h Pains, H I Dizzy If j Spells g Mrs.O.P.Cartwright,of 818 Whitwell, Tenn., writes: 111 "I suffered with bearing- ■ ■ Bdown pains. : . The U dizzy spells got so bad Kj that when 1 would start to ttJ walk, 1 would just pretty I nearly fall. Was very I much run-down. 1 told I my husband 1 thought KM 1 Cardui would help me. .. US ft He got me a bottle. .. It ■AC helped me so much that 1 he got me another bottle. I I got a whole lot better. I The dizzy spells and the WE bearing-down pains ... left ma entirely." If you are weak and ■|l run-down, or suffer from I •womanly pains, TAKE CARDUI The Woman's Tonic • a You can feel safe in giv- . I ing Cardui a thorough I trial. It is composed ot | m mild, vegetable, mcdici- J Q nal ingredients, recog- nized by standard medi cal books for many years, as being of great value in the troubles from which J only women stiller. The J f enthusiastic praise of the « thousands of women who have been helped by Cardui In its past 40 years I of successful use should J assure you of ils genuine 'M Q merit, and convince you M V that it would be worth f ■ your while to try this I ■ medicine for your frou- I bles. Ail druggists sell it. 9 Try Cardui 9 m m Soldier's Portfolio 1 * A small, neat portfolio to carry sta l Uonery, pen and pencil for the soldier Ejte one of the gifts that can be made Htar him at home. It la a almple affair, |;W substantial brown denim, und re (uqolrss nothing else but thread and snap RJfhsteners, to mske a very complete and | handy writing case. |i As shown in the picture, tho case [,lB about ten Inches wide and sixteen Kyrtna long. One side of It holds three BMltttH that mske a food support for ijttl writing tablst In cramped quarters Mrtwre there la no table. On tho other Wide are compartments for paper, en velopes, post cards and stumps. A narrow atrap of the denim. Is sewed Mown at the center to carry pen and jfpMctL Ink can be carried In solid 90CIU now. It comes In small sticks ilhat dissolve In water. The case fast- NHM With strong snap fasteners as In dlcnted In the picture. It Is a good Idea to embroider the ! Initials on belongings made for the ! boys In the service because so many [|MtS and portfolios are alike In all de- L talis. Betides It la another evidence 5 of thooghtfulness on tho part of the Ml jf This year's Christmas candles will i&M dressed oat with shades In red, KMhlte and bine, as well ss In the sc gjjMStomed red and green. Here are pprn among many others, in which the colors are skillfully used to np graceful shades. The shade at Kt left la mainly red with white and Bp* in raffles and braided atruuds Kjhoot the top and bottom. Blridte over red In the other cnndle a pretty background for small to the crepe paper. This Hhdi la tied a boat the top with nar- BpWwlbine ribbon. Kf'tliy basket and box for salted | nuts, or confections, are shown with ■BScandles. The basket Is made of Hgymbd strands of paper In red, white HI blue, to match the candle at the the box is a repetition of Biit. over red, tied wJth bine ribbon Kinfta abode di Ox other candla. Homemade Character Doll* Carl and Pat along with Oretcben and Ilortense, are ranking eyes at us this Christmas, inviting us to Inquire Into their merits. Tliey belong to a new order of the belovud rug dolls that have always held the warmest corner of little folks" hearts. These dolls are made of discarded socks or stockings and stuffed with cotton. White socks are used for the heads and colored ones for the iiodles. Fancy pitching with heavy mercerized cotton or yarns, outlines the jackets, makes ties and garters and represents buttons. The eyes, nose anil mouth are outlined also In black and red. Two-toned silk socks, usually In a bright color on the wrong side ure much sought after by the makers of these Jolly looking churacter dolls. Kit for the Navy Lads 1 BJ Hero I* u compact and comprehen sive kit, designed to carry till the thing* needed by our boy* In the navy, to keep them and their belonging* At nnd nifty. It la iniide of tilue denim ami n little red eo'ttori-flunnel, Ktltched with red thrcud und Imund with a strong hrnld. Short length* of hruld sewed In It serve to hold comb, brushes, pencil*, etc. This kit carries an unbelievable num ber of thliiKM —among them theiio: Soap In a Hoap box, talcum powder, Ncrub brush, pencil with eraxer, paper, poHt card*, black and white thread, needl«, pins, safety pin*, tooth brush, tooth pa*te, hone button*, bachelor but ton*, safety pins, corncob pipe, haK of tobacco and has room to *par« for other thing*. It rolls up nnd I* tied with (lie strong brnld or tape u*ed for binding It. One of theso kits, lltted out, la a tine gift along with a gay lit tle bag of sweets, or something equally foolish, for Christinas. Cretonne Knitting Bag ( IL J- She who has not a knitting hag must feel like a stranger in a strange land. Christmas will give opportunity to pro vide her with this requisite of the woman In polite society. Also to re place knitting bags that havo grown Shabby with use. Those of cretonne have everything to recommend them. They are cheer ful and durable and they aro Inex pensive as bugs go. The handsome bag In the picture Is made of tan cretonne with black atripe and Jnpanese designs In brilliant flow ers and foliage. It is lined with bright green sateen and finished with clusters of satin-covered apples In tan, red and green at each side. The handles are of thin wood and are wound with a flat gold braid. Wishbone Thimble Case A pretty thimble case, made of a wishbone saved from the wreck of the Thanksgiving turkey, is something new. Ueavy silk or mercerized cot ton Is used for crochet lace to make a wide border about the wishbone. It Is crocheted with a beading to carry baby ribbon that Is run through It and made Into three Uttlq bows as shown In the picture. A tiny bag, to hold the thlnfcie, is suspended between the ends of the bone and the pretty gift If impmdid bjr ribbon hangar*. Dainty Camisoles Camisoles—that Is corset covers, by n less matter-of-fact name—ore never neglected when the Christmas list of sulahle finery is made up by buyers for the big shops. This year they have presented shoppers with many lovely camisoles of ribbon, or net and ribbon combined, or crepe georgette and rib bon. Those shown In the picture are In pale pink, which is the favored color for fine underwear. Very wide satin ribbon, decorated with small tucks, lace Insertions and French knots In pliik and blue silk, serves to produce the camisole at the top of the picture. It Is edged with a frill of pink crepe and supported by shoulder straps of satin ribbon. The camisole below It Is made of fine, white net, bucck'd with satin rib bon. The same ribbon is used for shoulder straps and for drawing up the fullness over the bust. It Is fin ished with a small bow at the front A flat e!«ptfc run In a narrow hem In the net, adjusts the eumlaola to the tfcfliflt. shabby with use. Inviting Telephone Girls *lmn iB— I'retty ladles, made of painted wood, conceal our telephones and Invite u* to tell secreta tlint will never be be trayed. These lire the "pliißocraft" girls and they muke fasclnutlng gifts to either men or women friends. Much one stand* at the front of a small hourd on which the telephone Is to be placed. The mouthpiece la un screwed nnd when replaced forms the crown of a hat or springs from a high corsage bouquet or disappears alto gether or Is frankly lu evidence. Just as you will. The plngocraft novelties are made of wood cut out from thin board*, painted white. The figures are out lined on them ready for pulntiug und each Is painted to suit the Individual taste. The little figure at the left Is holding her hat and, when she Is placed, the mouthpiece of the 'phone becomes tho crown of It. The Lantern Bag fistf* iiiiyi i HP I No matter bow many laundry huu* have vainly besought our male frleuda to be orderly, tbla lantern bag has •very chance of aucceaa In fulfilling! lta million. It la a thing of beauty that will never be relegated to a closet, but la deatlned to spend Ua daya bung in a conspicuous place to be admired. Its envied owner cannot lone sight of It or refuse to behave as he should when aoiled collars or handkerchiefs are to be disposed of. The lantern bag makes a beautiful gift for anyone and la made of Japa nese silk. red velvet and gold braid. It la finished with handaome silk tasaela and suspended by u silk cord. A cover la mti!« for the top of the lantern and fastened by the clip through the braid wed for bludiug. Lollypops for Youngsters 56 ha s 3 0Q r+\ £wk If Santa Cluua And* hlmiu-lf slinrt of money anywhere we invite hi* atten tion to those dmavd-ap lollypops. They will dell* it the children. A lolly pop is a flat piece of candy on the end of a stick and It last* a long time. All aorta of little figure* of thing* animate and inanimate are made hy dressing up lolijrpopa in crepe paper. One end of the stick la thrust into n disk of heavy cardboard and arm* and lega are provided by small wires fast ened about the stick.' The faces are painted on wax paper, over the lolly pop. Fruits and vegetables, fairies, soldiers, dolls, dancing girls, clowns— there is no limit to the things that nn be owls i» ttta way. Christmas Gifts That Are Sure to Please A CHRISTMAS gift that can't be used and enjoyed Is a disappoint ment The average man or wom an would rather receive a post cord with n cheerful "Merrle Christmas" on It than a gift that Is Just perfunctory. The war has made os all alert this year for the cheer and welfare of our boys on the sea and in the army. 80 why not knit the young patriots gray wool sweaters and those excellent long-wristed mittens, with finger tips missing not to Impede their work at the riggings and behind the gonat Uncle Sam does not furnish the boys with these two winter luxuries ■HV j-1 '/ j ■ • a ■ ■ nß*-"- v ' ' I Illustrated is a desk set for father, hubby or sweetheart If you are clever you can saw It out of thin pine and enumel It beautifully, filling It with good paper, pens and stamps. Or you can make the frame of stiff cardboard and cover It with any attractive paper that matches his den or library. Handmade lingerie is always a test of affection. So make sister an under vest made of crepe de chine. One yard and a quarter of a good quality of ' | crepe, the same quantity of bending and ajlttle more narrow ribbon are re quired. Cut the vest straight, hem on ! the bottom, put the beading across the Itop and run the ribbon through It. Sir sachets filled with the favorite scent of the recipient and mnde, say, In heort shajie edged with narrow lace, would be attractive, and they are al way* useful. Little lavender silk bag* filled iKth dried lavender flowers •vnuld be appreciated by anyone with 'nn> closet SILAGE REDUCES BEEF COST Result Given of Steer-Fsedlng Teat Made at Missouri College of Agriculture. A Ktwr-ftHMllne test recently com plftoil at the Missouri College of Agri culture Illustrates the possibility of re ducing the cost of beef production by the extensive use of corn ullage, ax teen head of two-year-old (teen fed for 130 days made an average gain In live weight of 822 pound* per head. They were fed 3.16 torn of corn silage, 750 pounds of alfalfa hay, and 603 pounds of cotton-seed meal and old graces* linseed oil meal per steer. They received no corn other than that contained In the silage. Jly this meth od of feeding a fairly satisfactory grade of beef can be produced, and It Is possible to fatten three steers on an acre of good corn Instead of one, which was usual under former meth ods of fcadlne SOfMCRIBB FOB THB OLE A NEB % «M# A YBAB Why Not Make Some Gifts This Christmas? SOME philosopher or other (aid long ago that we do not appreciate that which we do not work hard to obtain and that we love more the people whom we do for than we love the people who do most for us. If your best friend motors mtfke her a cap, a la sunbonnet, out of some dur able silky material that matches her motor coat Btlffen the visor with buckram, line It with plaid Bilk and use the rest of this for a building that ties carelessly In front Smoking jackets, suspenders, bath mules, necktie and collar cases for travelers, knitted golf gloves, throat mufflers and tooled leather picture frames are some of the gifts you can make for the men in your family. Nothing "boughten" could compare with the joy furnished a youngster by these toys that daddy made himself. Pine or sweet gum wood are easily manipulated, and the delight enters with the gay enamel paint that daddy B ' MifW so skillfully applies to the elephanfs howdah, the parrot's wings and the sailor boy's middy. Mother may like something new and attractive In the form of luncheon nap kins made of one and a half yards of white linen (a good quality comes at 78 cents a yard) cut Into six squares and bordered with a plcot Irish edge after merely rolling the edges. Or she may prefer a theater bag made of brocade velvet la any of the new colore and lined with a soft silk in contrasting color. They are made with a pocket In the bottom, either oblong or round, and the top has a casing through which gold ribbon is drawn. Now that patriotism runs high make hubby a red, white and blue pillow for his morris chair. The cot suggests the embroidery done on a background of linen crash. A quickly made gift for a little girl and one which serves to teach her a lesson of neatness Is a set of ribbon rolls for her hair ribbons. Small paste board cylinders, such as are used for ipalllng purposes, are first covered with cotton wadding and sachet powder and then with silk or satin. The material may be plain or flowered, but must be of a quality not to "run." For the friend who boards a glass of homemade Jelly or orange marmalade would be useful as well as ornamental. Apple Jelly and orange marmalade can be made at the holiday season as well as In the summer, and then one can truthfull" say on the little, card of greeting that It was made expressly for the friend to whom it Is sent. AN OLD MAN'S STOMACH. As we ({row older and less active less and less food is requireJ to meet the deands of our bodies. If too much is habitually takes the stomach will rebel. When a man reaches the advanced age of 83 or 90, you will find that he is a lifh; eater. Be as careful as yoJ will, however, you will occasionally eat more than yoii should and will foel the ne«d o'f Chamberlain's Tablets to correct the disorder. Thest tablets do not contain pepsin, out strengthen the stomach and ena ble it to perform its functions nat urally. They also cause a gen tle movement of the bowels. CASTOR IA For Infanta Children In UM For Over 30 Year* 4 What ShaM; I Give My Friends?" CHRISTMAS comes on apace, and the usual question confronts ev ery woman, "What sbpll I give my friends this year}" If the outlay cannot be very much then It Is a good Idea to make some useful article to serve. Purchase enough white georgette crepe to make" a collar and cuff set. Perhaps the collar con follow the out line of a coat difficult to fit with a ready-made collar of white, or a dainty shape may be designed for use with a ElyV* fancy waist. The point Is to keep the edges straight rather than rounding, for we will have the border machine hemstitched, or the edge can be stltclw ed or hemstitched with fine white silk and finished with tiny embroidered dots of white silk or French knot* of • faintly contrasting color. Or make sister a fetching breakfast jacket of georgette crepe, voile or dim ity. Close it on the left side, hand em broider the front and gird It with her favorite shade of satin ribbon. Candle shade patterns may be stamp ed In a grape design, which could be ■ H ''/ ?*I f 1 s *lf jfl BZ&MSgnBM I I effectively carried out in cut work, and another design is of an iris pattern. The shade pictured Is more conven tional, being Intended for an electric candle. Fluted paper is neatly pasted together the desired size nnd decorated with gold or sliver gimp. Toddlers and babies always need new dresses. Try the pattern illustrat ed in either chambray or linen and ■mock the front In any harmonizing color or a contrast. A doaen or so of homemade cruller* wrapped separately In oiled paper and parked In a dainty basket such as can be purchased for from 10 to 25 cents should be an acceptable gift for some man friend who lives In a hotel. For a bachelor friend a gift of atmllar nature Is a homemade cake done up In white paper and placed In a holly trimmed box. Most men have a secret sweet tooth, and Christmas seems to be the time to have it filled. Men as a rule do not like to receive wearing apparel as gifts, especially sock?, bet embroider a man's mono gram on the said socks and you will fln] him delighted. KUB-M V-TISM-Antiseptic, Re lieved Rheumatism, Sprains, Neu ralgia, etc. Your Ad. InThis Paper Will Bring Business to You That Now Goes to a Mail Order House Mr Break your Cold or LaGrippe with few dose* of 666. BUBSCBJBB FOB THB OLBANBB JM* A YBAB_ Children Cry for Fletcher's The Kind Ton Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over over 30 yean, has borne the signature of and has been made under his ptr /?'sonal supervision since its infancy. \-&ac7X /XA*4Z no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Ju*t-as-gool" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment What isa^TO'RIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor OH, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant It contains ' neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. lis age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, "Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea —The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought tH« CffITAUW COMPANY. HIW VOWK CITY. Cap and Slippers to Match Just the newest things in breakfast] caps aj-e of Chinese Inspiration and: among them appears the cap with 1 xnallnes crown and wired lace frill for] a brim that Is shown in the picture. Narrow bands of ribbon, Joined in a rosette on the top of the head, sap port the lace frill and a narrow gold braid at the head of the frill adds aj rich touch to this bit of finery. The bedroom slipper in the hand of the fair wearer of the cap Is made of satin ribbon sewed to a soft sole and gathered about the top. It is held on by -a narrow band of flat elastic, covered with shirred ribbon. Rich Bags in Ribbon Ik i|»pj% r cifcj*^. Bags fill a large part of the horizon of the Christmas shopper, for never was there such a furore for them. Knitting bags and countless other kinds, made postly of cretonne or of ribbons, are gay and beautiful, easily made and Inexpensive. Two views of a beautiful knitting bag are shown here. It Is made of wide striped ribbon and will serve as other knitting bags do, for shop ping and carrying small parcels. It will make glad hearts at Christmas time. Always Welcome China j Here are a cake basket and a bonbon dish made of small plates set in bas kets of paper rope. They are the sort of gift the housewife always welcomes and require a small outlay of money and the time of the maker. With pret tlly decorated plate* and the clever use of (finer and twine, handsome baskets reward the efforts of those Who leam the art of baskeftj. 13>e baskets shown an In dark brown, and that one holding the bon bon fIA Is brightened with a yellow cord woven In a cross pattern over the braid. Call and Get Your Vest Pocket Goldmine Book. We are pleased to advise our adult readers that they can call at this office and secure free of charge, a useful Vest Pocket Memorandum Book, full of valuable information. Call quick, before they run out. 15novtf ■ ft pf * i Itch r#J«v«d In SO minutes by Woodford's Sanitary Lotion. Neva* falls. Sold br Graham Drue Co, John M. Hammer of Greensboro, a brother of District Attorney Ham mer, died last week, I Very Serious It is a very qerioua matter to «fk Ibc one medicine And have the wrong one given you. For this reason we urge- yqu in buying to be careful to get the genuine— BUCT&HT liver Medicine IThe reputation of this oiJ, relia ble medicine, far constipation, in digestion and liver trouble. iu firm ly established. It docs not imitate other medicines. It is belter than others, or it would not bo the fa vorite liver powder, with » larger sale ihati all others combined. SOLD IN TOWN Pa mmmmmmmmmmrnmrn H trade mnrti &>'pfri\rhU obtained or no JR ■ f«», fiend model, aketcliee or |>liotoa and do- « ■ script ion for FREE SEARCH and report ■ M on patentability. Bunk rufurem**. Hi PATENTS BUILD FORTUNES tor ■ ■ you. Oar free booklet* tell how, what to Invest ■ ■ and art you money. Write today. H |O. SWIFT&CFL.L LAW UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA LAW SCHOOL Excellent Faculty 1 Reasonable Cost WRITE FOR CATALOG THE PRESIDENT, CHAPEL HILL, N. C. Help For Girls Desiring Education. We have on our campua an apart ment house, a two story U uildiDZ of 25 rooms. "Flth a frontage of 100 feet which may be used by girls who wish to form clubs and Eve at their own charges. Pupils cui live cheaply and com fortably in this way, many of them bavin* their table supplies sent to them from their homes. For further information address J M. Rhodes, Littleton College. Littleton, N. C. | UP-TOiDATB JOB PRISING | I DONS AT THIS OPPICB. | I % OIVB US ▲ TRIAL. I j'lM 40 im j CARDIIi Inn Woman's Tonle * Sold Everywhere S ■ IIM.MSIII a tO YC AOS DEPUTATION m M ARNOLDS!! h MFCSAN FflU MJtfMJJP SirKNESSI-S BY| I Graham Brng Co. | DO. YOU WANT A DEW STOMACH? If you do "DwestoAeiqe" will give you one. For full particulars regard inn this wonderful Remedy which has beceGted thousand.;, apply to Hayes Drug Co.