GRAHAM, N. 0., Dec. 0,19 W. ■■ ■ ■ - ■ ■■ P«toffie« Horn. Snudaj MO toll.oo a. m. and «.00 to 140 p. * J. K. IfoC SLACKEN, Portmaater. «. RAILROAD SCHEDULE. OOINO EAST — No. 112 (mixed) due 1:45 a. m. " 108 " 9:17 " " 22 " 6:00 p. in. OOMQ WIST — No. lit (mixed) due 6:23 a. m. " 21 " 11:13 " " 189 " 6:16 p. m. All trains carry mail, and Nos. »1, 22, 108 and 139 carry express. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦•' ♦♦♦+♦♦++++♦+♦+++ t LOCAL NBWB. + ♦ - v ♦ ♦ M I M H +++++++++++++ —A light drizzling rain fell here Tuesday. —Mrs. Arthur P. Williams is quite sick. —Fewer Thanksgiving turkeys were eaten here last Thursday than in many years. —Mr. T; C. Moon, the coal man, is delivering coal this week —half- ton to the customer. —Mrs. Fred Foust was operated on lof appendicitis at Rainey Hospi tal last Thursday. She is reported as getting klong nicely. —Some fine hogs have been slaughtered here the past few days. Mr. L. G. Turner of THE GLEANER force killed one yesterday that weighed 408 lbs. —The first sugar here in more than two weeks came in Tuesday. At least three of our grocerymen had some; They sold it out in two " pound packages to their customers to make it cover as much territory aB possible. f Shot Four Ducks In The Air. We have heard of a rather re markable duck shooting that ac curred a few days ago. Two broth • era went ont with their gans. Six ducks were discovered in a stream. The gunners tried to get close enough Tor a shot but failed. The ducks rose and were about to pass over the head of one of the gun ners, who had a five-shooter. He turned loose on them, four shots taking effect and four ducks were falling earthward before the first one nit the ground. The other brother fired at the other two and brought one of them down. The accuracy of the statement is well Touched for and names could be given. With such gunners on the \ firing line the Kaiser's subjects would stand little show of getting J way. lIiIIIItIIIIIIIIIIIM i l :- : : : j I ! ' 1 f f f f |'t W. E. HAY'S SACRIFICE SALE] BURLINGTON, N. C. • * • " - ._. ' •* • My motto is to under-sell and to under-buy new up-to-date Suits, Overcoats, Ladies' ;; * Suits, Dresses, Skirts, Waists, Men's Shoes, and —;; I am receiving new goods every day. # *- Men's and Boys' Overcoats Ladles' Shoes Men's Shoes HTJust received a now lot of Lades' and Suits. Ladies' heavy, solid leather * Men's double-Hole brogans $2.25. Kil Cloves why pay s2.sWtor ; Men's so.oo long overcoats SO.OO. M.50 .hoe. s2.»S.Men'* iroU'Clnd 4*.* them rt«,, I will »ell them to yon ; Men's sls all wopl overcoat $lO. Ladies $3 Kangaroo shoes $2.85. VWI • 1 • Men's heavy tail $3.50 shoe $2.75, Fine sls black overcoat $lO. Ludies' heavy shoes $1.98. *l®lm «| I 1 Men's $5 black oil-tan shoes $3.75. ' , ~ . Fine double texture S2O overcoat $1(5.50 j.adies' $0 dark brown shoes $5.50. JL XI Aid kJCIJLxS Xld Men's $6 fine tan, Itinex sole shoe $4.25. ig mo onion sui or men, 1 «■ » a j. n„„t a si tn women anu children. 4 Men s Sport Ooats f . Ladies' $4.50 brown cloth top $3.75. Men' Hiuula^ shot*, button $2.25. * " j Young mXnobby'overcoats $6,00. Fine black * 5 " 50 ' Rinex Bole8 ' $4 " 25 *KT Men ' B * 7 Walk ° Ver " bo "* s7s ' Ladies' brown hose 35c. Men's blue serge suits SB. Fine P atent father, cloth top, $3.35. \j* j| Mon ' B (,ood y ear itched All colors of hose in cotton or sUk. Men's mixed suits SB.OO. tW We have these in high boot, low, $4.60 shoes for $3.25. j Men's sls mixed suits with medium and high heels. Ladien' knit caps, children's knit caps, j Men's $18.50 brown striped t / Ladles' Skirts, Etc. Ladies'collars. i Ladles' Coats, Etc# • r *^ > Ladies $> all silk skirt onlv *".!)"• I>aco Curtains. j Pure wool blue serge— unties 9.) an SUK SKiri omy *-».».». 3 SIB.OO suits for $13.50. - $4.50 satin skirt black. Knitting Hoss 28c a hank. - j Real wool serge $12.50. - - 5> 5 . 00 Bpor t coats $3.75. , blue or tan only $3.38. Bi « line Pan «°l ß chea P Brown checked, ha Dl ® ' $ Ladies' $lO coats, gray mixed, $8.75. * |{ lllck M u irt .05. ~ j ~ ~~~~ " "j These Just Received— Browg striped $8.60 coat $0.50. Q- f A CDD mD Fancy ,Jaid »nd stri,«l skirt.»,.««. B. .nr., and «e onr hno of "ataand Men'slSO gray, aU wool snitt, only *ls. Look! Plnsh coat worth 125 only »18.« |)£ SIIFC IO SCv Hlv Black wool s«ge skirl. • \ tgfSeveral large men s suits, sizes 40, o ur 5 plush coat is a beauty. 4 42, 44, 46, at a bargain. Misses'velvet coats oniy $5.75. n * T| Largo size serge skirts at a bargain. 75c wool serge drefcs goods 58c. j Lot of suits worth $14.50, brown mix- Children > B i oug CO aU $2.95. KCIOFC Y Oil DllVs Lnl,,,M ' * 2 M,lk WttWtH H(av - v ' wido cottou **• ed check, only SIO.OO. ' Misses'long, brown mixed * Fine $3.00 silk waists $2.25. Best 25c percal only 2*. Boys' large size $'J brown suits $6.50. - • • ' $5,00 coats only $3.75. $1.50 silk waists SI.OO Curtain goods 10c. . Fine $lO blue serge suits SB.OO. i b checked coat onlv $4 00 $' waists only !>K ctx. §S*iSffi2S«isS r Mi»es Brown Checked coat only *4.00. All new and up-to-date goods at reasonable prices. Your dollar will reach as tar as the other man's My motto is ONE PRlCE—cash to aIL Money reiunded on demand. Just received a lot oi odd coats—will sell them cheap. Ladies', men's and children's rain coats. We treat everybody right; do our best to please you and are always glad to serve you. W. E. HAY, At Old stand BURLINGTON ...... ...: 11 ! 1 ■ 1 ......IS!., j 1• ■ ;rrrtttr*trtttlir?rrl^trr?TitTTTtTri!!.'!! i 1 ... ■. it!. ■. iii in. mum mm. 111 111 lilt >■» •, -• ' , , ' *• fee. . .J "" ■' ♦♦♦♦+♦♦♦ l » H H* Ml ♦ > ♦ V PBRSONAL. ♦ ♦ ■iilllllllllSt Mr. W&ker E. Steirihack, near Stainback, was in town Monday. Mr.' and Mrs. W. Ernest Thomp son returned this morning from their bridal tour. . " Mr. J. I. Long, near Prospect Hill, who tomerly Jived here, was in town yesterday. Mr. Thos. J. Reavis, Jr., at Camp Jackson, Columbia, spent the latter part of last week at his home here. Messrs. W. B. Sellers and S E. Tate of Pleasant Grove township were hero yesterday on business. Miss Lois Poythreas, who is a student of Abeville College in Vir gjnis, spent the week-end here with her mother, Mrs. W. G. Poythrees. Prof. M. C. Terrell, County Su perintendent of Schools, attended the Teachers' meeting in Charlotte the latter part of last week. Mr. G. 0. Rogers, Supt. of tlie Graded School at San ford, spent the latter part of last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. S. Rogers, at their home South of Grahjun. Mrs. J. Dolph Long and Master George returneckthis morning from Philadelphia where the latter was carried some ten days ago for treat ment of an injur ed eye. Mr. Long accompanied them, but returned last Saturday. Pastor Pounded. On Saturday night, Dec. 1, the members of the Graham Baptist church gatlie>ed at the home of their pastor. i!rv. L. U. Weston, and pounded hitn after the "old-fasliion ed" way. There were many useful artioka, all of which were greatly appreciate. It is an Outward ex pression of the inward feeling all have toward their pastor, For Rent. 1 will rent half of my hoyse for light housekeeping, furnished -or unfurnished. For particulars 'phone 382. , . I WILL YOU BE ONE 7 Thousands of thoughtless people neglect colds every winter. A cough follows; they get rundown—then stubborn sickness sets in. Sickness can be prevented easier than it can be cured and if you will give your system the benefit of a few bottles of ssnifti you will find your whole system strengthened. It will fortify your lungs J a. and throat and enrich your blood against rheumatism. It is powerful concentrated nourishment without alcohol or opiates. Don't neglect taking Scott'*—oommanoo today a 11/ A The imported Wferwerian cod liver oil alwara Med In Boatfe ZmmUmm U mm MLV reflaed la oar own Übormtorie* which guarantees it Ink from impurities. Scott ft Bowne. Bloomfield. K. J. •' W-W At Court «rC~ Quite a delegation from here went to Hillsboro this morning, summon ed there a* witnesses in a suit brought by the parent* of Clarence Sloan against Mr. Peter Hughes, asking for $3,000.00 damages. Wben Mr. Hughes lived on his farm dear Elon College, Clarence, then about 8 years of age, went to make his home with Mr. Hughes, being placed there by his mother. One day Mr. v Hughes went ouCv with his machine to do some mowing. The boy was per mitted to go along. While Mr. Hughes was driving the ma chine the boy, though warned to stay away from the machine, came up unobserved behind the bbtdes, stepped one focft in front ofthe blades and the foot was cut off just above the ankle. That was some four years ago. Some two years later the boy returned to the home of his mother at or near Hillsboro and a little later the suit was brought. The case was set for trial this morning, Maj. J. W. Graham repre senting the defendant. Besides Mr. Hughes and his attorneys, the fol lowing were called from here as witnesses: Messrs. Seymour P. Holt, J. P. Smith J. D. Moon. W. W. Gar rett, R. N. Cook, J. D. Kernodle, Ju nius H. Harden, Cbas. 1). Johnston, ; Heenan Hughes and Miss Clara Hughes. | At the time of going to press a verdict had not been reached. Red Caqss Wants Knit Goods By Dec. 15th. Graham Red Cross Chapter makes the urgent request that all who are knitting any kind of goods—sweat ers, wristlets, Ac., turn them into the Graham Cross room on or before Dec. 15th, as the articles will be needed for shipment. Some may not see this request in print, bat all who do will be doing a favor to give it as much publicity as possible, as it is a matter that should have prompt attention. ne* Members For Red Cross. EDITOR, (^LEANER; The American Rqd Cross must donlile their membarship. Not one-fifth of those in Graham who should belong, do belong. By joining the Red Cross the only pledge you take is to pay One Dollar per year HO long as yon con tinue a member, and 10 enroll your name as oue of those who wants oar soldior boys to have proper care and nursing when sick,/or wounded. There is no promise on your part to do more than give the dollar, and that you must do before your name is en rolled ; and by the payment of this dollar your name is placed upon the roll of those who not only want, but who have helped, to care for our wouuded and sick boys. Beginning now, a drive for new members will be made. A list of those now members can be seen in Postofflce. Commencing in next week's issue, we will publish the list of the new members in this column. Champion Turnip. Mr. W. H. Bason, near Swepson vi lie, lirought'THß GLEANKK a tur nip yesterday of the White Nor folk variety which weighed 8 lbs., top and all, and measured 27-incb'es around. The fellow that grows lar ger ones hasn't passed this wiy yet. Mr. Bason bad one of the Purple top variety that weighed 7 lbs. He is several pace* ahead of the Durham county man who carried one to the Bull City a few days ago which weighed slbs. and 10 ozs. and measured 23.' inches in circum ference. Pistol Toters, Liquor Sellars and Gamblers Draw Fines and Road Sentences. • At the Court last week a number of defendants drew fines and road sentences for violations of the law. There were eight'for carrying con cealed weapons, five of whom went the roads from 30 days to 6 mos., and five paid tSO fines. Two liquor sellers got 30 days and 12 mos., respectively. Sis for gam bling paid 110 each and costs. Fonr for larceny got 2, 3, 4 and G mos. Two fighters got 2 mos. each. One for house-breaking got 1 year. One assault with deadly weapon got G mos. For lesser offenses some es caped with payment ol costs. i STOMACH TROUBLE AND CONSTIPATION. Those who are afflicted with stomach trouble and constipation should read the following : "I have never found anything so good for stomach trouble and constipation as Chamberlain's Tablets. I have used them off and o»now for the past two years. They not only regulate the action of the bowela bat stimu late the liver and keep one's in a healthy condition," write 3 Mrs. Benjamin Hooper, Auburn N. Y. TELL S6i. • .aJOUT IT. State Food Administrator Wants Names of Dealers Exacting Unreasonable Profits for Foodstuffs. Charlotte News. . "That the North Carolina board of food administration at Raleigh, headed by Henry A. Page, is not a figure-head board, but one of the most active departments in the State at present, and that the bourd is raking the whole Stato for violators of the food adminis tration rules against profiteer ing," is the deelaiation made by John Paul Lucas, executive secre tary of the board, who is spending the week-end at his home in Char lotte. "What is the limit set by the State food administration board on stogar"? Mr. Lucas was asked. "We can't let anything pass where a charge of 11 (eleven) cents is demanded; anything under 11 cents is all right," replied Mr. Lu cas. "If sugar is sold under 11 cents, we have nothing to say, but that is our limit." Asked how the board operated the machinery of price control, Mr. Lucas said the board desired that all cases of profiteering or of supposed profiteering be reported Ito them, with names given, aud that the board, upon receipt of such complaiuts, immediately warned the alleged profiteer that he mu«t quit right then and there. "Most of those whom we have occasion to call down," said Mr. Lucas, "have complied at once, so that wo have not had to go as far as an indictment or the taking of drastic steps, but it was be cause they all did stop that we have thus far avoided any extreme measures. We want the people to report to us any cases where thore U reasonable evidence that a dealer, grocer or handler of any kind of foodstuffs is, in the words of the food rules, 'EXACTING MOR3 THAN A REASONABLE PROFIT ON ANY FOOD COMMODITY,' for those who are making such exaction are violating the food laws." Mr. Lucas said that the ma chinery of the law, when in prac tical operation, carried first a warning and then the revoking of licensos, in the case of those doiifc SIOO,OOO business or over. In the case of the.small grocer, Mr. Lucas said that the food administration would first warn him, and if that did not immediately en£profiteer ing, 'the wholesalers, jobbers, or auy other House selling such small grocer, would be automatically re quired to cease selling such small grocer. Cotton Ginned. I-am prepared to gin your cot ton in first-class order, nt my resi dence 2 miles south of Burlington. JOHN ANTHONY. Phone 6802. R..P. D. No. 9. Boy's Savipf* t 0 Red Gross. • 4 ••• r. "n: W /"• - A thirteen-year-old bdy of Cy tua, MinA., has sent hiß entire sav ings to the Red Cross, with a let ter which said in part: ' I heard that little*boys could give their dimes and nickels to the Red Cross. I have saved up dimes and niukels for some years and I am sending all that I have, $5.23. I am glad that I saved them so they will do some good to tHe soldiers." * No sooner does the lluu attain an objective in Russia than he is confronted with another farther east. Small Store-house For Rent. Well located close to the Dest trade in Graham. Price reasonable and building ready (or occupancy now. J. M. MoCRACKEN., SSnovtf Graham. N (' You need il> We .sell it I Mer Jl THE"POCKET SELF RILLING" foujrtlmPen V Z. T. HADLEYjf EASY TO GET, EAST TOtEEP—' USE "DIGESTONEINE" AND WIN 4u/t rcluf from heartburn,' tour, gassy stomach, dirtiness and other , indigestion ills. Ton# your entire system, alir up vour appetite by foU . lowint th« lead of thousand*— -» 'HW/zrcTninmiTc? jy/ —TholUyf IUMU" ihP I hart wwr takan anything that rut It quirk relief, and I haw apeot burdreda of dollars with other remodlea. have been bothered over Ave jeara with what waa pronounced gaetrltU. I at* food that I knew would rata* araa on my atomacb, so to BIT surprise after having taken the doee of jour "DtfeetoaiaiW* I bad no dlatreaa whatever. JAMBS W. HTOKEU, Gall* Una, Mo, Hayes Drug Company Graham " - e HOI Christmas j Suggestions | r: '"" v ' Manicure Rolls, a Toilet Sets in White Ivory, I 'Odd Pieces of White Ivory, Shaving Sets, * Fountain Pens, Stationery, Nunnally's Candies, Story Books for Children, w J Cards,-Seals, Tags, Holly Paper, J Gardenglo Perfumes and 3 Toilet Waters, Flash Lights, Tobacco and Cigars for •5 The Soldier. Graham Prescription Druggists GRAHAM, N. C. , EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE. , Havln" qualified M ewciitrl* of the will M ju w. Wyett.det 'd. Hi" uoderalened her»ty notme* ell peraona holding clalina «t[«ln«t ••Id eaiate to prM» I JS» n22' MINTED. on or beforfc the lOth NAY or INK:.. It In, or thll n"tlco will be their recovery. All neriona Indebted to aald eiute ire requested lo make Immediate HI- Hetnent. T "' "VH«.TSWMA WVATT, mvi Meoft of JM. W. wyatt. doo'd. Cotton Ginning. We IIAVO installed a motor to run our 'Hin at Mebane and can doi prompt and -e (Ti client Bervice. TIJOLINOKIt & MONTOOMEU*. Bnov2m SUBSCRIBE FOR THE GLEANER • 1.00 A YEAR ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. —i fl Having qualified aa Adnloiatnton of tbe ' eetate of Uarbara A. hoy, dwnued. the underalam d beruby notlflea all pereone bold- In* olaltna wtlut tbe aald eetete to pre—ot the Mine, duly authenticated. on or before I the IMb day of Oct., IMi,or Uli Dotlae win fl be pleaded in bar of their raoovery; and all ixnooi Indebted to aald eetate are reqneet- i ud to make Immediate eettlement. Tbia Oat. loth. 1917. LEWIS H. HOLT, Adm'r i lloeWt of Barbara A. Loy. dee' 4 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Ilavloc iuallflcd a a Executor of the will of J. W. Btalnback, deoaaaed, ail peraona holding olalma againat aaid eetate are hereby notified to preeent tbe eame. only authenticated, on or before the lOthdoyof Dec , mi*, or thla notice will ba pleaded In her of tbeir recovery; and ell peraona In di-hted to aald eetate are requeaiad to make 1/ntned late nettlemeot Thla Deo. a, I>lT WALTBK B. BTAI VHACK. Kl'r of J. W. Htalnbaek, dce'4. Mecdt Mebane K. P. D. 1. [ I * '

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