially equipped. The intereat of the babiea haa been well looked after in the new building, and their presence with that of their mothera is counted on as be ing one of the biggest features at the Fir thia year. The babiea are already enroll ing. Miaa Mae Reynolds of the State Board of Health, who is sec retary of the Better Babiea Conteat ia receiving applications and re iue»ta for information almost daily and says that auch interest in the contest has never been shown this early in the contest before. The names of half a dozen fine babiea ha\ e already been placed on the liat. The conteat will be under the management of the Health Depart ment of the Woman'* Club of Ral eigh, with Mrs. W. A. Wither* as chairman. The same rules and re*- ulationa aa those governing the contest laat J ear will be o >»ervel thia year. Babiea from 6 t» J8 moa. old will be admitted and the aame system of making the exsminations and keeping the acorea will >e uaed. The aervicca of expert phya icians, oaby *peoiall«t*. and train ed nurse* will be secured. , In addition to the usuaf numb«r of prices that are offered each year to the bettor babies, thi* State- State Pair Association this year of fer* a handsome money prize, the amount of whldh and the conditions governing it will be announced la ter.' Parenta making application for baby are requested by the aecre tarv to give the baby'a name in full, its age in months and the day on which they will attend the Fair. Babiea under six months or over thirty-six months will not bs ad mitted. Itch relieved in 24 minutes by Woodford'a Sanitary Lotion. Neva, fails. Sold bv Graham Drag Co. What haa occome of the old-4aah ioned tailor who sewed on auttons that stayed on? "Hooverize" But Don't Stop Eating. Some people seem to think to "Hooveriee*- or to conserve food is to cut down on eating and to •crimp their bill ot fare. The State Board ot Health lays there, are more intelligent ways of conserving food, which if they are abaerved, will conserve health at the same they conserve food. The Board aa.\ s: j "Chew your food well. Proba bly the biggest waste of fcaad in this country grows out of hasty eating, as half chewed food is only half digested, and therefore the other half is wasted. Dr. Horace Fletcher, it is said, proved that a man could live on half as much food if he chewed it well as was required for him when he gulped it down. Chew your food thor oughly to taste and enjoy it. ''iiatall you want but know some thing of the nourishing value of whaj you eat, particularly of wh/»t you buy to eat. An inquiry by tne Federal Government not long ago brought out the fact that out of every SIOO spent by 2,500 families of moderate incomes thai, were spent for meat alone. Only 63c wore spent for rfce and less than 80c for cheese, both of the latter being excellent suostitutes for meat. Too much meat eating is a fault that almost of the people can correct and thereby reduce their food bill. More milk, especially for children, ana friiits, nut# and vegetables for grown people should be substituted for meat. This will not only insure a smaller grocer's bill to pay but a smaller doctor's bill. Besides, it is a patriotic duty." OUR PART. MY HEBBKBT KAUFMAN. » France gaily bleeds upon her torn frontiers and counts her waning wealth u! men and gold with still unquiiling heart. Belgium, a shambles and a house of shames superbly keeps the faith with exiled flag and king beneath the banners of a conqueror. Bewildered Russia, groping, man umitted surf, plays perilously with sudden rights as children with a toy they do not understand, who, in the search for revelation, break the works beyond repair. 'l'he path to Austria has taken an Italian life in toll for every foot of progress made, and after two years .spent upon the stuboorn heights, the farthest sentry on the last outposting peak is not a night removed from his own boundaries. Rumania struck one blow and then became a German camp, a looted realm; and Servian Peter leads his homeless waifs on alien soil. Britain »in vain hurls her full strength into the West, recruits un ceasin levies for the slaughter heap. Her constant transports ply the Seven Seas. Pathan, Egyptian Anzak, promptly answer each fresh call, and the astounding Prussian with never an invading foot upon the Fatherland, calmly eats their steel, presents unbroken ironts. maintains its hold from Antwerp to the Dardanelles, and insolently challenges the world from pole to pole to pool its might and come in arms against him. The end of this grim war is not in sight. Whoever thinks the Allied cause is won has read his facts amiss. We have our parts to play—a sad and heavy dauntless part. r We cannot, dare not (ail our pledges. Should Europe yield, as Europe majr, before we can assert our strength, America alone must meet the Central Powers, free than to devote their undivided fleets ana armies to our desolation. This is the time for minute men tor the right minute man—the time for the best to lead and the rest to heed; for the swift minds, for bold minds; for vast, audacious plans; the time for unites for sac rifice, for action by the fastest clocks. We've sworn to save Democracy —if we delay, we may not save ourselves.—October Cosmopolitan. Twenty-three American ajnbu lance men have been decorated by the French government wiih the War Cross during !jhe last week, for their work in the recent heavy fighting. They include Lansing M. Paynen of Durham, N. C. An inquiry to fix responsibility for the worthless cartridge pri mers sent General Pershing's ex peditionary force began in Wash ington yesterday. The investiga tion is made bycongressional com mittee, by request of the War Departm> lit. Ktperlenre (he Hest Teacher. It is generally admitted that ex perience ia the best teacher, but should we not make use of the ex perience of others as well as our own? The experience of a thousand persons is more to be depended up on than that of one Individual. Many thousands of persons have used Chamberlain's Cough Hemedy for coughs and colds with the best results, which shows it to be a thoroughly reliable preparation for those diseases. Try it. It is prompt and effectual and pleasant to take. The Pontoffice Departmant has authorized tw oadditional clerks for the Winston-Salem office and in structed the postmaster to the office open until 9 p. m. Lindsay Brittain, a 12-ycar-old. boy of Kocky Mount, was wading with other boys in an old rock quarry near Wilmington, stepped in water over his head and was drowned. HaUsria Ms Hears O/atreaainfi Kidney and Bladdef Disease relieved in aix houra by the "NEW QRKAT SOUTH AMER ICAN KIDNEY CURB." It ia a great surprtae on account of its exceeding nromptneaa In relief uain in bladder, kianeys and back, in male or female. Relieves reten tion of water almoat Immediately, (f yon want quick relief and curs this ia the remedy. Sold by Gra ham Drug Co. adv. Fitzhugh Griffin, driving a gov ernment automobile at wmp Greene, Charlotte, ran over a negro boy. Frank Ooin. The boy died ana Griffin faces a charge of man alaughter. At Wilmington. Mrs. James a. Fairley was run Into by a negro riding a bicycle. She waa seri ousl.v injured. The negr owaa hela under arreet to await the outcome of her injuries, . ; ... , 1 Mom* of Poet*. It is a strange fact that although Kilmarnock la a very looking factory town—the moat commonplace *fn the region—lt la the borne of num bers of poets. Perhapa the rhythm ol the shuttles in the great weaving mills la productive of poetic measures. At the Burns' monument In Ayr yon may aee the wedding ring of Jean Ar mour and the Bible Burns gave to Highland Mary, and yon may walk across the very Held where Burns turned np a daisy with his plow, and ttJrned It Into a lyric. Bnt to try to recreate a personality by looking at books and rings and even houses, or by following the foot steps of the great man. Is really a hopeless task. The spirit of Burnt lives rather In the homely wit of ths Ayrshire people. In their ways of- liv ing and thinking, which are not much changed 'li nee his day. And It Uvea even more vividly In the Ayrshire country side, a landscape lyrical and homelike, with Its velvety fields and whispering streama, 'lts "bonnle banks and braes." . Some Leaves Llva Long. Evergreen trees do not retain theli leaves forever, but are so called b» Muse the new leaves appear before the old ones are shed. Hiss Vlnnle A, Pease has been studying the many evergreens of the Pacific Northwesl to ascertain how long the several spe cies retain their leaves. She finda t wide variety, the shortest being th« California buckthorn, which sheda some of Its leavea in antumn and re tains the others only until those ol the coming season are mature. Th« longest Is the short-leaved yew, which retains Its leavea for from five tc twelve years, some of them persisting for as long as 28 years. Sapllngf lose their leaves more quickly than mature trees and trees In the open more quickly than those In shady places. A Prophecy That Failed. Dr. Christopher Glrtanner, a fa mous professor of Gottlngen, prophe sied as late as the last century that before It had passed the transmutation of gold would be generally known' and pratlced. "Every chemist and artist," he wrote, "will make gold; kitchen ntenslls will be of silver and even gold, which will contribute more than anything else to prolong life, which at present Is poisoned by the oxides of copper, lead and Iron, which we dally swallow with onr food." Perhaps there is something in that —R. I. Oeare, In American Medicine. Plenty of Creases. Bis Wife—l wish you'd dress more neatly. Just look at Mr. Fnssbody. His tronsers are always so perfectly creased. Mr. Pclouch —He's got nothing on me. My panta have ten creases to hi* Virginia Republicans in Statecon vention at Roanoke, placed in the field a full State ticket, headed b.v Thomas J Mauncy of Bla'nd countv, to opposa Westmoreland Davis, Democratic nominee for governor in the November election. The con vention went on record as bein.? squarely in favor of the prohibi tion laws on the statute books ol the State. Plans for purchasing and storing in Chicago of a million bushels of potatoes for use after January 1, have been started ov the middle Western section of the national food administration. The potatoes are to be sold to consumers at cost, the price to be fixed aftei all expenses, including interest on the capital re quired to finance the deal, have been determined. Press dispatches recently stated that church bells, some of them centuries old, had been taken from churches In Germany to be melted for war munitions. A later dispatch says that all bronre statues in Ger many will be melted for munitions. Two men were shot and woundea and others were beaten with revol ver butts Sunday when the Ninth Illinois Infantry broke up a la bor parade at Springfield, 111,, plan ned as a demonstration of sympa thy with striking Btreet car con ductors and motormen. Virginia tobacco for the Ameri can soldiers abroad filled the holds of a four masted schooner that has sailed from an Atlantic port. Smok ing and chewing tobacco was in cluded in the shipment which, it is said, is the 'argest ever sent to Prance from the United States. One Italian was killed, another probably fatally wounded and two police officers were slightly injur ed in Milwaukee, Wis, Sunday when an attempt was made to break up a patriotic open air meeting in the Italian section. The two Itslians who were shot are members of an alleged anarchistic club. « Seven men were killed and two others were seriously injured at a Pennsylvania railroad crossing near Aberdeen, Md. The dead men were tomat opickers riding to work in a wagon w.hich was struck by a train at a railroad crossing. Fifty-six members of the Farm ers and Labors' Protective Asso ciation have been re-indicted at Abilene, Texas, by the Federal grand jar}'. They are charged with conspiracy to defeat the draft law. Three men were killed and 21 peraons, inchidiftif several women, were injured in an explosion at the Frankford arsenal in Phila delphia. The explosion ia believed to have been due to ihe accidental dropping of a tray of explosives. People Mpeak Well »f Chamberlain'* Tablets. "I have been Helling Chamberlain's Tablets for about two years and heard such good reports from m.v customers that I concluded to give them a trial myself, and can say that I do not believe there is an other preparation of the kind equal to them." writes U. A. Mcßride. Headford, Oat. If you are trou bled with' constipation or indiges tion give them a trial. They will do you good. ' Daniel S. Jones, night fireman at the light plant in Elizabeth, City waa shot from ambush while at his work, and mortally wounded- dyin* in a short time. Has a High Oplalon ol Chamberlain's Tablets. "I have a high opinion of Cham berlain'a Tablets for biliousness and as a laxative, writes Mrs. C. A. Bat nee, Charleston. 111. "I have ne\er found anything so mild and pleasant to uae. My brother has also nsed theee tablet* with satis factory result*. BRIG. 6EN. J. E. KUHN * Ti¥ mtm A new portrait of *Brlg. Gsn. Joseph E. Kuhn, president of the Army War College In Washington. ' ' MOVEMENT TO BPEEO UP CAMP SHIPMENTS. Orders Immediate Redistribution of 21,000 Empty Car*. Washington. To facilitate the prompt movement of grain and food products, as well as munitions, the car service commission, of the rail way war board, has ordered the Im mediate distribution of the nearly 11,- 000 additional empty cars among the lines operating In the sooth, the mid dle west and the southwest. This makes a total of more than 100,000 empty cars ordered moved in the last two months from one rail road to another, regardless of owner ship, to mobilize In various parts of ihe country, a sufficient number to handle the abnormal government and commercial traffic produced by war conditions. More than of the caw ordered to districts that need them will he supplied by the Pennsylvania system. "To protect the vegetable and southern watermelon crops," the com mission announced, "more than 6,000 cars hare been sent to the Atlantic, Birmingham & Atlantic, the Central of the Seaboard Air; Line, the Atlantic Coast Line • and other roads operating In the Southeast. "Meanwhile, hundreds of cars are being rushed dally to the lumber states of the south to take care of the tremendous movement of lum ber to the army cantonments and shipbuilding yards. SEVENTEEN KILLED, TWO BCORE HURT IN WRECK North Bradford, Conn.—Seventeen persons wer killed and upwarde of two score Injured, some probably fatally, when two trolley cars on the Shore Line Electric Railway met head on ait high speed a short distance from the local station. Both cars were of heavy construction and the force of the Im pact locked them together in a mass of twisted iron and steel and spllnter ed wood. Both cars were well filled with passengers. CURE FOR "DENTIST FRIGHT" Nervous Fatigue Suffered by Patient Result of Unnecessary Strain of Expecting a Hurt. That curious fear experienced by many known as "dentist fright" la al together unnecessary, according to doctors. "The fatigue which results from an hour Or more of this dentist tension Is too well known to need descrip tion," says Annie Payson Call, the well-known teacher of nerve training. "Most of the nervous fatigue suffered from the dentist's work is in conse quence of the unnecessary strain of expecting a hurt, and not from any actual pain inflicted. The result ob tained by insisting upon making your self a dead weight In the chair, If yon succeed only partially, will prove this. It will also be a preliminary means of getting rid of the dentist fright—that peculiar dread which la so well known to most of us." So well known Indeed to some of us as to shut out the sunlight for weeks before the fatal date, the dread Increasing steadily, till by the time the chair la reached a state of tension has been attained that preclude* the possi bility of letting ourselves "go dead." But, says a well-known neurologist, one can drop all this by a little effort, and say to himself, "I will not cry till I am hurt." In fact, he cannot only acquire the ability to become a dead weight In the chair but'will final ly give no more thonght to the den tilt's appointment than to a date at the golf club. MORE IMPROVED LIVE STOCK High Prices Make It Profitable foi Farmer to Produca Hla Own Anl mala for Feeding The recent rapid rise (n the priet paid for all kinds of live stock la mak ing It more and more profitable foi the average farmer to produce hla own young stock for feeding rather than to buy the high-priced product of th plains for thla purpose. Conditions la America today are more nearly like those prevailing In European countries in regard to lire stock than they havt ever been for an extended period la the history of our country. If the present conditions remain at they are for a few more yean thers wIH be noticed a rapid improvement of the farm herds and flocks. Former ly the range was large enough to crowd out the competition of the cornbell meat prodacer. Then the range began"* to produee only feeders and today the corn belt farmer la rapidly taking over this phase of the cattle business as the range la becoming smaller and smaller and la more and more unable to supply (he demand for beef. Growth of Good Road*. The Improvement of public roads In the United States la now very rapid, and while an enormona amount of work remains to be done, the highway system la no longer a reproach to the ! country. I > » •'# f ■ t • - • - '. ■ To Whom It May Concern: This is to notify all users of automobile, bicycle and motor cycle casings and tabes that they are doing theix .bank account a fearful injustice in not using Pennsyl vania Rubber Company's goods. The best—no other* sold here equal to them. A written guarantee. Should one go bad, then the most liberal settlement. Ask those psing Pennsylvania Rubber .Company's goods. Bee me or waste your money. Very truly,- W. C THURSTON, Burlington, - N. C I Promise Every accommodation consistent with Safe Merchandising. I Want Your Business The proper service will retain it. Your Dollar Will buy as much from me as the other fellows. FULL LINE OF DRY GOODS, NOTIONS AND GROCERIES. J. W. HOLT, - Graham, N. C. MULES FOR SALE. Always from 100 to 300 Head of Mules of all description For Sale at my Stables in YORK, Pa. 65p.26t J QC Kjjldfg, Safest Druggist Sells E-RU-SA Pile Cure Becann It oontalna DO opiates, no belladonna, no polaonous drug. All other Pile medicine oontalnlng lnjurous narcotic and other polaoni oauae constipation and damage all who nae them, E-HU-BA. curea or S6O paid. Hayes Drug Sole Agents, Graham, N. C. WAS REAL MARRIAGE MARKET Petrograd Summer Garden* Were Once Bcene of Yearly Pairing Off of All Eligible*. Business often plays an Important part In the matrimonial market, espe cially in some parts of Europe, and an old-time custom In Petrograd was once responsible for the yearly pairing off of all eligible*. On Whitsunday afternoon the famous summer gardens were thrown opeh for the marriage mart Girls and their mothers, bachelor and their father*—, the entire population, In fac*—thronged the gardens for the purpose of finding suitable partners. The girl* put on their prettiest clothes, and wore their prettiest smiles, and as they promenaded to and fro, they and their parents kept a wary eye for a suitable husband. The girl fre quently held some object of value In her right hand as ft symbol of what the aspirant might be led to expect In the shape of a dowry. Sometimes It would be silver spoons or a silver dish, or, In the case of one of humble means, a homely looking Jar. When ft favorable impression had been made, the suitor would address the girl's companion—probably the marriage broker or saleswoman whose business it was to act as medium in these transactions—and particulars of his name, address, age and prospects would follow in due course. The question of "her" dowry would then receive consideration, and If the union was a suitable one from all points of view, the marriage saleswom an received a fee for her services. NATURE nXESJNO AGE LIMIT Man Who Uvea Carefully Can Retain Vitality and Endurance Indefi nitely, It la Claimed. "Three score years and ten," tradi tion says, Is the span of a human life. This must be divided Into thne pe riods to Include preparation, efficiency and decay, each period lasting nearly 25 yean. With the athlete, It la still more severe. Few men at thirty-five. It Is said, have the reserve vitality and endurance that they had at twenty five. Therefore the edict has gone forth that at thirty-five the athlete must let up In violent competitive work and gradually back out of the front ranks. But there la no scientific evidence to show that this Is necessary, says Popular Science Monthly. The human body Is simply an assemblage of cells, which must be kept active, without be ing overstrained and nourished with out being overfed, in order that they may be able to resist- the attacks of microscopic enemies which cause dis ease and decay. Under favorable con ditions these cells will live indefinitely without showing signs of age of loes of vitality. Therefore the conclusion Is reached that the "three score years and ten" are not fixed by any natural law, but rather by the conditions un der which men live and by their per sonal habits. The athletic champion, then, who lives under the best hy gienic conditions and observes the law of temperance In all things and at all times, ehould be able to "sit tight" on his pedestal so long as ha desires. National Wasts. Five years of drumming Into the publie the tremendous wastes ot fire carelessness has apparently had little effect It pwbably will take a war such as the one Into which the country Is now plunged, with its measures of national economy, to correct wasteful ness which has cost millions in money and countless lives. The extent of this waste is presented graphically by the actuarial bureau of the National Board of Fire Underwriters, which has Just completed an Investigation of 000,000 Area In the United States. The report lays 2L4 per cent of the biases to strictly preventable causes, 87J) per cent to partially preventable causes and 40,7 per cent to unknown causes, largely preventable. It Is another Il lustration of the notorious fact that Americu saves at the spigot and wastes at the bung. Fire prevention and food economy in these days of na tional aaving should go hand In hand, "Exchange. i - "■— Spain is having so many strikes that it might as well get into the war and fight somebody outside the family. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Qlles Walker, deceased, all persons holdlug claims against said estate are hereby notified to preaeut the same, ouly authenticated, on or before the *)tblayof July, 1918, or thla notice will be pleaded In ««pvery; and till peraona In debted to aald estate are requested to make Immediate settlement. This Jul/ 17. 1017 „H ... CLAUD CATRS.Adm'r 19jul6t of Giles Walker, deoM. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. Having qualified as Administrator! of the estate of Andrew Gerrlnger, deceased, the undersigned hereby notifies all persons hold ing claims against (he said estate to preoent the same, uuly authenticated. on or before the 20sh day of Jul/, WIS, or tills notleewlll be pleaded In bar of their recovery: and all persons Indebted to said estate are request od to make Immediate settlement. This July 17tb, 19.7. CLAUD CATEB, Adm'r lyjulfit of Andrew derringer, deo'd. Summons by Publication. North Carolina—Alamauee County. in the superior Court. Mewre the net k. J. G. Holt and kit* wuc, u. ilult, >». A. iraUfcfaoll una ilia WUe, Juna u. o. •blauop auU uis WU, ii.iia o. •Dionop, cuuricH ri. nußoeu uiia tin* Wue, jjeuoie l. itusneii, duuij >.. JNuau anu nia wu«, xvacu A. J. Lappa aua mn wue, xiauuau J. cappo, una rfeuetca petitioners, iiettie B oggn, Puny C ampbell and Her, « in Cauipuci„ AJWCAI A. nuaa, luurgurec ju. aua auce N uan, tno uau t nler ui JUl cua AH uan aua ncr uuauaiiu, wuuso name uuu uer resiueuce are uu- Kuuwn, una me ucU'B-at-ia w ji lieonurd rojt, uaiuea ana iebiueu wa unanown, respuliaents. Polly Campbell and ner nusoanu, Will t_auipocii, Alice nudii, ter 01 jiartna IN uan, aua uer U u»- bana, wnuac name uuu reniueuce a, e unanown, ana ta«s ueuvai-ia« ui l-itunaru t oi, wnune names aim ie»- iaences are uiiKnuwn, win uKe no tice mac an actiou eutitiea aa auuve naa t>uen couiuieiicca iu cue Superior L'UUIL 01 AIAUUUIA) uouu cy OY cne •petitioners, ioi- cue pur pose ot aeniag cuuc real property situate in aula cuunty uua o*ute juiuwn an tne o eri-y i.uau place, ot wnicn me lute ueorge »i. «oau Oieu seized una possesscu, saiu tunc bmng lor cue purpose ui uivuioj amuug me several ueviaeea tnere -01 01 tne saiu ucuigt iu. .«uan; una in DUIU piucceuiuji 11 II ueniea cna; Alice noan, uau&nter ui alarm a iMuan, is encitieu to uny interest i., ouiu lauU. [ Ana cue said respondents will furtner take notice mac mey are [required cu appear ai cue ui cbe Clerk ot cue superior tour. o» Alamance county, in urauaui, UJ Saturaay, ottuuer utn. toll,, ana answer ur aeinur to tne petition wnicn wul tie tiled in cm* causa wicmn ten days irom tne issuing ot the Mimmuaa nerein, or tne peti tioners wiu apply to tne couii lor tne reiiet demanded in saia peti tion. JL>one this the Ist day of Septem ber, 1917. , J. D. KKKNODLB, C. S. C. Alamance County. Sep-6-st. « • Notice To Automobile Owners. The Town Commissioners have passed an ordinance that all automo biles must keep on tne right hand aide ot Main St. between Harden St, and Court House Square, and al au tomobiles stopping on Main Street between Harden Street and the Public Square must be beaded North when stopped on the Hast side of said street and neadea South wheu stopped on West side of said street. All automobiles passing around the Court House Square must go to the right. All violators will be finea sio and cost. W. H. BOSWKLL, Chief of Police. Resolutions condemning the pick eting of the White House by mem bers of the Woman's Congressional Union and urging press and public to discriminate between the picket era and the "great body oi loyal and patriotic women" who are working for suffrage, were adopted at a State Conference of the Wo man Suffrage Party at Saratoga, N. At present the life of that once favorite target for anarchists, Nich olas Romanoff, ought to oe sale. He is doing n oparticular harm,

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