VOL. XLIII • * Rid of Tan, !:':>;?bc:rn and Freckles ;;ri. ;7 MAGAN'S Balm* \cft! inilandy. Stops the burning. Clears your complexion of Tan and icrnianes. You cannot know how :iod it ia until you try it. Thous .,ic!s of women say it is besft of all »e«utifiere and heals Sunburn quickest Don't be without it a :li.y longer. Get a bottle now. At ojr Druggist or by mail dirert. 75 cents for either color. White. Pin!;, P.ose-Red. .■ - 1 SAMPLE FREE. YC.'J terc. CO., 40 So. Sili St.,Brooklyn.N.Y. EUREKA Spring Water FROM EUREKA SPRING, Graham, N. C. .A valuable mineral spring Las been discovered by W. H. Ausley on his place in Graham. It was noticed that it brought health to the users of the water, and upon being analyzed it was found to be a water strong in mineral properties and good for stomach and blood troubles. Physicians who have seen the analysis and what it does, recommend its use. Analysis and testimonials will be furnished upon request. Why buy expensive mineral waters from a distance, when there is a good water recom mended by physicians right at home? For further informa tion and or the water, if you desire if apply to the under signed. W. H. AUSLEY. BLANK BOOKS | Journals, Ledgers, | Day Time Books, -f 1 Counter Books, Tally Books, Order B6oks, 7| Large Books, Small Books, Pocket Memo., Vest Pocket Memo., I &c., &c. For Sale At The Gleaner j Printing Office Graham, N. C. English Spavin Linimnet re moves Hard, Soft and Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses; also Blood Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, King Bone, Stifles, Sprains, Swollen Throats, Coughs, etc. Save 950 by use of one bot. Ue. A wonderful Blemish Cure. Sold by Graham Drug Company adv E. A. Todd and Sam. King, white men sentenced to a year in the State prison for operating a distillery at Wilmington, had friends at court. John J. Blair, superintendent of W ilm ington city schools, and other influential Wil mington citizens, appeared in be half of the booze-makers, and 1,- !4UO citizens signed a petition in their behalf. All of which moved Gov. Bickett to change the im prisonment to a fine of SI,OOO. Break your Gold or LaGrippe with few doses of 666. ( An Ad. In This 1 i Paper Reaches I i Thousands, € A Card In j Your Window j ' fi Hundreds 1 SUBSCRIBE FOB THE GLEANER A YBAB THE ALAMANCE GLEANER, ! ITALIANS CAPTURE VALUABLE fUUIS 1 CREST OF MONTE SAN GABRIELE 18 TAKEN AFTER THREE I WEEKS HARD FIGHTING. ' —_ THEIR GREATEST WAR FEAT * I Commands Territory on Bouth , and East.—German Attack on Casemates Plateau Repulsed.—Fighting Inmed ed By Some Heavy Rains. The crest of Monte San Gabriele, | commanding the. plain of Gorizia to the south and southeast and the Frlgl do valley to the east, has been cap tured by the Italians after three weeks of the most bitter fighting, the Italian i embassy at Washington announces. This news of victory, probably the greatest teat of the Italian arms thus far In the war, pro cedes the latest official report from Rome. The statement from the Italian war office says that the fight ing on the entire Austro-Italian front was impeded by heavy rain. The Italian effort to capture San Gabriele began after the taking of Monte Santo, directly north, by Gen- Seral Cadorna's troops on August 25. Several times the Italians had reached the summit of the great mountain, so Important to their further progress east of Gorizia, as well as on the Carso, only to be beaten back again. On the slopes of the rugged rock in the lest few weeks has occurred some of the heaviest and most sanguinary fighting of the war. San Gabrlele's top was occupied by the Italians, the embassy reports after the fortified hill or saddle of Dol and the Gargaro basin, the main bulk of San Gabriele had been taken. The Austrlpns, how ever, still cling to some positions on the mountain. In the forest of Tar novo, east of Monte San Gabriele, the Italians captured positions from the Austrlana, after suffering heavy losses. Except along the Casemates plateau on the Alsne front, there has been no marked activity on the other fight ing frdnts. A German attack against the French positions on the Case mates plateau, Paris reports, was re pulsed with heavy losses. Berlin sayß German troops penetrated to the sec ond French line and inflicted severe casualties. The British artillery Are in Flanders, Berlin reports, has in creased to drum .fire. TREASON TO THE UNITED STATES DEFINED BY ROOT Labor Pledfled to Fight Until Ter rorism Dies. Chicago.—Treason to America In tlie war was* defined by Elihu Root and labor was■ j pledged by Samuel Go'mpers to fight until world terrorism had been overthrown, at a patriotic here by the National Se iCtMlty, the announced pur .Vse Chicago of alleg ■ ed IhtlmatldViß of lack of patriotism. | , it , "The men who .are speaking and writing and printing arguments the war and against every thing that Is being done to carry on the war are rendering effective serv ice to Germany," declared the former secretary of state amid cheers. "It I* Impossible to resist the conclusion that the greater part of them are at heart traitors to the United States." "As time goes on and the character of these acts become* more and more clearly manifest, all who continue to associate with them must come under tho same condemnation. There are some who doubtless do not understand what this struggle really is." TO COMBAT THE DREADED PINK COTTON BOLL WORM Washington.—To combat the dread ed pink boll worm which was discov ered last week near Hearne, Texas, 12 experts from the bureau of ento mology, department of agriculture, have been ordered to Hearne under Dr. W. D. Hunter, in charge of south ern field crop Insect Investigation of the bureau, who left Washington for Texas. MISS JEANNETTE RANKIN TO BPEAK AT RALEIGH Washington.—Miss Jeannette Ran kin said she would accept the Invita tion to speak In Raleigh October 17, woman's day at the state fair. A per gonal Invitation was extended ber by Congressman Stedman and R. O. Ev- of Durham. The only thing that would prevent Mis* Rankin from galng to Raleigh would be, adjourn ment of Congress. She Intend* to go to Montana Immediately and would not return for the occadon. GENERAL KRYMOFF DIEB OF SELF-INFLICTED WOUNDS Petrograd.—General Krymoff, com mander of the troop* of General Kor niloff cent to attack Petrograd, tho official news agency announces, has succumbed to jlhe wounds he lnfii ted upon himself qfter an Interview with Premier Kerensky. The premier re ceived General Krymoff at the win ter palace and told him of the fata that awaited him. Krymoff returned to V* lodging* and (hot himself. Kellerin Mix Hoar* Distressing Kidney and Bladder Disease relieved ID tix hour* b/ the "NEW GREAT SOUTH AMER ICAN KIDNEY CURE." It is a great surprise on account if i« exceeding orornDtness in relieving pfcin In bladder, maneya and b»-1 to male or female. Relieves reten tion of water almost immediately If you want quick relief and cure this it the remedy. Sold by Gra ham Drug Co. »lr. GRAHAM, N. C., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1917 MISS ANNA A. GORDON Mlm Anna A. Gordon, as president of the National W. C. T. U., Is taking a great part In tbtwpu- activities of that organization. CLEAR STATEMENT IS WANTED GERMAN GOVERNMENT IS ASK ED FOR EXPLANATION OF DISCLOSURES. I | Break In Relations Is Certain Unless Germany Makes Satisfactory Con- ' \ cessions—Populace is Angry Over Expressions. * Buenos Aires, Argentina government at noon sent to the German legation passports to be delivered to Count Luxburg, the German minister in Buenos Aires. The whereabouts of Count Luxburg still is unknown to the Argentine government. The foreign office sent a communi cation to the German foreign minis tery demanding an explanation of Count Luxburg's action in sending the secret code messages to Berlin thru the Swedish legation. The note sent by Foreign Minister Pueyrredon to Count von Luxburg, in which the German minister was ten dered his passports, reads: "Mr. Minister: You having ceased to be persona grata to the Argentine government, that government has de cided to deliver tt> you your passports which I transmit herewith by order of his excellency, the president of the nation. "The Introducer of embassies has instructions to assist you in your im mediate departure from the territory of the republic. God keep you. (Signed) "H. PEYRREDON." "To Count Karl von Luxburg. en voy extraordinary and minister pleni potentiary of the German empire." The Argentine minister at Berlin has been instructed to inform the German, foreign office that Count von Luxburg has been handed his pass ports and to ask for explanations re garding tha telegram disclosures. If the German government disapproves of the text of the German minister's dispatches and especially of the word "ass," which term the count applied to the Argentine foreign minister, the situation may clear. If Berlin does not disavow the minister's course, Ar gentina will recall her minister from Germany but may permit the legation to remain. ALLOWANCE OF $5 TO SSO A MONTH TO DEPENDENTS Scale i>f Rate* Which Have Heen Ten tatively Approved. Washington.—Provisions of the sol diers' and Bailors' insurance bill for allowances of from $5 to SSO a month to dependents during the service of enlisted mer. were tentatively approv ed by the house. Strenuous efforts of Representative Keating of Colorado, speaking for va rious humanitarian organizations, to' have the allowances raised, failed. He maintained that statistics proved that the proposed allowances would not permit families to live in ordinary comfort, but administration leaders re plied that higher payments would make the cost to the government prohibitory. These are the amounts. In addition to any sum taken from the pay. that dependents would receive monthly: Wife, no children. 115; one child, $25; two children, $32.50; and $5 ad ditional for each additional child. One motherless child. $5; two chil dren, $12.50; three children, S2O; four children, S3O and $5 monthly ad ditional for each additional child. One parent, $10; both parents, S2O; each dependent grandchild, brother or ■ister, $5. Spelcal povlslons are made for the allowances of divorced wives. KORNILOFF WITH FOUR GENERALS DECLARED REBELB Petrograd.—The provisional gov ernment issued a decree handing over to the courts of Justice as rebels Gen eral Korniloff, former comm'ander-ln chief of the Russian armies; General Deniklne. commanding the armies on the southwestern front; General 1.0 komsky, chief of the general staff; General Markoff. the chief of the headquarters staff on the southwest ern front, and M. Klsllakoff, asslslr ant to minister of roads. You Can Cure That Backache. Pain along tha buck, •nd fffnneral languor. Of t * package of Mother jray'« Aimr»lfa I*af, fh« root h«*rb cur«- for Kl«lnc*y, Hltuldcr and Urinary trouble*. Whan you f'-H nil rundown, tlrrd. weak and without fn*rvy »hU remai'kabl'f cotnblnntfon f nattarr* brrbiand r«*»ta. An n rrgulat'-r if ban no a*jual. Moth - *' Gray'* Australian h Po»d by or gent. br maM for 'Oefi. *Vnp)w fw. «ddrt-M, Tti« Mother Gray Co.. La huv, N. Y. SUBSCRIBE FOR THR 'iLBANEK SI.OO A YBAR RUSSIAN REPUBLIC NOW PROCLAIMED GOVERNMENT DECLAREEB IT IS NECESSARY TO STRENGTHEN THE ORGANIZATION. • DANGER STILL THREATENING A Cabinet of Five Members, Includ ing Premier Kerensky, Ha* Been Named to Take Care of All Matter* of State. A Russian republic has been pro claimed. The provisional government under date of September 14 Issued a proclamation declaring that to strengthen the organization of the state a change to a republican form of government was necessary. Danger still threatens Russia, the proclamation says, although the re bellion of General Kornllolf has fail ed. The plan of a Russian ropubjlc has been one of the chief aims of the radicals and the councils of sol diers' and workmen's delegates and was given approval by the recent Russian congress at Moscow. A cabinet tjf five members, Includ ing Premier Kerensky, has beon named to take care of all mattora of state. Tho only party men are Prenjier Kerensky and M. Nlkltlne, minister of posts and telegraphs, both of whom are social revolutionists. The others, Including the ministers of war and marine, are the members of no party. Although the position of the Ke rensky government appears to be Im proving, the action of the grand coun cil of the Don Cossacks In refusing to surrender General Kaledines, their hetman, Is ominous. The leader of the Cossacks Is accused of complicity In the Korniloff revolt. Tho Copaacks protest their loyalty to the govern ment, while Ignoring the govern ment's request for the giving up of General Kaledines. RAINS IN EASTERN N. C. CAUSE MANY WASHOUTS Wrecking Train Is Wrecked, and Railroad Service Demoralised. Wilmington.—Reports from flood territory Indicate subsidence of wa ter, revealing greater crop damage than had beon forecasted. Country roads all over tho district have been severely damaged, bridges and cul verts washed away and traffic sus pended. The Atlantic Coast Line hns no fewer than seven washouts between the thirty-fifth and sixtieth mile posts on tho Wilmlngton-Goidsboro lirnnch, and It Is officially announced that traffic between these cities will be discontinued for several days, through traffic being-• routed via Chadbourn and Elrrxl for main line connections, while local trains will operate for a distance of 35 jniles out of Wilmington toward Goldsboro. A wrecking train from Rockv Mount, attempting to reach scene of a freight wreck. 4H miles from Wil mington. was Itself wrecked and En gineer J. B. Ericsson and two ne groes, of this city, were slightly In jured Wrecking trains from Way cross, Ga.. and Florence, 8. C„ to gether with gVallable work train crews and much material are being rushed to the breaks In the line. REHABILITATING HOSPITALB GO TO NINETEEN CITIES Washington. Sites have been choseh tentatively In 19 cities for the "great reconstruction" hospitals In which the United States will begin tho work of rehabilitating for private life Its soldiers who return woundsd from the front In Europe. The cities selected as the largest renters of population, were announced by Ma jor General Gorgas, surgeon general of tho army, a* follows: Boston. New York. Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Buffalo, Cin cinnati, Chicago, St. Paul, Seattle, San Francisco. Los Angeles, Denver, Kansas City. St. Louis. Memphis, Richmond, Atlanta and New Orleans. SENATE PABBEB BIG WAR CREDITS BILL Washington.—The war credits bill, authorizing ftew bonds and certifi cates aggregating $11,538.000.000 and the largest measure of Its kind In world history, was passed by the sen ate without n roll call or dissenting vote Few change* were made In tho bill by the senate, the bond and cer tificate authorizations,. Interest rate* and provisions giving the secretary of the treasury broad powers remain ed unchanged. CHILD LABOR LAW TO APPLY AT CANTONMENTS Washington.—Secretary Baker or dered that employment of children at cantonments and other government reservations conform to tho federal child labor act whl'h forbids the em ployment of children under 14 years and restricts the honrs of labor of those between 14 and State age certificates for children between 11 *nd 11 ir.ust be obtained tfjr employ ers In state* Issuing them, and Is other states federal certificate*. ;rr»t l-'nilh in (.'lianrberlaln'a ( ulle •ml Diarrheal Mrmrdy. "Chamberlain'#- Colic and IJiar hoea Remedy was used by mv fa ther about a ,veir ag, owhen he had diarrhoea. It relieved himf n mrdiately and l>v taking three doses he wa* absolutely eared. He has great faith in this rem"dy, writes Mrs. W. H. Williams, Stan ley, N'- Y. . At a special election in Maine cm the 10th woman suffrage was voted down by a b if? majority. -ROAD • BrniDiwc ROYAL LINE iM A DEMOCRACY "Road* Rule the World—Not Kings or Congre»*e», Not Courts, Nor Con stable* or Soldier*." Tn an nrgumcnt for pood roads some wise man, whose name has been lost, made use of the following: "Roads rule the world—not kings, noi" con gresses, nor courts, nor constnhles, not ships nor soldiers. The road Is tho only royal line In a democracy, the only legislature thnt never changes, .the only court that never sleeps, tlw only army that never quits, the ilrst nid to the redemption of any nation, the exodus from stagnation In any so ciety, the call from savagery In any tribe, the high priest of prosperity, after the order of Meichisedec, with out beginning of days or end of life. The road Is umpire In every war, and when tho new map Is made. It simply .pushes on Its great campaign of help, hope, brotherhood, efficiency and peace." The vnlOo of good roads may be better understood when It Is known that the average cost to farmers of the United States to transport produce to market Is more than 2.'1 'cents per ton per mile. These figures do not In clude the cost of breakage of 1)11 mess or vehicles. Tho cost per ton per mllo over hard-surfaced roads Is less than half the present average. GAINER BY IMPROVED ROADS Careful Analysis Show* Greatest Gain Over Present Conditions I* Man on Branch Road. The development of sentiment for Issuing bonds to build permanent roads has brought to the surface many questions which require careful con sideration and demand clearly slated and convincing replies. Of these, the one recurring most frequently Is: "What advantage Is there In a bond Is sue for the farmer who lives aaverul miles from one of the Improved roads?". At first glance It would seem that the man living (Ureetly upon tho Im proved road obtains the greatest bene fits, but careful analysis proves that the greatest gain over present condi tions Is the man on the side road. With the limited road and bridge funds usually available In any town ship and the necessity of keeping the main highways at least In passnble condition, little or nothing Is left for working upon the less traveled roarls. As repair expense practically censes when permanent roads are built, the road and bridge funds formerly spent on main roivls will be released for use upon the side roads. In addition, money spent upon these side roads will go five times as far, or do five times as much wo[k, as Soil Road in North Carolina. when It wa* sfent Upon tho roads where heavy travel quickly wiped out every trace of the Improvement. A reasonable amount of rood and bridge money used In ditching and dragging side rood* will place them. In condition to carry the comparatively light trafllc thnt passes over them to the main highway. The.man on the side road j will have, In plnca of n continuous haul through the mud from farm to j town, n much-Improved surface from farm to the main highway and a hlch ly Improved road, maintained ntjnuch less expense to tho township oifoonn ty, the remainder of tho way to bis town or market.—Farm Engineering. Drag After Rain. Drag tho road as soon after every rain as possible, but not when the mud Is In such a condition as to stick to the drag. Attention to Road Drag. If we would [my more attention'to tho road drag, we would have better roads. Powder for Cabbage Worm*. For cabhffigo worms: Mi* fine part of fresh Persian Insect powder with four part* of air-slaked lime, arid dust It on tho plants at regular Intervals. Don't Pay to Berlmp. It doesn't pay to go to the expense of cov.s, stable.*, land, utensils, etc., for dairy work, then scrimp tha cows. Don't Uae Whip. l'on't *sso the whip too freely on a horse that shies. Patience and kind- Begs will do better. Ila» n High Opinion "I I liamberlala's ' Tablets* "l have a high opinion of Cham berlain's Tablets 1 .r biliousness and as a laxative, writes Mrs. C. A. "Barne*. ..Charleston. 111. "1 have never found anything v> mild and pleasant to use. My l Ins also used these tablets wit I» satis factory results. All the world no/; know* fh t* ' c Teutonic Allies are res,>o tsi.d-- f >." the war and nooody kin" i it bet ter than those who deny it. QUIBOBTHaME«EWS' GERMANY SENDS ? Brief Note* Covering Happening* In DCOHrTP Tfj 01AI (~ fl IZ This States That: Ara.Of Interest t, R |J| [J QfftUUl Klnston public schools will have a t' brass band this year. \ ALBO SENDS TO AGENTINA DIS- —— APPROVAL OF EXPREBBIONB The women of Klnston have organ-1 uapQBV I UYRIIRA — Ized for national defense. | T • Durham has awarded a contract for 50,000 yards of street paving. The freshman class at A. & E. Col lege is as large as ever this year. The community club of Hickory Is making plans for a reception at the now hlglntehool building Friday even ing, September 21. when an address by Dr. J. Y. Joyner, state superintendent of public Instruction, will be one of the features. The new building will be dedicated at that time. . After their demand for an It.crease of sLx and one-half cents an hour in pay had been refused about 400 negro helpers employed in machine shops o'PlheAtiantlc Coast Lino railway at Rocky Mount'went on strike. The road. It Is understood, offered the men an Increase of four cents an hour but this tho workmen declined. Martin Dennis, who was arrested in Stanly three 'weeks ago upon a charge of having vlolatod section 8 df tho selective edraft, was given a pre liminary hearing before It. C. liill, United States commissioner, and was bound over to the United States terra of Federal court for tho Western dis trict, at Salisbury, on October 3, 1917, As a result of an automobile acci dent 14 miles below Salisbury on tho road to lladin, J. W. Zolgler, aged 22, of Winston-Salem, Is dead, and his brother, Georgo L. Zelgler, Is In Sal isbury hospital suffering with bruises. B. F. Southern, a passenger, was bruised and L. E. Hodgins and 11. C. Shields, also passengers and all from Winston-Salem, Maaped Injury. Athletics at Wake Forest College re ceived a sever blow whon It was an nounced thnt Mr. J. Richard Crozler, for 13 years director of the gymnasium •and the pioneor basketball coach of the state, had resigned to continue his studies In medicine at the Ameri can School of Osteopathy at Kirks vllle, Mo. Mr. Crozler leaves on Sep tember 18 to assume his new dutle*. The city of Raleigh has planned to mako Itself a model for the cities and towns of North Carolina In the mutter of . gardens, having taken as a motto, "A garden for every home 12 months In the year." For tho accomplish ment of Its purpose, two trained women have been employed as garden supervisors, and a course In elemen tary agriculture has been Introduced In the city schools. Miss Nannie I. Kersey, who has heen head nurse at the North Carolina State hospital at Morganton several years, has resigned, on account ol falling health, to take a much needed re*t. The great responsibility of this position and tho duties connoctoil ■with It are very trying and few peo ple have been able to hold It more than a few years. Speaking of the' Keating-Owen* child labor law and. the recent decis ion of Federal Judge Iloyd In declar ing It unconstitutional, United States District Attorney J O. f'arr declared that the person or persons who vlolat ed this statute are gambling with th" supreme court. Tor If this tribunal re verses Judge Boyd's decision, those who have violated the statute will be Indictable, despite anything that Judge Iloyd may have said relative to the constitutionality of the law. Lindsay Brlttaln, 12 years old. ol Ro'ky Mount, son of John Brltton ol that place, was drowned In the old rock quarry Jii'-t ea*t of Wilmington He was out wadli g'wlth a number ol oilier boys when he stepped Into a hole over his head. Unable to swim ho went down before assistance rould reach him. The body w** recovered The ifnl was flatting relatives at Wll nilngton. J Wesley Helms, young white man of Monroe, watt given a hen-lng be fore United States Commissioner M L. Flow a few day* ago on the hargc of having failed to rcKlater. Hl* age wjis established at. 21 and he was required to reolster In addition to be In;; bound over to the federal court, which convene* In Charlotte the first Monday In October. At first* yountf Helm* denied having attained, hi* ma jority, but the evidence presented by the government was so strong that he admitted he was In tho wrong rO At a recent meeting of the southern *ectlon of the Amerban Association of Instructor* and Investigators and Poultry Husbandry, at College Station. Texas, lir. It. F/ Ksupp. ixiultryman of the Animal Industry Division of th ; North Carolina Experiment station, wss elected president; and Mr. Thomas J. Conway, of College station, Texas, *eretary The meeting was called for the purpose of organising the Instructors, lnve*|gator* »tid poul try husbandry In the south, and I)oc tor Kaupp attended In the Interest of the work In North Carolina. WANTED! L idle* or men with rin? or auto moblle* _to repros n' a S luthcrn Company. Those vith selling ex perience preferred, tho' not necev *ary. •" Fast *"llin,j proposition Brand-new article. pay far hustlers. Address Mr. Greg ory, 160 ith Ave. N. Nashville, Tctm, ARGENTINA IS NOT SATISFIES No Bpectacular Operation on Large Bcale Is Reported In the official Communication* From the Belliger ent Capital*. Expressions of regret over the tele grams sent by Count von Luxburg. the German minister to Argentine, to Her llr. through the. Swedish minister at lluenos Aires, have been made to both Sweden and Argentine by the Gor man government. Tliq under-secretary of the Berlin foreign office has informed the Argen tine minister to Berlin that Gremany regrets the actions of Count von Lux burg and disapproves entirely of the expressions used by him in the tele grams made public recently by tho state department at Washington. Ger many asks for a safe conduct for Count von Luxburg In order that ho may return to Berlin to explain per sonally. Argentina. It was announced by It* foreign minister, declines to accept the verbal assurance of an Under-Sec retary of the Gorman foreign office and awaits the arrival of a formal note from Berlin (more taking additional steps. To Sweden, Germany has sent a note .unofficial reports say, regretting highly the disagreeable Issues raised by tho Luxburg telegrams and thank ing the Swedish government for trans mitting the messages. No specatcular operation on a large scalo Is reported In the official com munications from the belligerent cap- MORATORIUM FOR SOLDIERS IS NOW A PROBABILITY Protect Civil and Property Right* and Save Them From Legal Injustice. Washington.—Legislation to protect tho civil and property rights of sol diers In effort a moratorium for the duration of the war In behalf of men who are serving their country on the firing linn, may be placed upon the administration's program for this ses sion of Congress as a necessary ele ment of the raising of a citizen army. The "soldiers and sailors civil rights bill," to carry out this purpose already has been introduced In both houses, having been framed la-the^ offleo of Judge Advocate General Crowder. Secretary Baker, It was learned, has under consideration rec ommendations that tho entire weight of adifilnlstratlon Influence be brought to bear to pbtalu early enactment of the measure. To save soldiers and sailors from all klnda of legal Injustice during their absenco from home, the meas ure would nejoln the carrying certain civil court actions until litter the close of tho war, artd establish as legal excuse for failure to carry cer tain contracts, the fact that a man Is In the military service. It Is proposed that creditors' suits against officers or mon may be held up and Judgment by default denied, the frmncrs of the bill recognizing that a man In tho army or navy would have no opportunity to msko his defense In person or arrango for its proper hearing through counsel. If such a Judgment rested agnlnßt a man at the time of his enlistment, tho bill would provent Its execution throuifh the sale of his property dur ing his absence. It would set aside ,*tho statute of limitations so that o debt owed to a soldier might not be outlawed In his abityice It would pre vent the eviction of his family while he was away If they failed to pay the rent; It would protect him against the ordinary results of defaulted payments on buslnciis mortgages and keep him from being sold out In hit absence; It would Insure any right* he might have to public lands, although his service at the front had prevented him from completing the legal acqui sition of tho property. MEANS ENJOINED BY ORDER SIGNED BY JUDGE BOYD Greensboro —Federal Judge James E Iloyd here grunted the petition of Mrs. Anna L. Robinson, mother of Maude A. Ring, who was killed near Concord*. N. C., August 29. for a restraining order enjoining Gaston R Means from ti|«oo«l*g of the property o£ Mrs. King WTvlch h« Is alleged to posses. Judge Iloyd also signed a receivership order and named an Ashevllle trust company receiver for, the property. GENERALLY GOOD HEALTH FOR THE NAVY REPORTED Washington -Generally good health for the navy, afloat and ashore, reported by Bugeon Oenerat Bralated- Bome canes of measles* ar.d miimp> are reported from tl»o Atlantic fleet with measles less prevailing than th' mumps, averaging only 1" case* s wmdt for the whole force afloat. Con dltlons al*e are excellent at tho shorn station*, except at San Krnacisee where there are « number of case* o! measles and mumps. WK HAVE THB EARLIEST, BKI- Ifest, high class Strawberry grown. Also the Best one or the evef bcaring kinds; bears the best Ha-' vnred berries from until tlui snow flies. Free Booklet. V. ake field Pliint Farm, Charlotte. Nort' Carolina. lTf.?bf,t Beginning October Ist Col, Theo doro Roosevelt will be a regain' contributor to tho Kansas City Star. NO. 33 GRAHAM CHURCH DIRECTORY Graham Baptist Church—Rev. R. Da via, Viator. Preaching every first and chirti r . : l Sundays at li.ui) a. m. ana 7.06 p£-r§ duDday School every Sunday at 1 9.i0 a. m.. A. P. \y alliums a-iOtaS! i'rayer meeting every lueaday at ' * Graham Christian Church—N. Main % Otiwl— Uev, j. if, i'ruit'.. • Pieacmug services every Sec- ••• oad anu i ourtn Sundays. at li.vO -~h bunday School every Sunday at \ Jj iU.uu a. in.— IS. L. Henderson, Supers mtendent. New Providence Christian Church —.North Main btreel, near Depot*— Uev. J. (i. i'ruitt, Pastor. Preach* rf *..V ing every Second and fourth Sun- ~ Jay ingnts at s.UU o'clock. Sunday School every Sunday ac IM6 a. m.—J. A. bayiiff, Superin tendent Christian Endeavor Prayer Meet- . ing every 'ihuruday night at T. 45, ,'d o'clock. Friends—North of Graham Pub- IB lie Bcnooi—Kev. I'leaung Martin,, Pastor. Preaching Ist, 2nd and 3rd Sun- It days. Sunday School every Sunday at 10.00 a. ni.—.belie penary, Superin- J lenUent. _i_—. _ Methodist Episcopal, south—cor. Main aud Maple St „ iJ. fcl. Myera Pastor. Preaching every SuDday at li.oo | a. in. and at 7.30 p. m. SurUay School every Sunday at J.lb a. in.— W. B. Green, Supt. v'^vja M. P. Church—N. Main Street, Be v. ti. S. i'roxler, Pastor. Preaching first and third Hun days at II a. m. und 8 p. in, Sunday School every Sumiav at 9.48 a. m.— J. L. Amick, Supt. ( ,'f Presbyterian—Wst Elm Street— Rev. T, M. McConnell, pastor. §»i Sunday School every Sunday at 9.45 a. m.—Lynn B. Williamson, Su perintendent. Presbyterian (Travora Chapel)— J. VV. Clegg, pastor. Preaching every Second and Fourth tiundays it 7.30 p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 2.30 p. tn.—J. Harvey White, Su perintendent. Oneida—Sunday School every -3 Sunday at 8.30 p. m.—J. V. Pome- *•' roy, Superintendent. PROFESSIONAL CARDS | J E. C. DERBY Civil Engineer. GRAHAM, N. C.. National Bank af Alamance BURLINGTON, N. C, HOOK IS. lal National Bank Building. 'Phone 470 JOHN J. HENDERSON Attorney-at-Law UKAIIAM. N. C. Jfl Miles over National Bank ol Alasaaae* I 7, £L COOIEE, ' Atforncy-dt-Lflw, KAHAM, N a Office PntU*r»on Butldlag Suotmd £l*or. ..... t)K. WILL S. Lo.\(jl, JR. . . . DENTIST . . . jrah.m, . . - - Nirth Ctnlls* »r Klt;b. i.n ,Vi MONb BUILDIHO | ACOB A. LO»4. i. KJ.MILH LOM. i * LOKU & LOG, "J Uionmjri und CJouiiMlort ui X aw GttAHAM, H. ,0. JOH N H. VERNON Attorney and louinclot.iUbw oilier ls J lt evidence 331 liCUI.INUTON, ( N. C. Dr. J. J. Barefoot OFFICE .Up Stairs in Goley Building. Leave messages at llaytt liraif.. % Co.'s, 'phono HI, reMdenco 'phone i Jfc j. Office hourao '/to t |>. ni. and by appointment. DR. a. EUGENE iiolt Osteopathic Physician 21, 22 and 73 First National Banklt Bl«a BLKLINGTON, N C. Stomach "'I Nervous diseases a Specialty ' I'hoocs, Oflire 30&,—rea- % ilenee,' 3ti2 J. LIVES OF CHRISTIAN MINISTERS This hook, entitled as alwve, 3 •ontniiiH over 200 memoirs of Mill* « isters in the Christian Chnrcb ii witii historical references. An § interesting volume—nicely print* .jA wl nml. tyiuiul. I'rice per copy's .3 cloth, 12.00; i;l!* top, *>2.50. By . nail 20c extra. Orders may b* «ent to P. J. Kkrnoui.B, 1012 E. Marshall St., Kichinoitti, Va. Orders may bo left at thin oilice. tlOU—Dr. E. Detchon'a Anti-Din- fMj relic may he worth more to you —more to you than |IOO if yoa have a child who soils the bed ding from Incontinence ot water during Bleep. Cures old and »onnj» alike. It arrents the trouble. at £.' once. SI.OO, Sold by Graham Drag • Company. . adv, i John Allen 'Whlttington, sot ot ( 'sß John Lilt , XVhittlngton, of, county was accM.-nt.illy killed sjn9 the. Bth, while at work in a ct»9 at Bondtown, W, Va, ,