For IT Weak | Women. M J/j In use for over 40 years! L/ 1 Thousands of voluntary 1/1 letters from women, tell- W\M 1 ing of the good Cardul 2 has done them. This is E/a J the best proof of the value I^l ofCardui. It proves that K4 Cardul is a good medicine s^ for women. R/J There are no harmful or habit-forming drugs in lOf Cardui. It is composed E/1 only of mild, medicinal ingredients, with no bad after-effects. |/| 1 TAKE r OARDUI The Woman's Tonic You can rely on Cental. j ' . I i®* ■ ■ i ■ ■■■ » WAR'S CALL TO THE FARMER . i Uvs Stock Breeder's Opportunity a* Wall aa Duty Presented by Big Food Shortage. The present food shortage, which threatens to become much more seri ous, la tho live stock fanner's oppor tunlty as well us the cull to the pa triotic duty. In view of the grave situntlon, the division of nnlmal forestry, University Farm, 81. Paul, offers the following suggestions to the live stock farmers: Keep all llvo stock off pasture* till the grass has n good start, and the sod 1 will withstand tramping qnd retain the moisture In the soil. Much more feed .WIU be yielded and hay saved In tho long run by this method. "A week too early to grass In tho spring means three weeks less pasture In tho fall." Do not turn out steers about ready will shrink more than - l i Excellent Beef Type, they will gain, and other stock needa the paature. Raise all calves for which there is ample feed. Have high-priced feed by providing bog pastures, and latwir by self-feeders and crop* to be hogged-off. Kebreed sows that have farrowed esriy for fall litters wherever concen trates are available for feed. Substitute and supplement oat* la ' the rations of farm and city work- , horses by brewers' grains, ollmeal, mo- 1 lasses and alfalfa buy, thus releasing ths oala for the horses In army serv ice. Breed all suitable mares to the best Rtalllafr-availahle. ' Keep chickens on city lots. They Otillse kitchen waste, require only light labor such as children, old folks, and convalescents can supply, and , make quick and economic returns in neat and eggs. 'I Observe nil rules of stable hygiene and sanitation to control anlinul die- P" SUMMER PASTURE FOR SWINE Jftrtsn Food Is Required for Best De- I vslopmcnt of Pigs—Alfslfa Is Relished by Animate. r Worth Dakota Asrtrultural College Bul letin.) f Posture should by all means be pro , Mded for the pigs. This Is the cheap ':mt food that can be provided. and fyfOO d development In the pigs re jlttlttres green food. Alfalfa Is one of tbe best pastures. It Is relished by Egjgji pigs. Is nutritious and provides feed during tho whole pasture season. KlfeßF report splendid ituccess with RSet clover where neither brome iErasa nor winter rye Is available, npiia; barley and rape can be sown jj, the Spring and will produce green Klfll the hogs can be turned into ■U corn. If no alfalfa Is available |£» the farm tor pig this E.LTRAVIS i ' j i r E. L. Trsvis, now chairman of the corporation commlaalon of North Caro- j Una, haa been selected by Preaidant | Wllaon aa a member of the Interatate 1 commlaalon, to be named aa aoon as congreaa passes the bill enlarging that body from nlna to eleven. spring will be the time to HOW It. When tho pigs are on imHture they should he fed Home grain, and the pig* will eet. along with les* grain when on alfalfa than on moHt any oth er (mature. DOMESTIC HORSE IN DEMAND Inetead of Looking to Europe for Ani mala We Are Now Sending Our Burplua There. For n good many year* the Imported horse haa been the standard, and It luiM deemed that moat breeder* would not buy a high-priced animal UIIIPHH bred In Europe. Now the day has come when we ure not only aatlßlled ourselves with the home-bred horae, but the beat breeder* nro looking to foreign Acid* aa an outlet Tor the aur plua, aa aoon aa they are able tfi aupply . the home demand. —Twentieth Century I Farmer. KEEP SOWS BY THEMSELVES Not Bsfs to Allow Pregnant Animale Free Run of Horae and Cattle Lota—Permit Exercise. It la altogether too common to al low prcgnuut now* a free run of the borne and cattle lota, and to forcn them to occupy crowded quarters with , n large number of bog*. Occaalonally heavy losses rcHult from auch a prac tice and muat be avoided If beat re- HUlta are to bo expected. Ilrood aow* should bo allowed the tun of R well-drained lot by themselves where they hav« ample room for the requisite umouiit of exercise. ATTENTION TO COLT'S FEET Untrimmed Hoof* Uaually Grow Lorio and Uneven and Crooked Foot or \ Leg la the Reault. ' The care of a horse's feet ahould Commence when he 1* n colt, that la, before be I* weaned. Untrimmed hoofs •uaually grow luugand uneven, and a crooked wormy n crookAj leg ia tho rsmlt. Failure to regulate the length aikl liriirlng of the foot may make a atralght leg crooked or a crooked leg worse, while Intelligent cnre during the growing period can .gradually Improve a leg that la crooked at Mrth. When picking up a colt'a foot toach liltn to stand on three-legs and- not depend on the one holding up his font for the fourth point of aupport. The handling of a colt'a foot begin* with j tho nwr front foot. Tie a rope around the pastern, graap the rope close to tho foot, pu*h gently agaln*t the (boul der. and quickly lift the foot The lift ing of the toot must be simultaneous with the weight shifting to the other feet Gentle the foot and leg and let It down. Repeat several times and then trim and level the hoof. Plumbago Mine*. Plumbago, Ceylon's moat Important mineral product, la known all over the world for Ita luster, lubricating, polish ing and binding qualities. In appear ance It la a strong black crystalline. There are now about 1,000 plumbago ; mines In Ceylon, Including all the absl j low pita, open works and deep mines. The depth varies from • few yarda to aa much as 700 feet. Most of ths mines are worked by natives, the only Important one controlled by Europeans | being the Medapolft. At the majority of the mines tho only machinery used la the dabare. This consist* of a long | wooden barrel with handlea at each end. Round this a rope Is given two or three turn*, and a bucket la fss tesed to each end. It Is worked by seven or eight men turning the han dles. Choices of Beversges. The atption agent nt a smnll town Included In hi* usual requisition for supplies two wooden pails, which were furnished forthwith. Somo time later on official of the railroad company on a brief tour of Inspection stepped Into the new home of the two wooden palla. He was both startled and amused at observing a hnnd-made sign tacked nently above the utensils In question, reading: "These pall* for Are and drinking water."—lndianapolis New a. SALT OF MUCH IMPORTANCE Breeder Bhould Have Regular Day for Salting Cattle—They Will Coma , With Rush. , ' All stock fchould be given n little coarse salt once u week In *mall piles on the sod. Have a regular day for salting Cio cattle. They will soon learn to know what the cull means snd will come wltb a rush. .—. ■ CHOP FEEOS'FOB IDE STOCK BURINS WHITEB A bunch of hoga juat finishing a field of soybean*. Many farmers plant enough to provide feed for their hoga long into the winter months. (Edge combe Branch Experiment Station). IJy DAN T. OKAY, Chief, Animal Industry Division. Farmers who have made proper use of our Southern cheap feeda for live stock will probably accept the title of thla article In tho same way that the man who visited the menagerie for the first time accepted the reality of the glraffo. After examining the giraffe from the front, Hide find rear, Hjid taking Into consideration his long ( jfE»and general ungalnlines*, he said that he liq.d always believed that there was "lib such animal" and he was now. after seeing him, thoroughly convinced that there was no auch thing. In like manner farmers who have never made use of our really cheap feeds are apt to say. at the pre«ent time, without an investiga- Hon. that "there is no auch thing." The doubting farmer, however, aa well as the visitor to the menagerie, I* mistaken, because there are cheap live stock feeds oven at the present time, but they are not found among purchased grains or by-products. There are two classes of cheap feeds to be secured for the coming winter— silage and pastures, especially the latter. All kinds of live stock make use of pasturea if the opportunity is offered. Some kinds of live stock make use of silage. The live stock farmer expects to avoid an expensive wintor'e feed bill must aupply either allage or paature or both. If these two feeds are to be provided the pre liminary work must be done In September. There is plenty of evidence at hand to show that our farmers are awake to the fact that these two feeds are our cheapest oncß. During Jung. July, August, and September hundreds of silos were built In the state. During AugUßt, September and October theHe silos will bo (Hied with various kinds of silage crops and during thlß same time thousands of grazing crops suit able for fall, winter, and spring graz ing will be sown. The majority of farmers who keep beef cattle and dairy cattle should certainly provide _ a silo iand all of them should provide some kind of fall, winter, and spring grazing. Var ious kinds of crops may be used for grazing purpose*. In the flrnt place, many of our farmers have failed to appreciate the value of tho old corn and cotton fields, and theae we have with us always. As a result of this neglect vast quantities of roughage are wasted each year which Bhouid be turned Into meat and milk. farmer allowa none of theae cheap feeds to go to waste. We should not only not allow the feeds usuajjy pro duced to go to waste, but Juat now an effort should be made to create new feed* by putting many of our Idle acrea to work. Under tho direction of Mr. R. 8. Curtis, of the Animal Industry Divis ion of tlfe N. C. Agricultural Expert ment Station, experiments have been under way for several years to deter- Snilne the of T>elwnanent winter pastures tin thb. wfsterti part of the suite. "Mho done In with Mr. T. L. Gwyn of llaywood County, a prominent beef cattle raiser of that section. Those who know the agricultural conditions of the western part of the state know that ono of the greatest problems Is to develop a syßtem of farming which will employ Borne of tho lands lying ■idle at the present time. In these experiment* the beef cat tle carried through the winter upon varlou* ration* and an accurate ac count kept of the amount* and cost* of feeds of each winter together with the gain* made by the atockera. One carload of stockers each winter was fed upon ear corn, corn *tover, hay and straw A second lot was fed upon Corn silage, corn stover, hay and straw. A third car of stockers was fed during tho winter months upon corn silage, corn stover, hay and straw, while n fourth lot wns given no feed at all 'except that obtained from tho winter pasture. Mr. Gwyn made these winter pas tureß by first clearing the mountain sldea of tho trees. A contract was made with the mountaineers giving them the free use the land for two years if they would deaden all of the large tree*, clear out the small brush, and put the land In cultivation, plant ing corn each year. The aecond year at tho last cultivation of the corn s mixture of 15 pound* of orchard grass. 4 pounds of blue graas, and 7 pounds «jf timothy and clover were seeded broadcaat through tho corn. The grass was permitted to grow through the following summer without being grazed. It. of course, grew up and fell ovsr thus protecting the roots during the cold month*. Young blade* continued to come out during BEST ATTENTION FOR GILTS They Should Be Given Plenty of Rsnge snd Forage So as to Ds velop Good Constitutions. (By W. J. CAKMICHAKU Jlllnote Agrl cullurai Experiment Station.) After tho gilts hsve been selected they need further sttentlon, but not necessarily mora expensive attention thsn the market animals require. They should be given plenty of range and forage, so as fo develop good consti tutional and given rations which ara not very fattening in character. Less corn and more high protein Feeds should be Included In their dally allowance, because they are being kept t} be developed for an entirely dif ferent purpose thsn sra the market hogs, llogs for ths block must be fat (lerman.v would dearly love to have peace thrust upon her while she still hold* a stack of chips won earl.v in the game, when she had dealt all the aces into her own hand. the early winter and spring months furnishing considerable green feed along with the cured graHs. During the cold months the fourth lot of cattle was permitted to run upon this left over summer pasture receiving no feed in addition to the paature except a few days when everything was deeply covered with snow. Mr. Owyn has done, in making pas tures, upon hi* farm what thousands of others can do upon theirs and ob tain equally satisfactory results. In tho experiments referred to It was found that the stockers grazing upon the winter pasture did much bet ter and were wintered much more economically than those kept around the barn and fed upon dry feeds. The stockers which ate nothing but winter pasture gained, during the winter, tfrom 17 to 26 pounds each. The stock ers which were fed upon ear corn, corn silage and other stored feeds aU lost In weight. On the average It cost about SIO.OO to feed each one of the dry-fed steerß through the winter montha but ithe expense of getting the pasture-fed steers through the same length of time was Just half aa much, even when each steer was charged SI.OO j*- month rent for pasture. Fanners raising hogs and poultry should, by all means, during August and September, take steps toward providing cheap feeds for the winter. The only available cheap feeds, as far aa hoga and., poultry are concerned, are pastures. Corn, wheat, oats and other grain feeds and by-products are all unusually expensive unless fed In conjunction with pastures. Many tem porary pastures are suitable for both hoga and poultry. An acre of good land planted In rape affords grazing for five or six 100-pound fattening pigs throughout the winter provided a half ration of grain is employed as a supplement. Or, one acre of good rape should make from 300 to 500 pounds of pork. An acre of rye, oats, barley or wheat will usually do Just about half as well but In addition will yield a partial crop after the hogs are removed. The value of pastures and range conditions was emphasized again In some poultry experiments conducted at the Pender Test Farm during 1916. One lot of Buff Plymouth Rock hens was given the range of the farm where many green crops were available the year around. A second lot of hens was confined in a dry lot and fed upon dry and other high-priced feeds exclu sively. During the year ttie range lot of hens produced 2661 eggs.while the (hens In tho dry lot produced only 314 eggs, although', 'they' Word ted about as well as could be expected under dry-lot conditions. The hens in the two lots were fed exactly the same feeds except those in the range lot had the freedom of the farm and ob tained green feed, bugs, and tfprms. The ratige lot of hens returned a clear profit of, $41.02, while the flock of 32 liens In the dry lot suffered a total loss of 33.66. TEN POULTRY CLUB HINTS THAT SMI FOR SUCCESS CLUB MEMBERS WHO FOLLOW CLOSELY THESE TEN RULES SHOW GOOD REPORTS. 1. Dust your hens just before set ting and three days before they hatch. 2. Do not feed chicks until they ars forty-eight hours old. 3. The flrat food for chicks should be grit or sand; this will start thslr grinding mill. 4. I.ater on, feed hard-boiled egga and oatmeal, mixed together, or well baked Johnnie cake or cornbread for the first week. 6. Then feed a mixture of two parts of cracked wheat, two part* of oat flakes, and two part* of cracked com, or a good.commercial chick feed. 6. Keep clean water or milk before the chicks at all times. 7. Clean the brood coops once a week and examine the chicks careful ly for lies. 8. Give the chick* the best of care snd keep them growing. 9. Hstch early, remembering "that the early bird gets the worm." 10. Under no circumstances sell the early pullets; get rid of the early cockerels. Agricultural Extension Service, Raleigh. N. C. 80ME RESULTS OP LAST YEAR'S CLUB WORK. Corn Club Work produced $21,900 for the Rtate. Poultry Club Work produced tlfe $58.22 for the Stats. RUSSIAN SOLDIERS ARE SHOT BY COMRADES The Russlsn government'* policy of "Mood snd Iron" Is to ba carted oat along lines which bodes 111 for the se dltloss troops along tho eastern front and thoss persons wtthln the country who sra trying to nullify the good work that hss followed In tha wake of'ths rs volution. Tlllmsn Pushing Fertilizer Bill. Wsahtngton— Senator Tillman, of South Carolina, asked President Wil son not to exert his Influence to baTO eliminated from ths food control bill now In conference the senator'* amendment appaopriatlng $10,000,009 for the purchase af fertilizer for thin fsrms along the Atlsntlc seabpard. The President expressed willingness as far aa he Is concerned to have the amendment remain In the bm. He pointed aut that there might be some difficulty In getting the ships to bring nitrate from Chlls. ARMIES NEED FOOD; DONT LET !T BURN Planting and Raising of Crops Will Not SoffictjEwyCw Must bo Exercisod Toward the Prevention of Destruction and Waste of the Food After it is Made and Housed "Our armies need food; don't let It barn!" U the slogan adopted by the Michigan Conservation Association re* cently, and It might well be adopted as the slogan ot every association and every Individual In the country at this time. Vast numbers of associations and government agencies throughout the country are urging every hour the growing and Conservation of food* stuffs. The reports so far from the Department of Agriculture indicate an enormous yield for the year. But planting and raising crops will not suf fice. Every care must be excised toward the prevention of the destruc tion and waste of the food after it has been made and housed. A few weeks ago a grain elevator in Chicago was destroyed by fire and with it wheat sufficient to make 60,000,000 loaves of bread. Taking this amount of bread and estimating the amount of flour used by bakers In making bread, and figuring by the army Quar termaster Department's allowance for feeding a soldier, this wheat de stroyed would furnish the first Incre ment of the new national army com posed of 687,000 men In bread for nearly two months. Wherever there is a Are that de stroys a considerable amount of prop erty there Is almost always some lack of care or else a criminal Intent. Ex tremely few fires are "providential." Hundreds and thousands of young men have within the past few months walk ed Into recruiting stations and volun teered to lay their lives at ths disposal of the American government to pros ecute this war. To those who stay at home it is but a small effort to pat forth to practice the eternal vigi lance that will prevent the fires which may destroy foodstuffs, every ounce of which Is sorely needed at this time to feed America's soldiers, America's al lies and America's women and chil dren who must remain at home and fight the battles that are abeolutely essential to "keep the home fires burning." Appealing to city and county offi cials throughout North Carolina to Join with the department In lending aid to a nation wide campaign against preventable fire waste, Insurance Com missioner James R. Young recently is susd a letter which was sent to those officials and to a number of other pub- ONLY 10 PER CENT OF ALL ACCIDENTS UNPREVENTABLE CARELESSNESS, THOUOHTLEBB - UNDUE HABTE, ANB IG NORANCE CAUSE MOST ACCIDENTB. Statistics complied by one of the leading life insurance companies of America show that In the United States during the year 1916 there were ''approximately 34,000 fatal accidents; 600,000 serious injuries, and 4,000,000 other Injuries. These figures alone are appalling, but when It Is known that approximately ninety per cent of these accidents were preventable the realiza tion begins to dawn on on* that an awful toll of life and limb is being paid to grim "accidents," and the time has come when some step should be taken toward eliminating this need less human suffering. Of this enormous number of acci dents over one-half have been classi fied as "industrial" accidents or acci dents occurring tQ employes of the manufacturing Industries and public •ervtce corporation* throughout the country. Of the great number of Industrial accidents possibly 50% could havs been avoided If workmen had not been careless. Another 26% could readily be attributed to "thoughtlessness" while an additional 16% was caused by "undue hasts" and "Ignorance," thus leaving only about 10% due to unavoidable and unpreventable acci dents. Investigation of accidents reported during the past five months has re vealed the fact that the greater part cf these accidents could have been pre vented. Disobedience of orders, wil ful neglect, carelessness and bad prac tices are factors in a large majority of rases, and Inasmuch as untold suf fering and a great economic loss are occasioned by these factors, It might be worth while to cite a few accidents which bsve occurred In order to show to whst extent care and thoughtfal ness are needed to reduce this awful toll which Is being exacted u the price of carelessness and Ignorance. The following are a few typical cases In which the above mentioned factors caused the aqMStoits and rep resent the classes of TSreidents which could easily be prevented if every person concerned would-be careful: Reckless Driving. J T hr«B persons lost their lives when USE MOTOR VACUUM CLEANER Latset Municipal Development Makes IU Appearance In Loa Angeles- Method Is Practical. The latest municipal development to ®ake Its appearance in the western part of the country la the motor vacuum street cleaning apparatus, which has been adopted by the city of Loa An* gelea, Cal, says Power Wagon. For months this newest of street cleaning features had been under discussion, but It was not until a short time ago that It was really pat into practice. That this new cleaning method Is en tirely practical has been proved by days of actaal demonstration. Stilt-Wslklng Crane Needed. In many places ths method of mak- Ingtng "good roads" Is to plow them down the center and decorate the roadbed with sod. This provides a surface which can be traveled only by the stilt-walking crane. lie spirited cttissns tat the stats. The letter asks 00-opsratlon la the cam paign being fostered by tbe Oounoll of National Defense and which has the support and strong 00-operation of the National Board of Firs Underwriters and Is being pushed by Insurance Com missioners and Firs Marshals all over the nation. The campaign also has ths endorsement 01 President Wil son, who hss issued a statement which contains the following paragraph: "Preventabls fire is more than m private misfortune* It is publlo dsre- Hction. At a time Khe this of emer gency, and of manifest necessity for the conservation of national resource#, it is more than ever a matter of deep and pressing oonsequenee that every means should be taken to prevent this evil." In Commisslonsr Tonne's aippeal to officials he points ont the fact that more than SIOO,OOO worth of bread stuffs were destroyed In North Cany Una last year in preventable fires. In addition approximately a like amount was Involved in machinery and equip; ment In plants for the making and handling of breadstuffs. "In this tlms of emergency," the statement says, "loss of foodstuffs is total loss. Insures money collect ed does not replace the actual food stuffs. Our peopls cannot eat money. While our soldlsrs are preparing to fight the enemy and our allies are holding out their hands for food them selves and their dependent loved ones, it is treason for our people to allow one thing that goes into the making ot food to be wasted." The aid and support of every oounty and city offldal and every fivto organization in the state ikr urged in this emergency fire prevention cam paign. The Commisslonsr again calls attention to he fact that an expert lira engineer in the service of the depart* ment is avallabls at all tlmss for the training of fire departments for citiss and towns and to give Instruction la fire fighting and fire prevention means. Also an electrical expert stands ready to inspect and correct errors in eleo trlcal equipment that might lead to fires and serious accidents. Ths ser vices of these men as well as ths other equipment of ths department are at the call of the people of North Caro lina. a wild driver after racing with a pas senger train attempted to cross in front of the engine because he had a i little distance on the locomotive. Four persons were killed when an automobile stopped on one 11ns of a double-track railroad wtflle a trola passed on the other. As soon as ths train had passed another train com ing from the opposite direction struck the car with fatal results. Disobedience of Orders. At a rock quarry an employe. In di rect disregard ot orders, rods on a truck loaded with stone. This truck was allowed to run down an incline by gravity, and Instead of walking be hind as he had been told to do, the employe climbed on a- truck and in jumping got off under the wheels. His left ankle was broken and in addition he was badly bruised, so that he was compelled to remain away from work for many weeks and to lose consider able in wages, besides enduring a great amount of suffering. Taking s Chanos. An employe of a certain plant had occasion to examine a motor. Instead of making the examination from the outside of the guard rail, which in this case was possible, he evidently climb ed or stepped over the guard rail and was caught by the driving belt. He was Immediately whirled to his death. Had it been absolutely nec essary for this man to go Inside the guard rail, his first act should have been to stop the motor, thereby re moving all possibility of an accident. The chance taker eventually gets caught Neglected Wounds. The following accidents demonstrate (the necessity of the prompt reporting of all injuries, no matter how trivial, for attention and treatment Serious cases of blood poisoning often occur from neglect and not only result in the loss of dollars and cents but also cause great suffering, with perhaps the loss of a finger, hand, leg or even life. An employe In a mill while changing rolls caught his finger on a sharp! edge of a bolt and failed to have it attended to. As a result the wound became infected, necessitating the ab sence of the Injured man from his work /or three weeks. Improper Use of Freight Elevstor. An employe in a warehouse was or dered to get some material from the third floor. It was necessary for him to use the elevator. Lifting up the safety gate he started the elevator and when it reached the floor on which ha was standing he attempted to Jump on iwhile the elevator was In motion. His foot slipped and bis body was caught •between the safety gate and the floor of the elevator. He was instantly frilled. No person should attempt to stop on or off a moving elevator. Re peatedly accidents with serious and fatal results have occurred In this manner. i i Our Advertisers , Reach Every i 1 Corner of the 1 Town and Country , Through Our i Columns I To Care a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine fablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure B. W Grove's signature ii on each bo> U eents. ad' Paradox : Some of the "best" peo pie seldom go to church. Children Cry for Fletcher^ The Kind Ton Bare Always Bought, and which has been in use for over over 30 years, has borne the signature of - and has been made under his per c£.jC/&2/?Xrrfrj., BOnal supervision since its infancy. J-CUoMA Allow no one to deceive you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with endanger the health of Infants and Children—-Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contain neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it *"»« been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishneas arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach an/1 Bowels, the assimilation of Food; giving healthy ifltnral Sleep. The Children's Panacea —The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of . lo Use For Over 30 Tears The Kind You Have Always Bought ™* O'NTAtIW COMPAWY. NEWVOIIK OtTy. ••••••••••••• I 11 Very Serfons ; Used 4f) Years * I J'i'srmrr • TW ,MU,W # I wrong one given you. For thl. V fl I I reason We urge you in buying to ■ be careful to get the genuine— PARnill BLACK«GHt UrinUUl Liver Medicine ®™ ™ ■ ■ The reputation of this old, rella & / _ ■ ble medicine, for constipation, in -5 Thfi Wnman'c Tnnln V I digeatfon and liver trouble, is flrm fl| lUG TTUIIIuII o lUlllu A Ily established. It does not Imitate 2 ■ other medicines. It is better than V _ Ml others, or it would not bo the ft fl|| Sold Everywhere A I vorite liver powder, with » larger T ■ sale than all others combined. w. a HI I tnin TM mum n I ■ 60 ycaqs reputation m m 1 ARNOLDSM A BALSAI I ■' Warranted To Curm ■ALL SUMMER SICKNESSES Bvl f Graham Ding Co.| I [DO YOU WANT A IEW STOMACH? I If you do "Digestoneine" will give I you one. For full particulars regard- I ing this wonderful Remedy which I has benefited thousands, apply to I ■ Hayes Drug; Go. , YEJUISWAR FUND TO BE M TREASURY DEPARTMENT ASKS THAT TWO BILLION BE AD DED TO TOTAL. SEEKING LIBERAL MARGIN Present Indications Are That $19,000,- 000,000 Will Meet Expenses of Con flict During First Year.—Extra Amount is Wanted For Emergencies. Washington.—Two billion dollars may be added to the total of bonds to bs authorised at the present session of Congress, making a total approxi mately 121,000,000,000 available to the government during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1918. Democratic Leader Kltchln said that estimates submitted to him by the treasury department made It ap pear that the addltionsl authorization probably would bs necessary. Secre tary McAdoo will be asked to explain the situation when he appears before the ways and means committee to dis cuss the forthcoming administration $11,558,945,4*0 bond and certificate bUL Present Indications, according to Mr. Kltchln, are that 119.000,000.000 will meet the expenses of the fiscal year, but It Is thought best to have a $2,000,000,000. margin for emergen cies. He said "this estimate covers about $7,000,000,000 for loans to the allies, $3,000,000,000 of which already has been provided; $1,300,000,000 for current expenses, exclusive of war, leaving about $10,000,000,000 for war expenses. Included in the war estl- mtU la 1178,000,000 for the new In atirance bill and 91.000,000,000 for the ahlpping board. Method! of Raising Montyi I The 121,000,000,000 would be raised aa fellow*: Bonds for allies' loans $7,000,000,- 000; pending revenue bill $3,000,000,- 000; war ceiitidcates $4,000,000,000; bonds for domestic purposes already authorised $2,000,000,000; proposed new bonds $2,000,000,0000; war sav ings certificates $2,000,000,000 and regular revenue $1,300,000,000. i Approximately $11,000,000,000 of the foregoing amount! arc Included in the bond and certificate bill which 1 the ways and mean* committee today began to cenalder. The bill would authorize (7,000,000,000 for allied loans, 13,000,000,000 to be used In ret funding 3 1-2 per cent bonds already authorised; 12,000,000,000 ta war cer tificates and $2,000,000,000 la war sayings certificates. It also contains a reautborlsatlon provision for (2,- 000,000,000 In war certificate* and would provide for taking orer other ' orerlously authorised bonds, -« I trade marks and copyright* obtained or no H fee. Bind modal, sketches or photo* and do- ■ script ion for PRE! SEARCH and report ■ or patentability. Bank reference*. PATENTS BUILD FORTUNES tor ■ you. Oar free booklet* tell how, what to Invest ■ and save you money. Write today. D. SWIFT &GO.I PATBKT LAWYERS, 303 Seventh St., Washington, D. C.J ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Alson Isley, de ceased, late of Atamsince councyr, North Carolina, this is to, notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned at Burlington, N. C., on or before the 10th day of August, 1918k, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. * This August 7th, 1917. CLAUD CATES, Adm'r 9aug6t of Alson Isley, dee d. LAW UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA LAW SCHOOL Excellent Faculty Reasonable Coat WRITE FOR CATALOG THE PRESIDENT, CHAPEL HIIX, N. C. Help For Girla Desiring Education. We have on our carnpu. u, apart ment house, a rwo story i> uuding of 26 rooms, with a irontage oi 100 feet which may be used by girls who wish to lorm cluDs ana live at their own charges. Pupils can live cheaply and com fortably in this way, many of tbem having their table supplies sent to them from their homes. For 'further information address J M. Rhodes, Littleton College. Littleton, N. C. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of flainey fiaynes, de deceased, this is to notify all per sons holding claims against said es tate to present the same, duly au thenticated, on or befor the loth day of July, 1918, or tnis notice •fill be pleaded in bar of t»eir re covery ; and all persons indebted to said estate an.- requested to make immediate settlement. This the 6th day of July, 1817. T. C. CARTER, Adm r of Rainey Baynes, dee'd. ■"1 i I 1111 II I IIIIMI 111 I 1 UP-TO-DATE JOB PRININU DONE AT THIS OFFICE. I X QIYB PS A TRIAL. , CASTOR IA For Infants and Children In Un For Ovor 30 Years Always bean Signamre of

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